The Gendered Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mauritius Context

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Expected Impacts: The Gendered Impact of COVID-19 in Mauritius | Expected Impact 3 & 4

years and above from 1972 to 2019, as explained by an increased longevity and lower fertility rates. The low level of fertility rate has led to a smaller portion of young people as a percentage of the total population. In 2018, women and men were expected to live to the age of 78 and 71 respectively. This age range was estimated to be 61 for men and 66 for women in the seventies. In addition to the increased longevity, there is also a progressive ageing within the elderly population itself. Taking into consideration the specific interests of the female elderly population would ensure that they are not left behind in decisions that impact on their lives. With women’s needs and interests not being homogenous in nature, an intersectional approach to addressing women’s practical and strategic needs should be at the center of analysis at the decision-making table.

Expected Impact

Mitigation Strategies

Lack of diversity in perspectives and policies that are not gender sensitive in the absence of a limited number of women at the decision-making table

Inclusion of voices of women at the community levels to ensure that their practical and strategic needs are accounted for in decision making,

Taking into account women’s intersectionalities in policy formulation and implementation, including interests of the elderly population

Gender mainstreaming in COVID-19 response and preparedness plans


Gender-Neutral Approaches will Exacerbate Inequity

UN Women reports that only 30.7% of indicators needed to monitor the SDGs from a gender perspective are available in Mauritius33. Moreover, at present, it is noted that there is limited sex-disaggregated data in different initiatives being undertaken to address COVID-19, for example, the number of beneficiaries of the SRM disaggregated by sex, age, location would be essential in decision-

33 UNWomen 2020, Country Data: Mauritius, Available Online at, Last Accessed 18 April 2020.


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