By Keith Larson Focused on sports life, new to Digital Media Production.
EXT. AVERAGE HIGH SCHOOL – DAY A wide view of a regular high school, zooming on to one specific character: Connor. Connor walks through big crowds to reach his friends in one group sitting at a lunch table. Michael, Austin, and Johnny. Connor walks to the table and sits down. CONNOR Did you guys see the new yearbooks? AUSTIN No, why? JOHNNY Yeah, is something wrong with them? MICHAEL Ha-ha, wow, I can’t believe you two haven’t heard yet. JOHNNY I’m sorry we don’t know about yearbooks. Voices of many people are heard in the background as the camera focuses on the one group. CONNER Well there is always one original book made, and then others are mass copied after that copy, and guess what somebody did to the first copy before it could get copied? AUSTIN What, rip it up? Vandalize it? MICHAEL No, he or she stole it. 2
FADE IN FROM BLACK: INT. SCIENCE CLASSROOM – DAY Connor, Michael, Johnny, and Austin all sit at the same table as each other. CONNOR I actually think that this missing yearbook could be a pretty cool case for us to solve. MICHAEL Yeah, we could be like, hunters, or something. AUSTIN We could like interview people from the yearbook class and ask them where it could be. While Connor, Michael, and Austin all seem to be amused by this idea, Johnny is uninterested in it. JOHNNY Ehh, why not? CONNOR So it’s settled. At lunch, let’s go find that book. JOHNNY I want to eat during lunch though. AUSTIN Then you can eat and we will search. JOHNNY Alright then.
EXT. LUNCH COURT – DAY Johnny eats his lunch while Michael, Connor, and Austin all look for people who look suspicious enough to have stolen the book. AUSTIN Maybe him-no never mind, too weird. MICHAEL What about him? No he has too many friends. One of his friends would have found out and told. CONNOR We’re never going to find who did it. Let’s go back to the lunch tables and just eat. Connor says, with a look of defeat on his face. MICHAEL Alright. AUSTIN Okay. Connor, Michael, and Austin show up to the table that Johnny is sitting at, and Johnny pulls out his backpack. JOHNNY Guys, guess what. Before The three guys have a chance to speak, Johnny pulls out the missing yearbook. All three guys look shocked and puzzled at the same time. AUSTIN How?
JOHNNY I found it on a table, right after you told me it was missing, it was just sitting there. MICHAEL Well go turn it in to the office now then. JOHNNY Alright, but wait, before I do, let me show you guys something. Johnny opens the book to the guys’ pictures, to reveal mustaches drawn in ink on their faces. THE END