The best days of my life1 (instead of introduction)
When everyone was at home.
When I came back home from the shelter for vacations.
When I finally saw my sister that I hadn’t seen for a long time.
When my mother came to visit me here, in the shelter.
Here and after we use quotes of the children from social-rehabilitation center in Kopyliv, Kyiv Oblast.
Preconditions and key tasks.
Tools and methods.
Plan and methods of consulting with children.
Difficulties and challenges. Suggestions on improving the process.
Consultation’s analysis.
Conclusions and suggestions.
Annexes: questionnaires and scenarios.
Do you have any ideas how our organization could help you? -
Don’t you have any?
The aim of the project: participation of target groups (children), consideration of their opinions and needs in the process of setting a strategy for our organization. This project is the first step in the development of a long-term strategy for our organization. While implementing the strategy, we will strive to increase our impact in terms of the number of children we benefit, the depth of this impact and the quality of our work. For Hope and Home for Children Ukraine this project can trigger further projects aimed at learning the needs of our target groups. Terms of implementation: February, 2012. Target groups: Consultations were conducted with representatives of the following groups: A. B. C. D.
Children who are vulnerable to being institutionalized; Children who are currently confined to institutions; Children for who we and/or local authorities have found alternative care; Disabled children and/or children with special needs.
These groups were also divided into categories according to age: 1. Carers of children aged 0 to 3 2. Carers of children aged 4 to 6 3. Children aged 7 to 11 4. Children aged 12 to 17 5. Children aged over 18 In the framework of this project, 16 consultations were conducted with representatives of different groups and different age categories. For some groups we did not manage to find participants (see Consultations plan). Key tasks: • To define main needs of the target groups; • To receive some suggestions concerning improvement of the quality of our work; • To shape ideas about organization’s strategy and possible projects.
What could you see that would make you happy? -
Sea horses, dinosaurs.
Participants’ selection The participants of the consultations were selected in a transparent way. The main criteria were: • Easy access and permission to conduct the consultations; • Closeness to Kyiv (to reduce expenses on transportation); • Some general knowledge of participants about HHC Ukraine and its activities (in order to receive more relevant feedback). Formats The formats of consultations differed for groups and categories, they were carefully chosen according to peculiarities of each target group: age, special needs, etc. Consultations’ formats used in consulting: Focus group – used with a group of adults who could be gathered in one place. Training (with game elements) – used for all groups of children aged 7 to 17. Special association games were developed in order to receive meaningful answers. Questionnaire (sent by e-mail, mail or by phone) – used for adults who live in regions distant from Kyiv. Because we did not have a possibility to use additional financial resources, it was the only possible method to hear the opinions of some representatives of our target groups. Interview – conducted with official carers (directors and employees of institutions). Consultations’ principles: • All participants who did not know about HHC Ukraine received an explanation about directions and fields where the organization is working. • All participants took part voluntary. • The moderators were child friendly and child centered, imaginative and innovative. • The focus was on target group’s needs. • Open-mindedness towards participants’ ideas. • Evaluation was a part of consultations process.
Consultations were oriented on the following issues and topics: 1. 2.
3. 4. 5. 6.
Feeling of safety and protection, factors that can trigger the feeling of being in danger. Care from society, how it can be shown; The happiest events/days/time. What makes you happy. The world that you would like to live in. Your future. The role of society, authorities and your personal role in creating such world. The role that charity organizations, HHC in particular, should play in creating such world.
Number of participants 82 participants were involved in consultations: 39 female and 43 male. These were: Carers of children aged 0 to 3 – 11 participants (10 female, 1 – male) Carers of children 4 to 6 – 19 participants (13 female, 6 male) Children 7 to 11 – 17 participants (9 female, 8 male) Children 12 to 17 – 27 participants (7 female, 20 male) Youngsters aged over 18 – 8 participants (all 8 – male).
Target group
Number of participants
A - Children who are vulnerable to being institutionalized. 0-3 (carers)
Mothers with newborn babies that are currently in the Center “Ray of Hope”
4-6 (carers)
Families with children in difficult life circumstances, who received support from HHC employees, and families, who are beneficiaries at the Center “Ray of Hope”.
Children who are placed in Kyiv oblast Social Rehabilitation Center (in a fact it is a shelter).
Focus group See Annex 1.
5 mothers (6 children)
Focus group See Annex 1.
4 parents (8 children)
Training See Annex 2.
6 children
Training See Annex 2.
15 children
Children, who are placed at the Emergency Reception Center of the Center “Ray of Hope”. 12-17
Children who are currently placed in Kyiv oblast social rehabilitation center.
10.02.2012 Children, who are placed at the Emergency Unit of the Center “Ray of Hope”. B - Children who are currently confined to institutions. 0-3 (carers)
The director and the employees of Kyiv oblast Baby Home in the town of Boyarka (state institution)
4-6 (carers)
Carers of children from institution “Cradle of children’s hope” in Novosilky, Kyiv oblast (private institution with better conditions for children)
Children from institutions in the town of Boryspil and Boryspil rayon
Interview See Annex 3
Interview See Annex 3
2 participants (46 children) 2 participants (6 children)
5 children Training See Annex 2.
6 children 12-17
Children from institutions in the town of Boryspil and Boryspil rayon
Training See Annex 2.
Care leavers from former Barvinok institution, Makariv
Focus group See Annex 4.
6 participants
C - Children for whom we and/or local authorities have found alternative care 0-3 (carers) 4-6 (carers)
Foster parents, parentscarers of family-type homes.
Survey (questionnaire) Annex 5.
Foster parents, parentscarers of family-type homes.
Survey (questionnaire) See Annex 6.
Children who live in familytype homes.
Training See Annex 2.
Children who live in familytype homes. Children from Small Group Home of the Center “Ray of Hope”.
Training See Annex 2.
Young people who were raised in family-type homes.
Survey (questionnaire) See Annex 7.
1 mother (1 child)
10 parents (56 children)
6 children
22.02.2012 6 children
22.02.2012 18.02.2012
2 participants
D - Disabled children and/or children with special needs 0-3 (carers)
Employees of Lviv city Rehabilitation Center “Dzherelo” (organized by NGO)
Survey (questionnaire) See Annex 8.
1 participant (100 children) 2 participants (54 children)
Survey (questionnaire) See Annex 9
3 parents (4 children)
The director and the employees of Khakiv specialised Baby Home. 4-6 (carers)
Parents-carers of familytype homes, who have children with disabilities.
DIFFICULTIES AND CHALLENGES. SUGGESTIONS ON IMPROVING THE PROCESS Main difficulties faced Focus groups Participants were willing to talk, but often did not stick to the suggested topic, discussed very personal problems, complained about some particular people or challenges in the past. In order to stay focused on the topic, the moderators had to control the conversation by re-asking the questions and changing topics. Uneven activeness and interest of participants. Some participants were very active, interrupted a lot, others were quite apathetic, gave only yes-no answers, or repeated others’ opinions. The moderator had to control the conversation to make sure that everyone who wants to express their opinion, can speak up. Trainings Because of age and the peculiarities in development, most of the children had difficulties operating with abstract notions such as care, safety, protection. The moderators tried to use as many game elements as possible, or ask narrow questions about particular subjects for children to understand it better. Concentration of attention. Most children from different groups had hard time concentrating on one task (even though all the tasks were not time-consuming and wellplaned, demanded constant change of activities). Also, we could observe the absence of some general norms of communication and behavior both with peers and with the guests – moderators. Participation. At first some children were quite reluctant to communicate and give answers, but with some time they became more active. Towards the end of trainings, some children felt tired, and group dynamics was changing again. Some children did not feel free to express their opinions, but did so after they were asked by a moderator. There were occasions, when someone in the group took leadership position, and was aggressive towards other shyer participant who either kept silent or did not have an opportunity to tell their opinions. When the leaders became too pushy, and considered other thoughts to be wrong, moderators often had to intervene in order to include everyone. Interview In some cases, it was obvious that the personnel of an institution has its own opinion, but does not dare to express it. Also, it seemed that the directors of the institutions did not speak freely because they tried to make themselves and their work look better, etc. Questionnaire The main drawback of this method is an inability to ask follow-up questions, and also an inability to convey emotions triggered by some questions.
Suggestions on improving the process In general, the process should be planned in a more detailed way, and it definitely should involve financial resources. Time restrictions that we had did not give us an opportunity for a more thorough survey, and this influenced the results. Also, we think it would be a good idea to increase our personnel’s skills in conducting similar projects. Participants’ division into groups and categories needs to be more structured, according to the reasons of such division. At the moment the division looks very relative. Representatives of some target groups knew about HHC and its activities, others had never heard of it, consequently, there was a big difference in their answers and reactions. It might be a good idea to compare these results with answers given by other categories of children and parents – for instance, those who are not vulnerable, who live in full families, etc. Such comparison would show us a gap between children’s needs and development according to how fully these needs are satisfied. Also, the results are mainly constrained to one geographical area of Ukraine. Ukraine is a big country, and situation here differs from region to region. Additionally, there is a big difference between rural and urban areas. This factor should also be taken in consideration. With adults (including those that live in different regions and were not included in the project) it would be a good idea to conduct group work together with some training. This would improve communication process; provide an opportunity to compare experiences. Focus groups turned out to be an effective method, but there is definitely a need to work on group motivation. Trainings need more detailed preparation, such as: - To increase children personal participation, to add exercises that would enquire to do some crafts, a role play; - To limit the usage of abstract notions for younger children; - To divide tasks into smaller parts, to change the activities in order to switch attention; - To develop a clear division of participants’ roles in each game so that their usual roles do not intervene.
