Veff magasin 3 2013

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VEFF//13 VEFF – the DNV GL Employee Association Veff magazine 03.2013

Two companies become one ✓ Vision and values in place ✓ Two cultures become … ?




Corporate culture – vision and values

Pay settlement 2013

Works Council Hamburg

I Innhold I




Lønn Lønnsoppgjøret 2013


IA IA-utvalget i DNV GL i Norge

I leder I

Bedriftskultur – visjon og felles verdier Vi er nå 16 000 ansatte medarbeidere fordelt på omtrent 300 ulike geografiske steder i omtrent 100 land. Skal vi skape samhold og verdier, må vi legge grunnlaget for en felles bedriftskultur. Nina Ivarsen, leder av VEFF

les også: 08 HVO har ordet 26 Historisk DNV-notat 27 Historien om GL 28 Høstens rekrutteringskampanje og medlemsmøter 30 Personalforeningen for deg!

Redaktør: Nina Ivarsen


En god og sunn bedriftskultur utvikler seg over tid, og vi som kommer fra DNV er stolte over vår historie der vi gjennom snart 150 år (etablert 15. september 1864) har bygget en sterk kultur som bygger på demokratiske norske grunnprinsipper. Germanischer Lloyd (GL) ble etablert 16. mars 1867 og har dermed en historie som er nesten like gammel som vår. Utfordringen fremover vil være å få alle ansatte til å forenes om de samme verdiene og praktisere dette i et felles globalt selskap. Vi vet at en god felles bedriftskultur, som støtter strategiske forretningsmessige mål, gjør at vi oppnår bedre resultater på alle områder i organisasjonen. Spørsmålet blir da hva som er vår kultur, hvem som bestemmer hva den skal være, og hvordan vi motiverer alle til å sette seg felles mål. Ved en stor fusjon som i DNV GL, og med mange medarbeidere, vil kulturen endres. Det som er viktig, er å se disse endringene og være bevisst på hvilken kultur vi ønsker å bære med oss inn i fremtiden. Klippet under er den første felles hilsen til alle ansatte i DNV GL fra konsernsjef Henrik O. Madsen, og han legger med sin uttalelse grunnlaget for en solid bedriftskultur. – Målet for DNV GL er å sikre liv, verdier og miljø. I en travel tid skal vi aldri glemme at sikkerhet skal være første prioritet. Det er ingenting som haster så mye, eller er så viktig, at vi ikke har tid til å gjøre jobben vår på en trygg måte, sier Madsen.

I ConTenTS I

© dnV/nina e. rangøy

deT handler om Å Bry Seg og VISe deT oVerFor andre tillit betyr mye for oss, og gjennom et godt etablert omdømme må vi ivareta tilliten på en god måte – overfor hverandre, våre kunder og samfunnet vi er en del av. vi har ansvaret for å forvalte en bærekraftig fremtid, en fremtid som består av mange endringer og krav om vekst og leveranser, ikke bare for bedriften, men for oss selv og for hverandre. våre strategiske mål må derfor preges gjennom en felles sikkerhetsforståelse i vår bedriftskultur. vi har en felles gjennomarbeidet Code of Conduct (Cods) og felles purpose, vision and values (pvv) for nina Ivarsen, leder av VeFF selskapet som forteller oss hva som er bedriftens mål, vår visjon og våre verdier. Jeg vil oppfordre til gode diskusjoner rundt både Cods og pvv. en type diskusjoner jeg tror vil kunne bidra til å være med på å bygge den felles bedriftskulturen vi ønsker oss. UTFordrInger den siste tiden har vært meget hektisk for veFFs styre. vi har vært involvert i en rekke drøftelser om organisatoriske endringer, og fått god innsikt i de endringer og beslutninger som er gjort. utfordringen er at alt må skje raskt, samtidig som det tar tid å sette seg inn i hva en enhet gjør, og hvorfor akkurat denne enheten skal organiseres på den måten som blir valgt. et godt eksempel er å skille aktiviteter som skal inn i maritime eller oil & gas. det har også vært krevende prosesser knyttet til de ulike ledernivåene. vi har vært svært opptatt av at disse prosessene skal være oversiktlige og åpne, slik at alle som mener de er kvalifisert for en jobb, skal bli vurdert. der det ikke er kvalifiserte ledere, eller er etablert nye lederroller, er disse stillingene utlyst. det har vært ansettelsesstopp i deler av bedriften siden nyttår. dette har fungert tilfredsstillende, og alle unntak har blitt rapportert til oss slik at vi har kunnet vurdere om beslutningene har vært riktige. vi har frem til nå ikke motsatt oss noen ansettelser, tvert imot mangler vi mange steder ressurser. mange klager over at de er overarbeidet, og vi håper dette retter seg over årsskiftet da de nye organisasjonene i sin helhet skal være på plass. det er planlagt vekst i alle forretningsområder i 2014, og vi trenger hver eneste dyktige medarbeider vi har. så lenge vi er fleksible og innstilt på å gripe de mulighetene som kommer, er det ikke planer om å redusere antall ansatte eller peke på noen som overtallige. det er ingen masterplan eller noe regneark som sier noe om ansatte som skal sies opp, tvert imot er det et stort ønske om å få beholde alle ansatte. opplever du det motsatte, må du så raskt som mulig ta kontakt med oss i veFF. vi er ikke fornøyd med lønnsoppgjøret og mener det ble for liten lønnsvekst på de fleste. det ble heller ikke tilstrekkelig lønnsvekst for de få som er markedsutsatte. vi vil i tiden fremover jobbe for at bonusen, profit share, skal bli så stor som mulig, og at vi alle skal få være med på å dele et godt overskudd.

to kulturer blir …?



sALAry the pay settlement 2013


EWc european Works Council


rEAD ALso: 09 the Head safety delegate’s views 16 news from global employee Forum in dnv gl 17 meet Wang Wei dong – ”We in dnv gl in greater China” 18 interview with thomas reimer and andrea grün 23 the ia (inclusive Working life) committee in dnv gl in norway 24 all about the people business 29 the autumn recruitment campaign and membership meetings 31 the trade union for you!

editor: nina ivarsen


I leder I

Eierskap Stiftelsen DNV GL eier 63,5 prosent av det nyfusjonerte selskapet og er dermed den største av to eiere i DNV GL Group. Den andre eieren er Mayfair SE som eier 36,5 prosent. Bak dette selskapet står den tyske forretningsmannen Günter Herz. DNV GL Group har en omsetning på rundt 2,5 milliarder euro. DNV GL forblir eiet av seg selv, og vil levere i henhold til sitt formål. Den andre eieren er inne som en langsiktig investor. Günter Herz er valgt som nestleder i DNV GL Groups styre. Leif-Arne Langøy fortsetter som styreformann. Som leder i VEFF sitter undertegnede som ansattes representant i DNV GLs globale ansatteforum. Jeg opplever at begge eierne tar ansvar for selskapets utvikling og vekst. Engasjement og involvering er to gode og grunnleggende elementer for å skape en trygg og god bedriftskultur i vårt fusjonerte selskap.

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Samhandling Vi har nå anledning til å samarbeide og samhandle med Works Councils i legacy GL. Vi har felles målsettinger, men en ganske forskjellig forhandlingskultur. I Norge forholder vi oss til den norske modellen gjennom et trepartssamarbeid. I Tyskland har de ikke den samme harmoniske dialogen med ledelsen. Dette ønsker vi å endre ved å gi veiledning og gode eksempler til både ansattes representanter og ledelsen. Alle drøftelser og forhandlinger må også i Tyskland handle om å gi og ta slik at begge parter blir fornøyd. Det handler om å finne gode løsninger innenfor en trygg bedriftskultur der alle kjenner spillereglene og respekterer hverandres roller i forhandlingene. Vi ønsker verken e­ nsidige vinnere eller tapere i dialogen mellom arbeidstaker og arbeidsgiver.


