Exposure 3

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Expos ur e W hatMat t er si nPhot ogr aphy

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ŠDMW Phot o201 5-Al lRi ght sRes er ved-www. weddi ngs . dmwphot o. co. uk

Fi r s t Th i n g sFi r s t !

Pl anni ng yourbi g dayi sa s er i ouschal l enges o anyhel pi sus ual l y muchappr eci at ed.Wewoul dl i ket os har eaf ew t i psononeoft he mosti mpor t antpar t soft hewhol edayt hePhot ot ogr ahy. Y oumi ghtt hi nkt hatphot osar en’ tt hati mpor t antandi t ’ sgoi ngt o begr eatf unf orever yonej ustbei ngt her e.Buti t ’ sal waysbestt o keeps omememor i eson‘ paper ’( al t houghi t ’ smor eofaf l as h dr i ve/ DVD/ cl ouder at hatwel i vei n) .Ever yonehass omememor i es t hatwi l lneverdi s appearbutast heyear sgobyt heymi ghtst ar tt o s l owl yf adeawayandt hos el i t t l edet ai l smi ghts l i paway.I st her e anyhope,t hen?Def i ni t el yyes !Thi ss hor tgui dewi l lhel pyoupr epar e,pl anandevent ual l yenj oyyours peci aldaywhenal lt heeyes andcamer asar eonyou.Readon. . .


©DMW Phot o201 5-Al lRi ght sRes er ved-www. weddi ngs . dmwphot o. co. uk

W henpl anni ngaweddi ngyoupr obabl ys pendmostofyourt i me onl i ne.I fyouhavenots pentt hel ast1 5year sunderar ockyoupr obabl yknow how t os ear cht heendl es swor l dwi deweb.Namesl i ke Googl e,Facebook,Twi t t erorevenGumt r eeoreBayar ever yf ami l i ar t ousnowadays .Agoodphot ogr apherwi l lhaveagoodl ooki ng, moder nwebs i t e,s oi ft hei rwebs i t el ooksout dat edordoes n’ twor k pr oper l yi twoul dnor mal l ymeant hatt heymi ghtnotbet aki ngyout oo s er i ous l y .I fyou’ r el ooki ngf oraphot ogr apheryouwantt os eewhat t heywer edoi ngbef or eandwhatst yl eofphot ogr aphyt heydo. Ther ear et hous andsofphot ogr apher soutt her eandt heyar egoi ng t or epr es entmanydi f f er ents t yl es , s hapesandki ndsofphot ogr aphy . Phot ogr apheri ss uppos edt os how t hei rwor kt hebes tt heypos s i bl y can.Y ous houl dbeabl et of i nda numberofdi f f er ents es s i onsi nt hei r por t f ol i owi t hvar yi ngs t yl esand neatpr es ent at i on. Y ous houl dal s o as kt os eeaf ul l phot os hoott of i nd outhow manyphot osyoucoul d expectf r om yours hoot . AtDMW Phot owedon’ thaveapr obl em wi t h t hatandwear eal waysmor et han happyt ogi veyouacces st os ome ofourwor ks oyoucancompar e. Si ncet her ear eaf ew phot ogr apher swor ki ngatDMW Phot oyou canf i nddi f f er ents t yl esandi deasi n onepl ace. Theonl yt hi ngt hat s houl dbet hes ameacr os st he ent i r epor t f ol i oi st hequal i t y . Ever y phot oi sequal l yi mpor t antandyou neverknow whatyouwi l l l i ket he mos toutofhundr edsofi magesyou wi l l getf r om yours hoot .


©DMW Phot o201 5-Al lRi ght sRes er ved-www. weddi ngs . dmwphot o. co. uk

0 0 £9 s r e w o l F

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P h o t o s-£ ? ? ?

H o wm u c hf o ral i t t l e ,p e r s o n a l t i m em a c h i n e ?

Ther ear emanyt hi ngscos t i ngal otofmoney .I t ’ sof t enqui t eeasyt o getl os ti nal lt henumber sl ooki ngatbeaut i f ulf l ower s ,amazi ng venuesandi ncr edi bl eacces s or i es .I tmi ghts omet i mesbehar dert o j us t i f yaf ew t hous andofpoundsf orphot ogr aphyandt her ei snot hi ng s ur pr i s i ng.Ther ei snor ealpr oductyoucanhol dwhenyouor deri ts o youmi ghtt hi nkt hati t ’ snott hati mpor t antandi tcanbes i mpl y

‘ nott hatbi gadeal ’ ?