Where could you go that would make you happy? - To the army.
Feeling of safety and protection. Reasons that make people feel unsafe. Colors identify responses by:
Male participants
Female participants
Mixed (ideas mentioned by both female and male participants)
Families in difficult life circumstances. A1 – only female participants The Center “Ray of Hope” gives the feeling of protection, there is no danger, it is safe to be here. One participant feels unsafe when she is around her mother, who is addicted to alcohol and physically abuses her and her child. The woman likes to stay in the Center, because no one does any harm to her here. One participant feels unsafe when she meets someone from local authorities (Service in Children Affaires). This is explained by the fact, that these people, in respondents’ opinions, are the people who decide their future: to deprive them of their parental rights or not. A2 – 3 female participants, 1 male. Three participants noted that for the moment there is no danger for their children. They feel safe, because they are not separated from their children. In participants’ opinion, a child feels the safest when he/she is in the family. One of the participants is not sure that her children are safe, because there is a risk that she might be deprived of her parental rights – it is being decided by local authorities at the moment. Since she does not know whether her children are going to stay with her, she cannot be confident in their safety. Another participant remembered a situation, when her child was in danger: due to some reasons her child was away from her and stayed with other people.
Suggestions/possible projects
Such centers like “Ray of Hope” To use the message about safety (“center is a help people to feel safe. safe place”) in popularizing the Center “Ray of Hope” and its integration into community. Alcohol abuse is a big threat
Informational campaign against alcohol abuse in families. Development of special trainings for parents to help them quit drinking.
Development of some methods that can be used by social workers in their work with families who try to overcome alcohol addiction. People who make decision about Transparency in decision making concerning separation of mothers and mother/child fate, clear reasons that lead to children cause distrust and the deprivation of parental rights. feeling of danger. Training courses for social workers and representatives of state social services in Parents feel that their children are communication ethics and trust building with in danger when their future is beneficiaries. being decided. The system of monitoring how social services’ employees behave with beneficiaries. Family is the best protection for a To use this message as an additional proof of an child. advantage of living in a family for a child. Children А3 – only male participants. The children provided the following examples of danger: to see people fight, hit each other, to hear swear words, to go into a dark room, to be sent to prison, to be lost, to be left by mother. А4 – 3 female participants, 12 – male. This group described danger as: • When there is a risk to lose your family; • When you communicate with bad people, go to dangerous places, walk in dark streets. • When you hear insults about yourself or your family, when people humiliate you, lie to you, when your mother cries. When someone hits you, causes some pain for you, takes away your toys. • When you don’t have friends, when you go to school where there is no support, and everyone insults you.
• When you have to say goodbye to someone from your family, or when you have to escape home. В3 – 4 female participants, 1 – male. This happened to me when I was at home. I went outside, and saw a group of men, who started swearing at me and insulting me. I felt very unsafe. Danger is to see people in a fight, when someone takes away your money, when your father does not bring any money home, because he drinks. It is not safe to be alone at night, when you can’t get home. В4 – 3 male participants, 3 female. It is dangerous when you are left alone, when no one loves you, only insults or yells at you, when someone spreads rumors about you or your family. It is dangerous to go to night clubs, to walk in dark streets. Danger is a risk to lose someone close to you. С3 – 5 female participants, 1 male. Children from family-typed homes obviously see danger in a very different way. When asked, they described it as to be lost in a forest, when a house is on fire, etc. С4 – 1 female participant, 6 male. Danger – - when noone takes care of you; - when parents abuse alcohol; - when you have to travel alone, without your parents; - when a person (an adult) is either in the state of alcohol intoxication or is mentally ill, and is near you; - when someone makes you do something that you don’t want; - when adults abuse you (hit you). Conclusions
Suggestions/possible projects
Fear of abuse, both physical and Development of children protection policy, emotional. development of measures for children abuse prevention. Fear of separation with family, Further work on projects aimed at prevention of even for a short period of time. child abandonment and family separation. Alcohol abuse in families is a See previous table. threat for children Over 18/ care-leavers В5 – all male participants. Danger:
It is “street”: peers who abuse alcohol, drugs. If a person does not have willpower and an aim in life – this person is very likely to be negatively influenced by the surrounding. Then there is a threat to become an alcoholic, a drug user. There are many fears connected with future. The boys have an experience of communicating with their peers, who quit studying and started drinking after graduating from an institution. Also, most of them return to the villages, where they have no perspectives to find a job. The main danger is that it is very hard to resist peer pressure and temptation to lead an “easy lifestyle”. С5 – all male participants The respondents stated that they feel safe, because they acquired skills and knowledge (they have education, occupation) necessary to adapt in the society. Also, their feeling of safety is connected with the fact, that they feel support from their family, brothers and sisters. Conclusions
Suggestions/possible projects
Peer pressure, negative influence of Individual planning of development and social surrounding (resulting in alcohol adaptation for all children when they reach 18 and drugs abuse) – with taking into account their surrounding, educational possibilities. Absence of job opportunities in villages.
Trainings in soft skills (general managerial skills) for care leavers; help in job search on rayon level, in towns.
Importance of support from relatives In development of gatekeeping model and social support centers, to take into consideration the importance of keeping relationships with relatives for all categories of children. Parents, carers, directors and employees of institutions. В1 – female participants The biggest danger is when a family decides to take a child, but then it turns out that they are not ready. Of course, it is better for a child to be adopted – then he/she has home. С1 – female participants Because my child is adopted, I am worried about her emotional reaction, when she gets to know about it. Also, the society can have some prejudice against adoption. I don’t know when the right time to tell my child about adoption. С2 - 6 female participants and 4 male. Most parents emphasize, that main difficulties that their children are to face in future are challenges in searching for job and accommodation.
However, some participants believe, that there are no particular dangers for their children, only those, which any child in any country can face. That’s why the parent’s task is to teach children how to make choices, to prepare to deal with difficulties. D2 - 2 female participants and 1 male. The most parents worry that their children will not be accepted by society, will not have a chance to receive education, to acquire specialization, to find a job (even though they have skills and abilities for it). From their experience, the parents know that unemployment is a threat to everyone in our country and to people with special needs in particular. Also parents worry about emotional and psychological well-being of their children. They don’t want their children to feel outcasts in society, to feel that they are worse than others. They are afraid that this feeling can be developed in children because of low level of understanding and ethics in our society. Conclusions Suggestions/possible projects Decision on taking a child should To make sure, that all potential parents-carers or be conscious, family should be adoptive parents undertake training courses. checked Psychological children’s traumas To organize services in providing psychologist’s because of the fact of being consultations for children concerning the fact of adopted, having disabilities. being adopted. To work with community members to develop acceptance of children with disabilities, adopted children, foster children To develop and implement inclusive programs of social inclusion for children with special needs. Challenges in finding a job and To provide resources for parents-carers on how accommodation to prepare children to adult life, possibilities to exchange this experience. To develop special programs on employment of people with special needs. Key qoutes: Danger is when parents drink, don’t take care of their children, hit them. Children from Small Group Home of the Center “Ray of Hope” The biggest danger is when a family decides to take a child, but then it turns out that they are not ready. Of course, it is better for a child to be adopted – then he/she has home. The director of oblast baby home in Boyarka
Care and support from society/community. Satisfaction of needs. Parents in difficult life circumstances. A1- female participants. In mothers’ opinion, there is a lack of care for their children from medical workers, such as: - delays in providing medical care, medicine; - indifference of medical workers; - low qualification of medical workers. Apart from that, fathers often do not take care of their children. As one of the participants noted, the father of her child never even called to ask about the child. As for care from the state, all participants, if they have all the necessary documents, receive child care benefits. These benefits are considered to be significant help. А2 – three female participants, 1 male. The participants noted that they feel support from community, but everyone sees it differently. One of the participants mentioned that she receives support from: • Neighbours. They do not spread rumors about the family, don’t give any negative feedback about the situation in the family to local authorities – and this feedback is crucial for families in difficult life circumstances, since their right to stay with their children can be reviewed any moment. • School. Teachers always call when something needs to be decided concerning their children, send a child home if he/she is sick, and call to ask about their health. • Service in children’s affaires. Employees help with job search, provide moral support and give advice. Two participants noted that they receive support from village councils, heads of village councils in particular, who treat them with understanding, help to solve their problems. Local authorities use every opportunity to provide some humanitarian aid to these families. One of the participants stated that she does not feel any care or support from school or kindergarten. She feels this especially when she cannot make school donations for class decoration or buy school clothes for children. She says that this influences teachers’ treatment of her children and consequently, triggers changes in classmates’ treatment too. One more participant stated that his child receives support from the Center “Ray of hope”, where his child can stay even every day and receive everything necessary for life and development (food, care, developing games, etc.).
