Software update 1 2013

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sesam genie – Use one data model

safeti Offshore – New standard for offshore Qra modelling

software update

Maros 9 and taro 5 – Milestones for raM tools

News froM DNV software

oN tHe rIse IN asIa aND BeYoND New MoBILe soLUtIoNs foCUs oN teaMworK

No 01 2013


20 sesam Genie – Use one data model

34 ››

safeti offshore – New standard for offshore Qra modelling

teamwork and listening are top of the list ......................... 4 on the rise in asia and beyond .......................................... 6 DNV software introduces new mobile solutions ............... 10 synergi Life on the go...................................................... 11 synergi MobileChecklist makes surveys easier .................. 12 synergi Life gets risk management lift ............................. 14 first electronic certification for steel plate in DNV ............ 16 synergi Plant .................................................................... 18 sesam Genie .................................................................... 20 sesam HydroD takes on internal fluid dynamics ............... 22 aibel pioneers offshore design with sesam Genie ............ 24 sBM offshore uses sesam Genie for fPsos...................... 26 CosCo chooses sesam Genie ......................................... 28 Phast now available in Chinese language ......................... 30 Phast brings consequence modelling to new level............ 32 safeti offshore ............................................................... 34 sustainable solutions with safeti ...................................... 36 tata steel – a leader in health and safety with Phast ....... 38 Maros 9 and taro 5 – milestones for raM tools .............. 40 reliability, the starting point for sustainability .................. 42 Nauticus Machinery supports new shaft alignment rules .. 44 Berg Propulsion uses Nauticus Machinery ........................ 46 Knowledge gaining activities............................................ 50 the power of interaction ................................................. 51

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40 XX

Maros 9 and taro 5 – Milestones for raM tools

software update we welcOMe yOur thOughts! we welcOMe yOur thOughts! software Update is a newsletter published by DNV software. © Det Norske Veritas as editorial committee: Marketing Director stig Grøndahl editor: tone Mürer rohde-Moe Design and layout: 1303-037 Photo front cover: ©DNV/Nina e. rangøy online edition of software Update: DNV software No-1322 Høvik, Norway tel: +47 67 57 76 50 DNV Software is a leading provider of software for managing risk in the energy, process and maritime industries – offering solutions for design, engineering, strength assessment, risk and reliability, QHSE and asset integrity management. DNV Software is part of DNV and almost 300 DNV offices in 100 countries enable us to be close to our customers and share best practices and quality standards throughout the world.



© DNV/Damir Cvetojevic

survival of the fittest – innovation at the forefront

stig grøndahl Marketing director dNv software

Innovation is the key to success, in any industry. A large proportion of the companies listed in Fortune 500 in 1980 no longer exist. Why? Some companies merged with others, some died a sudden death due to external factors, but a large share disappeared from the market either due to a lack of vision or the inability to put their vision into their operations. The market is picky, and buyers tend to choose the most attractive solution (often the most forward leaning). The providers also face harsher conditions, including a more severe macro-economic climate, increased competition in the digital space and more transparency. Business to business communication is being replaced by business to people dialogue. It’s all about ‘survival of the fittest’, and innovation is of immense importance, perhaps especially in the software business. In the previous issue of Software Update our Managing Director Are F. Tjønn shared his view on the megatrends that will shape our Enterprise Risk Management software: cloud computing, mobile computing, seamless integration and real-time analysis. We are continuously taking steps within these routes, and in this issue you can read news about e.g. mobile solutions and how design engineers now can use one single data

model for design, modification and life extension of offshore and maritime structures. In addition, you will learn about innovations that manifest our position as a world class software provider, e.g. Safeti Offshore. Harsher environments, life extension and more demanding legislative and business requirements are some of the challenges the offshore industry faces. Until now, a complete software tool to evaluate the full range of potential hazards and associated risks has been lacking in the market. DNV Software’s new release, Safeti Offshore, is a comprehensive software solution based on DNV’s more than three decades of experience within quantitative risk analysis (QRA). Whether you are a user of our solutions, or are considering taking steps in the direction of improving risk management in your company, I hope you will enjoy reading this magazine. Based on our solution road map and feedback in our customer satisfaction surveys I am personally convinced our customers have made a great decision by choosing us as their partner. As always, please feel free to give me your feedback, either on how we can improve, or on success stories from our partnership. I wish you a good read! 

