PONY Magazine - March 2025

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INSIDE your mag... INSIDE your mag...

PONY team adventures

Who’s who? Who’s who?

PONY magazine, Olive Studio, The Timber Yard, Grange Road, Tilford, Farnham, Surrey GU10 2DQ

Tel 01428 601020

Advertising enquiries 01428 601028

Email pony@djmurphy.co.uk


Editor-in-Chief Louise Kittle

Assistant Editor Sarah Burgess

Editorial Assistants Kirsty Lucas, Megan XavierWitherington

Head of Art and Design Sarah Garland

Deputy Head of Art and Design Adam Witt

Designer Lucy Claydon

Digital Marketing Manager Lianne Tadd

Marketing Assistants Alex Uren, Emily Weeks

Art Editor Paul Smail

Marketing Co-ordinator Alison Hill

Advertisement Manager Evie Edgar

Production Manager Eleanor Dunn

Executive PONY

Managing Director Zoe Cannon

Commercial Director Abi Cannon

Smooth operation PONY

Office Manager Vicki Owen

Accounts Manager Caroline Leishman

Accounts Executive Sarah Smith


Bob Atkins, Peter Nixon, Jon Stroud, Chelsea White, London International Horse Show/Peter Nixon (P37). Alexia Khruscheva, Andrzej Kubik, Bianca Grueneberg, Callipso88, JW.photography31, Lubos Chlubny, Nick Fox, R. Maximiliane, Rita_Kochmarjova, TamaraLSanchez Creators/ shutterstock.com.

PONY subscriptions 01442 820580 Back issues ponymag.com/shop

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Printed by William Gibbon & Sons Ltd. Distributed by Marketforce

PONY magazine and Charlie are trademarks and copyright of DJ Murphy (Publishers) Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written authority from DJ Murphy (Publishers) Ltd.

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The paper used in PONY is sourced from chain-of-custody certified manufacturers, operating within international environmental standards. This ensures sustainable sourcing of the raw materials and sustainable production.

We’re sorry, but it may not be possible to include cover gifts on copies of PONY distributed outside the UK.

PONY supports social media safety – to have a Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or YouTube account you must be at least 13 years old. Always get your parents’ permission, too.

PONY recommends you wear an up-to-standard riding hat at all times when mounted.

We’re thinking about our first ponies. And one thing’s for sure, whether you’re lucky enough to have a pony of your own, or dream of getting one in the future, it’s important that you’re up to speed on all things horsey.

This issue is packed with must-read info and quizzes, including our pony A–Z. So what are you waiting for? Get stuck in!

Oh, and we’d love to see photos of you with your first ponies, too – email them to the usual address!


the team: First pony

Keep you and your pony safe on the roads on p14!

Lou, PONY Ed Flo, a cheeky skewbald

Sarah, Assistant Ed Chezzie, a New Forest

Alex, Marketing Filly, an awesome Welsh Cob

Write to us at PONY mag, Olive Studio, The Timber Yard, Grange Road, Tilford, Surrey GU10 2DQ or email pony@djmurphy.co.uk

I love exploring the woods with Kinder! It’s so peaceful and the sandy tracks are a bonus!

Kirsty, Ed Assistant

Prince loves nothing more than a trip to the beach with a splash in the sea!

Sarah, Assistant Editor

DJMur phy
The number of toes ponies’ ancestors had
Modern horses walk on a single toe

on the again

Confidence secrets: Confidence secrets: revealed!

no one wants to feel nervous, but the truth is that we all do sometimes. Even professional riders can feel wobbly – it’s a natural emotion! But by understanding why it happens, and learning some cool techniques, you can feel braver, stronger, and ready for anything! Let’s get going!

Why confidence matters

Ponies are really perceptive and can pick up on how you’re feeling, so if you’re feeling nervous or unsure, your fave pony might feel unsettled, too. The good news is that the opposite is true, too –when you’re calm and confident, it will help ponies to feel relaxed and safe around you! That’s why building your confidence isn’t just good for you, it’s good for your pony, too!