Suggestions/possible projects
Importance of support from teachers, neighbours, social workers, kindergarten staff, heads of village councils.
To conduct some training (informational seminars, meetings, etc.) with these target groups in order to provide equal treatment towards families in difficult life circumstances, and help to overcome these circumstances.
Necessity of financial help from state. At the moment it is not sufficient.
To reform the system of providing social assistance, to implement the system of monitoring how families spend the money, to base decisions on providing further help based on the results of monitoring.
Importance of opening a day-care department in the Center “Ray of Hope” for children to stay there and receive opportunities for development.
It is necessary to develop this service, to make it accessible for other categories of population.
Children А3 – only male participants The children listed some actions that can be done so that they will feel cared for: cheer them up, play with them, and feed them. А4 - 3 female participants, 12 male. What makes children feel uncared for: • When someone treats you badly; • When you feel that no one needs you, you are alone and afraid. When you are afraid of being left alone and of starving; • When no one wants to be friends with you, parents treat you badly; • When parents don’t pay any attention to you, when I ask them for something, they never have time; • When you are in a shelter, and parents don’t call you, don’t come to visit you, don't want to communicate with you. В3 – 4 female participants, 1 male. A child feels uncared for, if he/she was abandoned, left on the street, at home, in dark bedroom; when someone hits/pushes/pinches him/her. It is very sad that some children are cared for, and some aren’t. В4 - 3 male participants, 3 female. When someone offends you, shouts at you, doesn’t pay attention to you, hits you. С4 - 1 female participant, 6 male.
You can feel cared for, when people: • treat you nicely, show their love; • help you with school tasks; • pay attention to you; • buy you clothes, things necessary for school; • visit you in hospital; • help you to solve problems. Conclusions
Suggestions/possible projects
Children need to spend more time For social workers, carers: to pay more with adults, to receive help in attention to children’s problems, to help them in everyday issues. solving them. Attention to children’s problems both from parents and from community Communication with parents when To work with biological families and relatives children are in shelters. more when delivering services to these categories of children. Prevention of physical emotional abuse of children.
and To launch an informational campaign against children abuse.
Importance of equal treatment of all children.
Over 18/care leavers В5 – only male participants The participants feel support mainly from personnel of their educational establishments, who not only care about boys’ success in studies, but also treat their personal problems with understanding. Apart from financial help, participants feel it is important for them to receive moral support, understanding, and advice concerning how to overcome their challenges. Apart from educational establishments, two of the respondents said that they feel support from Service in Children Affairs in rayon and in Kyiv, from non-governmental organizations, who organized presentations of orphans who managed to succeed in life. Local businesses and deputies sometimes help them financially. Most of the boys also have the support from the community where they lived before entering college, but it is rather occasional. Two of the respondents mentioned that they receive support from their relatives: a sister and an aunt. Two others said that they receive support from people who are not their relatives, but who always treated them with understanding. С5 – only male participants.
The care leavers think that the support they receive from their surrounding depends on how they behave in this surrounding, whether they respect others. If they behave properly, they receive support and respect in response. Every respondent stated that family is the most valuable for them, and it was the most fortunate event in their life to become members of their families. The help they get from their families is invaluable. Conclusions
Suggestions/possible projects
Apart from financial help, it is important to receive moral support and understanding, advice on how to solve problems, etc. Study conferences/ trainings about To develop of training programs about orphans orphans who are successful in life who are successful in life. To prepare some are very inspiring and useful. materials with success stories.
Parents, carers, directors and employees of institutions. В1 – only female participants The following children needs are satisfied: need in medical service, in upbringing, adaptation in society. The children receive medical treatment in Kyiv clinics. As for the institution, all classrooms are equipped with modern technologies, the work is wellorganized. Children keep in touch with their relatives. On weekends relatives can take children home if they have the authorization. В2 – only female participants The following children needs are satisfied: need in medical service, in food, in teaching some hygienic habits. Specialists work with children who have delays in their development. We rent part of kindergarten building, but is is very crowded, and we have 50 requests to take new children, but we don’t have enough room. There is a problem of low salaries, and thus we not always can employ the best specialists who would bring more to our children. Some volunteers work with us, but not regularly. Children cannot receive medical treatment in the village, only in the town of Boyarka, but its level is not very high. С1 –female participants If to speak about support from surrounding, I can say that I feel support from kindergarten personnel, they advise me a lot. I also feel support from neighbours; they all treat me with understanding, and accept the fact, that I adopted my child. They don’t spread any rumors. They play with my child and can help me to take care of her. I can also say that we receive attention from medical workers, all treatment we’ve received was thorough and of high quality. My child had to undergo a surgery, I addressed very good specialists in Kyiv oblast, and we received decent treatment.
С2 - 6 female participants and 4 male. The answers of these participants were very contradictory. Some parents said that they don’t receive any support from anyone. Some community members have some prejudice against their families, but with time, after getting acquainted, the attitudes change to more positive. Other parents said that they feel support and understanding from community. D1 – only female participants. In respondents’ opinion, the specialists in rehabilitation centers can satisfy the following needs of children: • rehabilitation services; • medical services; • consultations for families (psychological, legal); • help in looking after a child; • kindergarten and specialized school services. Participants noted that their institutions cannot provide services to big number of children and families because of lack of resources, not developed institution structure. They mentioned the following challenges: • lack of possibilities to provide rehabilitation help in communities; • rehabilitation and medical help is delivered fragmentary, not on a regular basis; • absence of adaptive equipment. D2 – 2 female participants and 1 male. All parents claimed that they do not feel support from the community, since there are no conditions for children socializing and help for parents in taking care of their children, no qualified specialists, no centers for disabled children (where children and parents could communicate, develop, share experience). It would be good it there were services where a volunteer would look after children for a few hours in case the parents need to go somewhere urgently. Inclusive education exists only on paper. Also, the parents would like to see at least a bit of understanding from their communities. The parents have difficulties with care, development, education and medical services for their children. The apartments where the families live usually are too small; the children have no personal space. These apartments also are not equipped for people with special needs. In communities there are no specialists who could provide qualified help to parents and children: medical, legal, psychological, pedagogical.
Suggestions/possible projects
There is a need in resources about To create informational resource center modern methods of taking care of (library) with web-access on childcare for children with special needs. different target audiences. There is a need in modern equipment (including adaptive) for children with special needs. Necessity in additional resources to involve specialists in delivering services for children with special needs.
New laws should be adopted according to which the state would have to pay for services delivered by specialists for children with special needs. To organize trainings for volunteers (delivering specific services – psychologist, speech therapist, etc.)
Transportation problems in providing decent medical services, low level of medical services. Prejudice against families in difficult To organize parenthood clubs and other clubs life circumstances. where community members would socialize with families in difficult life circumstances. Fragmentary rehabilitation communities.
delivery services
of in
Lack of resources for providing In developing the services, to take into account services for bigger number of the necessity to make them accessible to all children. categories. Absence of inclusive education and To create preconditions for development of even paid services. such services. Apartments are not equipped for life In projects implementation (especially in of a person with special needs. renovation or construction works) to take into account needs of people with special needs. Key qoutes: A person lives not alone, we all live in a community, and it is hard to live without support from others. The neighbors’ opinion is especially important since these people live next to me, can see the situation every day. That is why I try to earn a good reputation among my neighbors, so that no one can give negative feedback about me and put my children in danger. A mother in difficult life circumstances from the Center “Ray of Hope”.
It is very sad that some children are cared for, and some aren’t. Children from mixed type children’s home “Berehynya”, Boryspil.
The best events in life Parents in difficult life circumstances. A1 – only female participants All mothers stated that the happiest day in their life was when their children were born. They explained this answer in different ways: because of warm family feelings, because of physical relief, etc. For one of the participants, a happy day was when she bought her first cell phone. The fact, that she didn’t have it before, she saw as the reason for not being accepted by others as a young and modern woman. Buying a phone was a way to prove that she is not worse than others and gave her an opportunity to communicate with friends. А2 – tree female participants, 1 male. All respondents stated that the happiest day in their life was when their children were born. One of the participants said that he had many happy days – all his childhood consisted of them. He explained it by saying that he felt protected when his parents were next to him. For one of the participants, the happiest day was when she managed to reunite with her child whom she hadn’t seen for 5 years. “I felt as if someone returned me a part of my heart”, - said the mother. Children А3 – only male participants. When asked about their happiest day in the life, the children described recent events – drawing classes at school, reading with a teacher, gymnastics class, etc. А4 - 3 female participants, 12 male. •
The best days of my life – when everyone was at home. • When I went home from shelter for vacations. • When I finally saw my sister, who I hadn’t see for a long time. • When my mother came to visit me in the shelter. В3 - 4 female participants, 1 male. • When I was at home, my brother and I went to circus. Our mother gave us money not only for the tickets, but also to buy some food. There was a clown who made me laugh. • My birthday. I received many presents, and the best one was a big toy, presented by my sister. • I went to play bowling with our carer. • When I was very small, my father used to take me to the kindergarten. Once he tied a sledge to his bicycle, and this is how we went. I was very happy.
