PONY Magazine – December 2015

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THE UK’S Horseshoe Pony 1 Stamper Pen! no



Win! A Saddle!

Winmp!s! Mini Ju

Get brilliant riding hands !

Mucking out: step-by-step 16 ways to get through winter

How to...

We meet dressage champ Phoebe Peters !

l ... act like an equine celeb l ... go on a riding holiday l ... write a pony story

an d mo re ! 1 2 9

770032 425188

December 2015 £3.49 Issue 806



Try our flatwork riding quiz

Real Life Experiences

“My riding rival b o u g h t m y p o n y !“ “My pony “ ! hated me

readers meet When two lucky PONY readers and their friends won our fab competition to meet European Pony Dres sage Champion Phoe be Peters, Team PONY w ent too! Check out th e behind-the-scenes ac tion from the day!

Phoebe Peters! The lucky winners!

DYK? as won Phoebe h edals all her m cci L g ridin u

Phoebe’s lorry is very patriotic!

On the gallops


Guided tour Phoebe showed the winners around the gran d yard, which included visiting two sets of gallops, an outd oor jumping arena, a large Am erican-style barn, an indoor and an outdoor school, Phoebe’s lorry, tack room – and the private yard where Lucci and Phoebe’s other horses live!

Hello Lucci!

DYK? Phoebe is quite superstitious and has a pair of lucky spurs – she’s won all her medals wearing them!


Medals all roun

he two lucky winners of PONY’s amazing co mpetition, Hannah and Amy, and their frie nds Catherine and Pe nny, enjoyed a day with Pony dressage ch amp Phoebe Peters an d her mum Tracy, at the beautiful Gloucest ershire stud which is home to Phoebe’s go medal-winning pony, ld SL Lucci, and her oth er horses. Winners were given a guided tour of the be autiful yard and facilities by Phoebe, go t to watch her schoolin g the lovely Lucci, and then were treate d to an amazing lunch , all kindly arranged by Zebra Products.

Meeting some of the beautiful yard residents!

Our winners met beautiful Lucci, and Phoebe gave them lots of information about his character and his achievements. There was even time with Lucci to give him a pat and a fuss while Phoebe prepared to ride.


Phoebe fact file!

Top tip!

Phoebe’s motto fo r training horses is, “little ste ps and big rewards”. She always rewards a pony wh en he has done something well, however small it is!

vements Phoebe‘s achie include: pean o r u E 5 1 0 2 d n a 2013 hampion C e g a s s e r D y n Po FEI in e n o r e b m u n World ankings r e g a s s e r D y n Po

Phoebe and Lucc i show their skills !

medals Winner of eight reat competing for G g five in d lu c in , in a it r B amazing golds! Dressage diva Phoebe schooled Lucci in the grand indoor school, and gave the winners a fab dressage display! From how she warms up, to some technical movements including shoulder-in, half pass and collected and extended paces, as well as her and Lucci’s favourite and speciality moves!

Thanks to this ucts for Zebra Prod etition, and mp brilliant co rookes and B ie b b to De f e, owners o b b ti S Eddy ! ill Stud Lavender H

Top tip! Phoebe demonstates a one-handed simple change of leg!

Phoebe believes in setting goals, and says that dressage is great because you have a great way of monitoring your progress from the marks on your test sheets. You can set goals and you know when you’ve achieved them!

How cute is Lucc


About SL Lucci! Age: 13 years old Height: 14.2hh Stable name: Lucci Lucci loves: Attention Food and treats Dressage! Visit ponymag.com to check out more pics, info and some fab video of the day!


Healthy hooves for winter ! Fight the ailments

Ponies’ hooves have to adapt to each season, and the difference can be extreme. Check out how to keep your fave pony’s feet healthy and happy this winter!

Mud fever Mud fever is a bacterial infection caused by exposure to wet and muddy conditions. Sometimes known as cracked heels or greasy heels, it causes skin to become thickened, cracked and sore. It mainly affects the pasterns and heels, but can spread to upper legs and belly. If it is severe, it can cause legs to swell and make a pony lame. It is important to treat the first signs of mud fever to prevent it from getting worse. Ensure ponies don’t stand in damp or muddy conditions for long periods, and apply leg washes and topical solutions.

Damaged skin at the heel can indicate mud fever

Healthy hooves = a happy pony!

DYK? Mud fever most commonly affects ponies with white skin or white markings (such as socks) on their legs, but it can affect any colour or breed.

Thrush Thrush is a bacterial infection which occurs in the foot of a pony. Symptoms are a spongy-looking frog and a black, smelly discharge around the frog. It can cause lameness if severe. Like mud fever, thrush is caused by exposure to damp conditions like muddy fields, and damp, poorly managed stables. Removal of damaged frog tissue by a farrier and topical washes and creams help to treat thrush. Always ensure stables and bedding are clean and dry, and fields are not too muddy and waterlogged.


