We deliver culturally sensitive, dignified cremation, burial and memorial care to individuals, families and communities we serve.
Contents Chairman’s report
ceo’s report
Chairman’s | report On behalf of the Board of Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park (ESMP), I take great pleasure in reporting that it has been another busy and robust year for the ESMP Board and its activities. 2006/07 marked the successful completion of a number of on-going projects that the Board and Management have, for many years, devoted much effort to in order to enhance the Park’s facilities and offer families a high standard of funeral, after care and memorialisation options in ambient surrounds. Foremost, after almost a decade of discussions, we were delighted to be advised by Randwick City Council that the refurbishment of Military Road frontages was finally on the drawing board and that work would commence in the latter part of the year. The Board’s Planning and Works Committee was intimately involved with the planning of the works as they affected ESMP and is delighted with the results. A beautiful and serene entrance has now been created for our memorial park with this busy part of Randwick City providing a welcoming environment. Our thanks go to those Council officers who diligently worked to make the refurbished frontages a reality. Early in 2007, Randwick City Council also approved our proposal to erect a café, florist/gift shop and new condolence rooms. The complex will be conveniently situated directly opposite ESMP’s administration offices on Military Road. Discussions are now well advanced with our architectural and services consultants to finalise the specifications for tender of the proposed works. It is anticipated that work on the project will commence in the second half of the 2007/08 year and, all being well, should be completed by the end of 2008. Further, we received approval from Council in the second half of the year to proceed with our proposal to erect additional above-ground crypts as an extension to our existing Eastern Suburbs Memorial Grove. It is proposed that stage one of a three stage program will be constructed following completion of preliminary services consultations, additional discussions with interested communities (in particular, the Italian community), and, ultimately, the tendering stage. Once these necessary steps are completed, it is intended that pre-need reservations will be made available to families prior to commencement of construction. We look forward to seeing these events unfold and being able to cater to the needs of families who prefer this style of interment. In fulfilment of 2005/06 plans, we also replaced all three of our cremators that were installed in 1993 and, at the time of this report, are nearing completion of associated refurbishment works in the crematorium. We are grateful to our suppliers, AUSTENG Pty Ltd, who completed the complicated work over a period of some six months to minimise disruption to our servicing capabilities. AUSTENG Pty Ltd finished on time, within budget and without event. The Board and ESMP management are delighted with the greater efficiency and safety of the new cremators. The Board now shifts it attention to new developments which are highlighted by the following: • • •
the development of additional burial areas to cater for different faiths, including a new area for the Jewish faith as existing areas are now full; the development of Asian-style memorial gardens with appropriately styled infrastructure incorporating Feng Shui design; the construction of a new in-road immediately to the south of the administration building to enable funeral corteges to wait comfortably off Military Road and avoid traffic bottlenecks whilst clergy and funeral directors complete necessary documentation prior to a service. This work will be completed early in the 2008.
Against this backdrop of the Board’s activities, I also report that after a tenure commencing with his appointment to the Board in 1974, Greg Taylor attended his final board meeting in December, 2006. Greg’s time on the Board, which included uninterrupted tenure as Chairman for 16 consecutive years through to 2005 and then service as Deputy Chair until his retirement, was marked by many milestones.
