How Accurate is a Prenatal Paternity Test? Is it Safe for the Baby & Mother?
A pregnant lady might choose to take a paternity DNA test before giving birth for various reasons. Besides clarifying the child's second parent, the result of a DNA paternity test can be essential for obtaining legal rights such as child custody & support and inheritance. A noninvasive prenatal paternity test (No Sex Determination) checks for comparing the baby and the alleged father while the woman is still pregnant. DNA is taken from the alleged mother and father to confirm paternity and examined with a series of laboratory tests called DNA sequencing. Get prenatal paternity DNA Test While Pregnant from accredited lab.

Sample Collection Process for Prenatal Paternity Test

The test is 100% safe for both baby and mother. A Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test is done after nine weeks of pregnancy. For this, the alleged fathers gave their cheek swab samples, and the mother gave their blood samples for this testing.
The unborn baby's DNA sample is the cell-free placental DNA that circulates in the mother's blood. The process then involves shortening the DNA into smaller fragments & amplifying using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. The profiles of the alleged father & unborn baby are then matched. Finally, paternity is established if the DNA analysis shows a 100% match. Paternity is not confirmed if the DNA analysis shows of 0% inclusion.
DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. is a reputed company for DNA testing in India. We are the only Indian company to offer legal DNA tests for honorable courts of law. We always provide 100% accurate and reliable DNA tests at affordable costs. We always keep our clients' confidentiality on priority.

For further questions about the prenatal paternity DNA test while pregnant, call +91 8010177771. You can chat with us on WhatsApp at +91 9213177771.