DLD 18 Book For Friends

Page 1

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What began as a conversation became an appeal

Reconquer Our World!

this year. The digital world is at the core of the most significant paradigm shift in technological advances in over a hundred years. But above all, it is the catalyst

Why this year’s DLD conference motto is an appeal to lead the debate of the future with confidence

for change that affects every aspect of society and life: economics, politics, science, culture, communication,

Steffi Czerny

DLD Founder

healthcare and everyday life. So, we are standing at a threshold that is much more relevant than just the digital world.

We cannot bury our heads in the sand

anymore. This applies to us as a conference

For a long time now the representatives of the digital

as well as to all those who move in the

world, which is generally referred to as Silicon Valley,

digital world. This includes the majority of

speak at DLD. Although this valley of silicon chips

citizens in Germany, Europe and America

south of San Francisco today also includes cities such

and increasingly so, the rest of the world.

as Seattle, Austin, New York, London, Tel Aviv,

The world is changing enormously and with

Beijing, Tokyo, and Munich. Additionally, we

ever increasing speed. Therefore we chose

always have artists, scientists, politicians and activists

the term “reconquer“ as the motto of this

as guests. That was important to us from

year‘s Digital Life Design Conference in Munich. Digitization has been at the center of DLD since 2005, when Hubert Burda recognized the digital future as the central topic of our time and made the first conference possible. Back then, DLD was looking at an accelerated future. Over the years it has

the beginning, because the changes

»The digital world is at the core of the most significant paradigm shift in technological advances in over a hundred years.«

developed into a platform that contem-

that are driven by digitalism are happening on many different levels. Therefore, the German Foreign Minister and ViceChancellor Sigmar Gabriel gave the keynote address this year at DLD Munich and the super-curator Hans Ulrich Obrist of the London Serpentine

Galleries shared the stage with

plates a present that cannot come to rest.

numerous artists. Michael John Gorman, who is currently planning the new life science museum

For me as a trained journalist, DLD

Biotopia in Munich, was discussing the impact of

conferences and salons have always been

digital technologies on advancements in life sciences.

opportunities to not only describe these

Evgeny Morozov, one of the harshest critics of the

developments, but also to meet and discuss,

digital world, spoke at DLD Munich as well as the

or even scrutinize ideas with the women and

designer Mary-Lou Jepsen, who has designed much

men who are driving this progress. That is

of what is normal in our digital life today: interfaces.

exactly what we do at DLD.

We heard from Dimitar Sasselov, a planet hunter 5

who has found more exoplanets than any

world where, for example, artificial intelligence drives

other astronomer. Christiana Figueres,

the precisely accurate personalisation of every single

former Secretary-General of the United

technological service and product even further?

Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat, has been

A debate around these and other questions is

campaigning for nearly the whole world

exactly what we aim to offer at DLD this year.

in Paris to decide on a climate agreement.

We want to find out which roads are behind this

For her incredible achievements, she was

aforementioned threshold we are currently standing

honored with the Aenne Burda Award for Creative Leadership at DLD.

at. Technologically, we have reached a plateau. Artificial intelligence can now learn and create so much on its own that its

Such a range of diverse speakers and topics is important if we want to understand what kind of threshold we are at. We gave our motto for 2018 a lot of thought. For a long time now, the public debate about progress, the future

creators themselves no longer

»The fact that the future materializes at ever-breathtaking speed calls our century old thinking into question.«

and digital technologies has turned negative. What began as an enthusiasm for utopian ideas has changed

understand what is taking place. Genetic engineering has achieved a simplicity that makes it suitable for everyday use. At the same time, it is currently unclear whether the achievements of new technologies are still in balance with their downsides.

That‘s why we have to look to the past to continue conquering the future. We

into the almost desperate lament of the many

have to trust old values. With the science theorist

negative consequences of the digital world.

Steven Pinker recalling the era of Enlightenment and

And yes, we cannot withdraw ourselves from

the philosopher Julian Nida-Rümelin demanding a

this anymore. We all have to break out of our

digital humanism, a start has been made. The Ten

comfortable world of an unshakeable belief in

Commandments will be as important to our future

progress. In doing so, we have to rediscover

as Kant‘s categorical imperative. What we deride as

the nuances, because neither loud pessimism

school knowledge receives a new value, which we

nor blatant optimism will lead us on a sensible

already suspect, but cannot yet estimate.

way into the future. We have to pause for a moment. The fact that

In order to find the nuances, we must also make sure

the future materializes at ever-breathtaking

that our debates are no longer performed at this

speed calls our century old thinking into

intensity. Rose McGowan, for example, the actress

question. We must have the courage to touch

who co-initiated the “Me Too“ debate in Hollywood

on the very root of the problem: What are

and sparked one of the most fundamental social

we losing right now? What will we soon win?

debates of recent decades, came to Munich for DLD.

How can we work together to deal with a

After all, how are people to think about a common

future if they are still struggling with the most fundamental relationship of humanity: with the relationship between man and woman? How should democracy strive for justice for all, if humanity is still falling into two parts? When we started talking about the DLD 2018 program last summer, we did not need long explanations. To friends, partners and all the people we wanted to win for our stage, the motto ”reconquer“ immediately made sense. Yes, we need to recapture what we have lost before taking the next steps. And they will come inevitably. For one thing we have learned in almost one and a half decades as chroniclers of digital progress at DLD: The future cannot be stopped. But it is up to us to shape it.

»The future cannot be stopped.«

Initial Publication: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 19. January 2018 A supplement especially produced about DLD Munich 18 and our this years motto ”reconquer“. 7

DLD Host Hubert Burda

DLD Host Steffi Czerny


DLD Host Yossi Vardi

DLD Host Paul-Bernhard Kallen



13 19

DLD Munich 18 Program DLD Munich 18 Facts & Figures

DLD Munich 18 Speakers 28 42 89 128 168

Day One, Literaturhaus Day Two, Großes Atrium Day Two, Maxsaal Day Three, Großes Atrium Day Three, Maxsaal

DLD Munich 18 Best Reads 5 218

Steffi Czerny: ”Reconquer Our World“ Patrick Bernau: ”Now We Save The Future“

DLD Munich 18 Award Ceremonies 84 DLD Impact Award 158 Aenne Burda Award For Creative Leadership 204 FC Bayern HackDays Award DLD Munich 18 Side Events 26 40 41 86 94 95 122 124 126 127 154 180 194 214 216

Startup Day‘n‘Nite Osborne & Partners Dinner DLD Munich 18 Kick-Off Dinner Pictet Talk Deutsche Telekom & Goldman Sachs Lunch Meet the Israeli Tech Entrepreneurs Chairmen‘s Dinner Sunday Kraut Acton Capital Partners Dinner Lakestar Nightcap TUM Speakers Series HypoVereinsbank Lunch DLD Campus Lecture DLD Munich Party Burda DLD Nightcap

