HPL John Cotton Dana Proposal

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2016 John Cotton Dana Submission

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Linking YOU to the World ORGANIZATION

Houston Public Library 500 McKinney St. | Houston, TX 77002 | 832 393-1300 Director: Dr. Rhea Brown Lawson


The Library Card Campaign was designed to promote the HPL MY Link Library Card and increase awareness of the Library’s services to the City of Houston community. The campaign made clear, through messaging, that HPL is a place for community to connect with each other and to link to the different things they like and love in their lives. We did this through print, outreach, social media and partnerships. Campaign Goals • Increase awareness of the benefits of Houston Public Library MY LINK card to the residents of Houston metropolitan area. • Update 100% of current cardholders with the new MY LINK card. • Increase the number of library cardholders by 300,000 by the end of September 2015 and to one million by the end of the campaign • Increase awareness that the MY Link card allows library resources to be accessed virtually from anywhere in the world at any time • Increase awareness that all library services are FREE.


In 2014, there were over 6 million people living in the Houston Metropolitan area and of those 6 million, 772,870 had library cards. We wanted to increase this number understanding that if more people in our community have access to library services and materials, the more well-rounded our city will be, the more diverse and creative it will continue to be and more prospects or opportunities will be created for our citizens and upcoming generations. The 2014/2015 library card campaign was an avenue to reconnect with our customers and once again introduce them to all of the great services, spaces and opportunities public libraries provide. HPL’s last card campaign was 1998 when we introduced the PowerCard. This campaign was so successful that HPL succeeded in completing our goal in getting 500,000 cards in the hands of Houston students and created a loyal following for the PowerCard. In 2008/2009, HPL began re-branding its system’s visual components, services, events and customer service processes. By 2013, we began brainstorming a new library card campaign understanding that our customers had the PowerCard in their pockets and in their hearts for the past 16 years. How can we make this change and keep our loyal customer-base as we introduce our new card? What goals should we develop to get to the largest goal – that all Houston Metropolitan area citizens have a HPL Library card?

Linking YOU to the World www.houstonlibrary.org

Linking YOU to the World PLANNING

Because of the length of time between campaigns we knew that we needed a great support system and partner to help us achieve our goals. The first task was finding a community partner. Our director, Dr. Rhea Brown Lawson, took this initiative on personally and came up with a winner; H-E-B, one of Texas’ largest grocery store chains and advocates on early literacy in Texas. It was a great fit for both parties. Now, with a great partner, our efforts were focused on physical outreach via our locations, our partner’s locations, and in the neighborhoods. These outreach events and experiences would then be shared online, inviting our online family to join us at these different events and gatherings. Lastly we looked at all of the events, programs and services we already provided and used those to support our campaign by infusing card campaign in everything we provided to customers.

IMPLEMENTATION AND CREATIVITY Branding: Consistent visual experience is vital for any campaign. From staff being recognizable in their HPL red shirts, to messaging and graphics used to promote our efforts. Our print and online collateral focused on the benefits of the My Link Card and visually embodied the diversity of our customer base and the audience we wanted to attract. Our card image was front and center on all visual components. The same quality and visual consistency was used on paraphernalia and giveaway products. To bring together visuals and messaging, our slogan for the campaign was “I have MY Link. Do YOU have yours?” The slogan of course connects to the MY Link card as well as the HPL tagline Linking YOU to the World. Partner Promotions: Our partner outreach efforts and support increased our campaign’s reach exponentially: Below is the list of contributions from H-E-B: • Purchase of over 800,000 library cards • Radio announcements in H-E- B stores about the partnership with HPL and how to sign up for library cards • Video and editing support on My Link video campaign • Flyers at H-E- B locations promoting kickoff and card campaign • Recyclable bags to give out at all HPL locations • H-E-B trucks with card campaign promotion wrapped on the cargo • Banners for the exterior of the HPL locations • Kick off celebration event • Ads and blog post on the H-E-B internal and public facing site

Linking YOU to the World www.houstonlibrary.org

Linking YOU to the World Implementation and Creativity cont.

