DNV research review 2012 lr (2)

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Research & Innovation

research review 2012 DNV`s future at a GLANCE


Research & Innovation Research Review 2012

contents Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Position Papers 2012......................................................................................................................................................................4 Special projects - Arctic Resource Development.......................................................................................................................................6 - Distilling the lessons....................................................................................................................................................................7 - Viking Lady goes hybrid........................................................................................................................................................8 - MARV™ for pipelines...................................................................................................................................................................9 Technology Outlook 2020 - Healthcare...........................................................................................................10 Joint Industry Projects................................................................................................................................................................12 DNV Research & Innovation Programmes....................................................................................................14 Papers - DNV Paper series, presentations, lectures, magazine-articles, books, posters............................................................................................................................16 Reports - DNV Technical Reports, Reports with a major DNV contribution.........................................................................................................22

Design, layout and print production: Erik Tanche Nilssen AS, 03/2013. Printed on environmentally friendly paper. Photo: p1, p6, p7, p9, p12, p26 iStockphoto.


HELPING SOCIETY AND CUSTOMERS ON THE PATHWAY TO A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE Research and innovation is a cornerstone in DNV and a key competitive factor that enables us to be on the forefront of new technological developments and provide high quality services to our customers. DNV invests 6% of its revenue in research and development activities. 1% of the revenue is dedicated to strategic research with a long-term focus. A key aspect of the strategic research is to identify main technology and risk management trends. Another is to develop new competences and services for the future.

As a company we are set up to manage risk in a constantly changing environment. As one of the world’s leading classification societies we drive the industry towards greener, safer and smarter shipping. In the oil and gas sector our goal is to become the world’s leading risk management services provider in challenging operational environments. In the energy sector, we assist customers to develop, deploy and operate electrical power in a clean, safe, and cost efficient manner. Our certification services contribute to proper resource management, minimal waste, and continuous improvement. Further on, our operations shall positively impact the energy transition towards a low carbon economy. In an increasingly complex world, the knowledge, competence and system thinking that DNV has provided for almost 150 years will become even more relevant. DNV can contribute to ensure that transformational technology is harnessed to drive sustainable growth. Starting with the maritime, oil and gas and power sectors, DNV can help define what a safe and sustainable future should look like, and help society and customers on the pathway to this future.

This research review is intended to highlight findings from our research programs in 2012. While some of the projects find solutions to specific technological challenges, others aim to share best engineering practices or to develop new global standards. Knowledge sharing is core to our success, and we are pleased to share our technical capabilities, research and innovation with you.

Rune Torhaug Managing director, DNV Research & Innovation


Research & Innovation Research Review 2012

Position papers published in 2012 A Position Paper from DNV Research and Innovation is intended to highlight findings from our research programs.



System health assessment using remote platforms. In this report, we examine how wireless sensor network can be used to manage risk in real time in industrial plants. 4 significant challenges are identified and discussed.

Managing the complexity of ship machinery systems. The paper presents the development of model-based systems engineering methodologies that are pivotal in managing the complexity of modern marine machinery systems.

System Health Assessment Using Remote Platforms — SHARP

Adding value to high energy density batteries. The risks associated with the capture of residual battery energy value in applications besides electric vehicles are discussed in this paper.

Managing the complexity of ship machinery systems

Adding Value to High Energy Density Batteries Design, layout and print production: Erik Tanche Nilssen AS, 04/2010 Printed on environmentally friendly paper.

Design, layout and print production: Erik Tanche Nilssen AS, 04/2010 Printed on environmentally friendly paper.

DNV Research and Innovation, Position Paper 10 - 2012

DNV Research and Innovation, Position Paper 11 - 2012

Research and Innovation, Position Paper 13 - 2012

Fuel cells for ships. Fuel cell technology has recently been proven successful in large mairitime demonstration projects. This report covers the story of the FellowShipproject initiated and coordinated by DNV Research and Innovation.

Research and Innovation, Position Paper 12 - 2012

Pathways to Low Carbon Shipping - Abatement Potential Towards 2050 Design, layout and print production: Erik Tanche Nilssen AS, 12/2012 Printed on environmentally friendly paper.

Fuel cells for ships Design, layout and print production: Erik Tanche Nilssen AS, 06/2012 Printed on environmentally friendly paper.

Design, layout and print production: Erik Tanche Nilssen AS, 04/2010 Printed on environmentally friendly paper.

DNV COSSMOS: Complex ship systems modelling & simulation

Research and Innovation, Position Paper 14 - 2012

Managing the complexity of ship machinery systems. This paper is a follow up of our 2009-report on Pathways to Low Carbon Shipping. This report demonstrate a new probabilistic model to analyse pathways towards 2050.


Research & Innovation Research Review 2012

a joint RepoRt fRoM fni and dnV Prepared for the ONS Summit 2012

Arctic Resource Development Risks and Responsible ManageMent

Special projects

Arctic Resource Development High global demand for energy and minerals has led to increasing interest in the exploration and use of Arctic resources. The decreasing ice cover in recent years is a further major reason for the growth in attention, spurring interest in oil and gas exploration as well as shipping. There is widespread concern that the increased interest will unleash unsafe and high risk projects that could have a disastrous impact on the Arctic environment and habitat. This report is not advocating specific decisions for companies contemplating Arctic activities, but acknowledging that increased economic activity in the region is all but inevitable, it addresses crucial issues with regard to risk analysis and management in the strategic planning of Arctic operations: • • • •



What are the distinctive features of the Arctic and what kind of risks emanate from them? What international framework exists for the regulation of economic activity? What type of management system is most relevant? How can companies manage risk in the region?

This report was prepared by DNV Research and Innovation and colleagues from the DNV NFR-division in cooperation with Fridtjof Nansen Institute. The report was presented at the ONS Summit 2012 by DNV’s CEO Henrik Madsen.

ReseaRch & InnovatIon RIsK ManaGeMent FoR PatIent saFetY

distilling the lessons eURoPean WoRKshoP on RIsK ManaGeMent FoR PatIent saFetY

Special projects

Distilling the lessons

European workshop on Risk Management for Patient Safety

stephen Leyshon, eva turk, Morten Pytte, stephen Mcadam and charles vincent 21st november 2012 Distilling the lessons


This report summarises the discussion points from DNV’s European Workshop on Risk Management for Patient Safety. In drawing together the presentations and dialogue from the day, it focuses on highlighting the key learning and recommendations. Every day around the world many millions of people receive effective and compassionate healthcare. It is also well established that a significant proportion are harmed by the very same health services: globally, estimates suggest that about 10% of patients admitted to hospital will experience some degree of adverse event. Systematic action on patient safety is only a little more than a decade old and there has been substantial progress on a number of fronts. However there is general agreement that the ambitious targets of earlier years have not been met and there has been much speculation about why this might be. In contrast, other safety critical sectors that involve high risk processes have been more successful at addressing risk and reducing harm.