DLD Munich 18 Partners 50 74 104 174 222

Lufthansa Lounge Wirecard Lounge BMW Lounge Deloitte Coffee Bar DLD Munich Partners Overview

225 226 228 230

Upcoming DLD Events DLD Munich 18 Speaker Index DLD Munich 18 Team Imprint

DLD Munich 18 Program

Saturday, January 20, 2018




Welcome Steffi Czerny (DLD) Yossi Vardi (DLD Chairman) Nikolay Kolev (Deloitte Digital)


A Warm Welcome to Bavaria Ilse Aigner (Free State of Bavaria)


Automation & The Future Of Work Carl Benedikt Frey (Oxford Martin School) Sami Haddadin (Leibniz University of Hannover) Bernd Huber (Ludwig Maximilian University) moderated by Ali Aslan (Journalist)


Why Europe Should Embrace The Digital Revolution Sigmar Gabriel (Federal State of Germany)


Europe In A Shifting Global Order Paul-Bernhard Kallen (Hubert Burda Media) Megan Murphy (Journalist) Albert Wenger (Union Square Ventures) moderated by Almar Latour (Dow Jones)


On Doodling Walter Price (Artist) in conversation with Hans Ulrich Obrist (Serpentine Galleries)


Reconquer Yourself: Learning To Deviate Beau Lotto (The Lab of Misfits) in conversation with Michael John Gorman (BIOTOPIA)

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Großes Atrium


Welcome Steffi Czerny (DLD) Yossi Vardi (DLD Chairman)


Building Community In A Polarized World Elliot Schrage (Facebook)


How To Fix The Future Paul-Bernhard Kallen (Hubert Burda Media) in conversation with Andrew Keen (Author)


A Tectonic Shift In The Platform Business Purnima Kochikar (Google) Christopher Schläffer (VEON) moderated by Matthew Bishop (The Rockefeller Foundation)


Human + Machine Paul Daugherty (Accenture) in conversation with Greg Williams (WIRED UK)


Cogito Ergo Sum – Can A Machine Be Conscious Of Its Existence? Alexander Del Toro Barba (VisualVest) Jürgen Schmidhuber (IDSIA) moderated by Ina Fried (Axios)


The Next: On-Demand Air Mobility Daniel Wiegand (Lilium)


Reconquer (Smart) Cities Francesca Bria (City of Barcelona) Jaana Remes (McKinsey Global Institute) Daniel Wiegand (Lilium) moderated by Greg Williams (WIRED UK)


Reconquer Connectivity – The Renaissance Of The Telco Timotheus Höttges (Deutsche Telekom)


Tech Colonialism: Too Much World Evgeny Morozov (Writer) Hito Steyerl (Artist) moderated by Hans Ulrich Obrist (Serpentine Galleries)




DLD Music Bam Bam - The Mechanical Sequencer


The State Of European Tech Tom Wehmeier (Atomico)


Only An Incubator? Europe‘s Competitive Edge Taavet Hinrikus (Transferwise) Mattias Ljungman (Atomico) moderated by Ann Mettler (European Political Strategy Centre)


Go Vertical! Nikolay Kolev (Deloitte Digital) Gisbert Rühl (Klöckner & Co) André Schwämmlein (Flixbus) moderated by Simon Levene (Mosaic Ventures)


A Turning Point For The Planet? Marco Lambertini (WWF)


The Hidden Potential Of Remote Sensing, Space & Data Manfred Krischke (CloudEO) Zac Manchester (Stanford University) Aurélie Shapiro (WWF) moderated by Joram Voelklein (Kochbank)


Save The Oceans! York Hovest (Photographer)


The LUMA Archives: Convergence & Collaboration Maja Hoffmann (LUMA Foundation) in conversation with Hans Ulrich Obrist (Serpentine Galleries)


Rediscovering The Real Joe Hage (HENI Arts Group)


Reconquer Democracy Anke Domscheit-Berg (German Bundestag) Carl Benedikt Frey (Oxford Martin School) Alexander Görlach (Harvard University) Peter Kropsch (dpa) moderated by Jeff Jarvis (City University of New York)


Reconquer Your Voice – DLD Impact Award Ceremony Rose McGowan (Actress & Activist) Laudation by Sibel Kekilli (Actress)


Still Reconquering: 365 Days Later Miriam Meckel (WirtschaftsWoche) Megan Murphy (Journalist) Hilary Rosen (CNN) moderated by Kara Swisher (ReCode)


The Good Fight Rick Smolan (Against All Odds Productions)

Sunday, January 21, 2018



Rebels Remaking Video & Business Andrew Rosen (PARQOR)


Liminals Jeremy Shaw (Artist) in conversation with Hans Ulrich Obrist (Serpentine Galleries)


Lessons From Silicon Valley: Defining The Next-Generation Engineer Guido Appenzeller (VMWare) Larry Gadea (Envoy) Sara Haider (Twitter) moderated by Florian Leibert (Mesosphere)


Investors United - A Global View Frédéric Court (Felix Capital) Maximilian Kuss (EMH Partners) Howard Morgan (B Capital Group) Martin Weiss (Hubert Burda Media) moderated by Yossi Vardi (DLD Chairman)


Blockchain & Crypto Killing Venture Capital Meltem Demirors (Digital Currency Group) Albert Wenger (Union Square Ventures) moderated by Oliver Bussmann (Crypto Valley Association)



The EOS Token: The Next Big Thing!? Brendan Blumer (block.one) in conversation with Christian Angermayer (Apeiron Investment Group) The Future Of Music Mate Galić (Native Instruments) Daniel Haver (Native Instruments) Daniel Miller (Mute) moderated by Sebastian Kuss (EMH Partners)




Niche No More: Technology & Innovation Bridging The Women’s Health Tech Gap Tania Boler (Elvie) Ida Tin (Clue) Martin Varsavsky (Prelude Fertility) Piraye Yurttas Beim (Celmatix) moderated by Ina Fried (Axios)


The Impact Of The Interface Andrew McAfee (MIT) in conversation with Mary Lou Jepsen (Openwater)


Scale Up To The Sublime Nora Khan (Rhizome) in conversation with Hans Ulrich Obrist (Serpentine Galleries) 15


May It Return To The Heart Igor Levit (Pianist) in conversation with Hans Ulrich Obrist (Serpentine Galleries)


Leadership In The Age Of AI Pablos Holman (Intellectual Ventures) Tomasz Smaczny (ERGO) Amy Wilkinson (Ingenuity) moderated by Jennifer Schenker (The Innovator)


Listen! Podcasts! Matthew Lieber (Gimlet Media) Claudia Romo Edelman (UNICEF) moderated by Susan McPherson (McPherson Strategies)