Amongst many of his outstanding achievements are the construction of the Eastern Suburbs Memorial Grove (an 1100 place above-ground interment facility); the construction of the new administration offices featuring substantial garaging capability (a first in the industry which other locations have since emulated), and the successful negotiation for land on Military Road that previously formed part of the decommissioned Bunnerong Power Station to expand our facilities. While Greg’s presence is sorely missed, his legacy remains tangible throughout the Park’s facilities. As at the end of this financial year, the Trust was awaiting confirmation from The Department of Lands regarding Greg’s replacement and I am happy to advise that at the time of this report being prepared, Mr Rod Neville has been appointed. The Board welcomes Mr Neville and looks forward to his participation in the fulfilment of Board duties. To ensure that the Board best fulfils its duties, a performance assessment program was put in place , implemented and continues to be supported by Mr Peter Kaye of Consultgroup. The Board would like to acknowledge Mr Kaye’s assistance in building a highly effective team, as well as highlighting the individual strengths that each member brings to the table. I thank The Finance and Audit Committee chaired by Ron Greenstein for the important role it played in reviewing and assessing ESMP’s financial position, integrity of our systems and risk profile. My gratitude also goes to the Planning and Works Committee chaired by Stelios Coundounaris for another busy year assessing the many projects and proposals put before it in the context of ESMP’s strategic plan and future needs. I would also like to extend my thanks to my Deputy Chair, Russell McLay, for his general support throughout the year, and to Elizabeth Fitzsimmons and Jack Walker for their considered input in matters before the Planning and Works Committee. Finally, I would like to acknowledge how much easier the Boards’ work has become due to the capability and dedication of ESMP’s CEO, George Passas. He has not only delivered a full, active agenda to the Board table, but also is responsible for a financial outcome which has enabled the progression of many projects. The Board is grateful for his energetic efforts, his objective input into often difficult matters that ensure that the Board can exercise its duties confidently, and the “can do” and team-oriented environment he has promoted. The Board is pleased with his and management’s efforts in advancing the financial and operational capability of ESMP’s facilities and sincerely thank him and all his staff for their conscientious work. Last but not least, I thank the families who allow us to support them in their time of need. For this and the success of the 2006/07 financial year we are most grateful.
John Douglas Morrison OAM, JP
Trustees John D Morrison OAM, JP
Aaron Ron Greenstein PhC, JP
Stelios Coudounaris
Russell McLay BComm
Elizabeth Fitzsimmons
Jack Francis Walker JP
Board Meeting
Finance & Audit Committee
Planning & Works Committee
Leave of Absence
John Morrison
11 of 12
3 of 3
4 of 5
Gregory Taylor
5 of 6
1 of 1
Ron Greenstein
9 of 11
3 of 3
Stelios Coudounaris
9 of 11
5 of 5
Elizabeth Fitzsimmons
10 of 11
4 of 5
Russell McLay
10 of 11
3 of 3
Jack Walker
10 of 11
5 of 5
George Passas Secretary & CEO
11 of 11
3 of 3
5 of 5
Deputy Chairman¹ Chair Finance & Audit Committee Chair Planning & Works Committee
Deputy Chairman²
¹ Greg Taylor (Deputy Chairman) retired December 2006 ² Russell McLay (Deputy Chairman) elected January 2007
Customer Relations & Service
CEO’s | report I am pleased to deliver this, my fourth report as CEO of the Park, since commencing duty in that capacity in October, 2002, and take pleasure in reflecting on how much progress has been made since then. Over the past four years, the Trustees and I have worked tirelessly in our commitment to improve the Park’s facilities, implement our strategic plan and deliver excellence in customer service. As a result, we now have a Park to be truly proud of - one that offers families a range of diverse and beautifully landscaped memorial gardens that include, but are not limited to: Centenary Park with its naturally cascading waterfalls and babbling brooks; Pond of Tranquility with its subtle mix of water and foliage in close proximity to the chapels; the magnificent rose gardens with roses dating to the 1930’s, as well as an abundance of burial interment areas catering to the diverse needs of the communities we serve. In addition, I have a management, administrative and operations team committed to ESMP’s strategic direction to deliver a high level of professional service. Through the efforts of many, I am proud to be able to deliver this report.
