DNV Software Training Catalogue 2013

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DNV Software – a leading provider of software for managing risk safeguarding life, property and the environment

DNV Software Training Catalogue TRAINING for growth – sharing knowledge

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THE POWER OF INTERACTION Our customers are the main drivers of innovation. DNV Software has many different ways of gathering customer feedback, while at the same time enabling customers to get the most out of our products and services. Global Training Our increased focus on global training, including basic and advanced user courses, and the high level of expertise of our team of instructors, benefit users in all regions. Our training catalogue lists our many and varied technical courses and workshops spread across all brands. In addition we run customer specific courses. Many of these courses are held jointly by our own software support team and by engineers from DNV, who bring essential domain expertise. Please check www.dnvsoftware.com/training for updates and current software training offerings, or contact us at dnv.software@dnv.com

GLOBAL USER CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS DNV Software offers numerous user conferences and seminars in several locations worldwide. We also offer webinars. Users and potential users can gain insight, not only into the applications we offer, but also into the future trends. These user conferences provide us with a unique opportunity to communicate with our users, and to receive valuable feedback. Our goal is to make sure that conference participants in each region learn about the efficient use of our products and develop competence. Details and agendas for our conferences and seminars will be posted on www.dnvsoftware.com/events

I Contents I DNV Software Training catalogue I 04

Contents Course code Title



NAuticus NA-02 NA-06 NA-07 NA-08 NA-09 NA-10 NA-11 NA-12 NA-13 NA-16

Nauticus Hull rule check analysis Nauticus Hull cargo hold FE analysis – CSR Tank Nauticus Hull cargo hold FE analysis – CSR Bulk Nauticus Hull – 3D Beam Nauticus Hull – PULS buckling Nauticus Shaft Alignment basic Nauticus Shaft Alignment advanced Nauticus Torsional Vibration basic Advanced shafting design for marine propulsion systems Nauticus Hull cargo hold FE analysis – DNV 1A1

2 days 3 days 3 days 0.5 days 0.5 days 1 day 3 days 1 day 2–3 days 3 days

08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

2 days 3 days 2 days 2 days 1 day 2 days 2 days 1 day 2 days 2 days 1 day 2 days 4 days 3 days 3 days 3 days 2 days 2 days 3 days 2 days 4 days To be agreed Typ. 1–2 days Typ. 1–2 days 1 day

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

Sesam SE-01 Concept based FE modelling and analysis using Sesam GeniE – Introductory SE-02 Geometry based FE modelling and analysis using Patran-Pre – Introductory SE-03 Hull modelling for hydrodynamic analysis – Introductory SE-04 Concept based FE modelling of shell structures – Advanced SE-05 Hydrostatic analysis of offshore floaters SE-06 Hydrodynamic analysis of offshore floaters – frequency domain SE-07 Non-linear hydrodynamics analysis of offshore floaters SE-08 Topside design SE-09 Jacket design SE-10 Progressive collapse analysis SE-11 Wind induced fatigue SE-12 Installation analysis of jackets SE-13 Semi-submersible analysis SE-14 Hydrostatic and hydrodynamic analysis of ships SE-16 FPSO cargo hold analysis SE-18 Coupled motion analysis and riser design of offshore floating installations SE-19 Riser analysis SE-20 Mooring lines analysis SE-21 Simulation of marine operations SE-22 Sub-modelling analysis combined with plate/shell fatigue analysis SE-23 FPSO global strength and spectral fatigue analysis SE-24 WORKSHOP: Advanced use of Sesam GeniE SE-25 WORKSHOP: Hull form modelling in Sesam GeniE SE-26 WORKSHOP: JScripting in Sesam GeniE SE-27 Fatigue and Eigenvalue analysis of offshore wind turbine support structures

I Contents I DNV Software Training catalogue I 05

Course code Title



SE-28 Sesam SurveySimulator introduction SE-29 Sesam SurveySimulator for trainers

1 day 2–3 days

44 45

2 days 4 days 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 3 days 4 days 3/5 days 0.5 days 1 day 1 day 1 day Typically 5 days

47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

3 days 3 days

62 63

2 days 2 days 1 day 1 day 1 day (6 hours) 2 days 1 day 3 days 5 days

65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73

Phast and safeti SA-01 Phast SA-02 Safeti SA-03 Phast advanced discharge modelling SA-04 Phast advanced dispersion and toxic modelling SA-05 Phast advanced flammable modelling SA-06 Phast advanced risk modelling SA-03/05 Phast advanced modelling SA-03/06 Safeti advanced modelling SA-07 Safeti for quantitative risk assessment SA-08 Leak SA-11 Phast multi component modelling extension SA-12 Safeti congested explosion modelling extension SA-13 Safeti advanced explosion modelling SA-14 Building a QRA using Safeti

Maros and Taro MA-01 Maros TA-01 Taro

synergi SY-01 Synergi Life certified administrator training 1 SY-02 Synergi Life certified administrator training 2 SY-03 Synergi Life reports and statistics training 1 SY-04 Synergi Life reports and statistics training 2 SY-05 Synergi Life case handler training SY-06 Synergi Life company specific reports training SY-07 Synergi Life local administrator training SY-08 Synergi Life train the trainers SY-10 RBI Onshore for risk based inspection

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Nauticus Hull rule check analysis Course code: NA-02 Duration: 2 days Prerequisite: Basic understanding of ship structures and hull strength.

Description The course is an introduction to the Nauticus Hull program for rule compliance checks on hull girder strength, and plate and stiffener scantling checks for a hull cross section. The main focus is on cross-section modelling and analyses executions. The course covers how to use the software for DNV Rules as well as Common Structural Rules for oil tankers and Common Structural Rules for bulk carriers.

Learning objectives After the course, participants should be able to use Nauticus Hull to carry out compliance checks on the hull girder and cross sections according to rule requirements. The following topics will be covered: ■■ Describing ship particulars and main data ■■ Describing tank plan, compartments and loads ■■ Scantlings modelling ■■ Prescriptive rule check analyses ■■ Fatigue analyse ■■ Results presentation Most of the procedures and methodology are common for all three sets of rules. Where there are differences, the course will cover the alternatives for all rules that are relevant for the participants.

Target group Naval architects, designers, hull structural engineers and approval engineers with no or limited experience in using Nauticus Hull for rule check analyses.

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Nauticus Hull cargo hold FE analysis – CSR Tank Course code: NA-06 Duration: 3 days Prerequisite: Basic understanding of ship structures and hull strength and use of FE analyses for strength calculations. Knowledge in Nauticus Hull as covered in NA-02. It is beneficial if the participants have attended SE-01.

Description The course is an introduction to programs for FE analyses of the cargo hold area in accordance with the IACS Common Structural Rules for Oil Tankers (CSR Tank). This includes modelling, analysis, post-processing yield and buckling strength checks. Focus is put on extruding a cross section from section scantlings, 3D modelling and mesh control in Sesam GeniE, applying loads, corrosion additions and boundary conditions according to CSR Tank, running a Sestra analysis and post-processing using Xtract. Yield and buckling strength checks according to CSR Tank are covered. The course will be a combination of lectures and hands-on training. The hands-on example consists of building a cargo hold model, analysing it and perform stress level assessment. The cross section for the cargo hold model is extruded from a midship section modelled in section scantlings in the NA-02 Nauticus Hull rule check analysis course. The course will also provide a presentation of the CSR Tank rules and their requirements to strength assessment analyses of the cargo hold area.

Learning objectives After the course you should be able to use Nauticus Hull for cargo hold modelling and execute FE analyses for strength and stress level assessment.

Target group Naval architects, designers, hull structural engineers and approval engineers with no or limited experience using Nauticus Hull for the Common Structural Rules for Oil Tankers.

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Nauticus Hull cargo hold FE analysis – CSR Bulk Course code: NA-07 Duration: 3 days Prerequisite: Basic understanding of ship structures and hull strength and use of FE analyses for strength calculations. Knowledge in Nauticus Hull as covered in NA-02. It is beneficial if the participants has attended SE-01.