Individualize! New Materials & Design Dimensions Oliver Heilmer (MINI) Thomas Scheibel (University of Bayreuth) moderated by Jennifer Schenker (The Innovator)


Time and Health Esther Dyson (Wellville)


Reconquer Origins: Of Real Planets & Synthetic Cells Esther Dyson (Wellville) Dimitar Sasselov (Harvard University) Petra Schwille (Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry) moderated by Thomas Crampton (Ogilvy & Mather)


The Future Of Leather Suzanne Lee (Modern Meadow) Phil Ross (MycoWorks) moderated by Michael John Gorman (BIOTOPIA)


Sunday Kraut @Zum Franziskaner

Monday, January 22, 2018

Großes Atrium


Welcome Back Steffi Czerny (DLD)


The Break Up Of Big Tech Scott Galloway (L2)


Patterns, Platforms & Audiences Diego Farias (Amuse) Lucas von Cranach (One Football) Fabian von Heimburg (Hotnest) moderated by Jan-Gisbert Schultze (Acton Capital Partners)


Take Responsibility! Setting Standards In A Disrupted World Alexander Birken (Otto Group) Andrew McAfee (MIT) moderated by David Kirkpatrick (Techonomy)


Me, My Car, And (The Less Important Rest Of) The World – Rethinking The Relationship Christoph Grote (BMW Group)


Coffee Break


Mobility Hub Munich Helmut Schönenberger (UnternehmerTUM)


About Flying Taxis & High Speed Trains Mariana Avezum (WARR Hyperloop) Dirk Hoke (Airbus Defence & Space) Florian Reuter (Volocopter) moderated by Greg Williams (WIRED UK)


The Future Of Intelligent Transport & Mobility Markus Braun (Wirecard) Valerie Hackl (ÖBB Personenverkehr) Georg Polzer (Teralytics) moderated by Tabitha Goldstaub (CognitionX)


Drive & Courage: How To Embrace Challenges Claudia Nemat (Deutsche Telekom) Katrin Suder (German Federal Ministry of Defence) moderated by Amy Wilkinson (Ingenuity)


The Future Of Media Bharat Anand (Harvard Business School) in conversation with Stefan Winners (Hubert Burda Media)




Europe & The Digital Economy Klaus Hommels (Lakestar)


Europe‘s Digital Single Market – Creating Opportunities For All Mariya Gabriel (European Commission)


Making Europe Resilient To Cyberattacks Gabi Dreo Rodosek (Universität der Bundeswehr) Mariya Gabriel (European Commission) Reinhard Ploss (Infineon) Arne Schönbohm (Federal Office for Information Security) moderated by Carsten Knop (Frankfurter Allgemeine)


Uber‘s Next Chapter Dara Khosrowshahi (Uber) in conversation with Tanit Koch (BILD)


Do No Evil 2.0: Rethinking The Tech Industry‘s Responsibility To Society Matthew Bishop (The Rockefeller Foundation)


Enlightenment & Humanism – How To Value Values Julian Nida-Rümelin (Ludwig Maximilian University) Steven Pinker (Harvard University) moderated by Andrian Kreye (Süddeutsche Zeitung)


Coffee Break


Reconquer Optimism – Aenne Burda Award Ceremony Christiana Figueres (Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy) Laudation by Eberhard Brandes (WWF)


Quantum Computing: A Catastrophic Risk For Our Security Ecosystem Michele Mosca (University of Waterloo) in conversation with Udo Helmbrecht (ENISA)


4 Observations On Cybersecurity ... Or Could It Be That We Don‘t Have A Problem? Aleksandr Yampolskiy (SecruityScorecard)


Cryptocurrencies & Blockchain Sasha Borovik (CRYPTOLOGY) Nicolas Brand (Lakestar) Trent McConaghy (Ocean/BigchainDB) moderated by Mike Butcher (Techcrunch)


For The Grace Of Thoughts Anne Imhof (Artist) in conversation with Hans Ulrich Obrist (Serpentine Galleries)

Monday, January 22, 2018



Digital Powerhouse Europe? Marie Ekeland (France Digitale) Frédéric Mazzella (BlaBlaCar) René Obermann (Warburg Pincus International) moderated by Friedbert Pflüger (Internet Economy Foundation)


Startup Nation Serbia Ana Brnabić (Republic of Serbia) introduced by Beate Merk (Free State of Bavaria)


AI-Enabled Robots: Learning Like A Human Sami Haddadin (Leibniz University of Hannover)


The Future Of Wearable Tech Yonatan Wexler (Ocram)


Privacy Reconquered: Digital Identities & Fraud Irene Brime (CashShield) Sam Cassatt (ConsenSys) Timothy Ruff (Evernym) moderated by Robert Hackett (Fortune)


Is Authenticity Overrated? Herminia Ibarra (London Business School)


Unicorns Made In Germany Robert Gentz (Zalando) Christopher Muhr (Auto1) moderated by Marc Samwer (Global Founders Capital)


The Elephant In The Room: An Update On China Keyu Jin (London School of Economics)




Iron Man Becoming Real Richard Browning (Gravity Industries)


Think Global, Build Social Francis Kéré (Kéré Architecture) in conversation with Hans Ulrich Obrist (Serpentine Galleries)


Feeding The World With Biotech Arturo Elizondo (ClaraFoods) Alec Lee (Ava Winery) Alexander Lorestani (Geltor) Matias Viel (Beeflow) moderated by Alex Kopelyan (IndieBio)



The Defence Of Democracy In The Digital Age co-curated by Munich Security Conference Introduction by Wolfgang Ischinger (Munich Security Conference) Dmitri Alperovitch (Crowdstrike) Merle Maigre (NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence) Şafak Pavey (Expert International Migration and Asylum) Svitlana Zalishchuk (Parliament of Ukraine) moderated by Tom Upchurch (WIRED UK)


Coffee Break


Reconquer The Customer Experience Philip Krim (Casper) in conversation with Stefan Nicola (Bloomberg)


Alexa, What‘s The News ... Fabrice Rousseau (Amazon)


FC Bayern HackDays Award Ceremony Jérôme Boateng (FC Bayern München) Stefan Mennerich (FC Bayern München) Karl-Heinz Rummenigge (FC Bayern München) Sven Ulreich (FC Bayern München)


Reconquer Brands, Music & Fans Lars Bendix Düysen (Sony Music Entertainment) Nicole Lassak (Jägermeister) Sham (Kaiser Franz Josef) moderated by Ralph Simon (Mobilium)


DLD Party @HEART Club

Facts & Figures DLD Munich 18


Total Number of Attendees During DLD Munich 18



Male Female

68% 32%

Countries At DLD Munich 18, we welcomed guests from the following countries

Australia Austria Bahrain Belgium Canada China Czech Republic Denmark Finland France

