ThinkSafe vol. 3 no. 1 April 2021

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VOL. 3 NO. 1 APRIL 2021

ISSN 2651-9577









Government of Western Australia

Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

© State of Western Australia (Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety) 2021


Samira Mohamed

Andrew Ballam

Bec Naylor

Stephen Best

Sally North

Priscilla Bignoux

Peter O’Loughlin

Reproduction of material from Th!nkSafe for wider distribution is encouraged and may be carried out subject to appropriate acknowledgement. Contact the editor for further information.

Lizzie Browne

Gerardo Osorio

Tse Yin Chang

Martin Ralph

Gillian Carter

Ivor Roberts

Andrew Chaplyn

Laura Rodriguez Vargas

Mention of proprietary products does not imply endorsement.

Iain Dainty

Bruce Saunders

Caroline De Vaney

Brad Sheldrick

Comments and contributions from readers are welcome, but the editor reserves the right to publish only those items that are considered to be constructive towards workplace safety and health. Reader contributions and correspondence should be addressed to:

Steve Emery

Paul Sofield

David Eyre

Eve Speyers

Tony Gray

Andrew Stanbury

David Harvey

Lin Stain

Joyce Inma

Luke Van Baaren

Darren Kavanagh

Carla Van iJzendoorn

Stephen Lane

Tracy Wynands

Dawn Lucas

Michael Wolter

Th!nkSafe is published by the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS). It is distributed free of charge to industry and interested members of the public.

Th!nkSafe Editor Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety Locked Bag 100 EAST PERTH WA 6892 Enquiries: 08 9358 8153 Email: This publication is available on request in other formats for people with special needs.

Government of Western Australia

Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

Safety Regulation Group Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

Narelle McMahon

PHOTO ATTRIBUTION TYC = Tse Yin Chang COVER PHOTO Celebrating a decade of Mining Emergency Response Competition 2020 [TYC] The State of Western Australia supports and encourages the dissemination and exchange of its information. The copyright in this publication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) licence.

Locked Bag 100 EAST PERTH WA 6892 Telephone: + 61 8 9358 8001 Email: Website:


Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

Under this licence, with the exception of the Government of Western Australia Coat of Arms, the Department's logo, any material protected by a trademark or licence and where otherwise noted, you are free, without having to seek our permission, to use this publication in accordance with the licence terms. We request that you observe and retain any copyright or related notices that may accompany this material as part of the attribution. This is a requirement of the Creative Commons Licences. For more information on this licence, visit legalcode

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October 2021






The Work Health and Safety Excellence Awards recognise outstanding solutions and innovations to specific workplace health and safety problems in Western Australia.

Nominations now open More information safetyawards

4 Safe Work Month 2020 5 Work Health and Safety Excellence Awards are back for 2021

LEGISLATION AND LEGAL NEWS 6 Diesel workplace exposure standards set for all WA mines 7 Health surveillance requirements for silica strengthened

SAFETY AND HEALTH ALERTS AND GUIDANCE 9 Getting young workers off to the right start with SmartMove

14 Demystifying major hazard facilities 16 Getting spotter competency spot-on 18 Four focus areas for Mines Safety 20 Pack smart, pack safe: Understanding the rules for dangerous goods packaging 22 Safe work method statements 23 Latest safety alerts

HEALTH AND HYGIENE 24 Increasing asbestos awareness across WA public sector

INDUSTRY NEWS 25 Celebrating a decade of MERC


10 Hidden hazards of vapes


12 Driving continual improvement in emergency management

28 WorkSafe Plan Certificates of Achievement

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COMMISSIONER'S CORNER 2020 has been a challenging year, but the way in which the Western Australian community has reacted to the COVID-19 pandemic and minimised the risks has been good. WA workplaces have also managed the changes that have had to be made. From the increased hygiene measures required of everyone in the community to employees being required to work from home, support has been made available and people seem to have coped well with the changed circumstances of both their work and private arrangements. I remain optimistic that this good work will continue this year.

INVESTIGATIONS CONTINUE ON ROOF COLLAPSE WorkSafe investigators have reassembled at ground level the roof that partially collapsed at Curtin University in October, leading to a 23-year-old worker suffering fatal injuries and the serious injury of a 26-year-old worker. The tragic incident served to unite the construction industry around the common goal of safety in construction.

Welcome to the first issue of Th!nkSafe for 2021. ...

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The reassembled roof is providing valuable insights into the cause of the incident with a view to prevention of a similar tragedy in the future. Former Industrial relations Minister Bill Johnston visited the site in December to see how the recently expanded investigations team is using new skills to ascertain the causes of workplace incidents. WorkSafe has recently added a Family Support Liaison Officer to its investigation team whose aim is to improve communication between WorkSafe and the families of victims of workplace incidents. Also in the process of being established is the Affected Workers and Families Advisory Committee, a subsidiary committee to the Commission for Occupational Safety and Health (COSH), that will work closely with the Family Support Liaison Officer in offering assistance to families and workmates.



MARKET GARDEN AND GROWERS INSPECTION PROGRAM Sadly, two people lost their lives late last year as a result of incidents on farms on the outskirts of Perth – the first at a strawberry farm and the second at a vegetable farm. The incidents served to bring forward a planned proactive inspection program on market gardens and growers of produce. The program was completed before Christmas, and it is likely it will lead to further community engagement. A large amount of work is being done to raise awareness of the need for improved safety in the agricultural sector. COSH’s Agricultural Working Group has worked with industry to develop a campaign utilising social media to communicate with the agriculture industry. A collective effort will be required to continue to make improvements in this important sector of WA industry.

NEW CHAIR APPOINTED TO COSH A new Chair of COSH has been officially appointed. Professor Patricia (Trish) Todd is a former Professor of Employment Relations and Head of the Management and Organisations Discipline Group at the University of Western Australia. Her research included a focus on the implementation of work/ life balance policies and practices. I extend a warm welcome to Professor Todd with confidence that she will make a valuable contribution to workplace safety in WA.

WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT In November 2020, the Work Health and Safety Act (WHS Act) passed through the WA Parliament. A considerable amount of work is currently being completed on the Regulations that underpin the provisions of the Act. When the Regulations are finalised, the new laws will be enacted and will apply in all WA workplaces. Under current workplace safety laws, the time limit for initiating prosecution action is three years, but under the incoming WHS Act, this will be reduced to two years. While this will put additional pressure on WorkSafe inspectors and investigators to complete investigations in a shorter period of time, the new laws will harmonise WA’s workplace health and safety laws with all other States and Territories except Victoria, and workplace safety will come under a single Act. The WHS laws will introduce the term “person conducting a business or undertaking” (PCBU) to reflect modern employment relationships in addition to the classic employer/employee relationship. Penalties will be increased, an offence of industrial manslaughter introduced, insurance coverage for WHS penalties prohibited and enforceable undertakings will be introduced as an alternative penalty. Although the new laws will harmonise our State with others, amendments have tailored the laws to Western Australia to reflect its unique aspects.

Darren Kavanagh WorkSafe WA Commissioner

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SAFE WORK MONTH 2020 The Safe Work Month theme of “Staying focused on workplace health and safety” was particularly relevant last year with the world navigating through a pandemic. The Department’s aim during Safe Work Month was to remind everyone not to lose focus on overall health and safety, being mindful that accidents can still occur if we become complacent. In October, the Department launched the Safe Work Month 2020 website, with thousands of Western Australian employers and employees registering to watch the on-demand videos from Dangerous Goods Safety, Mines Safety and WorkSafe.

Thank you to those that registered and attended the series of virtual events. Planning is underway for the 2021 event. Subscribe to the Department’s WorkSafe and Resources Safety news alerts to get updates on our 2021 event schedule.

In addition to the videos, there were five livestreamed webinars that provided viewers the opportunity to ask the Department their pressing questions.

SPREADING SAFETY MESSAGES FURTHER The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic changed the traditional way we delivered this important annual event. Moving Safe Work Month online allowed the Department to engage with a wider audience, with over 2,650 people registering for the event. Of those that participated:


watched the on-demand videos


viewed at least one live-streamed webinar


were first-time attendees

35% 98%

preferred to receive information virtually compared to 16% who preferred faceto-face events, and 47% who found both options useful would participate again in a virtual Safe Work Month

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Did you miss the chance to watch a Safe Work Month on-demand video or webinar? Or perhaps you’d like to watch again with your team? Now is your chance. Visit the Safe Work Month website to view all of the videos, including: • M ental health during COVID-19 • Mines Safety: Beyond 2020 • WorkSafe: Occupational health and hygiene • Modernisation of work health and safety laws.



WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY EXCELLENCE AWARDS ARE BACK FOR 2021 With the cancellation of last year’s awards due to COVID-19, the Department is anticipating some impressive nominations celebrating safety initiatives across Western Australian workplaces. ...

The categories are: Work health and safety invention of the year This category recognises development of plant/equipment engineering and/or infrastructure to enhance health and safety

Nominations are now open for the 2021 Work Health and Safety Excellence Awards. The awards recognise outstanding solutions and innovations to specific workplace health and safety problems in Western Australia.

Best solution to a work health and safety risk This category recognises innovation, implementation and/or design of systems or procedures to improve health and safety

DMIRS Deputy Director General Safety Regulation, Ian Munns, said the 2019 award winners were an excellent example of individuals and organisations making positive safety changes.

Best workplace health and safety wellbeing initiative This award recognises an organisation's commitment to the health and wellbeing of their workforce

“Winners like our safety and health representative of the year, Megan Silvey, turned problems into solutions. Determined to use a recent safety incident as an opportunity to make positive changes, Megan came up with a proactive solution that ultimately helped protect the health and wellbeing of her colleagues at St John of God Murdoch Hospital.” The awards feature five categories covering small to medium organisations, and large organisations. 2021 winners will join the ranks alongside past Work Health and Safety Excellence Award winners: • • • • • • •

Clough ConsMin Galactic Co-operative Mainline Demolition Pty Ltd Quattro Project Engineering Rio Tinto TENSA Equipment and Multiplex

Leadership excellence award This award recognises an organisation's excellence in leadership in improving health and safety in the workplace Safety and health representative of the year This category recognises an elected safety and health representative who has made a significant contribution and demonstrable difference to safety and health in their workplace. Nominations close 5.00pm Friday 4 June 2021. Winners will be announced at the awards ceremony in October during Safe Work Month. More information, including the nomination process, can be found on the Department’s website.

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DIESEL WORKPLACE EXPOSURE STANDARDS SET FOR ALL WA MINES Important changes have been made to the Mines Safety and Inspection legislation to include a workplace exposure standard for diesel particulate matter (DPM) that applies to all Western Australian mining operations. Effective from 5 December 2020, the workplace exposure standard for diesel particulate matter (DPM) of 0.1 milligrams per cubic metre of air (eighthour time weighted average) was implemented. Employers must ensure that their workers are not exposed to levels of DPM which exceed this threshold. DPM is a known health hazard for the mining industry, exposure to which increases the risk of workers developing serious health effects. The introduction of the workplace exposure standard follows extensive scientific research into DPM exposure risks and consultation with the mining sector. The Department will continue to work with duty holders to ensure they are managing risks and applying the workplace exposure standard for DPM. Air monitoring will need to be conducted if there is any doubt that the exposure standard is being exceeded or to find out if there is a risk to worker health.

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Resources to support workplaces in controlling the risks include a Mining Industry Advisory Committee endorsed guideline on management of diesel emissions in Western Australian mining operations. Applying the principles contained in the guideline will assist mining operators to promote a safe and healthy work environment. For further information, please call 1800 SAFE MINE (1800 7233 64) or visit the DMIRS website.

AVAILABLE RESOURCES Management of diesel emissions in Western Australian mining operations – guideline Guidance about dusts and other airborne contaminants Frequently asked questions on the workplace exposure standard for diesel particulate matter – information sheet



HEALTH SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR SILICA STRENGTHENED Increased protections for workers exposed to respirable crystalline silica in the engineered stone industry are in place following an important change to the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996. Following a three-month grace period beginning 15 January 2021, employers will be required to provide exposed workers with a low-dose high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) scan, supervised by an appointed medical practitioner. This amendment will make WA the first Australian state to replace the previous requirement for a chest X-ray with HRCT scans. HRCT scans have been demonstrated to be more effective than chest X-rays in the early detection of silicosis. Silicosis is a serious, incurable and potentially lethal occupational lung disease. It is caused by exposure to respirable crystalline silica in industries such as engineered stone product manufacturing, installation, stonemasonry and construction work. This amendment follows recent changes to halve the workplace exposure standard for respirable crystalline silica to protect workers further. Both of these measures are important steps in improving health outcomes for Western Australian workers exposed to silica. For more information and guidance on silica in the workplace, visit the Department’s website.