Campaign Kick Off: It all started with a press conference lead by the former Mayor of the City of Houston, Annise Parker, HPL director, Dr. Rhea Brown Lawson and H-E-B representative Winnell Herron, officially kicking off a year-long campaign. Each of our HPL locations were decorated and staff members proudly wore their HPL red shirts as they gave away MY Link cookies and signed up customers for the My Link Card. As an incentive all customers who signed up during our kick-off week were eligible to win one of five iPad minis that were loaded with library e-services and apps. Our partner, H-E-B, hosted a family affair at its newest location near midtown Houston. It was a day of music, games, book giveaways, food trucks, selfies and of course, card sign ups. We introduced customers to our expanding community engagement team and our mobile units as well as makerspace tools and our Friend s of Houston Public Library. Amnesty: Fines and fees can sometimes be a deterrent for customers to replace their PowerCards with the MY Link Card. Another incentive Houston Public Library provided was a one month long amnesty program forgiving fines and fees up to $25 With all of the activities in the first week alone, over 10,000 customers sign up for the MY Link Card. Outreach: This was a major component to the campaign and to help create a consistent experience in our libraries and beyond, an outreach toolkit was developed that included campaign message, talking points, benefits of the card and a visual reminder of all the materials staff should take on their outreach events. Events/Programs: The library card campaign was infused with our regular event and programs. Staff shared the My Link campaign message with schools, library program attendees and provided library card sign up at every event. TV and Social Media The TV and online advertisement campaign provided a call to action asking the Houston community if they had their My Link Library Card. Each commercial was designed to represent the City of Houston diverse community including images of customers from varying demographics (age, ethnicity, cultural grouping) and focused on a different service and benefit that the My Link Library Card provided. Print Media Each advertisement was designed to represent the City of Houston diverse community including images of customers from varying demographics (age, ethnicity, cultural grouping) and planned to be strategically placed in local newspapers and magazines relating to our customer demographics.

Linking YOU to the World www.houstonlibrary.org

Linking YOU to the World EVALUATION We successfully re-branded our library card from PowerCard to MY Link Card and increased awareness of our services to Houston Metropolitan area. By the end of the card campaign there were 953,856 card holders. The partnership with H-E-B was a huge success. HPL continues to collaborate and provide storytimes at H-E-B locations and H-E-B host storytimes at HPL locations. We are continuing the undertaking of transitioning all PowerCard holders to MY Link Cards. We believe that our 2016/2017 library initiatives that focus on virtual library cards and student cards will be a major help in achieving this goal. What We Learned We learned several things during this campaign. We understand that transitioning 100% of PowerCard holders to the MY Link Card will take longer than the duration of our campaign. This must be a continual effort. We learn that going into our communities an meeting people in their spaces and places is and always will be a very important part of connecting with our community. This is one of the best ways to share our services and benefits of the MY Link Card. It is so important, that the outreach toolkit used for the campaign has become a permanent part of our customer experience outreach. Through our campaign outreach and sign up efforts we learned that many users want virtual cards. We currently have a process for persons to sign up online and receive a temporary card, but at some point, they must turn in that virtual temporary card for a physical permanent card. Customers really love the temporary card’s accessibility and we see this as the next step to increasing MY Link Card holders. We are currently developing the process to have virtual cards available in 2017. Secondly, during our campaign we received an opportunity to collaborate with the NCAA and the Houston Independent School District (HISD) in a program called Reading to the Final Four. Students participating in this program were automatically given a library card that did not accrue fees or fines. The success of this project has open a door for a collaboration that will all students enrolled in an HISD school to automatically receive a library card. Without the card campaign, these lessons and opportunities may not have been possible.

