Letters of Support to Ivanovo - Candidate City for European Youth Capital 2015

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European Youth Forum Rue Joseph II Straat 120 B-1000 Brussels Belgium Ivanovo, 28 Septemberr 2012 Dear Sirs, On behalf of the National Programme Committee “Ivanovo European Youth Capital 2015 Candidate City” I aware you that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation is ready to distribute within Russian Diplomatic Representative Bodies and Consulates in Europe regulations on priority visa issues to participants and guests of events planned in Ivanovo during European Youth Capital Year based on original or facsimile copies of invitations from the EYC Program Committee.

Maxim Polyakov Co-chairman of the National Program Committee “Ivanovo EYC-2015 Candidate City”

European Youth Forum Rue Joseph II Straat 120 B-1000 Brussels Belgium Łódź, 18th April 2012 Dear Sirs, 'European Youth Capital 2015' Following the visit of the delegation of the City of Ivanovo on the occasion of the Partner Cities Mayor`s Reunion in Łódź in November 2011and reffering to the successful 20- years long cooperation between Łódź and Ivanovo, City of Łódź would like to express its whole-hearted support to the bid for Ivanovo to become the European Youth Capital 2015. Bilateral contacts between Łódź and Ivanovo has started in 1992. The history and development of these two cities has had much in common with each other. In the 19th century, either Łódź and Ivanovo were huge textile production and experienced cultural centers. Nowadays Ivanovo is not only strong administrative, historical and cultural center of Russia, but also academic city with 18 higher schools and rich students life. Withing 20 years of fruitfull cooperation to Łódź, Ivanovo made evidence of its commitement and potential in a field of culture, by bringing theaters for the Meeting of Theatres from Partner Cities, folcloric and modern dance groups for the Dance Festival, as well as for sports events. Young athlets and runners are coming to take part in sportive competitions and tournaments. Delegations from Ivanovo are visiting Łodź regularly on the occasions of the Łódź`Festival and Partner Cities Meeting. Special occasion to strengthten bilateral contacts was the “Russian Year” in 2006 in which Ivanovo took part actively, namely with young people with choir performances and journalists meetings. In 2011 Ivanovo participated in organized by the City of Łódź meeting at the Committee of the Regions in Brussels where, Łódź and its eastern partners tackled issue of “Eastern partnership and neighbourhood policy Partnership” of European Comission, with two-day workshops aiming at learing skills to run for Europen projects. The participants are also planning another meeting in order to write joint projects. The seminar participants were also invited to the Conference on Eastern Partnership organized in Brussels on 9 November by all regional offices under the patronage of the Polish Presidency. At the end of the visit, the guests took part in the Łódź Citizens Club i.e. a meeting of the Łódź residents working in the European institutions in Brussels. We are deeply convinced that the City of Ivanovo will get the organization of ”European Youth Capital 2015”

Hanna Zdanowska

Prezydent Miasta Łodzi

European Youth Forum Rue Joseph II Straat 120 B-1000 Brussels Belgium

Since 2010 Kraljevo has been partner of Ivanovo. This fact proves the longstanding relations between Serbian and Russian peoples, strong comprehensive ties between the representatives of business structures public, religious, scientific, and other state and non-governmental organisations of our countries. The relations between the young citizens of our countries develop especially actively, which gives us hope for further development of our cooperation. All youth organisations of Kraljevo support the decision of Ivanovo Youth to apply for the contest of the European Youth Forum “EYC-2015�. We are ready to render comprehensive support in development and fulfillment of all programme acivities of the EYC-2015 in case Ivanovo gets the title. Head of Skupstine of Kraljevo Milomir Shlivih