AVAILABLE RESOURCES Silica Frequently asked questions - Silica

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Government of Western Australia

Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

Work health and safety laws are changing in Western Australia To help WA workplaces prepare for the new work health and safety laws, the Department is developing a range of tools and resources that outline how the laws will apply to businesses and workers. While progress continues on the work health and safety regulations, the current mining and occupational safety and health laws are still in force. To keep up to date on the latest news about WA’s new work health and safety legislation visit the Department’s website.

Visit the Modernising work health and safety laws in WA webpage to learn more.


Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety








Spot the hazard

Assess the risk

Make the changes

Monitor and follow-up

Since 1999, WorkSafe has been sharing work health and safety knowledge with young people through SmartMove. The online platform educates young people to recognise the potential dangers, hazards and associated risks in the workplace and provides them with the tools to stay safe while they are at work. SmartMove is also useful to new workers and seasonal workers. In February, the redeveloped SmartMove Certificate program was introduced. The aim is to introduce general work health and safety concepts to young people in a way that relates to them while supporting the needs of educators. The SmartMove Certificate consists of the general module, 16 industry modules and an alternative learning module. Each module is broken down into sections looking at types of hazards related to the industry (like electricity or slips, trips and falls) followed by a knowledge quiz at the end of each section. SmartMove now has four new industry modules developed in response to education and industry demands. These are fast food and takeaway food, horticulture, light manufacturing, and plumbing and gasfitting. Graphic animations and gaming activities are incorporated throughout the modules. An animated figure called SAMM guides the learner on their SmartMove journey.

There are many ways to protect yourself and be safe at work. Find out by trying the new SmartMove at

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BACKGROUND In January 2021, the Department received a report of an incident at a mine site where an electronic cigarette (vape) battery spontaneously ignited in a worker’s pocket while he was travelling in a utility with two other workers. The statements received with the report describe a combustion event not unlike fireworks going off and flying around the inside of the vehicle the workers were travelling in. The worker received severe burns to his leg.

This report is consistent with other e-cigarette device spontaneous combustion events in the United States and United Kingdom, some of which have resulted in fatalities. Also in January, an explosion in a parked car in a shopping centre carpark set off a destructive car fire that damaged seven cars in the vicinity. Police confirmed that an e-cigarette device was responsible for the explosion and resultant fire. In a submission to the Australian Parliament Inquiry in 2018, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) warned it was concerned about the potential safety risks from e-cigarette batteries: "E-cigarettes contain interchangeable parts, often including extra-low voltage lithium batteries. Failure of these parts has been linked to ignition of E-cigarettes, with a number of incidences of burns injuries reported overseas. Many have been linked to overcharging and overheating of batteries, causing the device to ignite or explode in close proximity to the user.1"

Thermal and chemical burns from an exploding e-cigarette battery

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SAFETY BULLETINS MSB No. 181 Hazards associated with the use of e-cigarette devices

The cause of the explosion is known as “thermal runaway”. Thermal runaway refers to the very rapid discharge of the battery which occurs when the battery overheats to dangerously high temperatures, resulting in inner fire and explosion, and chemical and thermal burns to the user.4

A recent study led by George Mason University estimated there were more than 2,000 visits to US emergency rooms from 2015 to 2017 for e-cigarette burns (thermal and chemical) and explosion-related injuries.2 The study report stated that the number is likely to be significantly higher as the study only considered emergency department presentations. The vast majority of those injured were people who had e-cigarette batteries in their pockets when the batteries exploded. Some had keys or coins in their pocket which becomes a dangerous mix of metal and lithium-ion batteries, and increases the likelihood of a short circuit occurring. An overheated battery in a pocket can easily set clothes on fire, resulting in severe burns all over the body. Two thirds of the reported fire and explosion incidents analysed in a report by the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)3 resulted in ignition of nearby contents such as clothing, soft furnishings and vehicle seats and, in eight per cent of those incidents, the fire was major involving significant portions of a building.

Safety Bulletin 0121 Hazards associated with the use of e-cigarette devices Safety bulletin 01/2021 Hazards associated with the use of e-cigarette devices

Available information on similar occurrences from the US and UK and the injuries sustained are significant enough in themselves; however, the consequences of an e-cigarette battery explosion and fire in an underground mine or in the vicinity of an explosives magazine or fuel facility, are potentially catastrophic, as the explosion and fire in the shopping centre carpark demonstrates. The Department recommends that risks associated with carrying electronic cigarette devices on persons on work sites, particularly in potentially hazardous areas, should be reviewed and preventative and control measures developed and implemented.

Parliament of Australia, Inquiry into Electronic Cigarettes and Personal Vaporisers in Australia (March 2018) 1

BMJ Journals, Electronic cigarette explosion and burn injuries, US Emergency Departments 2015-2017 2

FEMA, Electronic Cigarette Fires and Explosions in the United States 2009-2016 3

CSIRO, E-cigarettes, smoking and health. A Literature Review Update (June 2018) 4

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Newmont Boddington at the 2020 Mining Emergency Response Competition

Many WA mining operations recognise the need for closer working relationships between organisations and response agencies. This is known as ‘interoperability’. The need for interoperability is growing as mine sites continue to expand geographically, with many operations now sharing borders. Due to climate change, risk profiles are shifting and the potential for more severe events is greater with the likelihood of fires and other natural disasters increasing. A lack of coordinated response by agencies and industry has been identified as a significant cause of performance failure in several incident inquiries in Australia and globally. There is an opportunity to identify and share best practices in regards to emergency management technology and operations in WA. The Mining Industry Emergency Management Working Group was formed in late 2019 to foster cooperation, share information and drive continual improvement of emergency management in the WA mining industry. Initial participants were representatives from major WA mining organisations, but it is anticipated that the working group will expand to include collaboration with other organisations and emergency response agencies. This expansion will increase opportunities for information sharing and industry improvement.

