Leadership Development Critical to Nonprofit Sustainability

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Nonprofit Quarterly Communicator— May 2012, Issue 2

Empowering Nonprofits Since 1995


Mission: to help nonprofits achieve their missions by providing high quality, affordable consulting services.

Inside this Edition

Cultivating a talented workforce is mandatory for nonprofit sustainability. Excellence in leadership is the engine that drives a nonprofit, so continually developing your management

CEO’s Letter page 1 Letting Go page 2

team is paramount.

A Dream Realized page 3

As investors become more discriminating and discerning about which nonprofits to fund, staying ahead of the curve is strategically important. Using best practices, developing a blueprint for your agency and using the strengths of each individual in your organization to maximum effectiveness will help you better fulfill your mission.

Soft Skills page 4 Changes Implemented page 5 Meet Our Program Directors page 6

Meet the Team Andrew J. McCreanor CEO/Executive Director andymccreaor@esccincinnati.org Craig Kowalski Director of Operations ckowalski@esccincinnati.org Darlyne Koretos, Editor Director of Marketing/PR

dkoretos@esc-cincinnati.org ESCC was founded in 1995 to provide valuable consulting services to nonprofits that maximize community impact by increasing the overall capacity, efficiency and sustainability of these agencies while maintaining its leadership position in nonprofit best practices 10945 Reed Hartman Highway, Suite 108 Cincinnati, OH 45242 513.791.6230 www.esc-cincinnati.org

Driven by a maturing workforce with little succession planning, increased demand for services and decreased funding, nonprofits must make leadership development a priority to attract and retain talented professionals. Since 2008, Executive Service Corps of Cincinnati has been developing nonprofit leaders through its Nonprofit Leadership Institute. To date, 75 individuals have passed through the 10-month program taught by a 40-year career educator, Dr. Tom Monaco, and managed by a former marketer, Carol Leigh. As we prepare for the class of 2012-2013 at the Nonprofit Leadership Institute – which we are always fine tuning to remain vibrant and relevant – we reflect on lives that we have touched and nonprofits we have assisted. As you will read in the following pages, we are very proud to have had a hand in helping to shape promising new leaders for a better community for all. Sincerely,

Andrew J. McCreanor, CEO/Executive Director

Thanks to our funding partners for their generous support of NLI

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Leadership Development Critical to Nonprofit Sustainability by Darlyne Koretos - Issuu