3 minute read
Term Description
AI Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI), the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings.
ANPR Automatic Number Plate Recognition Automatic number-plate recognition (ANPR) is a technology that uses optical character recognition on images to read vehicle registration plates to create vehicle location data
API Application Programming Interface An application programming interface (API) is a computing interface that defines interactions between multiple software intermediaries. It defines the kinds of calls or requests that can be made, how to make them, the data formats that should be used, the conventions to follow.
AWS Amazon Web Services Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a subsidiary of Amazon providing on-demand cloud computing platforms and APIs to individuals, companies, and governments, on a metered pay-as-you-go basis.
BIRCH Birch clustering algorithm BIRCH (balanced iterative reducing and clustering using hierarchies) is an unsupervised data mining algorithm used to perform hierarchical clustering over particularly large data-sets
CCTV Closed Circuit Television CCTV (closed-circuit television) is a TV system in which signals are not publicly distributed but are monitored, primarily for surveillance and security purposes
Correlation analysis Correlation analysis is a statistical method used to evaluate the strength of relationship between two quantitative variables. A high correlation means that two or more variables have a strong relationship with each other, while a weak correlation means that the variables are hardly related.
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation The General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy in the European Union and the European Economic Area. It also addresses the transfer of personal data outside the EU and EEA areas
Genism Gensim is an open-source library for unsupervised topic modelling and natural language processing, using modern statistical machine learning.
IoT Internet of Things The Internet of things describes the network of physical objects—“things”—that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the Internet.
K-Means clustering k-means clustering is a method of vector quantization, originally from signal processing, that aims to partition n observations into k clusters in which each observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean, serving as a prototype of the cluster.
ML Machine Learning Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it learn for themselves.
NILM Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Nonintrusive load monitoring, or nonintrusive appliance load monitoring, is a process for analysing changes in the voltage and current going into a house and deducing what appliances are used in the house as well as their individual energy consumption
NLP Natural Language Processing
PII personal identifiable information Natural language processing (NLP) is a subfield of linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence concerned with the interactions between computers and human language, in particular how to program computers to process and analyse large amounts of natural language data.
Personally, identifiable information, or PII, is any data that could potentially be used to identify a particular person. Examples include a full name, Social Security number, driver’s license number, bank account number, passport number, and email address.
RNN Recurrent Neural Network
RBC Reading Borough Council Programming Language
A recurrent neural network is a class of artificial neural networks where connections between nodes form a directed graph along a temporal sequence. This allows it to exhibit temporal dynamic behaviour.
Council in Reading, UK, west of London
TensorFlow TensorFlow is Google’s free and open-source software library for machine learning. It can be used across a range of tasks but has a particular focus on training and inference of deep neural networks
VR Virtual Reality Virtual reality (VR) is a simulated experience that can be similar to or completely different from the real world. Applications of virtual reality can include entertainment (i.e. video games) and educational purposes (i.e. medical or military training). The immersive VR changes your view when you move your head.