Certificate in Systems & Network Programming
Module Four: Final Report Requirements
Module Four: Deliverables
Intrusion Detection System: Project Report A large part of the CSNP course has focused on the group project.
The final
assignment for this course requires that you provide a detailed report describing the overall processes you have been through and a detailed breakdown of the final system you presented and demonstrated on the final study day. This should include descriptions of each sub-system, the user interface, communications mechanisms and any technologies you have employed in your solution.
Module Four: Deliverables
Report Structure You should submit your report describing the overall solution and the specific area(s) you were involved in. The report is an opportunity for you to describe the design decisions you made (personally and as a group), discuss any shortcomings or interesting features of your solution and how you might extend or improve the final product. It should be submitted as either an MS Word document or preferably as a PDF document and it should contain the following sections.
Page sizes are
suggested maximum numbers, and are intended as guidelines only.
Introduction The introduction should provide a summary that describes the purpose of the project, and what was required of you. In other words, what was the aim of the project and what was the initial target brief?
(2 pages)
Design This section must include a detailed design and highlight the main algorithms you used to complete your part of the system. An overview of the whole system design should also be given. You should use pseudo code or appropriate diagrams (e.g., data flow, state, subsystem, and class diagrams) to aid your descriptions and not include large portions of C#. Remember that a design document should allow any reader to read and then implement the project in a language of their choice. This section must therefore be generic but comprehensive.
This section should also describe how the user
interactions and communications take place and detail any data types or interfaces you may have used to manage the program. (10 pages)
Implementation Description In this section, describe how you implemented the design and detail any technologies you have used to achieve the end result (e.g., the use of WMI, .NET Remoting, Active X Components, and any other specific libraries). This section may include snippets of
Module Four: Deliverables
code to demonstrate certain features but should not be a full print out of the code with comments on a line-by-line basis.
(8 pages)
Methodology In this section, describe the processes you went through as individuals and as a team to complete the project. Describe how you managed the project and collaborated and worked individually. You should detail the tasks that you carried out to complete the project, including those that were not necessarily related to coding the solution (e.g., poster and slide preparation, project management). This could be an opportunity to show project management diagrams, such as Gantt charts.
(4 pages)
Testing and Evaluation You should test your part of the solution to see how well it works . This section will include any testing and evaluation you carried out. Is it easily broken or does the user see strange error messages? If the application does fail at any point, outline what you think the fault might be or how it might be rectified. Screenshots of a working solution and of any error messages can be included in this section. This section could also include a walk through of the main parts of the application to document how to use it.
(6 pages)
Conclusions and Future Work Summarise the main features of your part of the solution and any shortcomings that have been highlighted during the development phase. Also, in retrospect could you have solved or approached the problem in a different way – both in terms of your part of the solution and the project as a whole? Try making some suggestions on how you might improve your solution or the features within the application. Describe what you learned and gained from the overall development process.
(3 pages)
Module Four: Deliverables
Source Appendix The submission should include a copy of the main classes you implemented. Marks will be awarded for the structure and presentation of your source code – i.e., use of mnemonic variable names, classes, etc.
Module Four: Deliverables
Report, Presentation and Demonstration Marking Scheme The following provisional marking scheme will apply to the coursework submission for module five:
Report Introduction
Testing and Evaluation
Conclusions and Future Work
Presentation and Style
Software Solution Structure and Presentation of Source Code
Study Day Presentation Mark
Demonstration Mark