Responding to major disasters such as Flixborough and Piper Alpha, other sectors have made greater improvements to their safety by using risk based approaches: working to ensure that they have an appropriate number and strength of prevention and mitigation controls in place relative to their hazards. It is unclear why healthcare struggles to manage risk in comparison to other safety critical sectors. Certainly patient safety remains a tough problem to solve not just because of its massive scale but also because of the complex interaction of cultural, technical, clinical and psychological factors. The workshop was an opportunity to explore these reasons in more depth, review progress to date and to make suggestions for improvement.



Research & Innovation Research Review 2012

Special projects

Viking Lady goes hybrid Following the success of the installation and demonstration of the fuel cell power pack on board Viking Lady, the FellowSHIP project is entering into a third project phase in which energy storage capability in the form of a battery pack is introduced in the energy production system. This allows the benefits of a true hybrid energy system to be explored for the offshore supply vessel. The potential benefits of the hybrid energy system are reduction of fuel consumption and emissions through more efficient operation of the engines in addition to smoother operation of the engines and the fuel cell leading to safer operation and reduction in requirements for maintenance. The project will seek to build, install and demonstrate a hybrid energy system on-board Viking Lady. The savings in fuel and reduction in emissions in various vessel operating conditions will be documented through a comprehensive measurement program. The following operations and strategies will be tested: • • •



Island mode where the ship is operated on power from the fuel cell and battery alone Transit mode in heavy weather condition where the battery is used to reduce frequent load variations on the engines Dynamic Positioning mode where the battery is used as power redundancy as well as adopting a charge/ discharge strategy allowing the engines to operate at efficient loads in addition to reducing frequent load variations.

In parallel with the commissioning and testing of the hybrid energy system, a simulation model of the hybrid system will be produced and calibrated by the measurement results. The model can then be used to optimize the Viking Lady energy system as well as facilitating model based investigations and optimization of generic hybrid systems. DNV will also develop rules for hybrid systems allowing for approval of this and other marine hybrid energy systems within the framework of ship classification. By introducing a hybrid energy system on-board Viking Lady, we hope to reduce the fuel consumption by in excess of 20%. For Viking Lady this would give an estimated pay-back time of less than 2 years for the hybrid system. The emission reductions will also be substantial, and in particular local emissions in the harbor will be virtually eliminated. The project will be carried out over 3 years and is partly supported by the Norwegian Research Council. Picture above: Battery pack ready for installation.

For illustration purpose only. Does not display the actual product.

Special projects

MARV™ for pipelines The primary objective of the Multi-Analytic Risk Visualization (MARV™) project is to develop a flexible but rigorous methodology for risk assessment and deliver the results on a dynamic, visual platform. Pipelines in the oil and gas industry are an ideal test case for the MARV™ methodology, mainly because pipeline failures are often unexpected and have severe consequences on life, property and the environment. Risk is often location and time dependent. Therefore, geographic information must be connected to an understanding of failure processes. The prediction of future risk of pipeline failure requires the ability to connect causative factors in a quantitative manner to the failure process. The MARV™ process involves three separate steps: 1. Data Acquisition and Management: In order to develop a truly comprehensive risk assessment method, it is critical to use ‘all’ available information. Many types and sources of information exist. The types of information regarding a pipeline can be grouped into three main categories: incident databases, time based data, and geographic based information. The MARV™ tool box can integrate a wide variety of data sources. 2. Modeling of Probability and Consequences: Bayesian network models rely on the idea that the probability of an event depends on the probabilities of its causes and that, in the absence of existing statistical information, initial guesses can be updated using a variety of observations. Bayesian network model is especially useful for complex systems, such as pipelines, where hundreds of factors can be linked together in a complex network. In MARV™, a variety of methods is used to develop the initial probability distributions of causative events and the cause-consequence connections.

3. Visualization and Communication: A good visualization tool is essential in a risk management program. The MARV™ tool shows the results of the risk assessment in a location and time specific manner. The tool is designed to obtain an overview of the system and to drill down and discover more detailed information. All numbers and calculations used to assess the risk can be made available, thus providing complete transparency. Technological developments have enabled us to receive the information electronically via touch screen interfaces anywhere we go. 4. Testing and Validation: In parallel to MARV™’s development in DNVR&I, a Cutting Edge project was started in order to introduce the methodology to DNV units and the industry. DNV’s business units in Columbus (USA) undertook this role. First, the methodology was presented to DNV units and their clients in different geographical locations. Their feedback was used to make changes in the approach and the tool. And finally, client pipeline data were used to validate MARV™ methodology. The results, thus far, show that the predictions of MARV™ are consistent with observations.


Research & Innovation Research Review 2012

Technology Outlook 2020


LAUNCHED JANUARY 2012 AT A HØVIK-EVENT. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN DNV HISTORY, WE PUBLISHED A TECHNOLOGY OUTLOOK FOR THE HEALTHCARE SECTOR. In Technology Outlook 2020 Healthcare we identify global megatrends and technologies that will be pertinent to the healthcare sector in 2020. The report has been presented to main stakeholders nationally as well as internationally (Ministry of Health, international conferences, seminars) and has created media attention during 2012. The healthcare sector faces challenges that threaten a sustainable development in many countries globally; healthcare expenditure in developed countries takes up a larger proportion of the economies and has the potential to trigger a financial crisis if not contained, the rising elderly population in many countries will put a burden to healthcare organisations struggling with shortage in healthcare workers, concomitantly the pandemic of non-communicable diseases constitute one of the major challenges for development in the twenty-first century. Implementation of new and existing technologies in the healthcare sector may aid healthcare systems in overcoming the challenges, but will also introduce new risks to patients.



In the final section we present the “Safe Hospital 2020” where we illustrate how new and existing technologies may be used to improve patient safety. The main objective of producing Technology Outlook 2020 Healthcare is to share our views and to stimulate discussions. The views and analyses have been formed by the Research and Innovation unit and might not be shared by all parts of the DNV organisation. We do not claim to have all the answers, but we have based our opinions on our expertise and competence in a broad range of areas.


technology outlook 2020 HEALTHCARE

In Technology Outlook 2020 Healthcare DNV’s Research and Innovation unit has identified global megatrends and technologies that will be pertinent to the healthcare sector in 2020.


