Sanford Rotary Newsletter

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The Cog Wheel


The Rotary Club of Sanford Triple Crown Club #6 International Charter #2021 Chartered 1925 The Rotary Club of Sanford, Inc. P.O. Box 2566 Sanford, NC 27331-2566 Website [in progress]

Meetings Noon, Tuesdays, The Flame Steakhouse 109 Carbonton Road; 919-776-7111

Officers President: Alan Dossenbach President Elect: David Nestor Vice President: Doug Gay Immediate Past President: Joy Gilmour Secretary: Sam Sillaman Treasurer: Ted Lanier Sergeant-at-Arms: James Mitchell

Service Directors Club: Lynn Veach Sadler Community: John Mangum Vocational/Youth: David Foushee International: Mitch Reese New Generations: Paul Horton Newsletter Editor: Lynn Veach Sadler

Rotary District 7690 District Governor: Rick Snider Assistant Governor: Mark Zeringue

Rotary International, 2012-2013

January, 2013 Rotary Awareness Month

From President Dossenbach HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone! It’s that time of the year when we as members of The Sanford Rotary need to concentrate on our upcoming projects for the first quarter. The first is our annual fundraiser, the 2013 Charity Gala, Saturday, February 16, 2013. We depend on it to enable us to support world-wide and local non-profits. We all need to concentrate on selling tickets—@ $50.00 per couple, a deal by any standard. Our eight new members should enable us to sell at least an extra 40 to 60 tickets. Call everyone you sold to last year. Think of a few more you can call this year. Ticket sales will make up at least half of the funds raised by this project. Also, without people attending, we can’t sell our auction items. We did an outstanding job last year of procuring $25.00-valued Raffle and Door Prize Items. We need at least twenty-four, along with Live Auction Items. Last year, these two categories netted us about $7000. Please ask those same businesses for their continued support and acquire additional business supporters. Steve Brewer, our host at The Flame Steakhouse, has generously donated FOUR $25.00-gift certificates, and I’ve managed to get a signed basketball (BIG BUCKS, don’t you think?) from the Wolf Pack Club. Everyone can be/needs to be involved in this process. If you know other companies (e.g., Lowes, Walmart) that could sponsor this event, please contact them or ask me to. We’ve also always had many generous member sponsors and hope they will continue their support. Our first quarter includes, too, the Interact Club’s Rotary Against Drugs speeches and Stop Hunger Now, March 16th, led by Mitch Reese. Being a Rotarian is all about helping others less fortunate. Again, I wish all of you a happy, healthy new year. YIR,


Rotary Club of Sanford 6th Annual Charity Gala Saturday, February 16, 2013 Sanford Elks Club, 6-10 P.M. All proceeds will support local charities and RI projects. $50 per couple Theme: “For the Love of Charity” Special Features dancing to The Big Time Party Band heavy hors d’oeuvres, a casino, a live/silent auction, a wine pyramid Dress—semi-formal • Cash bar 1

Rotary Awareness Month

Gustavus Loehr, Silvester Schiele, Hiram E. Shorey, and Paul P. Harris

Loehr, a mining engineer, was born in Carlinville, Illinois. He was a Rotarian for only a few years and never served as an officer, but that first Rotary meeting was held in his office, Room 711 of the Unity Building in downtown Chicago. Born in Maine, Shorey, too, was in Rotary for a short while but was Recording Secretary during the first year. Schiele, President of Schiele Coal Company, was the Chicago Club’s first President and Rotary International’s third Treasurer. Born in Terre Haute, Indiana, where he attended Business College, he was in the Army during the SpanishAmerican War. He and Harris were lifelong friends, lived near each other on Chicago’s South Side, and are buried near each other in Mount Hope Cemetery. Originally from Michigan, Ruggles was a graduate of Northwestern and joined Rotary at its second meeting. He was Treasurer of the Chicago Club its first year, President 1908-1910, and a Rotary Director 1912-1913. He introduced singing to Rotary meetings, and his H. L. Ruggles & Co. printed the first issue of The National Rotarian and the first Rotary songbook.