I Editorial I

Corporate culture – vision and common values We are now 16,000 employees in around 300 geographical locations in more than about 100 countries. If we are to create unity and values, we must lay the foundation for a common corporate culture. Nina Ivarsen, chairperson VEFF

A good, healthy corporate culture develops over time, and those of us who come from DNV are proud of our history, in that we have for almost 150 years (established on 15 September 1864) built a strong culture based on Norwegian fundamental democratic principles. Germanischer Lloyd (GL) was established on 16 March 1867, so its history is almost as old as ours. The challenge now is to persuade all the employees to agree on the same values and practise these in a unified global company. We know that a good common corporate culture that supports strategic business goals means that we achieve better results in all parts of the organisation. The questions are thus: what is our culture, who decides what it is to be, and how can we motivate everyone to set common goals? A large merger like DNV GL, involving many employees, means that the culture will change. What is important is to see these changes and be aware of the culture that we want to take with us into the future. The first common greeting to all DNV GL employees from the Group CEO Henrik O. Madsen lays the foundation for a sound corporate culture. DNV GL’s goal is to safeguard life, property and the environment. “During this busy time, please do not forget that safety must be a top priority. Our work is never so urgent or important that we cannot take time to do it safely,” says Madsen.

It’s about caring and showing that you care Trust means a lot to us and, through our well-established reputation, we must maintain this trust in a good way – in

relation to each other, our customers and the society of which we are a part. We are responsible for managing a sustainable future – a future in which there will be many changes and demands for growth and deliveries, in relation to not only the company but also ourselves and each other. Our strategic goals must therefore be determined based on a common understanding of safety in our corporate culture. The company has created guidelines, or a Code of Conduct, that tells us its goals, vision and values. I urge you to discuss these guidelines, as I believe this type of discussion may help to build the common corporate culture we want. We have a common Code of Conduct (CoDs) and common Purpose, Vision and Values (PVV) for the company. I will encourage all of you to participate in good discussions around the CoDs and the PVV. This type of discussion will contribute to building the common corporate culture we want.

Challenges The past months have been very hectic for VEFF’s board. We have been involved in a number of discussions regarding organisational changes and achieved good insight into the changes and decisions made. The challenge is that everything has to take place quickly, but it takes time to find out what a unit does and why just this unit is to be organised in the way chosen. A good example of this is deciding which activities are to be carried out by Maritime or by Oil & Gas. There have also been demanding processes linked to the various

Two cultures become …?

management levels. We have been very eager to ensure that these processes are clear and open, so that all those who believe they are qualified for a job are considered. If there are no qualified managers or new management roles have been established, these jobs have been advertised. There has been a hiring freeze in some parts of the business since the beginning of the year. This has functioned satisfactorily, and any exceptions have been reported to us so that we have been able to assess whether the decisions are correct. Up to now, we have not opposed the hiring of any employees – on the contrary, we lack resources in many areas. A lot of people are complaining that they are overworked, and we hope this situation improves at the beginning of next year when all the new organisations will be in place. Growth is planned in all business areas in 2014, and we need every single skilled employee that we have. As long as we are flexible and willing to grasp the opportunities which come along, there are no plans to reduce the number of employees or decide that any are surplus to requirements. There is no master plan or spreadsheet saying anything about dismissing employees; on the contrary, there is a great desire to retain all the employees. If you experience that this is


I Editorial I

not the case, please contact us in VEFF as quickly as possible. We are not satisfied with the pay settlement and believe that most people did not get a big enough pay rise. Nor was the salary growth sufficient for the few who are exposed to the market. We will in future work to ensure that the bonus – the Profit Share – is as large as possible and that we can all share in large profits.

Interaction We now have an opportunity to cooperate and interact with the Works Councils in legacy GL. We have common goals, but quite a different negotiation culture. In Norway, we relate to the Norwegian model through a tripartite collaboration. German employees do not have the same harmonious dialogue with the


management. We would like to change this by providing guidance and good examples to both employee representatives and the management. In Germany too, all discussions and negotiations have to be about giving and taking so that both parties are satisfied. It is about finding good solutions within a safe corporate culture where everyone knows the rules of the game and respects each other’s roles in the negotiations. We do not want total winners or losers in the dialogue between the employees and the employer.

Ownership The DNV GL Foundation owns 63.5 per cent of the merged company and is thus the larger of the two owners of the DNV GL Group. The other owner is Mayfair SE, which owns 36.5 per cent. German

businessman Günter Herz is behind this company. The DNV GL Group has a revenue of around Euro 2.5 billion. DNV GL will continue to be self-owned and to deliver in accordance with its objectives. The other owner participates as a long-term investor. Günter Herz has been elected vice chair of the DNV GL Group’s board. Leif-Arne Langøy will continue to be the chair of the board. As the chair of VEFF’s central board, I am an employee representative in DNV GL’s global employee forum. I believe that both owners accept responsibility for the company’s development and growth. Interest and involvement are two good and fundamental elements for creating a safe, good corporate culture in our merged company.

I Editorial I

We asked our members: What does the company culture mean to you? Be sincere Do not try to cover up the mistakes you’ve made. Be sincere and open about mistakes. Do not blame others. Take your share of the responsibility. Say something about what you had control over and what you were involved in, but do not be defensive.

Perform the necessary changes Errors provide opportunities to learn. Explain to superiors and others involved what you will do differently in the future.

What about the strategy? Start with active listening People deliver on the strategy if they feel like it means something to them personally.

Create enthusiasm and a reason to engage Communicate the purpose of our strategy and tell what it means for the company and the individual if we succeed. Talk about specific goals possible to reach, and about ownership.

not something created just from the top down. Different people may have valuable insight into customer relationships, and perhaps they also have some new and fresh ideas.

Flexibility rather than rules Teamwork is the key to a good delivery, and we are independent workers who want flexibility rather than rigid rules. Deadlines are more important than scheduled working hours.

Get on track again Reward teamwork and creativity Too often, strategy is based only on financial goals. Ensure that the strategy is

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Do not let mistakes scare you from taking risks again. Focus on the future once you have the errors behind you.

Vi spurte våre medlemmer: Hva betyr bedriftskulturen for deg? Vær oppriktig Ikke forsøk å dekke over feil du har gjort. Vær oppriktig og åpen om feilgrepet. Ikke skyld på andre. Ta din del av ansvaret. Si noe om hva du hadde kontroll over og hva du ikke var involvert i, men ikke bli defensiv.

Gjennomfør nødvendige endringer

Hva med strategi? Start med aktiv lytting Folk leverer på strategi hvis de føler at den betyr noe for dem personlig.

så å tres nedover hodene på folk. Ulike mennesker kan ha verdifull innsikt i kundeforhold, og kanskje har de også noen nye og friske ideer.

Fleksibilitet fremfor regler Skap entusiasme og en grunn til å engasjere seg

Feil gir muligheter til å lære. Forklar eventuelle overordnede og andre involverte hva du vil gjøre annerledes i tiden som kommer.

Kommuniser hensikten med strategien vår og fortell hva det betyr for selskapet og den enkelte hvis vi lykkes. Snakk om konkrete mål det er mulig å nå og om eierskap.

Kom deg på banen igjen

Belønn samarbeid og kreativitet

Ikke la feil skremme deg fra å ta risiko igjen. Fokusér på fremtiden så snart du har lagt feilene bak deg.

Altfor ofte er strategi kun basert på finansielle mål. Sørg for at strategi ikke er noe som bare skapes på toppen, for

Teamwork er nøkkelen til en god leveranse, og vi er selvstendige medarbeidere som ønsker fleksibilitet fremfor rigide regler. Tidsfrister er viktigere enn arbeidstid.



