23 minute read
that in different contexts there is value in both strengthening decentralization (for example, by enabling more flexible and participatory responses) and in recentralization (especially with regards to ensuring a consistent and adequately resourced country wide response).
More fundamentally, it is still unclear what sort of governance will emerge from the current crisis: stronger and more invigorated, with greater creativity and collaboration through multi-level partnerships, or further fragmented by institutional rivalries and financial burdens. The outcome could profoundly influence the extent to which cities and countries recover from the effects of COVID-19. National, subnational and local governments have played a fundamental role in in mitigating the pandemic’s effects through resilience building, social support and increased delivery of basic services, reversing chronic underinvestment in many cities and settlements. Yet their ability to do this varies greatly and in many cases is inadequate as a result of decades of underfunding and increased outsourcing of service delivery. The downscaling of the public sector in some countries appears to have left them more vulnerable to preventing and managing the pandemic, as well as other pressing challenges such as inequality and climate change. In many cases, the pandemic has simply accelerated a protracted governance crisis that has been years or decades in the making. Revitalizing and enhancing these increasingly complex governance systems will be crucial to ensuring global security and prosperity.
Multi-level governance
Incorporate territorial and spatial governance
approaches into national, subnational
and local pandemic responses. The implementation of territorial approaches that take into account local situations and needs have proven to be far more effective in securing public support and compliance, resulting in better health and economic outcomes.
Promote an integrated and cooperative
approach between different levels of
governance: In this context, metropolitan and regional management systems as well as “whole of society” approaches represent the surest way to achieve meaningful multi-level governance and maximize results. On the other hand, when there is competition or division between different levels of governments, political confusion and institutional friction are more likely to arise.
Resilience and preparedness
Maintain and strengthen health care, social welfare and other protections: An effective, responsive and capable public sector is essential to meet needs, build resilience and manage crises as they evolve. National and local governments should not seek to address budgetary shortfalls by scaling back services and welfare support: instead, countries should commit to expansive budgetary spending, building accessible social welfare systems based on progressive tax models and redistributive fiscal policies.
Ensure emergency preparedness is
effectively integrated into health governance
at all levels: The current crisis has highlighted important disparities between those countries with established early warning and response systems, on the one hand, and those that lacked these mechanisms — even those with strong, well funded health systems. Crucially, many of the countries best prepared for the current pandemics were those who had experienced recent public health crises and were attuned to the need for an effective
“whole system” approach. It is therefore paramount that countries learn from the current crisis to build appropriate governance mechanisms to respond effectively to future emergencies.
Transparency and participation
Enhance public engagement by
strengthening democratic decision-making
structures: It is more important now than ever, as local resources and funds become even more stretched, that national and subnational governments commit to ensuring that these are channelled where they are needed most. Taking steps to establish inclusive and accessible mechanisms such as participatory budgeting will not only help make expenditure more targeted and efficient, but also strengthen trust.
Promote transparency and trust building to maximize public support and compliance:
Evidence-based, proportionate and inclusive measures are the most effective approach to managing and imposing restrictions, accompanied by clear, accessible guidance.
Community participation in this process is key and should be tailored to take into account gender, ethnicity, class and other factors to ensure all sections of society are recognized and engaged.
Exploit the opportunities that digital
technologies offer for improved governance, but alongside a clear commitment to
equitable access and human rights: The pandemic has highlighted the value of online platforms and applications for information and service provision. However, it is essential that access is extended to ensure everyone can enjoy these benefits. In addition, appropriate protections around privacy and freedom must be put in place to prevent misuse by authorities.
Recovery and cooperation
Ensure crisis management strategies
incorporate long-term recovery strategies that align with aspirational goals around
social inclusion and sustainability: The current crisis offers a unique opportunity to rethink the future and plan effective policies to address challenges such as climate change, inequality, migration and the erosion of human rights. The need to achieve collective action, cooperation and solidarity to “build back better”, repairing the social fabric while transitioning to a more sustainable future, is now clearer than ever.