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HOW TO CONTRIBUTE If you are involved in emergency management and would like to contribute to the working group please send through your specific interest or areas where you believe the working group can improve emergency management in WA to

Current working group members have derived immediate benefit from their participation in the group. Sharing of fire plans, group interaction with the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) and plans to standardise emergency management and response training in WA are just a few of the projects being worked on.




Rio Tinto Mining Ops at the 2020 Mining Emergency Response Competition

WORKING GROUP CHARTER • Identify opportunities to improve emergency management practices • Examine available research and other resources to support an evidence-based approach to emergency management practices • Identify and share technological advances in emergency management equipment and resources • Collaborate and develop relationships that encourage legislative compliance • Lobby for improvements in the industry • Share emergency management issues and develop solutions through a collaborative approach • Make representation to, or request information from, emergency management agencies or organisations

RESOURCES AVAILABLE These resources may assist operations to comply with legislative requirements and also improve their emergency management and response performance. Developing emergency response plans Emergency management for Western Australian mines – code of practice Dangerous goods emergency plans for small businesses – guidance note Preparing for emergency evacuations at the workplace – guidance note National Council for Fire and Emergency Services (AFAC) The OSH Body of Knowledge – Chapter 36: Emergency Management State Emergency Management Committee (SEMC) WA Emergency & Risk Management (DFES) Government response to the Review – Extreme Weather: Bureau of Meteorology

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Since the mid 1950s, the industrialisation of WA has kept pace with mineral and energy resource development. To sustain growth, WA continues to build and operate more industrial plants producing dangerous goods and petroleum products necessary for many reasons, including chemical manufacturing, power generation, water treatment and fuels.

The industrial sites which have the most potential to significantly impact on the community are classified as major hazard facilities (MHF). There are currently 22 MHFs located around WA, across a variety of industries. Examples include oil refineries, hydrocarbon processing plants, precious metal refineries, chemical plants, and large fuel and chemical storage depots.

A number of devastating incidents at industrial facilities have occurred globally in recent decades, causing significant loss of life, injury and environmental damage, leaving a lasting impact on the local community. To avoid similar incidents in WA, the Department has a dedicated Dangerous Goods and Critical Risks Directorate for the regulation of facilities which store, handle or produce dangerous goods or petroleum.

The Department takes the regulation of MHFs seriously, with dedicated legislation (the Dangerous Goods Safety (Major Hazard Facilities) Regulations 2007) and a team of specialist inspectors dedicated solely to their enforcement. This legislation applies in addition to the occupational safety and health legislation for the facility. For example, the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 or the Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994 if the facility is a mine site.

HISTORICAL INCIDENTS Texas City Port, USA (1947): chemical explosion killing 581 people, injuring 5,000 and displacing 2,000. Flixborough, UK (1974): chemical plant explosion killing 28 people and injuring 36. Seveso, Italy (1976): toxic chemical release that resulted in evacuation of the town, with 3300 animals found dead and 80,000 animals had to be slaughtered. Bhopal, India (1984): toxic chemical release killing between 3,787-8,000 people and injuring 558,000. Toulouse, France (2001): chemical explosion killing 31 people and injuring 2,500. Texas City, USA (2005): petroleum explosion killing 15 people and injuring 180.

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MHF operators are required to go beyond compliance to standards and codes of practice. Each MHF must thoroughly detail all of the potential major incidents, the risk control measures in place, the systems to mitigate the impact of incidents, and demonstrate they have done all they reasonably can to reduce the risk and submit it to the Department in a safety report. The details in the safety report are thoroughly scrutinised prior to approval. Importantly, the safety report isn’t a once off document. The MHF operator is required to revise it as the facility changes, after an incident, or if there are improvements in technology. Further to this, at least every five years the safety report must be fully reviewed, along with the risk assessments and re-submitted for approval. In addition the MHF sites are subject to regular audits and inspections by the Department to check for compliance against commitments made in the safety report The impacts outside of the MHF boundary fence are also considered. Initially, industrial complexes operated in locations with sufficient separation to residential areas. Over decades, with the growth of urban sprawl, residential developments have



encroached on industrial complex buffer zones, creating conflicts between the different land users requiring careful management to ensure safe coexistence. Appropriate land use planning ensures the optimal utilisation of land available for both the industry and public, including buffer zones appropriately maintained to minimise the risk posed by industrial facilities to the public. Even with these systems in place, we need to remain vigilant. Incidents that have occurred globally over last 10 years have served as a stark reminder of what can happen when people become complacent and fail to adequately control the risks posed by dangerous goods. The devastation, loss of life, livelihoods and property in the aftermath of incidents from West Texas, USA; Tianjin, China and Beirut, Lebanon is shocking and the effects are felt for decades after the incident itself. WA Government agencies responsible for the regulatory oversight of MHF activities or life cycle aspects

Government agency

Jurisdictional coverage

Department of Mines Industry Regulation and Safety

Storage, handling and processing of dangerous goods and petroleum

Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage

Coordination and promotion of land use planning, and sustainable land development

Department of Fire and Emergency Services

Assist in the emergency response management of hazardous materials

RECENT INCIDENTS West Texas, USA (2013): chemical explosion killing 15 people and injuring 160-200. Tianjin Port, China (2015): chemical explosion killing 173 people and injuring 800. Beirut, Lebanon (2020): chemical explosion killing 210 people, injuring 7500 and displacing 300,000.

FURTHER INFORMATION Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety • Dangerous Goods Safety Act 2004 • Dangerous Goods Safety (Storage and Handling of Non-explosives) Regulations 2007 • Dangerous Goods Safety (Major Hazard Facilities) Regulations 2007 • A dangerous goods site also becoming a major hazard facility • Preparing a safety report for a major hazard facility • Applying for approval of a safety report for a major hazard facility • Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994 • Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984

Department of Fire and Emergency Services • WA Emergency & Risk Management • Emergency Situation Declarations • Safety Information – HAZMAT and other Warnings

Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage • WAPC - Introduction to the planning system

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GETTING SPOTTER COMPETENCY SPOT-ON Competent spotters are a well established control for reducing the risk of inadvertent impact by operators of mobile load carrying equipment. Spotters are required to have the necessary combination of skills, knowledge and experience (i.e. competency) to recognise the hazards and apply the appropriate actions in a given situation and set of circumstances. Operators of mobile load carrying equipment always have one or more blind spots where they cannot exercise judgment to avoid impact. Spotters assist operators of cranes, elevating work platforms (EWPs) and other mobile load carrying equipment to not only avoid damaging equipment or plant, but also the potentially more devastating effects of: • falling from a height • falling objects and collapsing structures • uncontrolled movement of equipment and plant which can result in crushing injuries • exposure of workers to the contents of pipes and tanks (e.g. chemicals, molten metals and waste products) • stored energy sources including electrical, mechanical, radiation and heat that may be present in the workplace. Over 130 incidents a year from more than 80 mine sites have highlighted that the competency requirements for a spotter are not well understood.

