Tabernacle of Moses Class Notes

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Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #1 “The Dwelling Places” Pastor Justin Phillips February 8, 2010 st

I Am a Treasure Hunter… Proverbs 25:2 o Matthew 13:44 – My Father is a treasure hunter… it is part of my spiritual DNA o Honor - (Strong’s # 3519) – means weighty, abundance, glory, riches I Am Searching Out… The Unsearchable Riches of Christ… Ephesians 3:8 o Unsearchable - (Strong’s #421) – means past finding out The Purpose of Building the Tabernacle… Exodus 25:1-8 o Exodus 25:2 – The Children of Israel had something to give because somebody else gave something. o Exodus 1:11 – Pharaoh had two treasure cities o Exodus 11:1-2 – Borrow – means to ask o Exodus 12:35-37 – They required of the Egyptians The Heartbeat of God… That He Might Dwell Among His People… Exodus 25:8 o Dwell – (Strong’s #7931) – means to settle down or reside permanently There Have Been Eight Different Dwelling Places 1. Genesis 3:8 – The Garden of Eden 2. Exodus 40:33-34 – The Tabernacle of Moses 3. I Chronicles 16:1 – The Tabernacle of David 4. II Chronicles 5:1 – The Temple of Solomon 5. Haggai 2:9 – The Restored Temple After Babylonian Captivity 6. Matthew 24:2 – Herod’s Temple 7. John 1:14 – Jesus… The Word Made Flesh 8. John 14:1-6 – Us… Jesus Prepared a Place for Us I Corinthians 3:9-16 II Corinthian 6:16 Ephesians 2:21

Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #2 “The Building Materials” Pastor Justin Phillips February 16, 2010 st

 God Needs the Cooperation of Man… Exodus 25:1-9 o Acts 20:35 – It is more blessed to give than to receive o It will always require time, talent and treasure o Time… is your time o Talent… is the gifting God has blessed you with o Treasure… is your money  Examples of God Needing Man… o Genesis 6:12-14 – Noah and the Ark o II Samuel 24:24 – David o Luke 1:38 – Mary o Romans 8:32 - Jesus  Principles of the Open Hand… Deuteronomy 15:7-11 o Luke 4:18 – Jesus, anointed to preach the gospel to the poor o Leviticus 16:12-13 – When full hands are released, it creates an atmosphere for God to work o I Kings 18:44 – A cloud the size of a man’s hand  The Love of Money is the Root of All Evil… I Timothy 6:10 o The gospels contain more warnings against the misuse of money than any other subject o 1 in every 4 verses in the synoptic gospels deal with money o 1 in every 6 verses in the new testament make reference to money o ½ of the parables of Jesus deal with money; particularly against covetousness o Judas, the first apostle to fall, sinned because of money o The first sin of the early church concerned giving money


 When I Open 1 Hand With Money; God Opens the Other for Ministry…Exodus 25:1-4 o Gold – means deity, divine nature, that of a king o Silver – means redemption 

The linen fence and the tabernacle itself rested on silver

o Brass – means judgment I Corinthians 6:1-3 o Blue – means heavenly o Scarlet – means blood, the sacrifice of Jesus 

You then become the Word that speaks better things

o Purple – means royalty in the earth 

Scarlet and blue mingled makes purple

o Fine Linen – means the righteousness of God o Goat’s Hair – means you don’t have to run anymore o Ram’s Skin – dyed red means consecration, installed o Badger’s Skin – means protection o Shittim Wood – means durability, non-decaying  Money Really Does Answer a Matter… Ecclesiastes 10:19


Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #3 “The Work Begins” Pastor Justin Phillips February 22, 2010 st

God Gives 2 Wise-Hearted Men To Begin The Work… Exodus 31:1-11 o Bezaleel – (Strong’s # 1212) – means in the shadow or image The son of Uri (Fiery light) o Aholiab – (Strong’s #171) – means Father’s Tent He was in charge of the coverings of the Tabernacle He was from the tribe of Dan God Doesn’t Build Like Man… Exodus 25:8-10 o Isaiah 55:8-10 - His ways and thoughts are much higher than ours o God builds from the inside out Things to Note about the Ark… o The Ark is Jesus o Exodus 25:10 – The Ark was the first piece of furniture built and the most important o The other pieces of furniture were subordinate to the Ark o The Ark was the only piece of furniture to inhabit 3 different Tabernacles o There were Three Arks in the Bible 1. The Ark of Noah 2. The Ark of Moses 3. The Ark of the Covenant The Ark was an Inside Job… o Luke 1:26-38 – The Ark is on the inside of Mary o Colossians 1:27 – Christ in you o Leviticus 9:24 – Where did the fire come from? o Job 6:13 – Where is my help? o Joshua 3:1-3 – The Ark leaves the midst of the Children of Israel The Ark on the Move…Numbers 4:5-6 o Hebrews 10:25 – It was covered the a veil o Isaiah 52:14 – It was covered with badger’s skin o I Corinthians 15:47 – It was covered with blue The Ark was Placed on a Dirt Floor… o 2 Corinthians 4:7 – We must understand what we have on the inside of us! 1

Lake City Christian Fellowship 1st Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #4 “According to the Pattern” Tammie Bussen March 01, 2010 Review – The 1st Principles Already Learned… I. God wants to ______ with His ________. II. It takes _______ to get the job done. III. God builds from the ________ _____. According to the Pattern… Exodus 25:8-9 o God is a God of order! o Order – (Strong’s #6186) – means to arrange, to set, to put in order. o Isaiah 9:7 - …upon His kingdom, to order it, and to establish it… o Numbers 1:52-53 and 2:1-2 – God through His man appointed every man his place. o I Corinthians 12:18 – God sets members in the body. The 1st Thing We Notice is the Tabernacle is in the Center … Numbers 2:17 o A picture of the centrality and supremacy of Christ in the midst of the church. o Matthew 18:20 – Where 2 or 3 are gathered in My name; I am in the midst. o Revelation 1:10-13 and 20 – Jesus is in the midst of the church. There was Divine Order in the Placement of the Camp…Number 2:1-34 o The 12 tribes were divided into 4 groups; each group pitched on a side of the tabernacle. o Each group was comprised of 3 tribes as follows: East side – Rested under the banner of Judah (the LION)… Numbers 2:3-9 • Judah … Praise • Zebulun… dwelling; habitation • Issachar… reward West side – Rested under the banner of Ephriam (the OX)… Numbers 2:18-24 • Ephriam… Doubly Fruitful • Manasseh… causing to forget • Benjamin…son of the right hand North side – Rested under the banner of the EAGLE… Numbers 2:25-31 • Dan… he that judges (Righteous Judgment) • Asher… happy • Naphtali… obtained by wrestling South side – Rested under the banner of the MAN… Numbers 2:10-16 • Reuben… behold the son (Vision of Sonship) • Simeon… he who hears with acceptance • Gad… a troop o These 4 banners are symbols of Jesus Christ and His nature. o The Levites were appointed to surround the Tabernacle… Numbers 1:47-50 o The formation of the camp was of a Cross (see picture) o Revelation 4:1-7… Picture of Christ in the midst of His people at rest (Tabernacles) 1