HVO har ordet Arbeidsmiljøloven sier at «Verneombudet skal tas med på råd under planlegging og gjennomføring av tiltak som har betydning for arbeidsmiljøet innenfor ombudets verneområde, …» Dette gjelder også i forhold til DNV GL-prosessen og de endringene den vil medføre. Øivind j. Bøgh, Hovedvernombud DNV

Fusjoneringen fører til restrukturering og omstillings­prosesser. I denne forbindelsen er det viktig at verne­ organisasjonen trekkes med i arbeidet og er de ansattes forlengede arm for å bidra til at vi opprettholder et best mulig arbeidsmiljø, enten det gjelder organisasjonsendringer eller i flytte­ prosesser. Ved endringer er det nesten bestandig noen som føler seg dårlig eller urettferdig behandlet. Ledere får ikke alltid den stillingen de har håpet på, og ansatte får ikke jobbe med det de har mest lyst til. ­Bytting av kontorplass eller avdeling kan for noen oppleves som å bli revet opp av et trygt miljø, til noe som føles utrygt og fremmed. Mange av oss vært gjennom dette før og blitt «hardhudet» og «tilpasningsdyktige», men for andre skaper endringer usikker­het og for noen kan det være en stor belastning. Det kan igjen gå utover arbeidsmiljøet. Konsekvensene kan bli at sykefravær går opp, at ansatte søker seg ut og at DNV GL mister kompetente ressurser. Her er medvirkning og kommunikasjon nøkkelord. Det krever både at de ansatte og deres tillitsvalgte blir konsultert og at endringer blir kommunisert på en god måte. Ofte svikter det på et av, eller begge, disse områdene. Kommunikasjonen er enveis og medvirkningen er utilstrekkelig. Noen ganger er det ikke de store tingene som skaper frustrasjon og skuffelse, men små ting i hverdagen. Andre ganger er det mer alvorlige problemer ved at folk føler seg tilsidesatt eller blir behandlet dårlig. Uansett er det viktig å ta opp saken, enten direkte med linjeleder, eller med det lokale verne­ ombudet eller hovedverneombudet. I mitt arbeid ser jeg det nytter. DNV GL er normalt villig til å lytte og finne gode løsninger, hvis det kan hindre misnøye og bedre trivselen. I bunn og grunn handler det om å ivareta den viktigste kapitalen DNV GL har, og da kan verneorganisasjonen spille en viktig rolle.


I Head Safety Delegate I

The Head Safety Delegate’s views The Norwegian Working Environment Act states that: “The safety representative shall be consulted during the planning and implementation of measures of significance for the working environment within the representative’s safety area, …” This also applies to the DNV GL process and the changes it will entail. in order to help us maintain the best possible working environment during both organisational changes and moving processes. When changes occur, there is almost always someone who feels they

have been treated badly or unfairly. Managers are not always given job they had hoped for, and employees may not be allowed to work on the topics they are really interested in. For some, a change of office space or section feels like they are being pulled out of a safe environment and deposited in something that feels insecure and strange. Many of us have been through this before and become “thick-skinned” and “adaptable”, but for others changes create uncertainty, which some people find very difficult to deal with. This can subsequently affect the working environment. As a result, the sickness absence rate may rise, employees may look for jobs elsewhere, and DNV may lose competent resources. Involvement and communication are key words here. The employees and their representatives must be consulted and changes must be communicated in a good way. Often, there are failings in one or both of these areas – the communication is one-way and there is insufficient involvement. Sometimes it is not the major issues that create frustration and disappointment, but the small things in everyday life. At other times, there are more serious problems in that people feel they are overlooked or treated badly. In any case, it is important to raise the issue, either directly with the line manager or with the local safety delegate or head safety delegate. My work has shown me that it is worthwhile doing this. DNV is normally willing to listen in order to find good solutions if this can prevent any bad feelings and lead to greater job satisfaction. In the end, it is about looking after DNV’s most important capital – and in this the safety organisation can play an important role.

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The merger leads to restructuring and reorganisation processes. In connection with these, it is important that the safety organisation is included in this work and acts as the long arm of the employees


I Lønn I

Lønnsoppgjøret 2013 Alle ansatte i DNV GL har nå fått informasjon om hvilken lønnsjustering de har fått i 2013. Lønnsjusteringen blir gjort av DNV GL som arbeidsgiver, ut fra resultatet fra lønnsforhandlingene som er gjennomført.

Øyvind Omland

VEFF er den største forhandlingsparten i DNV GL og representerer ansatte innenfor alle kategorier av personell. I tillegg til VEFF er Tekna og NITO forhandlingspart for sine medlemmer. Grovt beskrevet ble gjennomføringen av årets forhandlinger gjort gjennom følgende steg for VEFF: 1. Det ble nedsatt et forhandlingsutvalg av VEFF-styret. 2. Det ble gjennomført en lønnssamling for å utarbeide grunnlag for årets lønnskrav. 3. Det ble avtalt datoer for planlagte forhandlingsmøter og et felles innledende informasjonsmøte mellom DNV GL og de tre ansattorganisasjonene. 4. Det ble gjennomført et felles innledende informasjons­ møte mellom de fire partene om gjennomføring av forhandlingene og grunnlaget for lønnsjustering. 5. Det ble gjennomført forhandlinger over fire møter, som ikke gav enighet om sluttresultatet. 6. Det ble innkalt til og gjennomført et organisasjonsmessig tvistemøte mellom NHO/Abelia og YS/Parat, der DNV GL og VEFF ble innkalt som de lokale representanter. Tvistemøtet førte ikke frem til en felles forståelse av hva som er riktig lønnsoppgjør for DNV GL i 2013 mellom DNV GL som arbeidsgiver og VEFF. Lønnssamling og valgkomitÉ Utgangspunktet er at DNV GL skal ha en markedsmessig kompensasjon for å være en attraktiv arbeidsgiver. Dette er uttrykt også i DNV GLs styrende dokumentasjon, DMSene. For å trekke på erfaringer og meninger fra hele organisasjonen i Norge ble VEFF-organiserte fra forskjellige deler av DNV GL invitert til lønnssamlingen. Det ble diskutert hvilket nivå lønnen i DNV GL skal ligge på. Kravet ble kalibrert basert på statistikker fra NHO, Tekna, NITO og annet som er offentlig tilgjengelig. Usikkerheten er relatert til hva som er årets lønnsoppgjør. Der må man ta signaler som er gitt fra SSB, Regjeringen og Teknisk Beregningsut-


valg. Parat sentralt, ved Kjell Morten Aune, var også med for å belyse de samfunnsmessige rammebetingelsene for samlingen. Det ble konstatert at årets oppgjør generelt ville bli forsiktig. Videre konstaterte vi at lønnsnivået for mange grupper i DNV GL fremdeles måtte løftes for å komme på et markedsmessig nivå. For å sikre en stødig utvikling av ny kunnskap, fremtidig høykompetanse og en effektiv organisasjon mener VEFF at lønn er vesentlig for å tiltrekke og beholde kolleger med en lønn på markedsnivå. Økonomisk sett har DNV GL levert veldig gode økonomiske tall gjennom hele finanskrisen, delvis finansiert med et lønnsnivå under markedsnivå. Gode økonomitall i DNV GL i vår støttet at lønnsnivået kunne komme opp på markedsnivå, og gap kunne lukkes. Felles informasjonsmøte og separate forhandlinger På informasjonsmøtet ble rammene for årets lønnsoppgjør presentert og diskutert. For en bedrift er det vesentlig hvilken lønnsevne denne har. Det sier seg selv at når bedriften går dårlig, kan det ikke gis mye i økte kostnader. Fire kriterier kan ses på som indikatorer for hvilket lønnsoppgjør som kan gis: • Bedriftens økonomi • Fremtidsutsikter • Konkurranseevne • Produktivitet DNV GL og VEFF hadde det samme bildet og alle kriteriene ble beskrevet som positive. Forhandlingsutvalget fikk derfor en forståelse av at dette var et år på linje med 2012, og muligens enda bedre for DNV GL. Lønnsevnen ble derfor vurdert til svært god. Forhandlingene der krav og tilbud mellom DNV GL og VEFF ble utvekslet viste derimot ikke det samme bildet. Inn­ ledende krav og tilbud var langt fra hverandre. Som en del av argumentasjonen viste VEFF hvordan gap mot markedslønn var for forskjellige grupper. Tilbake fikk VEFF argumentasjon om hva DNV GL mente kunne forsvares som økte lønnskostnader for DNV GL. Sluttresultatet kunne ikke VEFFs forhandlingsutvalg gå god

I Lønn I

for overfor ansatte i DNV GL. Et oppgjør på 4,5% er under et nivå hvor DNV GL kan forventes å gå inn med god profitt også i 2013. I et forsøk på å komme til enighet ble det bedt om et tviste­ møte gjennom de sentrale organisasjonene NHO/Abelia som arbeidsgivers part og YS/Parat som arbeidstakers part.

til de som har blitt identifisert med et slikt meransvar i jobben. Det er fordelt 790 000 NOK til dette i DNV GL. Fordeling utdanning

800 700

Årets lønnsoppgjør i tall Samlet sett er lønnsvolumet for VEFF-medlemmer justert ut fra en økt totalramme for lønn i DNV GL på 4,5%. Fordelingen som angitt i tabellen under er beregnet av DNV GL ut fra medlemsutvalget i VEFF. År etter eksamen



600 500 400 300 200 100 0







A (Master +)




B (Bachelor +)




C (andre)






















Ansatte i DNV GL er gruppert ut fra akademisk utdanning. • Kategori A er ansatte med mastergrad eller høyere utdanning • Kategori B er ansatte med høyere enn bachelorgrad • Kategori C er andre ansatte

Lønnsjusteringen er individuell, og gjøres basert på kriterier som settes. Nedenfor vises noen av kriteriene som gir variasjon i lønnsøkning, utover personlig evaluering.