Adopt a global focus to rebuilding that
recognizes the need for all countries and cities to be included in any lasting recovery:
Though nowhere has been untouched by the pandemic, the impacts could be especially acute in some developing countries, potentially leaving them in a protracted state of crisis. Consequently, richer countries, international agencies and other actors have a duty to provide appropriate technical support, financial assistance and experience sharing as the world navigates a path to recovery together.
1. GHS Index, 2019. 2. GHS Index, 2019. 3. The New York Times, 2021. 4. OECD, 2020a and 2020b. 5. OECD, 2020a. 6. UCLG et al., 2020. 7. UCLG et al., 2020. 8. UCLG Africa 2020. 9. Metropolitan Lima Municpal Council, 2020a. 10. The Council of Governors, 2020; Kenya News
Agency, 2020. 11. Kiruga, 2020. 12. County Government of Kiambu, 2020. 13. Dullah Omar Institute, 2020. 14. Co-Plan and Association for Local Autonomy, 2020. 15. Government of Iceland, 2020; OECD, 2020a. 16. City of New Orleans, 2020. 17. UNDP, 2020a. 18. EMGIRS, 2020. 19. Saliba, 2020. 20. Government of Canada, 2020. 21. Government of Kenya, 2020. 22. Both cases were presented during the UN-
Habitat webinar ‘Urban-Rural Linkages in the times of COVID-19: Metropolitan perspectives’, 14 May 2020, https://unhabitat.org/webinarurban-rural-linkages-in-the-time-of-covid-19metropolitan-perspectives 23. Edwin, 2020. 24. UNDP, 2020b. 25. Brussels Capital-Region, 2020. 26. AMB. 2020. 27. Los Angeles County, undated. 28. OECD, 2020a. 29. Portillo, 2020. 30. City of Bogotá, 2020. 31. Mesmer, 2020. 32. Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, 2020. 33. Dhrubaraj, 2020/ 34. Umbach et al., 2020. 35. Wray, 2020a. 36. Paris, 2020. 37. Madrid City Council, 2020a. 38. Kulturklik, 2020. 39. Barcelona, undated. 40. Frankfurt City Government, undated. 41. Buenos Aires City Government, undated and untitled. 42. C40 Knowledge, 2020. 43. Bristol City Council, 2020a. 44. Bristol One City, 2020b. 45. Milan, 2020. 46. District of Columbia, 2020. 47. Barcelona, 2020. 48. Melbourne, 2020. 49. OECD, 2020b. 50. WHO, 2020. 51. World Bank, 2020. 52. IndiaToday, 2020. 53. Council of Europe, 2020a. 54. ACIJ, undated. 55. Council of Europe, 2020a. 56. Council of Europe, 2020b. 57. Madrid City Council, 2020b/ 58. Eurocities, 2020. 59. Maintains, 2020. 60. Council of Europe, 2020a. 61. Birmingham City Council, 2020. 62. Mexico City, 2020a. 63. Metropolitan Lima Municipal Council, 2020b. 64. OECD, 2020b. 65. Greenblatt, 2020. 66. Jalisco State Government, undated 67. Sandy and Milhorance, 2020. 68. Financial Times, 2020. 69. Segodnya, 2020a and 2020b. 70. Ducourtieux, 2020. 71. Raphael, 2020. 72. Jones et al., 2020. 73. BBCa, 2020. 74. France24, 2020. 75. Rubinelli, 2020. 76. Alves et al., 2020. 77. Bustamante et al., 2020. 78. Gordon and Bernstein, 2020. 79. Slotkin, 2020. 80. Totenberg, 2020/ 81. Mclean, 2020. 82. Pinedo and Landauro, 2020. 83. BBC, 2020b. 84. Knight, 2020. 85. Romania Inside, 2020. 86. High Court of Malawi, 2020. 87. Kaponda, 2020. 88. High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, 2020a. 89. High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, 2020b. 90. High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, 2020c. 91. Most of these judgments have been voluntarily archived at https://covid-india.in/ for wider dissemination. 