Project management tool

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Š AIESEC Almaty 2008

Project management manual


Project ProjectManagement Management Manual Manual

© AIESEC Almaty 2008

Project management manual

How to run projects Intro


So, you have decided to take responsibility for your first project realization! Responsibility it is a good motivator. Take over the duties of your project with love. Let’s just imagine project as your baby. His education and development depends only on you. Do you want to grow a good child? Or maybe the best? Do you really think your baby small or not significant? But how such baby can be beside such parent? Right – it’s absurd! However do not think that children’s growing is so easy. And now it is suitable time to recall about AIESEC – you are not alone; there are so much people around you, ready to help you. And now you have a unique opportunity to grow a child in team. Believe it is a huge experience! Use your chance on 100%! Success - it is not money or popularity, e.t.c. Success is self-realization, goals achievement. The life gives you a real opportunity to check yourself in real situations and circumstances, to increase your leadership and management skills. And all of that is in excellent team of your friends. We hope, you understood, what the motivation for you personally? Then – let’s make it happen!

Getting started

Get to know what we are talking about

A project is an initiative with certain purpose that is organized for the achievement of specific objectives that are defined for the solution of a problem or satisfy a need. Four factors of a successful project: Need or problem . relevance for external environment The idea and vision . importance of proper planning The opportunity for a project . belief in the product . people have knowldge and skills needed The capacity . involvement and interest of the whole team . professional attitude on each of the stages . proper follow-up

Project life cycle

External environment influence


Idea Focusing on definite problem

Goals setting: aims and objectives



Team forming


Š AIESEC Almaty 2008

Project management manual

How it works?

Project planning

Job description for OCP and team members

Project preparation

Project realization

Project evaluation and its effective influencing on external environment


Š AIESEC Almaty 2008

Project management manual

5 realization steps

What I need to do?

Project cycle

How it should be?

© AIESEC Almaty 2008

Project management manual

What’s going on?

Community Why is the project necessary and important? In which community/social context is it placed? What are the problems faced by the community? What is the project going to aim to change? What is realistic and achievable? Has it been done before or is it being done by someone else? What is innovative in it?

Organization How far does the project fit your organisation’s aims, values, traditions and experience? What experience does your organisation have with that kind of project? Is your organisation fully behind the project? What benefits can it get from it? What are the risks for the organisation?

You Why are you undertaking the project? What do you expect to gain/learn/get out of the project? What competence or expertise do you have for it? What are the values that drive you to do that? Are your interests and values compatible with the project’s aims, organizational and public?

Need analysis

© AIESEC Almaty 2008

Project management manual

What’s really important?

Aims and objectives

All your goals should be SMART!!!

Specific Measurable Achievieble Realistic Timed Create a picture

Vision of the project

The first thing you need to have is VISION !!! We create image of world after our project. This image shows us the way which we want to follow.

i.e. Vision of some eXchange project: ‘We are delivering high quality internship which changed life of 6 people (if we did such a goal) who are completely satisfied with their internship. By working in this project we gained knowledge from different areas and we are ready to take next stage of @XP’ Also for creating a clear vision you may use 5W rule. 5 W rule-shaping the idea of the project! Who?

for who? With whom? Which stakeholders, participants, targets groups, partners?


milestones - main activities (i.e. research, preparing offers, contacting)?

When? period of time we focus on, deadline - with long term (later than one month), short term (approx in one month)? Where? organizations place, logistics, region, city? Why?

what we want to achieve, do we want to do it in this way, our motivation, main goals?

“I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who.” Rudyard Kipling

© AIESEC Almaty 2008

Project management manual

How to plan?

Project planning

Preparation of the project

“Failing to plan is planning to fail”

Š AIESEC Almaty 2008

Project management manual

Going into details

Project planning tips

SWOT!!! SWOT is needed in complex projects. Thanks to that we can analyze our situation, prepare strategy and make plan of work. It is the first stage of planning and helps marketers to focus on key issues. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors. Opportunities and threats are external factors. Strenghts




Eisenhower matrix or Time/task matrix

Not Important Important

Š AIESEC Almaty 2008

Project management manual

SWOT example


Not Urgent





© AIESEC Almaty 2008

Project management manual

Laswell’s Matrix Have

Don’t have


Keep on going

Start doing

Don’t want


Leave it as it is

We have to work in both ways and improve our whole situation.

Boston Consulting Group matrix matrix

Also you may use triangle

matrix to define your product effectiveness, customer proximity

Š AIESEC Almaty 2008

Project management manual

Make the move

Keep up all activities

Project implementation

The monitoring & control cycle

All projects of any reasonable size experience problems. The Project Monitoring & Control Cycle of activities enables problems to be identified and solved at an early stage so that the project can be maintained on track. The monitoring & control cycle consists of: Reviewing and measuring progress Comparing actual progress against the various plans e.g. schedule, risk Identifying any variances Taking action to correct variances Forecasting events that may violate the plan Re-planning if necessary Deliverables will be subjected to interim review during the project and extensive review against the relevant requirement before final delivery.

© AIESEC Almaty 2008

Project management manual

Get the green

Project evaluation

After your project realization you have to be ensuring that all main project criteria are covered. The results achieved The objectives reached The financial management The impact on the organisation The process

That’s all about project management! Thank you for interesting in PM area and involvement in learning about project realization and management! We wish you good luck in your own project! How can you make it happen? It’s up to you! You are the best for sure!

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