2 minute read
Tobacco and Nicotine Products
this custodial release is not possible because of the unavailability of such adult(s), the student may be released into the custody of civil authorities. In no case will a student be released on his own. a. The offense may bring immediate suspension. The student will not be readmitted until there has been a drug education meeting with the Deans, the student’s parents, and the student. The student may also be placed on a probationary contract for the remainder of his enrollment at De La Salle High School. The probation contract may include mandatory drug counseling, assessment, and/or random drug testing at the discretion of De La Salle. The probationary contract will also include all rules and regulations to maintain good order as found in Section 6.1 and elsewhere in the Student-Parent Handbook. Failure to meet the guidelines set forth in the probationary contract may result in the student’s immediate expulsion. 2. The trading, selling, giving away, or offering to trade, sell, or give away alcohol, controlled substances, performance-enhancing drugs, or other hazardous substances may result in expulsion from school.
The school may require students or student guests on school premises or at schoolsponsored events to submit to a breathalyzer test for the purpose of detecting the use of alcohol. The school may require such testing at any time, with or without advance notice, on a random basis, on an across-the-board basis, or on the basis of reasonable suspicion. The school may remove from school premises or school-sponsored events any student or student guest who tests positive for the use of alcohol or who refuses or fails to submit to such testing when required to do so by the school. The school may also discipline, up to and including expulsion, any student who tests positive for the use of alcohol or who refuses or fails to submit to such testing when required to do so by the school.
Safety dogs may be used to detect the presence of alcohol or other illegal drugs or substances on school premises or at school-sponsored events. The school may employ such dogs at any time, with or without advanced notice, on a random basis, on an across-theboard basis, or on the basis of reasonable suspicion. The school has the right to remove from school premises or school-sponsored events any student or student guest who is found to possess illegal drugs. The school also may discipline, up to and including expulsion, any student who is found to possess illegal drugs or who refuses or fails to cooperate with any reasonable search for illegal drugs.
The use of tobacco (smoking and chew) and nicotine products is hazardous to one’s health and is forbidden on campus, near the campus, and at all school-sponsored activities for all students at all times. Students who violate this policy will receive detention. Repeated