Paul P. Harris, Gustavus Loehr, Silvester Schiele, and Hiram E. Shorey met in Chicago, 23 February 1905, for what become known as the first Rotary Club meeting. Schiele served as the first President; Harris, the third (February 1907). San Francisco established the second club in 1908, and others began appearing across North America. On 1 August 1912, the Rotary Club of London became the first chartered abroad, although one had been organized earlier in Dublin but did not receive its charter until 1 May 1913. Paul Harris was elected first President of the National Association of Rotary Clubs (later, Rotary International) in 1910 and is the only one to have served two terms. Canadian E. Leslie Pidgeon (1917-1918) was the first from outside the United States; Sydney W. Pascall (19311932), the first from Great Britain; and Maurice Duperrey (1937-1938), the first from continental Europe. Duperrey was the first International President from abroad to tour America. He wired The Sanford Rotary that he and his wife would pass through on the New York Limited of the Seaboard Railroad 18 October 1937, at 7:54 P.M., and would be glad to see any or all at the station. Our members turned out, replete with a gift for Madame Duperrey. Edinburgh, Scotland, hosted the first convention outside North America in June 1921. The first in Asia was held in Tokyo in 1961. Among the record-setting 23,366 registrants, paid and unpaid, was the Emperor of Japan. The largest convention to date, based on the number of paid registrants, was Osaka in 2004, followed by the Rotary Centennial Convention, held in Chicago in 2005. This year’s Rotary International Convention is June 23-26 in Lisbon, Portugal. In 1929, The Rotary Foundation gave its first gift, $500, to the International Society for Crippled Children (later, Easter Seals), founded in 1921 by Rotarian Edgar F. Allen, of the Rotary Club of Elyria, Ohio. Recognition of Paul Harris Fellows was established in 1957 to show appreciation for contributions and to encourage substantial ones to what was then the Foundation’s only program, Rotary Foundation Fellowships for Advanced Study, precursor of Ambassadorial Scholarships. Now the recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute (or have contributions made in their name) $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation. 2

Dr. Cline’s POLIOPLUS Corner

Member Spotlight

The Journal of the American Medical Association [AMA] reports “blocks everywhere.”

Classification: Building Supplies (President, Lee Builder Mart)

A. R. Khowaja et al., researchers from Pakistan and the United States, Bulletin of the World Health Organization (2012; 90 [11]: 822830), report that “The refusal of many Pakistani parents to vaccinate their children against polio is the greatest barrier to eradication of the disease in that country. The group surveyed 1,017 parents of young children living in the country’s largest city, Karachi. They also interviewed 30 parents of Pashtun ethnicity. Pashtuns have the highest rates of polio in the country but would not allow vaccination. Reasons commonly cited for refusing it include lack of knowledge about the vaccine, lack of faith in its effectiveness, misperceptions about such adverse effects as infertility, and fear that the vaccine could contain ingredients forbidden by their religion. ... In late December, after eight people involved in the polio effort were shot and killed in two days, the United Nations suspended its polio vaccination drive in Pakistan. National Immunization Day Nancy Barbee, of District 7730, is leading a National Immunization Day trip to India February 18-March 1, 2013.

Tony G. Lett

Tony was born and reared in Sanford and was graduated from Sanford Central High School in 1972. He attended Sandhills Community College and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, graduating in 1976 with a degree in psychology. He began working in the family business, then called Lee Cabinet and Store Fixture Co., later Lee Builder Mart, when he was fourteen. His first job was shoveling the sawdust from under all of the woodworking machines. He worked at almost every job level of Lee Builder Mart and was named President in 1983. Tony and his lovely wife Rozie (Rosilyn) have three sons—Nick, Jonathan, and Matt. Their grandson, Kash Joseph Lett, is their pride and joy. Tony is active in First Baptist Church of Sanford, where he teaches an adult Sunday School Class, has served on the Board of Deacons, and is Chairman of the Missions Committee. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Sanford Area Habitat for Humanity since its beginnings in 1980. A member of the Board of Trustees of Central Carolina Community College for over fifteen years, he is very proud of the positive impact it has had in our area. He served on the Lee County Centennial (2007) Steering Committee as Vice-Chair of Special Projects in History.

