GetDNATestServicesinIndiaat CompetitiveCosts
DNA is an organic molecule that contains a person's hereditary information. DNA testing is also known as genetic testing. It's a test that can identify changes in the body's chromosomes, proteins, or genes. DNA tests take tissue, blood, skin, hair, or saliva samples. It helps to confirm relationships between two or more individuals. It may also help establish your chances of passing or developing a genetic disease. A DNA test can be a real lifesaver and is usually the only choice to determine a biological relationship for peace of mind & legal cases. We provide 100 % accurate & reliable DNA tests in India for various purposes.
Types of DNA Tests in India
Types of DNA tests in India are mentioned below:
Maternity DNA Test: You can get a Maternity DNA test in India to establish the biological relationship between a baby & the alleged mother.

Paternity DNA Test: A paternity DNA test determines the biological relationship between the child and the alleged father or vice versa.
Paternity Trio DNA Test: This test is done for added accuracy and conclusivity of a Paternity DNA test report. In this test, the alleged mother, father, & baby have to submit their DNA samples.
Siblingship DNA Test: Sibling DNA tests establish the genetic relationship between two alleged siblings (brothers/sisters). We provide siblingship DNA tests in India in two different configurations - Half Siblingship & Full Siblingship.
Grandparentage DNA Test: Grandparentage DNA Test in India is usually done as an alternative to paternity or maternity testing. It's ideal in case the immediate biological parents are unavailable/deceased.
Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity DNA Test (No Sex Determination): Non-invasive prenatal paternity DNA test in India can verify the paternity of an unborn baby.
Ancestry DNA Test in India: An Ancestry DNA test in India is the best way to know about your ancestors. This DNA testing is possible since every person inherits their DNA from their biological parents. It outlines the geographical region and your ancestors' last three migrational routes. The following are some ancestry DNA tests in India that you can opt for:
o Paternal Lineage Ancestry Test
o Maternal Lineage Ancestry Test
o GPS Origins Ancestry Test
Immigration DNA Test: The beneficiary and the petitioner are both required to take the Immigration DNA test in India. The beneficiary is the individual who applies for an immigrant visa. The petitioner is the person who sponsors the immigration.
Why Choose DNA Forensics Laboratory for DNA Tests?
DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. is one of India's top DNA testing companies. Our testing lab is accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL). We provide 100% accurate & accredited DNA tests in India at competitive costs. You can get your DNA test report within 3-5 working days. You can also use our express services to get the DNA test reports on the same day or the next day (T&C applied).
For further queries about DNA tests, call +91 8010177771. You can also chat with us on WhatsApp at +91 9213177771.