To Head of the City of Ivanovo V. Sverchkov Dear Vladislav Mikhailovich, Ivanovo is a modern, big industrial, cultural, sport center of Russia, which is progressively developing. The city astonishes with its historical monuments and sites. The history of cooperation of our cities dates back to 2000. Warm relations between Ivanovo and Khmelnytsky is a bright example of Ukrainian-Russian friendship. We know that besides Khmelnitsky, Ivanovo develops friendly partnership relations with many cities of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Europe. It is exchange programmes between children and youth orgnisations, exchange of cultural traditions, participation in sport events, which is a good example upbringing of youth. THIS EXPERIENCE STRENGTHENS THE POSITIVE IMAGE OF Russia at the world arena. Recognizing the importance of strengthening interregional relations, being desirous to provide favorable conditions for dynamic development of friendly relations between our countries, Khmelnitsky City Council, youth orgnisations of our city support the application of Ivanovo for the contest of the European Youth Forum EYC-2015. We hope that Ivanovo wins the contest and the young people of your beautiful city will get many opportunities to begin new perspective projects. We wish the city of Ivanovo victory and prosperity, and its citizents – happiness. Head of Khmelnitsky

S.I Melnik


From: National Union of Public Organizations “Youth Social and Economic Initiatives” 8, bld. 1, Novaya Street, 109012 Moscow, Russia Phone +7 (495) 606-85-31, phone/fax +7 (495) 606-86-40 email: patria@inbox.ru web page: www.moyastrana.ru

to European Youth Forum Rue Joseph II Straat 120 B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 230 64 90 Fax: +32 2 230 21 23

National Union of Public Organizations “Youth Social and Economic Initiatives” strongly supports the Ivanovo’s application for the European Youth Capital 2015 contest. Today, Ivanovo is one of the largest university centre in Russia. Approximately 50 thousand students from 53 countries of the world study in our city. Every third inhabitant of the city is aged between 18 and 30 years old. Nowadays, supporting gifted young people is the main direction of the development of the region. Municipal and regional authorities put a lot of effort to support active and initiative young people. All main legislative and executive authorities of Ivanovo region and Ivanovo city have youth self-government bodies which work effectively. Ivanovo youth takes an active part in social life at local, regional and national level. We believe that being shortlisted for the European Youth Capital 2014 has made a positive influence on Ivanovo youth life. If Ivanovo gains the title European Youth Capital 2015, young people from the city will obtain a great opportunity to use their own potential and to promote their initiatives. Ivanovo already takes an active part in international programmes and projects, student and pupil exchange programmes, and implements a number of youth projects at regional and federal level. We consider that Ivanovo deserves to represent Russia at the EYC 2015 contest. We wish the city to win and we are ready to offer our support for the preparation and implementation of activities of the EYC year. Sincerely, Union President

Sergei Kochnev


From: Association for the social and economic interaction between small and mid- sized cities in Russia Municipal Economical Development 25, Chkalova Street, Krasnoarmeysk, Moscow Region, 141290, Russia

to European Youth Forum Rue Joseph II Straat 120 B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 230 64 90 Fax: +32 2 230 21 23

Interregional association for the social and economic interaction between small and mid- sized cities in Russia supports the Ivanovo application for the title European Youth Capital 2015. Ivanovo is recognized as one of young people and students centres in Russia. A very serious attention has always been given to the promotion of youth initiatives by municipal and regional authorities. There are a number of regional, interregional, national contests, festivals and forums held in Ivanovo, which are aimed to support gifted young people and to help them develop their creative and intellectual potential. The participation of Ivanovo in the EYC 2014 contest became a great example for many other Russian cities of how youth can take part in promotion of their initiatives. We believe that if Ivanovo gains this title, the city could become a role model for other cities not only in Russian but in the whole Europe. Becoming the European youth Capital 2015 would contribute to enhancing opportunities of interactions between Russian and European young people, exchange of good practices in youth policy in the whole Europe, promotion of youth initiatives in different fields. We are sure that Ivanovo deserves to represent Russia at the European Youth Capital 2015 contest. We wish the city to win and we are ready to offer our support for the preparation and implementation of activities of the EYC year. Sincerely, President of Association