Description The course is an introduction to programs for modelling and FE analyses of bulk carriers in accordance with the IACS Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers (CSR Bulk). Focus is put on extruding a cross section from section scantlings, then 3D modelling of a cargo hold model and mesh control in Sesam GeniE, applying loads, corrosion additions and boundary conditions according to the CSR Bulk rules, running a FE analysis and post-processing using Xtract. Yield and buckling strength checks according to CSR Bulk are covered. The course will be a combination of lectures and hands-on training. The hands-on example consists of building a cargo hold model, analysing it and perform buckling and stress level assessment. The cross section for the cargo hold model is extruded from a midship section modelled in section scantlings in the NA-02 Nauticus Hull rule check analysis course. The course will also provide a presentation of the IACS Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers and their requirements to strength assessment analyses of the cargo hold area.

Learning objectives After the course you should be able to use Nauticus Hull and Sesam GeniE for cargo hold modelling and execute FE analyses for buckling control and strength and stress level assessment according to the CSR Bulk rules.

Target group Naval architects, designers, hull structural engineers and approval engineers with no or limited experience using Nauticus Hull for the Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers.

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Nauticus Hull – 3D Beam Course code: NA-08 Duration: 0.5 days Prerequisite: Basic understanding of the FE method and strength calculations.

Description The course is a presentation of the 3-dimensional frame structure analysis program 3D Beam. This program can be used at an early stage for evaluation of strength of ship frames, as well as grid structures and frame structures in general. The course will describe how to create geometry, apply profiles, material, loads etc., and present the analyses results in way of displacements and beam forces and stresses. The course will be a combination of lectures and hands-on training. The hands-on training will be a detailed step-by-step description of the modelling and analysis process.

Learning objectives After the course you should be able to carry out beam element analysis using 3D Beam.

Target group Naval architects, designers, hull structural engineers and approval engineers with no or limited experience using Nauticus Hull.

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Nauticus Hull – PULS buckling Course code: NA-09 Duration: 0.5 days Prerequisite: Basic understanding of structural strength and plate buckling theory.

Description The course is an introduction to the PULS program for buckling and ultimate strength capacity assessments of stiffened and unstiffened panels based on non-linear large deflection plate theory. PULS can be used in typical planar building blocks in ship hull structures as well as in general planar stiffened, unstiffened or corrugated plate structures. The course will mainly be based on hands-on training, presenting some typical problems where PULS can be used for assessment and understanding of the buckling and non-linear behaviour.

Learning objectives After the course you should be able to use PULS to calculate ultimate buckling capacities of stiffened or unstiffened plates.

Target group Naval architects, designers, hull structural engineers and approval engineers with no or limited experience using Nauticus Hull.

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Nauticus Shaft Alignment basic Course code: NA-10 Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: Some understanding of shaft alignment analysis and verification methods.

Description The course covers the basic parts of Nauticus Shaft Alignment intended for shaft alignment in direct coupled or geared propulsion systems. The following topics are covered: ■■ Basic geometry modelling, shaft- and bearing wizards ■■ Applying materials, buoyancy corrections, loads ■■ Modelling propeller, bearings, shrink fits, gears and engines ■■ Calculation and reporting ■■ Optimisation and reverse engineering features ■■ Verification methods such as gap/sag, strain gauge or hydraulic jacking

Learning objectives We focus on use of the software in this basic course. It means that general theory or Classification Rules are not covered. Throughout presentations and hands-on training you will learn how to use Nauticus Shaft Alignment effectively. The design, verification and troubleshooting (“reverse engineering”) aspects will be covered. You will also learn how to optimise the alignment using the more advanced features of the software.

Target group Naval architects, designers, ship yards and approval engineers with no or limited experience using Nauticus Machinery.

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Nauticus Shaft Alignment advanced Course code: NA-11 Duration: 3 days Prerequisite: Detailed knowledge about marine propulsion systems and basic understanding of shaft alignment analysis, verification methods and measurements.

Description The course covers DNV’s theoretical and practical experience within the fields of shaft alignment, whirling and axial vibrations and relates these to good practice for carrying out calculations utilising the Nauticus Shaft Alignment tool. Basic theory will be taught, and the course will give an insight into new technology gained by DNV through several comprehensive research and troubleshooting projects.

Learning objectives The main objective is to learn best practice for shaft alignment by learning theory, analysis methods and use of the software. Each component in the system (propeller, bearing, couplings, gear, engines) will be covered in detail with extensive presentation material, know-how and experience from state-ofthe-art research projects.

Target group Naval architects, designers, ship yards and approval engineers with no or limited experience using Nauticus Machinery, but with some experience within the field of shaft alignment.

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Nauticus Torsional Vibration basic Course code: NA-12 Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: Some understanding of torsional vibration analysis inclusive excitation models for engine and propeller.

Description The course covers all parts of Nauticus Torsional Vibration intended for steady-state torsional vibration analysis in direct coupled or geared propulsion systems. The course will include hands-on training with relevant models. Different types of propulsion systems such as electric, gas turbine, diesel engine and geared systems are covered. The following topics are covered: ■■ Create mass elastic model ■■ Stiffness and damping calculators ■■ Acceptance criteria ■■ Define load cases ■■ Calculation and reporting

Learning objectives We focus on use of the software in this basic course. It means that general theory or Classification Rules are not covered. Throughout presentations and hands-on training you will learn how to use Nauticus Torsional Vibration effectively.

Target group Naval architects, designers, ship yards and approval engineers with no or limited experience using Nauticus Machinery.

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Advanced shafting design for marine propulsion systems Course code: NA-13 Duration: 2–3 days Prerequisite: Knowledge about propulsion components such as propeller, shafts, couplings, dampers, gears and engines. Some knowledge about shaft fatigue analysis and frequency domain analysis of propulsion systems.

Description The course covers the following topics: ■■ Steady state and transient vibrations (frequency and time domain analysis) ■■ IACS unified requirements for shaft fatigue ■■ DNV’s detailed shaft design method ■■ Simulation of transient load responses ■■ Calculation cases and design options The course is primarily focusing on technology, but will cover the Nauticus Torsional Vibration and Nauticus Shaft Fatigue tools.

Learning objectives Learn how to optimise your shafting design using DNV’s detailed shaft design approach and relevant Nauticus Machinery tools.

Target group Naval architects, designers, ship yards and approval engineers with detailed knowledge about overall design of marine shafting systems.

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Nauticus Hull cargo hold FE analysis – DNV 1A1

Prerequisite: Basic understanding of ship structures and hull strength and use of FE analyses for strength calculations. Knowledge in Nauticus Hull as covered in NA-02. It is beneficial if the participants has attended SE-01.

Description The course is an introduction to programs for FE analyses of the cargo hold area in accordance with the Nauticus Newbuildings rules (DNV 1A1). Focus is put on extruding a cross section from section scantlings, 3D modelling and mesh control in Sesam GeniE, applying loads, corrosion additions and boundary conditions according to DNV 1A1, running a Sestra analysis and post-processing using Xtract. The course will be a combination of lectures and hands-on training. The hands-on example consists of building a cargo hold model, analysing it and performing stress level assessment. The cross section for the cargo hold model is extruded from a midship section modelled in section scantlings in the NA-02 Nauticus Hull rule check analysis course. The course will also provide a presentation of the DNV 1A1 rules and their requirements to strength assessment analyses of the cargo hold area.

Learning objectives After the course you should be able to use Nauticus Hull for cargo hold modelling and execute FE analyses for strength and stress level assessment.

Target group Naval architects, designers, hull structural engineers and approval engineers with no or limited experience using Nauticus Hull for the DNV 1A1 rules.

Š Ulstein

Course code: NA-16 Duration: 3 days

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Concept based FE modelling and analysis using Sesam GeniE – Introductory Course code: SE-01 Duration: 2 days Prerequisite: Basic knowledge in FE analysis is required. No previous experience in the use of Sesam is necessary.

Description This is an introductory course to Sesam focusing on the concept modelling, structural analysis and results presentation features of Sesam GeniE including Sestra. Exercises in concept modelling, analysis and results presentations for a topside structure composed of beams and plates are included.

Learning objectives Learn how to use the concept modelling technique of Sesam GeniE to create FE models and analyse them in Sestra.

Target group Structural engineers performing design engineering of fixed and floating offshore structures built up of beams and plates.

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Geometry based FE modelling and analysis using Patran-Pre – Introductory Course code: SE-02 Duration: 3 days Prerequisite: Basic knowledge in FE analysis is required. No previous experience in the use of Sesam is necessary.

Description This is an introductory course to Sesam focusing on the geometry and FE modelling features of Patran-Pre, structural analysis in Sestra and general results processing in Xtract. Exercises in modelling of a hatch coaming and a floating structure are included.

