Donnamax Summer Catalog 2011 / V2

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Catalog Contents Donnamax Catalog | Summer 2011

London Bath&Beauty BioSwiss Nakamichi Zehava’s Mission Tradeshow Schedule

pg. 03 - 10 pg. 11 - 18 pg. 19 - 21 pg. 22 pg. 23


DONNAMAX, INC. 765 McDonald Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11218 | Tel: 718 854 0273 Sales


Raymond Zeitouny 7YLZPKLU[ *,6 YH`TVUK'KVUUHTH_ JVT




Rosemery Elguedo (JJV\U[ ,_LJ\[P]L YVZLTLY`'KVUUHTH_ JVT







8<<"EFD"Q,,G)1"HF)R" E,JR)F0%"AIIM0%$F,+J

Assorted, colorfully printed pair of toe separators, comes on clipstrip.

¹ *V[[VU Z^HI THRL \W HWWSPJH tors. For all cosmetic uses including eyes and lips. Perfect for manicure or pedicure touch ups.

1243/96 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00660 3

502 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00296 4

'KL,M0$F01N"O$%0$M"#$GJ 3 Large exfoliating facial WHKZ PU ÅVVY Z[HUKPUN display!

1008 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / N/A UPC: 871290 00525 5


London Bath&Beauty

Unique wooden handle pedicure paddle has 4 functions: a brush (made with natural boar IYPZ[SLZ W\TPJL ÄSLY HUK I\MMLY *VTLZ packaged on a clipstrip.

1248/96 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00723 5

03 !"#$%&"'()*+,-./0&010"2$3,+ Stainless steel eyebrow/bikini razors, in assorted colors, packaged in counter display.


1013 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00354 1

1256 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs | UPC: 871290 00417 3

S"#%"HF$01M)JJ"HF))M"B$10%P+)"H)F Conveniently sized manicure set in zippered travel case, great for travel \ZHNL :THSS ZPaL Ä[Z ULH[S` PU H carrying case.

1028 Case / Inner: 12 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00879 9

@$0M"O0M) 7YVMLZZPVUHS UHPS Z[VUL ÄSLY in clear storage case, packaged in counter display.

1261 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00483 8

8<"#$%&"'R)+("/,$+GJ Long emery boards, in two colors, comes packaged on convenient clipstrip.

#+,L)JJ0,1$M"B$10%P+)"H)F 6 Piece manicure kit in standing container, packaged in convenient countertop display.

1263 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00425 8

1220 Case / Inner: 192 Pcs / 48 Pcs UPC: 871290 00060 1 4'56"789"9:;"<=7!



%?J?-)H==N=B; Assorted stainless steel TPUP [^LLaLYZ PU JVTWHJ[ tubes, comes packaged on clipstrip.

1273C Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 36 Pcs UPC: 871290 00558 3

O?BAP-6B?J>-#:Q=A>P-)H==N=B; ;^LLaLYZ PU Z\J[PVU J\W OVSKLYZ JVTLZ PU assorted, colorfully printed designs/styles.

1367 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00773 0

/4-6789-(:;<=>?8$@@A?87>:B; Eyeshadow applicators in matchbook styled package, on clipstrip.


London Bath&Beauty

Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 36 Pcs UPC: 871290 00482 1

1-6789-(:;<=>?8GBF;I=; Comes in assorted colors, in countertop display.

1389 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00540 8


04 5-C>=@-D?>-6=E?8FB=-6789 Includes 1 Pair of slippers, 1 Nail brush, and 1 Toe separator.

1297 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 36 Pcs UPC: 871290 00120 2

GB:H-CI7@?JK-C8?;;:B; Sharp stainless steel, angled blades for shaping eyebrows.

1337 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00700 6


1349 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00582 8

Single pack oversized bouffant shower cap. Fully lined with cinched elastic edging. Keeps hair dry and securely tucked away from face.

1409 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00281 0

S7?B-!BP?JK-(7@ Water absorbant and wash able terry hair wrap, dries hair quickly. Made with washable, soft, stretchy fabric.

1410 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00337 4

C7>?J-CA==@-%7;9 Sleep mask made of conbined cotton and silk, packaged on clipstrip.

1420 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00454 8




5=>F8G7%2<BB=B .6789:;<9:%5=>?%@%!AB?89 One detangling comb + one turban, comes in assorted colors, comes onclipstrip.

