This Day Live Demo Lyric Book

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This Day

Lean Into The Chaos

Lean Into The Chaos Written By David Bunch ©2009 David Bunch All Rights Reserved


When troubles may come our way We need to know what to do and know what to say It all comes down to one little thing That is what are you feeding on today? Tribulations can pass us by Without turning a shoulder or blinking an eye Plant your feet in the solid ground Have faith in the God and let mercy surround Pre chorus

It’s just an issue That we will get through Chorus

Lean into the chaos Press toward the mark of the high calling God We will not be moved There's a brand new day Pushing forward is the only way Lean into the chaos Keeping our eyes looking straight ahead Nothing can shake us With the cross in sight We will see who won this final fight Verse 2

When Jesus was crucified He was never broken So neither am I I’m a son of God, He is on my side It’s within my body My God abides His blood that covered the land Can make our situation drop the stones from their hand If a giant looks twice your size Just lean into and look it straight in the eyes

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You And Me

You and Me Written By David Bunch ©2009 David Bunch All Rights Reserved Verse 1

There’s a life the world needs to know about And I know what it has done for me Overjoyed, overwhelmed and I wanna shout By the things that took place on Calvary All the broken, all the shamed needs to know this now Lives will change, by a grace from the inside out All it takes is the body of Christ rise up And plant the seed, by the life, and watch it overflow Pre Chorus

And it starts within the temple Speaking the truth, brings life And it will be that simple There’s no longer a fight Chorus

All of who I was and all of my pain Suddenly vanished by the sound of Your name I’ll show Your mercy through the walk that I take It’s You and me All of Your glory showing through my face Will fill a void in an empty space We’ll walk together but I’ll follow Your lead It’s You and me Verse 2

This day the world will find out That Your love will cover everything And they’ll see and finally bow down They’ll see what the glory love could bring Pre Chorus

And it starts within the temple Speaking the truth, brings life And it will be that simple There’s no longer a fight (Chorus) Bridge

And it shows with what we say Everyday There is no other way (Chorus) Warning: Unauthorized reproduction of this song is prohibited by Federal Law and subject to criminal prosecution.

This Day

This Day Written by David Bunch ©2009 David Bunch All Rights Reserved

Verse 1

You’ve taken all my doubts and all my fears You carried humanity and all our tears And You became all of me this day You’ve broken every single sin I had You’re the answer, the only sacrificial Lamb And You became all of me this day Chorus

Everlasting, my only strength and refuge Every single part of me, who I’m suppose to be I put one hand in Your hand and one hand on Your side As we dance this dance, just You and I We are one by the price You paid this day Verse 2

You’ve granted all the mercy that You had in store In my hands to hand it to the hurt and poor I became a part of You this day You chose me to be Your light that always shines A mirror image that will stand the test of time I became a part of You this day (Chorus) Bridge

The hand of God came down hammering the nail in Calvary Now my old man can’t rise I laid it down underneath that tree Chorus

Everlasting, my only strength and refuge Every single part of me, who I’m suppose to be I put one hand in Your hand and one hand on Your side As we dance this dance, just You and I We are one by the price You paid That hold its value to this day This day

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Heartbeat Written by David Bunch Š2009 David Bunch All Rights Reserved


I lay with my head upon Your chest As You tell me I am loved and I am blessed In Your presence Breathing in the heavens I want to learn what You have in store As I nail my ear up against Your door Hearing Your grace Looking up at Your face Chorus

I can hear Your heartbeat I can feel Your love True intimacy Feeling what You're made of The heart of a Father Flowing living water I want to know Your truth Whisper it to me Through the sound of Your heartbeat + Verse2

This is the only place I want to be Here within Your arms. Within Your reach Your token Are the words Your heart has spoken (Chorus) Bridge

I come to You humble, gracefully and meek Your truth, Your love is the only thing I seek

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We Are Stars

We Are Stars Written By David Bunch ©2009 David Bunch All Rights Reserved Verse 1

Let’s be a star in the sky Shining down on the earth at night Burning with the fire that’s inside The body of Christ like the face of the moon The bride reflecting the groom We’ll control the waves of the tide Pre-Chorus

Instead of pointing out another scar Let’s shine as bright as stars Chorus

We are saints We are seeds We’re reflections of His glory people see We are His children His favorite creation We’re the reason behind His loving salvation So now that we know who we are We will shine for the world to see We are stars Reflections of His majesty Verse 2

Causing people to lift up their heads Forgetting the things in the past that are dead Seeing the beauty of the light Stars think higher With a loving desire Righteous children dressed in white Bridge

We are His light We’re clothed in white Warning: Unauthorized reproduction of this song is prohibited by Federal Law and subject to criminal prosecution.


Ambassador Written By David Bunch Š2009 David Bunch All Rights Reserved Verse 1

Where I stand I communicate the love of the Father In my hands Is a weapon of the word from the Author On this land Their laws have no power and authority The only spotless Lamb Is the focus and the number one priority Pre-Chorus

They can have their opinions But I have dominion Chorus

I'm an ambassador Of my loving Lord I'm going where I've never been before Representing His grace For the human race Holding up the veil that has been torn My sword looks like a cross Piercing the side of all chaos His blood is what I absorbed I'm an ambassador Verse 2

I have permission And with it, I speak boldly, as I ought to speak Time for transition It's time to let the world hear His heartbeat Bridge

Listen and hear the news Gather yourselves together We've got nothing else to lose Just rise up Rise up (Chorus)

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Tongue Of Life

Tongue Of Life Written By David Bunch ©2009 David Bunch All Rights Reserved Verse 1

Death has been abolished No longer is it employed Shouldn't be an issue Not something we go through Jesus made it void Learned behaviors and second natures Were swallowed up at Calvary He was crucified and left to die To raise up you and me What comes from our lips should always be truth and light



I speak life Through Jesus Christ I will live, and live just like a King By His stripes His sacrifice Death has no power The grave has no more sting Now we that we know The power words can bring The tongue of life is the song we sing Verse 2

This earth is my home Because heaven is already here Heaven and earth were on God's mind Since the first time they appeared If we remove the veil from our eyes We will see His finished work and realize What comes from our lips should always be truth and light Bridge

He has risen Such a beautiful sight He has taken away our iniquities His red blood colored us white Now we’re living our lives here in the now Not in the by and by (Chorus) Warning: Unauthorized reproduction of this song is prohibited by Federal Law and subject to criminal prosecution.