It is essential to verify all spotters have the appropriate High Risk Work Licence (HRWL) or operator's licence and practical experience for each type of mobile load carrying equipment being used. For example, when directing a crane lifting a load, the spotter must have an HRWL rated for dogger or rigger as appropriate for their interaction with the load. For all other mobile plant lifting loads or people or when in doubt, a spotter or safety observer is to have, as a minimum, a doggers HRWL or be trained as an operator of the equipment (such as an EWP). It is a legal requirement that spotters are assessed and verified on site for these competencies (known as VOC or verification of competency). Under all circumstances, the spotter must be competent to understand the way the mobile plant moves and its specifc limitations so that timely and correct directions are given.

FURTHER INFORMATION Australian Standard AS 2550.5 Cranes, hoist and winches – Safe use Part 5: Mobile cranes

Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

The role of the spotter is to:

Powered mobile plant – guidance note

• ensure that the crane, its lifted load, EWP or other mobile equipment operates within the limits defined in the task or plan • stop the work at any time the task breaches its assigned limits • maintain effective and immediate communication with the work team • communicate with the mobile plant operator in a timely, clear and well understood manner.

Safe Work Australia

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Guide for operating cranes and mobile plant near overhead electric lines

SAFETY BULLETIN MSB No. 182 Competency of spotters for mobile load carrying equipment



CASE STUDIES Case study 1

An operator was reversing a skid steer under the direction of a spotter when the back right side wheel went over an edge of shallow footing. With the momentum of reversing, the centre of gravity changed and the skid steer tipped onto its side.

Case study 2

COVID-19 vaccination rollout information The Department has recently published information for small business, employers and workers in regards to workplace health and safety laws and how these relate to COVID-19 vaccines.

While slewing a crane, the operator focused on the load and congested surroundings. A spotter instructed the crane operator to stop when he saw the boom was close to the acid line. By the time the crane operator ceased the movement, the boom had contacted and fractured the fibreglass acid line, resulting in acid spraying onto the crane.

• COVID-19 Vaccination rollout information – Small business • COVID-19 Vaccination rollout information – Employers • COVID-19 Vaccination rollout information – Workers The landscape is constantly shifting, and it is encouraging to see how WA workplaces as a whole have adapted as requirements change. Protecting the physical and psychosocial health and safety of workers is our priority.

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FOUR FOCUS AREAS FOR MINES SAFETY As we transition towards new work health and safety legislation in Western Australia, the Department’s Mines Safety Directorate continues to conduct proactive work to support our mining industry. A key part of the Department’s role as the State’s mine safety regulator is monitoring the rates of accidents and incidents in mining, with the aim of improving safety. Based on accident and incident data in WA mining operations, the Department has identified four focus areas for Mines Safety inspectors in 2021. These areas are hazardous manual tasks, repeat hazard exposure, contractor management and mentally healthy workplaces.

Engaging with safety and health representatives

While conducting activities related to these four areas, Mines Safety inspectors will continue to engage with safety and health representatives (SHReps) to identify issues and solutions.

Hazardous manual tasks Is your site proactively managing hazards associated with manual tasks? Repeat hazard exposure Are hazards and risks being managed appropriately to prevent reoccurrence?

Contractor management Is your site appropriately managing the health and safety of contractors?

Mentally healthy workplaces Are psychosocial hazards and risk factors proactively managed?

01 HAZARDOUS MANUAL TASKS Manual tasks remain a key area when it comes to incidents and related injuries, with consistently proven high levels of risk. Mines Safety has identified a number of injury types related to manual tasks that contribute the greatest amount of lost time and restricted work duties when compared to overall industry figures. While Mines Safety will continue to focus on all aspects of a mining operation, they will be paying close attention to these injury types to ensure sites are identifying and controlling their risks appropriately. The top three reported injuries relating to manual tasks account for 14% of all injuries.

02 REPEAT HAZARD EXPOSURE Along with hazardous manual tasks, Mines Safety is also focussing on instances where a person has been exposed to a workplace hazard repeatedly. Inspectors will be investigating whether hazards have been suitably identified and understood, and whether appropriate controls are in place. Sites should apply the strongest hierarchy of control measure first, which involves eliminating exposure to hazards where possible. Where this is not possible, sites should minimise the risk by working through the hierarchy from most to least reliable measures. Mines Safety will be assessing whether sites have implemented suitable methods of control and taking appropriate action where necessary. Safety performance data over several years demonstrates lack of improvement in incident rates.

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With significant rises in workforce numbers over the past year and continued growth in the iron ore sector, Mines Safety has identified an increase in the contract workforce. Between July 2019 and June 2020, 63 per cent of reported work hours were attributed to contractors. Sites are encouraged to be mindful of the risks that a larger workforce and greater proportion of contractors introduces. The Department is committed to ensuring sites are upholding their duties and managing their workforce, including their contractors, appropriately. The rate of reported injuries involving contract workers is comparable to employees.

SAFETY AND HEALTH REPRESENTATIVES Along with these four areas, the Department is also reminding mine operators of the importance of having SHReps on their sites. SHReps are essential in communicating safety and health issues at work, acting as a liaison between workers and supervisors, and supporting inspectors in investigations.

The release of the Mentally healthy workplaces for fly-in fly-out workers in the resources and construction sectors – code of practice provided Western Australian workplaces with a useful tool for navigating workplace psychosocial hazards and risks. While there has been progress made in workplace mental health awareness, Mines Safety inspectors are still seeing an increase in the number of reported exposures to psychosocial hazards at sites. The Department has developed an audit tool to support workplaces and assess how industry is progressing with meeting the requirements of the code. This audit tool is a valuable resource in identifying psychosocial hazards and risks in the workplace and encouraging site leaders to implement suitable measures to promote the health and safety of their staff. There have been continued increases in the number of reported exposures to psychosocial hazards on sites (e.g. bullying).

