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Recreational Pacific Halibut Fishery to Officially Close
On Aug. 4, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife o cially closed the recreational Paci c halibut shery statewide at 11:59 p.m. The decision is based on the latest catch projections because the CDFW expected the 2023 California recreational quota of 39,520 net pounds would be reached by that date.
The CDFW is tasked with tracking the progress of the shery each year to meet but not exceed the California quota. The CDFW eld sta gather at public launch ramps and charter boat landings to monitor Paci c halibut catch and other marine sport sh species throughout the sea- son. The International Paci c Halibut Commission (IPHC) is in charge of determining the quota annually.
In early August, the CDFW consulted with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), the IPHC, and the Paci c Fishery Management Council to review projected catch amounts and determine the closure date. Formal authority to close the shery is granted to the NMFS, which chose to close the shery following consultation with the CDFW. The CDFW implements changes to the season according to authority found in sections 1.95 and 28.20, Title 14, California Code of Regulations.
Paci c halibut is a di erent species than California halibut and inhabits an extensive geographic range from the Aleutian Islands eastward through Alaska to British Columbia and throughout the ocean waters of the Paci c Northwest. Along the West Coast, Paci c halibut are commonly found as far south as Point Arena in Mendocino County. California halibut are more common farther south.
For current information about the Paci c halibut shery, science, or management, please check the following resources:
• NMFS Hotline: (800) 662-9825
• CDFW Recreational Paci c Halibut Regulations Hotline: (831) 649-2801
• CDFW website: wildlife.ca.gov/ Conservation/Marine/
• IPHC website: iphc.int.
For more information, please visit https://wildlife.ca.gov/.