For more information and supporting documents, please visit: www.houstonlibrary.org/jcd-2016


Marjorie D. Gonzalez, Marketing & PR Manager 832 393-1381 | marjorie.gonzalez@houstontx.gov

Donna Jackson, Brand Manager 832 393-1320 | donna.jackson@houstontx.gov

Linking YOU to the World www.houstonlibrary.org


Linking YOU to the World




I have

Do YOU Have YOUR Link? The Houston Public Library Card, MY Link, has many benefits that will link YOU to many Worlds of information and entertainment.

Do YOU have yours?

Do YOU have yours?

MY Link Library Card opens doors for you – linking YOU to the things you like and the things you love – from streaming music and movies, e-books and audiobooks, to access to more than 130 databases and resources on countless subjects that you can use to build, create or learn anything you want...not to mention access to library collections from across the nation, all free for YOU.

MY Link Library Card Campaign Amnesty Program September 10 – 26, 2014

The best benefit to MY Link Library Card is that it connects you to a community of people who can simplify your information needs to get you the answers you want, clearly and easily. HPL staff is available at more than 40 locations throughout Houston as well as online. So whether you are young, young at heart, a hip-hop head, a rocket scientist, an artist or skater, a cook, singer or student, MY Link fits YOU.

Linking YOU to the World www.houstonlibrary.org INFO | 832-393-1313

I have MY Link. Do YOU have yours?

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Library Card - Sign up Today! 09/01/2014



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Find YOUR Link at www.houstonlibrary.org/mylink

Find YOUR Link at www.houstonlibrary.org/mylink

Find YOUR Link at www.houstonlibrary.org/mylink

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Find YOUR Link at www.houstonlibrary.org/mylink



PRINT COLLATERAL Each item was designed to represent the City of Houston diverse community including images of customers from varying demographics (age, ethnicity, cultural grouping). More details and additional materials can be viewed at: www.houstonlibrary.org/jcd-2016

Linking YOU to the World www.houstonlibrary.org

Linking YOU to the World

Kickoff: Press Conference Houston Public Library is a department of the City of Houston. To show support for our campaign efforts, our now former Mayor, Annise Parker, lead a press conference officially kicking off the year-long campaign. HPL’s director, Dr. Rhea Brown Lawson and H-E-B representative, Winnell Herron, as well as council members and city supporters came out to celebrate this occasion. Below are a photos from the conference and some of the digital and print materials used to promote the kickoff.


SAVE the DATE Houston Public Library Card Campaign Kickoff and Festivities September 13 and 17, 2014

Houston Public Library Card Campaign Kickoff and Festivities September 13 and 17, 2014

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Join us as we celebrate the launch of our new Library Card – MY Link.



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Celebrating MY Link to the World

Saturday, September 13, 2014 | 11 AM - 3 PM

H-E-B Montrose Market |1701 Alabama St. | Houston, TX 77098

Activities include storytelling, face painting, yoga, 3-D printing demonstrations, local food trucks, music, art, and of course, a chance for you to sign up for your MY Link Library Card.

HPL Location Celebrations

Saturday, September 13, 2014 | 1 PM - 4 PM

Visit your local HPL location between 1 PM - 4 PM to sign up for a new MY Link Library Card and receive a celebratory cookie and, for our little ones, balloons (while supplies last)!

City Hall Farmers Market

Wednesday, September 17, 2014 | 11 AM - 1:30 PM

Houston Public Library - Central Library | 500 McKinney St., Houston, TX 77002

The fun continues with the opening day of the fall season of the City Hall Farmers Market. Join us on the Central Library Plaza and visit local vendors, food trucks and more Library Card Campaign activities.