Election Results Officers President: David Nestor President Elect: Doug Gay Vice President (Presidential Nominee, 2013-2014): Lynn Veach Sadler Immediate Past President: Alan Dossenbach Secretary: Sam Sillaman Treasurer: Douglas Mikesell Sergeant-at-Arms: Amber Rosser Cameron Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms: Judy Fowler Service Directors Club: Cindy Johnson Community: John Mangum Vocational/Youth: David Foushee International: Mitch Reese New Generations: Paul Horton Newsletter Editor: Lynn Veach Sadler 3

Members, The Rotary Club of Sanford ***+Adcock, Albert C. (Sylvia) 1414 Gormley Circle Sanford 27330-8240 Home: 919-774-9582 Office: 919-776-3804 Fax: 919-776-1981 Classification: Real Estate (Owner, Adcock and Associates)

Classification: Recycling Opera***Doster, Woods (Kathryn) tions (Lee Iron and Metal) 1709 Tomberlin Road Rotarian of the Year, 1987 Sanford 27330 ***Cox, Wilson (Sharon) Home: 919-774-6793 Box 327, Broadway 27505 Office: 919-775-5616 Classification: Estate Attorney Home: 919-258-6301 (Partner in Staton, Doster, Post, Cell: 919-775-9245 Silverman, and Foushee) Cameron, Amber Nicole Fax: 919-258-5485 Rosser (Derek) Classification: Accounting ***Esporas, Demosthenes 207 West Harrington Avenue, (Dixon Hughes, PLLC) (Demi) C., Dr. (Barbara) Broadway 27505 Rotarian of the Year, 2006 2313 Westwood Drive Sanford 27330 Office: 919-775-1588 ***Davenport, Tommy (Jean) Home: 919-776-0674 Cell: 919-356-4617 822-A Fitts Street, Sanford Office: 919-775-7146 Classification: Banker 27330 Fax: 919-774-7922 (Mortgage Loans, BB&T) tommydavenClassification: Urologist (Partner, Sanford Surgical Clinic) Clark, Paul J. (Jeff), Dr. Home: 919-776-2538 (Karen) Classification: Groceries WholeFoster, David 1608 Tomberlin Road sale (J. T. Davenport & Sons) 105 Fox Run Road Sanford 27330 Pinehurst 28374 ∞ *** Dossenbach, Alan L. Home: 919-774-4580 (Janice) Office: 919-774-4220 211-221 Wicker Street Home: 910-690-7527 Classification: Clergy Sanford 27330 Office: 919-718-7545 (First Baptist Church of Sanford, Fax: 919-776-8739 Senior Pastor) Home: 919-775-5251 Classification: Hospitality and Office: 919-775-7237 Event Management (Director, ***+Cline, Robert (Bob) S., Dr. Classification: Furniture—Retail Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center) (Martha) (President, Dossenbach’s Finer 1880 Brookwood Avenue, #413 Furniture) ***Foushee, David (Lisa) Burlington 27515-3208 Rotarian of the Year, 2012 PO Box 1789, Sanford 27331 Home: 336-570-8551 ∞ *** Dossenbach, Thomas Home: 919-776-7678 Classification: Honorary Mem(Tom) F. (Mary) Office: 919-777-2926 ber (Family Physician, retired; 1805 Crepe Myrtle Drive Fax: 919-777-2927 Sanford Medical Group) Sanford 27330 Classification: Banker Rotarian of the Year, 1996 (President, First Bank) Home: 919-775-5761 ***∞Cohen, Leopold (Poly) I. Office: 919-775-5017 Fowler, Judy Wilkie, Dr. (Sarah, “Sissy”) Cell: 919-259-4429 2102 Wilkins Drive Box 778, Sanford 27331 Fax: 919-775-2187 Sanford 27330 Classification: Industrial Home: 919-775-7541 agement Consultant (President, Home: 919-718-1751 Office: 919-775-7951 Dossenbach Associates, Inc.) Fax: 919-718-1751 Cell: 919-775-9217 Classification: Communications Fax: 919-775-5612 (English Professor) 4

***Gay, Douglas (Doug) M. (Elizabeth, “Liz”) 1415 Crepe Myrtle Drive Sanford 27330 Home: 919-774-1511 Office: 919-708-7055 Classification: Banker (Sandhills Market President, VantageSouth Bank )

