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Castle Valley Ranch
from 2024 Portfolio_DK
by Dan Kaiser
Client: New Castle, CO
Location: New Castle, CO
Planning: DTJ Design
Developer: TC Fuels LP
Completion: Ongoing
Just down the street from Lakota Canyon lies the site of a new Mixed Use Development intended to connect Lakota Canyon to the rest of New Castle. This site under the project name: Castle Valley Ranch (CVR) would expand on the towns parks while also providing commercial, tourism and retail space centered around a lawn to be used for community gathering and events (similar to how a ski resort allows for a walkable atmosphere). It was ironic to have just left Connect One Design only to start a new project in a new firm just south of Lakota Canyon, that would expand on the northern development. As it stands the city locals have to travel outside their town and through a canyon to reach any shopping destinations, so this proposed development would allow for more local gatherings. Im excited to see this project come to life soon.
Process Drawings