There is Divine Order within the Tabernacle Itself… o The Tabernacle faced toward the east. o East… means a new day. o The structure of the Tabernacle involves a WALK… a way, a road, a path… John 14:6 o This walk must come by way of REVELATION… Colossians 1:9-10 o Entry was on the east; called the Gate of the Court… repentance brings a new day to our life! o Jesus is the door we enter in… John 10:9 o Divided into 3 courts… which represent levels of Christian maturity. Outer Court • 1st level of Christian maturity… leads to the brazen altar; forgiveness of sin • For ALL of Israel • Realm of salvation (born again) • Christ the Way • 1st sealing - water baptism • Represents the Feast of Passover • Contained the Brazen Altar and the Laver


Holy Place • 2nd level of Christian maturity… leads to sanctuary; priestly ministries • For the Priest • Realm of Holy Ghost baptism • Christ the Truth • 2nd sealing – Spirit baptism • Represents the Feast of Pentecost • Contained the Candlestick, Table of Shewbread and the Altar of Incense

Holy of Holies • 3rd level of Christian maturity… leads to the throne; God’s presence • For the High Priest • Realm of maturity • Christ the Life • 3rd sealing – Mind of Christ • Represents the Feast of Tabernacles • Contained the Ark of the Covenant

The formation of the furniture was in the shape of a cross (see picture)

Summary – Today’s Principle Learned… o God builds according to _____ _________.


Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #5 “The Place of Sacrifice” Pastor Justin Phillips April 05, 2010 st

God Sets Order by Placing the Tribes… Numbers 2:1-34 o Revelation 13:8 - This was His original plan o Numbers 24:1-9 – No weapon will prosper against the cross o Genesis 3:21 – Adam and Eve were clothes with coats of skin o Genesis 4:1-8 – God has respect for His plan o Genesis 8:18-21 – God smelled His plan o Genesis 22:1-2 – God sticks with His plan o Genesis 31:54 – God’s plan works through Jacob

For What Purpose was Moses Raised Up? ... Exodus 3:1-18 o Exodus 5:1-3 o Exodus 5:8-9 – Without a sacrifice you have to work harder o Exodus 5:13-17 – Without a sacrifice you will feel like someone has beaten you o Exodus 8:8 – Without a sacrifice you will feel unclean o Exodus 8:24-29 – Without a sacrifice you will feel overwhelmed o Exodus 10:21-26 – Without a sacrifice ignorance will destroy you

For this Purpose Came Jesus into the World… John 18:37

This Is the Ultimate Plan of God… Hebrews 9:19-28


Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #6 “The Camp & Linen Fence” Pastor Justin Phillips April 12, 2010 st

God Address the Children of Israel as a Camp… Exodus 14:19 o A camp is an embodiment of people abiding in tents temporarily o The Children of Israel got comfortable abiding in what was supposed to be temporary God’s Tent was only a Temporary Dwelling Also... Exodus 39:32 o I Chronicles - God got stuck in a temporary position o Colossians 1:19 – It pleased the Father o Colossians 2:9 – Jesus had it all o Colossians 1:27 – Christ in you Where I AM, There You May be Also… John 14:1-3 o Jesus was on his way to the cross Sanitary Laws Concerning the Camp o Leviticus 10:1-5 – Dead were buried outside the camp o Leviticus 13:44-46 – Lepers were put outside the camp o Leviticus 4:11-12 – Dung was carried outside the camp o Leviticus 24:14 – Those cursed were put outside the camp o Numbers 12:15-16 – The rebellious were put outside the camp o Numbers 15:32-35 – People were put to death outside the camp o Deuteronomy 23:10-11 – Those unclean, even through ignorance, were put outside the camp Jesus was led Outside the City for Sanitary Purposes… Matthew 27:33 Description of the Court… Exodus 27:9-19 o Fence – made of fine twined linen… righteousness o Linen Fence – connected to the brass pillars with silver connecting rods o Silver Connecting Rods – had silver hooks that hooked into the linen fence o The Pillars – had silver caps Dimensions of the Fence or Outer Court… Length - 100 cubits x 2 sides = 200 Width - 50 cubits x 2 sides = 100 Total: 300 cubits x 5 cubits high = 1500 cubits From Moses to Jesus was 1500 years… 1

Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #7 “The Gate” Pastor Justin Phillips September 13, 2010 st

Review – Classes 1-6… o God wants to dwell with His people… Exodus 25:8 o The first thing God asks for is an offering… Exodus 25:1-2 o God is a God of order… Exodus 25:8-9 o The Tabernacle was laid out in the shape of the cross… Numbers 2:1-34 o God addresses the Children of Israel as a camp… Exodus 14:19 o The phrase Children of Israel is used 644 times in the Bible o The camp had sanitary laws o There was a fence that surrounded the camp The Gate was the only entrance to the treasures of the Tabernacle… Exodus 27:14-16 o John 10:9 – Jesus is the door John 14:6 Acts 4:10-12 I Timothy 2:5 o Numbers 2:3 – The gate was on the east side Psalm 65:4 o The gate measured… 20 cubits wide (30 feet) 20 = number of redemption 30 = number for maturity o Ephesians 2:4-5 - The gate was 5 cubits high (7.5 feet tall)

5 = number of grace

o There were 15 cubits on either side 15 = number of rest o The gate was upheld by 4 pillars

Matthew 1:3, 5, 6 - There were 4 women in the genealogy of Jesus • Thamar = palm tree • Rachab or Rahab = wide • Ruth = friend • Bathsheba – oath or 7

o Song of Solomon 5:16 - The gate was beautiful o Acts 3:1-2 - It is very possible to be in a beautiful gate and have a miserable time

Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #8 “The Brazen Altar” – Part I Danny Phillips April 26, 2010 st

The Brazen Altar… Exodus 27: 1-8 o Altar in the Hebrew… simply means to slaughter or to slay in sacrifice. o Altar in Latin… means a high place. o To combine these words we would arrive at the conclusion that the altar is a high place of sacrifice. o This speaks of the cross of Calvary o This is the only place where blood was shed

We have an Altar… Hebrews 13:9-13 o This is the way that we can approach God. o Leviticus 17:11 o John 14:6 o James 4:8

