The Gendered Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mauritius Context

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Key Policy Options

for sexual harassment, development of apps with games that develop self-assertiveness, leadership, positive thinking â–

Setting up of a Digital Toolkit App for access by women and men in situations of violence and communicating there-with51.


Carrying out Training of all HR Personal on GBV and Institutionalising an Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy in all Government departments, including parastatal bodies


Adopt gender-responsive budgeting practices as a strategy to address GBV


Policy Priority 6:

Addressing Intersectionality- Elderly Women

Appreciating the diversity in the situation of older women requires a variety of policy responses. Demographic change is resulting in unprecedented number of older people, comprising in majority of women in Mauritius. The Confinement period brought by COVID-19 and its impact on the elderly population paves the way to a reflection on the socio-economic status of elderly women and their quality of life. A category of the young-old still have opportunities to engage in decent employment, while the middle-old have different interests. The higher number of women transitioning into these two categories presents an opportunity to promote age-sensitive programmes and prioritise a life-course approach there-in.

6.a Ensure age-sensitive and gender responsive programming so that the interests of the three categories of the elderly population (the young old; the middle old; and oldest old) are accounted for in national programmes and budgets. Policies formulated should be underpinned by the guiding themes contained in the UN Principles for Older Persons; namely, Independence, Participation, Care and Self-Fulfillment.

51 See for examples

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