Learning objectives Learn how to create FE models using Patran-Pre and analyse them using Sestra. Learn how to perform general results presentation in Xtract.

Target group Structural engineers performing design engineering of fixed and floating offshore structures built up of beams, plates and shells.

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Hull modelling for hydrodynamic analysis – Introductory Course code: SE-03 Duration: 2 days Prerequisite: Basic knowledge in hydrostatic and hydrodynamic analysis is required. No previous experience in the use of Sesam is necessary.

Description This course focuses on panel modelling of floating shell structures for the purpose of hydrostatic and hydrodynamic analysis. Mass modelling will be briefly discussed. The modelling tool will be Sesam GeniE. Exercises in panel modelling of a barge and a semi-submersible are included. There will also be a session on importing data from CAD.

Learning objectives Learn how to create panel models for use in hydrostatic and hydrodynamic analysis in Sesam HydroD.

Target group Structural engineers and naval architects involved in hydrostatic and/or hydrodynamic analysis of fixed and floating offshore structures.

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Concept based FE modelling of shell structures – Advanced Course code: SE-04 Duration: 2 days Prerequisite: SE-01 or equivalent. The participants should also be knowledgeable in the importance of FE mesh qualities.

Description This course focuses on concept modelling and analysis of floating shell structures and other shell structures for the purpose of structural analysis. Sesam GeniE is the modelling tool. Exercises in concept modelling of a tubular joint, a crane pedestal and/or a semi-submersible are included. The course also covers advanced results presentation using Xtract.

Learning objectives Learn how to use the concept modelling technique of Sesam GeniE to create FE models of complex curved shell structures. Emphasis is put on how to create and tune the FE mesh. Also learn how to extract analysis results for inclusion in a report.

Target group Structural engineers involved in detailed design of fixed and floating offshore structures built up by plates/shells and stiffeners. The course is also relevant for engineers involved in FEED studies.

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Hydrostatic analysis of offshore floaters Course code: SE-05 Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: It is required that the participants are familiar with hydrostatic analysis and key stability parameters. Since this course does not cover the creation of models used in hydrostatic analysis it is beneficial if the participants have knowledge of Sesam GeniE, as covered in either of the courses SE-01, SE-03 or SE-04.

Description This course focuses on hydrostatic analysis and stability checking of floating structures based on relevant code check standards. The course is based on Sesam HydroD. Exercises in hydrostatic analysis of a barge, a ship and a semisubmersible are included.

Learning objectives Learn how to create different loading conditions by filling compartments, perform hydrostatic analysis, assess key decision factors and perform stability code checks.

Target group Naval architects involved in conceptual studies and detailed engineering of offshore floating structures.

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Hydrodynamic analysis of offshore floaters – frequency domain Course code: SE-06 Duration: 2 days Prerequisite: It is required that the participants are familiar with hydrodynamic analysis. Since this course does not cover the creation of models used in hydrodynamic analysis it is beneficial if the participants have knowledge of Sesam GeniE, as covered in either of the courses SE-01, SE-03 or SE-04.

Description This course introduces the participants to the Sesam programs for wave load analysis of offshore floaters based on the frequency domain methodology. The course addresses hydrodynamic analysis, short- and long-term statistics, and transfer of wave loads to structural analysis. Sesam HydroD is the main tool, supported by Wadam, Postresp and Xtract.

Learning objectives Learn how to perform global hydrodynamic response analysis, transfer loads to structural analysis, compute short- and long-term statistics, and animate results. The exercise is based on a semi-submersible or FPSO.

Target group Naval architects involved in conceptual studies and detailed engineering of any offshore floating structure.

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Non-linear hydrodynamics analysis of offshore floaters Course code: SE-07 Duration: 2 days Prerequisite: It is required that the participants are familiar with hydrodynamic analysis. In particular it is assumed that the participants are familiar with the topics covered by SE-06.

Description This course introduces the participants to the Sesam programs for wave load analysis of offshore floaters based on time domain methodology. The course covers some theory description, numerical challenges in a time domain analysis, description of the non-linear effects included, various types of environmental data that can be used as input, execution and animation of the time domain simulations, and load transfer of hydrodynamic results to structural analysis. Sesam HydroD is the main tool, supported by Wasim and Xtract. You will also learn how to create panel models using Wasim.

Learning objectives Learn how to perform non-linear global hydrodynamic response analysis, transfer loads to structural analysis, and animate results. The exercise is based on a semi-submersible.

Target group Naval architects involved in conceptual studies and detailed engineering of any offshore floating structure.

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Topside design Course code: SE-08 Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: It is required that the participants have attended SE-01 or have similar experience.

Description The course focuses on multiple (alternative) analyses, beam code checking and re-design of topside structures. Reporting of code checking results is also covered. The loads are assumed to be manually applied. The main tools are Sesam GeniE and Sestra.

Learning objectives Learn how to do multiple analyses and to create different code checking models. The exercise is based on a topside module.

Target group Structural engineers performing design engineering of topsides and modules.

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Jacket design Course code: SE-09 Duration: 2 days Prerequisite: It is required that the participants have attended SE-01 or have similar experience.

Description This course focuses on analysis of jackets including the environment (hydrodynamic environment and pile-soil foundation). Concept modelling of the jacket and environment is done in Sesam GeniE, wave load analysis in Wajac, non-linear pile-soil analysis in Splice, linear static analysis in Sestra and, finally, code checking of beams and tubular joints in Sesam GeniE. The course also covers re-design of members. Fatigue analysis in Framework is briefly presented.

Learning objectives Learn how to model jackets with tubular joints, compute wave loads, perform structure-pile-soil interaction analysis and code check the results. The exercise is based on a jacket structure including environment.

Target group Structural engineers performing design engineering of jackets and jack-ups.

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Progressive collapse analysis Course code: SE-10 Duration: 2 days Prerequisite: It is required that the participants have attended SE-01 and SE-09 or have similar experience. The participants should also have basic knowledge in non-linear structural analysis.

Description This course covers ultimate strength and progressive collapse analysis of steel space frame structures using Usfos. Focus is put on plastic limit state analysis of jackets subjected to accidental loads (ship collision, dropped objects, fire and explosion) and extreme environmental loads (wave, wind and current).

Learning objectives Learn how to import models created by Sesam GeniE into Usfos and add non-linear data necessary to perform progressive collapse analysis. The participant will also learn how to present and understand the results. The exercise is based on a jacket.

Target group Structural engineers performing ultimate strength, accidental and life extension analysis of jackets.

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Wind induced fatigue Course code: SE-11 Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: It is required that the participants have attended SE-01 and preferably also SE-09 or have similar experience.

Description This course covers gust wind and vortex shedding induced fatigue analysis of beam structures. The main tool is Framework. Structure modelling is performed in Sesam GeniE, and computation of static wind loads is performed in Wajac.

Learning objectives Learn how to create static wind loads in Sesam GeniE including Wajac, and how to use these loads in a gust wind and vortex shedding induced fatigue analysis in Framework. The exercise is based on a flare tower.

Target group Structural engineers performing wind fatigue analysis of topside structures.

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Installation analysis of jackets Course code: SE-12 Duration: 2 days Prerequisite: It is required that the participants have attended SE-01 or have similar experience.

Description This course covers installation analysis of jacket structures. Focus is on launching and upending analysis based on Installjac. Preparation of the jacket model in Sesam GeniE, with respect to the installation analysis and subsequent structural analysis, is also addressed.

Learning objectives Learn how to do launching and upending analysis and how to create loads for given time steps for use in a structural analysis. The exercise is based on a jacket launched from a barge.

Target group Hydrodynamic and structural engineers assessing jacket installations.

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Semi-submersible analysis Course code: SE-13 Duration: 4 days Prerequisite: It is required that the participants have attended SE-01 and are familiar with hydrodynamic analysis.

Description This course focuses on design analysis of semi-submersibles. Modelling the structure for FE analysis and the panel model for hydrodynamic analysis is done in Sesam GeniE. The hydrodynamic environment modelling is done in Sesam HydroD and the hydrodynamic analysis in Wadam. Hydrodynamic loads are transferred to the FE model for structural analysis in Sestra. Hydrodynamic and structural results are presented in Xtract. Code checking of beams and plates is performed in Sesam GeniE. Sub-modelling using Submod, and fatigue analysis of plates/shells using Stofat, are also briefly discussed.