В4 - 3 female participants, 3 male. • When our whole “family” (meaning all the children and carers from the institution) went to the sanatorium. We stayed there for 10 days, spent time very actively, every evening something was organized: concerts, discos, etc. • When we all together went to the theatre. • When I went to Spain for the first time, I liked it very much. It was beautiful there. • When we went to Kyiv to see the Christmas tree in the main square. С3 - 5 female participants, 1 male. • It was on Saturday. Our mother treated everyone with an apple. I got an impression that she likes to indulge us, and that she loves us very much. • I received very good marks at school for reciting poems, and my mother was proud of me. • When we went to the sea resort with my mother. • When I played with my brother. • When we went to the zoo and saw different animals. • When we altogether were sitting and putting together puzzles with our photograph. С4 - 1 female participants, 6 male What can make this person happy? - A lot of money - Presents. - A beautiful house. Conclusions
Suggestions/possible projects
Children were happy when they When children are in alternative forms of care, were on trips or at some kind of it would be a good idea to plan their leisure, to entertainment, usually together with involve their relatives/parents. their family. At the department of daycare to organize leisure activities for children from community. Returning to their family / a visit Providing contacts with families and relatives from relatives is important to many for children, development of supportive children. network, organisation of visits of relatives to children Over 18 / care leavers В5 – only male participants. Two participants stated that they did not have any happy moments in their lives and that their lives are very routine, with only black lines instead of colorful. The rest of the answers were more optimistic:
• •
“For me it was the day after vacations when I earned money and went skiing to Carpathian mountains. I was happy that I managed to fulfill my dream – I earned money for this trip”. “ “I can say that I was very happy when I came to my Spanish host family for a first time”. I was surprised by such a good attitude to me”. Conclusions
Suggestions/possible projects
Staying in a children’s institution is perceived as a negative experience. Importance of self-realisation for care leavers. Key quotes: I felt as if someone returned me a part of my heart. These were very powerful emotions. The mother who was supported by HHC for 4 years. We helped her to return child whom she hadn’t seen for 5 years. The best days of my life – when everyone was at home When my mother came to visit me in the shelter. Children from social rehabilitation center in Kopyliv I can say that I was very happy when I came to a Spanish host family for a first time”. I was surprised by such a good attitude to me. One of care leavers from former Barvinok institution, Makariv.
Happy future for children. Better world. Families in difficult life circumstances. A1 – only female participants All mothers would like to live in a world where they have their own accommodation. Three participants would like to live at their current houses, but only if nobody intervenes in their life and tells them what to do. They want their children to have fathers, who work while mothers take care of the children. In such situation they would feel safe. A2 – 3 female participants, 1 male. Two participants see the future of their children only in another village (not in the village where they live now). The reason for this desire is prejudice against their families in the community where they live, and they find it impossible to change this set opinion. That is why the participants think that only moving to another village or town can help them to start a new page of their lives. Another participant mentioned that her children and she often dreamt about better world, and that they have a clear image of it: private detached house, with a balcony, a garden, with two big dogs. The mother should have a good job. If they have a father, he will be very kind, calm and hardworking. One of the participants stated that however perfect the conditions might seem, he and his child could never feel 100% safe and protected, because there is always a risk of some unpredictable threats to child’s well-being and life. Conclusions
Suggestions/possible projects
Perfect world is associated with To make sure that decisions about family and having accommodation, freedom in children are made with consideration of the actions and safety for children. best interests of children. Many parents have a wish to Strengthening of information work in change the surrounding because of communities on support of families in difficult negative judgments. life circumstances.
Children А3 – only male participants. In house that has roof, a garage, where it is warm. In a world, where there are many different toys, animals, where we could eat sweets, go to shops, go to school. А4 - 3 female participants, 12 male.
• •
Big house, lots of toys, clothes. With parents who take care of us. Near the house should be a garden and a swimming pool. • Such house/world should be created by parents, and the state should help them in this. • In a world where people say that they love us, where you can hear the voice of your close people. • In a world where we can go to kindergarten, to theatre, to cinema, to circus, etc. where we would have a home. Where we have an opportunity to meet new friends, to spend time on our hobbies, to eat sweats, to play games. • In such a world we would feel better than everyone. В3 – 4 female participants, 1 – male. A world where we would have a big, cozy house with windows. People and animals live there. There we live altogether – children and carers. Can we take parents there too? Then, we will also live there with parents. There is a lake around our house, a garden, lots of flowers. The house is in the village. We would clean it, sweep the floor. A world where we can see our grandparents, sisters and brothers, where we have friends and we can play with them, where our mother kisses us goodnight, our teachers say good words about us С3 – 5 female participants, 1 male. A world where we have a beautiful cozy house with nice flowers, big garden, where only good people live. This house is built by our parents, we have pets here and fish. In this world we feel the love of our parents, we eat sweets, listen to music, organize surprises for each other. С4 – 1 female participant, 6 male. What kind of home would you like to have? • Big house. A lot of light. There should be a computer, a TV, a couch, a playstation. The whole family lives there: a mother, a father, sisters and brothers. Everybody feels safe there. Who should create it for you? • Parents. Conclusions
Suggestions/possible projects
The main role and responsibility for To develop mechanisms creating better world for children is biological families. on parents. Elements of happiness: comfort, family.
home, To provide a care in family and when it is impossible than in environment close to family.
Over 18/ care leavers В5 – all male participants. One of the youngsters said, that his ideal world is an uninhabited island, where no one would interfere in his life and work. He wants to achieve his goals alone, to discover the world and life, to overcome difficulties and to build his life without interference from others. Another respondent would like to live in a world where he would have a family, children, a good job. It is important for him to have a goal and to stick to it, and then the world will be better for him. He believes that this can be achieved if he works hard. One more participant said that he wants to live in a world, where there is no crime, in a world, where he would feel safe: at home, in the streets, at work. He also cannot imagine his world without friends. Conclusions
Suggestions/possible projects
It is necessary for children to have conditions that would help them in self-realization. Key quotes: The children should have fathers, who work while mothers take care of the children. In such situation they would feel safe. A mother in difficult life circumstances from the Center “Ray of Hope”. Who should create such world for children? Parents. Children from Small Group Home of the Center “Ray of Hope” It is important to have a goal and to stick to it, and then the world will be better One of care leavers from former Barvinok institution, Makariv.
The role of state authorities / society / community Families in difficult life circumstances. A1 – only female participants. In respondents’ opinion, attitude of local authorities is very negative. They think that the head of village council does little to help them solve their problems. The participants want the following measures to be taken: •
to provide enough places in kindergarten; • Children should go to school, where the administration does not demand any money for class redecorations or sth else. • Children should receive only good attitude in medical establishments and high quality medical treatment. The mothers also stated that they would like their children to have fathers who would provide additional security and support for families. A2 – 3 female participants, 1 male. The participants would like the state to provide their children with a possibility to go to kindergarten and school without paying any “voluntary” donations that administration of educational establishments often demands. They also complained, that the family’s inability to pay these donations usually influences attitude towards their children in school. Conclusions
Suggestions/possible projects
It is important for children to have To provide services and support for single both parents. parents. Negative attitudes in community To launch informational campaigns aimed at towards families in difficult life breaking stereotypes and prejudice against circumstances. vulnerable families. Children А4 – 3 female participants, 12 – male. It is great to see people smile at you, even if they are strangers. It is also good to be around your friends. В4 – 3 male participants, 3 female. We don’t want to have bad people in our community – only kind and sincere. It would be good if everyone treated us nicely, especially neighbors. С3 – 5 female participants, 1 male.
When there are good people around us, they help us to understand something, to learn something new. С4 – 1 female participant, 6 male. What can be done to this lost doll to make her feel better? •
To take her to our Small Group Home and buy a lot of presents.
What do you think state authorities do for you? • Nothing. Conclusions
Suggestions/possible projects
Children should be provided with care and attention, nice attitudes in society. Over 18/ care leavers В5 – all male participants. One of the participants said that he would like to receive more support from such services and establishments, as medical, cultural, educational institutions, police. All youngsters said that even in a better world they would not feel 100% safe because of the following reasons: Reasons Comments Unemployment, financial Financial crisis is possible even in a much better crisis world, and it can lead to losing a job, unemployment, inability to earn for a living. Disease A person cannot be protected from diseases, and this is a danger too. Alcohol or drugs abuse It is hard to live in a society where everything is allowed, so if you lose control, it might lead to degradation – you can start drinking or using drugs. С5 – all male participants The care leavers think that they are able to protect themselves, even without any help from state authorities. Who needs to be protected more by state – are parents-carers, since the state, in participants’ opinion, does not do anything to support them. Parents, carers, directors and employees of institutions. В1 – female participants The authorities should involve heads of children institutions in the discussions of social laws and regulations. This could also be done on-line, so that everyone involved could write their suggestions or comments.