Research & Innovation Research Review 2012

Joint industry projects Assessment of Corrosion Resistant Alloys in Severe Wells This JIP was established in November 2011 and is scheduled for 3 years. The projects is sponsored by oil & gas majors together with international manufacturers – a total of 8 members. Objective: Develop a fundamental model to predict the performance of CRA in well environments for future risk assessments Scope: Testing in sour gas environments, electrochemical modeling

Technology Qualification for Offshore HVDC transmission technologies During 2012 DNV RI in cooperation with DNV KEMA successfully launched and kicked off a JIP with 10 participants. The target of the JIP is to publish a Recommended Practice (RP) for Technology Qualification of offshore HVDC transmission technologies by Q2 2014. The objective of the RP is to provide a systematic method for qualification of offshore HVDC transmission technologies. The RP gives guidance on how to utilise the generic qualification procedure for new technology, presented in DNV-RP-A203, on offshore HVDC transmission technologies. The RP is applicable for complete offshore HVDC systems, subsystems and, components.


At DNV, we work continuously to improve technologies, methodologies and solutions related to the energy and maritime sector. Close collaboration with the industry has been key to the results we have produced. This is our simple idea: If we combine our own development resources with those of the industry, we can achieve so much more.

ICESTRUCT By the end of 2012, DNVRI finalised the JIP «IceStruct». The aim of this project was to provide design guidelines in compliance with ISO 19906:2010(E), Arctic offshore structures. The project was sponsored by several key international oil & gas companies and engineering contractors – a total of 23 members. Deliverables: • the IceStruct JIP Commentary on ISO 19906, which is a document identifying gaps in the ISO 19906 Standard and commenting on possible solutions aimed at filling these gaps • the IceStruct JIP Guideline, which is a step-by-step “recipe” guidance document, targeted at the offshore designer, for obtaining appropriate characteristic ice loads and ice load effects, which are required for design checks according to standard offshore design practice (as specified, for example, by ISO 19900)

Carbon Asset Network DNVRI became a member of this JIP-based network by end of 2012. Objective: Reframe opportunities for CO2, share best practices, develop new solutions, educate key stakeholders, deploy test centers, and drive innovation. Scope: network meetings of senior executives, develop position papers, explore test center concepts Members are: Tri-State Energy, World Wildlife Federation, X Prize Foundation, Prize Capital, and Pure energy Partners.

• the IceStruct JIP Background Report, documenting the basis for the work done towards producing the first two deliverables. Further work: To develop the IceStruct JIP Guideline into a DNV Recommended Practice; DNV-RP-C209. 13

Research & Innovation Research Review 2012

DNV Research and Innovation The objective of the strategic research activities is to enable long term innovation and business growth in support of the overall strategy of DNV. The activities will focus on technology and risk management trends, building new competence and foundation for new services in DNV and on ensuring early market positioning and branding of DNV as a recognised technology and risk management leader. Our efforts are aligned with DNVs vision of global impact for a safe and sustainable future.

Objective: Research and innovation to position DNV for a low carbon energy future. Themes: -- Power Systems -- Risk Based Adaptation to Climate Change -- Process modelling and Simulation

Maritime Transportation

Information Technology

Objective: Contribute to greener, safer and smarter shipping.

Objective: Develop better data analytics and modeling for improved performance and safe operations.

Themes: -- Greener shipping -- Safe shipping -- Marine Systems Engineering



Themes: -- Dependable Control Systems & Software -- Big data analytics of spatial and temporal data


Arctic Technology

Objective: Perform research on sensor technology and materials performance to ensure safe and more efficient operations.

Objective: Build competence, methods and tools in order for DNV to provide services based on expert knowledge of arctic conditions.

Themes: -- Materials in Sustainable Energy -- Materials in Maritime, Oil & Gas (MOG) -- Advanced Materials and Sensors

Themes: -- Arctic Offshore Structures -- Arctic Ship Structures

POWER & ELECTRIFICATION Healthcare Objective: Focus on patient safety as a theme. Our overall objective is to contribute to improved patient safety globally leveraging on DNV competence from other safety critical industries. Themes: Patient safety -- System knowledge of healthcare from a risk perspective -- Healthcare risk management -- Person Centred Care

Objective: Build competence, methods and tools in order for DNV to provide services based on expert knowledge of electricity grids. We want competitive advantage and thought leadership positions. Themes: Supergrids -- International ballancing of supply and demand, HVDC, interconnections, control systems, testing, 3rd party Smartgrids -- “Local” ballancing of supply and demand, Solar, EV, HEMS, Power matching, DR, HP, storage, ageing networks, sensors, ESCO’s


Research & Innovation Research Review 2012


DNV Paper series, presentations, lectures, magazine-articles, books, posters ARCTIC Author: Guo, Fengwei Title: Reanalysis of ice induced steady state vibration from an engineering perspective Notes: [Paper presented at] Proceedings of the 21st IAHR International Symposium on Ice. Dalian, China, June 11-15, 2012, paper#98 Author: Guo, Fengwei Title: A spectral model for simulating continuous crushing ice load Notes: [Paper presented at] Proceedings of the 21st IAHR International Symposium on Ice. Dalian, China, June 11-15, 2012, paper#99 Author: Jenssen, Nils Albert; Torbjørn Hals, Peter Jochmann, Andrea Haase, Xavier dal Santo, Sofien Kerkeni, Olivier Doucy, Arne Gürtner, Susanne Støle-Hentschel, Per Olav Moslet, Ivan Metrikin and Sveinung Løset Title: DYPIC – A Multi-National R&D Project on DP Technology in Ice Notes: [Paper presented at] Dynamic Positioning Conference. Houston, TX, USA, 2012 Author: Kulyakhtin, Anton; Olga Shipilova, Bradd Libby and Sveinung Løset Title: Full-scale 3D CFD Simulation of Spray Impingement on a Vessel Produced by Ship-wave Interaction Notes: [Paper presented at] 21st IAHR International Symposium on Ice, Dalian, China, 2012 Author: Moslet, Per Olav; Susanne Støle-Hentschel, Erik Løkken Walter and Rolf H. Lande Title: A Framework for Determining Characteristic Action Effects on Floating Structures in Ice Notes: [Paper presented at] Arctic Technology Conference, Houston, TX, USA, 2012


