Libya — Labor market assessment
3.2 Scope The mapping of Libya’s private sector (PS) will serve to identify businesses and industries with the most potential for growth, further analysis and targeted support for their development. The mapping will aim to identify market opportunities related to specific goods/ services; identify the characteristics of those markets; and highlight gaps. The geographic areas that have been specified are: Tripoli; Benghazi; Sebha; Misrata; Sirt; Bayda; Ajdabiya; Kufra; Derna; Ubari; Ghat; Bani Walid; Sabratha; and Kikla. The LMA has conducted primary research, producing both qualitative interview data and quantitative survey data to evidence recommendations to UNDP Libya. Additionally, this assessment incorporates insights from a review on the impact of COVID-19 on the labor market and on SMEs in Libya. The outputs from the labor market assessment include: 14 City Profiles, including 2087 PS businesses identified; analysis of labor market characteristics and challenges; a Skills Gap Analysis; and Private Sector Growth Forecasting and Prioritization. This research builds on the existing literature and studies undertaken on the Libyan labor market, such as the 2015 World Bank Private Sector mapping, the 2017 USAID Workforce Development Study, the 2019 IOM Agriculture Assessment, as well as other studies that will be identified as part of the desk research. By applying a similar approach and analytical lens, this study identifies trends and patterns and compares results to previous findings. As the labor market has undergone significant change due to the challenges of conflict and COVID-19, this study will add value by providing an updated assessment. The assessment will explore multiple economic sectors as well as a wider geographical scope, from the east, west and south of Libya will further add value due to the breadth of the analytical (multiple economic sectors) and geographical scope, where former studies have typically been narrower.