Local Committee midterm Report
Executive Board 09-10 Local Committee AIESEC Almaty 2009 Š
Leadership is a journey, not a destination… Dear members, The following document is a mid-term report of AIESEC Almaty Executive Board 09/10. Here you will find things that were done in every Functional area, our success and results, and main challenges. This time in EB was challenging for all of us. Looking back we see that there were successes and faults, things to celebrate and moments to think and analyze a lot. But all in all we consider this term full of energy, emotions and success! We really hope you will enjoy taking time to read our report and appreciate our results. Anyway we are always open to your feedback and ready to support you. Let’s remember that only together we can make our success happen!
AIESECly yours, Executive Board 09/10
AIESEC Алматы l Пр. Абая, административное здание КИМЭП, оф. 402 Б l Алматы l Казахстан
DONE Creation of LC year plan according to Balanced Scored Card Planning and regular tracking of LC initiatives and EB Feedback from Alumni and stakeholders during the planning process Accountability system implementation Defining of LC structure and structure of teams in order to Focus areas alignment OCPs election and development (Leadership Team created, regular meetings with Presidents, wiki platform) EB tracking and coaching LC report prepared when needed Create a googlegroup AIESEC Today with link on aiesec.kz Administration of Google groups and myaiesec.net system
NOT Done Plan of infrastructure raising & investments Proper alumni involvement into internal activities
MAIN Challenges Alumni relations: sometimes it’s very difficult to promote and gather all alumnus Plans tracking of the Team
DONE matched old forms (SkyMax and BBDO) raised good MT TNs pool (Leo Burnett, JWT) Task Forse (internal Analysis) Projects Branding Summer PBoX realization Defined potential countries for matching TNs Found all needed contacts Creating 3 teams in ICX (DT, MT and ET pools!) eXchange wiki
Not Done XRM Tracking relationships with countries Matching practice for members
MAIN Challenges: creating motivational system for raising summer project realization (allocation and responsibilities)
DONE Summer EP Recruitment Search tool for matching Tracking and evaluation of internships Parallel EPs’ recruitment during members’ recruitment time New realizations pick (November-December) Matching of MT forms with big matching duration Research of new potential partnership countries LC to LC partnership agreements
Not Done Buddy system for EPs
MAIN Challenges:
Partnership agreements (matching) Motivation for OGX team during the summer time Pressure from EPs about internships and promises
DONE competency assessment & edu on Global Competency Model Education for OCPs (JD, allocation, coaching, project management, selling) Manpower planning PFI Allocation in projects and teams Talent Performance Appraisal tool Implemented into teams (all knowledge provided) TM wiki Members’ recruitment ( planning, induction, selection, allocation) buddy system for newies Not done conferences ( only in wiki, but not all, need to create list of conferences and other opportunities in Members’ Educational Cycle office) Membership pipeline MAIN Challenges tracking of coachers and coahees competency assessment (not all did it) Talent review - need analysis LTS organization recruitment (input: recruitment team with OCP) it was very difficult to operate with lack of potential leadership positions
DONE Projects description and networking plan were created and all partners were provided with it Tracking of ER side in each project CRM system is maintaining status system implementation proposals created Market Segmentation, raising plan is created (List of target companies) Involvement of externals in education process ER education - Selling skills training Pricing policy for projects
Not Done: Partners survey (done, but with pure results - only 2 partners replied) Task force (done, but with pure results) I'm an AIESEC Partner campaign ER Wiki No direct contacts with foundations
Main Challenges: The main challenge in ER sphere was to wait for the answers of partners and external stakeholders. It takes too much time even if all companies and partners are informed about our activities in advance.
DONE: Marketing materials (business cards, banner, liflets, posters) Promo for each project (EP Recruitment, DLD, TT, Recruitment) New Partnerships (Ogilvy PR, Бизнес Life, Head Hunter, Эксперт) Modules in magazines: 5 modules + 15 websites (DLD + Recrutment) 4 modules (EP Recruitment) Hey AIESEC (3) Newsletters (2) Promo campaigns (“I am an AIESECer”): Recruitment: 252 applications, DLD – 280 applications Com Wiki Not Done: Greeting cards Media report PR AIESEC (TV etc…) Communication with IGs MAIN Challenges: Web site Efficiency of media channels
DONE: Running a register and an archive of documents Re-registration of the LCP EP fee tracking (fall & spring) 3 versions of budget for each project (min, max, real) education on budgeting (PBOX budget, conferences budget) defining of cash flow process & clear management policies, transparency budget execution and analysis every 3 months NOT Done: Contracts update (+ with volunteers)
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Mid-Term report Local Committee AIESEC Almaty 2009 Š