Author: Moslet, Per Olav; Lars Ingolf Eide, Marat Mansurov, Dmitry Onishchenko, Pavel Liferov, Arne Gürtner and Graham A.N. Thomas Title: Barents 2020 - Working group 02 - Design of floating structures in ice Notes: [Paper presented at] Arctic Technology Conference, Houston, TX, USA, 2012 Author: Shipilova, Olga; Anton Kulyakhtin, Andrei Tsarau, Bradd Libby, Per Olav Moslet and Sveinung Løset Title: Mechanism and Dynamics of Marine Ice Accretion on Vessel Archetypes Notes: [Paper presented at] Arctic Technology Conference, Houston, TX, USA, 2012 Author: Shipilova, Olga; Anton Kulyakhtin Title: Spray Generation in Marine Icing of Vessels Notes: [Paper presented at] Second International Conference on Violent Flows. Nantes, France, 2012 Author: Shipilova, Olga; Arne Bøckmann and Geir Skeie Title: Imcompressible SPH for free surface flows Document Number: 2012-P032 Notes: [Paper published in] Computers & Fluids, Vol 67 30. August 2012, p 138-151 ENERGY Author: Bakhtiary-Davijany, Hamidreza Title: Simulation tools for CO2 capture processes Document Number: 2012-P082 Notes: [Presentation held as] part of CCS course given by DNV Research & Innovation, CCS section to GassNova 2012-25-10

Author: Greiner, Christopher J.; Johan Solvik; Yongtao Yang and Tore Langeland Title: Risk related to large scale implementation of wind power into a regional power transmission system Document Number: 2012-P055 Notes: [Paper presented at] ESReDA Conference 2012, Risk and Reliability for Wind Energy and other Renewable Sources, 15.-16. May 2012, Glasgow, UK Author: Hektor, Erik Andreas; Anne Louise Koefoed, Emma Stewart and Yongtao Yang Title: Harvesting the benefits of solar PV in Asia-pacific: proactive planning is key Document Number: 2012-P047 Notes: On front page: DNV KEMA Presented as DNV Research & Innovation Position Paper on inside.dnv. com. Author: Myhrvold, Tore; Hamidreza Bakhtiary-Davijany Title: On methods for maturity assessment of CO2 capture technologies : poster and Document Number: 2012-P074 Notes: [Poster presented at ] International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies, GHGT11, 18. - 22. November 2012, Kyoto, Japan. [Paper published in] Energy Procedia, 2013, In press. Author: Myhrvold, Tore; Erik Troøien Hessen Title: CO2 capture and process simulation activities in DNV Research & Innovation Document Number: 2012-P076 Notes: [Presentation held at] DNV KEMA - DNV R&I process simulation workshop 12th April 2012

Author: Myhrvold, Tore; Erik Troøien Hessen and Hamidreza BakhtiaryDavijany Title: Process modelling in risk-based qualification of large-scale CO2 absorption processes : poster and paper Document Number: 2012-P073 Notes: [Poster presented at ] International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies, GHGT11, 18. - 22. November 2012, Kyoto, Japan [Paper published in] Energy Procedia, 2013, In press. Author: Remseth, Linda; Tore Myhrvold and Frank Børre Pedersen Title: Full scale carbon capture plant using the Longannet coal fired power station as the case : Statement of endorsement Document Number: 2012-V038 Notes: Statement no: SOE 2012 / 1381WYV-6 DNV Certificate Author: Remseth, Linda; Tore Myhrvold and Frank Børre Pedersen Title: Full scale carbon capture plant using the Longannet coal fired power station as the case : Statement of endorsement Document Number: 2012-V037 Notes: Statement no: SOE 2012 / 1381WYV-7 DNV Certificate Author: Rose, Elisabeth; Tore Myhrvold, Erik Troøien Hessen and Hamidreza Bakhtiary-Davijany Title: CCS Business Plan 2012-2015 : DNV KEMA Arnheim, Groningen, Oslo Document Number: 2012-P075 Notes: [Presentation held by] Elisabeth Rose, DNV KEMA Segment Director Carbon Capture and Storage in cooperation with DNV Research & Innovation 15. May 2012

Author: Yang, Yongtao; Tore Langeland, Johan Solvik and Emma Stuart Title: Reliability analysis of HVDC grid combined with power flow Document Number: 2012-P056 Notes: [Paper presented at] 11th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants, 11.-15. November 2012, Lisbon, Portugal Author: Friis-Hansen, Peter; Luca Garrè and Kjell Eriksson Title: Managing uncertainties in riskbased adaptation to climate change Notes: Publication APSSRA12, Singapore, 23-25 May, 2012 Author: Garrè, Luca; P. Friis-Hansen and M. Trexler Title: Adapting engineered structures to climate change Notes: Publication - Nordic International Conference on Climate Change Adaptation, Helsinki, 29 – 31 August, 2012. Author: Friis-Hansen, Peter; Luca Garrè Title: A Bayesian classifier for climate model ensemble selection Notes: Publication Nordic International Conference on Climate Change Adaptation, Helsinki, 29 – 31 August, 2012. Author: Friis-Hansen, Peter Title: Risk-based adaptation of structures to climate change. Structural reliability, risk assessment and decision making: past, present and future Notes: Publication Munich, 1-2 October, 2012. Author: Friis-Hansen, Peter Title: Various presentations at NCAR, DNV- San Francisco, DNV-Milan, Otta Notes: The material was presented to assist marketing the DNV-ADAPT framework

Healthcare Author: Blix, Inger Marie Schytte; Anna Hayman Robertson Title: Inn i krystallkulen: ny teknologi i helsevesenet mot 2020 – muligheter, men også betydelig risiko: kronikk Document Number: 2012-P072 Notes: [Cronicle published in] Hold Pusten, 17. September 2012 Author: Harstad, Elisabeth Title: Technology outlook 2020 : healthcare Document Number: 2012-V012 Notes: Published by Research & Innovation at www.dnv.com february 2012. Identifies and summarise six global megatrends that will influence the development and uptake of technologies within the healthcare sector. Author: Leyshon, Stephen; Eva Turk, Anna Hayman Robertson, Inger-Marie Blix, Tita Alissa Listyowardojo and Morten Pytte Title: Learning from the other risk industries: Adapting proactive risk assessment methods for healthcare: Poster Document Number: 2012-P057 Notes: [Poster presented at] The International Society for Quality in Health Care, ISQua, 29th International Conference, 21st - 24th October 2012, Geneva, Switzerland Author: Mærli, Morten Bremer; Henrik Fohnan, Rolf Lervik and Erling Svendby Title: Risk-based security and security risk reduction : background note to the 22 July Commision (translated) Document Number: 2012-V013


Research & Innovation Research Review 2012


DNV Paper series, presentations, lectures, magazine-articles, books, posters Author: Robertson, Anna Hayman; Inger-Marie Blix, Paul J. Huntly and Stephen McAdam Title: Managing infection risk in healthcare Document Number: 2012-P071 Notes: [Presentation held at] The International Society for Quality in Health Care, ISQua, 29th International Conference, 21. - 24. October 2012, Geneve, Switzerland