They personally identified with the Sacrifice… Leviticus 1:1-5 · The description of the altar… o It was made of wood overlaid with brass… Wood = humanity… Isaiah 61:3; Mark 8:24 Brass = judgment… Deuteronomy 28:23; Leviticus 26:19; Judges 16:21 o The altar had four horns to secure the sacrifice. Blood was applied to these horns… Exodus 29:12; Psalm 118:27; 2 Corinthians 5:14 o It had a grated network. This filter the ashes o It had pans to catch the ashes o It had shovels to scoop the ashes and handle the hot coals o It had basins to catch the blood o It had flesh hooks to handle the sacrifice

Leviticus in the Hebrew text means HE CALLED… o The book describes the calling of the Levites o The first 9 chapters teachers us about the various sin offerings that were given o Leviticus 9:1-4; 22-24 o This is the result of the offering… GOD SHOWS UP · This shows the results of the altar in the proper place… 2 Chronicles 1:1-13 o The Altar was to be Front and Center… Leviticus 4:7

Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #9 “The Gate” Pastor Justin Phillips September 13, 2010 st

 Review – Classes 1-6… o God wants to dwell with His people… Exodus 25:8 o The first thing God asks for is an offering… Exodus 25:1-2 o God is a God of order… Exodus 25:8-9 o The Tabernacle was laid out in the shape of the cross… Numbers 2:1-34 o God addresses the Children of Israel as a camp… Exodus 14:19 o The phrase Children of Israel is used 644 times in the Bible o The camp had sanitary laws o There was a fence that surrounded the camp  The Gate was the only entrance to the treasures of the Tabernacle… Exodus 27:14-16 o John 10:9 – Jesus is the door  John 14:6  Acts 4:10-12  I Timothy 2:5 o Numbers 2:3 – The gate was on the east side  Psalm 65:4 o The gate measured… 20 cubits wide (30 feet)  20 = number of redemption  30 = number for maturity o Ephesians 2:4-5 - The gate was 5 cubits high (7.5 feet tall) 

5 = number of grace

o There were 15 cubits on either side  15 = number of rest o The gate was upheld by 4 pillars 

Matthew 1:3, 5, 6 - There were 4 women in the genealogy of Jesus  Thamar = palm tree  Rachab or Rahab = wide  Ruth = friend  Bathsheba – oath or 7

o Song of Solomon 5:16 - The gate was beautiful o Acts 3:1-2 - It is very possible to be in a beautiful gate and have a miserable time

Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #10 “The Brazen Altar” – Part II Pastor Justin Phillips September 20, 2010 st

First piece of furniture when entering the Tabernacle… Exodus 27:1-8 a. Altar – (Strong’s #4196) – means to slay or slaughter b. It was the first thing on God’s heart… Revelation 13:8 c. It was NOT the 1st piece of furniture built… Exodus 25:10 d. It was where His passion was… Leviticus 9:22-24 e. The altar was made of Shittim wood… Exodus 27:1 i. Shittim wood was rendered as incorruptible wood f. It was overlaid with brass… brass represents judgment on sin g. The altar was foursquare…. 5 cubits x 4 sides = 20 h. 5 = the number of grace… the altar was where grace is seen i. 5 = also represent the 5 wounds on Jesus’ body j. The altar was 3 cubits high…. Speaks of the Godhead seen in redemption k. The Father gave the sacrifice… The Son was the sacrifice… The Holy Spirit reveals the sacrifice l. The height of the altar… 3 cubits x 4 sides = 12… Isaiah 9:6 m. The altar was the biggest piece of furniture… all others fit inside it n. All 3 realms were purchased by His blood o. The altar had 4 horns, which speaks of salvation… Luke 1:68-69 i. The horn speaks of power ii. The horn trumpets a sound about a death p. The sacrifice was tied to the 4 horns q. These horns were made of wood overlaid with brass… God has invested His power in man through the judgment of sin r. The altar was hollow… Philippians 2:6-7 s. It has a grated network in the middle which was 1 ½ cubits t. Jesus was crucified in the middle u. The grated network was the same height as the Mercyseat… the sacrifice of Jesus satisfied the Father v. The grated network was also the same height as the Table of Shewbread The utensils used at the altar… a. Pans… were used to remove the ashes which had to be placed in a clean place… Leviticus 4:12 b. Shovels… had 3 primary purposes 1. Feed the fire 2. Collecting the ashes 3. Placing coals into the censer to be carried deep into the tabernacle to the Golden Altar of Incense c. Basins… contained the blood, which was poured out d. Flesh hooks… for the arranging of the sacrifice e. Firepans… were used to carry the coals


Lake City Christian Fellowship Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses #Âą0 "The Brazen Laver" Danny Phillips September 27, 2010

The Things of the tabernacle were made by wise hearted people. (Ex 36:1-4) (Ex 35:25) Laver - kee-yore(strongs 3595) Something round, chafing dish for coals or caldron for cooking, a wash bowl, a pulpit or platform A. It was made of brass B. In the bottom were the looking glasses of the women(Ex 38:8) There are 3 truths primarily taught concerning the tabernacle 1. Water Baptism (Rom 6:4) This takes place after we are born again and have come through the blood of the Brazen Alter 2. The Washing of Regeneration (Titus 3:5)(Hebrews 9:11-14) A. This is what happened when we were born again B. The priest had an initial washing at the door ( Lev 8:l-6)(Ex 29:4)(Jn 10:7) 3. The Doctrine of Sanctification A. The priests had to wash their hands and feet daily (Ex 30:17-21) We have been called to live a sanctified life (2Cor 6:14-7:l)(Eph 2:l-3)(Eph 5:15) B. Clean hands (ITim 2:8) Clean feet (Eph 6:15)(Isa 52:7) C. We live sanctified by the word (Jn 17:17)(lPet 1:22) D. Water speaks of the word (Eph 5:25-26) A wise man will enlarge sanctification (IKings 7:23-24 & 3839) A. Sea of glass (Rev 15:1-4)


A foolish man takes away the place of sanctification (ZKings 16:14-18)

Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #12 “The Door” Tammie Bussen October 4, 2010 st

 General Description of the Tabernacle Building… found in Exodus 26 o Contained 2 rooms…. Holy Place and The Holy of Holies o Made up of 48 boards… 48 = 6x8 (new man) or 4x12 (divine order of God)… Ephesians 2:19-22 o Boards were made of Shittim wood overlaid with gold…(humanity overlaid with divine nature) o Boards rested on silver sockets (redemption)… so they never touched the earth o 4 coverings over the top… 4 = world-wide, universal o Only 1 way to enter the structure… thru THE DOOR which faced the east… John 10:7-9 o Pillars upheld the curtains for the entrance to the Holy Place and to the Holy of Holies