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PACK SMART, PACK SAFE: UNDERSTANDING THE RULES FOR DANGEROUS GOODS PACKAGING The Department’s Dangerous Goods officers are tasked with checking a large number of items when they inspect a truck or site. One item that can be overlooked by operators when storing or transporting dangerous goods is the packaging. There is a maximum lifespan for dangerous goods packaging which is stipulated by the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail (ADG7.7). Packaging that has passed its use by date has an increased risk of failing, either during normal operations, or in the event of an accident. Plastic drums, plastic jerry cans, rigid plastic intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) and composite IBCs with plastic inner receptacles have a lifespan of five years. This means that after five years they can no longer be used to contain dangerous goods. Plastic packaging used for nitric or hydrofluoric acid has a lifespan of two years from the date of manufacture.

WHAT IS THE PROCESS FOR APPROVING DANGEROUS GOODS PACKAGING? Packaging that is used for dangerous goods is required to be tested and meet certain criteria (with the exception of packaging for limited quantities). This testing must be performed by a recognised testing facility, as defined in regulation 57 of the Dangerous Goods Safety (Road and Rail Transport of Non-explosives) Regulations 2007. A report is then submitted to the competent authority for approval. In Western Australia, the competent authority is the Department’s Chief Dangerous Goods Officer. Once the packaging is approved, it is issued with a packaging approval number that contains information to enable those responsible for the transport of dangerous goods to quickly identify if the goods are packaged in the correct container.

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Non-approved containers damaged during transport

WHAT DOES THE PACKAGING APPROVAL NUMBER TELL US? The packaging approval number is preceded by (the UN approval mark), and contains package marking codes separated by slashes. It designates the type of packaging and its construction material, a code for the packaging group and mass or density, whether it contains a solid (S), or the test pressure of the container for liquids, the year of manufacture, the country of manufacture, and the approval number. In some cases the packaging approval number will also have extra information. For example, packaging approval numbers for IBCs may also list the approved stacking weight. See Section 6.1.2 of ADG7.7 for more information on packaging codes. Understanding the safety requirements for dangerous goods packaging is essential for suppliers, consignors, prime contractors and drivers, all of whom are involved as part of the transport chain of responsibility. Suppliers: Only sell or supply suitable packagings that meet the requirements of Parts 4 and 6 of ADG7.6, and have been approved by a competent authority in their state. Consignors: Only offer for sale or transport dangerous goods that have been packed into suitable packaging. Prime contractors: Ensure that no defective or damaged packaging is transported. Drivers: Make sure the packaging remains undamaged during transport.



Packaging approval numbers Examples for solid and liquid dangerous goods


Gross mass (kg)

Solids or inner packagings

4G / X 13 / S / 97 / GB / 0662 UN symbol

Type of packaging and material of construction

Packing group

Year of manufacture (e.g 1997)

Location of manufacture (e.g Great Britain)

Approval number/ID

2A / Y 1.2 / 50 / 97 / GB / 0662 Specific gravity


Test pressure kPa

Types of packaging

Materials of construction

1 – Drums/pails

A – Steel

H – Plastic material

Packing group X – PG I, II and III

2 – Barrels

B – Aluminium

L – Textile

Y – PG II and III

3 – Jerry cans

C – Natural wood

M – Paper, multiwall


4 – Box

D – Plywood

N – Metal (other than steel of aluminium)

5 – Bag

F – Reconstituted wood

P – Glass, porcelain or stoneware

6 – Composite packaging

G – Fibreboard

UN packaging approval number key

WANT TO LEARN MORE? For more information on dangerous goods packaging requirements, visit the Department’s website. Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail Edition 7.6 (ADG Code) Beyond the gate – site responsibilities for transporting dangerous goods Six pillars of dangerous goods transport – packaging

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SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENTS The safe work method statement (SWMS) is a tool that identifies hazards, assesses the risks and identifies control measures to be implemented to reduce the risks. It guides safe work practices and is commonly used across all industries in Western Australia. Identifying the hazards, assessing risks and considering control measures is required across all industries. When conducting high risk construction work, the SWMS tool is a mandatory requirement. In other industries it is adopted by common practice. While it is commonly used, it has been recognised nationally that it may not be used as intended. For high risk construction work, the SWMS must be in writing and should, as far as is practicable, set out: • e ach high risk construction work activity that is or includes a hazard to which a person at the construction site is likely to be exposed • the risk of injury or harm to a person resulting from any such hazard • the safety measures to be implemented to reduce the risk, including the control measures to be applied to the activity or hazard • a description of the equipment used in the work activity • the qualifications and training (if any) required for persons doing the work to do it safely. In 2019, the WA Commission for Occupational Safety and Health expressed a number of concerns with the use of SWMS in construction. They included: • SWMS being prepared by persons who are not in a position to assess the high risk work being carried out • generic SWMS not being reviewed and updated for specific tasks • main contractors not reviewing the content of subcontractor SWMS before work commences

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• on-site employees not receiving instruction and training in SWMS or not reading the SWMS before signing it • main contractors not stopping work when a SWMS was not being complied with. A parliamentary report published in 2020 found the production and use of a SWMS for use in high risk construction work is beneficial if that document is properly used. The report went on to state that the SWMS is a critical and useful safety tool if: • it is prepared by trained and skilled people who understand the work • it is regularly updated for the specific work being undertaken • the work is carried out in accordance with the SWMS • workers receive instruction and training regarding the work method before undertaking the work • workers read and understand the SWMS before signing it • the main contractor stops the work if it does not comply with the SWMS. A SWMS can be useful in any industry, but only if: • workers are trained in its proper use • it is specifically drafted for that particular work task • it is actually used to guide the safe conduct of the work. If a SWMS or any other risk assessment document is just another red tape process and is used as a pre-start ‘tick and flick’ exercise, it is merely a piece of paper and offers little to assist the safe conduct of the work. All duty holders have a legislative obligation to ensure that all risk assessments or SWMS, when they are legislatively required to be used or are adopted as a safety tool, are used appropriately to identify hazards, assess risks and identify control measures to reduce the risk as far as is reasonably practicable.





erts y al er t e f , sa mb orts Septe p e 1 tr iden ed from c n i s t elea can nifi letins r . g i s ul of 021 List safety b arch 2 and to 31 M 0 202



