U.S. Law Makers Score Card

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U.S. Law Makers Score Card

U.S. LAW MAKERS: WE NEED MORE THAN WORDS United Airlines recently contracted out their employees in 18 cities. United is now contracting out another 22 cities affected by outsourcing, while posting billions in profits. In the past, these same employees sacrificed pay, benefits, stock and lost half their pension while United was in Bankruptcy. The Low Wage Drag on our economy, a study provided by the U.S. House of Committee on Education, states that Wal-­‐Mart cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion per year to help pay their employees. Airlines now follow the same business plan, so your tax dollars will help pay replacement workers. Airlines now follow the same business plan, moving good paying jobs to low paying, with no benefits, relying on Government assistance to sustain employees. Multiple studies show Airlines pushing to vendor our Airport work and the drain on the local economy that occurs. T he Airline industry has eroded workers wages, benefits. Minimum and Living Wages have to start accounting for inflation.

Only 10% of Federal Tax Revenue comes from Corporations. U.S. Law makers are spending taxes from American Workers to add p rofits to corporations. Boasting $17.5 trillion in purchasing power, the United States continues to reign as the number one richest economy in the world. Left unchecked, employers are proving if not required by U.S. Labor Law, sick time, maternity leave, vacation are NOT provided. It’s time to catch up with the World and start providing laws that help families, taxpayers and voters. U.S. Labor Law lags all developed Nations and most developing Nations. Workers rely on the generosity of their employer to treat them well or not. U.S. Law makers fight over health care just puts millions of working Americans at risk. We pay more, get less, and millions of people don’t get covered. The dual billing agreements between companies, insurance companies and hospitals put even more cost on the average citizen.

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U.S. Law Makers Score Card by DL141 - Issuu