Ivanovo EYC 2015

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Ivanovo. Candidate City 2015 [application: summary]

www.facebook.com/IvanovoEYC2015 1

The application of the city of Ivanovo for the European Youth Capital title 2015 (EYC-2015) is a result of cooperation between hundreds of young active people from Ivanovo, representatives of Schools, HE institutions, various Youth NGOs and Youth Structures of Ivanovo Region. Ivanovo EYC-2015 team would like to thank more than 100 European, national, regional and local organisations and structures, official bodies and thousands of people from all around the world who have supported us. Acknowledgments to our supporters European level: YMCA Europe (member of European Youth Forum); YMCA Hannover - CVJM Hannover E.V; European Youth Card Association (EYCA); International Youth Organization AIESEC; International Exchange center; YMCA Ukraine; YMCA Belarus; YMCA Rugeley, Staffordshire, England; sister City Staffordshire (England); city-partner Hannover (Germany); sister City Lodz (Poland); sister City Khmelnitski (Ukraine); city-partner of Kraljevo (Serbia); Deutscher Akadenischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD); German Academic Exchange Service; Assotiation des Etats Generaux des Etudiants de l’Europe; Hochschule Karslruhe Technik und Wirtschaft (EU4M Consortium, Germany), Uniwersytet Łódźki (Poland); Humanities College of Wolstanton High School (Newcastle-under-Lyme, UK); Staffordshire Council of Voluntary Youth Service (UK); Dow Corning Gmbh (Germany); Славистичко Друштво Сребjе (Serbia); Rossotrudnichestvo in Belgrade (Serbia); Друштво Сународника и Приjательа Русиjе "Русиjа" (Novi Sad, Serbia); Belgrade University (Serbia); Landwirtschaft und Oekologisches Gleichgewicht mit Osteuripa (Germany); Послодоваци Младеновца (Serbia); Za Graf Co. (Serbia); National Engineering Institute in Mechanics and Microtechnologies (Besancon, France) Youth organisations of Kral'evo (Serbia); Politechnika Krakowska (Poland); Khmelnitski Youth Public Organisation "Student Republic" (Ukraine); TheBoxGallery (Thessaloniki, Greece); Art-Studio "Dirty Rose"(Thessaloniki, Greece); Khmelnitski Youth Organisation "Centre of Youth Perspective" (Ukraine); Khmelnitski Youth Organisation "Ukrainian Social-Democratic Youth" (Ukraine); Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco (Italia); Youth Cultural Association in Podolia (Ukraine). National level: National Programme Committee "Ivanovo European Youth Capital 2015 Candidate City" National Youth Council of Russia (member of European Youth Forum); Federation Council Social Policy Committee; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; Federal Agency on Youth Issues (Rosmolodezh); Ministry of Sport of Russian Federation; Public Chamber of the Russian Federation; Youth Parliamentary Assembly under Federation Council of the Russian Federation; National Public Organization "Russian Youth Union"; Interregional public organization "Association "Ivanovo land"; Youth Committee of Russian congress of Caucasian peoples; Russian public organization "Russian Students’ Union"; National Foundation for Development of International Youth Organisations (JCI Russia); Russian Public Organisation "Youth Guards of the Union Russia"; National Union of Public Organizations "Youth Social and Economic Initiatives"; Association for the social and economic interaction between small and mid-sized cities in Russia "Municipal Economical Development"; Multiethnic Russia Club; MegaFon Telecommunication company. Regional and local level: Ivanovo Region Government; Ivanovo Region Duma; Public Chamber of Ivanovo Region; Youth Government of Ivanovo Region; Youth Chamber of Ivanovo Region; Ivanovo City Youth Administration; Ivanovo City Student Duma; Ivanovo Regional Public Organization of Youth and Family Development "YMCA-Ivanovo"; Ivanovo Region Branch of Multiethnic Russia Club at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation; Ivanovo Region Organization of the Public Organization


"Russian Youth Union"; Coordination Council of Leaders of Student Self-Government Bodies in Educational Institutions of Ivanovo; Ivanovo City Public Organization for Senior Pupils "School Active of the City"; Council of Young Scientists and specialists under Ivanovo Region Governor; Youth Election Committee under Ivanovo Region Election Committee; Ivanovo Regional Branch of National Public Organization "Russian Union of Rural Youth"; Ivanovo City Youth Public Association "SAMI" (Union of Ivanovo Active Youth); Ivanovo Regional Youth Public Association; Youth Discussion Club "V Teme"; Ivanovo Region Children’s Public Organization "Union of Children’s Organizations and Associations (UChO)"; Ivanovo Region Sport Public Organization "Martial Arts" Regional Sport Public Organization "Kobudo Federation of Ivanovo Region"; Ivanovo Region Public Organization "Kendo Federation"; Foundation of Children’s and Youth Creative Work "Atlant"; Ivanovo Region Youth Public Otganization "Hip-Hop Centre"; Association of Trade Unions of Ivanovo region universities students; Ivanovo Centre for Gender Studies; Ivanovo Region Public organization of disabled persons; Paralympic Committee of Ivanovo region; Ivanovo Ultralight Aviation Club; Ivanovo organization of the National creative public organization "Union of Artists of Russia"; Ivanovo regional department of the Russian Union of Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs; Ivanovo regional department of the All-Russian public organization of disabled people "Integration"; Ivanovo regional public organization "Public Committee in Defense of Childhood, Family and Morality"; Ivanovo region branch of the National public charitable foundation "Russian Children’s Fund"; Ivanovo organization of the National creative public organization "Union of Artists of Russia"; Public organization "Ivanovo Regional Society of Human Rights"; Ivanovo regional children’s public organization "Union of Children’s Organizations and Association (UCO)"; Ivanovo regional department of the Union of Theatrical Workers of the Russian Federation (National Theatrical Society); Ivanovo regional Council of Veterans; Ivanovo regional department of the All-Russian public organization "Assembly of Peoples of Russia"; Ivanovo regional public organization "Business Women’s Club"; Ossetian national and cultural autonomy; Public organization "Ivanovo region charitable Jewish centre "Hesed Yad LeBanim " ("Friend’s hand"); Ivanovo regional public organization "Belarusian national and cultural centre "Krynitsa" ("Water source"); Ivanovo regional public organization "Moldavian national and cultural centre "Casa Mare" ("Big House"); Ivanovo regional public organization "ChechenIngush cultural centre "Vainah"; Ivanovo regional public organization "Daghestani national and cultural centre "Vatan" ("Homeland"); Ivanovo regional public organization for Afghanistan citizens social protection "Salang"; Ivanovo regional public organization "Centre of German Culture "Nadezhda"; Ivanovo regional public organization "German national and cultural autonomy "Glauben"; Ivanovo regional public organization "Uzbek clannishness"; Ivanovo regional public organization "Central asian cultural centre "Asia"; Ossetian national and cultural autonomy; Ivanovo regional branch of All-Russian Azerbaijani Congress; Ivanovo regional public organization "Armenian Women’s Committee"; Ivanovo regional public organization of Ukrainian culture "MRIA"; Ivanovo region Armenian national and cultural autonomy; Ivanovo region Georgian national and cultural autonomy "Iveria"; Ivanovo region Tatar national and cultural autonomy; Ivanovo regional department of the all-Russian public organization "League of the Nation’s Health"; Ivanovo regional department of the National public foundation "Russian Peace Foundation"; Public Council of the city of Ivanovo; Ivanovo Dance Studio "ID"; Ivanovo Cheerleading School "Perky"; Ivanovo City Games Union "Encounter"; Ivanovo Strikeball Club "Ivolga"; Ivanovo Children’s Creative work centre "Innovation"; Ivanovo Information Technologies Centre "Leader"; Ivanovo MES Fire-fighting University; Ivanovo State University; Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology; Ivanovo State Power University; Ivanovo State Medical Academy; Ivanovo State Architectural University; Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy; Ivanovo State Textile Academy; Ivanovo Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; Ivanovo division of the State Trade-Economic University; Ivanovo Federation of Extreme Sports; Municipal organisation "Youth Centre"; Teykovo Youth City Council; Public Youth Organisation "4Real Promo".



European Youth Forum (EYF): indicate the capacity of your city to host youth representatives during European and International meetings

280 km away from Moscow is Ivanovo, a center of the Ivanovo Region. The city is easily accessible from Moscow and other cities of Central Russia. A flight (twice a day) from Moscow is 45 minutes, a bus trip from Moscow to Ivanovo takes around 5 hours, and direct trains go 6 hours. Mixed connections by fast trains and bus are very effective from Moscow and St. Petersburg. Ivanovo regularly hosts big events international (Tarkovskiy film festival, fashion shows, economic forums, puppet-show festival, world championships in snow-cross and motorbikes) and national (student forums, sport competitions, games for people with disabilities etc.). The majority of these events imply active participation of youth of Ivanovo who are either involved as organizers or participate in the work of various groups. Ivanovo tourist infrastructure is constantly developing; currently hotel room capacity is 2800 rooms that makes it possible to put up more than 5000 visitors. More than 20 educational institutions of Ivanovo have students’ hostels allowing to put up about 3000 people in summer. All the facilities are equipped with wireless internet access and conference rooms for business events. Social, cultural and sports infrastructure includes a city stadium, 146 sports fields, 144 gyms, 2 maneges, 9 swimming pools and 7 ski depots. There are many youth organizations in Ivanovo that carry out a variety of programmes and activities for young people from Ivanovo and for other cities, regions and countries. Youth organizations can easily organize events for which can host up simultaneously to 350 participants. Because of the experiences from organizing and hosting national and international events and because we have all the necessary infrastructure one of our goal in the program of Ivanovo EYC-2015 is to host at least 22 national and international youth events in the year 2015.