Kings Don’t Stay Down

Kings Don’t Stay Down Written by David Bunch ©2010 David Bunch All Rights Reserved

Verse 1

You are the King, You're my everything in life That's why I sing Your praises lifted high You're my comforter, shelter, and my chief cornerstone The energy that carries me wherever You have me roam Pre-Chorus

You let me eat from Your table Eating the bread and drinking the wine Chorus

You have made me a king Inherited by Your blood You gave me everything I’m swallowed up inside Your love So this crown shall not touch the ground It's made to be held up high So I arise Because kings don't Kings don't stay down Verse 2

How could I ever let the world bring me down When You lived and died and raised me up and gave me this crown Jesus, my savior, Your blood runs through my veins With my head anointed I will choose to rule and reign Bridge

I will not be shaken There are no more forsaken No mistaken You have taken our place

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You Love Me This Much

You Love Me This Much Written By David Bunch Š2010 David Bunch All Rights Reserved

Verse 1

You gave me a drink from Your river You're the healer and the giver You love me, You love me this much You had authority to overcome Instead You cry Father let thy will be done You love me, You love me this much Pre-Chorus

How is it possible to ever pay you back You gave me life I will live it right I at least owe You that Chorus

You didn't want to drink from this cup The bitter taste of failure's what it tasted of Mercy and grace came with a price to pay The heaviness of burden is what I weighed And You died Then You rose And raised me up Sin is taken away on that very day A river of purity flows From nail to nail You love me, You love me this much Verse 2

You lifted the sin off my back Released the burdens in my lap You love me, You love me this much You and I have the same blood type You see that You and I look alike You love me, You love me this much (Pre-Chorus)

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Eyes On The Cross

Eyes On The Cross Written By David Bunch ©2009 David Bunch All Rights Reserved Chorus

I'm keepin’ my eyes on I'm keepin’ my eyes on

Eyes on the cross Eyes on the cross



Its a tree you can hang your Troubles and pain Your trials and shame And watch them vanish By the spirit of truth And out of view Everything that you have need of Comes by the blood A merciful flood Jesus conquered all the earth Without any fail By the depth of three nails (chorus) Verse2

Focus on the one Who came To take our place A much needed face The One who wore our Broken past The First and the Last The work is finished So stand in His peace Let your burdens release Open up your eyes And see That you are worthy


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I Defy

I Defy Written By David Bunch Š2009 David Bunch All Rights Reserved Verse 1

Death has no victory Has no control of me I will live and not die Sin has no energy Law has no gravity I know who I am in Christ I have all the love from You There's nothing I can do to make You love me more You and I are one again I'm a son, more than a friend the moment the veil was torn Because You thought of me I have victory Chorus

I defy all the challenges I'm up against The Holy Father's Who I represent I apply the tongues I learned from the heavens and Speak the redemption of the risen Lamb We should be the salt of the land Standing tall and lending a hand He supplies, I abide, With His eyes, I defy Verse 2

Love is what You give to me Peace and prosperity How could I betray that love? It's Your blood inside of me You're the water, I'm the seed You overflow ‘til it floods I have all the love from You There's nothing I can do to make You love me more You and I are one again I'm a son, more than a friend The moment the veil was torn Because You thought of me I have victory Bridge

The grace You gave to me Now we have victory

Was given with the greatest price We can do all things in the power of Christ

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You Remembered Me

You Remembered Me Written by David Bunch Š2009 David Lee Bunch All Rights Reserved Verse 1

Who is this man? This man at my right hand What could He have done? The King of Jews it says on the sign above His head Could it be God’s only Son? They call me a thief I have caused such grief No one to blame but myself I need a second chance To change my circumstance I turn to You for help Pre-Chorus

And I said unto You remember me Put me back together again Chorus

We were broken and we needed a hand To cleanse ourselves of this fate And You carried me with You and unlocked these chains Uncovered my eyes to see You remembered me You remembered me Verse 2

What kind of crime? Crime could be worse than mine? Why are You next to me? You are the Son of Man The only one Who can escape and set Yourself free Bridge

Not a bone of Yours was broken You cannot break a stone The words that You have spoken Has made my heart Your home

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A Nation Of Spirit

A Nation Of Spirit Written By David Bunch Š2009 David Bunch All Rights Reserved Verse 1

Its a secret place That everybody needs to know It will show on our face The beauty of His loving glow Pre Chorus

Its right in our midst There's nothing better than it Chorus

There is a place where the spirit will overcome mind And I'm gonna breathe it There is a place If I open my eyes, I will find And I'm gonna see it A place where there is no fail Its a place where His love will prevail If I stand still long enough and hear it It’s a state of mind And a nation of spirit Verse 2

If you want to see Lift the veil from His bride Where His children live long as trees There's good news, you're qualified Pre Chorus

Its right in our midst There's nothing better than it

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