Vitali Pashentsev

European Youth Forum Rue Joseph II straat 120 B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: + 32 2 230 64 90 Fax: + 32 2 230 21 23 Ivanovo branch of Multiethnic Russia Club supports the Ivanovo youth’s initiative to participate in the European Youth Capital 2015 contest. The Club makes every effort to involve young people in forming a civil society which would be based on principles of solidarity, mutual respect, tolerance and understanding, preservation and promotion of cultures and languages of Russian ethnics, as well as establishing dialogues between youth of different ethnic and religious background. There are expert groups within the Club to solve topical issues of international interactions in Russia. The Club involves active young people and leaders of youth and ethnic and cultural public organizations, young politicians, deputies, representatives of public authorities. The Club organizes regularly discussion grounds for young leaders and media, trainings, seminars at regional and national level such as Club Federal Seminar. In April 2010 Young Multinational Russia exhibition was held in Strasburg, France in the framework of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe spring session. Ivanovo branch of the Club is one of the organizers of youth forum “Multinational Russia”, held in Sochi uniting 250 participants from 68 Russian regions and 10 foreign countries. The main yearly event implemented by the Club is International Youth Camp “Dialogue”. The purpose of the camp is exchange of positive practices in the field of intercultural dialogue and inter-religious cooperation. More than 300 representatives of youth organizations from Russia, CIS countries, Balctic countries, Western European countries, foreign students, representatives of Russian public authorities, Council of Europe and European Youth Forum attend the Camp. If Ivanovo gains the title European Youth Capital 2015, Ivanovo branch of Multiethnic Russia Club will provide support and take an active part in the implementation of activities, projects and programmes for youth. Sincerely, Club Chairman

A. Sokolov

LETTER OF SUPPORT From: Ivanovo MES Fire-fighting University 33, Stroiteley pr., 153040 Ivanovo, Russia

to European Youth Forum Rue Joseph II Straat 120 B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 230 64 90 Fax: +32 2 230 21 23

With this letter the Ivanovo MES Fire-fighting University conveys its support for Ivanovo as European Youth Capital 2015.Our University runs a number of youth-related organizations: - student board; - board of young specialists; - voluntary fire-fighting squads; - various self-management student communities; - amateur talent groups, and so on. The young specialist board on a daily basis plans out all sorts of entertainment and awareness-raising projects aimed at young people and their social skills. We have voluntary fire-fighting squads and movements. These are made up of our own students as well as outsiders. The main goal there is to teach young people/students in schools and other colleges about fire fighting and the perils of fire. We also have our own music bands. These young talents are alwa ys happy to organize or participate in music contests in Ivanovo and all around Russia. We have our own sports clubs and gyms, which are always packed with students and teachers. One of the most remarkable people to have graduated from our University is Albert Loginov – a world champion in applied fire-fighting. We also have our own sports stadium equipped with four state-of-the-art race tracks, an indoor arena, volleyball and basketball courts, etc. Our teachers regularly hold fire-fighting teaching courses (everyone is welcome) and also give judo and other martial-arts lessons. In 2012 we began building our own sports center, which is going to include an indoor swimming pool (4 tracks, 25 m each); a skating rink and other sports arenas and courts. The center is expected to launch toward the end of 2013. In 2006 our University introduced a special annual fire-fighting conference which every year gathers over 100 people from all over the country. If Ivanovo does win the title, our University will provide all necessary support in the preparation and carrying out of the event. Sincerely, Director I. Maliy

LETTER OF SUPPORT From: Ivanovo State University 39, Ermaka Street, 153025 Ivanovo, Russia Phone +7 (4932) 32-62-10, fax +7 (4932) 3246-77 email : rector@ivanovo.ac.ru

to European Youth Forum Rue Joseph II Straat 120 B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 230 64 90 Fax: +32 2 230 21 23

Public institution of higher education “Ivanovo State University” supports the Ivanovo youth’s initiative to participate in the European Youth Capital 2015 contest. Ivanovo State University takes an active part in various activities at university, local, natonal, international level. These activities concern youth health improvement, moral, spiritual and patriotic education. Ivanovo State University won twice the contest of social projects at the National Students’ Forum “We support healthy lifestyle!”. This is the third year that student volunteers participate in a joint project with Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights in Ivanovo region “Centre for legal and psychological assistance to the children from unfavourable families”. Since 2005 Ivanovo State University implements two projects aimed at promotion of youth moral and spiritual education “Student’s Philharmonic” and “Light of Russia”. Within these projects students have the opportunity to attend philharmonic concerts and exhibitions of the best Ivanovo artists. The development of international education and cooperation in the universities of Ivanovo region goes in three key directions: export of educational services, students’ mobility and cooperation with different organizations at local, regional and international level. Export of educational services is implemented through training specialists for foreign countries. Total number of foreign students in Ivanovo region universities exceeds 1100. Students’ mobility implies study at foreign partner universities, students’ participation in various international conferences, international activities, courses, seminars. For example, since the 1990s Ivanovo State University organizes each year a conference “Hague International Model United Nations”. More than 150 students from different countries (Italy, Germany, the USA and others) attend this conference each year. International scientific and practical conference for students, graduate students and young scientists “World without borders” is held since 2001. The conference unites Russian and foreign participants who discuss topics of student mobility in an era of globalization and internationalization, comparative researches in the domain