Activity Statistics & Financial Performance
Given that excellence in service is a core value at ESMP, I am pleased to report that ESMP’s customer service staff is, once again, rated highly having achieved a satisfaction rating of 91% for the year on a 25% response rate. In all instances where any objective critique of our service levels is received, the matter is investigated and addressed in an effort to ensure that it does not re-occur. Our twice-annual internal performance review process also ensures personal commitment to our values or provides the choice of alternative employment options. Additionally, regular workplace meetings in each department supplemented by fortnightly management meetings, result in issues being identified and dealt with in a timely manner. Further assurance in maintaining an open, supportive and productive workplace is provided by the Consultgroup, our outsourced human relations department. I am happy to report that this alliance continues to allow us to achieve a trouble-free workplace with issues being dealt with swiftly and with zero time lost due to any impediment. My thanks also go to ESMP’s Customer Service Manager, John Vogel, who commenced with ESMP in early 2007 following Veinita Wodrow’s decision to leave ESMP. John has already stamped his mark and ensured that customer service levels were not compromised and that ESMP continues to deliver excellence in customer care.
Staff Relations & Training
To June 2007, ESMP assisted families with a total of 2,062 services: 622 burials and 1,440 cremations (2006: 671 and 1,440 respectively) - a split of around 30:70 which is in line with current industry trend.
All personnel at ESMP undertake internal training and, where appropriate and available, external training to ensure they are able to undertake tasks with confidence and efficiency. This is against the backdrop of our values which encourage teamwork and achievement in a supportive and responsive environment.
Our aggregate memorialisation conversion rate was 42% (up from 35% last year), compared to the oft-quoted industry average of 30%.
During 2006/07, ESMP employed the equivalent of twenty-seven full time people. The staff turnover rate experienced was 22%.
The above activity translated into a combined net surplus for the year of $2.750M before extraordinary items and depreciation (2006: $2.109M). Whilst the majority of this performance emanated from the cemetery, the improved memorialisation rate certainly assisted the crematorium operations to confidently post a surplus in its own right.
With the enactment of the Federal Government’s Workchoices legislation, the Park’s management and I have ensured that our workplace agreements not only embody the elements of the legislation, but also are undertaken in a spirit of co-operation and progression. Thus far, we have negotiated new AWA’s for the Park’s administrative staff and are in the midst of advanced discussions with our grounds staff to ensure their transition to the new requirements. This is all done in a consultative and positive manner and a productive and pleasant working environment that has been created through open discussion and mutual respect.
Given the somewhat depressed pricing for cremation due to the increasing number of crematoria in the Sydney basin, the financial impact of our post-cremation memorialisation conversion rate was both pleasing and a testimony to the vastly improved maintenance standards and product presentation of recent years. I sincerely thank John Cottee for his assistance throughout the 2006/07 year in consolidating the gains made in the previous year with the introduction of MYOB, as well as empowering my management team with further understanding of financial matters. This, in turn, greatly assists them in the effective administration of their portfolios.
Memorialisation A family’s decision to memorialise, and the subsequent choice of memorial, allows them to celebrate the life of their loved one. ESMP’s “Good, Better, Best” policy, coupled with excellence in customer service, offers every family the availability of a memorial that is most appropriate to their needs. Throughout the year, we have received many letters of appreciation from families for the caring and helpful support they have been offered by staff while making this important decision. Additionally, many families derive great benefit from quarterly memorial programmes presented and coordinated by Catherine Taylor. These programmes offer an opportunity to remember and honour the life of their loved one, as well as to understand and come to terms with their grief. Many participants have expressed a sense of well being and healing following their participation and their gratitude that the programme is available. I extend my thanks to Catherine for delivering these successful programmes as well as for her assistance (while wearing one of her “other hats”), in preparing this report.
Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) OH&S has remained an important issue for the Board, management and staff and I am happy to report that no serious injury was sustained by any staff member during the year. Two incidents of visitor injury were reported, one of a minor nature and the other which was passed onto our insurance representatives for further action. The latter was concerning in that we had difficulty in ascertaining the authenticity of the alleged incident. Our commitment to the management and identification of OH&S issues has been assisted by the Consultgroup working in conjunction with the OH&S Committee and Tony Brown, Manager Site Operations, who represents management on the Committee. I would like to thank all members of the committee who see fit to treat their role with the requisite diligence and seriousness to ensure both compliance of the legislation and performance of our responsibilities.