Learning objectives You will learn to perform all basic steps of structural and hydrodynamic analysis of a semi-submersible and similar floating structures.

Target group Hydrodynamic and structural engineers working with design of offshore floaters.

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Hydrostatic and Hydrodynamic analysis of ships Course code: SE-14 Duration: 3 days Prerequisite: It is required that the participants are familiar with hydrodynamic analysis and free surface problems.

Description This course introduces the participants to our stability and hydrodynamics tool Sesam HydroD, supported by Wasim, Postresp and Xtract. The course includes both hydrostatic and hydrodynamic analysis of ships, and statistical post-processing animation.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Learn how to perform hydrostatic analysis of a ship. Learn how to perform a global hydrodynamic analysis and transfer loads to a structural analysis using both linear frequency domain and non-linear time domain methods. You will also learn how to do short-term statistical analysis in frequency domain and how to create animations of time domain simulations.

TARGET GROUP Naval architects involved in conceptual studies and/or detailed engineering of any type of ship.

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FPSO cargo hold analysis Course code: SE-16 Duration: 3 days Prerequisite: Basic understanding of ship structures and hull strength and use of FE analyses for strength calculations. Knowledge in Nauticus Hull as covered in NA-02. It is beneficial if the participants have attended SE-01.

Description The course is an introduction to programs for modelling and FE analyses of FPSOs according to the DNV Offshore Standard OS-C102. Focus is put on extruding a cross section from section scantlings, 3D modelling and mesh control in Sesam GeniE, applying loads, corrosion additions and boundary conditions according to OS-C102 and RP-C102, running a Sestra analysis and post-processing using Xtract. The course will be a combination of lectures and hands-on training. The hands-on example consists of building and meshing a cargo hold model, analysing it and performing stress level assessment. The cross section for the cargo hold model is extruded from a midship section modelled in section scantlings in NA-02 Nauticus Hull rule check analysis. The course will also provide an introduction of the DNV Offshore Rules and their requirements to strength assessment analyses of the cargo hold area.

Learning objectives After the course you should be able to create FPSO cargo hold models and execute FE analyses for strength and stress level assessment.

Target group Structural engineers working with design of FPSOs.

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Coupled motion analysis and riser design of offshore floating installations Course code: SE-18 Duration: 3 days Prerequisite: It is required that the participants are familiar with hydrodynamic analysis, riser design and non-linear analysis. No previous experience in use of Sesam is mandatory, but it is beneficial to have knowledge of Sesam HydroD equivalent to SE-06.

Description The course introduces the Sesam DeepC tool for carrying out both coupled floater motion analysis and analysis of individual lines in time domain. Modelling of the slender structure, set-up and execution of the analysis, as well as post-processing the analysis results, will be covered.

Learning objectives The following topics will be covered: ■■ Concept modelling of riser/mooring system and vessels ■■ Environmental load modelling ■■ Coupled analysis, set up and execution ■■ The seamless interaction with Sesam HydroD, Simo and Riflex ■■ Static configuration of vessel/mooring system ■■ Post-processing of time series results ■■ Fatigue analysis of lines ■■ ULS code checking of steel risers

Target group Structural engineers/naval architects involved in design or verification of floating offshore installations and the interaction with their risers and moorings.

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Riser analysis Course code: SE-19 Duration: 2 days


Prerequisite: No previous experience in use of Sesam is required. However, some basic knowledge in riser design and non-linear FE analysis is required. For extension to coupled analysis of riser systems, see SE-18.

Learning objectives

The course introduces the Sesam DeepC tool for carrying out riser analysis in time domain without the effects from a coupled analysis.

Learn how to analyse marine risers. The following topics will be covered: ■■ Concept modelling of risers ■■ Environmental load modelling ■■ Analysis of individual lines based on floater RAOs or time series from file ■■ Use of Riflex through Sesam DeepC ■■ Post-processing of time series results ■■ Fatigue analysis ■■ LS code check of steel risers

Target group Structural engineers involved in design or verification of marine risers.

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Mooring lines analysis Course code: SE-20 Duration: 2 days


Prerequisite: It is required that the participants are familiar with hydrodynamic analysis. No previous experience in use of Sesam is mandatory, but it is beneficial to have knowledge of Sesam HydroD equivalent to SE-06.

Learning objectives

The course introduces the Mimosa tool for frequency domain analysis of mooring lines.

Learn how to analyse mooring lines. The following topics will be covered: ■■ Modelling of vessel data and mooring lines ■■ Environmental load modelling ■■ Static and dynamic motion response analysis ■■ Transient motion analysis ■■ Dynamic positioning with thrusters ■■ Interaction with the Sesam suite of programs (Sesam HydroD/Wadam) ■■ Statistical post-processing of results

Target group Naval architects/structural engineers involved in design of mooring lines.

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Simulation of marine operations Course code: SE-21 Duration: 3 days


Prerequisite: It is required that the participants are familiar with hydrodynamic analysis. No previous experience in use of Sesam is mandatory, but it is beneficial to have knowledge of Sesam HydroD equivalent to SE-06.

Learning objectives

The course introduces the Simo tool for simulation of marine operations, e.g. floatover installation or deckmating.

Learn how to simulate marine operations like e.g. floatover and lifting analysis. The following topics will be covered: ■■ Flexible modelling of multibody systems ■■ Environmental loading due to wind, waves and current ■■ Non-linear time domain simulation ■■ Passive and active control forces ■■ Interaction with the Sesam suite of programs (Sesam HydroD/Wadam) ■■ Interactive or batch simulation, prepared for real time

Target group Naval architects involved with analysis of marine operations.

I Sesam I DNV Software Training catalogue I 38

Sub-modelling analysis combined with plate/shell fatigue analysis Course code: SE-22 Duration: 2 days Prerequisite: SE-01. The participants should also have knowledge of the principles of stochastic (spectral) fatigue analysis.

Description The course introduces the sub-modelling technique which allows a refined analysis of a detail of the whole structure. Displacements extracted from an analysis of the whole structure are subjected to the sub-model boundaries together with local loads on the sub-model. Such local sub-model loads may be hydrodynamic loads. A sub-model analysis facilitates stochastic (spectral) fatigue analysis of a plate/shell detail.

Learning objectives Learn how to create sub-models in Sesam GeniE and use Submod to perform a sub-modelling analysis. Also learn to use Stofat for stochastic fatigue analysis of plate/shell type structures.

Target group Structural engineers involved in detailed design of fixed and floating offshore structures built up by plates/shells and with attention to fatigue problems.

I Sesam I www.dnvsoftware.com I 39

FPSO global strength and spectral fatigue analysis Course code: SE-23 Duration: 4 days Prerequisite: It is required that the participants have attended SE-04 – alternatively SE-05, SE-06 or SE-16 – or have similar knowledge in Sesam GeniE and Sesam HydroD.

Description The course focuses on direct hydrodynamic and strength analysis methods, global structural analysis and spectral fatigue calculations. You will go through the process of carrying out global analysis with direct calculated loads using Sesam GeniE and Sesam HydroD. Ultimate strength, local analysis and stochastic fatigue calculations are covered with practical examples using Cutres, Xtract, Puls, Submod and Stofat. The course focuses on practical use of the software tools in the analysis workflow.

Learning objectives The participants will learn how to perform all necessary steps of assessing the structural integrity of an FPSO.

Target group Structural engineers working with design of FPSOs.

I Sesam I DNV Software Training catalogue I 40

Workshop: Advanced use of Sesam Genie Course code: SE-24 Duration: to be agreed Prerequisite: SE-01 and preferably SE-04.

Description Advanced use of Sesam GeniE. Agree with DNV Software on which topics to cover: ■■ Perform many analyses including code check runs for each analysis ■■ Perform step analyses or incremental build analyses ■■ Create a Sesam GeniE model, include it in a superelement analysis and import the results back into the Sesam GeniE model for subsequent post-processing ■■ Create FE models for parts of a Sesam GeniE model ■■ Work with different boundary conditions ■■ Work with dynamic sets ■■ Use the rigid support link for coupling between end of a beam to a shell/ plate or many beams ■■ Use of the connection point management ■■ Deal with model problems as identified by Sesam GeniE’s verification tool

Learning objectives To be agreed by the workshop participant and DNV Software.

Target group Advanced Sesam GeniE users.