1422 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs

Designer styled, printed electroplated mirrors, comes packaged on clipstrip.

1494 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00803 4

UPC: 871290 00697 9


!H6%IH=D6B%JB<FF6B +V\ISL ZPaLK Z\J[PVU Z\YMHJL OVSKZ soap, razors and other toiletries.


1978 Case / Inner: 72 Pcs / No Inner UPC: 871290 00708 2

N==7%58B6%M8OO;6 Dual function Pumice stone with nail brush paddle, comes in various colors, packaged in countertop display.



Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00201 8

MA><G6%I7=96%/9%K=F6 Naturally soothes and softens feet. Scrubs away dry, dead skin cells from heels of feet. Smooth away callouses to leave your feet silky, soft.

2230 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00264 3

(+:B>%!D<E7%C8<B%!AB?89 100% Cotton twist hair turban.

1480 Case / Inner: 48 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00805 8

58;;AE%K6>=L6B%@%MA><G6%I7=96 Ergonomically shaped foot scraper and pumice stone. Smooth cal luses and removes dry skin on heels and toes.

0LFURðEHU 7ZLVW C8<B%!AB?89 Made of high quality TPJYVÄILY :\WLY HIZVYIHU[ Easy to use and machine ^HZOHISL VUL ZPaL Ä[Z HSS

1481 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00806 5

London Bath&Beauty

Case / Inner: 24 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00791 4

2247 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00644 3 !"#$%&'(%()*%+,&-



!"#$%&'()*+$#+ Comes packaged with free replacement pad included in blister pack.

2253 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00672 6

;%1'(,(0'3.#+(4%&'13.#$ Exfoliating bath & shower washtowel, comes in assorted colors.

5008 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 36 Pcs UPC: 871290 00408 1

!"#$%&'()*+$#+(( ,(-.##/#+(0#1 3 Part set, comes with eyelash curler, precision tweezer and replacement pad.

03%>(0%=#+ Mesh styled soap saver, comes in assorted colors.



Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00823 2

)%&#(?(@99#+A( BCD(EF&(?(BC(EF& GE)A(HIBCJD(DDKHB(I

London Bath&Beauty

-.##/#+23* :[HPUSLZZ Z[LLS TPUP [^LLaLY + large sized tweezer, packaged on convenient clipstrip.

2262 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00822 5

!563$7%179:(L#&'( M3>#(0>39:#


For bath or shower. Stretchable and easy to hang. Great for NL[[PUN H[ [OVZL OHYK [V YLHJO body areas. In assorted colors, packaged in a large display.

5042 Case / Inner: 120 Pcs / 60 Pcs UPC: 871290 00497 5

N%*5(0#%(0>39:# -VV[ ZOHWLK L_MVSPH[PUN faux sea sponge, comes WHJRHNLK PU H Ă…VVY Z[HUKPUN PVC display.

5043 Case / Inner: 150 Pcs / No Inner UPC: 871290 00514 9

4'"!563$7%1#8 !563$7%179:(;%1'(<$3=#& Solid mesh exfoliating bath gloves, comes in assorted colors, packaged on convenient clipstrip.


5009 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00181 3 2RSSTLTUV)RL




)%&#(?(@99#+A(JP(EF&(?(CQ(EF& GE)A(HIBCJD(DDPBK(J

L*FM"I%&B"('?%>"GB%&()*+' Colorful, playful animal shaped sponges PU ÅVVY Z[HUKPUN KPZWSH`


Case / Inner: 180 Pcs / No Inner UPC: 871290 00475 3


5054 ,"-'%.%/**'01%233%45-%.%67%4584,1%9:2;<=%==72:%:

>)?@A"-B%&()*+'%4))C3 Mesh bath sponge poofs in assorted colors, packaged in PVC countertop canister.

5066 Case / Inner: 36 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00046 5

One shower comb, loofah sponge, mesh sponge poof, and hair turban packaged in PVC canister.


Case / Inner: 24 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00710 5


>"GB%&("%,)II'5GF)*% F*%HF-(I"@%>)$

Mesh sponge set, in assorted colors, packaged together inside of a durable nylon net bag.

One shower comb, loofah sponge, mesh sponge poof, and hair turban in PVC canister, packaged in display box.