Author: Turk, Eva Title: Sistem zdravstvenega varstva in zdravstvenega zavarovanja v Sloveniji in predvidene spremembe Document Number: 2012-P077 Notes: [Published in] Vintar, Mirko, Klun, Maja, Kuhelj, Alenka (eds). Primerjalni pogled na delovanje izbranih področij javnega sektorja v Sloveniji, Ljubljana: Fakulteta za upravo, 2012, pp. 35-53

Author: Turk, Eva Title: Assessing the effectiveness of strategies to implement clinical guidelines for the management of chronic diseases at primary care level in EU member states $ba systematic review Document Number: 2012-P036 Notes: [Published in] Health Policy, Vol. 107, issue 2-3, October 2012, p. 168-183

Author: Turk, Eva Title: The steps to evidence based decision making in Slovenia : non pharmaceutical technologies Document Number: 2012-P066 Notes: [Poster presented at] 9th HTAi Annual Meeting: “HTA in integrated care for a patient centered system” 23.-27. June 2012, Bilbao, Spain. Published in Gaceta Sanitaria, 2012, vol. 26. p. 244

Author: Turk, Eva Title: Clinical guidelines in the European Union: Mapping the regulatory basis, development, quality control, implementation and evaluation across member states : Review Document Number: 2012-P037 Notes: [Published in] Health Policy, Vol. 107, issue 2-3, October 2012, p. 146-156

Author: Turk, Eva Title: Systematic review of the methodological quality of clinical guideline development for the management of chronic disease in Europe Document Number: 2012-P035 Notes: [Published in] Health Policy, Vol. 107, issue 2-3, October 2012, p. 157-167

Author: Turk, Eva Title: General knowledge about diabetes in the elderly diabetic population in Slovenia Document Number: 2012-P039 Notes: [Published in] Zdravniski Vestnik (Slovenian Medical Journal), vol 81, no 7-8, 2012 Abstract and fulltext pdf is available from Zdravniski Vestnik homepage


IT Author: Mestl, Thomas Title: Energy variations may counterbalance desity “shortlifting” Document Number: 2012-P069 Notes: [Published in] Bunkerworld News, 30th October 2012 Author: Mestl, Thomas Title: Fuel performance benchmarking : now with destillates and fuel insight quick guide Document Number: 2011-P014 Notes: Published by The Data Analytics Group in DNV Research & Innovation in cooperation with DNV Petroleum Services Author: Mestl, Thomas Title: Millions lost to density “shortlifting” in 2011! Document Number: 2012-P070 Notes: [Published in] Bunkerworld News, 1. October 2012

Maritime Transport Author: Acciaro, Michele Title: A real option approach to investment in low sulphur maritime transport Document Number: 2012-P044 Notes: [Paper presented at] World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS) - Special Interest Group 2 Conference: Key Developments in the Port and Maritime Sector, 21-22 May 2012, Antwerp, Beligium Author: Acciaro, Michele; Peter Nyegaard Hoffmann and Magnus Strandmyr Eide Title: The energy efficiency gap in maritime transport Document Number: 2012-P051 Notes: Paper prepared as part of the Research Council of Norway funded project “Low Carbon Shipping”

Headings: Maritime Transport V. Technological, Innovation and Research Author: Bitner-Gregersen, Elzbieta Title: On the probability of occurence of rouge waves Document Number: 2012-P078 Notes: [Paper published in] Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, An Interactive Open Access Journal of the European Geosciences Union, 2012, Vol 12, Number 3, pp 751-762. Author: Bitner-Gregersen, Elzbieta Title: Rogue waves in crossing seas: The Louis Majesty accident Document Number: 2012-P079 Notes: [Paper published in] Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, Volume 117, Issue C5, May 2012 Author: Bitner-Gregersen, Elzbieta. Title: A semi-empirical wave crest distribution of random directional wave fields Document Number: 2012-P080 Notes: [Paper presented at] 31th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2012, July 1-6, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Author: Bitner-Gregersen, Elzbieta Title: Statistics of wave orbital velocity in deep water random directional wave Document Number: 2012-P081 Notes: [Paper presented at] 31th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2012, July 1-6, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Author: Bitner-Gregersen, E. M; Bhattacharya, S. K., Chatjigeorgiou, Y. K., Eames. I., Ellermann, K., Hermanski, G., Johnson, M. C., Ma, N., Maisondieu. C., Nilva, A., Rychlik. I., Waseda, T., (2012). ISSC 2012 Committee I.1 Environment Report. Proc. ISSC 2009, Vol.1, pp. 1-78, Rostock, Germany

Author: Bitner-Gregersen, E. M; Eide, L. I., Hørte, T., Skjong, R. (2012). Ship and Offshore Structure Design in Climate Change Perspective. Springer. Written in 2012, in press Author: Bitner-Gregersen, E.M; (2012). Joint long-term models of met-ocean parameters. In: Guedes Soares C, editor. Marine technology and engineering: CENTEC Anniversary Book, vol. 1. CRC Press; 2012 Author: Dimopoulos, George; Chara Georgopoulou and Nikolaos M. P. Kakalis Title: The introduction of exergy analysis to the thermo-economic modelling and optimisation of a marine combined cycle system Document Number: 2012-P045 Notes: [Paper published in] Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Energy, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS), 26.-29. June 2012, Perugia, Italy Author: Dimopoulos, George; Jason C. Stefanatos and Nikolaos M. P. Kakalis Title: Exergy analysis and optimisation of a steam methane pre-reforming system Document Number: 2012-P046 Notes: [Paper presented at] ECOS 2012, 25th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, 26.-29. June 2012, Perugia, Italy Author: Eide, Magnar; Christos Chryssakis, Sverre Alvik, Øyvind Endresen and Magnus Strandmyr Eide Title: Pathways to low carbon shipping : abatement potential towards 2050 Document Number: 2012-V036

Author: Georgopoulou, Chara ; Nikolaos M. P. Kakalis Title: Assessing the sustainability potential of EU transport Document Number: 2012-P042 Notes: [Paper presented at] 40th European Transport Conference, 8. – 10. October, 2012, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. Author: Kakalis, Nikolaos; George Dimopoulos Title: Managing the complexity of ship machinery systems : DNV COSSMOS: Complex ship systems modelling & simulation Document Number: 2012-V033 Notes: Research & Innovation, Position Paper; 11 Author: Ludvigsen, Kristine Bruun Title: Fuel cells as an alternative power source : results and learning from the FellowSHIP project Document Number: 2012-P083 Notes: [Presented at] 9th Annual Green Ship Technology Conference (GST 2012), 21.-22. March 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark. Author: Ludvigsen, Kristine Bruun; Jon Olav Nøkleby and Nikolaos M. P. Kakalis Title: Distributed power generation and energy conversion onboard ships using fuel cells : a class societies’ perspective Document Number: 2012-P084 Notes: [Presented at] 11th International Marine Design Conference, IMDC2012, 11.-14. June 2012, Glasgow, UK Author: Ovrum, Erik; Kristine Bruun Ludvigsen Title: Fuel cells for ships Document Number: 2012-V032 Notes: Research & Innovation Position Paper ; 13