I Sesam I www.dnvsoftware.com I 41

WORKSHOP: Hull form modelling in Sesam GeniE Course code: SE-25 Duration: typically 1–2 days Prerequisite: SE-01 and preferably SE-04.

Description Learn hull form modelling in Sesam GeniE. Agree with DNV Software on which topics to cover: ■■ Input of curves from CAD (Rhino 3D & DXF) ■■ Create outer shin and inner structure

Learning objectives To be agreed by the workshop participant and DNV Software.

Target group Advanced Sesam GeniE users.

I Sesam I DNV Software Training catalogue I 42

WORKSHOP: JScripting in Sesam GeniE Course code: SE-26 Duration: typically 1–2 days


Prerequisite: SE-01 and SE-04 or SE-08 or SE-09.

To be agreed by the workshop participant and DNV Software.

Learn how to become more efficient using JScript in Sesam GeniE. Agree with DNV Software on which topics to cover.

Learning objectives

Target group Advanced Sesam GeniE users.

I Sesam I www.dnvsoftware.com I 43

Fatigue and Eigenvalue analysis of offshore wind turbine support structures Course code: SE-27 Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: It is required that the participants are familiar with modelling in Sesam GeniE, hydrodynamic analysis and pile/soil analysis. Previous experience of Sesam is required equivalent to SE-01 and SE-09.

Description The course focuses on fatigue analysis and Eigenvalue analysis of offshore wind turbine support structures. It focuses on jacket-based support structures in particular. The participants will use Sesam GeniE and Framework for carrying out a deterministic fatigue analysis of cyclic loads. They will also be introduced to Sesam Wind, to carry out fatigue analyses using time series of wave and wind turbine loads. Performing an Eigenvalue analysis on a jacket will be covered as well.

Learning objectives The following topics will be covered: ■■ Defining cyclic loads ■■ Fatigue analysis using cyclic loads ■■ The interaction with Sesam Wind ■■ Fatigue analysis using time series of wind turbine loads using rainflow counting ■■ Eigenvalue analysis of jacket structures Agenda: Deterministic fatigue analysis of load cycles ■■ Introduction to Sesam Wind ■■ Time series fatigue analysis ■■ Eigenvalue analysis of a jacket ■■

Target group Structural engineers involved in design or verification of fixed offshore wind turbine support structures.

I Sesam I DNV Software Training catalogue I 44

Sesam SurveySimulator introduction Course code: SE-28 Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: Basic knowledge about Sesam SurveySimulator from user manual, tutorials and training videos.

DESCRIPTION The course introduces Sesam SurveySimulator focusing on using available tools and features during training. It gives more knowledge and insight into the philosophy of the application. Learn how to use Sesam SurveySimulator to its maximum.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Learn how to use the learning tools within Sesam SurveySimulator and how to use self-learning modules.

TARGET GROUP Users working in the maritime industry.

I Sesam I www.dnvsoftware.com I 45

Sesam SurveySimulator for trainers Course code: SE-29 Duration: 2–3 days


Prerequisite: Basic knowledge about Sesam SurveySimulator from user manual, tutorials and training videos.


The course is designed to train the trainers using Sesam SurveySimulator. Gain knowledge about possibilities for trainers using this application.

Learn how to run courses and training sessions based on using Sesam SurveySimulator. The course gives complex knowledge about the learning content of the application and learning tools.

TARGET GROUP Trainers who intend to use Sesam SurveySimulator or teach others how to use this software.

I Phast and Safeti I DNV Software Training catalogue I 46

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I Phast and Safeti I www.dnvsoftware.com I 47

Phast Course code: SA-01 Duration: 2 days Prerequisite: The course is suitable for new users and for more experienced users who have not attended a formal training course or would like a refresher course. AÂ basic understanding of hazard analysis and the concept of consequence modelling is required, as is some experience of the process industry.

Description The course introduces the concepts and models within Phast 7. It will cover all areas of consequence modelling within the software, including discharge, dispersion, pool formation and evaporation, fires, explosions and toxic effects. You will be required to practice and apply your new knowledge of the software through extensive hands-on workshops.

Learning objectives Upon completion of this course, participants will understand and be able to use the theoretical and practical aspects of Phast. They will be able to create a range of scenarios from scratch, modelling the effects of releases of hazardous material from initial discharge through dispersion to final flammable and toxic effects. They will also be able to review and understand results and view these in tabular and graphical form and on maps in order to assess the effects of hazardous events and mitigate their consequences.

Target group Users who need to carry out consequence modelling calculations in the process industries including safety analysts, operators, process design engineers, regulators and legislators, insurance companies, engineering contractors and consultants, or users who need to understand the output of a consequence analysis performed with Phast.

I Phast and Safeti I DNV Software Training catalogue I 48

Safeti Course code: SA-02 Duration: 4 days Prerequisite: The course is suitable for new users and for more experienced users who have not attended a formal training course or would like a refresher course. AÂ basic understanding of the concept of consequence modelling and QRA is required, as is some experience of the process industry.

Description The course introduces the concepts and models within Safeti 6.7. It will cover all areas of consequence modelling within the software, including discharge, dispersion, pool formation and evaporation, fires, explosions and toxic effects. The course will also cover all areas of risk modelling within the software, including assessment of the impact of hazardous releases on the human population, taking account of probabilistic meteorological data (wind-roses), event frequencies, ignition probabilities, and location of population areas. You will be required to practice and apply your new knowledge of the software through extensive hands-on workshops.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course, you will understand and be able to use the theoretical and practical aspects of Safeti. Starting from the release case scenario models, you will use them to develop a simple QRA example. You will learn to use the extended functionality provided by Safeti, including population and ignition source definition on a map. The course also covers the additional reporting capabilities provided in Safeti, such as risk contours, F/N curves and risk ranking reports.

TARGET GROUP Users who need to carry out QRA calculations in the process industries, including regulators and legislators, insurance companies, engineering contractors and consultants, or users who need to understand the output of a QRA model built in Safeti.

I Phast and Safeti I www.dnvsoftware.com I 49

Phast advanced discharge modelling Course code: SA-03 Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: This course is suitable for users familiar with the software and who have attended either SA-01 Phast or SA-02 Safeti. A good understanding of the concepts of consequence and discharge/modelling is required, as is some experience of using this technology in the process industry.

Description This is a comprehensive course on the discharge models available within Phast. The course can be a module of the four-day Phast Advanced training or can be delivered standalone. Topics covered include: Instantaneous releases; Discharge from vessel/ orifice and short pipes; Time-varying discharge; Long pipelines; Pool evaporation; Warehouse fires. For each model the course covers the input variables, selection of suitable parameter values, and interpretation of the various reports and graphs. You will be required to practise and apply your new knowledge of the software through extensive hands-on workshops.

Learning objectives Upon completion of this course, you will understand the theoretical and practical aspects of the Phast dispersion models. You will have a much more detailed knowledge of the discharge models available within Phast than users who have attended the SA-01 Phast course only. You will have a much better understanding of the capabilities of the models and their limitations, and a more detailed understanding of the controlling parameters.

Target group Users who need to carry out detailed consequence modelling calculations using Phast, and need a good understanding of the theoretical basis of the discharge calculations available within the software.

I Phast and Safeti I DNV Software Training catalogue I 50

Phast advanced dispersion and toxic modelling Course code: SA-04 Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: This course is suitable for users familiar with the software and who have attended either SA-01 Phast or SA-02 Safeti. A good understanding of the concepts of consequence, discharge and dispersion modelling is required, as is some experience of using this technology in the process industry.

Description This is a comprehensive course on the dispersion and toxic modelling available within Phast. This course can be a module of the four-day Phast Advanced training or can be delivered standalone. Topics covered include: The Unified Dispersion Model for outdoor releases; Dispersion stages; Ambient and terrain data; Dispersion model components (jets, heavy-gas, passive dispersion); Thermodynamic model and rainout; Finite-duration and time-dependent effects; In-Building release model; Building Wake Model for handling building wake effects; Toxic effects models. For each topic, the course provides an overview of the basis of the model, all the input variables, selection of suitable parameter values, and interpretation of the various reports and graphs. You will be required to practise and apply your new knowledge of the software through extensive hands-on workshops.

Learning objectives Upon completion of this course, you will understand the theoretical and practical aspects of the Phast dispersion modelling. You will have a much more detailed knowledge of the models available within Phast than users who have attended the SA-01 Phast course only. You will have a much better understanding of the capabilities of the models and their limitations, and a more detailed understanding of the controlling parameters.