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safeguarding life, property and the environment

coMpLete soLutions

Most user FriendLy

Most vaLue For Money

proFessionaL service

software UPDate NO. 1 2013 |



Teamwork and listening are top of the list Jan Henrik Berg-Jensen was awarded support Person of the Year for 2012 in strength at sea in DNV software. “there is so much teamwork involved,” he says. “we constantly rely on each other within support, and we also work closely with our development teams.” TEXT: Kaia Means, DNV SOFTWARE

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gets processed and fed back into the system, so that our developers can make use of it. Of course there are a lot of things we take into consideration for development. But it does give a good feeling when I see capabilities in new releases that are directly related to feedback that I’ve received and passed on. “In the past few years we’ve gotten better at listening to customers. This has given results, especially with GeniE. And now we’re also getting to see the results soon with HydroD as well, though there have been some delays.


Photo: DNV/Damir Cvetojevic

Principal technical support engineer Jan Henrik Berg-Jensen is one of DNV Software’s most experienced Sesam experts. He started using Sesam software 27 years ago as a student, and has spent the past 16 years supporting DNV Software’s Sesam customers across the globe with his indepth knowledge. His main expertise lies in hydrodynamic analyses using Sesam HydroD. He also trains customers in parts of Sesam GeniE and other programs, in addition to support work from Høvik. In January he was recognised for his successful approach with the official presentation of a new iPad Mini at the annual DNV Software sales gathering in Oslo. From 1 April he has also taken on new responsibilities as Head of Section for the support team in floating structures. “Last year was a very hectic year. We’ve gotten very many new customers, especially on Sesam,” he says on the phone from Kuala Lumpur, during a week-long Sesam training course for Technip. Close interaction with customers is a big part of the job. “It’s important to have an open and positive outlook and also to listen,” he says. “There’s a lot of interaction involved in the courses. We meet a lot of customers.

Jan Henrik Berg-Jensen, DNV software support

Of course we help them and train them to use our software, but we also listen. We talk about many different aspects of the software. They always provide us with really valuable feedback, including their wishes – what they want the software to be able to do for them. That’s what’s so interesting with customer contact. “It’s important not only to listen, but also to make sure the feedback we receive

More specialised The changes during his career so far have been immense. “The first Sesam course I took was in 1986 with Aanund Berdal,” he says. “When I started in DNV Software support 16 years ago we were three people covering all of the products. We had to know a bit of everything. Now there’s much more specialisation – we’re specialists, and also the software is more specialised.” Each customer is unique, and they also have very different customer cultures. Some customers are focused on doing

Photo: DNV/Damir Cvetojevic


Nineteen participants from all DNV Software regions and from six geographical areas attended DNV Software’s Strength at Sea (SaS) global support gathering in Høvik and Beitostølen in Norway in April. It included communication training, working on challenges and competence mapping and building product knowledge – with one track for fixed structures and one for floating structures.

trials and research on their own, while others need help at the entry level. “We always get a lot of questions, and some of them I can’t answer – so I rely on my colleagues.” Global training On the travel side, there was a big increase in 2012. Berg-Jensen held many different training courses in locations spread across the globe. In the first half of the year he was in Malaysia three times, giving courses there for Technip, Petronas and Aker Solutions. In addition he held courses in Vietnam, London and Bergen, to mention a few. In the second half of 2012 he visited Brazil, Australia, Shanghai, Singapore and England.

The growth in sales has created a challenge in keeping up with the pace with new hires for the support team, but fortunately the situation is improving and several new people have joined the team. “It will be good to share the travelling with more people,” he says. The social aspect of working on a team is part of what keeps him motivated. Other motivation factors are the continuous possibilities to learn and gain expertise. “It is really very interesting work. You meet a lot of different challenges in addition to describing basic features to new customers.” As for the future – he still predicts some hectic times ahead. “We’re continuing to get a lot of new customers, and the

offshore industry is in good shape,” he says. The iPad is very much appreciated. “It will be a practical tool to bring along on those long flights,” he says, in full knowledge that there will be quite a bit of travel for training in the rest of 2013 as well. “I’ve just now set it up so that I can read my email on it.” So the kids didn’t take off with it in order to play Angry Birds? “No, actually I’m the last person in my family who got an iPad, so that’s not a problem,” he says. 