Maintenance & Infrastructure Development The Board, my management team and I are very aware of the nexus between ongoing maintenance and the ability of ESMP to meet our obligations both to the families who have interred their loved ones at ESMP and to others considering ESMP for this purpose. During 2006/07, some 52% of the operational cost (20.8% of total costs) or $1.096M of our operational budgets was earmarked for maintenance activities. Aside from capital expenditure, maintenance accounted for the second largest operational outlay during the year, second only to employment expenses. We envisage that this will continue. I wish to thank the NSW Department of Corrective Services for their assistance in
helping to repair certain monuments in some older parts of the cemetery which had been vandalized by a number of unidentified people. Their assistance provided great comfort to the families that were affected by these mindless acts. ESMP’s Maintenance Department has worked diligently throughout the year to steadily attend to the scheduled works programme as well as to those unforeseen tasks that arise during the normal course of the work year. Again this year, many concrete paths and dilapidated areas were renewed adding to the steady rejuvenation of some older areas of the cemetery grounds. Work has also been steadily undertaken, particularly on the north eastern side of Military Road, to develop areas to cater for: • • • •
additional areas suitable for members of all Christian faiths; additional areas for lawn burial and full monumental interment, particularly suitable for members of the eastern Christian faiths; additional areas for interment of members of the Jewish faith, and a proposed Asian-style memorialisation and interment area incorporating Feng Shui principles.
Tony Brown, Manager, Site Operations is to be congratulated on his enthusiastic management of these projects.
Additional Projects Undertaken
Systems and Infrastructure Last year, there was successful development and implementation of phase one of Phoenix, a new database system managing cemetery records of mapped areas of interment which was absolutely essential to providing a solid foundation for our customer service capability. Phase two commenced in the latter part of the year to extend the system to map the crematorium grounds. Whilst this was always in our sights as the logical next step, it became necessary sooner as a result of NSW legislative changes to the definition of interment to include the placement of cremated remains in any fashion within a memorial park. Completion of all input of all identified areas together with simultaneous enhancements to documentation and procedures is expected by November, 2007. Delivery of this project has been made possible through the combined efforts of Kevin Chester of Chestek Consulting and Robert Eyles of Eyles Computer and Consulting Services. I thank them for their unwavering attention to our requirements.
To satisfy customer demand, additional expenditure was allocated to enhance the “best” areas in the Centenary Park ponds and Gazebo Gardens precincts. These beautiful bush land settings featuring a harnessed natural watercourse presentation are considered second-to-none for a park in the immediate vicinity of the Sydney CBD. Further work in the area will continue during 2007/08.
We also upgraded our telephone facilities to a new state-of-the-art Mitel system which, after research, was considered the best option for ESMP’s identified requirements. This has already allowed for better customer service due to its compatibility to our computer systems and hands-free capability.
Military Road Refurbishment
To Conclude
I am pleased to report that Randwick City Council in conjunction with assistance derived from the Federal Government finally confirmed that our representations led to the approval of plans to refurbish Military Road in its entirety.
2006/07 was another very busy year where critical movement and success was achieved in many areas. My gratitude goes to the Board for its continued support of me and my management team. Without the Board’s unfettered attention and willingness to consider our proposals, such progress simply would not have occurred. As well, I convey another sincere thanks to my management team and supporting consultants whose collective efforts have contributed to another highly successful year. I’d also like to acknowledge the assistance of Tammy Templeman for her unwavering support as my personal assistant and for her assistance to the Board and HR Consultants. In addition, I am grateful for the efforts of the administrative, customer services and grounds staff who daily respond to the needs of the families we serve.
The works commenced in the latter part of June, 2007, and were completed in early September, 2007. The result is a successful “extreme makeover” that befits the position of ESMP as an important part of the greater Randwick City. Equally important is that the works have greatly reduced noise and heavy traffic. My thanks to the Councillors, engineers and other technical staff at Council who were involved and made the completion of the project a reality.
Capital Expenditure Aside from ongoing maintenance, major projects completed during the year were: • • •
the Pavilion alongside the West Chapel for the comfort of visitors and attendees; the store for larger mechanical equipment and tools and associated parking areas, and the complete replacement of ESMP’s three cremator units and associated surrounding refurbishment works.