 The Door is one of 3 entrances in the Tabernacle… o The GATE into the Outer Court… measured 20 cubits wide x 5 cubits high = 100 cubits o The DOOR into the Holy Place… measured 10 cubits wide x 10 cubits high = 100 cubits o The VAIL into the HOLY of Holies… measured 10 cubits wide x 10 cubits high = 100 cubits o All 3 equal 300 cubits… (300 means complete deliverance and a faithful remnant)

 Each entrance takes us to a new level of Christian maturity… Transition THE OUTER COURT Enter through THE GATE For ALL Israel Born of the Spirit Babes Christ The Way Passover

THE HOLY PLACE Enter through THE DOOR For the Priest Earnest of the Spirit – Holy Ghost Baptism Young Men Christ The Truth Pentecost

THE HOLY OF HOLIES Enter through THE VAIL For the High Priest Fullness of the Spirit - Mind of Christ Maturity Christ The Life Tabernacles

 All 3 entrances were made of the same material, except the inwrought Cherubim on The Vail o All truth is veiled… Proverbs 25:2  Veil… represents the flesh… Hebrews 10:20  A wall of flesh stands at each entrance to hinder man from entering each realm o

The entrances were beautiful and distinctive… Exodus 26:36-37  Blue… speaks of heavenly things… I Corinthian 15:47-49  Purple… speaks of royalty… Revelation 19:16  Scarlet… taken from a worm… speaks of blood / sacrifice… Psalm 22:6; Matthew 27:28  Fine twined linen – White… speaks of righteousness… II Corinthians 5:21


 The Door is the entrance to our Priestly Ministry… Exodus 19:1-9, 15-16; 20:18-21 o God wants to raise up a Kingdom of Priests in the earth… Revelation 5:10 o Things look and sound different through this door… causing some to back away o Cannot see by natural light anymore o It is the only entrance to the Holy Place and you must go through here to get to the Holy of Holies o Only priests could enter through this door o The Door measured 10 cubits x 10 cubits…  The number 10… means responsibility. It is our responsibility to continue our walk of maturity.  It was twice as high and ½ as narrow as The Gate…  It shows a higher plane of Christian walk, a greater dimension of the Spirit and a more exalted view of the glorified Christ  It requires more discipline to walk as priests… Matthew 7:13-14 o

There were 5 Pillars upholding this Door  The number 5 speaks of…Grace and the 5-fold ministry  They were made of wood overlaid with gold  They were set in brass sockets and capped with gold…  While grounded in the judgment of Christ, those entering here realize their judgment is behind them and they are new creatures with a divine nature.  The door hung from gold hooks connected to the pillars  Everything hangs on the divinity of Christ

 Jesus is The Door… John 10:7-9 o Refer to chart on page 1 of these notes… What realm does The Door lead to? o He is the baptizer in the Holy Ghost and fire… Luke 3:1-4; 15-16 o It happened first on the Day of Pentecost… Acts 2:1-4 o It happened with the Apostle Paul… I Corinthians 14:18 o It is still happening today…  He stands at The Door and knocks… Revelation 3:14-22


Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #13 “The Boards” Justin Phillips October 11, 2010 st

 The inner structure of the Tabernacle that housed the presence of God… Exodus 26: 15-30  The Boards… a) A total of 48 boards… 48 = 6x8 (a new man)  Six = the number of man  Eight = the number of a new beginning b) Boards were 10 cubits high… means they stood out… Titus 2:14; I Peter 2:9 c) Boards were 1 ½ cubits wide…as wide as the mercy seat was high d) The 2 corner boards were a different width than the other 46 boards. They were 1 cubit (18 inches) … Luke 13:10-16; John 2:18-21 e) Boards were chosen while in a twisted knotted position f) They were brought to Bezaleel… a type of the Holy Ghost… Exodus 31:1-5 g) 1st thing they did was cut the tree down… Matthew 3:10 h) 2nd thing they did was strip the tree of its bark… Matthew 27:28 i)

3rd thing they did was trim it… Isaiah 50:6


4th thing they did was shape the board

k) 5th thing they did was overlay it with gold… Luke 8:28-35 l)

Then, the boards were raised up and set by Moses… Exodus 40:18

 The sockets…  The boards were set in silver sockets, which had silver tenons… means the boards had no contact with the earth  The bars…  The bars were placed in the boards, which connected them all together… Ephesians 2:18-22


Lake City Christian Fellowship 1st Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #14 “The Coverings” – Part I Tammie Bussen October 18, 2010

There were 4 coverings for the tabernacle; made according to the pattern… Exodus 26:1,7,14 o 1st – Linen curtain…. referred to as “The Tabernacle”… Jesus as our righteousness o

2nd – Goat’s Hair Curtain… referred to as “The Tent”… Jesus as our sin offering


3rd – Ram’s Skin Dyed Red… referred to as “The Covering”… Jesus as our substitution


4th – Badger’s Skin… referred to as “The Final Covering”… Jesus as our protection and covering


Number 4 = world-wide or universal… The covering is intended for everyone

The coverings were the first thing reared up in the tabernacle… Exodus 40:16-21 o The coverings were in place before the ark of the covenant was put into place… then the ark was covered o

Believers will not be able to experience all God has for them without an understanding of and respect for the Biblical principle of covering

The coverings reveal the divine order, authority and protection of God… o Placed on the structure in a specific order o

Served as the roof of the building… completely covering the framework of the boards (manymembered body of Christ)


Excluded natural light and protected spiritual light


Served to cover the sanctuary… protecting everything within it… safeguarding the boards (people), the beauty and the divine order of worship


Reveal Christ as the Head of the Body

God’s still has divine order and authority structures on the earth… Ephesians 5:21-25; 5:32-6:4 o His divine order operates through mutual submission and servant-hood o

It is the responsibility of those in authority to protect those under authority


It is the responsibility of those under authority to respect / submit to those in authority


The Home (Natural Family) Jesus Christ The Man (husband/father) The Woman (wife/mother) The Children

The Church (Spiritual Family) Jesus Christ The Pastor The Elders & Deacons The Saints 1

The Fine-twined Linen Curtain was the 1st Covering… Exodus 26:1-6 o Linen always refers to righteousness… Revelation 19:7-8 o

The Priests clothes were also made of linen


This was the ceiling of the sanctuary… what the Priests saw when they looked up

The colors of the Linen Curtain… o The colors are always listed in the same order in the book of Exodus… 24 times o

White… speaks of righteousness… II Corinthians 5:21


Blue… speaks of heavenly things… I Corinthian 15:47-49 Children of Israel wore blue trim on the hem of their garments… Numbers 15:37-41


