Validated knowledge for safety critical environment

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DNV | KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Single Points of Knowledge

knowledge at your fingertips


Single Points of Knowledge


knowledge at your fingertips

COST OF IGNORANCE /// Costly mistakes are repeated, as earlier ones were not recorded or analysed

“An investment in knowledge

pays the best interest.�

Benjamin Franklin

A strong case for Single Points of Knowledge In safety critical environments, all stakeholders should be able to access all valid and updated knowledge and information at the right time, at the right place.


In reality, however, crucial knowledge and information are scattered amongst various documents, repositories, databases, personal files, hard drives and people. Versions of documents might not be consistent and information could be outdated or not validated.

This might cause mistakes, wrong decisions, suboptimal performance, safety hazards and rework. Regulations, rules and standards should be available to staff without any friction and fit-for-use in their specific task environment and role.

The same holds for training materials and job aids. Experience and lessons learned are located with individual experts or centres of excellence should be easy to find and made accessible.


What are Single Points of Knowledge (SPOK)?

COST OF IGNORANCE /// Employees spend too much time to search for information and knowledgeable people

■ Single points of knowledge (SPOK) are web-based platforms that provide critical content to stakeholders within organisations, public private partnerships, supply chains and industry sectors. ■ Content is integrated, validated and actionable. User interfaces have a simple icon-based design, resembling smart phone apps that are quick to assimilate and support easy browsing. ■ SPOKs may often take the shape of a wiki-based platform to capture authoritative information and to establish a knowledge base regarding critical safety issues. ■ A robust content management and control process ensures the necessary quality, reliability and consistency of stored safety data. SPOKs can help to raise awareness of regulations, rules and standards. Equally, SPOKs can provide access to selected case materials, allowing for the application of findings in new situations.


Among our showcase projects are SKYbrary [], a SPOK for aviation safety knowledge and Navipedia [], a SPOK for Global Navigation Satellite Systems. We invite you to check these sites and have a real feel of what SPOKs could mean for you.


COST OF IGNORANCE /// Good ideas and best practices are not shared, raising costs and missing opportunities

Development of a SPOK

DNV’s approach to developing SPOKs follows a generic pattern, involving four phases. The approach can be adapted, depending on what is has already been established.

1 /// VISION & PROFILE ■ SPOK Visioning ■ Profiling of User Groups ■ User Group Scenarios



2 /// STRUCTURE & ORGANISE ■ ■ ■ ■

Knowledge Supply Knowledge Structure Search and Navigation Knowledge Management Process

■ ■ ■

Review of Current Systems Technical Specification Technology Proposal and Development Planning

4 /// DEVELOP & MAINTAIN ■ ■ ■ ■

Install and configure Technology Platform Populate Initial Content Execute KM Processes Technology Updates


Development of a SPOK

Vision and profile

Structure and organise

■ SPOK VISIONING in a workshop setting, the overall purpose and principles of the SPOK are defined and known constraints and opportunities are mapped to inform the business case.

■ KNOWLEDGE SUPPLY SIDE identification of existing content that can serve as seed content for the SPOK. Given the user success scenarios, an analysis is undertaken to establish whether the existing content is fit-for-purpose. A plan is created to resolve mismatches between user content needs and existing content style and structure. Also, potential providers of expertise and information are identified and a plan for content development partnerships is made.

■ PROFILING USER GROUPS stakeholder engagement to identify and prioritise user needs related to knowledge and information and creation of archetypical profiles of future end users (personae). ■ USER SCENARIOS per agreed user profile, user success scenarios are defined that will form the basis for the functional specification of the SPOK.


COST OF IGNORANCE /// Loss of critical knowledge due to retirement and mobility of workforce

■ KNOWLEDGE STRUCTURE the knowledge structure is the underlying model that will drive the SPOK and will be determined by the user scenarios and the content inventory. The knowledge structure will be captured as a diagram, depicting classes of content elements and their relationships. For each content class, a description is made of the attributes and functionality related to that class. Furthermore, for each knowledge element class, notes will be provided about its structure and content.