Additionally, I am very pleased to report that during the second half of the year, Randwick City Council’s planning department approved ESMP’s applications to: • •
erect a modern café, retail and flower shop, additional condolence areas and related parking facilities; commence a staged extension to the Memorial Grove above-ground crypts and vaults complex to include a well-sized mausoleum, subject to related parking areas being supplemented.
The Board and I are delighted with these approvals, as they will allow ESMP to provide long overdue quality services on site for the greater comfort of families and visitors to ESMP. In addition, they will offer much needed additional facilities for members of communities who prefer the above-ground style of interment. While preliminary research indicates a preference in some communities for crypts and vault, building will only commence once sufficient pre-need sales have occurred. Also, a new internal road immediately to the south of the administration building to better facilitate cortege movement for funeral directors is due for completion in the first half of the 2007/08 year.
To those families and to all our customers and suppliers, I convey my appreciation for their essential and very much appreciated contribution to this year’s success.
George H, Passas FCPA, FCIS, FAICD
Tony Brown Management Team George H. Passas FCPA, FCIS, FAICD Chief Executive Officer John Vogel JP Manager, Customer Services
Tony Brown Manager, Site Operations
John Cottee CPA, JP
Acting Manager, Finance & Administration
John Vogel Manager, Customer Services Having assumed responsibility for the customer services area in the second half of this fiscal year I can report that I have found a very strong service attitude in the staff. This has been further strengthened by feedback the group took on board from the “mystery shopping” surveys that had been conducted during the year. The customer orientation of the group was also supported by the feedback of our customer surveys which indicated a 91% satisfaction rating on a 25% response rate. I would like to express my gratitude to all respondents for assisting us in maintaining our standard and congratulate the staff for these excellent results. As well, I am delighted to report that The “Good, Better, Best” philosophy established in 2005/06 as a measure to ensure consistency in pricing of product and to meet varying customer needs, has resulted in memorial sales that have met budget expectations. In keeping with this philosophy additional new memorial choices have been made available in a number of garden areas. Furthermore, to allow families the opportunity to sit in quiet reflection in our serene garden settings, new seating has been incorporated into several areas of the Park. With the introduction of a number of customer system enhancements the administrative load on the customer service group this year have been demanding. In addition to their day-to-day responsibilities, the team has been required to train in a number of areas. These include our recently implemented new MITEL telephone system; Phoenix, our database records system; Excel computer course, relevant Acts governing our industry and the OH&S refresher course. Whilst stage two has expanded Phoenix to include crematorium records and allow us to service customers more capably and efficiently, its implementation has been a major undertaking and we will all be delighted when the system is fully operational in November 2007. In conjunction with HR objectives, we have also recently incorporated a purposebuilt training office into the customer service area in the administration building to facilitate the training of new personnel. Special purpose external training courses have also been sourced (eg. the AIM-provided Supervisors course) allowing individual staff members to develop new skills specifically related to their positions. I am grateful for the ongoing support that I have received from the ESMP CEO, George Passas, my fellow managers, and the customer service consultants. I also thank Angela Kalomiros, Customer Service Team Leader, and the individual members of the customer service team for their continued commitment to ESMP values and their dedication to quality customer service which I am enthusiastically committed to continuing and improving upon for the benefit of our customers.