Rotarian of the Year, 1966

***Lanier, Ted B. (Peggy) 1818 Windmill Drive ***∞Horton, Paul W. (Candice) Sanford 27330 1933 Larkspur Drive Sanford 27330 Home: 919-774-4689 Classification: Retired Banker Home: 919-776-4750 Office: 919-775-7225 ***∞Lett, Tony G. Fax: 919-774-4853 (Rosilyn, “Rozie”) Classification: Tire Sales— 908 Gilmore Drive, Sanford Retail (Vice President, Perry 27330 ***∞Gilmour, Joyce (Joy) Brothers Tire Company) Wilkins 602 Pinecrest Lane ***+Howard, Paul O., Dr. Home: 919-776-8603 Sanford 27330 (Dr. Barbara) Office: 919-775-5555 400 Waters Drive, Apt. D108 Cell: 919-842-0090 Home: 919-718-5925 Southern Pines 28387-2253 Fax: 919-775-3105 Office: 919-775-3832 Classification: Building Supplies Classification: Real Estate Fax: 919-775-1236 (President, Lee Builder Mart) (President, Wilkins Corporation) Classification: Senior Active Rotarian of the Year, 2010 (Partner, Sanford Medical Group) ***+Love, Jimmy L. (Etta) Rotarian of the Year, 1992 2320 Hawkins Avenue ***Hockaday, J. (Jeff) F., Dr. Sanford 27330 (Dixie) Deloris C. Jenkins (George) Home: 919-776-2690 1909 Windmill Drive 614 Cashmere Court Office: 919-775-7119 Sanford 27330 Sanford 27332 Fax: 919-776-3311 somethingdifferentinteriClassification: Attorney Home: 919-718-9812 (Owner, Love and Love, PA) Classification: Retired College Home: 919-499-9263 President Cell: 919-356-4712 ***Mangum, John Rowland, Fax: 919-499-0758 Dr. (Ellen) 2013 Paul Street, Sanford 27330 Hollowell, Michael (Mike) S. Classification: Truck Broker, (Karen) Interior Design 2012 Mallard Cove Road (President, Jenkins Brokerage, Home: 919-776-5050 Sanford 27332 Inc.; Owner, Something Different Office: 919-774-6518 Interiors) Classification: Family Medicine Shane.S.Hollowell@Store.lowes. (Partner, Sanford Medical Group) com Johnson, Cynthia (Cindy) B. Home: 919-827-6230 (John) Mikesell, Douglas (Doug) Office: 919-776-5644 1906 Larkspur Drive Wayne (Patricia) Classification: Retail Sales, Sanford 27330 6022 St. Andrews Drive Home Building (Store Manager, Sanford 27332 Lowe’s Home Improvement) Home: 919-776-1619 Home: 910-221-8645 ***∞Holt, William (Bill) M., Jr. Office: 919-775-3525 Work: 910-309-3745 (Katherine) Fax: 919-775-4503 707 Denada Path, Sanford 27330 Classification: Broadcast Adver- Classification: Computer TechHome: 919-775-3162 tising nology Classification: Senior Active (WWGP: Sales Account Execu- (Owner, Home Computing (Holt Truck and Tractor) tive/Media Specialist) Tune-Ups) 5

***∞Mitchell, James, III (Catherine) 2553 Hawkins Avenue Sanford 27330 Home: 919-776-6825 Office: 919-775-1861 Cell: 919-353-2895 Fax: 866-462-6054 Classification: Financial Advisor (Partner, Edward Jones) *Moss, Jeffrey (Jeff) Charles, Dr. (Darlene) Lee County Schools 106 Gordon Street Sanford 27330 jmoss@Lee.K12.NC.US Office: 919-774-6226 Classification: School Superintendent *Nestor, David A. (Dawn) 1101 South Horner Boulevard Sanford 27330 Home: 919-353-2020 Office: 919-775-5444 Classification: Real Estate Broker (Adcock & Associates) ***∞Poletti, Richard (Dick) L. (Genevieve) 628 Chisholm Street Sanford 27330 Home: 919-774-7074 Office: 919-775-2251 Cell: 919-708-3720 Fax: 919-774-1319 Classification: Real Estate Broker (Forbes Real Estate) ***Reese, Mitchell (Mitch) C., Dr. (Jeannine) 1816 Carthage Street Sanford 27330 Home: 919-776-1095 Office: 919-774-7117