5072 Case / Inner: 36 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00780 8

5080D Case / Inner: 24 Pcs / No Inner UPC: 871290 00710 5

7%4F'5'%>"GB%&'G 4\S[P WPLJL IH[O ZL[ JVTLZ in standing PVC container, assorted colors!

5075 Case / Inner: 12 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00684 9

&()*+'%4))C%AFGB% &#5GF)*J,#(%!'"G#0' Bath & shower sponge poofs, comes in assorted colors, packaged inside a large 7=* ÅVVY Z[HUKPUN KPZWSH`

5099 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / N/A UPC: 871290 00313 8

K$C)IF"GF*+%>)?@%&()*+' Bath & shower sponge poofs, comes in assorted colors, packaged inside a large PVC ÅVVY Z[HUKPUN KPZWSH`

7%45%>"GB%&'G%F*%HF-(I"@ 4\S[P WPLJL IH[O ZL[ PU HZZVY[LK JVSVYZ packaged in attractive display. Includes: Soft bristle back bath brush loofah sponge, round faux sea sponge, U`SVU ÄILY [V^LS TLZO ZWVUNL [LYY` MHJLK ZWVUNL!

5099C Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / No Inner UPC: 871290 00313 8

5075D Case / Inner: 12 Pcs / N/A | UPC: 871290 00684 9 NKO1%:29%9P3%=;:6



London Bath&Beauty



60gm Flower-Shaped Bath Sponge

3 Pc Bath Sponge Set

Mesh bath/shower sponge, JVTLZ PU Ă…V^LY ZOHWL ^P[O leaf emblem and rope, on a clipsrtip.

3 Assorted bath sponges, comes packaged in cylin der shaped PVC canister.



Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00794 5

Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 48 Pcs UPC: 871290 00784 6

Bath Sponge 48gm sponge for bath and shower, comes on a clipstrip.

5401 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00765 5

London Bath&Beauty 08

Exfoliating Shower Mitten Textured bath & shower mitts are elasticized to stretch. Fits any size hands.


125g Jumbo Mesh Sponge with Display

Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00764 8

? 3HYNL L_MVSPH[PUN IH[O HUK shower sponges packed inside of display container box.

5109 Case / Inner: 48 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00739 6

Natural Essence Washtowel Naturally infused with hemp, cotton, silk, rosemary, and lavender essense.

5120 Case / Inner: 72 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00698 6

X-Large Bath Sponges Large, mesh styled bath sponge poofs, comes in assorted colors, on attached rope with wooden bead.


Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs

Bath Back Brush Soft bristle back brush for bath & shower, comes in 3 colors.

Natural Essence Back Towel Naturally infused with hemp, cotton, silk, rosemary, and lavender essense.



Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00701 3 TEL: 718 854 0273

6013 Case / Inner: 48 Pcs / 12 Pcs UPC: 871290 00621 4

UPC: 871290 00825 6

!"#$%&'(&)*+,-./+ 0'12+34$)*Back mesh sponge on wooden stick.

6018 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 48 Pcs UPC: 871290 00440 1




5'(67'%+8$$#'/+34$)*Individually wrapped, packaged PU H SHYNL ÅVVY Z[HUKPUN KPZWSH`


London Bath&Beauty

Case / Inner: 150 Pcs / No Inner UPC: 871290 00453 1


9'&7+:%&4. 10 Pack spring action hair clips, comes packaged in counter display.

G+0'12+0'(/+34$)*-. On wood handles, comes



Case / Inner: 72 Pcs / 12 Pcs UPC: 871290 00601 6

6022/3/4 Case / Inner: 30 Pcs / NA &!"##'()*+,-./#0",""110," &!"#$'()*+,-./#0",""1!",! &!"#%'()*+,-./#0",""1!/,$

3/$;-7+:$<= Hangable shower comb, in assorted colors, comes on a clipstrip.

9144 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00472 2

M$$N+9'&7=76./-. Wood handle hair brushes in assorted styles.

9151R Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00528 6

M$$N+9'&7=76./-. 7YVMLZZPVUHS NVSKLU O\LK OHPYIY\ZOLZ in assorted styles.

9152R Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00533 0




!"#$%&%"'()*"+%, Assorted haircombs for professional hair management.