INFORMATION ON THE APPLICANT CITY Total population Population under 35 years old

EYF: present the city, focusing on a youth perspective

409553 people 104270 people, including over 50000 students. About 40000 young people participate in different youth activities on regular base

a) History Ivanovo was first mentioned in historical documents dated 1328. Then it was a rural settlement known due to its manufacture of linen. The status of a City was given to Ivanovo-Voznesensk on July 21, 1871. For a long time the City was an industrial center, since 2/3 of Russian and a big number of foreign capacities for linen manufacture were located here. In 1932 the name Ivanovo-Voznesensk was abridged to Ivanovo. The city was also developing as a big educational center of Russia. Nowadays there are 4 Universities (Classical, Chemical Engineering, Power Engineering, Architecture and Construction), 3 Academies (Textile, Medical and Agricultural) and the Fire-Prevention Institute of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters in the city. Young people from almost all regions of Russia, CIS area and more than 50 foreign countries study here. Besides the HE institutions there are 11 vocational schools and 57 secondary schools and unique International boarding school of the Red Cross for children-victims of natural disasters and armed conflicts. By the density of student population per 1 000 citizens Ivanovo is the second city in Russia after Moscow. Young people are actively involved in social, cultural and sports activities. Many youth bodies are working in Ivanovo universities, academies and institutes. The multicultural dialogue is rapidly developing in the city. Ivanovo municipality has a broad experience of assisting the youth in their creative work, promoting and developing the youth culture, investing in their scientific, entrepreneurial and innovative activities.


The strategy of the development Ivanovo up to 2020 adopted by the City authorities is aimed to strengthen the city’ role as a modern diversified business and cultural regional center, where development and implementation of efficient youth policies are among the indisputable priorities. Even today the city of Ivanovo is working at a new brand and image as a contemporary city, where the young people are a subject of positive changes. That is why participation in the contest is an important part of this very strategy of Ivanovo, where the young people play the main role in its future. b) Existing Youth Structures Young people in Ivanovo are actively involved in different sectors of youth work (in educational, social, cultural, sport, volunteering, mobility activities) and youth policy. A lot of young people are actively involved and participating in the youth structures that have valuable experience in the spheres of civic education and learning young people about democratic participation. In this sector of youth policy there are such as: Youth Chamber at Ivanovo Region Duma, the Ivanovo Region Youth Government, Ivanovo Students’ Municipal Duma, Ivanovo Youth City Government. Also there are selfgovernment organs within the educational institutions (students’ councils, centres of civic education, law clinics) which involve young people into participation in the city public live and into the process of city and region management at regional and local levels. These structures lobbying youth initiatives in the regional and local authorities; and forming the reserve of young managers, politicians and public servants. In other sectors of youth policy (facilitation of youth employment, volunteering, youth culture and creative activities, research and innovation) there are: the Young Scientists and Experts Council, Young Entrepreneurs Association, The Council of Volunteer Associations, the Union of Children’s Organizations, Association of Youth Creative Organizations, etc. which are full-right partners of regional and municipal authorities.


These organizations, being public structures, perform the activities aimed at carrying out youth initiatives, programmes and projects. Within the framework of the EYC year, in accordance with contemporary approaches and experience of European youth policy, it is planned to create a local Youth Council which will be formed according to the principle of representation of main nongovernmental youth structures which, being members of the Council, will be able to take decisions and actively participate in youth policy making and coordination process in the city. There are more than 200 youth non-profit organizations and youth initiatives in Ivanovo region with great experience in implementation of different ideas, projects and programme. In spite of long history of performance, many of the youth organizations in Ivanovo, as it should be admitted, lack the experience in implementing international youth project and programmes in comparison with their European counterparts. That is why we will within the programme of Ivanovo EYC-2015 devote special attention to empower youth organizations with knowledge how to implement international long-term project and give them a lot of possibilities to make new international contacts and learn about good practices in the field of international youth work in other European countries. c) Youth Support Services The main municipal service is the City Youth Centre which involves 7 main structures: Resource Centre for youth organizations support, the Centre for Employment and Recruitment, Information Centre, Education Centre, Centre for Volunteering Coordination, Centre for supporting youth in the difficult life circumstances. City Youth Centre also supports more than 20 youth clubs, working in different areas of the region, in terms of infrastructure, information, finance. Also, since 2008 within the development of the dialogue in the youth environment the House of Nationalities has hosted the Youth Centre


which constantly supports more than 30 national youth communities, from which over 1/3 are registered as public organizations. There are several mechanisms of financial support for young people in Ivanovo. Governments of all levels (local/regional/national) support talented youth, young families, young people with disabilities, young mothers. For instance, from 2007 each family after the birth of the second child receives from the government the "maternal capital" about 10000 euro; from 2011 after the birth of the third child family receives from the government a land in ownership to build a house. Other examples of governmental support of young people in Ivanovo: - young families participating in the long-term social target program "Housing for young families 2011-2015� can get subsidy from the government to cover up to 40% of the cost of acquisition or construction of housing; - various grants for talented young people: Ivanovo Major Prize "Great Expectations", Ivanovo Governor Scholarship for talented Students, City Grants for Schoolchildren and Youth Activists; - "Temporary employment" municipal program for teenagers of 14-17 years old who working in their free time with official registration and receiving official salary; - lump-sum payments for young people who find themselves in difficult situations; - social benefits for single young mothers and large families; - orphans or young people who have lost one parent receive financial compensation until graduation or age of 18; - social benefits and financial compensation for families with child with disabilities. The Ombudsman for Children promotes the implementation of children's rights in Ivanovo region form 2010.


d) Structures and Policies According to the previously mentioned strategy of development of Ivanovo until the year 2020 it is planned to establish and carry out the following policies in cooperation with the youth organizations and established local Youth Council: - policy of youth involvement into the public life, observance of youth civil rights; - policy of providing employment and workplaces, eradication of unemployment among youth; - policy of developing youth mobility and youth exchanges; - policy of fight against discrimination, creation of social conditions for youth development; - policy of youth organizations support, development of youth sports and creativity; - policy in the sphere of education and professional education, aimed at welcoming youth participation in the city life; - policy in the sphere of information support, spreading of up-to-date information useful for the youth. One of the goals of the programme Ivanovo EYC-2015 is also the integrated development of the local youth policy. In the framework of this development it is planned to carry out the following activities in the years until the 2015: - implementation of a survey about a condition of youth in Ivanovo (the survey is going to include all the fields which deal with the youth: demographic information of the youth, employment and entrepreneurship, health and well-being, education and training, free time, participation and social inclusion, living and housing conditions, voluntary activities, youth mobility, etc.); - based on the results of the survey the local strategy of the youth field development and youth policy is going to be prepared; - based on the survey the above mentioned policies will be accepted; - the measures and the activities defined by the policies will be carried out.


The official national and municipal structures of support and implementation of youth policies are: the Youth Affairs Agency of Ivanovo Region, the Youth Affairs Committee of the City Government which, interacting with youth structures and nongovernmental organizations, coordinate the implementation of different tools, organizational and legal forms of youth participation in the life of the city. Youth policy in Russia (institutions, structures, legal acts, projects) is actively developing. The opportunity to fulfill the project of EYC-2015 will be crucial for this process and will help to achieve European standards in work with youth in Russia. The intention of the city to fulfill the priorities of European youth policy can be proven by the Decision "On Participation of Ivanovo in the Contest of EYC-2015" adopted by Ivanovo Municipal Duma. This document expresses the adherence to the youth policy principles and intention to implement them in the city. e) The Relations with the European Union and InterCity relations Ivanovo has long-term, friendly sister partnerships relations with the European cities of Hanover and Tecklenburg (Germany), Stafford (the UK), Lodz (Poland), Khmelnitsky (Ukraine), Plovdiv (Bulgaria). Ivanovo has been actively cooperating with them in the spheres of culture, education, economy and youth affairs (including the experience of joint-programs in the fields of volunteering, participation of youth in social life, international cooperation). Within the framework of the programme Ivanovo – EYC-2015 we will actively cooperate with all the twin/sister cities and partner cities of Ivanovo. For the purpose of the mutual development and the implementation of at least 3 joint international activities under the framework of the programme Ivanovo EYC-2015 we will organize:


- joint meeting of all sister and partner cities organized in Ivanovo; - study visit of the sister and partner cities’ municipalities (especially the offices and departments which deal with the development of local youth policies) – study visit will be intended for the representatives of the municipality of Ivanovo; - study-visit of sister and partner cities’ youth organisations – study visit will be intended for the representatives of the Ivanovo youth organisations. The Ivanovo International Model United Nations Group (IMUNG) is an example of rich international youth links of our City. More than 100 delegations of Ivanovo took part in Model United Nations activities in The Hague, Athens, Haarlem, Berlin, Heidelberg, Ramstein, Istanbul, Minsk, London, Barcelona and other European cities. More than 20 international simulations of the UNO, NATO-Russia Council and the European Council were organized. Among the participants were about 4 thousand secondary school seniors as well as junior college from Russia and abroad. More than 1000 young people participated in the IMUNG, 400 families hosted foreign participants. For the purpose of introducing the youth with the procedure of different democratic processes we will organise the following activities within the framework of the programme Ivanovo – EYC-2015: - international simulation of the Model United Nations (the decision about which specific body in the model will be involved in the simulation is going to be the decision of a programme committee, which is going to prepare the simulation); - as it has already been organised in all the cities which gained the title/name EYC so far, we will also organise an international simulation of European Parliament in cooperation with EEYP; - Ivanovo is also ready to support the initiative of organizing “Youth Model of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe”, proposed by Youth Parliamentary Assembly under the Council of Federation of the Russian Federation in order to cooperate with the Council of Europe. The aim of the Model is development of democratic civil


society institutions in Russia. Ivanovo is also eager to offer and carry out initiatives concerning organization of important activities with the youth participation in social life, intercultural dialogue in the youth environment, youth culture promotion. Since its establishment in 1996 Ivanovo Regional Public Organisation of Youth and Family Development Support “YMCA – Ivanovo” has promoted the youth participation in international cooperation, exchange and volunteering programmes. More than 20 permanent and long-term international projects are being carried out. To carry out its activities “YMCA-Ivanovo” implements its broad ties with partner volunteer associations of other cities and regions of Russia, long-standing experience is being transferred through non-formal education and youth dialogue (seminars, summer camps, trainings, international conferences and round-table talks). At the beginning of 2011 the Ivanovo Branch of “Multiethnic Russia” Club under the aegis of the National Youth Council of Russia was established. The Ivanovo international boarding school is the oldest establishment to bring up and educate children from all over the world. The activities of “Multiethnic Russia” and “Interdom” enables to use these organisations as sites for engaging participants – representatives of different cultures, countries, and nationalities - into youth projects and programmes, which enriches their outlook. Participation of Ivanovo in the campaign for the EYC-2014 contest and its selection for the short-list initiated a strategic step towards the development of integration with the European youth. The idea of the EYC has involved a great number of young people and youth organizations, willing and able to participate in the application process for EYC-2015. The priorities, activities and programmes mentioned in the application are the direct result of their involvement and fruitful participation.


f) Interregional Relations Having a number of sister and partnerships intercity relations, Ivanovo is also a member of the Union of Central and North-Western cities of Russia, which embraces over 30 cities. A widely developed system of interregional cooperation allows engaging youth from different regions and cities of Russia, significantly enlarging the audience of youth for the Ivanovo EYC-2015. The best practices worked out in the course of preparation and implementation for the Ivanovo - EYC-2015 will be multiplied among other Russian municipalities to promote European ideas and values and European good practices in the field of youth work and youth policy which Ivanovo will implement within the program Ivanovo – EYC-2015 (for the example developing local Youth Counci). g) Other Interregional and international relations will be effectively involved to achieve maximum results in carrying out the EYC-2015 programme and after its completion, in case Ivanovo is awarded the title of EYC-2015. The City of Ivanovo at present offers a wide variety of different youth programmes, youth infrastructure, promotes cooperation between the generations and cultures serving as a model for other cities.



EYF: elaborate on the motivation to gain the EYC title

a) The Idea and Motto of EYC-2015 in Ivanovo The initiative of participation in the EYC-2015 contest has continued the tradition of the previous year. It was shaped and developed within the youth environment and after that it was supported by local, regional and national authorities. Now an absolute majority of various youth organizations and groups have been involved in the fulfillment of the Ivanovo EYC-2015 project, sharing common ideas and goals. It is important that the program of EYC-2015 in Ivanovo expresses not only the interests of Ivanovo youth, but it reflects the will and the interests of the youth from different regions of Russia and meets the priorities of a majority of youth organizations at national, regional and local level. Application campaign EYC-2015 is being carried out under the motto "PULSE OF YOUTH". It meets the priorities of the Council of Europe in the sphere of youth policy up to 2020, proclaimed in Kiev Declaration of 2008. It also meets the priorities of the European Union strategies in youth policies up to 2018 and the Strategic priorities of the European Youth Forum for 2013-2018 adopted by the General Assembly in Brussels in April, 2012. The programme EYC-2015 also follows the guidelines of the Youth Policy National Strategy of the Russian Federation up to 2016, and the Strategy of the Urban District of Ivanovo Development up to 2020. Program of Ivanovo EYC-2015 represents integrational initiative offering the development of long-term cooperation between EU and Ivanovo/Russia youth and youth organizations. "Pulse of youth" represents the wish of young people in Ivanovo to move, to learn something new, to change, to be up-to-date, to be heard and to co-create communities in which they are living - wish of young people to build their own future. Young people in Ivanovo do not want to build life around prejudices of the past, to solve outdated problems and wait for somebody, who can live their life instead of themselves. It is the


intention to enjoy life in the full, to be open for changes, to dynamically advance together with the whole world, to be creators of their own future. Principals of Youth participation in EYC-2015 is declared below: "6-e" Concept Participation of Ivanovo in EYC-2015 is a unique chance for the youth of Ivanovo to improve their life conditions, to change their role and value in the society due to the development of cooperation with European youth, exchange in up-to-date youth practices, carrying out different youth projects and programmes. That is why such an initiative is viewed by the youth as well as by the Ivanovo authorities as a strategic stimulus for the development of the city as an integral part of the European community. It is viewed as a new opportunity for the young generation. It is important to proceed from the idea that young people should have the right to express their own opinion and to take an active part in the process of decision-making, which directly touches upon the interests and the future of the youth at local, regional, national and international levels. It is extremely necessary to provide real tools and guarantees to exercise these rights and opportunities for young people. That is why the support of the youth of Ivanovo is an absolute priority in the process of preparation and fulfillment of the application. We appreciate youth readiness and wiliness to reinvent the city by implementing “6-e� concept in youth policy in the region: - embrace: everyone is important, every young person should be heard; - engage: involve as many young people as possible; - empower: make young people feel the power to make decision and be responsible for what they are doing - employ: give job to young people; - encourage: let young people be proud for their contribution; - enjoy: youth should have fun while doing right things.


Youth rights, education and access to information Liberty, equality, solidarity, human rights, the capability for action, knowledge of the world around oneself, the ability of argumentation, legal and political skills, the ability of critical analysis of society, the ability to live and cooperate with others and be able to solve conflicts in accordance with the principles of democratic law – the fundamental skills and knowledge needed for us to become aware and active citizens of the society, which are not innate but have to be learnt. Therefore, formal as well as informal education and training about how to be aware and active citizens lack in Ivanovo (and Russia), which reflects in the youth who do not know their own rights. It is true that, as it has been written, they presently do not have many possibilities and opportunities to participate in education and training, as well as there are just few projects and programmes currently implemented which would strengthen the role of the youth in society in Ivanovo (and Russia). We will encourage active citizenship of the youth, intercultural dialogue, acceptance of a diverse society and respect for human rights and human dignity through the activities of the programme EYC-2015. We want to make it possible for young people in Ivanovo to acquire skills and knowledge which will enable this. Within the framework of the acquired skills the youth will: - get to know basic human rights and ways to enforce them; - be able to respect the interests, viewpoints and arguments of others; - know how to distinguish the opinion of the majority from the opinion of the minority and be able to understand the meaning of the minority’s opinions; - understand the basic principles of democratic interpersonal relationships; - learn strategies of critical thinking; - learn processes and strategies of solving problems; - learn the real position of different minorities, socially endangered groups or all individuals who face prejudice in their lives.


Therefore, we are listing different activities within the framework EYC-2015 throughout the entire application, where young people will be able to acquire the above mentioned skills (e.g. establishment of the local youth council, implementation of different simulations of democratic ways of decision-making, hosting the implementation of training for the people who will perform the internationally recognized project Human/Living library and the implementation of the Human/Living library itself in Ivanovo and the other cities in Russia, the development of a new programme Youth advocates, whose purpose is to train young people for advocacy, establishment of an internet portal which will contain information on the rights of the youth in various areas of their lives (e.g. school, health provider, shopping, renting or purchasing housing, dealing with the police), implementation of various training courses on human rights and non-discrimination by international coaches, volunteer training, promotion of organized volunteering and establishment of the Volunteer office, through the implementation of a number of international activities). Human library (http://humanlibrary.org) is an innovative method designed to promote dialogue, reduce prejudices and encourage understanding. It is a method implemented in more than 60 countries around the world, but not yet in Russia. Within the EYC 2015 we will organize first Human Library in Ivanovo (and later presented and implemented in other cities in Russia). Youth advocacy is a program which aim is to empower young people in their everyday lives. Empowerment of young people is when they have the major say over all the things that affect their everyday lives. Young people are rarely recognized as a group with the right to have their views considered or their interests independently represented at any level of decision making. Be it in parliament or any other political structure where changes of legislation are made, in courts of tribunals where decisions are made about their future, at home where more often than not they have to obey their parents, and at schools where they are told what is best for them.


Goal of the program Youth advocacy is to interpret young person's needs and feelings into a legal perspective and acts with instruction from the young person as their legal voice to parents, courts, tribunals, hearings, law enforcement agencies, other government and nongovernment authorities that have a mandate with young people. The aims of the program are to implement the concept of Youth advocacy in various local areas with particular emphasis on resourcing young people and workers with young people to develop: - practical understanding of their human and legal rights; - understanding of the legal and social consequences of drug and alcohol abuse; - understanding of legal issues identified by them as affecting their everyday lives; - capacity to make full use of the administrative, industrial, and legal methods available to them to ensure that they are not treated unjustly; - participation in the decision making processes that affect their everyday lives, especially participation by those young people most disadvantaged or most at risk of becoming entangled in the criminal justice system; - launching new programs and structures that protect and develop young people's human rights at a local, regional and state level. b) Why are the City of Ivanovo and its youth striving to gain the status of EYC-2015? Firstly, participation in the EYC-2015 means completely new chances for the young people of Ivanovo to change their life conditions, to fulfill their interests, ideas and hopes with help of international cooperation, integration into European space, to evaluate and exchange modern European youth experience and practices. Secondly, participation in EYC-2015 will allow to substantially changing the approaches, to create new tools, mechanisms and structures for participation of the young people in implementation of youth policy aimed at meeting their interests, at solving their problems at local, regional and national levels.