There’s nothing better than being around ponies. But if your nerves are getting in the way of your enjoyment, we’re here to help resolve your worries!

What makes us nervous?

Feeling nervous is your body’s way of telling you it thinks something stressful is happening – you might feel your heart beating faster than normal, or have butterflies in your tummy. Try to work out why you’re feeling worried – it’s the first step towards banishing those unhelpful feelings!

did you know? you know?

Whether you’re worried about falling off, trying a new skill, or riding a different pony, remember that every rider feels nerves sometimes!

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What to do when you’re feeling nervous...

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Take deep breaths

When you’re feeling nervous, your body tenses up and your breathing can become quick and shallow. Take a slow, deep breath in through your nose for a count of four, hold it for a count of four and then breathe out for a count of four – repeat this four times and you’ll find your body begins to relax.

Think positive

Although they might seem like two very different emotions, nerves and excitement are actually very similar when it comes to how they make you feel – that buzzy, bubbly feeling inside is partly because your body releases a chemical called adrenaline when you’re excited as well as when you’re worried. So, try to focus your mind on what you’re looking forward to, and imagine all the things that will go well. This helps trick your mind into believing you’re excited and not nervous, which will help you to relax.

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Set small goals

Confidence grows slowly and can’t be rushed. Set small, achievable goals each time you ride – even if they’re tiny things, they’re all part of the bigger picture. It could be something as simple as ‘smile’, or practising getting the right canter lead. Trust us, it’ll really help to build your confidence.

the facts Fibre: Fibre: Fibre:

Discover all

you need to know about this essential nutrient!

Fibre is a key part of your pony’s diet. It’s a nutrient that helps maintain a healthy gut and should make up almost all of what he eats. But what is it, and how do you know if you’re feeding your pony enough of it? Check out our five fun fibre facts to learn more.

of fibre 1 1 1


Your pony should eat at least 1.5% of his bodyweight in dry matter every day. So, taking into account that hay contains around 20% water, if your pony weighs 400kg then he should be eating a minimum of 6kg of fibre every day! This can be a tricky calculation to work out, so always ask an adult for help.

Moving around is essential for keeping your pony’s gut healthy because it encourages digestion. did you know?did you know?

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brain games

Ponies have evolved to graze for up to 16 hours a day! This means that they need to spend lots of time chewing and grazing to keep them happy and prevent boredom, but also for their physical health (more on that later).

Ponies who are stabled a lot should have access to hay or haylage as an alternative to constant grazing. If keeping your pony’s weight down is a priority, you could offer soaked hay to lower the energy level of his forage and use small-holed haynets to make it last longer.

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Little and often

It’s best to feed your pony little and often to reflect his natural grazing behaviours and patterns. Not only does constant – or at least very regular – access to forage help keep your pony happy, it’s also essential for his physical health. When ponies chew, they produce saliva. Your pony’s stomach is constantly producing acid, and this flow of saliva buffers the acid, stopping it from building up and causing damage the lining of his stomach, or even ulcers.

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Offer your pony forage or a small portion of chaff around 20 minutes before you ride to help stop stomach acid from splashing and irritating the stomach lining.

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See the signs

There are a few signs that your pony might not be getting enough fibre...

• Very loose droppings

• Weight loss

• Behavioural changes, such as being more stressed or less energetic

• Grumpy when being tacked up Lack of fibre can cause your pony to colic, so it’s super important to make sure he’s getting enough in his diet. By following the 1.5% rule, you can feel confident that he’s eating what he needs to. However, if you’re worried, contact your vet or a nutritionist for advice.

From the source

Your pony will get most of his fibre from grass and hay or haylage. But there are other feeds that are also high in fibre, such as chaffs and mashes, and some even contain all the vits and mins he requires to stay in tip top health. Turn over to check out our pick of products!

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