Studio 01 | McDowell | Ni David | DN297
Table of Content
This is the Cornell University B. Arch
program first semester portfolio of David Ni.
Email: dn297@cornell.edu Phone: 917 826 9216
Studio 01 | McDowell | Ni David | DN297
Assignment 1A
Rock Documentation
The rock was discovered near a
cliff surface with a series of indents and fractured parts. Due to natural processes the rock fell from one of the walls and landed where I discovered it.
Clockwise: Falling rock montage; Rock close up.
Studio 01 | McDowell | Ni David | DN297
Assignment 1B
Resisting Loss
Following the falling narrative of the
previous project, the rock stand is designed on the concept of defying gravity. As such, the stand allows for the rock to cantilever off of itself in any orientation; as if the rock is in free fall. Clockwise: Drawings of rock; Stand with rock; Drawing of stand with rock.
Studio 01 | McDowell | Ni David | DN297
Assignment 1C
Taking Measures
Developing from the principles of
gravity, the tool that I designed follows the concepts of a level. Using the speed of the air bubble’s movement and pivoting from a given point on the rock, I mapped the perimeter of the rock’s surfaces of relative flatness. The resulting scaled drawing shows the rock being rotated on its primary vertices.
Clockwise: Scaled drawing of rock; Close up of tool; Tool in action.
Studio 01 | McDowell | Ni David | DN297
Assignment 2A
The Rock Not There
Inspired by the shape of the
measuring device and the rotation used in measuring the rock, this project is designed around the concept of radial symmetry. The negative model with the imprint of the rock inside is composed of a series of rotated 2�x2�x2� sliced printer tubes in a 5x5x5 arrangement. The positive uses metal sheets cut into the 10
shape of the rock if it were sliced into sheets radially. Metal piano wire holds the tension of the individual pieces. Clockwise: Closeups of the negative and positive; Negative and positive; Negative; Positive;.
Studio 01 | McDowell | Ni David | DN297
Assignment 2B
The Site and its Other
Continuing on the work of the
previous assignment, this project selects two of each piece’s quadrants and combines them. The negative (site) was selected due to the inclusion of a tunnel through the piece and positive (set piece) due to its contrast in length. The first set piece is placed outside to mimic the cantilever of the first project. The second is positioned to break up the cave space of 12
the site. The piano wire is replaced with a smaller tube that simultaneously holds the metal sheets in place and allows for ease of attachment to the larger tubes. Elevation from sliced surface.
Studio 01 | McDowell | Ni David | DN297
Clockwise: Elevation from sliced surface; Elevation; Closeup of set piece in site.
Studio 01 | McDowell | Ni David | DN297
Assignment 3A
Scaling Rocks
Th e a x o n o m e t r i c d r a w i n g o f
the island and the islet feature a set of pathways. They are designed to go through the cave and out to the side facade of the rock or up to the top of the islet where the wanderer can view the peak of the island. The model is of a portion of the cliff face of the island. The plaster strips serve to mimic the texture of the rock and are inspired by the porosity of the previous project. 16 Clockwise: Collaged axon drawing; 1/8� = 1’ Closeups of model.
Studio 01 | McDowell | Ni David | DN297
Assignment 3B
Light / Smoke
Th e p r i m a r y c o n d i t i o n s o f t h i s
project revolve around the properties of the elements of smoke, light, and water -especially how it is affected by gravity. The two inhabitants, the Tea Maker and a Relic Keeper, are the initiators of the elements’ movements. Clockwise: 1/8” = 1’ Cut plan; 1/8” = 1’ Full island section.
Studio 01 | McDowell | Ni David | DN297
In Detail
The smoke is generated by the incense
burned by the Relic Keeper and guided by a series of slanted roofs meandering up to smoke the tea leaves hanging from the ceiling of the top tower. The light shafts illuminate the bottom tower by allowing light to cut through the island. However, when the trees are in full bloom, the openings are blocked. Only when the Tea Maker prunes the tree leaves are the shafts functional. The water is collected from the rain by the Tea 20
Maker to not only clean the leaves but also to provide water for the tea making process. When the water is released, it trickles down through the central pipe along slanted roofs, pooling at the bottom. This is the cleaning site for the Relic Keeper who has been working in smoke. Additional rooms exist to isolate the smoke from clean air for leisure purposes. Clockwise: 1/8” = 1’ Upper tower cut plan; 1/8” = 1’ Lower tower cut plan; 1/8” = 1’ Lower tower section; 1/8” = 1’ Upper tower section.
Studio 01 | McDowell | Ni David | DN297
It is important to the project that the
humans maintain the flow of elements, but they do not interrupt it. As such, the axonometric drawing of the tower focuses on the movement of the people with the goal of utilizing the already existing exterior structural forms (slanted roofs and flush surfaces) of the tower. In addition, due to the location constraints, the openings of the light tubes must be located on the upper half of the island. The island’s back also faces south-west to maximize the sun exposure. 22
Clockwise: 1/4” = 1’ Lower tower axon; 1/8” = 1’ Plan; 1/4 = 1’ Upper tower axon.
Studio 01 | McDowell | Ni David | DN297
Th e p e r s p e c t i v e d r a w i n g a i m s t o
further the spatial understanding of the project. The section drawings locate the area of the illustration. The elevation clarifies the position of the shafts as they relate to each others’ positions in the island. A rockite model of the lower tower defines a more accurate version of the spatial and material relationships.
Clockwise: 1/8” = 1’ Cave side elevation; 1/4” = 1’ Rockite section model; Perspective with 1/4” = 1’ section.
Studio 01 | McDowell | Ni David | DN297
The model demonstrates the flow as
well as spatial connections of the project. On the left, the white tube represents the light shafts; on the right, the black tube represents the central shaft for smoke and water. Clockwise: 1�:8’ Full model; Detail of structures.
Studio 01 | McDowell | Ni David | DN297
Studio 01 | McDowell | Ni David | DN297