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On the rise in Asia and beyond In the region asia Pacific and Middle east (aPMe) DNV software has seen constant double digit growth in all areas and all product lines. How have we done it? TEXT: Kaia Means, DNV SOFTWARE

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Photo: DNV/Kaia Means

It was only eight years ago, in 2005, that DNV Software established its Shanghai office to support the unparalleled growth in China. Since then, the growth in the region has not disappointed and recent numbers show no signs of it slowing down. New sales in APME grew by a full 100% from 2012 to 2013. The region has grown from the original “Greater China” to “Asia Pacific” and now to “Asia Pacific and Middle East”. The main strategy behind this expansion has been to put people close to where the business and the customers are. This process is continuing. “We’re expecting significant growth in the next three years,” says Gisle Bråstein, Head of Business Development and Marketing in APME. “We’ve established four areas, where we rely on a healthy mix of experienced people and new members of the team. They’ve shown that it’s possible to grow in established markets, enter new ones and also introduce new products very quickly and efficiently.” Quality software and services Perhaps the answer is quite simple: offering high quality products and services that the market in APME needs. “We haven’t invented the wheel,” says Tormod Svensen, APME Regional Director. “We haven’t come up with a fantastic new business case or figured out a way to make gold from stone. We see that we’re able to bring new products such as Synergi Life to market in APME. But beyond that a big part of the growth and success we’ve seen has come from organic growth of product offerings we’ve had since way back when,” he says. He points out that DNV Software has been able to focus on the right markets, on the customer, and on making business decisions based on facts and figures, including market reports and profitability analysis. DNV Software in APME is in

! Synergi Life arrives in China DNV Software introduced Synergi Life in the region by signing contracts with two of the most important oil companies in China. China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) are leaders in the industry in China. The contracts are signed with subsidiaries COSL Drilling and West Pipeline Company (WPC), and mark the beginning of a sustainable long-term business for Synergi Life in China. “One of the key success factors for this first delivery was our ability to build a local implementation team,” says Gisle Bråstein, DNV Software Head of Business Development and Marketing in APME. The scope of the Synergi Life expansion goes beyond China. We are already running several projects with new customers in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates.

! Middle East growth proves AIMS “Growing the revenue in the Middle East has been very challenging on many levels,” says DNV Software Area Manager Pascal Le Gal. “With a team of only two people at the start, we have had to rely on a high risk strategy at times by actively pursuing the large asset integrity projects, despite the fact that DNV was not known for this locally.” Before 2010 DNV was renowned for RBI knowledge and advisory services in the Middle East, but the national oil companies were increasingly looking for enterprise-wide integrity management systems. “We had an early success with Salalah Methanol Company in Oman in 2010, but the proof of concept really came in the UAE with first the ZADCO Synergy Pipeline awarded in 2012,” says Dr Le Gal. Then we won another AIMS project in India, this time for Cairn Energy. And with last year’s ADMAOPCO IDBMS deal – the largest software only project DNV Software ever won – we took the software business to a new level in the Middle East and India. This year we closed yet another large AIMS project with RasGas, confirming that DNV Software is now a major player in the region.

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We have placed a lot of faith in the Asia business going forward, and I am sure we will succeed. Tormod Svensen, DNV Software APME Regional Director

constant cooperation with DNV Maritime, Oil & Gas and DNV KEMA to offer packaged service and software solutions as ‘One DNV’. “We focus on having clear goals for all staff, on recruitment, retention and putting the right people in the right place,” says Mr Svensen. “The key word is ‘focus’. To me, DNV Software is a much more focused organisation now than it was when I moved to Shanghai in 2008. So the magic powder is – like it always is – focus, dedication and hard work sprinkled with a lot of fun.” Asia and beyond Beyond China, success in the region

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includes South East Asia, Australia, Korea, Japan, the Middle East and India. DNV Software opened its Southeast Asia and Australia office in Singapore four years ago. “The DNV hub in Singapore is one of the more established offices outside of Norway that offers almost the entire range of DNV’s services,” says DNV Software Area Manager Eric Tan. “We wanted to strengthen that collaboration between DNV and DNV Software to expand our reach within this vast area. It has worked out very well for us so far, as the Southeast Asia and Australia area has achieved an average of 30% year-on-year growth in revenue since 2009. That has been made easier with the strong

working relationships with our DNV colleagues in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Australia.” Sunny future in the Middle East Growth in the Middle East and India has also been tremendous. Before 2010 – when a local DNV Software office was opened in Abu Dhabi with two employees – the Middle East was served by DNV Software offices in the UK and in Norway, and later from India and Shanghai. The Abu Dhabi office was opened to be closer to potential customers, and to capitalise on investments in the region and the potential with national oil companies. In 2011, the DNV Software