Sign up for a MY Link Library Card at any of these fun festivities for a chance to win an iPad mini. Powered by

More details and additional materials can be viewed at: www.houstonlibrary.org/jcd-2016

Linking YOU to the World www.houstonlibrary.org/mylink

Linking YOU to the World www.houstonlibrary.org

Linking YOU to the World

Kickoff: Red Shirt Day

RED SHIRT DAY – INTERNAL INITIATIVE: HPL Red Shirt Day was an internal initiative for staff to creatively darn HPL red with a little bit of personal style. Photos from different HPL staff, neighborhood libraries and departments were taken and submitted to an internal contest. Winning photo was given a prize and all photos were shared with staff as well as with our HPL online community. These photos were a part of the online campaign to promote the benefits of the My Link Card and to give customers a chance to see the fun and diverse side of HPL. More details and additional materials can be viewed at: www.houstonlibrary.org/jcd-2016

Linking YOU to the World www.houstonlibrary.org

Linking YOU to the World

Kickoff: H-E-B Celebration and support

Linking YOU to the World www.houstonlibrary.org

Linking YOU to the World

Outreach Outreach was a major component to the campaign and to help create a consistent experience in our libraries and beyond, an outreach toolkit was developed that included campaign message, talking points, benefits of the card and a visual reminder of all the materials staff should take on their outreach events.

MY Link Library Card Outreach Toolkit

The following information is provided to help you in sharing information with customers and team-members about the library card campaign. About the Library Card Campaign:

The Houston Public Library Card, MY Link, has many benefits that will link YOU to many Worlds of information and entertainment. MY Link Library Card opens doors for you – linking YOU to the things you like and the things you love – from streaming music and movies, e-books and audiobooks, to access to more than 130 databases and resources on countless subjects that you can use to build, create or learn anything you want... not to mention access to library collections from across the nation, all free for YOU. The best benefit to MY Link Library Card is that it connects you to a community of people who can simplify your information needs to get you the answers you want, clearly and easily. HPL staff is available at more than 40 locations throughout Houston as well as online. So whether you are young, young at heart, a hip-hop head, a rocket scientist, an artist or skater, a cook, singer or student, MY Link fits YOU.

Campaign Slogan:

I have MY Link. Do YOU have Yours?

Elevator Pitch: (MY Link Card Campaign in 20 seconds)

The MY Link Library Card Campaign is a one year initiative to promote library services to the community and to increase the number of cardholders to 1 million. H-E-B is the official card campaign partner.

Campaign Goals: • • • •

To widely promote HPL’s resources, services and programs to every member of the community, taking every opportunity to share the advantages of this free card To get the MY Link Card into the hands of every student To replace existing HPL cards with the new MY Link card with the H-E-B logo To increase the number of cardholders to 1 million by the end of FY15.


This is what you need for a successful MY Link Card Campaign Outreach:

Our Partner:

H-E-B will provide funding to support this innovative campaign to capitalize on the vast resources of the library and ensure production of the 1 millionATTIRE cards. PRINT COLLATERAL H-E-B has always held literacy and education close to the heart of its business and is proud to partner with the Houston Public Library to empower all Houstonians with free access to unprecedented opportunities for life-long learning and connecting,” said Winell Herron, H-E-B Group Vice-President, Public Affairs, Diversity and Environmental Affairs. “MY Link could easily be the vehicle to your next adventure, discovery, homework assignment or job offer.”


Linking YOU to the World

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Get your NEW Houston Public Library Card at

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Houston Public Library deeply appreciates the support H-E-B has given to the Library Card Campaign and to its dedication to the Houston community.

Please wear HPL shirt (polo or button up preferred) with black or khaki pants or skirt during outreach events.

Applications/Cards LIBRARY CARD RegIstRAtIon

Campaign materials are available upon requests by emailing HPL Printshop at hplprintgraphics@houstontx.gov Note: Please request materials at a minimum, 7 - 10 business days prior to outreach.

Engagement/Smile and Attitude

Tablecloths, banners and HPL branded posters are available to check-out for use. Please contact the Communications Division to check out these items.

(Note, these items are limited and are reserved on first-come first-serve basis).

Remember to Mingle

Individual responsible for fines and fees must complete this form. Please print in blue or black ink. Do not write in shaded area.

