Learning Portfolio Arch 20 Spring 2015 / Saharut Siringoenyuang
Table of Content •
Extruding Pattern.
Pear project
Chair Project
Palace Project.
• Spiral and ribbon tools
• Bottle Project.
• Sneaker Project.
• Duck Project.
• Boat Project.
• Clipping plane and Backdrop
• Turtle boy
• Final Project; Sneakers
Hand drafting pattern.
Extruding •
After Amily gave us the pattern and let we chose the one that we are interested in, we have to draw that pattern on a piece paper and study the p attern to get the idea and create the 3D model
Once I draw the pattern in Rhinoceros, I start to use “Loft tool” by getting advised from Chema. I start to copy a part of the pattern and put into severa l levels of height.
Because the pattern is not one piece of line structure, I cant loft it all in one time. I have to loft it seperately one by one.
This’s assignment is pretty hard because it’s the very first time of mine to work on Rhinoceros .
Pear project
Original pear picture.
Pear project
Perspective View
Pear project
Dimension Grid
Pear project •
This assignment is about learning how to use cross section curve and curve network to build 3D model from outlines.
After tracing a pear and build up a 3D model, Amily ask us to cut the pear into several pieces by using line and split tools.
Once we split a pear apart, She asked us to use control point by press F10. Then Amily let us pull and drag the control point of a pear to create an intere sting shape.
Chair Project
Perspective View
Chair Project
Dimension Grid
Chair Project •
This chair assignment, we use line tools to trace the out line of the chair .
After finish drawing the frame, we have to use the curve tools to make a curve on the sharp corner
Once we finish on the frame line, we use pipe tools to make the thickness of the frame and make them look like a steel tube.
And put the plane surface between the frame to be the seat.
It’s prettyhard because it has a lot of steps to do and remember.
Palace Project
Perspective View
Palace Project
Dimension Grid
Palace Project •
This’s something really new for me. I have to transform 2D composition art to be 3D model.
Because this assignment gave us freedom to use any technic and tools to build the model up, I really enjoy playing around with different tool, such as, push and pull tool, follow me tool, rotate tool, and fill the model with different kind of texture(Metal, Vegetable, and translucent).
I tried to keep the form of the original composition artwork but try to align some of the model together to make it look more interesting.
I Learned how useful of making a model as a component because it’s help me to finish up the part of the model easier than do it one by one.
Spiral and Ribbon tools
Perspective View
Spiral and Ribbon tools
Dimension Grid
Spiral and Ribbon tools •
It’s the first time that I learn how to use Spiral tool and it’s pretty exciting. First I have to chose the radius of the top or bottom of spiral and then chose another side then enter. That’s create a spiral that I can apply so several kin d of models, I can build a spiral stairs by a few click, impressive.
Ribbon tool is a tool that will make your curve look like a ribbon, I learned that I can make my spiral look like a spiral slider by add the ribbon tool on.
When I use pipe tool along the spiral curve, the result that came out remind me of Michelin’s mascot.
Bottle Project
Perspective View
Bottle Project
Dimension Grid
Bottle Project •
This assignment I feel like it’s focus on how to use extruding tools more than how to create the bottle.
The extrude tools is pretty easy to understand, apple, and use.
The offset tool gave the thickness to the model
I still wonder that how can I make a translucent bottle because Amily didn’t mention about model’s material yet.
Sneaker Project
Sneaker 1st version (In class)
Sneaker Project
Sneaker 2nd version (Developed)
Sneaker Project
Dimension Grid
Sneaker Project •
This is the first time that I really excited in class work. It’s start from the time that I met Amily on the train and talk with her about my life’s goal which is I wanted to design my own shoes. Then Amily gave me an opportunity to try a nd design the shoes in class by teach me a couple of tools that I need to sta rt working on shoes
I mainly use curve tool, curve network, pipe tool, control points, gumball, and split tool.
I really have motivation from myself and really energetic on this project more than others, I guess it’s because I love to working on sneaker design so much.
Duck Project
Perspective View
Duck Project
Dimension Grid
Duck Project •
This assignment is kind of putting every knowledge on how to use tools in rhino to create a little duck.
It’s not only concentrate on the duck model but also concentrate on perspective view and background to give the diorama and dynamic of the m odel.
The hardest part of a duck is the mouth because it has a lot of curve and look more free form than other part of the duck.
Boat Project
Perspective View 1
Boat Project
Perspective View 2
Boat Project
Perspective View 3
Boat Project
Dimension Grid
Boat Project •
Boat assignment is focus on how to use the tools that we already learned to make a model that look more smooth buy curve the edges.
We have to joined some line that we offset to make the boat edges.