O"#?&F"'()*"+%, Multipack hair comb set, comes in assorted colors.



Case / Inner: 72 Pcs / 12 Pcs UPC: 871290 00709 9

Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 36 Pcs UPC: 871290 00671 9

0GG(E,%P"I?$E*ENGC%G Professional hairbrushes in 6 styles.

9="#?&F"'()*G Assorted styled haircombs in plastic package, in counter display.


London Bath&Beauty

Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00534 7

9161 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00711 2


QN**%EHRE$S"I?$E*ENGC%G Professional hairbrushes with rubber grip handles in 6 styles.

9154R Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00529 3

-%,?@AB$@A"+C(D%E"'()* Comes in assorted colors, packaged in cylinder shaped container.

9192 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00767 9

0CCCH'I.(((J41 /(K%B,L"M?&$?B"4$GGN% Printed “100 Dollar Bill� Facial tissue for multiple usage.

1031 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00753 2




D:@;AE977%D:99E%!F99G9B7 Assorted, 3 Piece salon quality tweezers: 1 Pointy precision, 1 Flathead & 1 Slanthead tweezer.



+PZWVZHISL WSHZ[PJ ÅVZZLY toothpicks in plastic zip-bag, packaged on clipstrip.

Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00742 6

906 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00307 7

-+%=@<H%"89BI%J6@BK7 +V\ISL ZPKLK UHPS ÄSLZ on clipstrip. Keep nails maintained and beautifully shaped.


1036 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00738 9

909/144 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00628 3

Precision nail clipper and stainless steel cuticle scissors, comes packaged on clipstrip.

56789:;<%=>??7 Assorted cosmetic puffs for facial make-up application, on clipstrip



Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00741 9

Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 72 Pcs UPC: 871290 00498 2



6 Pack eyeshadow applicators, comes packaged on clipstrip.

Maintain beautoful nails with this multiple piece manicure set, on clipstrip.



Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00748 8

Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00740 2

M%=;9<9%!B@Q9E%RB668;AS%C;: Stainless steel manicure set with travel pouch included.

1110 Case / Inner: 24 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00818 8





0@;E%5E;OO9B%P% 5>:;<E9%D<;776B7


6789(7:; )<=>?@A8BC-D=?;E Instant head and sinus relief. 9L\ZHISL ÅL_PISL UVU [V_PJ beads. Stays hot or cold.

1071 Case / Inner: 24 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00877 5

BioSwiss 12

6789(7:; )<=>?@A8BC-D=?;E For use on sunburns, muscle aches, PUZLJ[ IP[LZ L[J 9L\ZHISL ÅL_PISL non-toxic beads.

1070 Case / Inner: 24 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00878 2

FGE8?G8 (7:;-(7H@>=EE=E Activates instantly. Emergency ÄYZ[ HPK WHPU YLSPLM +LZPNULK with a foam insulation layer to stay hot or cold.

1072 Case / Inner: 48 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00876 8





"><D;BE%=F6G<;% C%Q8R878%!;8AA<;

Assorted materials for maintaining professional pedicure care.

Shapes eyebrows and helps trim away unwanted hair.



Case / Inner: 24 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00759 4

Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00762 4

0B?<%C%"6;%!;8AA<; Helps trim away unwanted nose hair and facial hair.

1133 Case / Inner: 24 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00757 0

068I%.;><;%P8@ Battery operated nail dryer, dries polished nails in minutes.

1138 Case / Inner: 24 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00761 7

6 Shoe cushions in assorted styles, packaged in a countertop display.

26789:;<%=>?@<A Great tool to help shape, polish, and Ă„SL `V\Y UHPSZ [OL WYVMLZZPVUHS ^H`

1150 Case / Inner: 72 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00797 6

1134 Case / Inner: 24 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00758 7

"><D;BE%=F6G<;%C% H6986I%J68;%K<ABL<; Shapes eyebrows and removes unwanted facial hair.

1135 Case / Inner: 24 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00756 3

#6;S<%J67OF<IO%28;;B; Hangable, large handheld mirrors in assorted colors.

1201 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 8 Pcs UPC: 871290 00059 5

N<O89:;<%N6OOI< 0B?<%C%"6;%J68;%M;BBA<; Removes unwanted hair from nose and ears.

1136 Case / Inner: 24 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00760 0

4-in-1 Pedicure paddle, individually packaged, in assorted colors.