of international relations and other topical issues. The number of participants is up to 250. The university cooperates with governmental and non-governmental organizations of Ivanovo city and Ivanovo region, among which are: Department of Internal Policy of Ivanovo region, Department of Education of Ivanovo region, Ivanovo House of Nationalities, Youth Committee under Ivanovo city Administration, Ivanovo city Duma, Association of foreign students in Russia, Russia-Vietnam friendship society, embassies of European, Asian and African countries, representatives of foundations of student mobility. The partnership contributes to the promotion of tolerance in interethnic and interconfessional youth relations. Commission of international relations organizes and carries out different cultural, educational and sportive events: International Students’ Day, Angola’s Independence Day, Africa Day, Russian New Year, Russian Pancake week, Town Day, beauty contests, lapta (Russian bat and ball game), armsport and futsal competitions and so forth, Year of France in Russia, events connected to the 65th anniversary of the end of the WWII (Great Patriotic War). If Ivanovo gains the title European Youth Capital 2015, the Ivanovo State University will provide support and take an active part in the implementation of activities, projects and programmes for youth. Sincerely, Rector

Vladimir Egorov

LETTER OF SUPPORT From: Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Techology 7, Friedrich Engels Avenue, 153000 Ivanovo, Russia Phone + 7 (4932) 32-92-41, fax +7 (4932) 4179-95 email: rector@isuct.ru Web page: www.isuct.ru

to European Youth Forum Rue Joseph II Straat 120 B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 230 64 90 Fax: +32 2 230 21 23

With this letter the Ivanovo State Chemical-Engineering University expresses its support for Ivanovo as European Youth Capital 2015. Our College is engaged in a variety of youth-related projects on a daily basis. These include, first and foremost, our self-management programs (we have our own fully acknowledged student board; we have various student clubs, sports clubs, scholarly organizations, and so forth). Below is a list of some of the projects devised by our own students: "First Graduate Week" project (this is a set of activities aimed at welcoming newly admitted students into our college and making them feel like part of our family); Professional holiday “Chemist’s day”; Student experience-sharing conferences and meetings called “Education. Employment. Career.”Land navigation sports contests “Adventurers"; intellectual contest called “Erudite"; project “Dynasty”; “Let’s Keep Our College Clean and Comfortable”; “Student Initiation” project; digital picture contest; sports/patriotic game called “Walkers"; the “Young Leader” conference; “Looking For Talented Boys and Girls”; the “Healthy Student” program; “Kind Hearts” (blood donation, voluntary activities); the “Student Spring” set of festivals; amateur concert parties “Spring Concerts” various sports competitions between our dorms and departments. Aside from those, we also run a host of social/patriotic projects; among these are: the “Realize Your Talent” program, scholarship competitions, financial help/investment projects, healthy-lifestyle and anti-drug programs. Within the framework of these activities, our University holds all kinds of conferences, meetings, round-table discussions with social workers, distinguished guests of our

