A.G. - Oh The Injustice Oh the injustice. Everyday segregated, but “free.” Oh but it’s not free and Dr. King is gonna change that. His speeches gonna change the world, gonna make us free for real. We march with the good Dr. King for our freedom, with not a single punch thrown. Not by us at least. Oh the terror, no person has earned what we get, not a single one. Oh the terror, and we didn't do a thing, except want to be free. Oh why, why can’t we be free? In the land of the free. All we want is equality. Oh the injustice. Oh the injustice. The clans make death seem better than life, but we are gonna live jovially and free. There are groups of people, blacks and whites, gonna ride together, for equality. Hope that we get this freedom because we have all come so far, although four girls went to church and did not return, all because they’re black not white. Oh the injustice. We’re gonna keep fighting with not a punch so that this can’t ever happen again. One day we're gonna be free, but now we fight. With no fist. Oh the injustice.