В2 –female participants The state should provide biological families with decent childcare benefits. С1 – female participants The state authorities should do everything possible to ensure children’s rights: in medicine, in education and leisure. More services should be created for children’s development: sport clubs, hobby clubs, etc., especially in small communities. Even if a child does not have special needs, the state should take care of him/her, developing the structure of institutions where a child can receive services. For children with disabilities a special approach is needed. First of all, cultural level of society should be raised. It cannot be done by one organization, that is why joint efforts of parents, NGOs, and state authorities are needed. С2 - 6 female participants and 4 male. The main message of this target group was that our authorities should follow the laws and regulations that they have adopted. The participants have many ideas how the state should provide decent future for their children: to provide them with accommodation, help with employment, lower taxes, improve ecology, etc. Most of parents-carers think that in modern conditions in our country nobody can feel safe. D1 – female participants. All respondents emphasize the importance of rehabilitation centers’ development and increasing the number of services delivered in these centers. They also mentioned the needs in: • • •
a swimming pool for therapy; Programs of ippotherapy; Teams of rehabilitation specialists that deliver services in villages and towns distant from cities.
D2 -2 female participants and 1 male. 1. The most important is to stop regarding children with disabilities as a burden.
2. To create centers or departments for children with disabilities, where they and their parents could receive consultations, help. 3. To create conditions for development and socialization of children with disabilities, to make public places accessible for people in wheelchairs. All necessary services should be provided in all communities (or at least in rayon centers). Also, there should be transportation with the help of which parents and children could easily get to centers which provide such services. Also, families need to have special equipment at home (wheelchairs, Swedish walls and ladders, etc.).
Suggestions/possible projects
There is a need to create a To create an internet resource for discussions possibility laws’ discussions with of childcare legislation and its changes. specialists in childcare, with NGO’s representatives. To develop suggestions on how to improve the process of community discussions of legal acts. Financial families
biological To combine financial support with service delivery.
There are no services in organizing In the framework of delivering social services in children leisure in small centers, to organize leisure activities for communities. children from community. There is a problem that many laws In developing the strategy of reforming have declarative nature, the childcare system, to develop efficient government does not fulfill the mechanisms of laws implementing. promises. Lack of understanding on the state level of the scale of disabled children’s problems, the parents are not provided with even minimal equipment.
In developing the strategy of reforming childcare system, to pay special attention to those legal acts that regulate protection of disabled children’s rights and delivering services for them.
Rehabilitation centers’ development Possible projects: and increasing the number of • To build swimming pool for therapy; services delivered in these centers. • To build a playground for children with disabilities; • To launch a program in ippotherapy; • To form teams of rehabilitation specialists that deliver services in villages and towns distant from cities. Key quotes: It is hard to live in a society where everything is allowed, so if you lose control, it might lead to degradation – you can start drinking or using drugs. One of care leavers from former Barvinok institution, Makariv. The most important is to stop regarding children with disabilities as a burden. Parents who raise children with disabilities.
Personal contribution Families in difficult life circumstances. A2 – 3 female participants, 1 male. : • Parents with children should work hard. Two participants said that they are ready to work and that they work. Two others are unemployed at the moment, and they also are not sure, if they can change the situation with their work. • Participants mentioned that there is a need to address society through mass media in order to voice their problems, since efforts of one person are not enough. Conclusions
Suggestions/possible projects
There is a necessity in mass media To form a pool of social journalists, to launch and society support informational campaign, to start a series of articles or programs about protection of children’s rights. Over 18/ care leavers В5 – all male participants. The majority thinks that they are not capable of changing something or doing something for creating better world for themselves. Only 2 participants gave their ideas: • You should not wait for help from others; you should act, if you want to see some changes. The most important what I can do is to acquire education and a good job. I understand that I need to constantly upgrade my skills in order to be in demand in the job market. Then I will have an opportunity to earn for a living and to support my family. • One more participant thinks he might not change something alone, but with the support of his friends there will be more chances to achieve his goals. Conclusions
Suggestions/possible projects
Young people are unsure in their To organize a special psychological consulting capabilities of overcoming for children/youngsters aimed at boosting their difficulties and building better future. confidence in themselves. Parents, carers, directors and employees of institutions. С1 – female participants A mother: “I am trying to raise up my child as a kind and caring person, responsible for her deeds. I am also trying to do everything possible to satisfy all her needs, to take good care of her”. С2 - 6 female participants and 4 male.
Parents-carers think that their main task is to give children an opportunity to be raised in a family, to prepare them to independent life, to teach necessary skills, teach how to adapt to life, to make sure children acquire professions. Also, on condition that there is additional financial support, they are ready to help children find accommodation: to build, to buy or to redecorate the old one. D1 – female participants. Participants mentioned that they are ready to learn and share their experience for improving the quality of services. In particular, they mentioned: • To take part in creating a system of rehabilitation help for children in city and oblast (to create a model of early intervention). • To take part in work of mobile team, who would provide help and support to families living in villages distant from the city. • To initiate popularizing problems in childcare through mass media. D2 - 2 female participants and 1 male. The parents mentioned that they are ready to do everything possible to improve the life of their children. They work a lot with children, look for specialists, try to find additional resources to pay for services, etc. But the parents confess that everything they do is not enough, and the complex approach is needed. Parents are ready: • To contribute to work in social centers – to take part in trainings, in groups of mutual support, to learn, to share their experience, to support others. • To volunteer for some departments of such centers – for example, one day a week to take care of children of daycare department. • To keep working hard in order to have opportunities to pay for good medical treatment for their children, modern equipment. Conclusions
Suggestions/possible projects
The main aim of parents – to raise children, to prepare them to independent life, to meet their needs. Specialists are ready to be in mobile To develop projects in which community teams who provide services for members would be involved in learning about families with disabled children who the needs and providing services. live in distant villages. Absence of complex approach in To conduct on a state level trainings according preparing parents to raising a child to developed programs. with disabilities.
Key quotes: You should not wait for help from others; you should act, if you want to see some changes. The most important what I can do is to acquire education and good job. I understand that I need to constantly upgrade my skills in order to be in demand in the job market. Then I will have an opportunity to earn for a living and to support my family. One of care leavers from former Barvinok institution, Makariv. We are ready to take part in work of mobile team, who would provide help and support to families living in villages distant from the city. Parents who raise children with disabilities.
Role of charity organizations, HHC in particular Families in difficult life circumstances. A1 – only female participants In respondents’ opinion, our mission concerning their safety and safety of their children is to help them to obtain official documents, and it makes them feel safe, because without passports, birth certificates they are in danger. If an organization, such as HHC, builds and opens some centers, they have to carefully choose the personnel who will provide services there. The staff should be very competent and highly qualified. If there is a possibility, organizations also could help to solve mothers/children problems quicker, so that a mother with a child can return home as soon as possible, and not stay in different institutions for a long time. Right now, when the mothers stay in the center “Ray of Hope”, they would like to be more involved in making decisions concerning their cases. A2 – 3 female participants, 1 male. The participants think that the charity organizations like HHC can help by doing the following: • To find donors who are willing to improve financial situation of a particular family; • To provide clothes and shoes for children, since many families cannot afford it; • To give advice based on their previous experience; • To give consultations: psychological, legal, medical; • To influence the decisions made by authorities concerning family/children cases. HHC has a good reputation, and their opinion will be heard by authorities. • To build centers like “Ray of Hope” in every rayon – these centers give real support not only to children, but also to parents. Conclusions
Suggestions/possible projects
Help in obtaining documents for To include this service in the list of services children. that centers of social support deliver. A thorough choice of personnel that To define professional competences that delivers services. personnel should have, to organize personnel trainings. Help to solve mothers/children problems quicker, so that a mother with a child can return home as soon as possible, and not stay in different institutions for a long time Lack of experience in looking for additional financial support.
To optimize the processes of service delivery. To involve mothers to decision making concerning their cases. To conduct in the center “Ray of Hope” trainings for personnel and for beneficiaries on how to find additional charitable resources.
Sharing of HHC experience with In the framework of communication strategy, to other NGOs and state authorities. create a network of NGOs who work in childcare field.