town, educational leaders. All of this inspires and encourages our students to actively participate in all town- and nation-wide educational and social activities, be creative, speak their mind, and bring forth their good ideas. Our University is a large educational institution that is constantly working on improving the relations with its foreign counterparts. These include the Universities of USA, China, Spain, Poland, Italy, Sweden, France, Germany, and many other countries. Our international line of work involves: - experience-sharing activities; - student exchange programs; - grants, scholarships; - various international conferences, meetings, etc; - international student training courses; - cultural exchange. Our University is always willing to take part in international programs, projects, festivals, and contests. Some of our students are doing their term and PhD projects abroad. We have a special agreement with the Krakow Engineering College that allows its students to serve their externship at our University and share their experience with our students. Our former and current students have many remarkable credentials and awards in their personal fields; these also include special scholarship grants from our President. Another remarkable achievement of our college is the international “Fundamental Science” –a special education conference held at our college on an annual basis. Our students participate in experience-sharing meetings in Lodz (Poland), and our Poland guests are always welcome at our specialized economics conferences. We are constantly striving to establish firm relations with foreign colleges; toward that end our University has created a set of free English clubs and training courses to improve our students’ foreign-language skills and cultural knowledge. If Ivanovo does win the title, our University will provide all necessary support in the preparation and carrying out of this event. Sincerely, Rector

O. Koyfman

LETTER OF SUPPORT From: Ivanovo State Power University 34, Rabfakovskaya Street, 153003 Ivanovo, Russia

to European Youth Forum Rue Joseph II Straat 120 B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 230 64 90 Fax: +32 2 230 21 23

With this letter the Ivanovo State Power University expresses its support for Ivanovo as European Youth Capital 2015. ISPU’s student body numbers over 7 thousand students from all over the globe. Every year, our students devise and realize various youth-related and social and cultural projects aimed at raising awareness among the youth of our town. Over the decades we have accumulated an incredible amount of experience on how to save and revive our nation’s cultural values and patriotic spirits. Our students actively participate in town- and nation-wide projects devoted to those who sacrificed or risked their lives in the most devastating war of the last century. One of these projects is called "Memories Are Timeless"; this is a patriotic commemorative festival created to pay respects to our war veterans. “ISPU Student Chooses to Be Healthy" - a healthy-lifestyle promotion project. "The Future is Yours" – citizenship movement. Our staff and students regularly hold various meetings, round-table conferences, contests (including over the Internet), and sports activities. Every project/meeting/conference gets a detailed description and report on our web-site (http://www.ispu.ru). Our students will always take the chance to participate in any townwide festival or contest, especially those dedicated to war veterans and elderly people. We run student exchange programs. Our most active ‘student squads’ always include foreign students. This allows us to establish and further improve the relations inside our multinational student body. Our foreign students also actively participate in cultural contest and other patriotic/cultural/social activities held all around town. They're engaged in various experience sharing conferences and meetings with European, African and Asian colleges. In 2011 these students designed and carried out a special project devoted to the WWII veterans remaining in our town. ISPU is constantly striving to improve its experience-sharing relations with other Universities and educational institutions all around the planet. In September of 2010, our University became a full member of the PP4M college syndicate. The syndicate’s chief objective is designing and running student-exchange programs within the framework of 15 various Master educational programs. We have agreements with some French colleges, which make our diplomas and credentials legitimate in France. 2011 marked the signing of a special Memorandum of Understanding between our University and the University of Northern Virginia

(this is a long-term student-exchange program that has effectively brought our University on an international level). Our postgraduates are doing their PhDs all around the world, all within the student exchange projects of our own design. If Ivanovo does win the title, our University pledges to provide all necessary support in the preparation and carrying out of this event. Sincerely, Rector

S. Tararykin

LETTER OF SUPPORT From: Ivanovo State Medical Academy 8, Friedrich Engels Avenue, 153012 Ivanovo, Russia Phone +7 (4932) 30-17-66, 32-50-42, fax +7 (4932) 32-66-04 email: adm@isma.ivanovo.ru web page: www.isma.ivanovo.ru

to European Youth Forum Rue Joseph II Straat 120 B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 230 64 90 Fax: +32 2 230 21 23