Purple… speaks of royalty… Revelation 19:16


Scarlet… taken from a worm… speaks of blood / sacrifice… Psalm 22:6; Matthew 27:28


Cherubim of Cunning Work… Stretched wings above the sanctuary where the Priest ministered…

Psalm 91:1-4… He shall cover thee with his feather and under his wings shalt thou trust

Psalm 63:7… in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice

Isaiah 40:31… they that wait upon the Lord shall mount up with wings as eagles

The dimensions and placement of the Linen Curtain… o Made up of 10 curtains… representing law or responsibility It is our responsibility to take the throne with HIM… Revelation 3:21 o

They were 28 cubits long x 4 cubits wide 10 curtains x 28 cubits long = 280 cubits… same as the linen fence of the outer court Meaning… God has only one standard of Righteousness… Jesus Christ


They were coupled together in 2 sets of 5… 5 = grace… 2 means Christ & His body Coupled in Hebrew means… companion or friendship


50 Gold Tacks…in Hebrew means to stoop or bend… (Humility)... Philippians 2:1-8 • Gold = divine nature… true divine nature is humble, a servant & obedient • 50 = Pentecost or Jubilee… freedom… Leviticus 25:10

100 Blue Loops… • 100… means Children of Promise • Blue… speaks of the heavenly bond between Christ and His church

Exodus 26:6… and it shall be one tabernacle

The 10 become 1… law becomes love… Romans 13:9-10; John 13:34

The connection was placed directly over the veil 5 curtains x 4 cubits wide = 20 cubits… • 20 cubits over the Holy Place; 20 cubits over Holy of Holies

In the crossing from the Holy Place to the Holy of Holies… we experience true freedom 2

Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #15 “The Coverings” – Part II Justin Phillips October 25, 2010 st

 What is the purpose of any covering?... Numbers 19:15

 The order the Apostle Paul set forth about order or covering… I Corinthians 11:1-6

 Each covering had something on common… Death! … Exodus 26:1,7,14 o 1st – Linen curtain…. Linen comes from flax… God has you covered…  Joshua 2:1-6  Colossians 3:3 o

2nd – Goat’s Hair Curtain… A new owner has you covered…  Leviticus 16:7-9  Leviticus 16:21-22  Isaiah 1:18


3rd – Ram’s Skin Dyed Red… We have been covered with power… Genesis 22:13


4th – Badger’s Skin… We are protected from everything that tries to badger us…  Song of Solomon 2:15  Ezekiel 16:10

 God has set the members in the body… I Corinthians 12:18 o What if you are part of the church that preaches the coverings as the Redemptive work of Jesus?

 The government of the local church… o Numbers 27:15-17… The Set Man o

Acts 20:17-31… The Elders


Acts 15:4-7


Acts 15:13-19

 One last thought before class ends!… Hebrews 13:17


Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #17 The Holy Place Justin Phillips February 14, 2011 st

The Candlestick Exodus 26:33… This is the first mention of the Holy Place in Scripture. o Before we study the furniture of the Holy Place we have to get the mind of God concerning the Holy Place. o Every pieces of furniture in this Holy Place is Holy by reason of it's position. o Is anything in the Outer Court any less Holy than what's behind the two veils? Salvation is progressive and so is our walk with the Lord. There is no stopping. o Deuteronomy 6:23… He brought us out that he may bring us in. o Exodus 3:5… We got to know where we stand before we can lead anybody else there. o 2 Corinthians 1:9-10… Three aspects of growth. Unholy to Holy, to Most Holy. o 1 Timothy 1:15-16… From a sinner to a pattern or example. o Hebrews 3:1-2… The Apostle Paul addresses the brethren as Holy. o 1 Thessalonians 5:27 Again the brethren is addressed as Holy. o Ephesians 1:1-4… The Father had us on his mind before the foundation of the world to be holy. (Msg Bible). o 1 Peter 1:13-16… Be Holy even as I Am Holy. Matthew 24:15… When you see the abomination of desolation. o It's all a matter of what you and I see. o Whatever you and I see as an abomination it becomes desolate o The word abomination means foul or detestable. o The word desolation means to make desolate or to lay waste. o Everybody outside the understanding of holiness will be on the run. The measurements of the Holy Place were 20x10x10=2000 which is symbolic of the church age. o Matthew 5:14-15… Which is the beacon of who he is. o This is the realm where we experience the Holy Ghost Baptism. Matthew 3:11 o One of the first things that the Baptism in the Holy Ghost should do for us is to show us that we are holy. o Holiness is power….


Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #18 The Candlestick Part II Justin Phillips February 21, 2011 st

Exodus 25:31-40… The Study of the Candlestick is an unlimited study. o How many pieces of the Tabernacle furniture had no measurements? o John 8:12… Jesus the Candlestick. o Matthew 5:14-16… Jesus said ye are the light of the world. o Revelation 1:12-20… The seven golden candlesticks are the seven Churches. o Revelation 1:13… Look where Jesus is standing. Exodus 25:31-40… The design of the candlestick is phenomenal. o It was a beaten work with no mold to it. o Jeremiah 18:1-4… Does the clay have power over the Potter? o John 1:1-4… What was the purpose of Jesus the Candlestick? o There were six branches on this candlestick. o There are three branches on each side. o Each branch has three sets of ornaments on it. o Each ornament has three stages of growth to it and it pictures that of an almond plant. o Numbers 17:8… Here is the three stages of an almond plant shown forth in Aaron's rod that budded. o Three branches with three sets of ornaments on the right side. 3x3=9 which represent the nine gifts of the Spirit which would equate to His Life. o 3x3=9 on the left side of the candlestick which would represent the nine fruits of the Spirit which would equate to His Light. o Nine on the right side and nine on the left side bring a balance to the candlestick. The Central shaft of the candlestick was different than the branches coming out of the side of the candlestick in that it had 4 sets of ornaments to it. o 3x4=12 which is a governmental number. o Isaiah 9:6-7… We are an extension of His empire. o C 22 sets of ornaments. 22x3=66. John 15 1:1-5… He is the Vine and we are the branches. The life flows from the Vine to the branches. Exodus 30:7-8… The candlestick had to be cared for to be able to put out the right light. o The wicks in the candlestick had to be trimmed. o Ecclesiastes 10:1… Dead flies had to be removed from the Ointment.


Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #19 “The Table of Shewbread” Tammie Bussen February 28, 2011 st

Table of Shewbread... o

The 2nd piece of furniture in the Holy Place


Placed directly across from the candlestick on the north side of the Tabernacle.


The construction was given completely by revelation. Nothing was left to the mind or imagination of the builders. It was constructed according to the divine pattern.


1st use of the word "table" in the Bible… 1st use is always significant.

