Exposure 2

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Expos ur e

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W ha tt heFu t ur eHo l d s

Y ouhavewor kedr eal l y s er vi cephot oagency,j ust har dt ocr eat eani ncr edi -l i keDMW Phot ot ohel p bl epl ace.I thasbeena yous how t hi samazi ng l ongyearormaybea pl acet ot hewor l d.Y ouar decadebutyouf i nal l y r angeacons ul t at i onand madei t .Y ourhot el ,r est au-al ldet ai l sar edi s cus s ed, r antorot herki ndofvenue advi cei sgi venand i snow r eadyf ort henext ever yt hi ngi ss et .Thes es st age.I tl ooksandf eel s s i oni sar r angedf ora awes omenol ongerbei ng qui etMondayandnow j ustabus i nes s-i t ’ snow you’ r ej ustwai t i ng.Buti si t yourcr eat i on.I tcomest o r eal l yal lyouhavet odo? l i f e.Y oul ookar oundand I fyouwor kwi t hDMW ever yt hi ngl ooksgr eats o Phot oyoupr obabl yal t ’ st i met os how i tof f . i r eadyknow ever yt hi ng Y oudeci dedt ohi r eapho- andyou’ r er eadybuti fnot t ogr apher ,orbet t er ,af ul l t henpl eas er eadon. . .

DMW Phot o© 201 4-Al lRi ght sRes er ved-www. dmwphot o. uk

Tomakes ur et hatyour t he bestpos s i bl e pr oduct . s es s i onwi l lr uns moot hl y The l ar ger t he s i t e t he t hemosti mpor t antt hi ng l ongeri twi l lt ake t o comi st os chedul ei tpr oper l y. pl et et he f ul ls es s i on s o Nor mal l yanexper i enced makes ur eyou’ r enott r yi ng phot ogr apherwoul dbe t of i tyours hootbet weena abl et oest i mat ehow weddi ng r ecept i on and a mucht i meheors hewi l l conf er ence. Y ou s houl ds i tdown wi t h needt os pendonyour he phot ogr apher and t ypeofvenue.That ’ swhy t cr eat eapl anoft hewhol e youcanst ar ts chedul i ng ng s ur et hatyou t hes hootbef or et heday day maki e he ors he wi l l t omakes ur et hatt hepho- know wher be at any gi ven t i me t ogr apherwi l lnotgeti n dur i ng t he day s ot hati t t hewayofyourguest s does n’ t af f ect t he oper aandwi l lhaveasmuch i onsofyourbus i nes s . t i measheneedst ocr eat e t DMW Phot o© 201 4-Al lRi ght sRes er ved-www. dmwphot o. uk

Comf ort

M e a n s

Resul ts

I twi l lal s o make t he phot ogr apher ’ sl i f emuch mor e comf or t abl e ( and t hat ’ s how we wantt hem… comf or t abl e and r el axed) t o know t hathewi l lbeabl et o s pendt het i meheneedsi n t he r est aur ant or t hat he won’ tneed t or us h of ft he r oom t hati mpat i entguest s ar ewai t i ngt ochecki nt o. Neverr us haphot ogr apher . I t wi l lnever wor ki n your f avour .Gi ve t hem t he t i me t hey need.AtDMW Phot o anext r ahours penti nyour s pa t o achi eve t he ef f ect youand yourf ut ur eguest s wi l ll ove does n’ tcostmor e. Rus hi ng t het eam t os avea f ew Pounds may costyou muchmor ei nt heend. Al waysmakes ur et hatyour ar r angement swi t ht hephot ogr apher s ar e cl ear on pr i ci ng es peci al l y when i t comest o‘ overt i me’ . Noone l i kest owor kf orf r eeandno one l i kes t o pay f or t he s amet hi ngt wi ce. DMW Phot o© 201 4-Al lRi ght sRes er ved-www. dmwphot o. uk