Children А4 – 3 female participants, 12 – male. Representatives of charity organizations should: • Visit us more often, conduct games, communicate, and bring books. • Make sure, that Service in Children Affairs observes the situations not only in vulnerable families, but in others too, including rich families. Many children from rich families escape home, because parents abuse them. • If parents cannot build a house of happiness for us, organizations should support them, tell how to do it. • To open farms and plants in villages in order to create workplaces. В4 – 3 male participants, 3 female. The organizations should help parents to create good future for their children: support, tell them where to find help. Conclusions
Suggestions/possible projects
To monitor families where children To develop a system of measures to prevent suffer from abuse. abuse in families and to monitor the situation. Access to charity organizations’ To create an internet-resourse, to create informational resources. libraries in centers of social supports, community members could find books and materials on childcare, rights protection, etc. Over 18/ care leavers В5 – all male participants. The participants stated that the role of charity organizations is to help vulnerable children and families to feel equal with others. Also, these organizations help orphans and children with disabilities to adapt in society with both psychological and financial support. With HHC activities all the participants are acquainted. They expressed the following ideas of what can be done to support them: • Financial help. When children graduate institutions and enter educational establishment, some pocket money would be a great asset for them. • Support in problem solving: advice, assistance. • Trainings – they are great help in choosing future profession, learning where they can go if they face some problems, who they can address, teaching how to lead healthy lifestyle. “HHC helps us to feel that we are cared for, that someone thinks about us and helps us”, - added one participant. С5 – all male participants Care leavers think that charity organizations make a huge contribution, since they have big experience in this field.
Suggestions/possible projects
There is a need of financial support for care leavers from institution during first years of their independent lives
To develop standards of financial support of children in alternative care, including those, who have just turned 18 and are starting the independent life.
Mentoring and training of young people – care leavers from institutions - in socializing and financial independence is important. Parents, carers, directors and employees of institutions. В1 – female participants The state provides resources to cover only salaries for institutions’ employees and utility bills. That is why charity organizations can do a lot here. If you come to an institution and see that it is in a very poor state, it is not because there are no donors, it is because the director doesn’t know how to work with charity organizations. The director needs to be changed. Our institution receives regular help from charities. В2 – female participants We want regular help, not one-time payment. Some organizations give us financial resources, but the most part of it goes to pay taxes and to pay utility bills. С1 – female participants The state authorities cannot create proper infrastructure for children development and make professional services, such as services of psychologists, tutors, affordable. This might be done by charity organizations, if they support the centers where these services can be delivered. They can provide financial support, consult and lobby society interests on the state level. Charity organizations that have reputation and experience can popularize some ideas and their ideas will be heard. For example, they can popularize family values, the importance of raising children in families. С2 - 6 female participants and 4 male. Charity organizations are oriented on needs of particular family (family-typed children’s home), so every family can receive necessary help. In their questionnaire, parentscarers thanked for what have been done by HHC for their families, emphasize that this help always was consistent. Among the requests for help from these families the most common are: •
Solving arguments concerning property rights, housing, and registration of children.
• •
Help in finding employment for family care leavers, financial help for recent care leavers; Development and implementation of programs for work with care leavers. Creating centers like “Ray of Hope” in their communities.
D1 – female participants. In respondents’ opinion, charity organizations can provide financial help for those institutions that deliver services for children and families. They can also help in creating special establishments for children with disabilities, rehabilitation centers. Also, they might organize trainings for rehabilitation centers’ employees, teach them methods of early intervention, invite best specialists, etc. such training were already conducted in Kharkiv specialized baby home, and they brought good results. Participants suggested that HHC can provide the following support: • To lobby on state level the interests of institutions that deliver services to families with disabled children. • Informational support of these institutions, to spread the information about services they deliver, and challenges they face when improving and enlarging the scale of their services. • Financial and moral support. • To organize cooperation with specialists from other countries in order to boost employees’ competence. • To conduct trainings (both for personnel and for parents with disabled children). D2 - 2 female participants and 1 male. Charitable organizations should: • Educate society about needs of children with disabilities and raise cultural level of society. • Find and teach volunteers how to work with children with disabilities. • Develop the network of rehabilitation centers. Also, parents expressed their wish to have such professionals as HHC employees in their communities – so that they could receive consultations and support from them.
Suggestions/possible projects
The help of charity organizations should be systematic, long-termed, with consideration of individual families’ needs.
Development of long-termed strategy for organization, implementation of projects aimed at learning target groups’ needs, development of methods of needs assessment.
Implementation of declared values Implementation of development mechanisms in practice. on the state level. The main functions of charity organizations are: financial support, consulting, support in creating centers that deliver services, lobbying interests on state level. To open centers like “Ray of hope” To describe the model of the center “Ray of in other regions of Ukraine. hope” and spread it among stakeholders, to lobby the implementation of this model in other regions of Ukraine. Support of existing specialized To prepare a group of trainers on centers in improving their services, deinstitutionalization according to the program personnel trainings. developed. Experience in using methods of To practice delivering services to families and early intervention. children using methods of early intervention. Key quotes: If there is a possibility, they also could help to solve mothers/children problems quicker, so that a mother with a child can return home as soon as possible, and not stay in different institutions for a long time. Mothers in difficult life circumstances from the Center “Ray of Hope”. Charity organizations should make sure, that Service in Children Affairs observes the situations not only in vulnerable families, but in others too, including rich families. Many children from rich families escape home, because parents abuse them. Children from mixed type children’s home “Berehynya”, Boryspil. If you come to an institution and see that it is in a very poor state, it is not because there are no donors, it is because the director doesn’t know how to work with charity organizations. The director needs to be changed. The director of oblast baby home in Boyarka
CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTONS (divided by categories) -
What is happiness? -
Life is happiness
A1 Mothers with newborn babies that are currently in the Center “Ray of Hope” mainly talked about existing living conditions in the Center. Almost all mothers feel that while they stay there, there are no threats for their children. A perfect world for themselves and their children, the participants describe as life in their own houses and in a community that would not interfere in their life and make decisions instead of them. Creation of such world foresees changes in community members’ treatment of families in difficult life circumstances. From charity organizations, the participants would like to receive consultations and advice, responsibility to Centers created, especially concerning qualifications of Center’s employees. A2 The majority of families with children in difficult life circumstances, who received support from HHC feels that at the present time their children are safe and protected, partially thanks to help from their community, from personnel of the following institutions: medical establishments, schools, kindergartens, local authorities. All participants describe the day when their children were born as one of the happiest. For everyone, safe future is the future where they would have their own house and live there with their children. Also, to feel safe, they would need support from medical and educational establishments, help from non-governmental organizations. The participants expressed their readiness to work on achieving this aim, but they did not define any particular measures or possible ways. The participants did not know much about charity organizations and their activities; they could only mention the one that helped them in difficult life circumstances – HHC Ukraine. They believe that charity organizations have opportunities to help them and their children feel comfortable and satisfied. А3 Despite the fact that the participants due to their age and peculiarities of development often did not answer the questions, some conclusions about their needs can be made. First of all, children aged 7-11 years old who were taken away from their families and temporarily stay in shelters, regard care as actions aimed at satisfaction of their basic needs – feeding, washing, combing hair, spending time together and attention. Thus,
people who take care of them should play with them; cheer them up, etc. among the most important elements of happiness, the children see: toys, animals, sweets. Negative emotions from the participants can provoke anything connected with fights, insults, swears, dark rooms. None of the participants mentioned their parents during any activity; they did not name any associations (either positive or negative) with families. The school, however, turned out to be a happy place for children, where they feel safe. When asked about the happiest day in their life, the children described days which they spent in school or in kindergarten with teachers. Probably, the key notion here is the presence of a teacher – an adult, who paid attention to children, taught them something. Drawing their ideal home and community, the participants again were talking about basic needs – for instance, the house should be warm and have a roof. А4 Older children from shelters – aged 12-17 – confirmed our belief, that the best environment for a child is a family. The majority of their answers were about family, relatives, and parents. When children feel uncared for, they are afraid of being left alone, without any support, of starving, they have a feeling of being not needed and not loved. Nevertheless, all stories about the happiest days or events included parents, sisters, brothers, relatives. Apart from that, it became evident from children answers that acceptance from society is a burning issue for them. Many answers included a presence or an absence of friends, support from community. The participants expressed their desire to be not only accepted, but also to be treated in a friendly manner by community members, students of their school, etc. In general, the children want to live in a family, in a comfortable and cozy home. The participants think that it is parents’ responsibility to provide such an environment for a child, while authorities and charity organizations, like HHC, can help parents in this, give them advice and support. В1 One of the key conclusions from consultations with the director and the employees of Kyiv oblast Baby Home in the town of Boyarka (state institution) is the respondents’ confidence that it is impossible to provide all the necessary services for families, that is why children institutions exist. The model “Children for weekends” allows parents to work and not to be fully separated with their children. The participants underlined the importance of working on prevention of children abandonment, and also participation of specialists in this field in laws’ discussions. They also acknowledge the key role of charity organizations, since the authorities are not able to satisfy all the needs, to plan long-termed support and care. В2 Carers of children from institution “Cradle of children’s hope” in Novosilky, Kyiv oblast (private institution with better conditions for children) understands the importance of a
family for a child, and sees children institutions as a place where a child would undergo a period of adaptation between separation with their biological family and acquaintance with a new one. The participants stated that it is necessary to support biological families, to work on prevention, the main reason of children abandonment stated is financial difficulty. The institutions satisfy only basic children needs and do not have resources for specific needs, inclusive services. There is a problem of medical services’ quality and their accessibility. The support from charity organizations should be systematical and wellplanned. В3 Despite their age, the participants have a good understanding of the notion of care, and not only want to receive it, but are ready to take care of others (it was shown on an example of an abandoned doll). Children know about danger from their own experience – they talked about situations they remember when they lived with their families – drunk parents, insults from strangers, etc. For a picture of a perfect world, the children from institutions aged 7-11 described a big and cozy home, where they live together with institution personnel. It is obvious from their answers, that in this institution the children are cared for, their carers have built good relationships with them, and that is why the participants would take them to their “happy house”. This also can be explained by the fact that most children live in the institution from early age, and the only way of life they know is life with a group of other children and carers. Closer to the end of the activity, one of the older girls asked, if there is a possibility to also take their parents in this house. Nevertheless, the happiest days of these children are connected with their families – visits of a sister, spending time with a brother, etc. В4 Children aged 12-17 live in the institution for almost all their conscious life, so they rarely mentioned family in their answers. A few times someone said “all our family” meaning children and carers from the institution. Even though that is the only way children imagine their life, they still mentioned their families from time to time. The happiest days in the lives of the participants where activities, organized by the institution personnel: trips, going to theatres, cinemas, etc. Apart from that, it became evident from children answers that acceptance from society is a burning issue for them. Many answers included a presence or an absence of friends, support from community. The participants expressed their desire to be not only accepted, but also to be treated in a friendly manner by community members, students of their school, etc. In general, the children want to in a comfortably and cozy house, in a friendly environment. The participants think that charity organizations, like HHC, can help to create such world, they can inspire people with ideas, provide their help and support, advice who to address for help.
