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Reet So : Participation Feedback

Leeds Inspired Funding

Gaining funding from Leeds Inspired allowed DLA to engage and integrate Reet So’s ideas in the intervention delivery.


Throughout Park Here, they engaged with 200 people and over 100 completed their activity of ‘Sowing a Seed’, suggesting ideas for the future of St Paul’s Street, Leeds and themselves.

The recurring themes for St Paul’s Street from this engagement included :

- More bins to contribute to a cleaner street - Brighter colours and more lighting to improve the aesthetics - Improve the quality of the side walks - More focus on cyclists/ pedestrians and less on cars - Widen pavements - Add trees, plants and greenery - In the long term, add more permanent structures to create green spaces - Seating areas for eating lunch / to stop - More temporary food outlets / events - A permanent version of Park Here or similar creating spaces to sit and interact - More varied permanent facilities on the street

The recurring themes for the wider city included :

- More focus on public transport and pedestrians - Reduce traffic - More affordable parking - More plants and green spaces within urban spaces in the city - Increase the focus of green spaces in future developments - More temporary events and spaces around the city - More events focusing on arts and music - More community focused developments - Reduce smoking in public areas - Increase focus on helping the homeless

70 % 30 %


Over 100 participants across 3 days

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