Germany Greece Guatemala


Hong Kong Hungary

Malta Mexico Monaco

India Ireland Israel Italy Jordan


Netherlands Poland Romania Russian Federation


Serbia Singapore Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom United States



Business Categories

573 339 167 136 104 86 57 11

Total 100%


39% Digital, Technology


Media, Advertising,


11% Investing, Finance


Business (non digital), Professional Service


Art, Design, Culture

Education, 6% Social, Politics 4%

Science, Life, Health Other

Management Levels


33% CEO, C-Level Executive



Senior Manager

23% Founder

339 84 69 34 25

Total 100%

1473 23


Young Professional


Managing Director





Media Reach by Segment

Amount /Contacts

Amount /online articles


3,9 billion


26 million


314 million

Amount /TV & radio reports

Amount /print articles


amount of articles

3764 Twitter@DLDConference reached

Social Media

98,3 million contact potential 1,2 million impressions DLD Facebook account reached

255.000 followers in January 2018 DLD Munich18 Livestream was watched by

10.500 users

Instagram@DLDConference reached

28.000 impressions

Attending Media Outlets ARD Atlantic, the Automobilwoche

Ebusiness Hoy Finanz und Wirtschaft Focus Focus Money Focus Online France Télévisions Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Online Freundin Futurezone.at

Bayerischer Rundfunk Bilanz Germany Bilanz Switzerland Bild Bild Online Bloomberg Bloomberg Business Week Bunte Bunte Online Business Insider Germany

G! gutjahrs blog Getty Images GMX.net Gründerszene

Chip Online Deutsche Startups Deutschlandfunk Nova Deutsche Welle dpa DWDL.de

Handelsblatt Handelsblatt Online Harvard Business Manager

Heise online Heute.de Horizont Horizont AT HuffPost

Meedia Monocle Münchner Merkur Nature New Business n-tv

Il Sole 24 ore Instyle Internet World Business

PBS Plan W Presse, die ProSieben

Kress Kurier Le Journal Du Net Lead Digital LinkedIn Germany Lufthansa Exclusive

Rheinische Post She’s Mercedes Spiegel, der Sport 1 Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin Süddeutsche Zeitung Online Standard, der

Manager Magazin Manager Magazin Online Mediennetzwerk Bayern Medium Magazin

Stuttgarter Zeitung Technology Review Tendenz Thomson Reuters Turi2 tz Web.de Welt Welt am Sonntag Werben & Verkaufen Wired Germany WirtschaftsWoche Xing Klartext ZDF Zeit, die



Main Coverage Outside of Germany Amount /Articles














Startup Day‘n‘Nite

Hubert Burda Media Headquarters


Ilse Aigner Free State of Bavaria

A Warm Welcome To Bavaria

Ali Aslan Journalist

Automation & The Future Of Work Carl Benedikt Frey Oxford Martin School

Automation & The Future Of Work; Reconquer Democracy 29

Bernd Huber Ludwig Maximilian University

Automation & The Future Of Work

Sigmar Gabriel Federal State of Germany

Why Europe Should Embrace The Digital Revolution 31

Megan Murphy Journalist

Europe In A Shifting Global Order; Still Reconquering: 365 Days Later

Albert Wenger Union Square Ventures

Europe In A Shifting Global Order; Blockchain & Crypto Killing Venture Capital 33

Almar Latour Dow Jones Media Group

Europe In A Shifting Global Order

Hans Ulrich Obrist Serpentine Galleries

On Doodling; Liminals; Tech Colonialism: Too Much World; Scale Up To The Sublime; May It Return To The Heart; The LUMA Archives: Convergence & Collaboration; Think Global, Build Social; For The Grace Of Thoughts 35

Walter Price Artist

On Doodling

Walter Price Untitled (FIAC) Approx. 50 x 50 in. Acrylic on Canvas

themoderninstitute.com/artists/walter-price 37

Beau Lotto The Lab of Misfits

Reconquer Yourself: Learning To Deviate

Michael John Gorman BIOTOPIA

Reconquer Yourself: Learning To Deviate; The Future Of Leather


Osborne & Partners Dinner


DLD Munich 18 Kick-Off Dinner



Elliot Schrage Facebook

Building Community In A Polarized World

Andrew Keen Author

How To Fix The Future 43

Christopher Schläffer VEON

A Tectonic Shift In The Platform Business

Purnima Kochikar Google

A Tectonic Shift In The Platform Business 45

Greg Williams WIRED UK

Human + Machine; Reconquer (Smart) Cities; About Flying Taxis & High Speed Trains

Paul Daugherty Accenture

Human + Machine 47

Ina Fried Axios

Cogito Ergo Sum – Can A Machine Be Conscious Of Its Existence?; Niche No More: Technology & Innovation Bridging The Women’s Health Tech Gap

Alexander Del Toro Barba VisualVest Jürgen Schmidhuber IDSIA/NNAISENSE

Cogito Ergo Sum – Can A Machine Be Conscious Of Its Existence? 49

Lufthansa Lounge

Francesca Bria City of Barcelona

Reconquer (Smart) Cities

Daniel Wiegand Lilium

The Next: On-Demand Air Mobility; Reconquer (Smart) Cities Jaana Remes McKinsey Global Institute

Reconquer (Smart) Cities


Timotheus Höttges Deutsche Telekom

Reconquer Connectivity – The Renaissance Of The Telco

Evgeny Morozov Writer

Tech Colonialism: Too Much World 55

Hito Steyerl Artist

Tech Colonialism: Too Much World

Hans Ulrich Obrist Hito Steyerl, Evgeny Morozov, Jeremy Shaw: POWER Avoiding the inevitable is not futile if You‘re enjoying it.

The Art of Handwriting instagram.com/hansulrichobrist


Flo Riedel & Band


Bam Bam – The Mechanical Sequencer



Tom Wehmeier Atomico

The State Of European Tech

Taavet Hinrikus Transferwise

Only An Incubator? Europe’s Competitive Edge 61

Mattias Ljungman Atomico

Only An Incubator? Europe’s Competitive Edge

Ann Mettler European Political Strategy Centre

Only An Incubator? Europe’s Competitive Edge 63

Gisbert Rühl Klöckner & Co

Go Vertical!

Nikolay Kolev Deloitte Digital André Schwämmlein Flixbus

Go Vertical!


Simon Levene Mosaic Ventures

Go Vertical!