Thirdly, participation in EYC-2015 will intensify the cooperation with European youth, integration of Ivanovo youth (and its partners) into international youth structures, implementation of new international projects, support of youth structures and organizations. It will improve standards and life conditions of the Ivanovo youth in the near future. Ivanovo has taken a decision to move towards the direction which will give the young a chance to develop and fulfill their opportunities. The victory of the city in EYC-2015 contest will prove that the city is developing in the right direction and will give a chance to strengthen cooperation between the youth of the Russian Federation and Europe, which, owing to EYC-2015, will carry out joint activities, projects, and programmes for the youth. c) What opportunities will the European youth and youth organizations get, if Ivanovo becomes EYC-2015? In the previous items it was outlined what will the youth of Ivanovo gain from the title, but now we are outlining opportunities for the youth of Europe: - opportunity to broaden the sphere of implementation of European youth policy, to elaborate common understanding and principles of youth work aimed at effective solutions of common youth problems in the near future; - opportunity to exchange best practices in the sphere of youth work and youth policy due to openness and willingness of Ivanovo youth and youth organizations to carry out European and joint activities, projects and programmes; - opportunity to have Ivanovo as a long-term partner, develop partnership with other regions, cities, and youth communities of Russia, who can become trustworthy and stable partners in carrying out European youth projects; - opportunity to broaden the frames of European youth policy, to create the effect of "civil extension of Europe" by spreading its values in the sphere of youth work. Such extension will promote the involvement of youth from different regions and countries. The


young will take part in the activities of EYC-2015 as well as in the programmes after the year; - opportunity to enjoy Russian culture and traditions (large centres of Russian nationhood and culture are located not far from Ivanovo) and history, take part in interesting tourist and research activities. The title EYC is awarded by the European Youth Forum to a European city. Up to the present the title has been given only to cities inside the EU (Rotterdam, Torino, Antwerp, Braga, Maribor and Thessaloniki), but by giving it to a city that is not a member of EU, the following would be possible: - additional development and additional advertising of the "brand" EYC, as it would be presented and advertised outside of the EU borders, where the brand is already known (e.g. in majority only cities from the EU contend for the title); - the European Youth Forum will pass an important public message about its work – that their work is not only focused/centralised on mostly European Union youth issues, but it equally represents the interests of all the youth in the Europe; - encouragement of the development of cooperation in the field of youth work and youth policy between European countries and Russia; - encouragement of an intercultural dialogue and cooperation between young/youth leaders/youth organisations from Russia (Ivanovo) and young/youth leaders/youth organisations from other European countries with the activities carried out in the framework of the programme Ivanovo EYC-2015. d) What EYC-2015 team is ready to do implementing youth-related projects and policies before and during the EYC year? For this mission’s sake the EYC-2015 team is eager to: - dedicate their time, effort, energy and all necessary resources to carry out the program of Ivanovo – EYC-2015;


- dedicate their time, effort, energy and all necessary resources to carry out joint youth initiatives, activities and projects, which will be developed in cooperation with the European Youth Forum and the city of Ivanovo (before, during and after the EYC year); - work, cooperate and learn from European partners in changing and improving the approaches of youth policy and youth work at local, regional and national levels, implementing European principles and priorities when carrying out the youth activities, projects, and programmes. Ivanovo is ready to become a ground for conducting the activities of all-European significance including organization of the General Assembly of the European Youth Forum in 2015. The whole EYC-2015 initiative requires a lot of time and effort. It is planned to concentrate all necessary human, intellectual and material sources in order to achieve highly efficient results. The acquisition of the title EYC-2015 represents the strategic and developmental decision of the city of Ivanovo and local, regional and national political decision makers, for the city to establish the environment which will enable young people to develop their potentials. The acquisition of the title EYC-2015 represents the opportunity for a new development of the city and the whole region. We are aware that in the framework of Ivanovo EYC-2015 all the participants from Europe are going to need a visa upon entering Russia/Ivanovo. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation has been already stated its willingness to simplify the procedure of gaining the visa for all the participants of EYC-2015 like it will be done for visitors of the Universiade 2013 in Kazan and the Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi. To underline motivation of Ivanovo to get the title we would stress that the chance to become a European Youth Capital will help youth in the region to solve many their problems. Since Ivanovo was short-listed to the EYC final first time last year thousands of young people get hope for changes, for better future and feel confident in their own


abilities to contribute and be heard. Local youth initiative has grown to national level. We do believe that reaching this goal – to be EYC-2015 – is a unique opportunity for young people from Ivanovo to show other youngsters that "youth in action" – is a great force, that youth have rights to make decisions, to work, to earn money, to get power and to be responsible. We strongly believe that EYC-2015 title will help Ivanovo to become a "City to Live, not to Leave".


EUROPEAN YOUTH CAPITAL PROGRAMME The Programme "Ivanovo - EYC 2015" is being developed around the key concepts of the application campaign "Pulse of youth" on the basis of close dialogue and discussions with the youth, youth organizations and other youth structures (governmental and nongovernmental) and taking into consideration the priority directions of the Council of Europe in the sphere of youth policy up to 2020, Youth Policy Strategy of the EU up to 2018, Strategic priorities of the European Youth Forum for 2013-2018, Youth Policy National Strategy of the Russian Federation up to 2016, and the Strategy of the Urban District of Ivanovo Development up to 2020. Activities within the EYC 2015 programme can be classified into the following content units and areas:

EYF: present the programme for the EYC year, highlighting the European dimension and the link with European youth policies and instruments in accordance with the other criteria

content units participation and active citizenship youth education and employment the ability of the youth to lead a full and independent life development of youth work and volunteerism intercultural dialogue human rights and equal opportunities youth cooperation with other generations

areas participation, active participation of young people in society, European citizenship, critical thinking, etc. youth employment, creativity and entrepreneurship, youth research work, education, training, non-formal learning, informal learning, lifelong learning, etc. youth autonomy, social and economic security, youth housing conditions, youth information and counseling, youth health and a healthy lifestyle, sports, environmental changes, etc. European cooperation in the field of youth, training for youth work, development of alternative ways of working with youth, youth leisure time, volunteerism, etc. intercultural cooperation, cultural diversity, international youth work, youth mobility, youth culture, etc. inclusion of youth with fewer opportunities in general, inclusion of youth with fewer opportunities, human rights, social capital, etc. intergenerational collaboration, sensitization on youth issues, better understanding of the youth, etc.


Within the framework of the EYC 2015 programme, Ivanovo will implement activities in six content fields as determined by the Call for Applications for the EYC title (active participation of young people in society, open space for youth culture, space for informal learning and/or intergenerational dialogue, new or innovative approaches to youth employment, multiculturalism or integration, international youth co-operation) as well as activities in numerous other fields (youth information and counseling, volunteerism, creativity and entrepreneurship, etc.). The programme of EYC 2015 can be divided on grounds of different criteria presented below. 1. Grounds of innovativeness: - regular youth programmes, projects and events already happening in the city and will also be present in 2015 (usually more than 150 local events a year); - examples of good practice of different fields of content from different European countries which will be presented to the youth and youth organisations in Ivanovo; - new, innovative, sustainable youth programmes and projects which will be developed until 2015 and will still be operational after 2015. 2. Grounds of the basic target audience: - activities intended for the youth and youth organisations in Ivanovo and its neighborhood – region (local and regional level); - activities intended for the youth and youth organisations in Russia (national level); - activities intended for the youth and youth organisations in Russia as well as the youth and youth organisations in other European countries (international level). Because we are aware of the geographical position (the edge of Europe, outside EU) we will pay attention to include countries all over Europe when designing international youth activities.


3. Type of activity: - policies and measures which will be newly set up for the purpose of developing youth politics; - youth programmes (existing and newly formed programmes); - youth projects (existing and newly formed projects); - youth events (existing and newly formed events) . A special part of the EYC-2015 programme is investments into youth infrastructure. We are planning to build the Youth centre that can become a permanent site for the European youth, their projects and activities. It will create long-standing conditions for cooperation and promotion of European priorities in the work with the young in Russia and with participation of the Russian youth. At least one modern hostel will be built to enhance youth mobility. It is also planned to build the "CustomBikeRoom" - design office of innovative type and relevant to the cycling culture development. It should be also noted that a modern skate-park, one of the biggest in Central Federal District of Russia has been already opened this summer as a result of Ivanovo participation in EYC-2014. Till the moment this skate-park has become a popular place for hundreds of skaters, BMX bikers, roller riders. A lot of events and competition held here almost every week. The city of Kazan is hosting Summer Universiade 2013 and the city of Sochi is hosting the Winter Olympic Games in 2014. Ivanovo EYC-2015 will also be actively presented on the event mentioned; we will also pay close attention to encouraging sports activities among the youth in 2013 and 2014 in cooperation with Kazan and Sochi. All the activities will be performed through different youth methods. In 2014 we are going to perform training for the youth and youth organisation workers in Ivanovo where the participants will have the opportunity to develop and gain new knowledge and experience needed for quality work in different youth working methods.