By the present letter Public institution of higher education “Ivanovo State Medical Academy” under the Ministry for Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation supports the Ivanovo youth’s initiative to participate in the European Youth Capital 2015 contest. The Academy implements the following youth supporting programmes: Health protection and health lifestyle among students and professors programme (since 2010) includes a complex of activities aimed at health protection and improvement, carrying out healthy lifestyle; Reproductive Choice project (since 2011) informs young people about ways of keeping reproductive system healthy through lecture/discussion, trainings, monthly conferences on family planning etc.; Sun Circle project works on disabled children social adaptation and inclusion, as well as on promotion of volunteering in Ivanovo region. Every year the Academy participates in the National contest among universities “University is a healthy territory” (in 2012 the Academy took the second place in the contest). Furthermore, Academy students have experience of implementation of projects of social importance: preventing drug abuse projects, students’ creative initiative projects, students’ career projects. At international level, joint clinical researches are being constantly carrying out by the Academy in cooperation with different international organizations (Limited Liability Company “Worldwide Clinical Trials”, Closed Joint-Stock Company GlaxoSmithKline, Boehringer Ingelheim RCV GmbH & Co KG, JSC “Sanofiaventis groupe”). Young specialists from the Academy participate in international grant programmes – Fulbright program in 2011, Carl Zeiss Company, European League Against Rheumatism 2011 (London, UK), association ASNEMGE in 2011 (American Austrian Foundation, Austria), and European Federation on Internal Medecine (France), attend seminars for young scientists on organization of scientific researches etc. If Ivanovo gains the title European Youth Capital 2015, the Ivanovo State Medical Academy will provide support and take an active part in the implementation of activities, projects and programmes for youth. Sincerely, Rector, professor

Evgueni Borzov

LETTER OF SUPPORT From: Ivanovo State Architectural University 20, 8 Marta Street, 153037 Ivanovo, Russia

to European Youth Forum Rue Joseph II Straat 120 B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 230 64 90 Fax: +32 2 230 21 23

With this letter the Ivanovo State Architectural University expresses its support for Ivanovo as European Youth Capital 2015. Our University has designed a wide ranged of social, patriotic, cultural, and awareness-raising projects that have been realized both in our town and all around the country. Our students are constant participants in all town- and nationwide youth contest and festivals. For three years straight, we have been engaged in a specially devised projected aimed at reducing alcohol, tobacco, and drug additions among the youth. Our students actively participate in the international health program “K810� (this is an aggressive movement against drunk and reckless driving). If Ivanovo does win the title, our University will provide all necessary support in the preparation and carrying out of the event.

Sincerely, Deputy Rector

S. Fedosov

LETTER OF SUPPORT From: Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy named after academician Dmitri Belyaev 45, Sovietskaya Street, 153012 Ivanovo, Russia Phone/fax: +7 (4932) 32-81-44 email : rektorat@ivgsha.ru

to European Youth Forum Rue Joseph II Straat 120 B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 230 64 90 Fax: +32 2 230 21 23

Public institution of higher education Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy named after academician Dmitri Belyaev supports the Ivanovo youth’s initiative to participate in the European Youth Capital 2015 contest. A great attention is traditionally given to the promotion of youth initiatives by our Academy: Students’ Council, Ivanovo region branch of the organization “Russian Union of Rural Youth” work within the Academy, students’ projects such as We say NO to smoking!, student press-centre and so forth are implemented here. The student camp-seminar for first-year students “A Way to Leadership” takes place regularly. Our students participate in events at local, regional and national level (forums, conferences, contests, competitions etc.). Now, the Academy considers its international activity as one of the main directions of its work. The Academy works actively on establishing cooperation with foreign countries and partners in the field of scientific researches, social, educational and cultural activity. The Academy cooperates with different educational institutions in Russia, countries of CIS and Western Europe. In particular, the Academy cooperates with German universities through the LOGO system involving training and study abroad programs for senior students, graduate students, professors, exchange experience for young scientists ob both countries. In September 2010 our students visited several German universities through the DAAD grant program. In spring, national cultures festival takes place in the Academy. If Ivanovo gains the title European Youth Capital 2015, the Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy named after academician Dmitri Belyaev will provide support and take an active part in the implementation of activities, projects and programmes for youth. Sincerely, Rector, professor

Aleksey Baussov

LETTER OF SUPPORT From: Ivanovo State Textile Academy 21, Friedrich Engels Avenue, 153000 Ivanovo, Russia Phone + 7 (4932) 32-85-45, fax +7 (4932) 4121-08 email: rector@igta.ru Web page: www.igta.ru

to European Youth Forum Rue Joseph II Straat 120 B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 230 64 90 Fax: +32 2 230 21 23