В5 The care leavers from former Barvinok institution feel safe and protected when they are enrolled in some educational institutions. There is a risk from outside world – to be influenced by surrounding, or to to be trapped by unpredictable circumstances. It was hard for the participants to talk about their happiest days, events, or moments. They don’t have pleasant memories about their past. The best moments are connected with the feeling of having a family, with realizing potential to make yourself happy (for example, work and earn money to fulfill the dream). Their future the respondents see in having their own family, living in a country, where they can feel safe, where nobody would intervene in their private life. The participants are not acquainted with many charity organizations, but they know about HHC and think that this organization can provide financial and educational help to children. С1 The answers of foster parents and parents-carers of family-type homes show that mothers can count only on themselves in providing safety and protection for their children, their proper upbringing and development. There is a need in a system of different establishments, which would work on children’s development. One of the main conclusions is that the authorities should not only support vulnerable families, but other families too, giving children more opportunities to develop. Charity organizations should raise society awareness, influence decisions concerning protection of children rights on the state level. С2 Two questions that worry the parents-carers the most are accommodation for their care leavers and their employment. It is interesting that parents-carers (in comparison with our previous experience) are concerned not only for the well-being of their family and children, but also of other families. Their thoughts, plans and recommendations are more general, they can be applied not only to their family, their fears and concerns are not only about orphans, but about all growing generation of the country. The opinions, voiced by parents-carers, have a complex character. С3 Answers of children from family-typed homes differ a lot from those we received from children from institutions. This category finds it easy to describe care, happiness, the best events in their lives, how they feel safe and protected. When it came the feeling of danger, the participants could only name household hazards, such as fire, playing with matches, being lost in forest, etc. these situations are known to children from their parents advices and recommendations. Generally, it can be felt that these children are grown in loving and caring environment, where their needs are satisfied by parentscarers.
С4 Despite the fact that the participants due to their age and peculiarities of development often did not answer the questions, some conclusions about their needs can be made. First of all, children aged 12-17 feel that they are cared for, when their parents spend time with them: help with school tasks, communicate, pay attention, and show their love. The following elements are included in their picture of happiness: nice house, toys, modern gadgets (computer, play-station). Negative emotions are caused by everything connected with fights, drunk people, being forced to do something. While drawing the “house of happiness”, the participants mentioned their basic needs: the house should be warm, light, to have necessary furniture and electronics. Talking about happy events, children focused on financial side – lots of money, big house. Only one child, who worked separately from the group, talked about family values, not financial. He told us about his birthday that he celebrated with his family 9 years ago. The school was the most “popular” place among the participants – almost everyone said they don’t like it. We found it very positive that children associate the house where they live (Small Group Home) with their “house of happiness”. С5 Care leavers from family-type homes were the most creative in fulfilling their questionnaires. They even quoted famous philosophers in their answers, such as “Love to parents is the base of all values” by Cicero. This emphasizes a decent level of the participants’ education. The main message that can be seen in all answers is the belief in their own powers, their future, despite all difficulties and lack of protection from authorities. The children also never complained or asked for any kind of help. D1 The specialists from rehabilitation institutions discussed the problems and their possible solutions that can only be applied to their particular institution. In respondents’ opinion, their institutions satisfy the most part of disabled children’s needs. However, these services are not provided at any town or village away from the oblast center. The institutions need to create new services, but their development is costly, and there are no resources for this. There is a need in training of the personnel who delivers services for disabled children. Participants think that non-governmental and charity organizations have impact on society, and on decision-making on the state level. So they think that these organizations should lobby the interests of such institutions, as well as provide financial support for reforming, development of new services, improvement of service quality. The special role among these organizations, in respondents’ opinion, plays HHC, since they have an experience of cooperation and were satisfied with it.
D2 The parents-carers of family-type homes, who have children with disabilities are used to earn for a living independently, they do not ask for any kind of help neither authorities nor non-governmental organizations. They only want practical specialized help in their communities, proper equipment of public places and children establishment- so that they can be accessible for a disabled person. There is also a need to create an opportunity for such children to develop accordingly to their individual capabilities, to receive education of all levels, to conduct projects that would raise society’s awareness of needs of disabled children. The treatment of such children in society should definitely be improved.
ANNEX 1 Focus group scenario for carers of children who are vulnerable to being institutionalized aged 0 to 3, 3 to 6. Target group: 0 to 3: mothers with newborn babies that are currently in the Center “Ray of Hope”; 3 to 6: families with children in difficult life circumstances, who received support from HHC employees, and families, who are beneficiaries at the Center “Ray of Hope”. Introduction Moderator introduces himself, explains the purpose of the meeting, asks if everyone is here voluntary, asks for permission to record the answers on a dictaphone. Then he asks everyone to introduce themselves, to tell their name, age, occupation. Questions 1. Do you know anything about charity organizations in Ukraine that work with families and children? What organization do you know? Have you heard of HHC? 2. Right now you stay at Makariv rayon center of social support for children and families “Ray of hope”. What do you know about this center? 3. Do you and your child (children) feel safe now? - Were there situations, when you felt unsafe? - Could you please tell us about such situations? 4. Do you feel that your child is uncared for? - What makes you think so? - In what situations do you feel like that? 5. Do you feel that your child receives support from your community, organizations, or other people? Specify. 6. Could you please tell us about the happiest event in your life? - Why was it the happiest? - How did you feel at that moment? - What made you so happy? 7. Could you describe a world (community) where you and your child would like to live? 8. Imagine that we created such world. How would you feel there? - How does your community look like? - Who are the people that surround you? - What institutions are there in your community? - What treatment from other people would you and your child receive? - How would you like to live in such world? 9. In a community like this, would you and your child feel safe? Why? 10.Also, in a community like this, what would make you and your child feel cared for? What help and support would your child receive there? 11.What do you think organizations like HHC Ukraine can do to create such world? 12. Would you like to be involved in influencing the decisions we make? How? Thank you for your participation.
ANNEX 2 Training program for children aged 7 to 11, 12 to 17 of all categories. Target group: Children who are currently placed in Kyiv oblast social rehabilitation center. Children, who are placed at the Emergency Unit of the Center “Ray of Hope”. Children from institutions in the town of Boryspil and Boryspil rayon Children who live in family-type homes. Children from Small Group Home of the Center “Ray of Hope”. 1. Introduction, ice-breaking: The facilitators greet children, introduce themselves. They tell a few words about the purpose of the training, about HHC, and then they find out: -
if there is someone who does not want to participate (if yes, they can leave); if there is someone who is against being recorded on a Dictaphone (in that case the facilitators write down all the answers on paper). In order to break the ice, they suggest a short introductory game (2 possible variants). Game #1: the participants form a circle. Everyone says their name, one word that starts with the same letter, and shows a gesture. Everyone in the circle has to repeat all the names, words, and gestures. Game #2: the children choose a paper boy or girl, and write down their names on them, age, likes and dislike. Then everybody presents what they’ve written, and glue their puppets to flip-chart paper. Main part 1. “Toy”
Objective: to create a situation in which children would feel free to talk about their experience regarding care/absence of care, to say their associations concerning these issues. A big fabric doll is shown to children. They are told that this is a girl from their community, and she was lost. The facilitators ask children to talk about this girl’s needs. In order to stimulate discussion, the following questions are used: •
• •
What makes you (her) feel uncared for – why? What would make you (her) feel cared for – why? What role do you think Hope and Homes for Children should play in helping to make you feel safe and cared for - why?