! Shanghai Production Centre On 1 January 2008, DNV opened its third software production centre in Shanghai (the others are in Oslo and London) to meet China’s ambitious plans for technology development and innovation. The centre has benefited from hiring highly skilled computer scientists and engineers recruited from China’s top universities. “Many key DNV Software products are now developed and tested in Shanghai,” says Mikkel Skou, DNV Software Head of Department in Shanghai. The production centre in Shanghai has 34 employees in four units: Strength at Sea Development, Safety and Integrity Development, Test Centre and Consultancy. ■■ Strength at Sea Development (SaS) with eight employees is responsible for development of Nauticus

Machinery and Sesam Manager. Both packages are essential brand modules ■■ Safety and Integrity Development (SaI) with 11 employees is responsible for development of the Synergi Plant

and the Synergi Dashboard products as well as the Synergi Steel software service ■■ The Test Centre, with nine employees, is the centre of excellence for software testing for DNV Software

globally. The team has dedicated software testers for Sesam, Synergi and the DNV Nauticus Production System. The centre has state-of-the-art test infrastructures, tools and work processes in place. Dedicated professional software testers with domain knowledge is key to their success ■■ The software consultancy in Shanghai is a newly established unit with four employees who have the responsibility to implement and deliver Synergi products. This unit is expected to grow along with the growth of Synergi Life in Asia “China is positioning Shanghai to be the city for value adding services with support from high quality local universities. One of the main reasons for being located in Shanghai is access to highly educated recruits. Shanghai is a good location for supporting Chinese customers and the Asia region as a whole,” says Mr Skou.

Photo: Thinkstock


Middle East office was transferred to Dubai to be closer to the DNV Middle East and India headquarter and hub services. “This strategy paid off with a massive 400% increase in new sales from 2010,” says DNV Software Area Manager Pascal Le Gal. The team in Dubai has now grown to ten permanent members of staff and two in the Mumbai office. DNV Software has also opened a separate office in Abu Dhabi for the implementation of the various ongoing AIMS projects. “The growth was achieved with a lot of hard work, dedication and listening carefully to customers’ developing requirements,” says Dr Le Gal. “DNV Software can

Opportunities in Australia The number of areas in APME might prove to be on the rise. “The market in Australia is booming,” says Tormod Svensen, APME Regional Director. “We are looking into establishing a new area in APME. Like any other area, it will be set up with full commercial capabilities and basically covering all product lines. We are very excited about the opportunities in Australia and the business case is being developed as we speak.”

be proud of what has been achieved in the Middle East and India.” Korea and Japan Korea has been a leading nation in the shipbuilding industry for decades. DNV Software especially supports the four major shipyards – Hyundai Heavy Industries, Samsung Heavy Industries, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, and STX Offshore & Shipbuilding – within this business. With the decline in conventional shipbuilding, the shipyards have shown an impressive capability to convert into the offshore segment. This has also shown in

the results for DNV Software. From 2010 to 2012 new sales in Korea have increased by 100%. “The outlook for the coming years is very promising,” says DNV Software Area Manager Johann Yoon. “DNV Software Korea will continue building on the strength of being a sales and support branch focusing on all the product lines in DNV Software. The market situation in Japan will continue to be challenging going forward, but several initiatives have been launched to mitigate these challenges. We firmly believe that positive business results will be achieved in the near future for Japan,” says Mr Yoon. 

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DNV Software introduces new mobile solutions DNV Software is taking big steps toward a mobile future – with several new mobile software releases and future projects in the works. Text: Kaia Means, DNV Software

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When the new Synergi Life mobile app is released in May at the network meeting in London, it will be the prime example of the mobile software solutions that are bringing DNV Software customers the practicality and simplicity of mobile technology. Several new DNV Software mobile solutions are either being launched or piloted in 2013. “Mobile solutions are an increasingly important product for our customers,” says DNV Software Managing Director Are Føllesdal Tjønn. “We are focusing development efforts on a range of innovative mobile solutions.”