1, 2 eller 3 er antall år ansiennitet etter avsluttet utdanning. • 1 er 0–10 år • 2 er 11–20 år • 3 er 20+ år

Lønnsøkning i 2013, eksklusive endringer i lønnsgruppe

Fordeling alder


Andelen medlemmer med lønnsøkning mindre enn angitt prosent

90% 80%







500 40%


30% 20%





100 0











Lønnsøkning (NOK)

Opprykk og utnevnelser, endring i lønnsgruppe I sammenheng med opprykk og utnevnelser tildeles det en del penger. Dette inngår som en del av det lønnsvolumet som er distribuert fra 2012 til 2013. Dette er derfor en del av lønnsrammen som er distribuert i DNV GL før oppgjøret fra lønnsforhandlingen i sommer. Generelt ligger dette typisk rundt 0,4% i DNV GL.













Fordeling av ansatte i forhold til alder. Lønnsgruppefordeling DNV

20% 18% 16% 14%

Markedsmidler Dette er penger som prioriteres gitt til personell som er identifisert til å ligge i markedsutsatte posisjoner. Det er fordelt 13 210 000 NOK til dette i DNV GL.

12% 10% 8% 6% 4%

Funksjonstillegg I 2013 har det blitt gjort en evaluering av funksjon for en del ansatte i DNV GL. I den sammenheng er det blitt identifisert et behov for å kompensere en del av de ansatte i forhold til ansvar eller funksjon. Dette er blitt kompensert med et tillegg

2% 0% 1















Prosentvis fordeling jfr lønnsgrupper for alle ansatte i DNV GL.


I Pay settlement I

The pay settlement 2013 All DNV GL employees have now been told of the pay rise they have been awarded in 2013. As the employer, DNV GL increased the salaries on the basis of the results of the pay negotiations that have been held. Nina Ivarsen

VEFF is the largest negotiating partner in DNV GL and represents employees in all personnel categories. In addition to VEFF, Tekna (the Norwegian Society of Graduate Technical and Scientific Professionals) and NITO (the Norwegian Society of Engineers and Technologists) negotiate on behalf of their members. Roughly speaking, VEFF carried out this year’s negotiations in the following steps: 1. VEFF’s Board appointed a negotiating committee. 2. A pay seminar was held to prepare the basis for this year’s pay demands. 3. Dates were agreed on for planned negotiating meetings and a common introductory information meeting between DNV GL and the three employee organisations. 4. A common introductory information meeting was held between the four parties regarding how the negotiations were to be carried out and the basis for the pay increase. 5. Four negotiation meetings were held, but did not produce any agreement on an end result. 6. An organisational dispute meeting between NHO (The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise)/Abelia and YS (The Confederation of Vocational Unions)/ Parat was arranged and held, and DNV GL and VEFF were invited to take part as the local representatives. This dispute meeting did not lead to DNV GL as the employer and VEFF reaching a common understanding of the correct pay settlement for DNV GL in 2013.

Pay seminar and nomination committee The starting point is that DNV GL must pay market remuneration in order to be an


attractive employer. This is also stated in DNV GL’s governing documentation, the DMSs. In order to draw on experience and opinions throughout the DNV GL organisation in Norway, VEFF members from various parts of DNV GL were invited to attend a pay seminar. Discussions were held about what level DNV GL pay should be at. Based on publicly available statistics from NHO, Tekna, NITO and others, the demand was calibrated. The uncertainty related to what this year’s pay settlement would be. Signals from Statistics Norway, the Norwegian government and the Norwegian Technical Calculation Committee for Wage Settlements had to be used as a basis. Contributions through the participation of Parat’s head office, represented by Kjell Morten Aune, also helped inform those attending the seminar about the social framework conditions. It was ascertained that this year’s settlement would on the whole be a cautious one. It was also ascertained that the pay level for many groups in DNV GL still had to be raised in order to be at market level. In order to ensure the steady development of new knowledge, a high level of future expertise and an efficient organisation, VEFF believes that pay is very important for attracting and retaining colleagues with a market-level salary. Financially speaking, DNV GL has delivered very good financial figures throughout the financial crisis, partly financed by salaries that are below market level. DNV GL’s good financial figures this spring supported the idea that the pay level could be raised to the market level – the gap could be closed.

A common information meeting and separate negotiations The frameworks for the year’s pay settlement were presented and discussed at the information meeting. A company’s salary-paying ability is very important. It is clear that if a company is doing badly, it cannot increase its costs a lot. The following four criteria are therefore a concept. They can be viewed as indicators of the pay settlement that can be given: • The company’s finances • Outlook • Competitive ability • Productivity DNV GL and VEFF had the same picture and all the criteria were described as positive, so the negotiating committee understood this to mean that this was a year like 2012 and possibly even better for DNV GL. The company’s salary-paying ability was therefore considered to be very good. However, the negotiations in which DNV GL’s and VEFF’s demands and offers were exchanged did not reveal the same picture. The introductory demands and offers were far apart. VEFF showed the gap compared to the market salary for various groups as part of its arguments. In return, DNV GL stated the increased salary costs that it felt could be justified. VEFF’s negotiating committee could not recommend the end result to DNV GL’s employees. A settlement of 4.5% is below a level at which DNV GL can be expected to make a good profit in 2013 too. In an attempt to reach agreement, a dispute meeting was requested through the main organisations NHO/Abelia as the employer’s representative and YS/Parat as the employees’ representative.

© Thinkstock

I Pay settlement I

The year’s pay settlement in figures On the whole, VEFF members’ pay volume has been adjusted based on an increase of 4.5% in the total pay framework in DNV GL. The distribution stated in the table below has been calculated by DNV GL based on VEFF’s membership.

Promotions and appointments, changes in salary groups

Years after graduation




Personnel category




Quite a lot of money is handed out in connection with promotions and appointments. This forms part of the pay volume that is distributed from 2012 to 2013. This is therefore a part of the pay framework that has been distributed in DNV GL before the pay-negotiation settlement this summer. In general, this is around 0.4% in DNV GL.

A (Master +)




Market funds

B (Bachelor +)




C (others)




This is money that is prioritised to be given to personnel who are identified as being in jobs that are subject to competition in the market. NOK 13,210,000 has been distributed in DNV GL for this purpose.

The pay rises are individual and based on criteria that are set.

Function allowance The functions of some DNV GL employees have been evaluated in 2013. In connection with this, a need to compensate some of the employees for their responsibilities or functions was identified. Employees who have been identified as having such additional responsibilities in their work have thus been given an increase. NOK 790,000 has been distributed in DNV GL for this purpose.