Marco Lambertini WWF

A Turning Point For The Planet? 67

Joram Voelklein Kochbank

The Hidden Potential Of Remote Sensing, Space & Data

Zac Manchester Stanford University Manfred Krischke CloudEO

The Hidden Potential Of Remote Sensing, Space & Data 69

AurĂŠlie Shapiro WWF

The Hidden Potential Of Remote Sensing, Space & Data

York Hovest Photographer

Save The Oceans! 71

Maja Hoffmann LUMA Foundation

The LUMA Archives: Convergence & Collaboration

Luma Arles, March 2018. Picture by HervĂŠ HĂ´te



Wirecard Lounge

HENI Print of a painting by Lucas von Cranach presented at DLD Munich location,


Joe Hage HENI Art Group

Rediscovering The Real 77

Anke Domscheit-Berg German Bundestag Peter Kropsch dpa

Reconquer Democracy

Alexander Gรถrlach Harvard University Jeff Jarvis City University of New York

Reconquer Democracy


Miriam Meckel WirtschaftsWoche

Still Reconquering: 365 Days Later

Hilary Rosen CNN/SKDKnickerbocker Kara Swisher Recode

Still Reconquering: 365 Days Later 81

Rick Smolan Against All Odds Productions

The Good Fight

Rick Smolan The Good Fight: America‘s Ongoing Struggle For Justice



DLD Impact Award

Rose McGowan Actress & Activist Laudation by Sibel Kekilli Actress


Pictet Talk

Hotel Bayerischer Hof

Andrew Rosen PARQOR

Rebels Remaking Video & Business 89

Jeremy Shaw Artist


Jeremy Shaw Liminals, 2017

19‘32“ Courtesy the artist and KÖNIG GALERIE, Berlin jeremyshaw.net 91

Larry Gadea Envoy Florian Leibert Mesosphere

Lessons From Silicon Valley: Defining The Next-Generation Engineer

Guido Appenzeller VMWare Sara Haider Twitter

Lessons From Silicon Valley: Defining The Next-Generation Engineer 93

Deutsche Telekom & Goldman Sachs Lunch

Garden Restaurant

Meet the Israeli Tech Entrepreneurs

Alte Bayerische Staatsbank


Howard Morgan B Capital Group Martin Weiss Hubert Burda Media

Investors United – A Global View

Maximilian Kuss EMH Partners Frédéric Court Felix Capital

Investors United – A Global View 97

Oliver Bussmann Crypto Valley Association

Blockchain & Crypto Killing Venture Capital

Meltem Demirors Digital Currency Group

Blockchain & Crypto Killing Venture Capital


Christian Angermayer Apeiron Investment Group

The EOS Token: The Next Big Thing!?

Brendan Blumer block.one

The EOS Token: The Next Big Thing!? 101

Sebastian Kuss EMH Partners

The Future Of Music

Mate Galić Native Instruments Daniel Miller Mute Daniel Haver Native Instruments

The Future Of Music 103

BMW Lounge

Ida Tin Clue Martin Varsavsky Prelude Fertility

Niche No More: Technology & Innovation Bridging The Women’s Health Tech Gap

Piraye Yurttas Beim Celmatix Tania Boler Elvie

Niche No More: Technology & Innovation Bridging The Women’s Health Tech Gap 107

Mary Lou Jepsen Openwater

The Impact Of The Interface

Andrew McAfee MIT

The Impact Of The Interface; Take Responsibility! Setting Standards In A Disrupted World 109

Nora Khan Rhizome

Scale Up To The Sublime

Igor Levit Pianist

May It Return To The Heart 111

Jennifer Schenker The Innovator

Leadership In The Age Of AI; Individualize! New Materials & Design Dimensions

Pablos Holman Intellectual Ventures Tomasz Smaczny ERGO

Leadership In The Age Of AI 113

Claudia Romo Edelman UNICEF

Listen! Podcasts!

Susan McPherson McPherson Strategies Matthew Lieber Gimlet Media

Listen! Podcasts!


Oliver Heilmer MINI

Individualize! New Materials & Design Dimensions

Thomas Scheibel University of Bayreuth

Individualize! New Materials & Design Dimensions 117

Esther Dyson Wellville

Time and Health; Reconquer Origins: Of Real Planets & Synthetic Cells Thomas Crampton Ogilvy & Mather

Reconquer Origins: Of Real Planets & Synthetic Cells

Petra Schwille Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry Dimitar Sasselov Harvard Univeristy

Reconquer Origins: Of Real Planets & Synthetic Cells 119

Phil Ross MycoWorks

The Future Of Leather

Suzanne Lee Modern Meadow

The Future Of Leather 121

Chairmen’s Dinner



Sunday Kraut

Zum Franziskaner


Acton Capital Partners Dinner


Lakestar Nightcap

Hotel Bayerischer Hof


Scott Galloway L2

The Break Up Of Big Tech

Jan-Gisbert Schultze Acton Capital Partners

Patterns, Platforms & Audiences 129

Diego Farias Amuse

Patterns, Platforms & Audiences

Lucas von Cranach Onefootball Fabian von Heimburg Hotnest

Patterns, Platforms & Audiences 131

David Kirkpatrick Techonomy

Take Responsibility! Setting Standards In A Disrupted World

Alexander Birken Otto Group

Take Responsibility! Setting Standards In A Disrupted World 133

Christoph Grote BMW Group

Me, My Car, And (The Less Important Rest Of ) The World – Rethinking The Relationship

Helmut Schรถnenberger UnternehmerTUM

Mobility Hub Munich


Mariana Avezum WARR Hyperloop

About Flying Taxis & High Speed Trains

Florian Reuter Volocopter Dirk Hoke Airbus Defence & Space

About Flying Taxis & High Speed Trains


Tabitha Goldstaub CognitionX

The Future Of Intelligent Transport & Mobility

Markus Braun Wirecard

The Future Of Intelligent Transport & Mobility 139

Georg Polzer

Teralytics The Future Of Intelligent Transport & Mobility

Valerie Hackl Ă–BB Personenverkehr

The Future Of Intelligent Transport & Mobility 141

Claudia Nemat Deutsche Telekom

Drive & Courage: How To Embrace Challenges

Katrin Suder German Federal Ministry of Defence

Drive & Courage: How To Embrace Challenges Amy Wilkinson Ingenuity

Leadership In The Age Of AI; Drive & Courage: How To Embrace Challenges 143

Stefan Winners Hubert Burda Media

The Future Of Media

Bharat Anand Harvard Business School

The Future Of Media


Klaus Hommels Lakestar

Europe & The Digital Economy

Mariya Gabriel European Commission

Europe’s Digital Single Market – Creating Opportunities For All; Making Europe Resilient To Cyberattacks 147

Reinhard Ploss Infineon

Making Europe Resilient To Cyberattacks

Gabi Dreo Rodosek Universität der Bundeswehr

Making Europe Resilient To Cyberattacks 149

Carsten Knop Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Making Europe Resilient To Cyberattacks

Arne Schรถnbohm German Federal Office for Information Security

Making Europe Resilient To Cyberattacks 151

Tanit Koch BILD

Uber’s Next Chapter

Dara Khosrowshahi Uber

Uber’s Next Chapter


TUM Speakers Series with Mary Lou Jepsen (Openwater)