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In addition to the Synergi Life mobile app, the innovative Synergi MobileChecklist for surveyors has been released. Add to that the Synergi Spools app extension for Synergi Project – designed for use with tablet PCs and iPads. Synergi Spools has been in production successfully for several months at the Ulstein Group. The Nauticus Production System development team at Høvik is currently working on a similar HTML-5 web-based application for tablets. “We’re going in new directions,” says Elen Dybesland, DNV Software Head of Section Nauticus. “Our focus is to support DNV Class business.” NPS is used for renewal, Class entry and change of flag, with 3,500 users worldwide. The first pilot version of ‘CMC Survey’ (certification of materials and components) for PC and tablet – an extension supporting the full NPS system – will be ready this spring. This will improve IT support to mobile workers towards finalising class deliveries at site. Feedback from pilot users will be important for further development. The Synergi Spools solution used by Ulstein involves production hall tracking status, etc. during the production of spools. Workers are using tablets that are protected to withstand industrial handling and exposure to extreme conditions such as dust. “The customer has been very satisfied with the software,” says Benedikte Harstad Kallåk, DNV

Software Principal Software Architect. “We’re now developing a new smartphone and tablet solution for Synergi Project that will make work lists, drawings and comments available. This will be released in June,” she says. Going forward Jan Edvard Faugstad, DNV Software’s Head of Department at Synergi Life Development, says he sees several new opportunities within mobile solutions. “We are going forward, and will focus on creating solutions where customers will have more access to all kinds of different data from Synergi Life, anywhere and anytime. The development is heading toward increased simplicity, but also more possibilities. We are going to use all of the benefits that are built into modern smartphones.” DNV Software’s development team for mobile apps (iPhone, Android, etc.) is located in Gdynia, Poland and headed by Kamil Bonislawski, Senior Engineer and Head of Section. During the past year the team has doubled from three to six, and will number seven or eight by the end of 2013. This exemplifies the focus in development on mobile solutions. “This is an extremely important focus area for DNV Software,” says Mr Faugstad. “We are going to develop and improve our solutions continuously, based on feedback from our users.” 


Synergi Life on the go Whether you’re using iPhone or Android, you will now be able to use your phone to report observations on the go with the new Synergi Life Mobile App. Text: Kaia Means, DNV Software

When people at your workplace observe situations and discrepancies that could lead to an unwanted incident, do they always have immediate access to a PC and file a report without delay? Synergi Life Mobile App, an extension of Synergi Life, lets users easily create observations and incident reports anytime and from anywhere using their phones to take a snapshot and make a voice recording. The report can be made immediately following an occurrence. The observation is automatically filed and immediately sent to the correct unit in the company. Managers will be notified of the observation right away, and they can modify the observation with their own assessments if needed. Filing a report so simply, on the spot, with a mobile phone means that more observations are noted, and that the information concerning the observation is not forgotten in the time lapse between the occurrence and the filing of the report. The new app will be launched at the Synergi Life International Network Meeting in London 21 to 23 May.

Easy and flexible “It’s designed to be both easy and flexible,” says Kamil Bonislawski, DNV Software Senior Engineer and Head of Section, leader of the development team in Gdynia, Poland. “It can easily be adapted to report what companies want to report,” he says. DNV Software has developed the app in cooperation with two clients. The team was focused on making the user interface user-friendly and simple. With the dynamic and flexible Synergi Life reporting system in place, companies have a complete overview at all times. Users register at first time their name, location and unit. Subsequently, that information is entered automatically (although it can also be changed at any time). These

values will automatically be sent as part of report. Even if the person reporting is not in reach of a network or working offline, the app will automatically send the observation to Synergi Life the next time the phone is online. The reporter will receive a notification confirming that the report has been filed. A prototype has been successfully tested by a major customer in the oil and gas industry. Other industries, such as building and construction, have already shown signs of interest in acquiring the app. “We are developing the Synergi Life Mobile App continuously, and focusing on our customers’ needs,” says Mr Faugstad. 

■■ Utilises built in capabilities to simplify input ■■ Allows for easy uploading of photos ■■ Has a voice recording function

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Synergi Life Mobile App ■■ Is easy to use for reporting of observations at all levels ■■ Makes reporting faster and more frequent ■■ Supports offline reporting ■■ Reduces paperwork ■■ Is configurable for different customer needs

“This is an easier way to report for people who aren’t always next to their PCs, or even for employees who don’t have access to their own PC at all,” says Jan Edvard Faugstad, DNV Software’s Head of Department at Synergi Life Development. It will be available for download on GooglePlay and on Apple’s App Store.