***Spence, Thomas (Tom) K., Jr. (Brenda) 294 Fairway Lane, Sanford ∞ Richmond, Phillip (Phill) Paul 27332 (Nena) Home: 919-498-2159 1496 Abercorn Lane Classification: Minister Sanford 27330 (Presbyterian) Rotarian of the Year, 2007 Home: 919-718-7935 Office: 919-776-8500 ***Taylor, Howard P. (Bud) Cell: 919-353-5134 (Hayden) Fax: 919-776-1270 Classification: Financial Planner 1505 Windmill Drive Sanford 27330-8239 (Consolidated Planning, Inc.) ∞ *** Rosser, Thomas (Tommy) Home: 919-776-9565 Cell: 919-708-3379 M., Jr. (Glenda) Fax: 919-774-8848 Box 328, Broadway 27505 Classification: Forestry (Retired) Home: 919-258-3756 ***Yarborough, Carol M. Office: 919-776-8500 (Ann) Cell: 919-356-4614 2000 Wilkins Drive, Sanford Fax: 919-776-1270 27330 Classification: Financial ning (Investment Advisor, ConHome: 919-775-2082 solidated Planning, Inc.) Rotarian of the Year, 2002, 2007 Office: 919-776-6266 Classification: Restaurateur (Owner, Yarborough’s Ice *Sadler, Lynn Veach, Dr. Cream) (Dr. Emory) 163 Wood Wedge Way York, Jonathan A. Sanford 27332 315 North Steele Street Sanford 27330 Home: 919-499-9216 Fax: 919-498-1416 Home: 919-776-7525 Classification: Writer/Editor Office: 919-776-3525 (former college president) Fax: 919-775-2582 ∞ Classification: Youth Mentor *** Sillaman, Sam (Boys and Girls Club of Sanford/ (Theresa, “Tree”) Lee County, Director of Mentor2122 Detroit Boulevard ing Programs) Sanford 27332 Home: 919-499-2364 *Sustaining Paul Harris Fellow Office: 919-774-6324 (SPHF). Cell: 919-499-7940 **SPHF and Paul Harris Fellow Fax: 919-775-4985 (PHF). Classification: Printer (Owner, ***SPHF, PHF, and Benefactor. + ALL DIGITAL Printing & DocuHonorary Member. ∞ ment Services) Past President. Rotarian of the Year, 2004 Classification: Pediatrics (Owner, Sanford Pediatrics, PA)