I Pay Settlement I

Percentage of members with a pay rise less than the stated per cent

Percentage of members with a pay rise less than the stated per cent

Pay rise in 2013, excluding changes in salary groups 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0










Pay rise in NOK

Pay rise in 2013, excluding changes in salary groups 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0.5%










Pay rise in %

Average pay rise


Pay rise in NOK

30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 A





0 1


Pay rise in %



I Pay settlement I

Average pay rise 1,150,000 1,050,000

Base salary NOK

950,000 850,000 750,000 650,000 550,000 450,000 0 2020







Graduation year Category A non-technical

Category A total

Category A technical

950,000 900,000 850,000

Base salary NOK

800,000 750,000 700,000 650,000 600,000 555,000 500,000 450,000 0 2020







Graduation year Category B non-technical

Category B technical

Category B total

Base salary NOK

700,000 650,000 600,000 555,000 500,000 450,000 0 2020







Graduation year Category C total


I geF I

nEWS From GloBal EmployEE Forum In dnV Gl The global employee Forum (geF) consists of nine dnV gl employees from across the globe, who has been elected by their own regional forums. The representatives that were present at the last meeting on 9–10 September were nina Ivarsen, elisabeth legg, Sun ju kim, alina Villemin, mette Bandholtz, anna Berglund, malcom paul Beere, richard Fletcher and Camilla Wiik. The regional forums within dnV gl are: ameF (americas and africa), aseF (asia, pacific and middle east), eWC (europe, including russia) and (norway). The purpose of geF is to offer a direct channel for employees to provide input into dnV gl processes, particularly the strategy. Since 2009, geF has represented employees on a range of issues as part of discussions at the highest level within dnV gl. dnV gl management, including the Ceo, meets with geF and the regional forums annually. The following elements were relevant to address at the geF meetings: • Strategy input • The corporate structure and substantial changes concerning the organisation • The market and financial situation • Employment situation and probable trends including significant redundancies • HR corporate policies and procedures regarding staffing and rewarding

Specific topics discussed at the meeting a dnV gl merger update was given by henrik o. madsen. The transaction for the merger between the dnV group and the gl group is now closed. From 12 September 2013, we officially moved forward as dnV gl – a technology-focused market leader with 16,000 employees joining together to achieve the dnV gl vision: global impact for a safe and sustainable future. Financial status was presented to us by Thomas Vogth-eriksen. read more about the economy at The 150 years’ anniversary activities were presented by Cecilie B. heuch, who also gave a presentation of the dnV gl merger integration processes involving people and culture.


The dnV gl merger has resulted in the need for us to reassess our overall plans for employee initiatives and communication about our 150 years’ anniversary. group Internal Communication is now mapping out a high-level timeline of employee initiatives that will happen in 2014. These initiatives will be directly aligned with group-wide strategic priorities (e.g. brand, culture, strategy, etc.) and designed to create employee engagement and involvement throughout dnV gl. The first initiative that will be run is the Buddy programme. employees will sign up and indicate their buddy preferences via an online portal, and matched by occupational criteria (to be determined). When a match is made, both parties will be notified and introduced via email. From there, an ongoing pipeline of buddy challenges and rewards will roll out throughout the year to make the most of the relationships, for both the buddies and dnV gl. per Busk Christiansen gave us an interesting update on the branding project, and we are all looking forward to start using our new brand in the middle of december.

dnV Council meeting in spring 2013. Council members, hege Bang, anna Berglund, nina Ivarsen, han jun yin, morten Østby, mirjam Baake and group Chrp Cecilie B. heuch.

Topics for discussions in the meetings were also related to the dmS-8-43 (see and pep feedback globally and regionally.

Global employee topics and issues 1. geF suggested that initiatives be put in place to retain long-serving staff (i.e. 10+ years) as they are very difficult and expensive to replace. We can see that the employee turnover is falling and is currently at 8.4%. This is considered to be within the acceptable range, but we still want to have a focus on experienced employees that might leave the company. 2. geF suggested the performance-based bonus scheme be extended to lower staff grades, but dnV gl argued that the costs would be prohibitive. 3. geF suggested that lessons learned from the kema integration be used for the dnV gl merger. our feeling was


that kema staff does not yet feel fully integrated into dnV. 4. We suggested that dnV maintain procedures to allow staff to move between regions and functions to promote cross-fertilisation of ideas and accelerate personal development. as we understand, the current systems will be retained and new programs will be introduced in this area.

GEF organisational changes 1. geF representation is currently lacking in some regions (e.g. africa). We need to ensure representation for all areas. 2. Currently, geF members are elected in some regions (e.g. europe, americas) and appointed in others (e.g. asia, middle east). In future, geF members are to be elected in all regions and we need to facilitate elections if needed.

3. a mechanism for employee feedback to geF needs to be set up in all regions. Currently, this function is performed in norway and europe via the unions. There is no such mechanism elsewhere.

paul Beer malcom, elisabeth legg, alina Villemin, richard Fletcher, Camilla Wiik and nina Ivarsen.

mEEt WanG WEI donG – “We in dnV Gl in Greater China” Wang Wei dong (WWd), an employee of dnV gl – maritime in greater China, was elected as one of the four employee representatives on the Board of directors (Bod), representing the constituency worldwide (excluding europe and norway) in the 2013 employee elections. In the last issue of ”We in dnV gl in greater China”, Wang shared with us his views and interests as a new member of the Bod. please tell us, why are you eager to do this additional job on top of your normal job? right from the first election in 2007, mr ma yan, mr Zhou ning, mr Chen Wei, some other colleagues, and I were in a team finally succeeded in having mr ma elected as a member of the dnV gl Board, and mr Zhou elected as a member of the dnV gl Council. Since then, we have actively participated in the development of the organizational strategies and provided a great deal of inputs, including the very important element – the employee’s interests and benefits. my experiences in the Bod tell me that the Bod and dnV gl’s top management team are very engaged and work together

well. They are dedicated and committed to helping dnV gl move forward in the right direction. on the other hand, there are many challenges as well, which in other words means we have plenty to do …

as you said, there is plenty to do, so what are the items on your agenda, and how are you going to priorities them? There is a lot on my mind, but “we can only take on one task at a time”. Currently a lot of attention is being paid to the merger of dnV and gl. This is supposed to be a synergymaking process which could create more value than if dnV and gl continued as separate companies. But if we do not manage these changes well, it will take time and could in the worst case impair our values and deliveries. dnV gl’s core strength is its culture, and the keys to maintain and even improve this culture are our people, that means you, me, each of us, and not only the managers. making our mindset ready and act for the changes is the first thing first.


I Interview I

Interview with Thomas Reimer and Andrea Grün Thomas Reimer and Andrea Grün visited Høvik in October after being invited by Cecilie Heuch and Henrik O. Madsen. In connection with this visit, we were lucky to get an interview with them both. They are representatives for the Works Council in GL SE.

From left: Andrea Grün, Nina Ivarsen and Thomas Reimer.

Thomas, could you please tell me a bit about yourself? My name is Thomas Reimer; I am 49 years old, living in Hamburg, married and have two children. I am an electrical engineer with a degree in business. I have been working in GL since 1996, mostly in the electrical department. I am the chairperson for the Works Council in GL (maritime and corporate). I have been the chairperson for four years and am now at the end of my term of


office. The role as chairperson in our Works Council is a full time job.

also elected to the Works Council for GL SE and spend around 20 per cent of my time on council work.

Andrea, could you please tell me a bit about yourself?

Why are you here at Høvik today?

My name is Andrea Grün. I am 57 years old. I am educated as an engineer within communication, ship electronics. I have been working in GL for 23 years, in the electrical department. I live 20 km from Hamburg. I have been married for 35 years and have two sons and one grandson. I am

We are visiting DNV GL today to get more information about the business planning for the next years and how GL fits this business plan. Today we are here as a part of a financial committee and will get an outlook for the next three years. We have been told that we shall have a growth of 6%,

I Interview I

The 6th ordinary meeting of the SE Works Council, 29–30 October 2013 at Høvik. From left: Sue Long, Francisco Javier Corral Villares, Jens-Dieter Schneider, Clemens Keuer, Sabine Kuhl, Stella Ababio-Junghanss, Carl Gulbis, Thomas Reimer, Andrew Gilmore and Florin Mihailovici.

and we look forward to get more detailed information on how we shall achieve this.