Public institution of higher education Ivanovo State Textile Academy supports the Ivanovo youth’s initiative to participate in the European Youth Capital 2015 contest. Our Academy is one of the oldest Russian textile universities. We believe that we have a significant scientific and educational potential, and we try to encourage scientific and research activity of young people. So, since 2007 there is a system of grants for young scientists, students and graduate students who make their research in the priority scientific and technological fields. For this purpose, the Academy administration provides more than 500 000 rubles annually. Besides, there is Young Researcher School at the Academy. The School offers trainings aimed at enhancing the scope of interests and knowledge of students. Every year, the Academy organizes Best StudentResearcher contest. Since 2000, young researchers have the opportunity to report the results of their work at interuniversity scientific and technical conference for students and graduate students “Search”, which is a part of the regional young science festival. The youth conference held at the Academy is known to give to representatives of different scientific trends and generations the opportunity to discuss ways of development of national textile industry. Therefore, more than 30 Russian scientific organizations and different textile centres of CIS countries, China, Rumania, Serbia submit their application for participation in this scientific forum. As an example of extra-curricular work with students, there is a student rescue group “Rescuer” established in 2008 at the suggestion of the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry. This group unites students and professor of the Academy and is a constantly renewed, professionally trained and approved by the Emergency Situations Ministry group. The group regularly carries out spare time and leisure activities for students aimed at promotion of healthy lifestyle. The Academy closely cooperates with Chinese universities, implements joint projects and educational programs with some French, German and Italian universities which are members of the International association of famous textile universities (AUTEX). Furthermore, student and young scientists’ mobility is being constantly enhanced. For the last 5 years, the Academy has obtained 10 long-

term grants from German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). In December 2011, a number of students visited 12 German cities and presented the Ivanovo city application for European Youth Capital 2012 contest. The Academy takes part in different exhibitions and trade fairs. In particular, this year the Academy presented its projects at the IV International exhibition of fibrebased materials (Techtextil Russia), 13th International exhibition “Equipment and technological processes in the light industry” (Inlegmash-2012) and International Saint-Petersburg Partenariat “Saint-Petersburg - Russia’s regions and abroad”, at Hannover Messe 2012 (an exhibition of high technology, innovations and industrial automation). Thus, the Academy with its cultural and educational potential contributes to creating a positive image of the city and region of Ivanovo as a centre of Russian textile fashion and creative design. In 2011 the Academy students won several creative contests: - Grand prix, 1st, 2nd and 3rd places and the title “Best Russian Fashion School” at the XXX International contest of young clothing designers “EXERCICE-2011” (Moscow); -1st place and Golden cup for the “Puzzle” collection, 3rd place and Bronze cup for “Sea tsarina” collection at the XII International contest of young designers (China); - Grand prix, 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in different nominations at the National young clothing designers contest “Textile salon-2011” (Ivanovo); - Grand prix, 1st and 2nd places at the International exhibition-fair “Russian flax2011) (Vologda); - 1st place at the international young clothing designers contest “Kremlin stars” (Moscow); - the prize “Silver phoenix” at the VI Russian fashion festival “Plyos on volga. Flax palette” (Plyos, Ivanovo region); - trainee period in Germany for “Depth” collection at the International contest “Russian silhouette” (Moscow); - 1st place and special prize at the International designers contest “Povolzhsk Seasons of Alexander Vassiliyev” (Samara); - laureate diploma at the XIV International fashion festival “Velvet season in Sochi” (Sochi). If Ivanovo gains the title European Youth Capital 2015, Ivanovo State Textile Academy will provide support and take an active part in the implementation of activities, projects and programmes for youth. Sincerely, Rector

Grigori Chistoborodov

LETTER OF SUPPORT From: Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Ivanovo Branch 8, Posadski per., 153002 Ivanovo, Russia Phone + 7 (4932) 32-58-84, fax +7 (4932) 3009-02

to European Youth Forum Rue Joseph II Straat 120 B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 230 64 90 Fax: +32 2 230 21 23