Read more:

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safety & Integrity – Synergi

Synergi MobileChecklist makes surveys easier With DNV Software’s new Synergi MobileChecklist, surveyors can streamline routines using their mobile phones – an easier, simpler and more efficient way to support inspections and reporting.

Photo: DNV/Damir Cvetojevic

Text: Kaia Means, DNV Software

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Photo: DNV

saFety & integrity – synergi

When surveyors board vessels, they no longer have to make sure that all their paper checklists have been printed out, ready to fill in with pen and ink. All they have to do is bring along their mobile phone, with the Synergi MobileChecklist installed and ready to go. Synergi MobileChecklist is a more efficient alternative to the paper-driven approach to inspections and reporting. With the Synergi MobileChecklist set of software tools – for both PC and mobile – users get a fast, simple and easy way to manage checklists. one device “Surveyors won’t need a long paper checklist and a big pile of papers to bring,” says Kamil Bonislawski, DNV Software Senior Engineer and Head of Section, who has been leading the development team in Gdynia, Poland. “Now it’s all taken care of on one device. With their phone they can take pictures and voice notes that can be included in the report as well. They can quickly deliver a report straight from the phone.” For reports there are two options: sending an email with the report directly from the phone, or (the advanced option) to transfer the information from

the phone to a PC, then use the PC software to modify and expand the report details. The Synergi MobileChecklist is developed in cooperation with the Gdyniabased ship management company Green Management, which has implemented the software for its fleet of 30 ships. The timeframe for finishing reports is cut dramatically. Users can also expect a Port State Control App based on Synergi MobileChecklist, branded by DNV and available on GooglePlay. “The feedback we’ve received is very positive,” says Mr Bonislawski. “They’re very satisfied, and they want us to continue in developing the app with even more advanced functions.” Initially, Synergi MobileChecklist will be available for Android phones. “Two main strengths of the MobileChecklist are intuitive use and excellent support,” says Irek Kuligowski, Managing Director of Green Management. Inspectors can immediately access notes from previous inspections, comparing the condition at each inspection. “The third strength, and I think one of the most important, is the speed. The report is basically ready before leaving the ship,” he says. 

synergi MobiLecheckList beneFits ■■ Mobility ■■ simple and easy to use ■■ Increases efficiency, no need for repetitive recording ■■ Configured to needs ■■ Better fleet management and benchmarking ■■ easy access to hints and reference documents ■■ Instant report generation ■■ Camera support and photo management ■■ Unified work processes ■■ Helps focus on quality of inspection checkLists avaiLabLe ■■ Port state Control checklist ■■ Class survey owner preparation note ■■ Complete class survey checklist ■■ Q360 – reefers Condition survey ■■ Customer specific

software UPDate NO. 1 2013 |


safety & Integrity – Synergi Life

Synergi Life

gets risk management lift Making risk-based decisions requires an understanding of your threats and vulnerabilities. With the enhanced capabilities within risk management in Synergi Life 12.2, you can fully grasp the development of potential threats and also opportunities over time. Text: CARL ERIK HØY-PETERSEN, DNV SOftware

Synergi Life Risk Management is now fully compatible with ISO 31000 Risk Manage­ment Principles and Guidelines and is capable of facilitating all aspects of day-to-day risk management in the entire organisation, including strategic, business, QHSE, operational and project risk. The risk management software tool previously known as EasyRisk Manager – developed by DNV for nearly 20 years and used in a variety of industries worldwide – has become part of the comprehensive DNV Software Synergi Life portfolio. This complements the existing capabilities of Synergi Life in event-based risk management with risk-based analysis. In Synergi Life 12.2 an interface has been created to integrate the two systems, making it possible to share risk and incident information between the Synergi Life modules both on the Synergi Engine and on the EasyRisk Engine. Synergi Life has been a world leading tool for incident management and eventbased decision support for almost two decades. Over the years we have steadily increased the risk management capabilities. Flexibility and functionality are key, and we have now significantly improved the ability to follow up and review risks. New interactive risk matrices make it possible to mix and match different setups of the risk matrix. This gives better support for follow-up and visualisation of the risk

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processes for the company, projects and assets over time. Risk management is an ongoing process through an organisation or asset’s entire lifecycle from planning, design, building and implementation to operation. The risks need to be reassessed and reevaluated repeatedly. Previously, users have created a new risk for each evaluation. In the new release of the risk management module multiple risk evaluations for a risk are supported. Each risk evaluation is stamped with a valid period, lifecycle phase and additional text fields allowing the user to supply information regarding the evaluation. Compatible The latest revision will be exposed in loss potential report and risk factor report. In selection report we provide backwards compatibility by providing reporting fields using the latest revision. Selection report will of course also provide new fields for reporting on the entire risk evaluation history for cases. You will be able to follow how the total risk evaluation for risk cases develops over time, supplying the company with valuable information indicating the direction of the risk picture. A major improvement has also been made to the loss potential and residual loss potential panels in case registration, with a new visualisation of the risk matrix.

