The Gendered Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mauritius Context

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The Gendered Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic:

The Mauritius Context

Policy Priority 5:

Targeted actions for Gender Based Violence 5.a Promote Strategic Gender Mainstreaming in all work while formulating, implementing and M&E initiatives in policies and programmes relating to addressing the pandemic, including in terms of gender equity in the allocation of resources through the COVID Solidarity Fund. This is likely to ensure targeted actions towards vulnerable groups such as elderly women, economically disadvantaged women and girls, and women and girls with disabilities.

5.b Prioritise responses to Domestic Violence, including the accessibility of Shelters and protection services. The use of technology such as using specialized online applications, online reporting, text messages, should also be adopted/ revived or enhanced, in cases where victims are not able to leave the confines of the house for rapid interventions. A mechanism of reaching perpetrators such as the setting up of a database of perpetrators should also be established. Creation of Apps for psycho-social support should be explored.

5.c Undertake Targeted Community Actions on GBV in a decentralized Manner â–

Sustaining High level Political Commitment remains key in ensuring that Gender Based Violence (GBV) is kept on the Policy Table. The setting up of the High-Level Committee (HLC) on GBV sets a strong signal and testimony to the importance of GBV on the policy and political agenda. With the forthcoming HLC Strategic Plan, priority actions should include on-theground actions to (i) establish and strengthen multi-sectoral responses and referral pathways for quality essential GBV prevention, response and recovery services; ii) upscale and upgrade the 24x7 GBV hotlines with chat and messaging facilities. Support the outreach, community awareness and advocacy in addressing GBV and harmful practices through engaging the Government, CSOs, CBOs, Faith based and community leaders and youth to ensure that access to essential services for women is a priority and cannot be compromised during COVID-19; iii) sensitise the public at large in different localities and through the Citizens Support Unit ; (iv) provide practical

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