Most of the activities in the framework of EYC-2015 will be free of charge for the youth (with the exception of some classical concerts, international activities where the youth and youth workers will partially financially participate). The implementation of the activities will be based on principles of democracy, plurality, equality, non-discrimination and justice. The activities in the framework of EYC-2015 will be prepared and implemented by different organisations depending on the activities themselves (e.g. some by the municipalities, most by youth organisations, some also by the youth themselves). Here is a list of activities which have not been enumerated in other items of this application. The program EYC-2015 thus presents many more activities than those listed here, because they are listed under other items of this application: - a survey has been made about the profile of the youth in Ivanovo and a local strategy has been prepared for the development of the field of youth and youth politics as well as different youth policies; - activities for a more intensive development of cooperation with sister and partner cities of Ivanovo (a joint meeting, study visits); - Ivanovo is ready to become a ground for conducting the activities of all-European significance including organization of the General Assembly of the European Youth Forum in 2015; - in order to implement the concept of Youth advocacy in various local areas "Human library" project will be launched; - Ivanovo is willing to host the meeting of all the cities that gained the title EYC; - a body of Ambassadors will be established within the EYC-2015 to promote Ivanovo as EYC 2015; - besides Ambassadors, who will work on regional/national/international level, we will also establish a body "youth Ambassadors", who will work on local level;


- the Volunteer office of EYC-2015 will be established within the framework of EYC2015; - it is planned to organize a presentational meeting where journalists from all Europe are going to be invited to Ivanovo; - informational service will be launched in the city; we will have weekly webinformants with prompt information about EYC 2015, monthly printed previews of the EYC 2015 projects; - we wish to organise 2 bigger campaigns (one in the year 2014 and the other in 2015) in cooperation with the European Youth Forum and the National Youth Council of Russia (the topics and contents of an individual campaign could be set depending on youth agenda in 2014-2015); - we want to pursue the informing and training of young people and youth workers about youth issues and youth policies through the establishment of a "library", where items of publications from local, regional, national and European space will be available (translation into the Russian language will be available on demand). Next pages official proposals for activities of EYC-2015 year are presented according to the content fields given by the European Youth Forum. Most of the activities can be placed in several content fields. Because of better clarity individual activities will be listed only once. As it has already been written in the application we also suggest other activities in the content fields. Here we are listing only those which have already been mentioned in the basic application in the same sections. We will also publish open call for co-financing youth projects which will be implemented within EYC-2015 in the content fields. Youth organizations will still have possibility to propose and then implement different projects from these six areas (content fields) of youth activities.


1.1. European Youth Civil Democratic Forum

a) Activities: 1. active participation of young people in society

Terms: August 2013 – October 2015 Participants: representatives of independent youth structures and bodies that work in the civic education sphere, upbringing and involvement of youth into democratic life of the society. Context: There are independent youth structures and bodies on the European level that play an important role in civic education of the young generation, democratic upbringing, involvement of youth into the public life. The European Youth Civil Democratic Forum will help to gain the European experience of youth participation in the life of the society by Russian youth structures at local, regional and national levels. Partners: European Youth Forum, National Youth Council of Russia, Youth Parliamentary Assembly under Federation Council of the Russian Federation, Ivanovo Model United Nations Group, Youth Government of Ivanovo Region, Ivanovo Centre for Gender Studies, Youth Chamber of Ivanovo Region; Ivanovo City Youth Administration, Youth independent youth structures and organizations, Official parliamentary structures of European countries and Russia. Expectations: - creation of common European grounds for sharing experience among representatives of independent youth structures and bodies in Europe; - development of institutions for youth democratic participation in public life, observance of the priorities of civil society development in the countries of Europe and transferring good practice in Russia and Ivanovo; - creation of long-term projects and programmes of civic youth education, youth exchanges in this sphere.


1.2. The Project on Maintaining Ecological Youth Culture and New Urban Space "Bike For Life" Terms: July 2015 Participants: youth, representatives of youth structures and ecological organizations, volunteers and young activists. Context: Just like for many other cities that were formed and are developing within architecture and geographical conditions that appeared long time ago, Ivanovo faces the problem of new urban space which would be based on the principles of ecological priorities and the priorities of new city environment development. The project has as its aims creation of youth ecological culture by means of their participation in contemporary city environment management, where the city authorities and youth structures act as partners. It is planned to use contemporary European experience and to attract youth from Europe to find the solution for these problems. European youth will be given opportunities for cooperation, creative activities and fulfillment of projects. Partners: Ivanovo branch of the National Public Organization "Russian Youth Union", Ivanovo Council of Volunteer Associations, YMCA-Ivanovo, Ivanovo State Chemical Engineering University, Ivanovo sister city Staffordshire (UK), European Youth Forum, National Youth Council of Russia, UN HABITAT, UN Environment Programme (UNEP) official bodies and structures of federal, regional and local level. Expectations: - development of ecological culture in the youth environment, creation of contemporary city environment; - adoption of contemporary European experience in creation of city environment for the youth; - creation and support of independent youth structures that are willing to deal with contemporary problems of the city.


1.3. First European Youth Paralympic Games Terms: August 2015 Participants: young people with disabilities aged 14-20; Context: Paralympic Games promote successful vital activity; restore mental balance for young disabled people, making it possible for them to get back to full life, despite their physical incapability. The Paralympic Games will not only become a significant event for the paralympic Ivanovo athletes, but will also serve as an example for young people with disabilities who aren’t yet socially adapted. Thus, the Games will show how young people set example and draw the young with physical disabilities into active social life of our society. Partners: Paralympics Committee of Ivanovo Region (Ivanovo), Russian Paralympics Committee, Sport public youth associations of people with disabilities. Expectations: - exchange in practices on development of approaches to social adaptation for young people with disabilities; - promotion of tolerant public attitude towards disabled people; - creating urban space comfortable for people with disabilities.


2.1. The Project of Development of Youth Culture "Hobbies" (Uvlecheniya) Terms: April 2015 Participants: youth, representatives of independent youth structures, clubs, organizations. Context: The project is aimed at exchange in best practices in the sphere of support and development of youth culture. Within the project it is planned to hold festivals, carry out youth programmes on effective international youth communication in order to exchange best practices of youth culture. It will give a chance for European youth structures and organizations of different countries to study and adopt best experience in youth cultural initiatives and their implementation. Partners: Local, regional, national and international youth structures and organizations working in the field of culture (Ivanovo Extreme Sport Federation, Historical Reconstruction Club "Haralug", Ivanovo Dance Studio "ID", Ivanovo "Hip-Hop Club" and others), Ivanovo sister/twin cities, European Youth Forum, National Youth Councils of the European countries. Expectations: - development of youth culture; - exchange of best practices in youth culture of European countries taking into account their national specific features; - European integration, development of youth by means of informal creative activities and education.

a) Activities: 2. open space for youth culture


2.2. International Festival of Youth Amateur Microcinema in the Framework of International Andrey Tarkovsky Film Festival "ZERKALO" Terms: May-July 2015 Participants: young film-makers, representatives of youth creative organizations and structures working in the sphere of author’s cinematography Context: This kind of cinematography is very popular in the European Internet space and is growing in Russia. The festival can become a ground for demonstration, discussion and exchange of experience and knowledge in short amateur films creation and experiments in cinematography done by young Europeans. Partners: Organizing Committee of the International Andrey Tarkovsky Film Festival "ZERKALO", youth creative and educational clubs of author’s cinematography, GoodWin School for young filmmakers, Ivanovo sister city Lodz (Poland). Expectations: - development of informal education practices by European creative youth by means of exchange in best practices in the sphere of author’s cinematography; - promotion of European values through creative activities; - creation of conditions for providing access to cultural values and information resources of different groups of young people.


3.1. Project "The Open Youth University" Terms: November 2015 Participants: representatives of European youth taking part in development of practices of informal education. Context: the project "Open Youth University" is aimed at creating new approaches to education of youth through exchange of knowledge in horizontal (among youth) and vertical (from an instructor, tutor, source of information) communications, practice of intensive international exchanges between youth and students. Partners: All Ivanovo Universities, European Youth Forum, National Youth Council of Russia, official authorities and structures of federal, regional, and local level; educational institutions and informal youth structures and non-governmental organizations. Expectations: - European integration and development of youth exchanges; - implementation of new informal education models; - support of youth in getting new quality of education, improvement of educational standards for the young.

a) Activities: 3. space for informal learning and/or intergenerational dialogue


3.2. Project "Youth Art 2015" Terms: September 2012 ― December 2015 Participants: youth, representatives of independent creative youth structures organizations and clubs of European countries. Context: Ivanovo is a city of young and creative people. In the city there are educational establishments, where young people are trained in different specialties connected with art and creative activities. The creative group of young people from Ivanovo visits different capitals of EYC with art projects sharing the cultural peculiarities of Ivanovo and Russia. This creative group regulates the links with the young people of these cities and invites them to host art activities in Ivanovo. Willingness to cooperate at the level of youth is evidently visible first of all in creative representatives of younger generation. As a result we shall receive 5 creative projects, carried out by the artists from Ivanovo and former EYC: Rotterdam, Turin, Antwerp, Braga, Maribor and Thessaloniki. Partners: Former EYC cities, young artists from ivanovo (MAX13 and others), Ivanovo Association of Youth Creative Organizations, independent youth creative associations, Rossotrudnichestvo (The Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation). Expectations: - integration of youth culture in Europe and Russia; - attracting creative young people from Russia and Europe; - regulation of interregional and international cooperation; - promotion of all European values (freedom of creativity) in the Russian society.