Could you please tell us a bit more about the Works Council in GL? The Works Council GL SE has an election every four years. The size of the Works Council is related to company size. Hamburg head office GL SE Maritime and corporate services have around 1,120 employees (75% of the total employees), then we have 15 elected members in our Works Council. The members spend the time necessary to perform their tasks in the council, but approximately it is 20 per cent – 100% for the chairperson and approximately 50% for two others. Every two weeks the Council meets for four hours. We discuss individual

rights related to salary, hire, redundancies, social rights etc.. In addition to this, the executive committee meets once a week. The Works Council has veto rights when it comes to salary, hire, un-hire etc. The Council has a “control function” to ensure that the employees’ rights are being taken care of. The Works Council also ensures that internal hiring is not done without being announced. We are helping all employees; the industries in Germany have generally strong unions and Works Councils. In competence-based companies, the unions are not as strong. If unions exist, they have a strong relation with the Works Council, even though they have different roles. In GL, the unions are to a large extent not represented.

How are employees in general organised in unions in Germany? Not very many employees in GL are members in unions, we have not heard of that. If an employee is a member of a union, it is normally because the membership was signed when they worked for their previous employer. In GL there is no intention to be in a union. To get a strong union, the employees have to be unified to be able to impact the customer and the company’s deliveries if a disagreement come up.



From 2,800 EmployEES In 1997 to 16,000 In 2013 The first european Works Council meeting was held on 14 october 1997 at høvik. 16 years later, the first discussions on establishing a common eWC for dnV gl was held in milan 11–12 november.

our current eWC agreement with dnV is valid till 2015 and will not be changed unless a new agreement is entered into. gl also has an agreement which is valid until a new one is entered into. however, as a consequence of the dnV gl merger, a new agreement should be created to include legacy gl/legacy dnV into one dnV gl eWC, as it makes no sense to have two councils.


In dnV there has been a tradition for one country – one vote. however, the legacy gl eWC which is actually an Se (societas europaea) is much different from the dnV eWC. gl’s Works Councils have a representation much different from dnV, where the actual Se consists of four members from germany, two from the Uk, and two members representing the rest of europe.

The working committee believes that the legacy dnV eWC should work for an agreement which favours the broad representation as we know it today. The working committee would suggest one representative for each 1,000 employees with a maximum of two representatives.


DNV GL comprises about 16,000 employees across 300 sites in more than 100 countries; see the split in Europe and how many employees comes from each company. The list was made in October and the number have some changes, but the list gives an approximate figure on the size for each country. The list does not include temporary employees and subcontractors. Country

DNV employees Class A

GL employees Class A

Grand total Employees Class A

Percent of employees in region










Germany United Kingdom













































Russian Federation





Czech Republic


















































Slovakia Latvia























Ireland Estonia


Bulgaria Austria Cyprus




Faroe Islands

























Slovenia Greenland Grand total # no country yet


1 10,180



IA-utvalget i DNV GL i Norge Målet med Inkluderende Arbeidsliv-avtalen (IA-avtalen) er å arbeide for at sykefraværet i DNV GL er så lavt som mulig, og for å gi plass til alle som kan og vil arbeide. Hanne Oma Bergo

Hos DNV GL i Norge har vi en aktiv gruppe som leder dette arbeidet, men alle ledere og ansatte er involvert og medansvarlige for at vår arbeidsplass er en god arbeidsplass, og også for personer som av en eller annen grunn har nedsatt arbeidsevne eller står i fare for å falle ut av arbeidslivet. Våre viktigste satsingsområder er forebygging av fravær, tilrettelegging for personer som står i fare for å falle ut av arbeidslivet, og arbeidsrettede tiltak for personer som kan og vil tilbakeføres til arbeid. IA-arbeidet har derfor høyt fokus på sykefravær for ansatte i alle aldre og på tiltak for at ansatte, inkludert seniorer, kan ha et arbeid tilpasset sine fysiske og psykiske muligheter. I tillegg samarbeider vi både med NAV og med ulike attføringsbedrifter for å tilby arbeidspraksis til personer som av ulike årsaker står utenfor arbeidslivet. Vi er stolte av å gå langt ut over minimumsforventninger i ulike tilbud og initiativer. Noen eksempler er programmer innen psykoterapi og friskverngrupper som administreres via bedriftshelsetjenesten. Vi får også svært positive tilbakemeldinger fra NAV og andre samarbeidspartnere både når det gjelder seniorprogrammet og programmet for å sysselsette personer som har behov for praksisarbeid i vår bedrift som et ledd i å komme tilbake til arbeidslivet. Av spennende initiativ vi jobber med akkurat nå er en mer systematisk støtte fra bedriftshelsetjenesten til linjeleder i oppfølging av sykemeldte, og et program for bedre tilrettelegging for gravide arbeidstakere. I tillegg planlegger vi en ny arbeidsmiljøkartlegging for alle ansatte i Norge. Vi er svært glade for en synkende trend i sykefraværet vårt, for mange gode eksempler på personer som er kommet ut i arbeidslivet etter arbeidspraksis hos oss, og for en høy andel av seniorer som fortsetter sitt arbeid frem til avtalt pensjonsalder.

IA-utvalget, fra venstre: Hanne Oma Bergo, Kristin Egger, Øivind Bøgh og Camilla Wiik. Einar Tore Moe var ikke til stede da bildet ble tatt.



The IA (Inclusive Working Life) Committee in DNV GL in Norway The objective of the Inclusive Working Life (IA) Agreement is to make efforts to ensure that DNV GL’s sickness absence rate is as low as possible and to make room for all those who can and want to work.


Hanne Oma Bergo

In Norway, DNV GL has an active group in charge of this work, but all managers and employees are involved and co-responsible for ensuring that our workplace is a good one, also for people who for one reason or another have a reduced ability to work or are in danger of dropping out of working life. Our most important focus areas are preventing absences, adapting conditions to suit those who are in danger of dropping out of working life, and implementing work-oriented measures for those who can and want to return to work. The IA work therefore has a high focus on the sickness absence rate of employees of all ages and on measures that help employees, including older employees, to have a job which is adapted to their physical and mental possibilities. In addition, we cooperate with both the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service (NAV) and various rehabilitation companies to offer work experience to persons who for various reasons are excluded from working life. We are proud that our various offers and initiatives far exceeding minimum expectations. A few examples of this are our psychotherapy and stay-healthy groups, which are administered via the company health service. We also receive very positive feedback from the Labour and Welfare Service (NAV) and other partners regarding both our older-employee programme and our programme for employing those who require work experience in our company as part of the process of returning to working life. The exciting initiatives we are currently working on include more systematic support from the company health service to line managers who are following up those on sick leave and a programme to ensure better adaptations for pregnant employees. In addition, we are planning to once again map the working environment of all employees in Norway. We are very pleased about the falling trend in our sickness absence rate, about the many good examples of people getting jobs after work experience in our company, and about the large percentage of older employees who are continuing to work until the agreed retirement age.

The IA committee, from left: Hanne Oma Bergo, Kristin Egger, Øivind Bøgh and Camilla Wiik. Einar Tore Moe was not present when the photo was taken.


I All about the people business I

All about the people business We have asked people in the business about the status as is.

DNV GL – Energy delivers world-renowned testing and advisory services to the energy value chain including renewables and energy efficiency from our headquarters in Arnhem, the Netherlands. Our expertise spans onshore and offshore wind power, solar, conventional generation, transmission and distribution, smart grids, and sustainable energy use, as well as energy markets and regulations. Our 3,000 energy experts support clients around the globe in delivering a safe, reliable, efficient, and sustainable energy supply. Our mission is to positively impact the energy transition towards a low carbon society through a mix of third party and advisory services. We will do so by assisting customers along the energy value chain in developing, deploying, operating and maintaining their assets, systems and organisations in a clean, safe and costefficient manner. Energy services are internally organised into four divisions: Renewables Advisory, Renewables Certification, Power Testing, Inspection and Certification, and Energy Advisory (which includes our Sustainable Energy Use services). Together, DNV KEMA, GL Garrad Hassan and GL Renewables Certification will become the leading TIC and advisory services provider to the energy (including renewable energy) and sustainability sectors. To operationalise this ambition, DNV GL – Energy will: 1. Be the leading global advisory services provider integrating the energy value chain throughout its life cycle 2. Strengthen our existing position as the world leader in renewable energy advisory services


3. Strengthen our existing position as the world leader in independent High Power/ High Voltage (HP/HV) and renewables testing, inspection and certification 4. Outpace market growth in the sustainable use of energy in the USA while building leadership positions in energy efficiency advisory services in selected international markets In addition to these service area-focused goals, a fifth has been defined that relates to the post-merger integration process in the coming years:

Piraeus and Singapore and a dense station network across more than 80 countries. To ensure a unique local service delivery, the new organisation has a broad base of surveyors and technical staff with expertise in all ship segments, as well as additional technical experts available locally. We help our customers manage their risks throughout all phases of a ship’s life. In close cooperation with the industry, we invest heavily in research and development to find solutions that address strategic, operational and regulatory challenges.