Development of a SPOK

To be able to access the content elements of various classes, a taxonomy is constructed. This taxonomy is later used to tag the various content elements. Typically, a workshop using mind mapping techniques results in the initial taxonomy. ■ SEARCH AND NAVIGATION using the knowledge structure and user scenarios, a number of mock-up designs are made, presenting various ways each persona can navigate the content repository. The mockups feature icon-based navigation designs. Normally, the designs will be presented either as PowerPoint’s or Visio diagrams, although in selected cases, prototyping software is used. ■ KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT PROCESS in this step, a clear governance structure (ownership, roles and responsibilities) is defined and processes are designed related to the creation, structuring, validation and publishing of content. Also, a plan is made to create and maintain capabilities by providing training and guidance to experts, content managers and editors.


COST OF IGNORANCE /// 1 or 2 key employees hold crucial knowledge, putting continuity at risk

Review and specify ■ REVIEW CURRENT SYSTEMS this step determines the gap between the current content inventory, knowledge management practices, available systems and the envisioned SPOK. Recommendations are made whether or not to build on existing systems or to develop a new system. ■ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION AND DEVELOPMENT PLANNING the user scenarios, the knowledge management processes and the content structure are used to specify the functional requirements of the SPOK. Non-functional requirements are defined using the recognised QUINT model. ■ TECHNOLOGY PROPOSAL based on the requirements to be fulfilled, market knowledge, technology and implementation experience and insights into existing systems, a technology proposal is prepared that shortlists candidate technology platforms. A wide range of technologies and platforms are potential candidates, varying from open source solutions to market-leading proprietary software suites.


Development of a SPOK

COST OF IGNORANCE /// Knowledge is not readily available at the point of action

Develop and maintain ■ INSTALL AND CONFIGURE TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM the installation includes an initial set of templates to allow a quick start and is configured according to the specification. A wireframe category structure, with icons and logos are developed and deployed, based on the taxonomy defined earlier. ■ POPULATE INITIAL CONTENT this step involves supporting content managers to use the various templates and agreed writing style. Equally, existing documentation is uploaded and tagged to the platform to allow for cross-references from the various content articles. Once the agreed threshold for launching the SPOK, the site is then promoted to the various user groups is undertaken.


■ EXECUTE KM PROCESSES following a content development plan and user requests, additional content items are created by editors. The development plan is a rolling plan, updated monthly and lists all planned content management actions. User feedback and search logs inform further site improvements and content development. Content is promoted regularly through electronic newsletters. ■ TECHNOLOGY UPDATES SPOKs are typically built using extendible platforms with new functionality being offered as time progresses. Planned upgrades and technology updates are realised, offering a continuously improving user experience.


Single Points of Knowledge

COST OF IGNORANCE /// Employees use outdated and non-validated information in action

/// knowledge at your fingertips

‘Knowledge at your fingertips’ Clients who benefit from single points of knowledge include those that are responsible for: ■ Risk awareness in sectors and industries ■ Dissemination of regulations ■ Safety standards and procedures ■ Staff training and competence development ■ Quality of information ■ Professional bodies ■ Networks ■ National and international services


DNV is a trusted party with a track record in supporting companies, governments and consortia to implement effective single points of knowledge. We offer a broad range of proven services that cover all aspects of the life cycle: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Visioning, scoping and profiling Engage stakeholders Structuring and organising content Information architecture development Prototype information architectures

■ ■ ■ ■

Review technology options and specify functionalities Develop and maintain preferred technology platform Design and implement governance structures Train content managers and editors


WHAT ARE YOUR COSTS OF IGNORANCE? For more information please contact Rob van der Spek, Director of Knowledge Management Advisory Services /// t +31 (0)6 54781900 /// e, /// w

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