I nr eal i t yi ti squi t et heoppos i t e.W hi l et hecake,acces s or i es ,mus i c, f l ower s ,venueanddecor at i onsar eal lver yi mpor t antt heywi l lbe t her ef oradayort wo.Butyourphot ogr aphswi l lst aywi t hyouf or t her estofyourl i f et oget her .I fyout hi nkaboutt hatandt henl ookat s omer eal l ybadphot ospeopl eget( i fyou’ r es ur eyouwantt os ee t hi sj ustGoogl ei t )j ustbecaus et heydeci dedt os aveal i t t l e,youwi l l s oonr eal i s et hatt heext r acosti st ot al l ywor t hi t .Ast het i mepas s es l ooki ngatpr of es s i onalandbeaut i f uli mageshel pr emembert hos e i ncr edi bl emoment s .DMW Phot oof f er sas etoft hr eepackagest hat s ui tmosts i t uat i onsandbudget sbutar eal s over yf l exi bl e.That ’ s r eal l ywhatyou’ r el ooki ngf or .Thepr i ceofapr of es s i onalphot o s hooti n“ r eal i t y”get syouyourown,per s onalandcust om made


Ti meMachi ne ©DMW Phot o201 5-Al lRi ght sRes er ved-www. weddi ngs . dmwphot o. co. uk

Lo c a t i o n Lo c a t i o n

Lo c a t i o n

W het heryourweddi ngs es s i oni sdonedur i ngTheDayoryoubooka s epar at edat ef ort hati tal wayshel pst oknow wher ewear egoi ng t owor k.AtDMW Phot owemeetournew f r i endsbef or et heweddi ng and,i fpos s i bl evi s i tt hechur ch/ of f i ceaswel last hevenuewher et he r ecept i onwi l lbehel dt os eet hes ur r oundi ngar eaandf i ndbest s pot sf orqui cks es s i ont opr ovi demor evar i eds etofi mages .I fyou haveas epar at edayf oraddi t i onalweddi ngs hoott henyouhavea muchgr eat erchoi ceofpl aces .Pi ckapl aceyouknow oras kt he phot ogr apherf ors uggest i ons .I ts avest i meandkeepst hest r es s l evel sl ow.


ŠDMW Phot o201 5-Al lRi ght sRes er ved-www. weddi ngs . dmwphot o. co. uk

TheExt r as !


Rememberaboutal l t headdi t i onal t hi ngst hatyourphot ogr aphercan of f er . I t ’ smor et hanj us tphot ost hatyoucanget . Manyphot ogr apher s of f eras econds hoot eratyourevent . Havi nganot herphot ogr apherus ual l ydoubl est henumberofphot osyouget . Wi t hDMW Phot oaddi t i onal pai rofeyesi sal waysavai l abl eatal i t t l eext r acos t . Somephot ogr apher swoul dal s oof f ervi deogr aphybutvi deoi sver ydi f f er entt os t i l l phot ogr aphyandneedsl ot sofexper i ence. DMW Phot owor kswi t ha numberofvi deogr apher sof f er i ngexcl us i vedeal sf orourcus t omer s . Onl i negal l er i esar egr eatandt heywi l l makei teas i ert os har ephot os andor derpr i nt sbutagood, r el i abl ecl ouds t or agei sj us tasi mpor t ant asi tcanhol df ul l s i zef i l esf orl ar gef or matpr i nt s . Speaki ngofpr i nt . . . Manyphot opr of es s i onal swi l l of f eryoudi s count son pr i nt si nconvent i onal s i zesandmat er i al saswel l asmor es ophi s t i cat ed acr yl i cbl ocksorcanvaspr i nt s . Al waysas kf oras ampl eofanypr i nt ed mat er i al asi tmi ghtt ur noutt obeadi s appoi nt ments i ncecol ourr epr oduct i onmi ghtbeabi tt r i cky . AtDMW Phot owear ephot ol over sandour wal l sar ecover edwi t hpr i nt sonvar i ousmedi a. Wewoul dn’ tof f eryou s omet hi ngwewoul dn’ twantonourwal l s . Ther ei sal waysagooddeal wai t i ngf oryou. Jus tas k.


©DMW Phot o201 5-Al lRi ght sRes er ved-www. weddi ngs . dmwphot o. co. uk

And Fi nal l y. . .

Thepr oces sofs el ect i ngt her i ghtphot ogr aphermi ghtbel ongand s ur pr i s i ngl yunevent f ulbutever ymi nut es pentonf i ndi ngt her i ght per s onf ort hej obi scompl et el ywor t hi t .Lookatt her evi ews ,l ookat t hepr i cebutaboveal ll ookatt hequal i t y.I st hi ss omet hi ngyouwant t ol ookati naf ew decades ? Anot heri mpor t antf act ori sCust omerSer vi ce.Wi t hDMW Phot oyou wi l lhaveades i gnat edPr oj ectManagerwhowi l lt akecar eoft he ent i r epr oces sf r om st ar tt of i ni s h.Wi l lhel pyoupi ckapl ace,wi l l meetyouandt al kyout hr oughal lt hest uf ft hatyouj ustr ead( and muchmor e) .That ’ st heper s onwhowi l lgi veyougr eati deasand hel pyougetmor eoutofyourphot os .Tal kt ousaboutyours peci al day. Vi s i tourwebs i t eorcal lnow.

i nf o@dmwphot o. co. uk,07403382759 www. weddi ngs . dmwphot o. co. uk


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