3.3. Project "Common History" Terms: April-October 2015 Participants: representatives of youth structures and organizations, representatives of a senior generation of Europeans, interested in developing dialogue between the countries of Europe and different generations of Europeans. Context: The Second World War is our common history and tragedy. That’s why the project aims to discuss the consequences of the War in the international and cross-cultural context. 2015 is the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. Hence we offer our European colleagues to join effort and create an open international camp uniting the youth around the problem of preserving historical heritage. Ivanovo had a considerable experience in international cooperation during the Second World War. For example, the Russian – French Regiment Normandie-Niéman was formed in the city. Within the framework of the project there can be organised a volunteer camp in Cherntsy (a village near Ivanovo). It was in Cherntsy where the prison camps for members of Hitler’s coalition was situated during and after the Second World War. The project aims to promote such values as tolerance, nonviolence, dialogue between peoples and generations, volunteering and sustainable development of society. Partners: Ivanovo Council of Volunteer Associations, YMCA-Ivanovo and other Russian and European volunteer organizations, Ivanovo historical and ethnographical clubs, Ivanovo regional Council of Veterans; National Youth Councils of European Countries, sister-city Khmelnicky (Ukraine), youth patriotic organizations. Expectations: - promotion of volunteer movements; - preserving cultural, moral, historical values among Russian and European youth; - further integration between Russian and European youth organizations.


4.1. Project "Young Professionals"

a) Activities: 4. new or innovative approaches to youth employment

Terms: during 2015 Participants: young people and graduates of educational institutions searching for employment, laborers ("grey-collars"), highly-skilled workers ("blue-collars"), municipal bodies, business partners Context: Creation of youth network on promotion of the environment for employment, occupational guidance and self-actualization of young professionals and workers. The project implies: creation of a social network for young people in the employment and professional development spheres; revision of professional training forms on the basis of the remote tools implementation (Internet, radio, mobile communication); creation of "Tutors’ School" and implementation of the innovative (informal) educational programmes; revealing and involvement of the young leaders into professional development and self-cultivation activities, creation of a new informational environment for "blue-collars" on the basis of Youth Institute of Industrial Culture. Partners: Institute for Higher Professional Education "The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration", Ivanovo Young Entrepreneurs Association, Ivanovo Region Government, Business partners and associations (Russian Union and Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of RF, "Delovaya Rossia" etc.), municipal, regional and national youth professional associations. Expectations: - assistance in youth employment and creation of the database of highly-skilled workers in different spheres for the city and the region (and transmission of the experience on the national level); - training of the new leaders from among the young professionals and workers as a steady audience; - creation of a network of instructors and tutors acting on the basis of innovative approaches and standards, new methods of training for young professionals; - creation of the new tools for media interaction at the various labour-markets (feedback channels) for the promotion of employment and professional development of young people.


4.2. International Project on Involvement of Youth into Science and Innovative Activities "ProScience" Terms: October 2015 Participants: youth of 14–35 (representatives of regions of Russia and European countries). Context: The aim of the project is popularization of science among the youth making it an attractive modern way of employment. Active young people, involved in science and innovation are interested in popularization of their projects and ideas. One of the events within the project will be European festival of science and innovation which will open new communication space for ideas and developments. Partners: Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Lomonosov Moscow State University, general directorate of All-Russian Festival of Science (Moscow), Ivanovo Young Scientists and Experts Council, Ivanovo Region Government, institutions for higher, general and professional education, research organizations, museums of Ivanovo, Ivanovo Region, Russia and European states, small innovative youth enterprises and organizations, concerned youth associations in the sphere of science and innovations Expectations: - maintaining of a favorable image of Ivanovo as a significant center for science and education, as an attractive area for the professional development of talented youth; - development of conditions for the professional development of talented youth; - promotion and popularization of scientific information, creation of a stable internal motivation for sciences among youth.


4.3. European Week of Youth Fashion in Ivanovo 2015 "Europe Youth Fashion Week – 2015" Terms: September 2015 Participants: Young Russian and European designers (aged 18-30), interested Russian and European textile manufacturers. Context: Textile industry has historically formed in Ivanovo. There is a nationally recognized design school operating on the basis of the Ivanovo State Textile Academy. The project includes the contest among young Russian and European designers, where the winners will be able to contract with the production associations; it can be an impetus for networking development of small and micro enterprises in the sphere of design, textile and fashion. Partners: Ivanovo State Textile Academy, Slava Zaitsev Fashion House, Alexey & Anna Borodulin's, Ivanovo regional public organization "Business Women’s Club", Ivanovo Textile Holdings, Ivanovo Region Government, City Government of Ivanovo, Ivanovo City Duma, Russian and European light industry representatives, independent youth art associations, fashion media. Expectations: - establishment of the dialogue between the young designers and Russian and European fashion industry representatives; - search for the new solutions within the liaison between a creator/designer and an employer/industrial worker; - integration of the Ivanovo design school into the Europe fashion culture; - providing young talented designers with jobs.


5.1. Youth Innovative Theatre Convention Terms: May 2015 Participants: Russian and European youth theatre teams (under 35) Context: There are a lot of young talented actors and directors for whom it is already not enough to express their worldview through the prism of traditional theatre framework. The project was conceived as youth festival for amateur and professional theatrical studios which are not afraid of experimenting and use new forms and trends in their work. The project will consolidate the youth which is already working in these trends (classical theatre, innovative theatre, "Club of the Funny and Inventive") Partners: Student theaters of Ivanovo universities, Ivanovo puppet-show theater, Student KVN league, Ivanovo Region Government, Ivanovo Region Duma, City Duma, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Expectations: - exchange of experience between creative young people of Russia and Europe; - revealing of talented young actors and directors in Ivanovo and Europe; - popularization of Russian performing art heritage in Europe; - improvement of new forms of youth leisure.

a) Activities: 5. multiculturalism or integration


5.2. European Nations Gorodki Cup – 2015 "Gorodki 2.0" Terms: May 2015 Participants: Gorodki federations of European countries (participants aged 18-30). Context: Gorodki — a traditional folk Slavonic sport game. Nowadays Gorodki arouses vivid interest among Europeans (strong federations are formed in Germany and Scandinavia) and can serve as an impetus for the mutual exchange of traditional historical and cultural values. Partners: International Federation of Gorodki Sport, German Federation of Gorodki Sport, Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation, Ivanovo City Sport Committee, interested youth organizations. Ivanovo Region Government, City Government of Ivanovo, Ivanovo City Duma. Expectations: - development and support of the traditional sports; - involvement of Ivanovo into the European integration process; - attracting young people to the healthy life-style.


5.3. International Youth Festival "Pulse of Cultures" Terms: November 2015 Participants: Youth representing the national cultures of Russia and European countries. Context: the youth national culture festival is aimed at upbringing the high aesthetic and moral values among youth through the demonstration of the traditions, history, folklore, and art of diverse European ethnic groups and cultures. During the contest various culture kinds from European perspective will be revealed by means of focus on the traditions, dance, visual performance, intelligence and outlook. Partners: Ivanovo House of Nationalities, All-Russian public organization ÂŤAssembly of Peoples of RussiaÂť, Ivanovo Region Branch of Multiethnic Russia Club at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, National organisations in Ivanovo region, Association of Foreign Students in Russia, European Youth Forum, National Youth Council of Russia. Expectations: - acquaintance of European youth with the history, culture and traditions of multiethnic Russia as well as the cultural and aesthetic values exchange among young people representing various European nations; - encouraging the aesthetic values and the principles of multiculturalism.


6.1. International Youth Forum on Protection of Youth Social and Labour Rights

a) Activities: 6. international youth co-operation

Terms: November 2015 Participants: youth activists, representatives of youth structures and youth organizations that are part of the Council of Europe, young specialists, politicians of COE. Context: One of the most urgent problems today for the young of Russia and Europe is the problem of conditions for exercising the youth rights for work, social and public advancement, social mobility and employment access to up-to-date education, medical services, etc. That is why the Forum will be one of the central event of EYC-2015 year. It will allow elaborating new approaches to carrying out the measures of social advancement of the youth, implementation of their basic labour and social rights. As a result a number of positive results can be achieved: - adoption of new European programmes for the youth; - recommendation for CEO politicians on youth rights; - development of instructions which would solve problems of the youth. All interested youth structures, official bodies and associations, Potential Partners willing to participate will be involved in the conceptual preparation of this event starting from 2012. Partners: European Youth Forum, Youth Sector of the Council of Europe, National Youth Council of Russia, Ivanovo Regional Society of Human Rights, Ivanovo Ombudsmen for Human Rights and for Children Rights, Interested youth structures and associations of Europe, associations of young professionals of different spheres, Expectations: - increasing awareness of social problems of youth; - elaboration of new approaches to social, labour problems of youth, social and labour rights protection; - strengthening the mutual ties between European youth for addressing common problems; - adoption of documents which will help create new conditions for implementing social and labour rights of the young.