1228 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00287 7





1??B;@<O%=FB<% 5:?F8B7?




4-in-1 Pedicure paddle, comes packaged on convenient clipstrip.

Comes packaged in space-saving countertop display.



Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00282 7

Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 36 Pcs UPC: 871290 00594 1

Q<CMJ9::;-97A>C -VV[ ÄSLZ PU HZZVY[LK JVSVYZ MVY pedicure care, in countertop display.

1344 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00595 8


B-$CC:=;>@-)D>>E>=C Large stainless steel tweezers in compact tubes, comes on clipstrip.

1348C Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00724 2


26786/-9::;-(<=>-?<@@A> 4 Section pedicure paddle comes conveniemtly packaged PUZPKL H ÅVVY Z[HUKPUN KPZWSH`

1228/96 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / N/A UPC: 871290 00493 7

F;<78A>CC-F;>>A-)D>>E>=-DJFKL;7:86(KM-N<C> :[PJRZ [V ÅH[ Z\YMHJLZ HUK TPYYVYZ /HUN PU ZOV^LY VY vanity for easy, germ-free access.

1368 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs | UPC: 871290 00772 3

9::;-97A> Exfoliating solution for foot care, removes dry skin and calluses on heels and soles of feet.

1229/48 Case / Inner: 48 Pcs / 12 Pcs UPC: 871290 00135 4




/3&-%<I87OP78I-%7==:= Magnifying mirror with suction-cup back.

1390R Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 36 Pcs UPC: 871290 00549 1

*%C>%2=OD>H98%J8A Assorted pieced manicure set in pillow box, comes packaged on clipstrip.

1429 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00808 9

'6%7%-6%% 0DJQLðFDWLRQ 0LUURU Magnifying mirror with standable metal frame.


0LFURðEHU %DWK 3LOORZ Padded for relaxation, ergonomically akigns your head and neck with suction-cup back for stability. Removable washable cover.

Case / Inner: 36 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00836 2

1433 Case / Inner: 18 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00790 7

BioSwiss 15 JBFG89%5=K


PVC lined, in pillow box, comes packaged on a clipstrip.

Airline Approved clear travel containers, prepackaged in clear vinyl bad, is specially designed to carry small amounts of medication, lotions, creams, shampoo, and other toiletries.

1477 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00807 0

1925 Case / Inner: 12 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00811 9

!899:;<=>8?%@=AB%CDEEFG 3HYNL ZPaL 0UÅH[HISL terry-faced bath pillow with suction-cup back.

1920 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00635 1

-3%.FHIE8;JD?8?%2D99F9 Provides regular and 3X THNUPÄJH[PVU HKKZ JSVZL up view for applying makeup or grooming facial hair.

1927 Case / Inner: 72 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00797 6

L8;J8=E=IE8%!9=M8E%@FAAE8N Airline carry-on travel kit for carrying liquids, gels, and aerosols.

1926 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00812 6




!"#$%&'()* 5 Assorted colors, FAA approved, clear travel containers, specially designed to carry small amounts of medication, as well as lotions, creams, shampoo, and other toiletries.

1950 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00705 1

6XSHUðQH 3XPLFH 2*-.% Pumice stone for smoothing rough spots on feet.

23)$%&45%#6' 7#)&'8&)11%"


2-in1 Nail clipper HUK ÄSLY ZL[ JVTLZ packaged on clipstrip.

BioSwiss 16

Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 48 Pcs UPC: 871290 00634 4

2002 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00674 0

+)&',&-**)./'0#1%" Facial blotting paper for cosmetic facial application, packaged in counter display.

09:);%'2*-.% Large pumice stone on rope, comes packaged in countertop display.

2241 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 48 Pcs UPC: 871290 00426 5

2248 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 48 Pcs UPC: 871290 00643 6

1DLO &OLSSHU ZLWK 0DJQLðHU 4HNUL[PJ ZUHW VU THNUPÄLY ^P[O LUSHYNLTLU[ For trimming nails safely, precise, and comfortable.

2013 Case / Inner: 72 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00749 5




E+F'CD+>$=/'C(+G400?051 Durable and long-lasting, these stainless steel compact tweezers are perfect for precision NYHZWPUN VM [OL ÄULZ[ OHPYZ ;OL tips are permanently aligned to retain their pulling ability.