Offset is the main tool for this assignment.
This assignment can be an excellent practice on how to use several tools in Rhinoceros together.
Clipping plane and Backdrop
Perspective View 1
Clipping plane and Backdrop
Perspective View 2
Clipping plane and Backdrop
Dimension Grid
Clipping plane and Backdrop •
Clipping plane is the tools to apply the section cut on the 3D model. This tool is really useful when you want to make a blue print that shows the interi or of you construction.
The light stage assignment is about how to use the backdrop with you model to create the diorama or scene that give the dynamic to your model a s much as possible. Actually I do enjoy this backdrop assignment because it’ s kind of fun for me that I’ve to search the picture and set the perspective vi ew, like I shoot the movie.
Turtle Boy
Free hand sketch
Turtle Boy
Perspective View 1
Turtle Boy
Perspective View 2
Turtle Boy
Perspective View 3
Turtle Boy
Dimension Grid
Turtle Boy •
Turtle boy assignment is one of the hardest assignment in my opinion because I got a lot of problem to finish this model such as the curve didn’t jo in together, the pipe tool cant work because the curve is to complex, and the curve network doesn’t work properly.
I tried to go faster than class at first and it works but after 2nd half of the class I cant do it because I found a lot of problems so I have to follow Amily i nstruction.
This assignment really challenge myself on how much I know and understand in the tools of Rhinoceros.
I named it “Turtle Boi”
Final Project: Sneaker
Free hand sketch
Final Project: Sneaker
1st session: Free 3D sketch
Final Project: Sneaker
2nd session: Build up the shoes
Final Project: Sneaker
3rd session: Transform it
Final Project: Sneaker
Final Model; Dragon (view 1)
Final Project: Sneaker
Final Model; Dragon (view 2)
Final Project: Sneaker
Dimension Grid
Final Project: Sneaker •
This assignment is the assignment that I am waiting for. A lot of idea was running around my head and everything happened so quick because I already have a lot of id ea in my head and I’m really excited in this project.
I use the most iconic sneaker of all time “Nike air Jordan 3” as my inspiration and my model’s base.
I start build the shoes construction and then pull, flip, and expand the shape to see how many possibility idea that I can create.
After working on this model for a couple of hour, I realized that I can explore a lot of technics and design then I end up with the idea of “Dragon sneaker”
I tried to keep all the iconic details but explore more of abstract composition and design on my model.
SLO Progress Report SLO 1: Create accurate drawings that communicate simple architectural design intentions. Apply graphic conventions and standards appropriately
Yes, after I create 3D model, I can easily produce my isometric view. (4)
Relate each drawing within a set to each other to fully describe significant aspects of a design from the general to the specific
Roof plan and exterior elevations describe my 3D models as a series of single but related views and perspectives gives a more realistic vision to my design. (4)
Demonstrate a correspondence between the design intentions to be communicated and the graphic representations produced to communicate them
Produce drawing that are readable and meaningful to others
SLO 2: Analyze the specific intentions communicated by analog and digital modes of graphic communication. Identify the intended message(s) behind the graphic communication, whether produced by analog or digital means
My design intent was to use basic SketchUp tools to create 3D models that is stand out.(3)
Assess the integrity of the message(s) – identify the strengths and weaknesses of the represented intentions
At this early point of the course, my messages are simple. As is, I’ve successfully envisioned my idea of 3D design.(4)
Assess the efficacy of the related graphic representa-tion(s)
My 3D designs are completely communicated to other with the multiple perspective views along with the roof plan and elevations. (4)
Propose enhancements to what is being graphically communicated
As I learn to use other SketchUp tools and really give me an opportunities to create and design something that I can’t build in real life by my hand and make it become possible to build. It’s really help me improve my imagination.(4)
SLO Progress Report – continued SLO 3: Apply use of scales, line quality, graphic conventions, and drawing systems and techniques. Create clear and appropriately ordered hierarchies of visual information
Compose elements of a drawing in a clear organized manner that relates visual information on each drawing and between sets of related drawings
SLO 4: Demonstrate an understanding of the purposes of various architectural graphic techniques. Identify the similarities and differences between:
Orthographic projections: plan, section, elevations, and details Paraline drawing: isometric and oblique Perspective drawing: 1-, 2- and 3-point
N/A Yes(4)
Only isometric views are demonstrated at this point. (4) Completing these perspective types is just a matter of move around, zooming, and panning. (4)
Compare and contrast the graphic systems describe directly above
Demonstrate an integrated use of analog and digital tools in the process of developing a set of design intentions
N/A, We haven’t yet used our freehand rapid visualization techniques.