Target group Users who need to carry out detailed consequence modelling calculations using Phast, and need a good understanding of the theoretical basis of the dispersion calculations available within the software.

(flashing) twophase discharge from pipe/vessel

Vapour plume centre-line

SMD droplet trajectory

Distributed rainout; spreading evaporating liquid pool

I Phast and Safeti I www.dnvsoftware.com I 51

Phast advanced flammable modelling Course code: SA-05 Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: This course is suitable for users familiar with the software and who have attended either SA-01 Phast or SA-02 Safeti. A good understanding of the concepts of consequence, dispersion and effects modelling is required, particularly for materials which have flammable properties, as is some experience of using this technology in the process industry.

Description This is a comprehensive course covering all the flammable models available within Phast. The course can be a module of the four-day Phast Advanced training or can be delivered standalone. Models covered include: BLEVE Blast; Jet fire; Pool fire; TNT explosion; TNO Multi-energy explosion; Baker-Strehlow explosion. For each topic, the course provides an overview of the basis of the model, all the input variables, selection of suitable parameter values, and interpretation of the various reports and graphs. You will be required to practise and apply your new knowledge of the software through extensive hands-on workshops.

Learning objectives Upon completion of this course, you will understand the theoretical and practical aspects of the Phast flammable and explosion models, how these can be used standalone, or linked with Phast’s other modelling capabilities. You will have a much more detailed knowledge of the flammable models available within Phast than users who have attended the SA-01 Phast course only. You will have a much better understanding of the capabilities of the models and their limitations, and a more detailed understanding of the controlling parameters.

Target group Users who need to carry out detailed consequence modelling calculations using Phast, and need a good understanding of the theoretical basis of the flammable and explosion modelling capabilities available within the software.

I Phast and Safeti I DNV Software Training catalogue I 52

Phast advanced risk modelling Course code: SA-06 Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: This course is suitable for users familiar with the software and who have either attended SA-02 or are experienced users of the software. AÂ good understanding of the concepts of QRA, consequence, dispersion and effects modelling is required, as is some experience of using this technology in the process industry.

Description This is a comprehensive course on the risk calculations performed by Safeti. The course can be a module of the four-day Phast Advanced training or can be delivered standalone. Topics covered include: Risk input; Risk calculation theory; Event trees; Risk output; Route model; Advanced use of run rows. For each topic, the course provides an overview of the input variables, selection of suitable parameter values, understanding detailed description of the methodology used in Safeti, risk summarisation and interpretation of the various reports and graphs. You will be required to practise and apply your new knowledge of the software through extensive hands-on workshops.

Learning objectives Upon completion of this course, you will understand the theoretical and practical aspects of Safeti. You will have a much more detailed understanding of the risk calculations than users who have attended the SA-02 Safeti course only. The capabilities and limitations of the risk modelling will be covered, including event trees, vulnerability modelling and how the risk grid is used, and a more detailed description of the controlling parameters.

Target group Users who need to carry out detailed QRA calculations in the process industries using Safeti, and need to have a good understanding of how Safeti can be used to help implement risk reduction and mitigation measures. Participants are likely to be from regulatory authorities, insurance industry, engineering contractors and consultants.

I Phast and Safeti I www.dnvsoftware.com I 53

Phast Advanced modelling Course code: SA-03/05 Duration: 3 days Prerequisite: This course is suitable for users familiar with the software and who have either attended SA-01 Phast training or are experienced users of the software. AÂ good understanding of the concepts of quantitative risk assessment, consequence, dispersion and effects modelling is required, as is some experience of using this technology in the process industry.

Description The course covers the individual advanced Phast modules SA-03 through SA-05, which can be delivered as an integrated three-day course. The course may also be customised according to the needs of the participant and can include consulting services, e.g. for resolving specific scenarios.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course, you will understand the theoretical and practical aspects of the full range of modelling capabilities available in Phast. For each area of modelling covered, you will learn about the capabilities and limitations of each model along with a detailed description of the controlling parameters. The model groups are broadly categorised as discharge, dispersion, and flammable effects.

TARGET GROUP Users who need to carry out detailed consequence or risk analysis in the process industries using Phast, and need to have a good understanding of the complex modelling technology available within the software. Participants are likely to be from regulatory authorities, insurance industry, or engineering contractors and consultants.

I Phast and Safeti I DNV Software Training catalogue I 54

Safeti advanced modelling Course code: SA-03/06 Duration: 4 days Prerequisite: This course is suitable for users familiar with the software and who have either attended SA-01 Phast or SA-02 Safeti. A good understanding of the concepts of quantitative risk assessment, consequence, dispersion and effects modelling is required, as is some experience of using this technology in the process industry.

Description The course covers the individual Advanced Phast modules SA-03 through SA-06, which can be delivered as an integrated four-day course. This course may also be customised according to the needs of the participants, and can include consulting services, e.g. for resolving specific scenarios.

Learning objectives Upon completion of this course, you will understand the theoretical and practical aspects of the full range of modelling capabilities available in Phast and Safeti. For each area of modelling covered, you will learn about the capabilities and limitations of each model along with a detailed description of the controlling parameters. The model groups are broadly categorised as discharge, dispersion, flammable effects and risk.

Target group Users who need to carry out detailed consequence or risk analysis in the process industries using Phast and Safeti, and need to have a good understanding of the complex modelling technology available within the software. Participants are likely to be from regulatory authorities, insurance industry, or engineering contractors and consultants.

I Phast and Safeti I www.dnvsoftware.com I 55

Safeti for quantitative risk assessment Course code: SA-07 Duration: 3/5 days Prerequisite: This course is suitable for users familiar with the software and who have either attended SA-02 or are experienced users of the software. For those, the course can be delivered over three days. For less experienced participants who need to be simultaneously trained in the software, the course can be delivered over five days. A good understanding of the concepts of QRA, consequence, dispersion and effects modelling is required, as is some experience of using this technology in the process industry.

Description The course provides extensive guidance on how to use Safeti within the context of a Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA). All the key aspects of the QRA process using Safeti are covered. Some of the topics included are: Hazard Identification; Frequency estimation and analysis; Scoping QRA; Building QRA model in Safeti; Data collection; Mitigation and reporting; Failure case development; Cost-benefit analyses. In contrast to the standard Safeti training that comprehensively covers software functionality and theory, this course adopts a more practical approach to using Safeti to perform a QRA. You will be required to practise and apply your new knowledge of the software through extensive hands-on workshops. The course is structured around building a basic simplified QRA model.

Learning objectives Upon completion of this course, you will understand and be able to use the theoretical and practical aspects of Safeti to build a QRA model of a hazardous facility. You will learn how to identify hazards, divide these into logical isolatable sections, develop representative failure cases based on these using the “methodical leak/rupture” approach, and acquire all the background data necessary to build a QRA in Safeti.

Target group Users who need to carry out QRA in the process industries using Phast and Safeti. Participants are likely to be from regulatory authorities, insurance industry, or engineering contractors and consultants.

I Phast and Safeti I DNV Software Training catalogue I 56

Leak Course code: SA-08 Duration: 0.5 days Prerequisite: This course is suitable for new users and for more experienced users who have not attended a formal training course or would like a refresher course. An understanding of the concepts of QRA and frequency analysis is required, as is some experience of using this technology in the process industry.

Description This course provides an introduction to the concepts and models within Leak, DNV’s leak frequency database application based on the UK HSE Hydro­ carbon release database. All the key aspects of setting up a frequency analysis project in Leak are covered in the course. Some of the topics included are: ■■ Selecting the calculation basis (hole size or release rate) ■■ Adding equipment items ■■ Determining base elements ■■ Defining release rate/hole size categories ■■ Defining output categories You will be required to practise and apply your new knowledge of the software through a hands-on workshop.

Learning objectives Upon completion of this course, you will understand and be able to use the theoretical and practical aspects of Leak. You will learn how to assess leak frequencies for process plants using the data and analysis tools with Leak.

Target group Users who need to calculate leak frequencies for releases of hazardous material on process plants. Participants are likely to be from regulatory authorities, insurance industry, engineering contractors and consultants.

I Phast and Safeti I www.dnvsoftware.com I 57

Phast multi component modelling extension Course code: SA-11 Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: The course is suitable for users familiar with Phast and who have previously attended SA-01. SA-03 and SA-04 would also be of benefit, but are not mandatory.