6.2. European Volunteer Youth Camp of YMCA "Commonwealth" Terms: June 2015 Participants: youth volunteer associations of Europe Context: during 2 weeks the youth volunteer associations of the European countries by means of informal education and experience exchange will be working on the volunteer traditions development, volunteer problems solutions and will design new approaches to the implementation of volunteer activities as well as the popularization of solidarity and non-violence ideas. Partners: YMCA-Ivanovo, YMCA-Hannover, YMCA-Europe European Youth Forum, National Youth Council of Russia. Expectations: - popularization of the volunteer principles among young people; - inclusion of the Ivanovo (Russian) volunteer youth associations into the environment of the international cooperation with the European partners: exchange in the best volunteer practices; - elaboration of the new approaches to the volunteer movement.


b) Networking and Participation

Offer possibilities to all young people of the municipality to participate in designing and implementing activities for the EYC year

The EYC Team is an open and democratic body, which at different stages of work at the project (from discussion of the ideas to carrying out projects) has attracted a large group of young people representing different directions of youth structures and public organizations, working at different youth policy strategies. During the preparation for the EYC Year and in 2015 this approach will stay unchangeable and will get a further development through attracting new young people, youth organizations and structures by means of informal contacts and contemporary technologies

Involve or consult other relevant actors and the surrounding region in the planning of the activities in order to raise interest in and ownership of the programme year

The city of Ivanovo expresses its readiness to attract its international partners, partners from other cities and regions, to use the opportunities of cooperation between the city and non-governmental organizations, to welcome associations of regions and cities, interregional links and experience of participation in international cooperation projects

Encourage other actors of the municipality to contribute with their own projects and activities to the programme

The City authorities and the EYC Team are ready to encourage participation of different actors in the process of planning, discussion, and running of the projects and programmes if those actors are willing to contribute to EYC in Ivanovo (from self-organized groups of citizens to large commercial companies)


Have (or actively support the establishment of) an independent structure for youth clubs and local/regional branches of youth associations (a youth council)

The city of Ivanovo having an independent structure of youth non-governmental organizations, clubs and associations, is willing to use these opportunities in order to carry out the projects and programme of the EYC year attracting those organizations at all stages of discussion, preparation, and carrying out of the EYC programme

Co-operate with its independent youth structure(s) in a fruitful and mutually beneficial spirit

The city of Ivanovo is ready to view independent public youth organizations as full-right partners in carrying out the EYC programme

Provide information about the activities through easily accessible channels, e.g. websites

The EYC Team and the City authorities provide and will develop the links, cooperation and communication with the main audience of the activities, programmes and projects in Ivanovo, including the use of new information technologies

Willing to draw conclusions from the EYC year to impart to its successor(s), and will similarly take into account the experiences of its predecessor(s) as EYC

At the application stage already the city of Ivanovo developed its ideas, projects, and programmes taking into account the experience of European cities which got the EYC title (including the approaches, mechanisms, legal forms, etc.)



EYF: present the management structure of the EYC year

National Steering Committee was created in April 2012. It involves the relevant Federal authorities and the youth organisations including National Youth Council of Russia. In August 2012 National Steering Committee was expanded and officially established under the chairmanship of the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Russia. The Local Programme Committee was established at the municipal level. It includes representatives of local and regional authorities in charge of the youth policy as well as partners and representatives of youth organizations. Representatives of both committees will participate in European co-ordination meetings and promote projects and of EYC-2015 in Ivanovo. Experts from European youth structures and organisations have been already involved into the work at preparatory stage, and they will continue cooperation during the EYC year, and after. The city is also willing to host corresponding events of the European Youth Forum and to collaborate in every way appropriate for enhancing the European youth policy priorities. Including international conference about the current topics in the field of youth work, youth policy, which are important for both the youth in Europe and in Russia in cooperation with the National Youth Council of Russia and the European Youth Forum in the years until 2015. The city is ready to host a meeting of all national youth councils in cooperation with the National Youth Council of Russia in the years until 2015. Cooperation with technical service of the European Youth Forum and PR Department for the needs of the promoting EYC as a brand and EYC-2015 will be carried out. The EYC-2015 Team closely cooperates with European Youth Capitals of past, present and future. Ivanovo has set good contacts with Antwerp, Maribor, Braga, and Thessaloniki


in order to be better prepared for EYC year, share good practices and knowledge. If Ivanovo gains the title, the city will also cooperate with all the cities which will be awarded the title in the future. Ivanovo is willing to host the meeting of all the cities that gained the title EYC (even if we are not awarded the title). It is guaranteed that during the preparation and implementation of the EYC-2015 year the experience of youth policy long term priorities promotion as well as the implementation of European youth policy projects and programmes by the winning cities will be taken into account. Experience of participation of Ivanovo in the EYC-2014 Contest will be taken into consideration in order to improve the EYC programme for 2015.



EYF: describe the (a) composition and (b) mandate of the implementation team

The EYC-2015 Team/Workgroup works in close cooperation with the National Steering and the Local Programme Committee, representatives of local youth NGOs and the youth in general. There are 7 members in the Workgroup who represented universities, youth organisations and local authorities responsible for youth. After the nomination of Ivanovo as EYC-2015 the Workgroup got wide support from volunteers: over 50 young people on regular base. The EYC Workgroup mandate now is as follows: - to cooperate with a wide range of youth representatives (non-governmental and governmental representatives) with the purpose of creating a network of those willing to participate in preparation for the EYC year; - to represent Ivanovo youth in relations with European partners, authorities and youth organizations (in cooperation with the National Steering Committee and Local Programme Committee); - to take an active part in decision making process regarding financing, organization of events and their evaluation, development and promotion of EYC 2015 (in cooperation with the National Steering Committee and Local Programme Committee); - to coordinate all the activities connected with the preparation of the application and its supplementation. The given mandate was provided by official acts at local, regional and national levels. Up to 10-14 young people will be also employed for the purpose of the preparation and implementation of EYC-2015 (new employments for young people are one of the main priorities Ivanovo EYC-2015). After the city will be awarded with the title EYC 2015 the Local Youth Council will be established (in the first half of the year 2013). The preparation and implementation of the


EYC-2015 will be transferred to a Local Youth Council. Organisational structure will be established and fully operative no later than July 2013. Some more ideas to be implemented to make work of the EYC team more effective and efficient: - A body of Ambassadors will be established within the EYC-2015 to promote Ivanovo as EYC 2015, the whole brand of EYC and important youth issues in the regional, national and international level. It is planned to invite well-known European individuals who will be prepared to take the role of Ambassadors. - Besides Ambassadors, who will work on regional/national/international level, we will also establish a body “youth Ambassadors”, who will work on local level. Their task will be advertising/promotion of the programme EYC-2015 in the local environment among the youth (e.g. schools, youth organisations, public events…) and motivating the youth to participate in the activities of EYC 2015 as much as possible. - The Volunteer office of EYC-2015 will be established within the framework of EYC2015. The Volunteer office of EYC-2015 will offer support to organisations which will implement activities within the framework of EYC 2015 in form of qualified volunteers mostly from Ivanovo, as well as from other parts of the Russia and other European countries. We want to encourage development and promotion (advertising) of volunteer work (among the youth and others), therefore special attention will be given to people who will be ready to cooperate in EYC-2015 as volunteers (to have suitable qualifications, suitable tutoring, and all the costs connected with the volunteer work returned). - From 4 to 8 European Voluntary Service (EVS) delegates are considering to work in the EYC-2015 during EYC year. All structures of EYC-2015 (Workgroup, National Steering Committee and Local Program Committee) have equal representation of men and women and also have representatives of biggest ethnical groups which live in Ivanovo.


COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION 1. Ivanovo consents to use the official EYC Logo as visual identity of the EYC year. The Logo of the EYC (as well as European Youth Forum) will be used in all publications, web site, and other Mass Media resources besides the logo of Ivanovo EYC-2015.

EYF: outline Communication and PR Strategy of the EYC year

2. The main media channels for promoting and informing about EYC 2015: - through different web sites (the web site of the EYC 2015: http://eyc2015.com, the web site of the National Youth Council of Russia: www.youthrussia.ru official websites of the City Ivanovo: www.ivgoradm.ru, http://www.ivgorduma.ru, the official websites of local, regional, national and European youth organizations, other websites); - through official Twitter account http://twitter.com/IvanovoEYC2015 which is functioning daily since November 2010; - through Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/IvanovoEYC2015; - it is planned to develop a partnership with local, regional, national and European media; - a strong promotional campaign is going to be established. It will include promotion of the EYC-2015 on posters, leaflets, flags, in TV videos, on YouTube, special billboards, etc. It is planned to organise a presentational meeting where journalists from all Europe are going to be invited to Ivanovo. The meeting will be organised in close cooperation with the European Youth Forum. In the year 2015 (if Ivanovo becomes EYC-2015) we will regularly and promptly inform the youth and all the others about all the activities within the framework of the EYC-2015 (through all the above-mentioned ways and channels. We will also have weekly web-informants with prompt information about EYC 2015, monthly printed previews of the EYC 2015 projects).


Special attention will be paid to youth media (newspaper I & Ivanovo, magazine Ne CD, youth students’ TV and others). We will encourage the youth to inform other young people independently of the National Steering Committee and the Local Programme Committee about the course of preparing the city for the EYC 2015 and about the activities implemented within the framework of the EYC 2015 on their own. The youth nowadays more and more use modern mobile communication channels (smartphones, tablet computers) – we will stimulate the youth to use the devices for other purposes through various competitions, thematically related to the EYC 2015. All printed promotional and informational material within the framework of the EYC 2015 will be available at various already-existing info points in the city, as well as in all youth organisations. In the year 2015 additional info points will be established, where trained informants with all the necessary information about EYC 2015 will be available. As mentioned, the Ambassadors (at regional, national and European level) and youth Ambassadors (at local level) will greatly help with promotion and informing. As already mentioned we want to take advantage of the EYC 2015 for in-depth treatment of individual youth topics that concern and are common to all young people in Europe or the ones who will contribute to the development of EU-Russia youth policies. Therefore, within the framework of the EYC 2015 we wish to organise 2 bigger campaigns (one in the year 2014 and the other in 2015) in cooperation with the European Youth Forum and the National Youth Council of Russia. The topics and contents of an individual campaign would be set later and in cooperation with previously-mentioned partners. Within the framework of these campaigns various local, national and international activities would be carried out, through which the basic topic of an individual campaign would be dealt with. We want to pursue the informing and training of young people and youth workers about youth issues and youth policies through the establishment of a "library", where


items of publications from local, regional, national and European space will be available (e.g. publications of the European Youth Forum, Coyote magazine, T – KIT, publications of the Council of Europe, etc.). Representatives of youth organizations will be asked to suggest which of the European publications should be translated into the Russian language. 3. The Ivanovo EYC 2015 Team defines the following target groups (each target group is going to be addressed on a special way, tailored only for that certain target group): - young people aged between 15 and 35 years from Ivanovo - young people between 15 and 35 from other European countries - youth workers, coordinators and organizers of activities for young people from Ivanovo and other European countries - youth organizations and other organizations providing activities for young people from Ivanovo and other European countries - political decision-makers at local, regional and national level - other residents of Ivanovo - local, regional, national and European companies. 4. The city of Ivanovo is willing to contribute to organizing the official handover ceremony. That is why Ivanovo supports the initiative of Antwerp to hand over Cosmogolem as a symbolic trophy. The ceremony will be held in January 2015. 5. Informing the public will be in Russian and English.


