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Knowledge Translation Events

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Student trainees

Student trainees

the shared leadership role of the ON NEIHR with the IMN-ON Lead, Dr. Richmond, who sits in the leadership circle of the ON NEIHR, and whose voice in directing ON NEIHR activities ensures the needs and interested of trainees are addressed within the ON NEIHR. Systemic support for training is evidenced in that in July 2020 the ON NEIHR and IMN-ON initiated a formal partnership in which the ON NEIHR committed $100,000 annually of its operating budget, for four years (2020-2024), to the IMN-ON to support their mentoring activities.

Knowledge Translation Events


Knowledge translation (KT) takes place in print (see Appendix B, ON NEIHR Publications List) for the ON NEIHR, and also in live/recorded events on the internet. The ON NEIHR has reached a total of 1240 individuals in Year One in its live training and mentoring activities online, with over 100 more (and growing) in continuous online archived viewing on YouTube, detailed below in the three KT events. Training and mentoring for student and community groups in Year One included the following events and is also considered knowledge translation to wider academic and community audiences:

1. Ontario NEIHR Webinar Mental Health Speaker Series 2020/21, monthly September 2020 to July 2021 2. ON NEIHR/IMN-ON Winter Gathering/Indigenizing Mental Health Symposium

December 2020 3. ON NEIHR/IMN-ON Spring Gathering for Indigenous Students and Faculty, April/May 2021

1. Ontario NEIHR Webinar Mental Health Speaker Series 2020/21 (1080 attendees registered)

The Speaker Series is a monthly speaker series of one-hour online (virtual) webinars with Ontario Network for Environment Indigenous Health Research (ON NEIHR) team members who are Indigenous Academics speaking on topics of Indigenous community mental health research, moderated by ON NEIHR Nominated Principal Investigator (NPI) Suzanne Stewart or Knowledge User Elder Clayton Shirt. The ON NEIHR webinar mental speaker series are coordinated by NPI Dr. Suzanne L Stewart and Research Coordinator Roy Strebel. Over the course of year one, 1080 people attended the live webinars on Zoom, with over 100 views, collectively, since archiving on YouTube to date. Monthly NEIHR webinars were broadcast live on Zoom and achieved on the NEIHR website for continued viewing (https://www.dlsph.utoronto.ca/institutes/wbiih/research-initiatives/network-environments-forindigenous-health-research-neihr-ontario/). In Year One there were seven monthly webinars by seven NEIHR team members, though this report details only September 2020 to March 2021; monthly webinars have occurred since March 2021 and will continue throughout the five years of the network and will be reported in subsequent annual reports. Below is a list of the monthly speakers, topics, and attendees for Year One.

September 2020

Presenters: Clay & Luana Shirt (155 attendees registered) Title: Applying the 7 Grandfather Teachings while coping with COVID-19

October 2020

Presenter: Dr. Alanaise Goodwill (88 attendees registered). Title: Pandemic experiences and impacts of COVID-19 on the mental health of Indigenous communities

November 2020

Presenter: Dr. Suzanne Stewart (153 attendees registered) Title: Urban Indigenous mental health during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Where research, practice, and respectful relationships meet

December 2020

Presenter: Dr. Angela Mashford-Pringle (121 attendees registered) Title: Traditional Building Structures & Land-Based Education

January 2021

Presenter: Dr. Lynn Lavallee - Registered (325 attendees registered) Title: Spirit Injuries: Indigenous Perspectives of Mental Health

February 2021

Presenter: Dr. Michael Hart (180 attendees registered) Title: Philosophies of Indigenous practices with Indigenous peoples in the field of mental health

March 2021

Presenter: Dr. Holly Graham (66 attendees registered) Title: Integrating Somatic-Based Therapies and the Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS) into Clinical Practice

4. Indigenizing Health Symposium (Virtual Knowledges Exchange), December 2nd and 3rd, 2020 (100+ attendees registered)

The Network Environments for Indigenous Health (ON-NEIHR) and the Indigenous Mentorship Network of Ontario (IMN-ON) held the Indigenizing Health Symposium (Virtual Knowledges Exchange) on December 2nd and 3rd, 2020. Over the two-day event, ON-NEIHR team members and IMN-ON students provided researcher and student training pertaining to community-driven Indigenous research processes and procedures, knowledge translation mechanisms, as well as policy development tools that are being conducted in alignment with the ON-NEIHR research themes. As COVID-19 mitigation protocols were still in place in December 2020, the Symposium was held virtually via Zoom, allowing a broad range of panelists and attendees from across Turtle Island, Hawai’i, and Australia to participate in the event Four Elders, thirteen researchers, and seven undergraduate and

graduate students presented at the Symposium, while four IMN-ON students

moderated the panels. The Elders and Traditional Knowledge Keepers were Pauline Shirt, Clayton Shirt, Luanna Shirt, and Wendy Phillips. The ON NEIHR researcher presenter panelists were Dr. Rod McCormick, Dr. Lynne Lavallee, Dr. Maile M. Taualii, Dr. Chantelle Richmond, Dr. Angela Mashford-Pringle, Dr. Alanaise Goodwill, Dr. Holly

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