Technical University Munich

Matthew Bishop The Rockefeller Foundation

A Tectonic Shift In The Platform Business; Do No Evil 2.0: Rethinking The Tech Industry’s Responsibility To Society 155

Steven Pinker Harvard University

Enlightenment & Humanism – How To Value Values

Andrian Kreye Süddeutsche Zeitung Julian Nida-Rümelin Ludwig Maximilian University

Enlightenment & Humanism – How To Value Values


Aenne Burda Award For Creative Leadership

Laudation by Eberhard Brandes WWF

Christiana Figueres Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy


Michele Mosca University of Waterloo

Quantum Computing: A Catastrophic Risk For Our Security Ecosystem

Udo Helmbrecht European Union Agency for Network and Information Security

Quantum Computing: A Catastrophic Risk For Our Security Ecosystem Aleksandr Yampolskiy SecurityScorecard

4 Observations On Cybersecurity … Or Could It Be That We Don’t Have A Problem? 161

Mike Butcher TechCrunch

Cryptocurrencies & Blockchain

Trent McConaghy Ocean/BigchainDB

Cryptocurrencies & Blockchain 163

Nicolas Brand Lakestar

Cryptocurrencies & Blockchain

Sasha Borovik Cryptology

Cryptocurrencies & Blockchain 165

Anne Imhof Untitled, 2016


Anne Imhof Artist

For The Grace Of Thoughts 167

Marie Ekeland daphni RenĂŠ Obermann Warburg Pincus International

Digital Powerhouse Europe?

Frédéric Mazzella BlaBlaCar Friedbert Pflüger Internet Economy Foundation

Digital Powerhouse Europe?


Ana Brnabić Republic of Serbia

Startup Nation Serbia

Beate Merk Free State of Bavaria

Startup Nation Serbia 171

Sami Haddadin Leibniz University Hannover

Automation & The Future Of Work; AI-Enabled Robots: Learning Like A Human

Yonatan Wexler OrCam

The Future Of Wearable Tech 173

Deloitte Coffee Bar

Timothy Ruff Evernym

Privacy Reconquered: Digital Identities & Fraud

Robert Hackett Fortune

Privacy Reconquered: Digital Identities & Fraud 177

Sam Cassatt ConsenSys

Privacy Reconquered: Digital Identities & Fraud

Irene Brime CashShield

Privacy Reconquered: Digital Identities & Fraud 179

HypoVereinsbank Lunch

Alte Bayerische Staatsbank


Herminia Ibarra London Business School

Is Authenticity Overrated? 183

Marc Samwer Global Founders Capital

Unicorns Made In Germany

Christopher Muhr Auto1 Robert Gentz Zalando

Unicorns Made In Germany 185

Keyu Jin London School of Economics

The Elephant In The Room: An Update On China

Richard Browning Gravity Industries

Iron Man Becoming Real 187

Francis Kéré Kéré Architecture

Think Global, Build Social

Francis KĂŠrĂŠ Serpentine Pavilion 2017 Picture by Iwan Baan



Alexander Lorestani Geltor

Feeding The World With Biotech

Alex Kopelyan IndieBio

Feeding The World With Biotech 191

Matias Viel Beeflow

Feeding The World With Biotech

Alec Lee Ava Winery Arturo Elizondo ClaraFoods

Feeding The World With Biotech 193

DLD Campus Lecture with Marc Samwer (Global Founders Capital) hosted by Stefan Winners (Hubert Burda Media) and IBC

Ludwig Maximilian University Munich


Wolfgang Ischinger Munich Security Conference

The Defence Of Democracy In The Digital Age

Merle Maigre NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence

The Defence Of Democracy In The Digital Age


Svitlana Zalishchuk Parliament of Urkaine

The Defence Of Democracy In The Digital Age

Dmitri Alperovitch Crowdstrike

The Defence Of Democracy In The Digital Age 199

Ĺžafak Pavey Expert International Migration and Asylum

The Defence Of Democracy In The Digital Age

Tom Upchurch WIRED UK

The Defence Of Democracy In The Digital Age 201

Philip Krim Casper

Reconquer The Customer Experience

Stefan Nicola Bloomberg

Reconquer The Customer Experience 203

FC Bayern HackDays Award

Sven Ulreich Jérôme Boateng Karl-Heinz Rummenigge Stefan Mennerich FC Bayern München


Fabrice Rousseau Amazon

Alexa, What’s The News …

Lars Bendix Dßysen Sony Music Entertainment Nicole Lassak Jägermeister

Reconquer Brands, Music & Fans 207

Ralph Simon Mobilium

Reconquer Brands, Music & Fans

Sham Kaiser Franz Josef

Reconquer Brands, Music & Fans 209

Hans Ulrich Obrist Dimitar Sasselov: “Your brain is a computer that totally manipulates you“ Alexander Kluge: “The Great Bottle of Rain is uncorked“ Francis Kéré: “Tower of Babel. From a little stool in sculpture to a tower in Chicago“

The Art of Handwriting instagram.com/hansulrichobrist

Hans Ulrich Obrist Steven Pinker: “Those who are governed by reason desire nothing for themselves which they do not desire for the rest of humankind - Baruch Spinoza“ Jeremy Shaw: “THERE IN SPIRIT“

The Art of Handwriting instagram.com/hansulrichobrist 211

Hans Ulrich Obrist Alexander Kluge, Walter Price, Koo Jeong A

The Art of Handwriting instagram.com/hansulrichobrist

Hans Ulrich Obrist Walter Price, Francis KĂŠrĂŠ, Koo Jeong A

The Art of Handwriting instagram.com/hansulrichobrist 213

DLD Munich 18 Party



Burda DLD Nightcap

Steigenberger Belvédère, Davos


Now We Save The Future The time of utopias is over. Recently, the digitization of the world has also shown its downsides. However, this is no reason to despair: the struggle for the future has just begun. Patrick Bernau

Even those who were not themselves connected to the digital world could hope to benefit from the new prosperity. Microsoft founder Bill Gates put his billions and his knowledge into a foundation, fought AIDS and other plagues of humanity. Facebook‘s inventor Mark Zuckerberg set out to follow in Gates‘ footsteps. In the next 100 years, most of the major diseases could be at least bearable, he promised his youngest daughter – to later begin a tour through all

The future is not what it used to be. Friendly,

American states. Gates announcement alone made

optimistic, a bit utopian – that applied maybe

him a credible presidential candidate in the eyes of

two years ago. At that time, the reputation of

many Americans.

the future was better than it is today. Social media had contributed to the liberation of