The Sanford Rotary “Back in the Day” Early in 1925, some Sanford business leaders thought it would be nice to have a Rotary Club, though a few worried that the town was too small. Only two people here had belonged to a Rotary Club or another civic organization—E. C. (“Tuts”) Heins and Dr. R. C. Gilmore, Pastor of First Presbyterian. The latter, though he had belonged to a Rotary, doubted its success. Not one of the original twenty, he joined shortly. The last charter member, Dr. Arthur Barber, died in 1983, at age 91. The Sanford Rotary came into being ten years after Raleigh organized the Rotary that was its first civic club and twenty years after the very first Rotary was chartered in Chicago in 1905 by Paul Harris and others. Dunn, assisted by Raleigh, sponsored us. We were the 2,021st Rotary. The Club met at the Methodist Church on Tuesdays, 12:30-1:30. Each member paid 75¢ for lunch and was fined 25¢ if he was more than five minutes late. The first Club Charter Night was May 14, 1925. The “wit and humor” on the occasion set a hallmark for which we still aim (!). The banquet was held at the American Legion Hall, where the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the American Legion served a “sumptuous supper” to 120. The Raleigh Rotary Orchestra entertained. The first meal served at the new Wilrik Hotel [whose name derived from Wilkins-Ricks Company] was a noon banquet on Tuesday, July 28, 1925, for The Sanford Rotary, of which Lucien Perryman Wilkins, grandfather of current member Joy Gilmour, was a charter member. It offered Grapefruit Cocktail, Puree of Tomato, Fried Spring Chicken, Cold Roast Beef, French Fried Potatoes, Carrots and Peas, Corn on the Cob, California Peach Salad, Vanilla Ice Cream, Wafers, Hot Rolls, Coffee, Tea, and Milk. Special guests from town were invited. The servers were “young women” dressed in white; the bell boy and butlers wore uniforms; an orchestra of Sanford youth played on the mezzanine. The meetings moved, later, to Campbell’s Restaurant and then to the Elks Club. The first Ladies Night for “Rotary Anns,” as wives were known, was held 12 June 1925. The Sanford Music Club gave a recital. Member Lux Cross announced that Rotary was making every effort to assist the unmarried members in securing mates. At Ladies Night 10 February 1953, Andy and Barbara Griffith, then teaching school in Goldsboro, presented the program. Shortly thereafter, he recorded “What It Was Was Football” and was on his way to The Andy Griffith Show and beyond. The Rotary Ann Night of February 9, 1971, is known for the speaker who didn’t show up. Dr. Floyd Knight made an impromptu speech. Afterward, he was named Rotarian of the Year. I assumed that the designation took off from Raggedy Ann (and Andy). Not so! In 1914, Rotarians in San Francisco rode a special train to Houston to attend the Rotary Convention. Few women accompanied their husbands then, and, until the train reached Los Angeles, the only one on board was Mrs. Ann Brunnier, who was introduced as her husband’s “Ann” and, quickly, as “Rotary Ann.” The members aboard planned to ask that the next convention be held in San Francisco. Immediately, one of them wrote a “Rotary Ann” chant to include in the “advertising” they meant to “perform” upon arrival. The derivation of “Rotary Anns” was still incomplete, however. In the delegation meeting the train was Philadelphia Rotarian Guy Gundaker, whose wife was also “Ann.” When the chant began, both ladies were paraded about on the Rotarians’ shoulders. The term spread and continued to be reinforced by the fact that both husbands served as Presidents of Rotary International (Gundaker in 1923; Brunnier in 1952), with each of the original Anns becoming known as the “First Lady of Rotary International.” The next step was the introduction of Rotary Ann Auxiliaries, proposed by Maimee Lee Browne of Oklahoma City in 1928. [See my “Sadler (But Wiser),” “North Carolina Notables” column, “A Rotary Couple,” on Bill and Peggy Wyatt, in the Lee County Star-Tribune—] In 1970, Dr. Floyd Knight hosted the entire club at dinner as the promised pay-off for reaching 100 members. That success continued and led to our sponsoring a new club for the Jonesboro area in 1985. The prime movers included Albert M. Ankrom, Hubert Garner, George Curry, and Bill Lawrence. —To be continued. 7

January Programs (and Beyond) 1/8

Doug Gay, “Why Rotary?”



1/22 Wilson Cox, Income and Estate Tax Extensions for 2013 1/29 David Clay, Chief Operating Officer, Central Carolina Hospital

The Rotary Prayer

The Four-Way Test

Lord, We give thanks for the blessings of this day, for the fellowship we enjoy in Rotary, for the opportunities of service above self, and for our daily bread. Amen

Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL for all concerned?

2/5 Rotary Against Drugs Speeches, Interact Club 2/12 President Dossenbach, Annual Gala: “For the Love of Charity”

District Governor Rick Snider will be our speaker February 19th.

Married to Rotary

Anniversaries Jeff and Karen Clark 1/3—32 years David and Dawn Nestor— 1/6—6 years

James Mitchell— 9 years Joy Gilmour—8 years

Board Meeting: 1/15 or 1/22

Upcoming February 8—District Leadership Training February 16—Sanford Rotary Gala, Elks Club February 19—Visit of Governor Rick Snider March 16—Stop Hunger Now (Sanford Rotary and area clubs) March 21-23—PETS [President-Elect Training Seminars] April 19-21—District Conference, Homestead, Hot Springs, VA May—District Assembly, TBA June 23-26—Rotary International Convention, Lisbon, Portugal June 25—Annual Charter Night Banquet


Friday, 1:00 P.M., The Ramada Inn Friday, noon, AVS Banquet Center Thursday, noon, McDonald Building Wednesday, 6:30 P.M., American Legion Post #6 Thursday, 12:30 P.M., Women’s Club Monday, 6:30 P.M., Haymont Grill Thursday, noon, The Flame Steakhouse Thursday, 6:30 P.M., Sirena’s Courtyard Restaurant Tuesday, noon, Pine Crest Inn Monday, 7:00 A.M., Golden Corral Monday, 12:05 P.M., Western Chatham Senior Center Friday, noon, Mid-Pines Inn Thursday, 1:00 P.M., Medical Arts Building On-Line Make-Ups [Scroll bottom right to the make-up button.] 8

Belated birthday wishes to Jeff Clark— 12/20

January Birthday Tony Lett—1/2

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