In Genesis man falls and breaks communion with God.

In Exodus God's grace provides redemption and He prepares a table in Christ for his redeemed people to have communion again.

This is the table David has in mind in…Psalm 23:5 -"Thou preparest a table before me"

The Table… Exodus 25:23-30 and Exodus 37:10-16 o

Dimensions - Length 2 cubits, Width 1 cubit, Height 1½ cubits

Notice… The grate of the Brazen Altar (judgment seat) in the Outer Court... the Table of Shewbread in the Holy Place (communion table)... and the Ark of the Covenant (mercy seat) in the Holy of Holies are all the same height… 1½ cubits… Perfect Balance!



Materials - Shittim wood overlaid with pure gold

2 components in 1 table.... 2 natures in 1 man...

Jesus Christ was deity and humanity to be the mediator between God and man.

He was God coming to man, and man coming to God.

Border - a double crown... Crowns speak of 2 offices in the Old Covenant

Mitre of the High priest was called the Holy Crown… Exodus 29:6

Kings wore a crown

Speaks of the 2 offices of King & Priest being united in Christ

Man crowned him with thorns, but God with glory & honor… Hebrews 2:6-7

What is true of Him is true of us… Revelation 5:10

A hand breadth apart... Hand speaks of the 5 fold ministry •


The accessories/serving pieces sat in this area

Mobility - 4 gold rings at the 4 corners and 2 staves of shittim wood & gold

Number 4 speaks of universal… for the whole world 1


Accessories - all of pure gold

Dishes... For the bread

Spoons... For the frankincense

Bowls & Covers... For the wine of the drink offering

Intended to serve bread & wine… the Finished Work of Christ

The Shewbread… Leviticus 24:5-9 o

Shewbread – (Strong’s # 6440, Panim) – means faces… Exodus 25:30


Ingredients - 2 primary … Leviticus 2:1


Fine flour (sifted) – speaks of the Word… Jesus Christ being sifted

Oil...speaks of the Spirit

Excluded ingredients…

Leaven – speaks of sin, corruption or tradition


Honey – speaks of the natural sweetness of the human personality


Set in Order - 2 rows of 6 each


Number 2 speaks of witness… between Christ and His body

Number 6 speaks of man… it is available for all men who want it

Frankincense – finely powdered was sprinkled on the bread… Leviticus 24:7

Hebrew word means “to be white” … meaning righteousness & purity

Frankincense was also burned on the Altar of Incense… smelled by the priests while partaking at the table


Speaks of Jesus’ perfect life of prayer and intercession

Always on the Table… the priests refreshed every Sabbath (7 days)… Leviticus 24:8

The loaves represent the 12 Tribes of Israel...All God's Children continually before Him

Number 12... Speaks of divine government… Jesus Christ our head


Eaten ONLY by the Priests.... In the Holy Place, never in the Outer Court… Leviticus 24:9


Pierced cakes - speaks of Jesus the pierced bread of life… John 19:34-37

The Table of Shewbread teaches us about... o

Christ the Bread of Life… John 6:48


The Body of Christ, as One Bread … I Corinthians 10:17


The 5-fold or Hand Ministry… Ephesians 4:11-12


The Communion Table / The Lord's Supper… I Corinthians 11:23-30


Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #20 “The Table of Shewbread” Pastor Justin Phillips May 2, 2011 st

Exodus 25:23-30… The Table of Shewbread was the second piece of furniture in the Most Holy and it was placed on the north side of the Most Holy opposite the Candlestick. A table has many purposes. One is to set things on it for the purpose of display. o This table was for displaying stacks of bread. o There were two stacks with six pieces of bread in each stack. o One stack represents the head and the other represents the body. o What's true of the Head the same is true of the Body. Psalms 34:8… Before people can taste and see that the Lord is good, there has to be a table for the Father to place himself on. o Colossians 2:9… Jesus was a table that all the God head bodily was placed in. o 1 Kings 4:27… There was no lack on the Kings table. o 2 Samuel 9:7-13… The lame and outcast comes to the table of the Lord. o Mark 7:24-28… A crumb from the masters table can change a world. o Genesis 22:9… The bread on this table was in order. Romans 8:28… This verse should make more sense to us now as we understand the word Purpose. o Purpose- SC#4286 … means a setting forth shewbread. o When we feed on what's true of Him is true of us; then all things do work together for the good. Joshua 9:1-14… The bread of the Lord should never get dry and moldy but it should remain fresh as it was when first brought out of the oven. 1 Corinthians 10:17… We are one Bread! Judges 7:12-14… It's no longer a dream. Its reality now it's all downhill.


Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #21 “The Golden Altar of Incense” Pastor Justin Phillips May 9, 2011 st

Exodus 30:1-10… First thing you must notice about the Golden Altar of Incense is its position. There were 2 Altars in the Tabernacle of Moses. One was outside the other was inside. o The Brazen Altar was outside. It was made out of wood and brass. It was a place of death. o The Golden Altar of Incense was inside. It was made out of wood and gold. It was a place of life. Description of the Golden Altar of Incense. o It was the piece of furniture nearest to the Ark. o It was foursquare just like the Brazen Altar in the outer court. Foursquare speaks of balance. o There were three things in the Tabernacle that were foursquare. The Brazen Altar… Exodus 27:1 The Golden Altar of Incense… Exodus 30:2 The Breastplate of the High Priest… Exodus 39:9 The city lieth foursquare… Revelation 21:16 o The Altar had a Crown around it to protect the coals. o The Altar had two staves and two rings in it. On the move the altar would swing and would serve as a huge Censer. o There was a censer associated with the altar; it was used annually on the Day of Atonement. This altar was used exclusively for burning incense. Which speaks of Praise and Prayer. There could be no strange incense. o Prayer and Praise was like incense in the nostrils of God. Psalms 141:1-2 Luke 1:8-10 Revelation 5:8 Revelation 8:3 Hebrews 13:15 Leviticus 16:12… The priest offered both handful of incense two times a day. The third hour or 9 in the morning and the ninth hour or 3 in the afternoon. o The morning incense usually was praise. Acts 2:11-15, Psalms 57:8, Psalms 108:2, Proverbs 1:28 o The evening incense usually represents prayer and ministry to broken humanity. Acts 3:1-7, Acts 10:3, Acts 10:30 Mark 1:32-35. Mark 3:1-5… The Lord is restoring the withered hand on the seventh day.


Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #22 “The Golden Altar of Incense” Pastor Justin Phillips May 16, 2011 st

Exodus 30:1-10… This is the description of the golden altar of incense that was used exclusively for burning Incense two times a day. Nine in the morning and three in the afternoon. Acts 2:11-15… The same time that a natural priest was offering natural incense there were spiritual priest offering spiritual incense.