DNV GL – Business Assurance 5. Integrate DNV GL – Energy with optimised value creation such that stakeholders experience us as one

DNV GL – Maritime DNV GL is the world’s leading classification society for the maritime industry and a recognised advisor. We take a leading position in driving the maritime sector forward by addressing key industry challenges through rules and regulatory development, innovation and collaboration with our customers and other stakeholders − helping the industry become safer, smarter and greener. Headquartered in Hamburg, Germany, DNV GL – Maritime takes a broad view of business and societal issues to empower our customers’ decisions and actions with leading technological expertise. The company has 5,600 exceptional employees dedicated to enhancing safety, quality, energy efficiency and environmental performance in all vessel types and offshore structures. Our new setup includes strengthened technical hubs and approval centres in Hamburg, Oslo, Busan and Shanghai, expanded key support centres in

is a world-leading certification body with 2000 persons serving customers worldwide from 35 local offices. Headquartered in Milan, Italy, we work according to our strategy of incorporating sustainability in everything we do, and our core promise to our customers is: Focused on your future. By this we mean that when partnering with us, we help our customers manage their operational challenges today while building sustainable business performance over time. We achieve this by working with companies in all industry sectors on the performance of their organisations, products, people, facilities and supply chains through our assurance and Two Tomorrows Sustainability Advisory service lines. As an independent third party, we offer the following assurance services: certification, verification, assessment and training services. The main service categories are: • Management system certification • Product assurance • Supply chain management • Training

I All about the people business I

• Certification of persons • Verification • Food and beverage industry-specific services • Healthcare industry-specific services The above services focus on assuring the performance of our customers’ organisations, people, products, facilities and supply chains to build sustainable business performance and create stakeholder trust. Our Two Tomorrows sustainability advisory services focus on helping the top management of our large international customers, identify and implement the right strategy to reach their sustainability goals. The major part of our service portfolio is our management system certification service. DNV GL – Business Assurance will continue to develop the value created for customers through this service, in particular its contribution to building customers’ sustainable business performance. All in all, DNV GL – Business Assurance has challenging times ahead when it comes to growth and profitability. But we have a strong vision and sense of direction in terms of what we wish to achieve. With DNV GL now a reality, we are working hard to align business models, prepare for the brand implementation and gain even more momentum behind our ambition to become the world-leading certification body.

DNV GL – Software has become a prominent software house with 750 FTE located on several sites around the world, with Høvik as the biggest development centre. Based on the vision of being a world-leading provider of software for managing risk and improving

asset performance in the energy, process and maritime industries, the software house is delivering products for the following business domains: • Design and enginerring • Process safety risk and reliability • Performance and Integrity • Enterprice risk and QHSE • Ship and fleet management • Ship & offshore class The major part is software licenses and services for the external marked, but around 20% represents software solutions for internal use in DNV GL, as for instance Nauticus Production System (NPS) which has been chosen as the main production system for ship & offshore class also in the new organisation. All in all, the future looks bright for DNV GL – Software. For the first half year we reported a year-on-year growth in revenue of approximately 15%. This is very satisfactory, considering that it follows three years of double-digit growth. However, some products have not turned out to be as profitable as expected. With GL on board a review of the total product portfolio and business has started, outlining new product strategies and integration plans for the time to come.

unit that is moving into the maritime organisation. In the global perspective, the unit supports and co-work with other regions. The extent of involvement outside the Norwegian continental shelf varies between the services in the region. The projects delivered are ranging from less than one work week to multiple crossdisciplinary personnel for a year and more. Familiarisation with the services delivered to clients has a potential to expand the DNV GL service. The extent to which DNV GL employees are associating to a «We», there will be opportunities for personal development as well as business development within our unit.

DNV GL – Oil & Gas We are a new operational unit in Norway. Projects designated toward the Norwegian oil and gas industry will to a large extent be performed by us. We have approximately 800 employees in offices around Norway. The unit was merged by legacy DNV’s risk management solutions and technical advisory as the main contributors of staff. Colleagues will join from GL and KEMA. The main exit is the maritime advisory


I Historie I

Historisk DNV-notat I et notat fra opprettelsesmøte for Det Norske Veritas 28. mai 1864 på Victoria Hotel, Rådhusgaten 8, Christiania, kan vi se at de ansattes rettigheter har vært viktig for DNV siden starten, og at dette er en arv fra våre stiftere. Ellen Margrethe Pihl Konstad

Da DNV ble opprettet for snart 150 år siden, var en av konsekvensene at b-mann(besiktelsesmann)korpset til de seks assuranseforeningene som stiftet oss ble lagt ned. Hvor mange som da ble overflødige vet vi ikke, men i et notat fra 16. juni går det frem hva det nye selskapet trengte av ansatte i første omgang. Det ble beregnet at det nye selskapet i tillegg til en direktør med fast bosted i Christiania, også ville ha behov for til sammen ni b-menn, hvorav åtte stasjonert i de største havnebyene i Norge, og en som også skulle fungere som direktørens assistent med tilholdssted Christiania. Dette medførte at han fikk et assistenttillegg på 100 spd, som satte gasjen hans til hele 600 spd. Direktørens lønn var satt som fastlønn til 1000 spd. Når det gjaldt de b-menn som mistet jobben grunnet opprettelsen av DNV, hadde de under ellers like kvalifikasjoner fortrinn til de nyopprettede stillingene i DNV. «Under Forøvrige lige Omstendigheder antages de hos de indtraadte Assuranceforeningers ansatte faste Besigtelsesmænd at ville komme i fortrinlig Betraktning.» De som søkte jobb i det nye selskapet måtte påberegne seg reising, både i og utenfor Norge. «Besigtelsesmændene, hvis Instrux bestemmes af Directøren, kunne beordres at bistaa Assuranceforeninger i Havaritilfælde i Norge og i Udlandet. Hvorvidt de udelukkende skulle staa i Selskabets Tjeneste, afgjøres af Representantskabet.» Arkivet viser at det var til dels mye reising det første året. På et punkt ble det forskuttert 500 spd for å dekke kommende reiseutgifter!


Avskrift av notatet «Det Norske Veritas» Oprettet i Møde den 28de Mai 1864 i Victoria Hotel i Christiana af Representanter fra 6 gjensidige Skibs-assuranceforeninger, under Betingelse af første norske Assuranceforenings Indmeldelse, der nu er indløben ifølge sammes Repræsentant Beslutning af 14de Juni – vil fra Efteraaret antagelig ansætte efternævnte Funktionærer: 1) En Direktør, der skal have fast Bopel i Christiania og udelukkende staa i Selskabets Tjeneste, med aarlig Gage ……………………… 1 000 Spd. Hans Kontorhold vil blive fastsagt af første Representantmøde, der tillige vil bestemme hans Instrux. 2) En Besigtelsesmand sammesteds, der tillige er Diretørens Assistent, med vanlig Gage …… 600 Spd. 3) 8 Besigtelsesmænd, hvoraf 1 i hver af efternævte Steder: Christiansund, Bergen, Stavanger, Grimstad, Tønsberg og Drammen, samt 2 i Porsgrund, samtlige med aarlig Gage …… 500 Spd. Besigtelsesmændene, hvis Instrux bestemmes af Directøren, kunne beordres at bistaa Assuranceforeninger i Havaritilfælde i Norge og i Udlandet. Hvorvidt de udelukkende skulle staa i Selskabets Tjeneste, afgjøres af Representantskabet. Under Forøvrige lige Omstendigheder antages de hos de indtraadte Assuranceforeningers ansatte faste Besigtelsesmænd at ville komme i fortrnlig Betraktning. Samtlige Funktionerer ansættes med 6 Maander gjensidig Opsigelse. Begjæring om disse Poster Kunne indleveres til Representantskabet for ”Det Norske Veritas” senest inden 1ste August d A. Grimstad 16de Juni 1864 Efter bemyndigelse fra overnævte Møde M. Smith Petersen Bedes indrykket 3 Ganger i Aftenbladet med Outigen 8 Dagers mellomrum. Regning direkte.