Research & Innovation Research Review 2012


DNV Paper series, presentations, lectures, magazine-articles, books, posters Author: Psarros, Georg Ad.; Rolf Skjong Title: Vulnerability influence on the success probability of a maritime piracy attack Document Number: 2012-P040 Notes: [Paper presented at] NATO RTA SCI 247 Symposium on Port and Regional Maritime Security, La Spezia, Italy, 21.-23. May 2012 Author: Psarros, George Ad. Title: George Adamantios Psarros: Operational risk management in maritime transport: tools, trends, methodology and application to dry bulk shipping : Lambert Academic Publishing, 2009 : Book review Document Number: 2012-P041 Notes: [Published in] The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 2011 volume 27, number 3 pp 501-506 Author: Stefanatos, Jason; George Dimopoulos, Nikolaos M. P. Kakalis and Kristine Bruun Ludvigsen Title: Towards a model-based assessment of hybrid marine energy systems Document Number: 2012-P043 Notes: [Paper presented at] 1st MARINLIVE International Conference, June 3-5, 2012, Athens, Greece Author: Vanem, Erik Title: Modelling the effect of climate change on the ocean wave climate around the world Document Number: 2012-P058 Notes: [Paper presented at] 10th International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, 3.-5. October 1012, Vladivostok, Russia


Author: Vanem, Erik; Elzbieta BitnerGregersen Title: An illustration of the effect of climate change on the ocean wave climate - a stochastic model : Chapter 20 Document Number: 2012-P060 Notes: Chapter published in the open access book: “Climate Change - Realities, Impacts Over Ice Cap, Sea Level and Risks”, edited by Bharat Raj Singh, ISBN 978-953-51-0934-1. Published at www.intechopen.com Author: Vanem, Erik; Elzbieta Bitner-Gregersen Title: Stochastic modelling of longterm trends in the wave climate and its potential impact on ship structural loads Document Number: 2012-P059 Notes: [Paper published in] Applied Ocean Research, Vol 37, August 2012, pp 235-248 Author: Vanem, Erik; George Ad. Psarros and Lars-Erik Mangset Title: An integrated life cycle assessment model to facilitate ship ecodesign Document Number: 2012-P029 Notes: [Paper presented at] European Safety and Reliability Conference: Advances in Safety, Reliability and Risk Management, ESREL 2011; Troyes;18. 22. September 2011 Materials and sensors Author: Agarwal, Arun S; Davion M. Hill and Francois Ayello Title: Fleet operator risks for using fleets for V2G regulation Document Number: 2012-P001 Notes: [Published in] Energy Policy, volume 41, february 2012, pages 221–231

Author: Ayello, F; T. Alfano, D. Hill, and N. Sridhar, Title: A Bayesian network based pipeline risk management, Notes: [Paper presented at] NACE Annual Corrosion Conference and Exposition, Corrosion 2012, 11.-15. March 2012, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Paper No. 2012-0001123] Author: Gui, Feng; Joshua James and Narasi Sridhar, Title: Study Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Biodiesel and Water Mixture Using Multielectrode Array, Notes: Corrosion, 68(9), 827-834, 2012 Author: Hill, Davion M.; Narve Mjøs Title: Adding value to high energy density batteries Document Number: 2012-V034 Notes : Research & Innovation, Position Paper ; 12 Author: Jain, Swati; Francois Ayello, John A. Beavers and Narasi Sridhar Title: Development of a probabilistic model for stress corrosion cracking of underground pipelines using Bayesian networks : a concept Document Number: 2012-P068 Notes: [Proceedings of and presentation held at] The 9th International Pipeline Conference, IPC 2012, September 24.-28. September, Calgary, Alberta, Canada Author: Jain, Swati; Francois Ayello, John A. Beavers and Narasi Sridhar Title: Probabilistic model for stress corrosion cracking of underground pipelines using Bayesian networks Document Number: 2012-P067 Notes: [Presentation held at] 222nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS, Pacific RIM Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-state Science, PRIME 2012, 7.-12. October 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii

Author: Jain, Swati; Francois Ayello, John A. Beavers and Narasi Sridhar Title: Probabilistic model for stress corrosion cracking of underground pipelines using Bayesian networks Document Number: 2012-P064 Notes: [Paper presented at] NACE Annual Corrosion Conference and Exposition, Corrosion 2012, 11.-15. March 2012, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Author: Sridhar, Narasi ;, Arun Agarwal, and Ed Rode Title: Electrochemical Production of Chemicals – Applicability to CO2 conversion Notes: [Presented at the ARPA-E workshop on Electrofuels, held at Houston, Texas, December 10, 2012, published at the ARPA-E workshop web site]

Author: Jain, Swati; Feng Gui, Ramgopal Thodla and Narasi Sridhar Title: Role of hydrogen in fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR) of X65 alloys: modeling study Document Number: 2012-P065 Notes: [Paper presented at] NACE Annual Corrosion Conference and Exposition, Corrosion 2012, 11.-15. March 2012, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Author: Kappes, M; G.S. Frankel, N. Sridhar and R. M. Carranza Title: Reaction paths of thiosulfate during corrosion of carbon steel in acidified brines, Notes: J. Electrochem. Soc., 2012, Volume 159, Issue 4, Pages C195-C204. Author: Kappes, M; G.S. Frankel, N. Sridhar and R. M. Carranza, Title: Corrosion behavior of carbon steel in acidified thiosulfate-containing brines, Notes: Corrosion, 68 (10), 872-884, 2012. Author: Sridhar, Narasi ; Arun Agarwal, Shan Guan, Ed Rode, Gerald Frankel, Anawati, and L. Chiachiarelli Title: Degradation of electrocatalysts for CO2 reduction Notes: [Invited Paper presented at 222nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, ECS, Pacific RIM Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-state Science, PRIME 2012, 7.-12. October 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii


Research & Innovation Research Review 2012


DNV Technical Reports, Reports with a major DNV contribution

ARCTIC Author: Lønøy, Christian; Martyn Thomas Title: HAZID of Arctic Floater PreFEED Document Number: 2012-1803 Author: Lønøy, Christian; Lars Ingolf Eide Title: Review of Arctic Floater PreFEED Design Basis Document Number: 2012-1804 Author: Shipilova, Olga Title: Sea Spray Generation in Marine Icing of Vessels Document Number: 2012-1711 Author: Sørflaten, Agathe; Erik Løkken Walter Title: COSSARC – Review of available metocean and ice data Document Number: 2012-0242 Author: Valkonen, Janne; Grunde Løvoll, Magnus Strandmyr Eide, Bingjie Guo and Erik Løkken Walter Title: COSSARC – Project report Document Number: 2012-1767 Author: Valkonen, Janne Title: Motion reference unit measurements on board SA Agulhas II – data description Document Number: 2012-1106 Author: Valkonen, Janne Title: Short description of the ship ice transit simulator ICETRANS Document Number: 2012-1169 Author: Valkonen, Janne Title: Cruise report for Oden AT cruise to Fram Strait in September 2012 Document Number: 2012-1367 22

Author: Valkonen, Janne Title: DNV measurements during OATRC2012 2012-1794 Document Number: 2012-1794 Author: Valkonen, Janne; Lars Ingolf Eide Title: ArcAct - Sensitivity of Arctic transit shipping to ice conditions Document Number: 2012-0941 ENERGY Author: Bakhtiary-Davijany, Hamidreza ; Erik Troøien Hessen, Erik Andreas Hektor and Tore Myhrvold Title: Simulation platform development for assessment of CO2 absorption processes : Nexant case study Document Number: 2012-0234 Author: Greiner, Christopher; Erik Andreas Hektor, Anne Louise Koefoed, Tore Langeland, Selim Stahl, Yongtao Yang and Kjell Eriksson Year: 2012 Title: Smart grids in Norway: an assessment of uncertainties, challenges and DNV opportunities Document Number: 2011-1659 Author: Haugom, Gerd Petra; Are Larsen Otterdal, Shinta Rotty, Terje Sverud and Peter Friis-Hansen Title: Standardisation and the use of hydrogen in sustainable buildings : status, gaps and recommendations Document Number: 2012-1325 Author: Hektor, Erik Andreas; Anne Louise Koefoed, Tore Langeland and Peter Friis-Hansen Title: Solar PV opportunities for DNV KEMA in the Asia-Pacific Region Document Number: 2012-1563

Author: Hessen, Erik Andreas; Tore Myhrvold and Peter Friis-Hansen Title: Mathematical modelling of acid gas absorption systems Document Number: 2012-0987 Author: Isaenko, Anastasia Alexandrovna; Hamidreza BakhtiaryDavijany, Elisabeth Rose, Tore Myhrvold, Kaare Helle and Lars Hage Title: Initial information NCCS (Norwegian CCS Study): activity report 3: CO2 capture, compression and conditioning Document Number: 2012-0321 Author: Isaenko, Anastasia Alexandrovna; Angunn Engebø, Stefan Mann, Erik Troøien Hessen, Hamidreza Bakhtiary-Davijany, Jock Brown, Vineet Mahajan, Linda Remseth and Kaare Helle Title: Review of Quest project FEED study for capture facility Document Number: 2012-0393 Author: Remseth, Linda; Tore Myhrvold and Kaare Helle Title: Technology qualification plan for full scale carbon capture plant using the Longannet coal fired power station Document Number: 2011-0355 Author: Stahl, Selim ; Christos Chryssakis, Morten Wold, Tore Myhrvold and Øyvind Endresen Title: Lifecycle assessment of greenhouse gas emissions of alternative fuels for maritime applications Document Number: 2012-0719

Healthcare Author: Christiansen, Alexander Flesjø Title: Organisational risk theories: perspectives for potential use in healthcare Document number: 2012-1810 Author: Leyshon, Stephen Title: European workshop on risk management for patient safety: distilling the lessons Document Number: 2012-1812

Author: Turk Eva Title: Mapping the use of risk assessment methods in healthcare: a literature review Document Number: 2012-1736 Author: Turk, Eva; Tita Alissa Listyowardojo, Anna Hayman Robertson, Inger-Marie Blix and Morten Pytte Title: Economic impact of healthcare acquired infections Document Number: 2012-1737

Maritime Transport Author: Acciaro, Michele; Toril Bendiksvold, Magne Berg, Martin Christian Wold and Øyvind Endresen Title: Maritime fuel price projections to 2035 Document Number: 2011-1663 Author: Acciaro, Michele; Magnus Standmyr Eide and Øyvind Endresen Title: Seminar on green shipping : two years in research Document Number: 2012-1647

IT Author: Robertson, Anna Hayman; Inger-Marie Blix, Irina Jakopanec and Morten Pytte Title: A collaboration between DNV and a Norwegian Hospital : sub-project 1 : mapping and selfassessment of systems for risk management with a focus on the infection control system Document Number: 2012-1822 Author: Robertson, Anna Hayman; Inger-Marie Blix, Irina Jakopanec and Morten Pytte Title: Et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom DNV og et norsk sykeshus : delprosjekt 1, kartlegging og egenvurdering av systemer for risikostyring med fokus på infeksjonskontrollsystemet Document Number: 2012-1821 Author: Robertson, Anna Hayman; Inger-Marie Blix, Stephen Leyshon and Morten Pytte Title: Mapping of risk assessment in a Norwegian hospital with a focus on the infection control area, HRM case 1 , 2012: case study 1 Document Number: 2012-1819

Author: Drugan, Ovidiu Valentin Title: Failure propagation in interconnected systems Document Number: 2012-1771 Author: Drugan, Ovidiu Valentin Title: Network reference models for ships Document Number: 2012-1531 Author: Li, Jingyue ; Erik Stensrud and Torbjørn Skramstad Title: Operational scenario for Cat D rig Document Number: 2012-1460 Author: Løvoll, Grunde; John Stirling and Torbjørn Skramstad Title: DNVPS data analytics II, benchmarking methodology and implementation in fuel insight Document Number: 2011-1670 Author: Xie, Jing; Torbjørn Skramstad and Erik Stensrud Title: Constructing interaction test sets for integrated software systems Document Number: 2012-0540

Author: Acciaro, Michele; Magnus Standmyr Eide and Øyvind Endresen Title: CAST ECA, model description and user manual Document Number: 2011-1662 Author: Acciaro, Michele; Eirik Nyhus, Anne Louise Koefoed and Øyvind Endresen Title: Regulatory outlook: experiences, value and future applications from a maritime perspective Document Number: 2012-1642 Author: Bitner-Gregersen, E.M; with contribution from the EXTREME SEAS Partners (2012). 30-month Progress Report. Confidential, submitted to EC Author: Bitner-Gregersen, E. M; with contribution from the EXTREME SEAS Partners (2012). Project Period Report for EC. Confidential, submitted to EC. Author: Boutsianis, Evangelos; Bingjie Guo, Magnus Strandmyr Eide, Serge Schwalenstocker and Øyvind Endresen Title: State of the art of ship drag reduction and propulsive efficiency enhancing measures Document Number: 2011-1578