Hoof help During winter months, ponies are exposed to damp conditions which can cause hooves to soften. Some ponies might benefit from a feed supplement or topical treatment to help support hoof health. Hoof growth will slow slightly over the winter but your pony will still need regular shoeing, or trimming if he is barefoot, to ensure his feet remain balanced and healthy.

ice, ice maybe In very cold weather, the ground may become frozen and will be like concrete to ride on, as well as potentially very slippy if it is icy! Carefully look at any surface you are planning to ride on and avoid riding on ice as it can be very dangerous. If your arena has frozen with an uneven surface due to hoofprints or churned up patches, it is advisable not to ride on it until it has begun to thaw and become less solid. Otherwise ponies could risk tripping on the uneven surface, as well as risking damaging their tendons and limbs.

the toes, “A bit chilly on ff!” this white stu

When weather is snowy, ponies that live out can risk their hooves becoming impacted with snow and ice, which can build up and lead to them walking on ‘stilts’ (where their feet are slightly elevated above the ground by the impacted snow and ice). This makes moving around more difficult and puts strain on their legs. To prevent this, hooves should be pick ed out at least twice a day to make sure snow doesn’t build up. Grease the inside of the hoof to help snow slide off.

DYK? Yards can become icy in cold weather, especially early in the morning. Check the yard for icy patches and take extra care when leading your pony across a yard. Watch your step as well! Use old bedding as walkways for safety.

Removing impacted material from feet is important Log on to ponymag.com to test your winter hoof health knowledge with our fab mini quiz!



Embrace the weather

So it’s windy, so it’s cold and damp. Who says you can’t enjoy it? Unless the weather is actually dangerous (icy, snowing a blizzard, foggy or thunder and lightening) don’t let it stop you and your pony. Get dressed up in your warmest clothes and go for a hack anyway. You’ll soon get warmed up!



Make the most of the dark

Dark evenings needn’t be depressing. What’s nicer than tucking your pony up in a deep bed, full haynet swinging, water bucket full, and enjoying a cha t together? You can share an app le or two, enveloped by the darknes s!

Have a sleepover

With your horsey mates, of course. Make ponyshaped cakes, paint horse models, swap horsey books, tell horsey ghost stories and watch as many horsey vids you can lay your hands on. Just don’t expect to get much sleep.


practice makes perfect

Winter is the perfect time to perfect your skills. We’re talking plaiting, building your muckheap into a designer shape, tidying and repairing your stable and yard, cleaning tack and grooming. Be an expert at everything you do!




take a challenge

ne’s three-month pony Have you started Lorria llow tured in PONY, yet? Fo improvement plan, fea ss. gre pro ur yo and plot the plan, fill in the chart ct time for it! rfe pe the r’s nte Come on, wi

Why not try something completely different? Try mounted games, or barrel jumping. See whether you have a hidden talent such as polocrosse, or horseball. Or try side-saddle or western riding lessons. What a way to get through winter!

7 58

beat your muatcanesmuck out, fill

See how quickly yo ckets, sweep the haynets, clean water bu your friends. Time yard. Compete against ’t e to ride, and that can saved means more tim be bad!


ways thro


organise your own event

too busy, Don’t wait for summer (you’ll be dressage a e anis org to then!). Now’s the time na. Get kha gym a or ping jum nd show, clear rou your competitive head on!



get horsey away from the yard

Look out for events going on near you. Lecture demos, shows, horsey quiz nights, equestrian boot sales, are just some examples. Or organise your own!


start a journal

With the dark nights a-coming, now’s the perfect time to make indoor time count. A riding journal to plot your progress will highlight what you need to work on, and celebrate your progress and successes. Write an account of every lesson and schooling session you do, and refer back to it every month to see how you’re improving!

enrol on a course

Many establishments offer evening courses for equestrians – with an exam to take at the end. You’ll get such a sense of achievement . when you get your certificate


es and talking of certificyoat u

ademy ones do ... how many PONY Ac ve? point, do you NOT ha have? Or, more to the d sen d ’s, take the tests an Dig out your old PONY of on cti lle co have an amazing them in. You’ll soon certs on your wall!


stock take and de-clutter and horsey

tack, equipment Go on, sort out all your get yard and at home and stuff lying around at the ng eri n’t use or need. De-clutt rid of anything you do m for the yard, and makes roo as ll ! clears your head as we list as tm ris Ch s to put on your some lovely new thing


plan your winter shows

Nothing makes winter seem shorter than age having a full diary. There are plenty of dress n autum the and jumping competitions throughout ! eting comp get and winter, so get out there and

Brrr, winter. It’s dark, probably wet and cold, cold, cold. But we’ve got 16 ways to get through the chilly season – fast!

s to get ough winter!


swap shop time!

Once you’ve decluttered (no 13), invite your horsey mates round with things they want to swap. Think model horses, books, DVDs, riding gear – anything they no longer want. Then swap what you don’t want for something you do!


draw up your christmas list

ly! You’ll Of course it’s not too ear l times era sev it nge cha ly probab , so it’s best day between now and the big piration, go ins For e. to get ahead of the gam ! com ag. ym to the shop at pon


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