Many of these hopes persist today. Many people are

humanity, and around the world dictators

still convinced that artificial intelligence can help heal

trembled at the revolutionary power of

diseases. The self-driving car will come, not as fast as

their citizens when they had Facebook and

announced by Elon Musk and probably not by him

Twitter at their fingertips. Slowly, artificial

first, but the new Audi can technically drive alone in

intelligence came into the consciousness of

a traffic jam. And the knowledge of the world is still

humankind and they were astonished. Cars

available at any time at the push of a button. However

would soon drive by themselves, promised Silicon Valley prodigy Elon Musk – even the blind could then be chauffeured by computer to their destination. Above all, Germany in this world had to worry about whether they would get enough of the material wealth in the coming years. It was given

that in itself does not necessarily improve the world. In the past two years, it became clear that where digital technology

»Even those who were not themselves connected to the digital world could hope to benefit from the new prosperity.«

that everyone would benefit from the immaterial blessings of the digital world anyway. Smartphones, Google and Wikipedia made the world‘s knowledge

enhances human weaknesses, completely new problems arise. So, the future came into disrepute. Yes, the exchange between people is easier in the digital world. But there are too many who are mainly conveying hate

and insults. Yes, the knowledge of the world is always theoretically available. In practice, however, false reports are constantly coming through in social media – possibly even

available everywhere within minutes. Video

instigated by secret services of other states. ”Fake

calls connected grandparents with their

News“ was the buzzword under which the allegedly

grandchildren in a whole new way; friends

false news in the US presidential election campaign

communicated cheaply through Whatsapp.

scattered by Russia caused a sensation.

It is Russia‘s President Putin, for example,

are more accurate than what their own spouse could

who predicts threateningly: The country

say? Do they also achieve their position of power

that assures supremacy in artificial

by exploiting people’s psychological weaknesses? In any case, psychologists in Silicon Valley have

intelligence will rule the entire world. China

long been researching how to develop

has good chances of achieving this

websites and apps so that people

rank. Thousands of researchers

keep coming back. For example,

are researching artificial intelligence there – with very limited transparency – and the state is also setting up a behavioral points system: Those who live alone in a large apartment, who drive a foreign luxury car or do

»The country that assures supremacy in artificial intelligence will rule the entire world.«

the photo sharing platform Instagram is designed to delay the information about ”like“ clicks from friends so its members access the app more often. Intent is not always behind

not volunteer in tree planting,

the problems, sometimes sheer

will receive a point deduction.

ineptitude is suffice. In the New Year,

Children of those people might notice that because they do not get a good place at

computer users first learned that for years, virtually

school anymore. Not only does this scoring

every processor used in computers and smartphones

system make the state totalitarian, but in

has a serious security gap that can only be solved

a country without data protection, it is also

by throttling the computer‘s performance. ”If cars

an excellent record that allows artificial

worked like computers,“ so goes an old 90‘s joke, ”then

intelligence to learn how people function

your car would have two crashes every day for no reason.“ And: ”Again and again your car would stop

– in the service of China. Meanwhile,

on the highway and you would have to close and

even Sigmar Gabriel (Germany’s Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs) warns against

reopen all doors and windows so you can continue.“

underestimating China: ”The West and

Apparently, computers are not doing much better

its open societies are seriously challenged


for the first time in their technological leadership.“

This is even too much for nerds. Randall Munroe, a

However, the West does not need China

three times a week, which is particularly popular

former NASA physicist, draws his web comic ”xkcd“ and Russia. Trouble with the technology

among nerds for its scientific and technical allusions.

of the future can be completely self-made.

After the big security hole, Munroe had his cartoon

Although the digital companies are far from

characters say, ”Are we just bad when it comes to

territorial sovereignty, enough people worry

computers? Yeah.“ Now, the computer world of

about their power. Will Amazon destroy

Silicon Valley and its fans has lost its technical and

stationary retail without paying enough

moral credibility. A world that once wanted to show

taxes in Germany? Do Google and Facebook

politicians which direction to head in the future. That

collect Germans‘ data and build profiles that

made fun of Angela Merkel when she described the 219

Internet as a ”new territory“. Who designed

Is this all just a pretext? A rhetoric in response

slogans like the Google motto ”Don’t be evil“.

to companies like Apple being attacked? Or is it

On the other hand, politics noted that it

expressing a deeper conviction that things cannot go

has for too long come to terms with the fact

on like they used to?

that the digital world is just ”new territory“. Although there were always enough critics,

There‘s one more who has changed his mind: Andrew

they so often overshot their mark that they

Keen, a British-American internet critic who, years

were not always taken seriously.

ago, criticized ”amateur cult“ and ”hyper-visibility“ on social networks – part of what now bothers

Meanwhile, the biggest critics of the

many more people about the internet. Today, he is

practices come from the Silicon Valley itself.

still skeptical as to whether even a purified Mark

At least rhetorical penance is very much

Zuckerberg can permanently redirect Facebook:

in vogue. For example from Sean Parker.

”The leopard can’t change its spots.“ But Keen has

The man who created the music exchange service Napster and denied copyright to the

nevertheless switched camp and finds himself among the optimists. ”How to fix the future“ is the title of his book, published in February,

music publishers. He later advised

in which he spreads his new

the young Mark Zuckerberg in building Facebook. Today, Parker attacks his former protégé. ”In a way that only hackers can conceive, a psychological vulnerability of people is exploited,“ he says about Facebook. Everyone understood that from the beginning. ”But

»Intent is not always behind the problems, sometimes sheer ineptitude is suffice.«

optimism. ”There are no easy answers,“ he says. But Europe is on the right track. Open technology standards, functioning antitrust authorities, software development with a view to the people – there are ways to get the

digital world under control.

we did it anyway,“ says Parker, and adds: ”God knows what that does to the brains of our children.“ On the other hand,

Luckily, the world no longer needs the pioneers of

Mark Zuckerberg himself did not announce

digitization to do the right thing on their own accord.

in his New Year‘s Message that he would

More and more, there are people who understand the

be traveling all over the United States of

digital world, and can deal with it and find effective

America. Instead, he promised to change

ways between the big hype and the big rejection.

Facebook for the better. Even at the cost

Still, they did not always prevail, as was seen in

of the service´s appeal. And when Apple

the discussion about about blocking certain tweets

announced last week to bring billions of

in Germany. But time and again, there are people

Euros to America, to invest and tax them

who react with a sense of proportion to the digital

there, it was with a rhetorical bow: ”We


have a deep sense of responsibility to give something back: to our country and its

For example, Germany has largely changed

people, that made our success possible.“

competition laws, mostly unnoticed by the public.