Name_____________________________________________________ Birthdate ______________ first Name





Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________________ street Address/Apt #




Physical Address ___________________________________________________________________ street Address/Apt #




Primary Phone ___________________________ Alternate Phone ____________________________ Email Address ____________________________ Alternate Email ____________________________ (for notices and library information)

This is

FoR YoUtH BoRRoWeRs UnDeR 18 YeARs oLD: Youth Verification: o school, goVErNMENt or socIAl sErVIcEs AgENcY ID

o BIrth cErtIfIcAtE

o IMMuNIzAtIoN rEcorD

Parent 1 Name _____________________________________________ Birthdate ______________

rary.org ustonlib www.hoMailing Address ___________________________________________________________________ first Name


street Address/Apt #







Parent 2 Name _____________________________________________ Birthdate ______________ first Name





Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________________ street Address/Apt #






laptop Permission granted: o YEs o No signature below confirms responsibility for this youth card, including fines and fees incurred, child’s selection of materials and use of electronic resources and the Internet.

BoRRoWeR AgReement: I accept responsibility for the use of this card, including all items borrowed on it and fines/fees incurred. I understand that any fines/fees incurred are payable at the time they accrue and that delinquent accounts are subject to collection activity and may be credit reported. I agree to inform the library immediately of any change to personal contact information or if the card is lost or stolen.

Adult signature responsible for library card


Borrower Information Verification: Photo ID: o tDl o tID o othEr: ___________________________________________________ Address Verification: o tDl o tID o othEr: ____________________________________________________________ Would you like an application for a Voter’s registration card? o Yes o No For Library Use Only Barcode

Patron type


22 477

Please be sure to take an appropriate number of MY Link cards, applications, and voter registration forms. Cards can be requested by calling 3-2222. Applications and voter registration forms are available by emailing hplprintgraphics@houstontx.gov.

Your smile, positive attitude and personality will make the difference in connecting to customers during the outreach.

Engage the crowds by mingling with the customers when possible. Introduce yourself, have some one-onone conversations, share our collateral and your library experience.

NOTE: Please fill out the outreach form to report the success of your outreach. You can find this form on the HPL Intranet.

Linking YOU to the World www.houstonlibrary.org/mylink

Linking YOU to the World www.houstonlibrary.org

Linking YOU to the World

Outreach Products The following are samples of paraphernalia and giveaways provided at HPL outreach events. Quality products leaves a positive impression on customers and how they see and experience our organization and the MY Link Card.

Linking YOU to the World www.houstonlibrary.org

Linking YOU to the World

Amnesty Program An incentive for customers to replace their PowerCard with a MY Link Card and to use the library services more frequently was a one month amnesty program. Up to $25 of fines and fees were forgiven from customers accounts who signed up for a MY Link Card by the first week of October 2015. This program was promoted in print, on our website and via social media.


NO PROBLEM! MY Link Library Card Campaign Amnesty Program September 10 – 26, 2014


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I have MY Link. Do YOU have Yours? To help YOU gain access to the great resources, services and programs offered by Houston Public Library, we are offering its first amnesty program in over 30 years. From September 10-26, 2014, Houston Public Library will waive fines under $25.00 on accounts not in collection when customers receive the new MY Link Library Card. Accrued fines for overdue items returned during the amnesty period will also be waived. Visit www.houstonlibrary.org for more information on the amnesty program. Some restrictions apply.

For More information,

visit www.houstonlibrary.org/mylink

Linking YOU to the World www.houstonlibrary.org 09/01/2014




Linking YOU to the World www.houstonlibrary.org

Linking YOU to the World

Video Campaign The TV and social media advertisement campaign provided a call to action asking the Houston community if they had their My Link Library Card. Each commercial was designed to represent the City of Houston diverse community including images of customers from varying demographics (age, ethnicity, cultural grouping) and focused on a different service and benefit that the My Link Library Card provided.

Linking YOU to the World www.houstonlibrary.org

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