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Graham, Dr. Michelle Dickson, Dr. Brenda Restoule, Dr. Michael Hart, Dr. Jeffery Schiffer, Mikaela Gabriel, PhD (Cand), and Dr. Suzanne Stewart.
A post-event report was published on the ON NEIHR website that highlights the Gatherings proceedings and evaluation (see Appendix D, Symposium Summary & Event Evaluation).
3. Ontario Network Environments for Indigenous Health Research and Indigenous
Mentorship Network of Ontario’s Spring Gathering 2021, April 30 & May 7, 2021 (60 attendees registered)
The Ontario Network Environments for Indigenous Health Research (ON-NEIHR) and the Indigenous Mentorship Network of Ontario (IMN-ON) hosted a two-part two-hour virtual Spring Gathering entitled Navigating this Time: Holistic Wellness for Indigenous Scholars in April and May 2021. Since its incipience, the COVID-19 pandemic has presented substantial impacts toward service accessibility and delivery within Indigenous communities, limited opportunities for traditional in-person engagement, and generated challenges to establishing personal and community well-being. Members of the IMN-ON and ON-NEIHR conveyed their desire to have a virtual sharing space that was restorative and culturally safe and offered an opportunity for Indigenous students and scholars to share their encounters with healing during the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to this call to action, leaders of the ON-NEIHR and the IMN-ON invited Indigenous researchers, students, Elders, and community members from across Turtle Island to share their perspectives on maintaining their wellness during this health crisis within and outside academia. The first part of the Gathering focused on Indigenous graduate students presenting their experiences and knowledges about protecting and promoting holistic health during the pandemic. In contrast, the second part of the event focused on Indigenous academics and professionals. In the spirit of accessible and reciprocal knowledge sharing, both parts of the event hosted Elders and Traditional Knowledge Keepers to lead an open discussion on holistic healing during and beyond such a health crisis for all presenters and attendees.
A post-event report was published on the ON NEIHR website that highlights the Spring Gathering proceedings and evaluation (see Appendix E, Winter Symposium Summary & Event Evaluation).
Social Media
The ON NEIHR has multiple social media outlets on which its research materials and event information are constantly updated and available on the worldwide web. These are:
• Instagram/Username: neirhon_2020 • Twitter/Username: NEIHRON_2020 • Facebook/Username: NEIHRON2020 • YouTube Channel Waakebiness-Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health • Email Contact ontarioneihr.dlsph@utoronto.ca