Now, German competition watchdogs don’t need to look out for an exchange of money to start investigating the behaviour of coroporations – a company exchanging data for services is suffice to start the process. Already, the government agency was able to initiate a lawsuit against Facebook because the company, perhaps with its market power, is forcing users to divulge more data than they would want to. On the other hand, users are increasingly learning to deal with digital services – and to respect their boundaries. Parents think a lot more about how to bring their children into the digital world today than a few years ago. Adults are more aware of when to answer their emails and when they prefer not to. There is reason to hope that publicly formulated claims and judicious rules can help reunite technology and society. The task remains to hedge

»There is reason to hope that publicly formulated claims and judicious rules can help reunite technology and society.«

the technology, but not to wedge it in. To control it, but to give it wings at the same time. Sigmar Gabriel calls for a ”compromise between privacy and regulation, between liberalism and security concerns, between dogmatic and pragmatic action“. Because it is true that the West should not lose the race for the best technology.

Initial Publication: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 23. January 2018 © All rights reserved. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH, Frankfurt. Zur Verfügung gestellt vom Frankfurter Allgemeine Archiv. This article was initially published in a supplement of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, especially produced about DLD Munich 18. 221

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DLD Munich 18 Speaker Index Aigner, Ilse Alperovitch, Dmitri Anand, Bharat Angermayer, Christian Appenzeller, Guido Aslan, Ali Avezum, Mariana Bendix Düysen, Lars Birken, Alexander Bishop, Matthew Blumer, Brendan Boateng, Jérôme Boler, Tania Borovik, Sasha Brand, Nicolas Brandes, Eberhard Braun, Markus Bria, Francesca Brime, Irene Brnabić, Ana Browning, Richard Burda, Hubert Bussmann, Oliver Butcher, Mike Cassatt, Sam Court, Frédéric Crampton, Thomas Czerny, Steffi Daugherty, Paul Del Toro Barba, Alexander Demirors, Meltem Domscheit-Berg, Anke Dreo Rodosek, Gabi Dyson, Esther Ekeland, Marie Elizondo, Arturo Farias, Diego Figueres, Christiana Frey, Carl Benedikt Fried, Ina Gabriel, Mariya Gabriel, Sigmar Gadea, Larry Galić, Mate Galloway, Scott Gentz, Robert








28 199 145 100 93 29 136 207 133 155 101 204 107 165 164 158 139 52 179 170 187 8 98 162 178 97 118 5, 9 47 49 99 78 149 118 168 193 130 159 29 48 147 31 92 103 128 185

Goldstaub, Tabitha Görlach, Alexander Gorman, Michael John Grote, Christoph Hackett, Robert Hackl, Valerie Haddadin, Sami Hage, Joe Haider, Sara Haver, Daniel Heilmer, Oliver Helmbrecht, Udo Hinrikus, Taavet Hoffmann, Maja Hoke, Dirk Holman, Pablos Hommels, Klaus Höttges, Timotheus Hovest, York Huber, Bernd Ibarra, Herminia Imhof, Anne Ischinger, Wolfgang Jarvis, Jeff Jepsen, Mary Lou Jin, Keyu Kallen, Paul-Bernhard Keen, Andrew Kekilli, Sibel Kéré, Francis Khan, Nora Khosrowshahi, Dara Kirkpatrick, David Knop, Carsten Koch, Tanit Kochikar, Purnima Kolev, Nikolay Kopelyan, Alex Kreye, Andrian Krim, Philip Krischke, Manfred Kropsch, Peter Kuss, Sebastian Kuss, Maximilian Lambertini, Marco Lassak, Nicole Latour, Almar Lee, Alec







138 79 39 134 177 141 172 76, 77 93 103 116 161 61 72, 73 137 113 146 54 71 30 183 166, 167 196 79 108, 154 186 11 43 85 188, 189 110 153 132 150 152 45 65 191 157 202 69 78 102 97 67 207 34 193

Lee, Suzanne Leibert, Florian Levene, Simon Levit, Igor Lieber, Matthew Ljungman, Mattias Lorestani, Alexander Lotto, Beau Maigre, Merle Manchester, Zac Mazzella, Frédéric McAfee, Andrew McConaghy, Trent McGowan, Rose McPherson, Susan Meckel, Miriam Mennerich, Stefan Merk, Beate Mettler, Ann Miller, Daniel Morgan, Howard Morozov, Evgeny Mosca, Michele Muhr, Christopher Murphy, Megan Nemat, Claudia Nicola, Stefan Nida-Rümelin, Julian Obermann, René Obrist, Hans Ulrich Pavey, Şafak Pflüger, Friedbert Pinker, Steven Ploss, Reinhard Polzer, Georg Price, Walter Remes, Jaana Reuter, Florian Romo Edelman, Claudia Rosen, Andrew Rosen, Hilary Ross, Phil Rousseau, Fabrice Ruff, Timothy Rühl, Gisbert Rummenigge, Karl-Heinz







Samwer, Marc Sasselov, Dimitar Scheibel, Thomas Schenker, Jennifer Schläffer, Christopher Schmidhuber, Jürgen Schönbohm, Arne Schönenberger, Helmut Schrage, Elliot Schultze, Jan-Gisbert Schwämmlein, André Schwille, Petra Sham Shapiro, Aurélie Shaw, Jeremy Simon, Ralph Smaczny, Tomasz Smolan, Rick Steyerl, Hito Suder, Katrin Swisher, Kara

121 92 66 111 115 62 190 38 197 69 169 109 163 84, 85 115 80 204 171 63 103 96 55 160 185 32

Tin, Ida Ulreich, Sven Upchurch, Tom

142 203 157

Vardi, Yossi Varsavsky, Martin Viel, Matias Voelklein, Joram von Cranach, Lucas von Heimburg, Fabian

168 35, 57, 210 - 213

Wehmeier, Tom Weiss, Martin Wenger, Albert Wexler, Yonatan Wiegand, Daniel Wilkinson, Amy Williams, Greg Winners, Stefan

200 169 156 148 140 36, 37 53 137 114 89 81 120 206 176 64 205

Yampolskiy, Aleksandr Yurttas Beim, Piraye Zalishchuk, Svitlana








184, 194 119 117 112 44 49 151 135 42 129 65 119 209 70 90, 91 208 113 82, 83 56 143 81 106 204 201 10 106 192 68 131 131 60 96 33 173 53 143 46 144, 194 161 107 198

DLD Munich 18 Team

Franziska Deecke


Moritz Simmersbach




von Scherenberg




Heiko Schlott


Marlien Koch










Published by

Steffi Czerny, DLD Media GmbH

Art Direction

Simon Karlstetter (Der Greif)

Design & Layout Lithography

Simon Karlstetter, Jutta Geisenhofer, Ines FlĂśgel Leon Kirchlechner (Der Greif)


Steffi Czerny, Marlien Koch, Heiko Schlott

Image Credits DLD Panel and Speaker Photos

Jason Andrew Sabine Brauer (Sabine Brauer Photos) Florian Fetzer Sebastian Gabriel (picture alliance) Andreas Gebert (picture alliance) Dominik Gigler Daniel Grund Gandalf Hammerbacher (picture alliance) Goran Nitschke (Sabine Brauer Photos) Clemens Porikys

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