PREPARATION OF THE EUROPEAN YOUTH CAPITAL Stage 1. November 2011 to May 2012. Application campaign - discussion of the participation concept and consultations with youth, youth associations, public organisations, state and municipal youth structures, local, regional and federal authorities; - identification of the main problematic/deficitary/insufficiently developed areas in the field of youth in Ivanovo, and formulating proposals of activities in these areas in partnership with young people, youth organizations and other youth structures; - developing cooperation with the cities that have already won the status of EYC; - analyses of previous application campaigns, candidates’ strengths and weaknesses, and tackling the problems encountered when applying for the status of EYC2014 in 2011; - strengthening relations with National Youth Council of Russia, creation of the National Steering, Local Programme Committees and Workgroup, defining the responsibilities and mandates; - maintaining a Facebook page, Twitter account and website; - presenting application to the European Youth Forum within the established time; - carrying out promotional events aimed at supporting Ivanovo’s participation in the contest in cooperation with the Steering Committee and Programme Committee in 2012.

EYF: describe its roadmap towards the preparation of the EYC year


Stage 2. July to November 2012. Application Campaign. Final Part - Improvement of the application in accordance with the jury’s remarks; - implementation of additional consultations, round tables and meetings with young people and representatives of youth organisations, for the purpose of more detailed and additional formation of the suggestions for EYC 2015; - negotiating with federal institutions regarding additional financial investments allocated for infrastructural development; - compiling sponsorship package and holding negotiations with prospective partners; - carrying out promotional events (at local, regional, national and international level) aimed at supporting Ivanovo’s participation in the contest in cooperation with the Steering Committee and Programme Committee in 2012; - broadcasting the live ceremony of the result of EYC-2015 at the central square of the City. Stage 3. December 2012 to December 2014. Preparation campaign - the establishment of the organizational structure that will be responsible for the preparation and implementation of the EYC-2015; - actively communicating and coordinating with the National Steering Committee and Local Programme Committee in order to meet the objectives and priorities of EYC year in Ivanovo; - actively communicating and coordinating with the European Youth Forum and the National Youth Council of Russia; - completion of all necessary activities (in the field of content activities, promotional activities, international activities) that in 2015 Ivanovo will carry out all the activities that were defined in the application for obtaining the title of EYC-2015;


- active participation of young people and youth organizations in all stages of the preparation for the EYC-2015; - implementation of various trainings, workshops, seminars, conferences for young people, youth workers and youth organizations in order to get trained and acquire the skills needed to carry out activities in 2015; - the establishment of the Local Youth Council; - providing the necessary financial resources for the preparation and implementation of the EYC-2015 (inclusion of EYC-2015 in local and national budgets, obtaining private funding, sponsorships); - participating in federal target programmes aimed at infrastructural development, creation of the youth infrastructure mentioned in the application and construction of the infrastructure; - participating in grant youth contests within the framework of initiatives by the Council of Europe, and the European Union (such as Youth in Action); - attracting new partners from local, regional, national and international level for the fulfillment of the EYC goals (especially at the local and regional level with organizations which also implement programmes for young people, for example, secondary schools and faculties, where there are many young people); - enhancing cooperation with other interested Russian cities and regions, and strengthening the existing ties with the sister cities; - regular informing of the local community (young people, youth organizations) and all partners (European Youth Forum, National Youth Council of Russia) about the preparations for the EYC-2015; - a study on the profile of young people in Ivanovo; on the basis of its results the preparation of local development strategies of the youth field and youth policy and the adoption of local youth policies through which the aims written in the local strategy will be implemented;


- developing structures of youth networking among the participants of EYC contest 2009-2014; - actively interacting with EYCs of 2009-2014 and participating in the events organized by Antwerp, Braga, Maribor and Thessaloniki in order to analyze and assess the results of the EYC activities in other cities; creating a database of good practice and distributing the information of the best European youth initiatives via a networking structure of the European Youth Forum; - partaking in a formal ceremony whereby the symbol of the EYC will be presented to Ivanovo by Thessaloniki and the year of the EYC-2015 will be officially open.



EYF: provide and outline of the evaluation process and assessment of the outcomes of the EYC year

Evaluation will be carried out by different methods: by questionnaires, which are going to be filled out by different target groups of a sufficient pattern, by interviews and reports on all the accomplished activities. Evaluations are going to be systematically carried out by a Workgroup, which will also inform the National Steering and Local Committees about the results. The Workgroup will also prepare quarterly reports on work, where the evaluations will also be included. On the request of the European Youth Forum the Workgroup will prepare special reports on how the City prepares and implements the EYC. In order to analyze best practices and assess the positive results of the EYC year, the Programme Committee will develop a multilevel interactive system of assessment that will allow estimating every measure taken and all the events. It is expected that this system should be applied continuously when estimating the youth policy of Ivanovo, preparing and hosting the EYC year and after. Such an assessment system will allow to draw up a gradation of a certain project’s success. Therefore it will be possible to decide whether this or that initiative should be included into the good practice database (on the basis of the European Youth Forum) which will be created. Technically, the so-called Logical Framework Matrix (LFM) tool is going to be implemented already at the stage of event planning. The above mentioned tool is a basis for contest documentation in many European contests and grant programmes.



EYF: indicate the legacy and the territorial Impact (urban, social and economic development) that the activities of the youth capital will bring

1. Infrastructure intended for young people: - Hostel (a modern youth mini-hotel of economy class) - Youth center 2. Social and economic cooperation: - attracting funds from the federal budget, sponsors and private investors; - developing the economy of the city, encouraging business initiatives among the young people; - enhancing the youth policy by developing new youth projects in cooperation with the European partners; - boosting the interaction of the city with various European institutions; - new jobs for young people, more qualified young people, new programs for young people which will last after 2015, young people/youth workers/youth organizations will have many new contacts/experience from Europe; - developing of youth tourism; - new possibilities for informal education for young people, promoting of mobility for young people; - more people will be interested to cooperate within youth organizations; - more people will be interested in voluntarism, transferring good practices to other cities and regions of Russia; - development of local youth policy; - Implementation of the EYC-2015 in Ivanovo will maintain the creation of infrastructure for young people, and have a positive impact on social and economic situation of the city.



EYF: elaborate on the finance facilities for the EYC year

Within the fulfillment of the "Ivanovo – European Youth Capital" application it is supposed to use different sources of budgeting both already agreed and potential in case Ivanovo gets the status of EUC-2015, which include financing from the budget (federal, regional and municipal), sources of relevant foundations, that provide grants for development of socially significant projects of non-governmental and non-profit organizations, sponsorships from business interested to support EYC initiative. As a source of finance included are budget means of Ivanovo within providing municipal services for 2012-2015 in following programmes: "Activities for Children and Youth", "Temporary and Seasonal Youth Employment", "Community-based Work with Youth and Children", "Entertainment and Services of Culture for Citizens", "Organization of Summer Vacations in Thematic Camps in Cultural and Creative Sphere", "Extra-curriculum Education in Sports for Children and Youth", "Community-based Club and Physical Education Work", "Organization of Sports Activities", "Organization of Recreation and Health Improvement of Children and Youth During Summer Vacations in Sports Sphere", "Informing of Citizens on Urgent Development in the City", "Promotion of Social Values (social advertisement)", long-term special-purpose programme "Dwelling", long-term special-purpose programme "Support of Young Specialists of Municipal Institutions of Social Sphere in Ivanovo", long-term special-purpose programme "Provision of the Citizens of Ivanovo with Social and Engineering Infrastructure", long-tern special purpose programme "Development of Municipal System of Education in Ivanovo", Long-term special-purpose programme "Development of Small and Medium – size Business in Ivanovo", departmental special-purpose programme "Electronic Municipality", departmental special-purpose programme "Preservation and Development of Municipal Institutions of Culture in Ivanovo", departmental special-purpose programme "Creation of


Conditions for Educating Children with Disabilities in Municipal Institutions of Education in Ivanovo", departmental special-purpose programme "Electronic City", departmental special-purpose programme "Support and Care". Also from Ivanovo Region Budget it is planned to finance the projects of EYC application campaign by means of: 1. Long-term special-purpose programmes: "Development of Children Recreation and Health Improvement in Ivanovo Region" "Information Society Development Conditions", "Physical Culture and Sports Development in the Ivanovo Region", "Development of Public Education in Ivanovo Region", "Children of Ivanovo Region", "Development of Tourism in Ivanovo Region"; 2. Departmental special-purpose programmes of the Departments, Agencies, and Committees of the Ivanovo Region; 3. Regional investment programmes; Besides it is planned to finance EYC attracting the means of federal budget within relevant programmes, carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Besides, financing of the programmes can be made by means of grants for nongovernmental non-profit organizations that are provided annually by President of the Russian Federation for socially significant projects. Private-Public Partnership mechanisms are also actively used attracting business to support Candidacy of Ivanovo for EYC-2015 and fulfill EYC year programme if Ivanovo wins.




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