I Historie I

Historien om GL I 1871 ble GL høytidelig og personlig grunnlagt av Franz Paetow. Han var borgermester og rådmann for byen Rostock og president av forvaltningsrådet under navnet Tysk selskap for klassifisering av båter. Ellen Margrethe Pihl Konstad

Han overrakte en personlig og juridisk bønn om å få godkjenning fra øverste hold. Med juridisk bistand heftet det ved 58 paragrafer som ikke kunne endres uten samtykke fra øverste hold, med dette var selskapet godkjent og stiftet. Slik var ordlyden Bekrefter herved under byvåpenet og vår rådhussekretærs underskrift gitt i rådhuset i Rostock 10. Februar 1871. Franz Paetow var kongelig spansk visekonsul. Bosted: Wendländer Schilde Nr. 5, deretter Blächerstr. og Alexandrinenstr. Faren Ernst og broren Ernst Jr. drev et rederiforetak og vinlager. Franz Paetow ledet i 1872 Germanischer Lloyd Büro Office Am Scwibbogen Nr. 8. Germanischer Lloyd 16.03.1867 Grunnlagt i Hamburg.

GLs hovedkontor i Hamburg (over) og DNVs hovedkontor på Høvik.

1868 Flyttet fra Hamburg til Rostock. 1873 Flyttet fra Rostock til Berlin, i juni 1873 til Rostock innkalte generalforsamling bestemte seg for et bytte av by, likevel forble Rostock offisielt og juridisk sete (hovedkontor). 30.04.1875 Berlin blir offisielt sete for GL. Slutten av 1945 Flytting til Hamburg. 05.10.1949 Hovedsete er igjen Hamburg.


I medlemSrekrUTTerIng I

Høstens rekrutteringskampanje og medlemsmøter Vi ønsker å komme nærmere lokale tillitsvalgte og medlemmer. Samhandling sentralt er nå på plass, og lokale samhandlingsarenaer vil reetableres så snart som mulig som avtalt med dnV gl. Underveis er det stadig viktig å rekruttere flere medlemmer. CamIlla WIIk

hVorFor rekrUTTere Flere medlemmer TIl VeFF? veFF-medlemskap er en så bra arbeidslivsforsikring at flere bør bli bevisst muligheten for og gevinsten av å være med. så enkelt kan man begrunne hvorfor være medlem. som medlem i veFF og som den største personalforeningen har vi stor innflytelse på ledelsen i store beslutninger, dette er svært viktig. lokale tillitsvalgte er også en svært viktig ressurs for alle medlemmer, da de ofte er kjent med enheten og det som rører seg der. rekrUTTerIng aV nyanSaTTe Hver måned holder vi lunsjmøte for nyansatte på veFF-kontoret. Her informerer vi om veFF og hva vi kan gjøre for de ansatte. alle medlemmer fikk tilbud om å være med å rekruttere, for å være med i trekning av tur til roma. vinneren er publisert på veFFs hjemmesider.

Vi ønsker alle velkommen til et uforpliktende møte på VeFF-kontoeret på høvik. nede ved sjøen finner du oss i Støpulen, se bilde på baksiden av magasinet og kartet på


I memBer reCrUITmenT I

thE autumn rECruItmEnt CampaIGn and mEmBErShIp mEEtInGS

We want to get closer to our local trade union representatives and members. Interaction is now in place at head office and local interaction arenas will be re-established as quickly as possible – as agreed with dnV gl. While this is taking place, it is still important to recruit more members.

Why recruit more VEFF members? membership of VeFF is such a good working-life insurance that more people should be aware of their opportunity to join the trade union – and of the benefits of doing so. It is that simple to state why people should become members. VeFF, which is the largest trade union, has a lot of influence over the company’s management as regards major issues, and this is extremely important. local trade union representatives are also a very important resource for all members, since they often know the unit and what goes on there. Create activity and a positive attitude in your section. people want to join a trade union where a lot of interesting activities are taking place!

recruiting new employees each month, we hold a lunch-time meeting for new employees at the VeFF office. We provide information on VeFF and what we can do for the employees. all members were offered the chance to help recruit new members in order to take part in a draw for a trip to rome. The winner is published on VeFF’s website.

We would like to welcome everybody to an informal meeting in the VeFF office at høvik. down by the sea you will find us in ”Støpulen”, see photo on the back page and the map at


I Fagforening I

Personalforeningen for deg! Vi er en interesseorganisasjon – et eget forbund kun for ansatte i DNV GL. Alle kan være medlem i vår personalforening, uavhengig av yrkesgruppe og ansiennitet.

Camilla Wiik


er en felles personalforening for ansatte på tvers av avdelinger, fag, profesjon og utdannelsesbakgrunn n VEFF er en sterk personalforening overfor arbeidsgiver i forhandlinger n VEFF har tariffavtale med AFP og sluttvederlagsordningen n Du vil først og fremst møte VEFF på arbeidsplassen din, der dine interesser ivaretas av våre tillitsvalgte som kjenner DNV GL n VEFF forhandler lønn, avtaler og goder og følger opp forvaltning av disse n Personlig bistand for å ivareta og sikre dine lønns- og arbeidsvilkår n VEFF er partipolitisk uavhengig Medlemsfordeler n Over 35 års erfaring med fagforening i DNV GL n Sentral og lokal tilstedeværelse med tillitsvalgte n Representerer i tillegg EWC, GEF, AMU, IA n Andre fordeler (forsikring, bank) og medlemsbetingelser: Hvem kan være medlem? n Alle DNV GL-ansatte i Norge n Alle DNV GL-ansatte i Danmark n Expats i DNV GL n Pensjonister i DNV GL, kr. 250,- pr. år Hvorfor VEFF? VEFF er et eget selvstendig forbund i Parat/YS, kun for ansatte i DNV GL. VEFFs mål er å representere alle grupper ansatte. Idag er vi stemmen til 50% av de ansatte i Norge. Vi kan fortsatt bli flere. Jo flere, jo sterkere. Velkommen.

Riktig god jul til alle! 30

VEFF video:

I Union I

The Trade union for you! We are a different union – only for employees of DNV GL. Anyone can be a member, regardless of profession and seniority.

VEFF is a public employee union for employees across departments, disciplines, professions and educational backgrounds n VEFF is a strong negotiator n VEFF has a collective agreement with a pension and severance scheme n You will primarily meet VEFF at your workplace, where your interests are protected by our representative who knows DNV GL n VEFF negotiates wages, benefits and agreements and follows up management of these n Personal assistance to safeguard and secure your pay and working conditions n VEFF is politically independent n

Member benefits n Over

35 years of experience with the union in DNV GL and local presence with representatives n Representative also in EWC, GEF, AMU, IA n Other benefits and membership info: n Central

Who can be a member? n All

DNV GL employees in Norway DNV GL employees in Denmark n Expats in DNV GL n Seniors in DNV GL, NOK 250,- per year n All


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VEFF is a separate independent union in Parat /YS, only for employees in DNV GL. VEFF’s goal is to represent all groups of employees. Today, we are the voice of 50% of the employees in Norway. We can still get more. The more the stronger. Welcome.

Season’s greetings to everyone! 31

hVorDAN BLi mEDLEm AV VEFF • Gå inn på VEFFs hjemmeside hvor du finner link til innmeldingsskjema: • Kontakt grupperepresentanten i din VeFF-gruppe. • Kontakt VEFF-kontoret: • Du finner også informasjon på

hoW to BEcomE A VEFF mEmBEr • Visit VEFF’s website where you will find a link to apply for membership: • Contact the group representative of your VeFF group. • Contact the VEFF office: • You will also find useful information on

© nina Ivarsen

”Støpulen” is VeFF’s office at the Veritas Centre.

© VeFF 12-2013. Front cover photo: © Thinkstock. design and layout: 1310-001

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