Manager, Site Operations As part of ESMP’s strategic planning, a structured ten year plan to steadily upgrade certain areas of the Park was introduced this year. This plan will ensure ongoing improvements to all Park facilities and provides clear direction for repairs, aesthetic enhancements and the creation of burial sites to meet the ongoing needs of the community. Working in line with the plan, ESMP grounds staff and contractors have this year undertaken an extensive works programme to enhance and repair many areas in the Park. Some of these works visually improve the Park whilst others reduce maintenance or ensure greater safety. Our undertakings have included: Extensive Tree and Shrub Planting • Fifty-five trees and thirty shrubs were planted in sections 61,62 and 63 of the cemetery. • To complement the new gardens created within the Pond of Tranquility and Centenary Park memorial areas, fourteen trees and eighty shrubs were planted. • Over sixty trees and forty shrubs were planted throughout the cemetery and crematorium to replace the dying trees that were removed. General Repairs Due to Aging • The programme to replace four thousand old path sections throughout the cemetery and crematorium grounds commenced. • The programme to re-seal old road surfaces throughout the cemetery and crematorium grounds also commenced. Creation of New Burial Areas • New paths and memorial beams were installed in sections 29E, 37, 50,51,52,61 and 63F of the cemetery to create one thousand two hundred and fifty additional burial places. • In the 2007/8 year, new roads will be built for the planned new burial and memorial areas. Aesthetic Enhancement • Extensive tree and shrub planting has had an immediate impact on the visual look of Park and, with time, will greatly contribute to the Park’s beauty. • As a means of better presentation for the over thirty thousand graves sites in the full monumental sections that have no monument in place, a mulching programme was introduced. This year a significant number of open grave sites were sprayed with herbicide and mulch was placed over the open grave sites. This resulted in a tidier look and 50% less maintenance of the area. Operational Enhancements, Equipment and Replacements • To enhance operational effectiveness and safety the ten year plan includes a structured repair and replacement programme of the Park’s equipment. • Of major significance this year has been the replacement of ESMP’s three aged cremators with Joule Cremators. Joule Cremators require less manpower as they are computer controlled and are more environmentally friendly as a result of using less energy and the non-emission of environmental toxins. • The crematorium works area was also upgraded with new flooring, ceiling and an automated charge bier. Overall, it was a busy and productive year for the Operational Department and I thank ESMP grounds staff and contractors for their effort and commitment to maintaining a high standard of maintenance. I also acknowledge the grounds staffs’ achievement and commitment to multi-skilling by attending additional training in OH &S, Cremation Operations, Digging Techniques, Herbicide Usage, and other relevant courses and convey my appreciation for their full cooperation in whatever they have been asked to do. We look forward to an exciting year with the proposed installation of new cultural memorial gardens and burial sections and the continuing enhancements to Park facilities.
Peter Kaye Principal, Consultgroup Human Resource Management ESMP’s seven Values guide and underpin HR efforts to continually improve ESMP’s practices as a responsible and effective employer. This year the first three of our Values (Caring Service, Quality Personnel and Teamwork) assisted to drive our HR activity. Caring Service was further improved by committing to ongoing quarterly mystery shopper surveys involving phone, email and walk-in service monitoring. The staff quickly responded to the feedback with a steady by quarter improvement in results. Despite operating in a competitive environment in terms of attracting skilled employees with the necessary attributes, our recruitment practices have been effective in managing to attract Quality Personnel. Although staff retention has been challenging this year with turnover increasing from 15% in the previous year to 22%, this is to be viewed in the context of some staff being challenged by our high standards of customer service.
John Cottee Acting Manager, Finance & Administration Our primary goal for the year was to achieve consistency in delivering sound financial data that would support both the customer service team in meeting clients’ needs and the grounds development projects being undertaken throughout the park. As an organisation devoted to the care of customers who are facing sensitive decisions, it is vital that our customer service team can be assured that their support system operates effectively. Equally, as the operations team pursued several projects in developing the Park and in maintaining high quality presentation, their demand for accurate information on expenditures and the impact of project expenditures on cash flow required rigorous accounting and administrative routines to be thoroughly dependable. The consolidation of many of the initiatives introduced in the previous year was thoroughly tested by these demands and it is with pleasure that I am able to report that the Park’s accounting and reporting regime has, in compliance with the Governance process followed by the Trustees, delivered meaningful and reliable information to the Trustees and Management. I gratefully acknowledge Mohammad Shahidullah, our Finance & Administration Officer, for his tireless efforts in ensuring that the routine, but necessary, functions of the unit were maintained to provide a sound basis for the work of the operations and customer service teams.
