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Academic Regulations and Procedures
1. Families have access to student grades via PowerSchool throughout the year.
Grades in PowerSchool are updated regularly. 2. The cumulative GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned during a student’s high school career by the total number of courses taken at De La Salle and is posted on the transcript. Class rank is not calculated. 3. Quarter grades are progress grades for one marking period and do not appear on the transcript. 4. “Pass/Fail” grades are given only for non-academic courses. 5. Incomplete grades must be made up within two weeks from the time grades are officially stored. Incomplete grades that are not made up within that timeframe become a grade of F. Exceptions are made in extraordinary circumstances.
1. Students will take all of the courses listed in the core curriculum, plus their choice of electives. A student must take all required courses during the academic year. Summer school classes are primarily for remediation. Please note that coursework taken at any site other than the De La Salle campus must receive prior written approval from the Vice President for Academic Life. Only approved coursework will appear on a student’s transcript. 2. Transfer students must take all of the courses listed from the time of their entrance and may be required to make up certain courses (those not indicated on their transcript of record from the previous school) in summer school. 3. No student will graduate, be promoted, or be allowed to continue at De La Salle if he has received an F grade in any subject. The course(s) in which a semester F was earned must be repeated in an approved summer or night school, including approved online options, with a passing grade of D or better. Continuation at De La Salle is subject to the approval of the Vice President for Academic Life. Students may not apply extra credits previously earned to satisfy the replacement value for an F grade. a. No F grade will be removed from the student’s transcript. Note: Four-year colleges will not accept D grades in core courses (English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and World Languages). These grades may also be made up in summer school. Should a student wish to repeat a course in order to meet prerequisites for the next level and/or to meet college entrance requirements, he must repeat the course in summer school. If a student is unsure about whether a D grade should be made up in summer school, he should check with the College Counselors. 4. A grade earned in a repeated course that was not failed (i.e., where the original grade was a “D”) is posted on the transcript and is used for pre-requisite