Significant incident reports

Safety alert 03/2021 Elevating work platform structural failure

SIR No. 285 Near miss when an excavator fell from crane during lifting operation SIR No. 284 Service mechanic sustained serious hand injuries when struck by radiator fan blades on a generator SIR No. 283 Manned loader falls into open stope – fatal accident

Safety bulletins MSB No. 182 Competency of spotters for mobile load carrying equipment MSB No. 181 Hazards associated with the use of e-cigarette devices

Safety alert 02/2021 Employee receives electrical shock from bar glass washer Safety alert 01/2021 Service mechanic sustained serious hand injuries when struck by radiator fan blades on a generator Safety alert 06/2020 Station hands riding horses without wearing safety helmets Safety alert 05/2020 Young worker assaulted during night shift at a service station Safety bulletin 01/2021 Hazards associated with the use of e-cigarette devices

DANGEROUS GOODS SAFETY Safety Bulletin 0121 Hazards associated with the use of e-cigarette devices Safety Bulletin No. 0320 Safe storage of ammonium nitrate

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INCREASING ASBESTOS AWARENESS ACROSS WA PUBLIC SECTOR Australia has one of the highest rates of asbestosrelated diseases in the world, with approximately 4,000 deaths each year from past exposure to asbestos – more than double the number of annual Australian road deaths. Many public and commercial buildings, homes and infrastructure contain large amounts of ageing asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). In November 2019, the Australian Government Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency (ASEA) released the National Strategic Plan for Asbestos Awareness and Management 2019–2023 (NSP 2019–2023). The NSP 2019–2023 includes nine targets, which build on the previous plan’s (NSP 2014–2018) progress in relation to asbestos policies and actions at all levels of government. NSP 2019-2023 can be downloaded from the ASEA website. On 9 November 2020, the State Government endorsed targets one to seven of the NSP 20192023 (targets eight and nine are the responsibility of the Federal Government), to identify and safely remove asbestos from publicly-owned buildings, if required. The NSP 2019-2023 will ensure government departments, agencies, local government and government enterprises identify and assess the risks associated with asbestos-containing materials within government-controlled buildings, land and infrastructure. Government agencies will be required to commence reporting on their progress to the during the 2021/2022 financial year. The Department will be the lead agency for coordinating these agency reports and liaising with ASEA. In endorsing the NSP 2019-2023 targets, the WA Government has agreed that departments, agencies, local government and government enterprises will: • identify and assess the risk of ACM in all facilities they own or occupy

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• develop and maintain risk based management plans for management of asbestos which include the removal of the asbestos where required or feasible opportunities exist • provide six and 12 monthly progress reports to the Department, as lead agency, for submission to the ASEA • include information in its annual report on its progress in achieving the targets set out in their schedule. With respect to target three, the Department will report to ASEA, as far as practicable, on the progress of the schedules on a six-monthly basis, noting that the management of low to medium risk ACMs in-situ is permitted and removal is not mandated. Where practicable, removal should be planned during opportunities for remedial works, such as refurbishment or upgrade works. Reporting to ASEA will therefore focus on the removal of high-risk asbestos, as identified by agencies from time-totime. ASEA has assured the Department that the NSP 2019-2023 does not impose strict deadlines for the removal of asbestos containing material by 2023. The year 2023 only indicates the end of the second stage of a phased approach to managing Australia’s asbestos legacy.

WE’RE HERE TO HELP The Department has developed a reporting template and dedicated online hub to assist organisations with meeting their requirements. For more information visit the Department's website. If you have any further queries regarding this matter, please contact nspaam@dmirs.





Synergy Muja Power Station at the 2020 Mining Emergency Response Competition

2020 has been a tough year and it was with much joy that we received confirmation that MERC would be going ahead to celebrate the significant milestone of 10 years of competition. ...

The vision at MERC is always to ‘be the world’s top event in mining rescue activities with ability to reach the public.’ With this focus, the annual event was held again at Langley Park, giving friends and family and those with an interest in mining, an opportunity to see response teams using their skills and knowledge in simulated emergency rescue events. Across the weekend, MERC welcomed over 4500 public attendees, 57 sponsors and 120 volunteers all in support of 11 emergency response teams. The teams challenged themselves in road crash rescue, first aid, confined space rescue, rope rescue, firefighting, hazardous materials, and emergency response team readiness disciplines. Through exposure to ‘real-life’ simulated rescue events, and the extra pressures of competition, the aim of MERC is to instil in teams a calm, methodical approach to emergency situations they may be required to respond to on site.

Importantly, MERC took into consideration necessary precautions for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 with strict adherence to risk register controls and guidelines provided by the Australian Government. MERC relies on the skills, expertise and generosity of the community and this year MERC recognised 5 and 10 year volunteers and 10 year sponsors for their extraordinary support over the past decade. The competition concluded with the annual awards ceremony where Hon. Minister Bill Johnston emphasised the importance of teams being able to continue practising the techniques required to respond appropriately in the face of an emergency. Rio Tinto Mining Operations was the overall winner, with Newmont Boddington second placed and Rio Tinto Supply Chain third. We congratulate the 11 teams on their hard work, determination and sharing of skills at the 2020 Mining Emergency Response Competition and look forward to supporting future events. For more information about the competition, visit the MERC website.

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This new feature of Th!nkSafe is designed for safety and health representatives and others with occupational health and safety responsibilities. Here you’ll find links to the Department’s latest safety and health publications, statistics and safety share moments to help plan your next safety meeting.

WHAT’S NEW? Statistics • Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2019-2020 – report • Safety performance in the Western Australian mineral industry 2019-20 – poster • Activity indicators for Mines Safety - July to September 2020 • Key OSH Statistics Western Australia – Work-related lost time injuries, diseases and fatalities in WA • Safety and health snapshot – Ground control • Safety and health snapshot – Mentally healthy workplaces

Information sheets • Respiratory protective equipment – Fit testing requirements • Safety management of electric arc flash hazards

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HELPING YOU UNDERSTAND THE ROLE OF PROVISIONAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICES A provisional improvement notice (PIN) is a notice issued by an elected safety and health representative about a safety and health issue in the workplace. Only elected safety and health representatives who have completed the required training can issue a provisional improvement notice (PIN). More information on PINs and the appropriate forms are available on our website • General workplaces: Provisional improvement notices (PIN) (WorkSafe) • Mining: What are provisional improvement notices (PINs) for a mining operation? • Petroleum: Provisional improvement notices (PIN) – petroleum and geothermal energy industries



SAFETY MOMENT These incident scenarios have been developed by the Department to help workplaces understand how different types of decisionmaking failures can result in an incident. These examples are based on actual events; however, all identifying features have been removed, and they are not intended to be simply a question and answer, rather to start conversations about safety within the workplace.