At the end of this activity the facilitators ask children what can be done now to the doll feel better, safer? Children list possible actions and then perform them. 2. “Body mapping”
Objective: To enable discussion of issues affecting girls and boys. Materials: flipchart, tape, flipchart pens, markers, crayons, paints, etc. Facilitators place large sheets of paper on the floor, ask for a volunteer child to lie on the sheets so that the shape of their body may be drawn around. Another volunteer
draws around their body shape with markers. The children sit around the ‘body’ shape and they are explained that this child is a girl or boy from their community. The facilitators encourage participants to design the child highlighting good and bad things that he or she could experience, see, hear about – and record these issues inside or outside the body shape through images or words: e.g. when drawing: -
the eyes - we ask children what do they see in their homes/ schools/ communities that makes them happy/ sad/ worried? ; the ears- what do they hear that makes them happy/sad/worried; the hands and arms - what do they touch/ play with that makes them happy/sad/ worried; the stomachs - what do they eat / drink that makes them happy/sad/ worried the feet and legs - where do they go that makes them happy/sad/ worried etc.
Then children discuss raised issues with the help of facilitators. After this activity, the participants take their seats, and they are asked two more questions: • What is the best thing that has happened to you and what makes you feel good – why? • What makes you feel unsafe – why? Energizer 3. The House of Happiness Objective: to enable children to describe what kind of world they would like to live in: their house, community, etc. The children are asked to draw a house of their dreams on a flip-chart. They all are encouraged to participate and to answer the following questions: • • • • • •
What kind of world/house would you like to live in? How would area around your house look like? How would you feel in such house/world? What can be done to create such world for you? Who should/can create such world? What role do you think that Hope and Homes for Children should play in helping to make you feel safe and cared for - why? The facilitators encourage all children to participate, ask additional questions, note down the answers. Feedback. Objective: to sum up the training, wrap-up. Every participant has a chance to say, what they liked and didn’t like about the training. After this, all children receive small souvenirs for participation. The facilitators thank children for their time and their opinions.
ANNEX 3 Consultation scenario for carers of children aged 0 to 3 and 3 to 6, who are currently confined to institutions. Target audience: The director and the employees of Kyiv oblast Baby Home in the town of Boyarka. The director and the employees of children institution |”Cradle of children’s hope” in Novosilky. Interview questions: 1. How many children are there in your institution?
2. Please, give general characteristics of these children: Social status: orphans deprived of parental care, children who are places temporarily due to their parents’ request. Gender Age Health condition 3. In your opinion, what children’s needs are satisfied in your institution? What needs cannot be satisfied? What resources do you lack? 4. What needs, do you think, cannot be satisfied (or cannot be fully satisfied) in the
conditions of the institution? 5. How do you feel about the children’s future, how will it look like, and what challenges might they encounter? 6. Where do children go after graduating from your institution? 7. Do children stay in contact with their relatives? Is any work being done on possible reintegration of children to their families, are any preventive measures taken? 8. What conditions should be created for children’s development /creation of perfect
world for children? 9. What should be the role of state authorities/ your institution in this process? 10. What can charity organizations do for these children? Does your institution receive any help from them? 11. If yes, what kind of help/support do you receive? Is this help aimed at maintenance of the institution, or oriented on the individual needs of children (medical treatment, development). Is it permanent and long-termed? 12. Are similar organizations interested in children needs/institution needs when providing some help? 13.
Do you know anything about HHC Ukraine? If yes, specify.
ANNEX 4 Focus group scenario for children who are/were confined to institutions over 18. Target audience: Care leavers from former Barvinok institution, Makariv. 1. Introduction Moderator introduces himself, explains the purpose of the meeting, asks if everyone is here voluntary, asks for permission to record the answers on a dictaphone. Then he asks everyone to introduce themselves, to tell their name, age, occupation. Questions 1. Do you know anything about charity organizations in Ukraine that work with families and children? What organization do you know? Have you heard of HHC? 2. Do you feel safe now? Were there situations, when you felt unsafe? Could you please tell us about such situations? 3. Do you feel that you are uncared for, or have you ever felt this? What makes you think so? In what situations do you feel like that? 4. Do you feel that you receive support from your community, organizations, or other people? Specify. 5. Could you please tell us about the happiest event in your life? Why was it the happiest? How did you feel at that moment? What made you so happy? 6. Could you describe a world (community) where you would like to live? 7. Imagine that we created such world. How would you feel there? How does your community look like? Who are the people that surround you? What institutions are there in your community? What treatment from other people would you receive? How would you like to live in such world? 8. In a community like this, would you feel safe? Why? 9. Also, in a community like this, what would make you feel cared for? What help and support would you receive there? 10. What do you think organizations like HHC Ukraine can do to create such world? 11. Would you like to be involved in influencing the decisions we make? How?
Thank you for participation.
ANNEX 5 Questionnaire for carers of children aged 0 to 3 (children for whom we or local authorities have found alternative care) Target audience: Foster parents, parents-carers of family-type homes. Questionnaire 1. For how long have you taken care of your child? ____________________ 2. Do you feel that you and your child receive support in community where you live? If yes, could you please specify? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
3. In your opinion, what kind of help and support in community is needed for your child to feel safe? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
4. What you personally would like to do/could do to make your child feel safe in the community? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
5. What should be done by the state authorities to make your child feel safe? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 6. In your opinion, what can be done by charity organizations, so that you and your child feel safe, and cared for? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your answers!
ANNEX 6 Questionnaire for carers of children aged 0 to 3 (children for whom we or local authorities have found alternative care) Target audience: Foster parents, parents-carers of family-type homes.
Questionnnaire Date: _______________________ Region: _________________________________ How long have your family-typed home or foster family been functioning _____ 1. Please, specify the following about the children raised in your family? •
How many: _____________;
age: __________________;
2. Do you feel that you and your children receive enough support in the community where you live? If yes, could you please give specific examples, if no, explain why. ______________________________________________________________________
3. In your opinion, what challenges might encounter your children in future? ______________________________________________________________________
4. In your opinion, what help and support in community is necessary for your children to feel safe? ______________________________________________________________________
5. Do you receive any help from charity/non-profit organizations? If yes, specify. ______________________________________________________________________
6. What could you personally do for your children to feel safe in your community/society in general? ______________________________________________________________________
7. What should be done by the state authorities so that your children feel safe and protected? ______________________________________________________________________
8. What, in your opinion, could be done by charity organization HHC Ukraine, so that your children feel safe and their needs are satisfied? ______________________________________________________________________
Thank you for your answers!
ANNEX 7 Questionnaire for young people over 18 for whom we have found alternative care Target audience: young people who were raised in family-type homes (care leavers).
Questionnaire: Date: _______________________ Region: _________________________________ Age________gender________________________
1. Do you feel safe now? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
2. Do you feel support of the community where you live, work, or study? Could you please explain? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
3. Do you feel support from the family where you were raised? If yes, specify. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
4. What difficulties/problems do you face now? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
5. What help and support do you feel you need in the present time? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
6. What, in your opinion, should the state authorities do for you to feel safer? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
7. What you personally could do to live better, to feel safer and more confident? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
8. What, in your opinion, could charity organizations do for you to feel safer? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
Thank you for your answers!
ANNEX 8 Questionnaire for disabled children or children with special needs aged 0 to 3 (carers) Target audience: Employees of Lviv city rehabilitation center “Dzherelo”. The director and the employees of Khakiv specialized Baby Home. Questionnaire: 1. Please specify the following about the children who receive services at your institution? •
How many: _____________;
gender: _____ male, ________ female;
how many children live there permanently: _____.
2. In your opinion, what children needs the specialists of your institution satisfy? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3. What children needs are not satisfied in conditions of your institutions? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
4. What services it is necessary to create or develop so that more children needs are satisfied? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 5. What could you do for children so that they feel safe and receive support? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 6. What can be done by charity (non-governmental) organizations so that children feel safe, and their needs are satisfied to maximum extent?
______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
7. What can Hope and Homes for Children Ukraine in particular do for this? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your answers!
ANNEX 9 Questionnaire for disabled children or children with special needs aged 3 to 6. Target audience: Parents-carers of family-type homes or foster parents, who have children with disabilities. Questionnaire: Date: _______________________ Region: _________________________________
1. Do you feel that you and your child receive enough support in community where you live? If yes, could you please give specific examples, if no, explain why. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
2. What difficulties connected with education, medical services, care services for your child, do you face? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3. In your opinion, what challenges might encounter your child in future? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
4. What help and support in community is necessary for you and your child to feel safe? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
5. Do you receive any help from charity/non-profit organizations? If yes, specify. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
6. What could you personally do for your child to feel safe in your community/society in general? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
7. What should be done by the state authorities so that your child feels safe and protected?
______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 8. What, in your opinion, could be done by charity organizations, so that your child feels safe and their needs are satisfied? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
Thank you for your answers!