4 minute read

Just say Yes

Gladstone, Missouri, native Angelina Creedon had already begun considering life after high school: college was the initial plan, but the possibility of pursuing a different path also tugged at her heart.

By Bridget Locke

Like most students focused on the future, Gladstone, Missouri, native Angelina Creedon had already begun considering life after high school before she had even graduated. Heading off to college was the initial plan for the homeschooled student in 2020. However, the possibility of pursuing a different path also tugged at her heart.

“I have watched my parents serve in ministry since I was very young. I also served in peer ministry and helped with the Challenge group at St. Charles Borromeo Parish as a mentor to middle school girls,” Creedon said. “I have known for a while that I want to serve God for the rest of my life.”

Although attending college wouldn’t prevent Creedon from growing in ministry, she felt more and more that God was calling her to do something bold and intentional in service to the Church.

The NET was cast

During her sophomore year of high school, missionaries from NET Ministries stayed in her family’s home and encouraged her to apply someday. After their discussions, Creedon felt called by God to pursue NET.

Based in West St. Paul, Minnesota, NET Ministries was developed in 1981, when founder and President Mark Berchem organized a team of young adults to put on several high school youth retreats around Southern Minnesota over a three-week period. Eventually, the missions expanded over more states, and the time commitment grew to nine months. NET, short for National Evangelization Teams, was later adopted as the ministry’s official name, drawing inspiration from Mark 1:17 (“And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me and I will

make you fish for people’”) and Luke 5:4 (“When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water, and let down your nets for a catch’”). Today, more than 150 NET team members serve annually across the country.

“I’ve been acquainted with several NET alumni in my personal life, and felt drawn to who they are in their faith,” Creedon said. “Their character told me what I needed to know about the strength of the program, so I decided to apply.”

The application process, which Creedon describes as encouraging and intense, entails completing an application, participating in an interview and attending a Discernment Weekend, a retreat attended by multiple prospective missionaries. During the Discernment Weekend, applicants learn more about NET and spend time in prayer to determine whether spending the next year as a missionary is what God is calling them to do.

Creedon found the process validating. “Every step helped affirm who I am in the faith,” she said.

Relational ministry

Angelina Creedon (third from left) with the rest of NET Ministries Team 11.

In August 2020, Creedon began serving as a parish missionary in Jasper, Indiana, where four parishes feed into the youth group she serves.

Currently, she oversees youth nights, plans youth retreats and helps facilitate religious education for approximately 40 young people. With every interaction, setting the atmosphere for others to develop real relationships with Christ is her focus.

“I give our youth group members a safe space to be authentic and ask questions. While I cannot eliminate their distractions, I can help build a level of trust that invites them to encounter Christ. NET is a relational ministry, and our relationships become the safe place for them to share. The end goal is to put young people in community with one another, and provide an environment for them to clearly hear Christ speaking to them.”

The end goal is to put young people in community with one another, and provide an environment for them to clearly hear Christ speaking to them.

Next (ordered) steps

Creedon’s time in the program will end in May 2022. As she did in high school, Creedon has begun contemplating the next phase. As always, she is depending on God to order her steps.

“Whatever comes next for me, I know I’ll be working in ministry. I’ve prayed about it, and have heard God tell me, ‘Just say yes.’”

To learn more about NET Ministries,visit www.netusa.org.

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