Ivanovo Branch of the Public institution of higher education Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration supports the Ivanovo youth’s initiative to participate in the European Youth Capital 2015 contest. The institution has a good experience of youth programs implementation, including contests of candidates for Youth Government of Ivanovo region, preparation and implementation of competitions for senior pupils on public and municipal administration, preparation and implementation of Professional Lawyer contest for young law specialists. Professors and specialists of the institution regularly participate in international conferences, takes an active part in “Personality.Culture.Society” magazine publishing. The international editorial board of the magazine includes representatives from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, the USA, countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Furthermore, the institution takes part in the international project “Leader Talent” (Management Centre Europe, Brussels); cooperates with Institute of Culture (Bologna, Italy); participates in Russia-Canada project “Gender education in training public and municipal officials as a factor of civil society development”; cooperates with Hannover Municipality (Germany) and Staffordshire County Council (the UK) regarding the exchange of experience in the field of scientific interactions between society and public authorities and self-government authorities. If Ivanovo gains the title European Youth Capital 2015, Ivanovo Branch of the Public institution of higher education Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration will provide support and take an active part in the implementation of activities, projects and programmes for youth. Sincerely, Rector, professor

Evgueni Smirnov

LETTER OF SUPPORT From: Ivanovo division of the State Trade-economic University 53, Dzerjinskogo Street, 153025 Ivanovo, Russia

to European Youth Forum Rue Joseph II Straat 120 B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 230 64 90 Fax: +32 2 230 21 23

With this letter the Ivanovo division of the State Trade-economic University proudly expresses its support for Ivanovo as European Youth Capital 2015. 1. Within the framework of various youth-related activities, our University is currently engaged in a number of projects: physical exercise games called “Rope Course," a talent competition "If You've Got Talent - Call us!," beauty contest “Miss University," regular self-management role-play activities and others. We also take pride in running a specialized winter school called “New Generation.” The chief objective of this school is to improve the social skills of our students, feel out the best of them and raise the overall cultural awareness among the University population. There is also a fairly active volunteer movement running under the supervision of our University. All sorts of volunteer/charity activities are planned and carried out by our students on a daily basis (this includes blood donation). 2. Our public-relations department is constantly working on improving our connections with foreign universities; this gives our students ample opportunity to open new horizons in their educational life and future careers. Presently, our University is engaged in over 20 various projects in collaboration with universities in Britain, France, Italy, Poland, Mexico, China and other countries all across the globe. Every year, roughly 100 of our students go abroad to participate in those kinds of projects. Our association with universities abroad includes: - collaboration on student-exchange matters; - collaboration on day-to-day issues; - exchange projects; - designing curriculums, educational programs, etc. - receiving foreign guests, helping them find their way and showing them around; - visas; - registration issues; preparing our students for studying abroad; - making sure some of our own teachers have a chance to learn and share their experience abroad, too;

student-exchange, teacher-exchange programs; interpretation/translation services; Internet communication. If Ivanovo does win the title, our University pledges to provide all necessary support in the preparation and carrying out of the event. Sincerely, Director

N. Arefyeva

LETTER OF SUPPORT From: Ivanovo State Power University 34, Rabfakovskaya Street, 153003 Ivanovo, Russia

to European Youth Forum Rue Joseph II Straat 120 B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 230 64 90 Fax: +32 2 230 21 23

With this letter the Ivanovo State Power University proudly expresses its support for Ivanovo as European Youth Capital 2015. We have over 7 thousand students. Every other student here is engaged in some sort of voluntary or self-management or social project. Our students come from all over the world (Africa, Asia, Middle-East, Europe, South America etc.). Our University regularly holds a whole range of various entertainment and social contests (in English, in French, and in Russian). These include: "Mister ISPU" (looking for the most handsome male student), “Miss ISPU" (same goal, only female), "Engineer's Day,” “Rope Contest” and a host of other fun activities. Every year our students take part in town festivals (the upcoming 1st May celebration is only one of them). Half of our students are fluent in English. Our University is willing to give all support in its power, if Ivanovo does become EYC 2015.

Chairman of the Council of Students’ Associations

Y. Demina

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