Description The multi component extension allows users to simulate the release of mixtures more accurately within a range of the consequence simulation models in Phast. The course covers the capabilities and limitations of the enhanced multi-component (MC) methodology. The multi component functionality is demonstrated, and an understanding of this methodology is enhanced by worked hand calculations. The course also highlights the application’s ability to perform point property calculations and flash calculations. It also introduces methods of manual workarounds to complex modelling problems not covered by the standard functionality.

Learning objectives Upon completion of this course, you will understand and be able to use the multi component release modelling appropriately and efficiently within hazard analysis investigations and QRA studies. You will be able to create a range of multi-component mixtures and use them to generate scenarios in the MC Vessel model.

Target group Experienced risk analysts with previous experience using Phast or Safeti who need to carry out simulation of the accidental release of toxic and/or flammable multi component mixtures to the atmosphere. The course does not cover Phast and Safeti usage, so it is assumed that the participants are already familiar with the software.

I Phast and Safeti I DNV Software Training catalogue I 58

Safeti congested explosion modelling extension Course code: SA-12 Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: The course is suitable for users familiar with Safeti and who have previously attended SA-02 Safeti. SA-06Â Phast advanced risk modelling and SA-13 Phast advanced explosion modelling would also be of benefit, but are not mandatory.

Description Safeti contains a new extension for modelling the risks from explosions. This new approach to explosion modelling takes account of the effects of congestion and confinement when calculating overpressure and impulse results. The new modelling allows the user to select either the Multi Energy or Baker Strehlow Tang explosion methodologies. The course describes how to use the extensive new functionality, including defining obstructed regions, buildings and associated vulnerability characteristics for a range of effect types and creating additional vulnerability sets for use when assessing exceedance criteria. It goes on to describe the extensive results assessment capabilities of the much extended risk-reporting functionality available in Safeti.

Learning objectives Upon completion of this course, you will understand and be able to use the congested explosion modelling available in Safeti. The course focuses on the features available in the software and explains how to use these to build a model of your plant which includes congestion and confinement information, and building specific vulnerability characteristics.

Target group Experienced risk analysts with previous experience using Safeti who need to carry out detailed risk modelling calculations involving explosions. The course does not cover Phast and Safeti usage, so it is assumed that the participants are already familiar with the software.

I Phast and Safeti I DNV Software Training catalogue I 59

Safeti advanced explosion modelling Course code: SA-13 Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: The course is suitable for users who are already familiar with Safeti and have previously attended SA-01 and SA-02. SA-06 and SA-12 would also be of benefit but are not mandatory.

Description Safeti’s extension for modelling the risks from explosions takes account of the effects of congestion and confinement when calculating overpressure and impulse results. The extension contains both the Multi Energy and Baker Strehlow Tang explosion methodologies. The course goes into technical details about the explosion and vulnerability modelling available in the Safeti explosion extension. It describes the theory behind the Multi Energy and Baker Strehlow Tang models as implemented in Safeti and provides background information on GAME, GAMES and RIGOS projects and the Yellow book and BEVI guidance documents, and provides information on how this guidance can be applied in Safeti. This includes hands-on guidance on best practice approaches for breaking up real plant geometries into obstructed regions based on the guidance literature.

Learning objectives Upon completion of this course, you will have a good understanding of the theoretical basis of the congested explosion and vulnerability modelling features available in the Safeti explosion modelling extension. It supports you in calculation of effects from explosions and the impact of different vulnerability characteristics and its impact on people, for applications such as occupied building analysis.

Target group Experienced risk analysts with previous experience using Safeti who need to carry out detailed risk modelling calculations involving explosions and vulnerability modelling for occupied building analysis. The training does not cover Phast and Safeti usage, so it is assumed that the participants are already familiar with the software, including the functionality provided by the explosion risk extension.

I Phast and Safeti I DNV Software Training catalogue I 60

Building a QRA using Safeti Course code: SA-14 Duration: typically 5 days Prerequisite: The course is suitable for users familiar with the software and who have either attended SA-02 or have some experience using the software.

Description Please note: this is a custom course tailored to specific customer needs. Please contact your Regional Sales Manager for more information, as the cost will depend on the level of customisation required. For those without QRA experience, it can be daunting to take the concepts covered in other modules (such as SA-07, Safeti QRA) and building a QRA from scratch for a processing unit (or even an entire plant) using Safeti. In this customised course we can work with you on a typical facility, or part of a facility, explaining how you would begin to build a QRA in Safeti. We can take you through the entire QRA process, typically for a small idealised unit of your facility, helping you scope the QRA and providing advice on how to collect the necessary data, break the unit into a number of failure cases, and build a QRA model in Safeti. Based on the simple QRA model developed, we can then take you through the analysis of results including assessment against acceptance criteria and measures for mitigating risks.

Learning objectives Upon completion of this course, you will have been through the entire process of developing a simple Safeti QRA model with direct relevance to their specific needs by working directly with a DNV Software expert. You will learn how to identify hazards, divide these into logical isolatable sections, develop representative failure cases based on them, and gain a better understanding of how and where to acquire all the background data necessary to build a QRA in Safeti.

Target group Users who have been trained in Safeti, but require further assistance in using it to build their own QRA models specific to their individual needs.

I Maros and Taro I DNV Software Training catalogue I 61

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I Maros and Taro I DNV Software Training catalogue I 62

Maros Course code: MA-01 Duration: 3 days Prerequisite: This course is suitable for new users who should preferably have a basic understanding of Reliability Availability and Maintainability (RAM) analysis applied to the process industry. The course is also suitable for more experienced users who have not attended a formal training course or would like a refresher course.

Description The course provides extensive guidance on how to use Maros to perform a range of analyses from a basic to a more advanced Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) study. All the key aspects of typical upstream asset evaluation and optimisation studies are covered. Some of the topics included are: ■■ Introduction to reliability theory and RAM analysis ■■ Overview of Maros modelling approach ■■ Construction of practical examples such as oil production system, gas network and normally unmanned facility ■■ Sensitivity analysis (what-if scenarios) to evaluate alternative design configurations, operational strategy, maintenance philosophy and life-cycle cost analysis (LCC) ■■ How to perform an effective Maros analysis

Learning objectives The aim of the course is to explain the dynamic simulation concept used by Maros and understand the main features and functionality. You will be required to practise and apply your newly acquired knowledge of the software through extensive exercises. Upon completion of this course you should be able to scope, create and run a RAM analysis, produce results and investigate their meaning.

Target group Users who need to carry out and/or understand the output of RAM analysis and Asset Evaluation & Optimisation Studies in the upstream sector of the oil and gas industry.

I Maros and Taro I DNV Software Training catalogue I 63

Taro Course code: TA-01 Duration: 3 days Prerequisite: This course is suitable for new users who should preferably have a basic understanding of Reliability Availability and Maintainability (RAM) analysis applied to the process industry. The course is also suitable for more experienced users who have not attended a formal training course or would like a refresher course.

Description The course provides extensive guidance on how to use Taro to perform a range of analyses from a basic Reliability Availability and Maintainability (RAM) study to a more comprehensive plant-wide life-cycle performance analysis. All the key aspects of a typical downstream asset evaluation and optimisation studies are covered. Some of the topics included are: ■■ Overview of Taro modelling approach ■■ Modelling typical operational procedures for downstream assets such as tank level management, logistics operations, re-routing of production ■■ Construction of practical examples such as refinery, LNG terminal and petrochemical facility ■■ Interpretation of results produced ■■ Sensitivity analysis (‘what-if’ scenarios) to evaluate alternative design configuration, operational strategy and maintenance philosophy

Learning objectives The aim of the course is to review the main features and functionality available in Taro. You will be required to practise and apply your new knowledge of the software through extensive hands-on exercises. Upon completion of this course you should be able to scope, create and run a RAM analysis, produce results and investigate their meaning.

Target group Users who need to carry out or understand the output of RAM analysis and Asset Evaluation & Optimisation Studies in the downstream and supply chain sector of the oil and gas and refining industries.

I Synergi I DNV Software Training catalogue I 64

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I Synergi I www.dnvsoftware.com I 65

Synergi Life Certified Administrator Training 1 Course code: SY-01 Duration: 2 days Prerequisite: An introduction to Synergi Life is highly recommended before attending this course.

