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Morindoo Horse Ranch
from 2024 Portfolio_DK
by Dan Kaiser
Client: Morindoo Horse Ranch
Location: Töv Province, Mongolia
Landscape Architect: Connect One Design
Architect: Architectural Squared
Size: 2.47 Acres

Located an hour outside of the capital city of Ulaanbaatar on the Mongolian steppe, this 2.47-acre site is home to a simple horse trekking outfit with aspirations to create a more permanent and glamorous base of operations. Connect One Design’s site plan honors traditional Ger (Mongolian yurt) layout and orientation (entryways always face south).
Structures and amenities are arranged to shield from prevailing northwest winds, while maximizing views of sunrises and sunsets over the distant hills. The entrance experience begins at the main road as guests are shuttled past grazing horses, gain sight of the outstretched arms of the Gers, and finally glimpse the main lodge and other ranch amenities. In addition to the site plan, Connect One provided a fly-through animation and rendered stills the client can use to attract investors interested in funding camp construction and expansion.

Professional Experience
Basalt River Park and Development - City park, History, Commercial and Residential
Client: Town Of Basalt, CO

Location: Basalt, Colorado
Landscape Architect: Connect One Design
Architect: CCY Architects
Civil: Sopris Engineering

BRP completion: 2022
BRP + Development: TBD
C1D engaged with the Town of Basalt’s Parks Open Space and Trails (POST)committee to envision the park as the Town’s active recreation core and eventually developed the “Eddy Out” concept that imagined the directional force of the river breaking off and swirling into the park both as a metaphor for activity and a representation of form. The concept also reflects on Basalt’s history with regards to geology, river ecosystem, mining, locomotives, and agriculture. A generous plaza, marked with the colors of the area’s native rock and swirling with the energy from the eddy, invite users to dapple in park life from its comfortable edge. Circling inside the eddy is a grand lawn and a coke-oven shaped bandshell that serves the town’s growing performing arts scene. Dispersed play features activate all areas of the park and include a climbing wall inside the bandshell, willow forts, slack lines, hammocks, river-edge shaded picnic areas at boat pull-offs, stacked hay bales, a berm slide, and a self-activating year-round misting feature that runs along the uplifts of a linear basaltic sculpture. This Park activates old town Basalt in a much larger way and creates a gathering space for large concerts, events and overall fun. The development adjacent also houses: shopping, townhomes, commercial space, food, and a community center to further the community of the existing downtown scene.

Professional Experience
Lakota Canyon Development - Affordable Housing, Community Planning, New Development