Incident scenario Decision-making failure: Lapses A lapse of attention or memory (e.g. forgetting to carry out a step in a procedure – error of omission) A haul truck driver was under instruction with the trainer in the cab of his truck. They were carting iron ore from a shovel face to the ROM at an open pit. The procedure specified in the training manual was for the trainer to prompt the driver prior to any critical action, such as braking or stopping at an intersection. While under instruction, the driver would be prompted or reminded to carry out these critical tasks until the trainer was confident that the driver was able to carry them out unaided. The cresting speed for all ramps on site was 16 kph. The procedure required the driver to slow to the cresting speed prior to engaging the ramp and set the retard speed control (RSC) to the ramp cresting speed.

The driver had been under instruction for approximately an hour and a half when they approached the crest of a ramp. When the truck was about 20 metres from the crest, the trainer looked down at the paperwork for recording the driver’s compliance and performance of critical actions. The trainer had thought the paperwork to record correct cresting procedure was on top of the pile, but it wasn’t. Realising that they were approaching a ramp, the trainer began to shuffle through the pile of documents and knocked most of the papers onto the truck floor. The trainer bent down to pick them up. The driver was aware that the crest was approaching, but was distracted by the trainer and the dropped papers. The driver continued at the same speed and crested the ramp at approximately 30 kph. The trainer felt the truck going over the ramp and shouted to the driver to apply the service and dynamic brakes. The truck came to a halt half way down the ramp. Questions for the group 1. What went wrong? What was the lapse or omission? 2. What could have been done differently? 3. What could be done to prevent a reoccurrence?

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WORKSAFE PLAN CERTIFICATES OF ACHIEVEMENT The WorkSafe Plan is an assessment process that rates safety and health management systems and directs attention to areas that could be improved. The WorkSafe Plan is not intended to prescribe how to manage safety and health, but to provide a systematic way of measuring how well it is being managed. It is suitable for organisations of all sizes and can be used to: • provide information on desirable safety and health management practices • identify strengths and weaknesses in safety and health management systems • provide a measure for safety and health performance • implement a cycle of continuous improvement • compare performance with organisations in the same industry • gain recognition for standards achieved in management of the organisation’s safety and health systems. Twenty nine Certificates of Achievement were awarded in 2020 to organisations that successfully submitted a WorkSafe Plan assessment completed by a qualified WorkSafe Plan assessor.

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Busselton Water receiving their Platinum Certificate of Achievement from WorkSafe Western Australia Commissioner, Darren Kavanagh

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THESE COMPANIES THAT HAVE ACHIEVED HIGH STANDARDS IN OSH MANAGEMENT. Anybody may use the WorkSafe Plan workbook to assess their safety and health system or see how one operates. Organisations with workplaces under the jurisdiction of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 are eligible for Certificates of Achievement issued by the Department. If you would like formal recognition of your occupational safety and health system, the assessments must be undertaken by an independent WorkSafe Plan assessor.

For more information on the WorkSafe Plan assessment process, email worksafeplan@dmirs. or visit the Department's WorkSafe Plan webpage.



Gold recipients have achieved a rating of 75 per cent or more showing excellent results in the areas of management commitment and planning for improvements. These companies have demonstrated an obligation to consulting with workers and providing resources to prevent injury and disease. Gold certificate recipients: Eire Total Access receiving their Platinum Certificate of Achievement from WorkSafe Western Australia Commissioner, Darren Kavanagh

Platinum recipients are outstanding performers with a rating of 90 per cent or more in all areas of OSH management. At this level, all safe work systems are well established, documented and regularly monitored and reviewed to ensure continuous improvement. Platinum certificate recipients: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Busselton Water Charles Service Company College of Electrical Training Cossill & Webley Electrical Group Training Eire Total Access Pty Ltd General Crane Services (WA) Pty Ltd Goldstar Transport Mission Impossible Group Services Southern Seawater Joint Venture SRG Global Limited Synergy Tracc Civil Pty Ltd VenuesWest

• • • • • • • • •

Aurora Environmental Pty Ltd Christou Design Group Pty Ltd IKAD Engineering Greenacres Turf Group GreenSteam Australia Pty Ltd Lochness Landscape Services Westralian Pty Ltd WorkCover WA Perth Airport Pty Ltd

Silver recipients have achieved 60 per cent or more in all areas of the WorkSafe Plan assessment. Generally these organisations are making significant improvements with the aim of achieving Gold status. Silver certificate recipients: • ABS Solutions • Air Force Association (Western Australian Division) • Autosweep WA • Landgate • Roam Pty Ltd • Total Landscape Redevelopment Services • Vinepower Margaret River Pty Ltd • Western Salt Refinery Pty Ltd

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SAFETY REGULATION GROUP Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety Postal address: Locked Bag 100 EAST PERTH WA 6892



including exploration, mining and mineral processing

for general industries

Telephone: 1800 SAFEMINE (1800 723 364) (general enquiries, mines safety reporting and safety and health representatives) Email: (general enquiries) (safety and health representatives)

Telephone: 1300 307 877 (general enquiries) 1300 424 091 (licensing) 1800 678 198 (24 hours serious incident and fatality reporting) Email: (general enquiries)


Mason Bird Building, Level 1, 303 Sevenoaks Street, Cannington WA 6107

including explosives and fireworks


Telephone: +61 8 6251 2300 MINE PLANS Email: Telephone: 1800 SAFEMINE (1800 723 364) (dangerous goods safety enquiries) Email: (dangerous goods licensing enquiries)

PETROLEUM SAFETY including pipelines and operations, major hazard facilities and geothermal energy Telephone: +61 8 9358 8001


Telephone: +61 8 9358 8001 (select option 3) Email:

SAFETY EDUCATION including publications and events Telephone: +61 8 9358 8154 Email:

Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety



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