Description The course covers operating and supporting the application and internal processes administration. Learn how to set up all users correctly and how to make changes to the codes used in Synergi Life. Dedicated personnel need to administer Synergi Life to ensure full control over the software. The course helps you organise all units optimally and make sure that all locations are in place. It is an advantage to have some experience of Synergi Life and/or similar software. The following topics are covered: ■■ Introduction to the structure of Synergi Life ■■ Administration of users ■■ Administration of user groups ■■ Administration of roles ■■ Administration of code tables (units, location, companies, equipment etc.)

Learning objectives Learn how to handle the administration of the daily work with Synergi Life.

Target group Technical/HSE personnel.

I Synergi I DNV Software Training catalogue I 66

Synergi LIFE Certified Administrator Training 2 Course code: SY-02 Duration: 2 days

Description Do you want to become a more independent administrator? The course is a continuation of SY-01 Synergi Life certified administrator training 1. The functionalities in the admin application are numerous, and the course will show how to administer and perform more advanced administration without the help of Synergi Life personnel. New tips and tricks will be shown, and new features in new versions will be taught.

Prerequisite: The training requires that you have attended SY-01 and have some experience administering Synergi Life.

The following topics are covered: ■■ Modification report ■■ Hierarchical user groups ■■ Language configuration on web ■■ Reference field ■■ Optimise cache and index search ■■ Subordinated actions in connected cases ■■ Checklists/new case type behaviour based safety ■■ Configuration of work flow ■■ Change the case processing configuration ■■ Set up experience transfer

Learning objectives Cash in on the system and make the administrators more independent. Show how to get the most out of Synergi Life.

Target group Technical/HSE personnel.

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©Getty Images

I Synergi I www.dnvsoftware.com I 67

Synergi Life Reports and Statistics Training 1 Course code: SY-03 Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: SY-05 Synergi Life case handler training is required.

Description The course will take you through the basic structure in the search engine. The following topics are covered: ■■ Simple searching (setting search criteria) ■■ How to find information in Synergi Life and present it properly by running the right type of report ■■ Know about the report options in Synergi Life ■■ How to save the reports as favourites to ensure an effective case tracking ■■ Use of the Selection report ■■ Use of Favourites ■■ How to set up reports on all levels – to all departments and share information You will also learn how to report actions in connection with the case, and how to find your own cases, closed actions and cases in process.

Learning objectives The course will enable you to make simple reports and statistics, using searches and interpret results based on your Synergi Life data.

Target group Users who will be working on searching and reporting in Synergi Life.

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Synergi Life Reports and Statistics Training 2 Course code: SY-04 Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: The course requires that you know the functionality of the search engine in Synergi Life. SY-05 Synergi Life case handler training and SY-03 Synergi Life reports and statistics training 1 are required.

Description The course will take you through advanced functionality of Synergi Life statistics. The following topics are covered: ■■ Advanced searching (setting search criteria) ■■ Building Selection and Frequency reports in Synergi Life ■■ Management reports ■■ Rolling Average and Trends ■■ How to make monthly and annual reports to authorities and other companies ■■ How to use the exposure values and targets in your reports

LEARNING OBJECTIVES The course will enable you to make advanced reports and extract statistics from Selection and Frequency reports.

TARGET GROUP Users who will work with advanced search and statistics registered in Synergi Life.

I Synergi I www.dnvsoftware.com I 69

Synergi Life Case Handler Training Course code: SY-05 Duration: 1 day (6 hours) Prerequisite: No previous Synergi Life knowledge needed.

DESCRIPTION Learn the basic general case handling in Synergi Life. If you are to receive initial reports from basic reporters, you will need to know how to process the case and make sure that the workflow you have in your organisation is followed also in Synergi Life. The following topics are covered: ■■ Introduction to the concept of Synergi Life ■■ Handling cases from basic reporters’ and case handlers’ point of view ■■ Risk classification and cause analysis ■■ Action follow-ups

LEARNING OBJECTIVES The course will enable you to perform high-quality case handling in Synergi Life.

TARGET GROUP Users of Synergi Life.

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Synergi Life Company Specific Reports training Course code: SY-06 Duration: 2 days Prerequisite: SY-01 Synergi Life certified administrator training 1, SY-03 Synergi Life reports and statistics training 1, SY-04 Synergi Life reports and statistics training 2.

DESCRIPTION This course covers how to create advanced reports in Synergi Life. Company reports can: ■■ Create advanced reports at the click of a button ■■ Simplify the searching experience for your less advanced users ■■ Create reports using your company’s graphic guidelines ■■ Create periodical reports ■■ Make sure the same kind of data is always presented in the same way across the organisation ■■ Deliver advanced management reports in real time ■■ Favourites ■■ Special reports ■■ Excel Macro programming (VBA)

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Learn how to create advanced reports to suit your organisation’s reporting needs.

TARGET GROUP Technical/HSE personnel who work with Synergi Life statistics and have advanced knowledge of Excel.

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Synergi Life Local Administrator Training Course code: SY-07 Duration: 1 day Prerequisite: Synergi Life knowledge and training is required.

DESCRIPTION Local administrator training (assistant to certified administrator). Would you like in-depth knowledge about Synergi Life? This training is for persons who are to take work load off the certified administrator. You are sitting in one of many locations. You have direct contact with new users and know the needs of the people located here. The training sessions give you in-depth knowledge about Synergi Life, how to administer users and simple changes needed in code lists, etc. With proper web training you may also function as a support role (case handling, reporting). Our clients usually have one certified administrator and one or more local administrators. The following topics are covered: ■■ Introduction to the structure of Synergi Life ■■ Administration of users ■■ Add new codes (company, equipment)

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Make sure you are able to teach your colleagues how to enter the correct data into Synergi Life, and are able to answer challenging questions.

TARGET GROUP Assist the certified administrator in limited areas of the administration application.

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Synergi Life Train the Trainers Course code: SY-08 Duration: 3 days Prerequisite: Synergi Life knowledge is recommended.

DESCRIPTION Would you like to teach Synergi Life to your colleagues? Get hands-on exercises and practise on presenting Synergi Life to the other participants. The course will give you in-depth knowledge and understanding of your company’s Synergi Life. The course will enable you to train the basic reporters and case handlers (extensive users) in your organisation. The following topics are covered: ■■ A thorough introduction to the structure of Synergi Life ■■ A thorough study and review of all your case types ■■ Hands-on experience on how to handle cases and ensure that the correct data are put into the system ■■ Exercises one on one, two on two ■■ Understand and mediate the structure of the search engine in Synergi Life ■■ Tips and advice on how to make a good presentation

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Make sure you are able to teach your colleagues how to enter the correct data into Synergi Life, and are able to answer challenging questions.

TARGET GROUP Motivated and dedicated trainers who want to teach basic reporters and case handlers (extensive users) how to use Synergi Life.

I Synergi I www.dnvsoftware.com I 73

RBI Onshore for risk based inspection Course code: SY-10 Duration: 5 days Prerequisite: This course is suitable for new users and for more experienced users who have not attended a formal training course or would like a refresher course.

Description This is a comprehensive course on RBI Onshore and its application within Risk Based Inspection (RBI). The course will teach users the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) methodology within RBI Onshore and the details of the likelihood and consequence modules. The course covers the practical aspects of RBI Onshore in executing an RBI analysis including data input, calculations, interpretation of results and formulation of a final inspection plan. You will be required to practise and apply your new knowledge of the software through extensive hands-on workshops.

Learning objectives The course will enable you to use RBI Onshore in the execution of a riskbased inspection for an onshore plant, and understand the underlying theoretical basis behind the software.

Target group Inspection planners, inspection engineers, inspectors, engineering contractors and consultants.

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Mumbai Emgeen Chambers 10, C.S.T. Road Vidyanagari, Kalina Santacruz (East). Mumbai 400098 India Tel: +91 22 26676667 Paris 69 rue Chevaleret 75013 Paris Paris France Tel: +33 1 44 24 40 10

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THIS IS DNV SOFTWARE DNV Software is a leading provider of software for managing risk in the energy, process and maritime industries – offering solutions for design, engineering, strength assessment, risk and reliability, QHSE and asset integrity management. DNV Software is part of DNV and almost 300 DNV offices in 100 countries enable us to be close to our customers and share best practices and quality standards throughout the world. www.dnvsoftware.com

safeguarding life, property and the environment © Det Norske Veritas AS 2013. Design: CoorMedia.com 1304-029. Cover photo: Getty Images

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