Following the strategic planning work completed in March further staff restructuring was undertaken in the customer service group to improve Teamwork. This was undertaken using a new set of three staff classifications each with three levels of responsibility and competence. This was similar to that which was previously successfully introduced for the grounds staff. Together with the introduction of required levels of cross training and improved role understanding, Teamwork between cemetery and crematorium staff has significantly improved, providing the productivity capacity to meet sales goals and deliver a premium service to our clients. The annual performance assessment introduced three years have been completed by all staff. The accuracy of the outcomes clearly indicates that staff is growing in confidence in completing and participating in the process. All staff received a performance–related payment based on either an overall share of surplus and/or in recognition of individual performance. Training was identified as a priority for the 2006/07 year. An annual training plan is now in place to ensure compliance related training is completed. In addition, skill and competence improvement opportunities are scheduled for both on and off the job. 100% of the grounds staff completed compliance training and ten undertook additional on or off the job development based training. Due to a combination of timing issues, staff turnover and some staff arrangements, the customer service group did not achieve their training goals relating to sales and service techniques. This has been programmed for the first half of the 2008. Work on a collective employment agreement for the grounds staff commenced early in the year and has efficiently progressed with full consultation and co-operation. A collective agreement for the customer service group has commenced and it is anticipated to be finalised in early 2008. ESMP staff complement and related statistics for 2006/07 are:
Staff Category
Our successful delivery of a practical and effective day-to-day operation has provided the opportunity to further strengthen our investment strategy and funds management to ensure funds are available for proposed future developments and major programmed maintenance projects within Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park.
Grounds & Maintenance
Customer Service
Regular Casuals
The financial controls will be further enhanced in the coming year to provide a range of meaningful performance reports to assist managers to monitor their team performances and to aid the forecasting of funds requirements.
Injuries Reported
Staff Resigning
The growing sophistication of our controls will provide timely and dependable financial data to support the face-to-face delivery of service and, importantly, ensure the expansion of facilities within the Park are managed with sound control over project budgets and expenditures.
Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park Organisation Structure October 2007 October 2007 (as at time of preparation of this report)
Board of Directors
Chief Executive Officer George Passas
Customer Service Officer Kelly Lazaros
Executive Assistant Tammy Templeman
Marketing Catherine Taylor (Principal, Creative Link)
Grounds Staff Barry Cooley
Customer Service Officer Lorraine Aitken
Customer Service Officer Megan Reisenleiter
Manager, Finance & Admin. John Cotte Cottee t e (a ((acting) ctiting) g
Grounds Superv Supervisor r isor Don Gra Grant r nt Grounds Staff Steve Edwards
Customer Service Officer Cristina Guilherme
Manager, Customer Serv Service r ice John Vo Vogel V gel
Leading Hand Darren Williams Grounds Staff Michael Smith
CSO, (temp)
Manager, Site Operations Tony Brown
Leading Hand Emerico Kreisz Grounds Staff Noel Stanmore
Leading Hand, Transformer Wally Conforto
Human Resources Peter Kaye (Principal, Consultgroup)
Grounds Staff Stan Smith
Grounds Staff Geoff Craswell
Transformer Hand Johnny Gallulo
Finance & Adm. Officer Mohammad Shahidullah
Grounds Staff Damian Carmont
Grounds Staff Ben Slater
Team Leader Angela Kalomiros
Grounds Staff Jeff Damke
Grounds Staff (PT**) Peter & Paul Larssen
Part Time
Customer Service Officer
Grounds Staff Craig Simmons
** Shared FT role
Management and staff are dedicated to providing a high standard in funeral and after care and thank the families who allow us to support them in their time of need.
Administered by: The Botany Cemetery & Eastern Suburbs Crematorium Trusts Member of Cemeteries & Crematoria Association of NSW and Australian Cemeteries & Crematoria Association
12 Military Road, Matraville NSW 2036 P | (02) 9661 5655 . F | (02) 9311 3654 . e | enquiries@esmp.net.au