Apr of es s i onalphot os hooti s of t enqui t ecost l yandi sdef i ni t el ynott heki ndofi nvest mentt hatyouwoul dmake ever yot hermont h.I ti sal s o s uppos edt oat t r actnew bus i nes ss owhynots pend s omet i meandpr epar et he venue.Car ef ul l yi ns pectt he r oomsandal lar east hatwi l l bephot ogr aphedandmake s ur et hatnoext r awor ki s needed. Y ourphot oshavet os how t he I nf or m yourst af fabout ualpl aceandt hei nt er i or s what ’ sgoi ngonand,s i nce act ast heyar ei nt heni cestpos yous houl dal r eadyhave i bl eway.Theyar enots uppl annedwhi chpar t sofyour s pos edt obear t i st i ci nt er pr epl acewi l lbes hotandget at i onsofwhatyourvenue t hem s upercl eanandt i dy t l ooksl i kes ot heamountof wi t hf r es ht owel s ,i r oned et ouchi ngandef f ect si s s heet sands par kl i ngf l oor s . r qui t el i mi t ed.Bear i ngt hati n mi ndmakes ur et hatever y det ai li scons i der edandt he out comeoft hes es s i onwi l l beamazi ngnomat t erhow l ar geors mal lyourpl acei s .

Notever yt hi ngcanors houl dbe donei nPhot os hop. DMW Phot oŠ 201 4-Al lRi ght sRes er ved-www. dmwphot o. uk

One Word:De corate

ofexper i enceandagood Y ouri nt er i or sar et hever y ens eofaest het i csar eus ual t hi ngt hatdr aw cust omer st os l yabl et ogi veadvi ceon yourpl ace.I ts houl ds eem at i ngandcr eat i ngt he cosyandst yl i s h.Toachi eve decor r i ghti mageofyouri nt er i or s . t hati t ’ sbestt oadds ome fyou’ r et heper f ect i oni st decor at i ons .Al lyouneedar eI ypei t ’ sal wayspos s i bl et o s omevas es ,cupsandal lt hatt r angeapr of es s i onali nt er i youwoul dnor mal l yal r eady ar i gnert ohel p.AtDMW havei nyourr oom orvenue. ordes I ft her ear es omet hi ngs Phot owecandot hat( f ora you’ dl i ket oadd,t henhavea s mal lf eedependi ngont he qui ckl ooki nyourr est aur ant s i zeandamountofr ooms ) . orevenyourhomeand Mostoft het i mei magi nat i on s ur el yyou’ l lf i nds omet hi ng andacl eari deai senought o s ui t abl e.Phot ogr apher s makeani mpr es s i ononyour ar en’ tnor mal l yi nt er i orde- guest s . s i gner sbuthavi ngqui t eal o DMW Phot o© 201 4-Al lRi ght sRes er ved-www. dmwphot o. uk

Al waysworkwi ththepros

Ther ei sonemor e,r eal l yi m- So,i fyou’ r el ooki ngf orgr eat por t antt hi ngt hatever yone phot ost o at t r actbus i nes st o s houl dr emember .Phot ogr a- yourpl ace j ustf ol l ow t hes e pher sar epeopl eandj ust f ew gui del i nes .I fyou’ r ewor l i keanyoneel s et heywor k r i ed t hat t he phot ogr apher bet t erwhent heyt akencar e mi ghtnotf ol l ow t hem aswel l ofpr oper l y.Af t ers pendi ng t he bestt hi ng i st oj ustgi ve hour sl ooki ngt hr ought he DMW Phot oacal l . vi ewf i ndert heeyeget st i r ed Y oucans eeourwor kat andt hebr ai ngr adual l y www. hot el s . dmwphot o. co. uk. s l owsdown.Al lt heyneedi s cof f eeandcake.Thebet t er t hephot ogr apherf eel st he bet t erandmor eef f i ci ent Goodluckwi th t heyar e.Thi st r ans l at esdi yoursessi on. r ect l yi nt ogr eatr es ul t s .

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