Acts 3:1-7… The same time a natural priest was offering natural incense there were two spiritual priest on their way to the temple to offer Incense of prayer. Matthew 6:10-13… Jesus showed us both hands full of incense; he gave us the outline in this prayer. Leviticus 16:12-13… On the day of atonement the incense was moved beyond or on the inside of the veil... Exodus 30:34-38… Here are the ingredients that made up the incense that created the sweet smell. o Stacte - (SC# 5198) Drop or distill. (Spontaneous) o Onycha - (SC# 7826) Scale or shell of a mussel that was gathered from the depths of the red sea... (Humility) o Galbanum - (SC# 2464) An odorous gum. It came from a broken shrub from the highlands of Syria. (Fat or increase) o Frankincense - (SC# 3828) White… Frankincense was sprinkled on the Shewbread as a token of acceptances. Frankincense was one of the gifts brought to Jesus by the wise men. (Acceptance) There are two priesthood we need to be made aware of! o Genesis 14:18… Melchizedek o Ezekiel 44:15-18… Zadok


The 7 Hebrew Words for Praise 1. YADAH - ‫ادي‬ Definition: Yadah is a verb with a root meaning, "the extended hand, to throw out the hand, therefore to worship with extended hand." According to the Lexicon, the opposite meaning is, "to bemoan, the wringing of hands." Example: Psalm 63:4... "Thus I will bless Thee while I live, I will (YADAH) lift up my hands in Thy name" Other References: Psalms 134:2, Ps 141:2; II Chronicles 20:19-21 2. TOWDAH - ‫ادوت‬ Definition: Towdah comes from the same principal root word as Yadah but is used more specifically. Towdah literally means, "an extension of the hand in adoration, avowal, or acceptance." By way of application, it is apparent in the Psalms and elsewhere that it is used for thanking God for "things not yet received" as well as things already at hand. Example: Psalm 50:14... "Offer unto God praise (TOWDAH) and pay thy vows unto the Most High" "What I want from you is your true thanks. I want your promises fulfilled." [Tay] Other References: II Chronicles 29:31; Jeremiah 30:19; Ps 26:7 3. HALAL - ‫لالح‬ Definition: Halal is a primary Hebrew word for praise. Our word "hallelujah" comes from this base. It means, "to be clear, to shine, to boast, show, to rave, celebrate, to be clamorously foolish." Example: Psalm 113:1... "Praise (HALAL) ye the Lord, Praise (HALAL) O ye servants of the Lord, praise (HALAL) the name of the Lord." Other References: Psalms 104, 105, 106 4. SHABACH - ‫خابش‬ Definition: Shabach means, "to address in a loud tone, to commend, to triumph, to exclaim, glory, shout." Example: Psalm 145:4... "One generation shall praise (SHABACH) thy works to another and declare Thy mighty acts." Other References: Psalms 63:1, 3, 4; Psalms 117:1; Psalms 35:27; Is 12:6; Psalms 106:47 5. BARAK - ‫كارب‬ Definition: Barak means, "to kneel down, to bless God as an act of adoration." When used in the scripture it implies, "expecting to receive a blessing from the Lord." Example: Psalm 95:6... "O come let us worship and bow down; let us kneel (BARAK) before the Lord our maker.""Come let us throw ourselves at His feet in homage." [NEB] "Let us bend thy knee in the presence of Jehovah our Creator." [Spurrel] Other References: I Chronicles 29:20; Nehemiah 9:5


6. ZAMAR - ‫رامذ‬ Definition: Zamar means, "to touch the strings" and is used concordantly with instrumental worship. Psalm 150 is a perfect example of this kind of praise. David said, "Awake my glory; awake harp and lyre, I will awaken the dawn! I will give thanks to Thee, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises (ZAMAR) to Thee among the nations." Example: Psalm 21:13... "Be Thou exalted O Lord, in Thine own strength, so will we sing and praise (ZAMAR) Thy power.""We sing and strike the harp to Thy power" [DeWitt]"With song and with string we will sound forth Thy power" [RHM] Other References: Psalms 66:2, 4; Isaiah 12:5 7. TEHILLAH - ‫اليحت‬ Definition: Tehillah simply means, "to sing, to laud." "God is enthroned on the praises (TEHILLAH) of Israel" (Psalms 22:3). This is the kind of praise that God dwells in. Any form of singing can be praise, but one of the higher forms was the Dorean mode which was neither western major nor oriental minor. It was sort of chanting whereby the words of HALAL were melodiously chanted. This is the expression of praise the Psalmist said God inhabited. Examples: Psalm 33:1... "Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous; for praise (TEHILLAH) is comely for the upright."Psalm 34:1 -- "...His praise (TEHILLAH) shall continually be in my mouth." Other References: I Chronicles 16:35; Isaiah 42:10, 12; II Chronicles 20:22


Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #23 “The Ark of the Covenant” Pastor Justin Phillips January 09, 2012 st

Exodus 25:10… The first thing that Moses was instructed to build was the Ark of the Covenant o Lamentations 3:22-23… His mercies are new everyday o

Isaiah 55:3… Notice the sure the phrase about the sure mercies of David


Acts 13: 34… Jesus was the greater Son of David so therefore his mercy will be greater

Exodus 26:31-33… This describes the entrances into the Most Holy Place

John 14:6… Describes Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life of God

John 10:9… Jesus calls himself the door; when you study the veil or the door we are studying Jesus.

Veils we need to look at… Remember veils screen or separate o 2 Chronicles 3:14… Temple of Solomon. o

Genesis 24:65… The veil of Rebekah


Genesis 38:14, 19… The veil of Tammar


Exodus 34:33-35… The veil on Moses face


Isaiah 25-6:9… The veil upon the nations


2 Corinthians 3:13-16… The veil of blindness on Israel


Matthew 27:51… The veil of Herod's temple that was rent


Hebrews 10:19-20… The veil of Christ flesh

Genesis 13:14… It took the Cross to remove the veil

1 Corinthians 13:12… When you enter this realm you come face to face with The Father of Mercy

Exodus 36:35-36… Things to remember about this veil o Blue - speaks of Heavenly things; this color came from a shellfish o

Scarlet - speaks blood sacrifice; this color came from a worm


Purple - speaks of royalty Kingship; this color came from a shell fish


Fine twined linen - speaks of righteousness; linen came from flax


Each color was produced out of a death 1

Each color of the veil speaks of the Sonship of Jesus in the gospel o

Matthew 1:1… (Purple) Jesus the son of David


Mark 9:9… (Scarlet) Jesus the son of man


Luke 3:38… (White or Linen) Jesus the son of Adam


John 1:34… (Blue) Jesus the son of God

Exodus 36:35… Cherubim's were woven into the fabric of the veil

Exodus 36:35… The veil was a cunning work; or you could say it was the work of a thinker

Exodus 36:36… The four pillars represent Jesus in his earthly ministry o

The pillars are overplayed with gold…. Humanity and Divinity


The pillars set in sockets of silver…. Redemption


The veil was hung in hooks of gold... Divinity was hung on a cross


Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #24 “The Ark of the Covenant” Pastor Justin Phillips January 16, 2012 st

Exodus 36:35… The entrance into the most holy place was thru a veil that had cherubim woven in it. o

This veil in the Tabernacle was the only veil that had cherubim woven in it.