92. Banka, 2020; ANI News, 2021. 93. Hindustan Times, 2021. 94. Silberzahn, 2020. 95. OECD, 2020a. 96. Han et al., 2020. 97. President of Russia, 2020. 98. DeClerq, 2020. 99. Lexology, 2020. 100. Albuquerque, 2020. 101. Parliament of Victoria 2020. 102. Scalzaretto, 2020. 103. ICNL, undated. 104. Government of Chile, 2020). 105. Government of Italy, 2020. 106. UK Department of Health and Social Care, 2020. 107. However, as noted above, subnational delegation of powers to the city in federal states was also rare, although in these cases the issue was not lack of authority to delegate. 108. OECD, 2020a. 109. Federal Reserve, 2020. 110. Province of Ontario, 2020. 111. James, 2020. 112. Foster, 2020. 113. Republic of Colombia, 2020. 114. Christensen, 2020. 115. Foster, 2020. 116. Government of Canada undated. 117. Government of Kenya, 2020b 118. Sawyer, 2020. 119. Awany, 2020. 120. Lim, 2020. 121. Kling, 2020. 122. Pollack, 2020. 123. Henderson, H. (2020) ‘Uruguay's unified
response to COVID-19 has helped it avoid the same fate as its neighbours’, ABC News, 21 July, 124. For further details see Government of
Colombia, 2020 and 2012. 125. Republic of Peru, 2020. 126. OECD, 2020a. 127. OECD, 2020a. 128. DW, 2020. 129. Bieliei et al., 2020. 130. Council of Europe, 2021. 131. World Bank, undated. 132. Calgary, undated. 133. Maringá, 2020. 134. Denver, undated. 135. Toronto, undated. 136. Chicago, undated. 137. UCLG Africa 2020. 138. UCLG Africa, 2020. 139. Bandarin et al., 2020. 140. Yang, 2020. 141. Wray, 2020a. 142. Wray, 2020b. 143. São Paulo, 2020. 144. OECD, 2020b. 145. Andres, 2020. 146. Open Government Partnership, undated. 147. Council of Europe, 2020c. 148. World Bank, 2020. 149. Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality, 2020. 150. Council of Europe, 2020c. 151. Melbourne, undated. 152. Sydney, 2020. 153. OECD, 2020a. 154. Cooperative Governance and Traditional
Affairs, 2020. 155. Local Government Lawyer, 2020. 156. Sachs, 2020. 157. UN-Habitat, 2020. 158. UCLG Africa, 2020. 159. Council of Europe, undated. 160. BBVA, 2020. 161. OECD, 2020b. 162. Council of Europe, undated. 163. Council of Europe, undated. 164. Council of Europe, undated. 165. Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, 2021. 166. Foglia and Rofman, 2020. 167. ACIJ, undated. 168. Maintains, 2020. 169. São Paulo, undated. 170. Open Government Partnership, undated. 171. Coronavirus CivActs Campaign, undated. 172. Human Rights Watch, 2020a. 173. Human Rights Watch, 2020b. 174. Pahsuk, 2020. 175. Maintains, 2020. 176. Articles 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 of the European
Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) allow restrictions of some human rights for the protection of health. 177. UNCHR, 1984. 178. UNCHR< 1984. 179. OHCHR, 2020. 180. IMF, 2020. 181. UN-Habitat, 2004. 182. Bird and Bird, 2020. 183. OECD, 2020c. 184. OECD, 2020a. 185. Government of Mexico City, 2020b.
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This publication has examined the interplay between COVID-19 and cities through the lenses of urban morphology, inequality, urban economy and governance. The chapters dedicated to these issues each provided in-depth analysis of how the pandemic and various health directives impacted on urban areas, and the actions of cities to respond to and recover from the pandemic.