2267 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00827 0

6$&1(05&?&)*+@%$A01+B+.$CD1 Made of cotton and spandex, seals emolients into skin, heals dry hands and feet.

5090 Case / Inner: 48 Pcs / No Inner UPC: 871290 00685 6

2'3"+.0'+./$)*0 X-Large faux sea sponges in tall, ÅVVY Z[HUKPUN 7=* KPZWSH`

<$$8+.(0=+>$(($)+.4';1 300 Ct. Double-tipped wood stemmed cotton swabs.

5101 Case / Inner: 100 Pcs / No Inner UPC: 871290 00513 2

5005 Case / Inner: 72 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00570 5

BioSwiss 17

98:31(';%0+7'&5+<5'/ Terry cloth headband in PVC box, comes packaged in counter display.

5032/96 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 48 Pcs UPC: 871290 00459 3

70'8+6'11'*05 Designed to stimulate and massage your head and scalp.

5154 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00813 3

.-$405+6&((0) 50gm Sponge glove, with assorted stripes and colors, for bath & shower.

2'3"+.0'+./$)*0 Cleanse, exfoliate, and rejuvenate with the round-shaped faux sea sponge.



Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00763 1

Case / Inner: 120 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00394 7

,'(-+./$)*01 3 Sponges in canister. 1 Faux sea sponge and 2 mesh sponge poofs.

5045 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 12 Pcs UPC: 871290 00471 5

!"#$%&'(&)*+,'(-+./$)*0 Hand-sized, rectangular-shaped exfoliating bath sponge, comes WHJRHNLK PU ÅVVY KPZWSH`

5478 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / No Inner UPC: 871290 00785 3 G!HI+JKL+LMN+OEJP



GH%?;% B:"<0-%6.55=% 10 Piece fully loaded shower caddy with suction-cup back.

@%?A%4.*-%6")93 2 Hair combs, in assorted styles, comes packaged in counter display.

5709 Case / Inner: 8 Pcs / 4 Pcs UPC: 871290 00780 8

9109 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00821 8

@%B*505%C""2%D.3E -PSL H^H` ÅHRL` MLL[ HUK Ä_ callouses once and for all!

9194 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00786 0


?-"7033*"+.'%4.*-9-(3:03 Made in assorted styles and individually packaged.

9001 Case / Inner: 48 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00725 9

!"#$%&'()*+()%,-./0'%1"22'03 4 Pack of impact resistant, aluminum bottles in clear (see-thru) plastic zip tote-bag. Meets TSA Carry-On Guidelines.


9198 Case / Inner: 48 Pcs / 12 Pcs UPC: 871290 00747 1

F%?.;A%4.*-9-(3:03 Assorted professional hairbrush collection conveniently packaged in display box.

9011 Case / Inner: 24 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00726 6

6"3)02*;%1-(3:03%<*2:% 6.--=*+>%?"(;: 6 Pc Cosmetic brush kit with carrying pouch, comes in assorted styles.

9106 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00819 5

4.+5%6-.7205% 80+205%4.*-9-(3:03 Vented bristle hairbrushes in 4 styles with wood handles.

9598 Case / Inner: 24 Pcs / 8 Pcs UPC: 871290 00828 7




A<<8%6B?7@>?C Foot scrapers, comes in assorted styles and colors. Packaged in a conveniently sized counter display.

1234X Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00647 4

E>F9BG?>%H%279:9BG?>%I?GC; Foot and hand nail brush for pedicure & manicure needs. Comes in 3 colors. Packaged in counter display.

1387 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00680 1

"K>L?<=%57?>%6>8 6879:D>CC%68>>D%5G89BD>%09@@>? Perfect tool for removing excess cuticles and hangnails. 3VUN SHZ[PUN ZOHYW LKNLZ MVY ZTVV[O JSLHU ร UPZO

1345 Case / Inner: 48 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00802 7

Japanese inspired eyebrow care kit, comes packaged in counter display.

1395 Case / Inner: 36 Pcs / 12 Pcs UPC: 871290 00686 3




Item comes set in a convenient pouch-sleeve. Packaged in counter display.

1379 Case / Inner: 144 Pcs / 36 Pcs UPC: 871290 00681 8

0LFURรฐEHU +DLU 7XUEDQ Full sized hair turban and body towel.