Genesis 3:24… The way back to the Tree of Life was through the cherubim. Hebrews 6:20… Jesus was the forerunner that opened up this dimension thru his death burial and resurrection. Romans 8:29… Jesus was the firstborn among many brethren. Hebrews 2:9-13… Jesus has brought many sons into his same glory. When you study the dimensions of the three entrances of the Tabernacle here is what you will discover. o

The Gate was 20x 5= 100


The Door was 10 x 10= 100


The Vail was 10 x 10 = 100


100+100+100= 300… which is complete deliverance.


Genesis 5:22… Enoch walked with God.


Genesis 6:15… The Ark of Noah was 300 hundred cubits long.

Entering into the most holy place speaks of entering into a day or realm. o

Exodus 25:10… The ark was the only piece of furniture in this room or dimension.


Leviticus 9:23-24… This dimension is all God.


Leviticus 10:1-2… No unauthorized fire is allowed in this room.


This room speaks of several powerful principles. o

This room was a cube 10x10x10.


Revelations 21:16… It's a picture of the church seeing who she really is.




2 Peter 3:8… 1000 is one day with God.


Amos 3:3… God is looking for someone to walk with him one whole day.


Job 6:13… Is not my help within me?


Colossians 1:27… Christ in you.


Acts 17:28… Us in Christ.


Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #25 “The Ark of the Covenant” Pastor Justin Phillips January 23, 2012 st

Exodus 25:10-22… The description of the ark given to Moses. o Dimensions 2 -1/2 +2 -1/2 +1 -1/2 +1 -1/2= 8 o The Mercy of God has given us a new beginning. o The Mercy Seat was the same height as the grated network in the Brazen Altar. (Several thoughts here) Sitting in the Mercy Seat looking back at the Brazen Altar you was eye level with the sacrifice. The sacrifice is what brought everything to the same level. From the Mercy Seat looking out you have to see everything through the sacrifice. In the original construction of the Ark it was built in two different parts. o

Exodus 25:10-16… The box is being constructed.


Exodus 25:17-20… The Mercy Seat is being constructed.


Exodus 25:21-22… The two come together.


When two becomes one God resides there.

There is only two accounts in the Old Testament of the Mercy Seat being separated or removed from the Ark. o

Deuteronomy 10:2-5… When the tablets of the law was placed there.


1 Samuel 6:19… When you separate the two it causes death.


Numbers 4:5… These men saw the Ark uncovered.


Exodus 33:18-23… Moses saw God while he was in the cleft of the rock.


Cleft – (SC# 8156) To split or tear.


1 Kings 8:6-9… This is interesting!


Hebrews 9:4-5… The contents.

Romans 3:23… To sin is to come short of the Glory of the Lord.

Exodus 25:10… Was the first time the Ark of the Covenant was mentioned.

Jeremiah 3:14-17… The last time the Ark is mentioned in the Old Testament it is associated with Pastors.


Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #26 “The Glory of God: The Presence” Tammie Bussen January 30, 2012 st

The Most Significant Point in the Study of the Tabernacle…. Exodus 25:8 o

The heartbeat of God... “that I may dwell among them”


Dwell – (#7931 Shakhan) – means to reside or permanently stay, to remain, rest


It has always been God’s desire to dwell among us


All the intricate details of God’s plan are for this one purpose… God wants to be with YOU!

What Happened When the Work Was Finished? ... Exodus 40:33-38 o

The cloud covered the tent… and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle


Glory = (#3519 Kavod) – means weighty, honor, abundance, wealth


New Testament equivalent = (#1391 Doxa) – glory, weighty, honor, splendor, brilliance, character


Cloud by day; Fire by night


John 19:30… Jesus cried, “It is finished.”


Matthew 27:50-52… The veil was rent; the separation is gone

The Cloud over the Tabernacle… Number 9:15-23 o

v.16 –So it was always! ... (Hebrews 13:5… God has promised he will never leave us or forsake us)


They followed the cloud… the leading of God… no matter how quickly or slowly it moved


A cloud is full of water – life… Man cannot live without water… John 4:14


The nature of a cloud is to empty itself… Joel 2:28


The bible only speaks of one cloud before Jesus’ ascension


After the ascension, it is spoken of in the plural – Clouds


On the cross, His glory was multiplied … John 17:21-22


Behold He cometh with clouds… Revelation 1:6-7


v.15 – The appearance of fire by night


Hebrews 12:29 – Our God is a consuming fire


Revelation 20:10-15 – The Lake of Fire… What is a lake made of?


God wants us to reign as kings and rain as clouds

The Foursquare City… Revelation 21:1-6; 21:16 o

Behold the tabernacle of God is with men… I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 6:16


Dimensions of the Holy of Holies 10x10x10 cubits… it was a cube


10 cubits = 15 feet; the number 15 = Rest


We enter into this rest by believing… Hebrews 4:1-3


The hope of his presence, his character, his glory… Colossians 1:26-27


Lake City Christian Fellowship 1 Principles Class: Tabernacle of Moses - #27 “The Day of Atonement” Pastor Justin Phillips Wednesday, February 1, 2012 st

Leviticus 16:1-17… These Scriptures tells you about the Day of Atonement. o

It was the only time in the year anyone went behind the veil.


There was two times in that day the High Priest went behind the veil.


The first time he went he went for himself and his family. He had to sprinkle incense upon the golden altar to create a cloud.


Second time he went for the nation of Israel and he didn't have to create a cloud this time.

Leviticus 16:17… Nobody did anything on this day except the High Priest.

Leviticus 16:4… First thing he did was he stripped himself of the golden garments and wore the linen garments.

The High Priest is responsible for everything to the fires, lamps, and even the slaughtering of the animals.

Numbers 29:7-11… Count the animals that he sacrificed on the Day of Atonement.

Exodus 29:38-39… He was responsible for killing the two lamb’s everyday also.

Leviticus 16:3… Two more animals sacrificed.

Leviticus 16:9… Then the Lords goat which was for the nation of Israel.

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