Research & Innovation Research Review 2012


DNV Technical Reports, Reports with a major DNV contribution

Author: Chryssakis, Christos; Magnus Strandmyr Eide, Michele Acciaro, Tore Longva, Peter Hoffmann and Øyvind Endresen Title: Future shipping emissions modelling using a probabilistic approach Document Number: 2012-0110 Author: Chryssakis, Christos; Magnus Strandmyr Eide, Tore Longva and Øyvind Endresen Title: CO2 emissions from the world fleet, contributions from individual ship segments Document Number: 2011-1676 Author: Chryssakis, Christos; Selim Stahl, Peter Hoffmann, Tomas Tronstad, Gerd Petra Haugom, Lars Petter Blikom, Dag Harald Williksen and Øyvind Endresen Title: Alternative fuels for maritime applications Document Number: 2011-1449 Author: Fernandez Cuesta, Erik ; Eivind Neumann-Larsen and Jose Fernando Alvarez Title: EmiSol, speed vs. inventory cost calculator Document Number: 2012-0002 Author: Georgopoulou, Chara; George Dimopoulos, Nikolous Kakalis, Tore Myhrvold, George Psarros and Øyvind Endresen Title: Maritime CCS progress report I Document Number: 2011-9193 Author: Georgopoulou, Chara; Magnus Strandmyr Eide and Nikolaos Kakalis Title: SuperGreen summary report II Document Number: 2012-9770


Author: Georgopoulou, Chara; George Dimopoulos, Nikolous Kakalis, Tore Myhrvold and Magnus Strandmyr Eide Title: Maritime CCS progress report II Document Number: 2012-9697 Author: Guo, Bingjie; Magnus Strandmyr Eide, Evangelos Boutsianis, Gabrielle Mazza and Øyvind Endresen Title: A methodology for evaluating resistance in real sea routes and operation conditions for ship design Document Number: 2012-0343 Author: Guo, Bingjie; Sverre Steen, Bjørn-Johan Vartdal and Øyvind Endresen Title: Bow shape optimization to reduce ship addes resistance and motions in waves Document Number: 2013-0076 Author: Hoffmann, Peter; Magnus Strandmyr Eide, Michele Acciaro, Sverre Alvik and Øyvind Endresen Title: Identifying and overcoming barriers to the implementation of emission reduction measures in shipping Document Number: 2010-1800

Author: Manno, Gabriele; Rolf Skjong, Bjørn-Johan Vartdal and Øyvind Endresen Title: Statistical analysis of casualty data : a simple method with application on ship machinery systems Document Number: 2012-1068 Author: Manno, Gabriele; BjørnJohan Vartdal, magnus Strandmyr Eide, Rolf Skjong and Øyvind Endresen Title: Next generation reliability framework for ship machinery systems Document Number: 2012-1694 Author: Nilssen, Trond Bergh; Magnus Strandmyr Eide, Gabriele Manno, George Psarros, Peter Hoffman and Øyvind Endresen Title: AIS-based navigation risk modelling, NavRisk Document Number: 2012-0737 Author: Ovrum, Eirik; Sverre Eriksen, Tomas Tronstad and Øyvind Endresen Title: Modelling lithium-ion batteries for hybrid crane operation in a real ship application Document Number: 2012-1565

Author: Kakalis, Nikolaos.; George Dimopoulos, Jason Stefanatos, Chara Georgopoulou, Philimon Gonidakis, Kristine Bruun Ludvigsen, Eirik Ovrum, Geir Dahler and Øyvind Endresen Title: COSSMOS: model development and implementation III Document Number: 2011-9848

Author: Pitt, Mark; Magnus Strandmyr Eide, Silje Brathagen, George Dimopoulos, Dag Wiliksen and Øyvind Endresen Title: Natural gas versus diesel power for ships: a technical review, also considering economic aspects Document Number: 2010-0605

Author: Kakalis, Nikolaos.; George Dimopoulos, Jason Stefanatos, Jørgen Jensen Tande and Øyvind Endresen Title: COSSMOS Thenamaris JIP: model-based performance assessment and optimisation of crude oil discharge operation Document Number: 2011-9830

Author: Psarros, George ; Arne Færevaag and Nikolaos Kakalis Title: Investigating the application of innovative technologies on-board vessels Document Number: 2012-1194

Author: Zymaris, Alexandros; Gabriele Manno, George Dimopoulos, Nikolaos Kakalis, Rolf Skjong and Magnus Standmyr Eide Title: Model-based reliability methods : automatic fault tree generation from process modelling Document Number: 2012-9610

Author: Sridhar, Narasi; Feng Gui and Sean Brossia Title: Assessment of materials for use in potential nuclear waste repositories Document Number: 2012-9239

Materials and sensors Author: Guan, Shan; Katurah Hansen, Francois Ayello, Narasi Sridhar Title: Applications of MEMS sensors and opportunities for DNV $b Document Number: 2012-9653 Author: Hill, Davion M.; Narve Mjøs, Arun Agarwal, Eirik Ovrum and Trond Bergh Nilssen Title: Risk-based evaluation of batteries for transportation and energy storage applications: Recommended Practice: Report : Draft Document Number: 2012-9804 Author: Hill, Davion M.; Edward Rode and Narasi Sridhar Title: Implications for energy infrastructure to support electrical pathways to petrochemical intermediates using CO2 and H2O Author: Rode, Edward; Hamidreza Bakhtiary-Davijany, Chara Georgopoulou, Swati Jain, George Dimopoulos, Tore Myhrvold, Nikolaos Kakalis, Erik Andreas Hektor and Narasi Sridhar Title: Process simulation cross program Document Number: 2013-9072


Research & Innovation Research Review 2012

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This is DNV DNV is a global provider of services for managing risk. Established in 1864, DNV’s mission is the safeguarding of life, property and the environment. DNV comprises 300 offices in 100 countries with 10 000 employees. Our vision is to create a global impact towards ensuring a safe and sustainable future.

Research and Innovation in DNV The objective of our strategic research is to enable long term innovation through new knowledge and services. Such research is carried out in programme areas believed to be of particular significance to DNV and society.


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THIS IS DNV DNV is a global provider of services for managing risk. Established in 1864, DNV is an independent foundation with the purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment. DNV comprises 300 offices in 100 countries with more than 10 000 employees.


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