1431 Case / Inner: 24 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00789 1

6879:D>CC% 68>>D%6B9CC<?C Assorted styled scissors individually packaged. Comes in counter display.

1386 Case / Inner: 72 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00649 8

7ZLVW +DLU 7XUEDQ 100% Cotton turban 120gm, in an attractively shaped PVC package.

1478 Case / Inner: 24 Pcs / 12 Pcs UPC: 871290 00804 1

6789:%6;<=>?%57@ Printed shower cap in PVC box.

1488 Case / Inner: 24 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00799 0




*6789:;-(<=87: Assorted styles of eyelash curlers, comes in PVC box. Packaged in counter display.

2223/96 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00648 1


LE8A9F>(9=7TM #9B<=98-MEEB-);7=9D6 100% Genuine volcanic pumice stone for foot care, comes packaged in countertop display. Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00632 0


1-@A-+<K<=6-?9B;-C7B #9>8-?=<:; Double-sided nail brush for foot and hand manicure & pedicure treatment.


Japanese inspired, 5 Piece luxury bath set in gift box styled packaging.

5074 Case / Inner: 12 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00844 7

2250 Case / Inner: 96 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00679 5


5-@A-?9B;-CDEFG7-(E887AB>EF Bath sponge collection containing one mesh sponge, one faux sea sponge, and one loofah.

5081 Case / Inner: 36 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00796 9

0LFURรฐEHU :DVKWRZHO Multi-textured washtowel, comes packaged in counter display.

5122 Case / Inner: 72 Pcs / 24 Pcs UPC: 871290 00795 2




Exfoliating back scrubber is L_[YH SVUN HUK ร L_PISL LUV\NO to treat hard-to-reach areas.

5105 Case / Inner: 24 Pcs / 8 Pcs UPC: 871290 00752 5

6A<I7?>A%59>A%KI: 3 Pack pedicure care kit. Made with Lucite handle. Assoretd tools perfect for foot care needs.

&%67%89:;%59<<= Hangs on shower head - 7pc fully loaded shower caddy.

6312 Case / Inner: 24 Pcs / 6 Pcs UPC: 871290 00727 3

5713 Case / Inner: 8 Pcs / 4 Pcs UPC: 871290 00777 8



Soft bristle back bath brush with plastic handle, for shower and bath. Great for getting at those hard-to-reach areas.

6012 Case / Inner: 18 Pcs / N/A UPC: 871290 00774 7

21 +DQGPDGH :RRG +DLUEUXVK Natural mahagony wood hairbrush, comes in assorted styles, packaged in large sized display box.

9190B Case / Inner: 48 Pcs / No Inner UPC: 871290 00793 8



Nylon mesh bath and shower sponge on bamboo stick.

Japanese inspired handmade hairbrushes comes in 3 styles.

6029 Case / Inner: 24 Pcs / No Inner

9599 Case / Inner: 24 Pcs / 6 Pcs | UPC: 871290 00771 6

UPC: 871290 00794 5





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Tuesday, July 12th and Wednesday, July 13th, 2011

Tuesday, Sept. 13th and Wednesday, Sept. 14th, 2011

Transworld Merchandise Center, 9555 Foster Ave., Schiller Park, IL

Transworld Merchandise Center, 9555 Foster Ave., Schiller Park, IL



Saturday, August 13th through Thursday, August 18th, 2011

Tuesday, October 25th and Wednesday, October 26th, 2011

New York Market Center™, 230 Fifth Avenue, Suite 309, NY, NY

Transworld Merchandise Center, 9555 Foster Ave., Schiller Park, IL



Monday, Sept. 12th through Wednesday, Sept. 14th, 2011

Tuesday, October 25th through Friday, October 28th, 2011

New York Market Center™, 230 Fifth Avenue, Suite 309, NY, NY

New York Market Center™, 230 Fifth Avenue, Suite 309, NY, NY



Monday, Sept. 12th through Friday, Sept. 16th, 2011

Tuesday, December 6th and Wednesday, December 7th, 2011

New York Market Center™, 230 Fifth Avenue, Suite 309, NY, NY

Transworld Merchandise Center, 9555 Foster Ave., Schiller Park, IL



Tradeshow Schedule



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