A faded, empty risk matrix is displayed when entering the panel for the first time. The user clicks to add risks by selecting potential consequences from a dialogue. When returning, a visualisation of the risk matrix is displayed inside the loss potential panel for each potential consequence. The user can click directly in each risk matrix to enter the risk evaluation. The visualisation of the risk matrices makes the risk evaluation process simpler and easier. This functionality is available in all Synergi Life modules involving risk evaluation, including the Incident module. Synergi Life utilises information objects throughout the different modules, including the risk matrix definition. In v12.2 we have increased the risk matrix capabilities to support different risk matrices for different modules. The standard configuration of Synergi Life uses a two-dimensional risk matrix composed of ‘Most possible recurrence frequency’ and ‘Consequence severity’. For risks, however, it’s very common to use ‘Likelihood’ and ‘Consequence severity’ in the risk matrix. In v12.2 it will be possible to mix and match different setups of the risk matrix. Collect, structure, manage On the event-based side, organisations can use the Synergi Life Incident Management module to systematically collect, structure and manage incidents, giving them a

safety & Integrity – Synergi Life


With the new visualisation of the risk matrix, the user can click directly in each risk matrix to enter the risk evaluation.

better understanding of their vulnerabilities and their capability to deal with events. One key is the Systematic Cause Analysis Technique (SCAT™). DNV SCAT™ is a tool from DNV’s ISRS™ (International Sustainability Rating System) and is a structured methodology to understand, categorise and structure the causes of incidents in an organisation to enable organisational learning from events. This information is also very valuable when assessing risk.

Additional improvements in Synergi Life Saved searches and reports A saved search/report in Synergi Life 12.2 is accessible using a URL. This makes it possible to create links directly into Synergi Life from for instance the customer’s extranet. We have added functionality to copy the URL to the clipboard to make it easier to utilise this. The list of saved searches and reports available from the start-up page of Synergi Life contains the user’s own saved searches and reports as well as the ones shared with the user. It is now possible for a user to remove a saved search/report that has been shared with them personally. Synergi Life administrators and super users are often requested to help other users in creating saved searches and reports. A common way to do this is that the administrator or super user owns the search/report and shares it with the user. Instead of owning all searches and reports, administrators and super users

With the Risk Management module organisations can identify, describe and categorise potential threats and opportunities toward individual objectives at all levels of the organisation. The risk exposure can be evaluated and shared across organisational and geographical boundaries making the process of collecting, structuring, assessing and controlling risk significantly more efficient. Risk-based decision support in Synergi

can now specify the owner when saving a search/ report. The users are then able to rename the saved search/report, share it with colleagues or even delete it. This means time saved for the administrators and super users. Accessing the ID number of the saved search/report is now easily available from the web application. This is particularly useful when creating special reports. Copy rows and create recurring actions The ability to copy a row in for instance the action grid will often make it a lot faster to input information. We have added this ability to most grids in case registration. You can make a single copy of a row or specify how many copies you want. We have implemented a new functionality to create recurring copies of an action. You can specify the recurrence pattern and range of recurrence. Synergi Life 12.2 will then calculate the action deadline and apply it to the created copies. Action planned start date will also be set automatically using the same

Life combines the capabilities across the different modules, using learning from the incident management module to understand the organisation’s vulnerabilities and resilience and using this information for assessment of its ability to deal with risk. Assessing risk exposure based on this combined information forms a solid basis for risk-based decisions. 

number of days between planned start date and deadline. ‘My actions’ will display actions that will be in progress this week and next week. We have also improved usability for entering exposure values. The user’s default value for unit in charge will be utilised to pre-fill the exposure grid with the same entries used during the previous registration. The user can then fill in man-hours, etc. directly in the grid, saving time. Read log In v12.1 Synergi Life supports logging when users are reading case information. Logging is done in case registration, long case report and export. This is particularly important for our customers in the health sector in order for them to be compliant with government requirements. Software requirements In v12.2 we have tested and certified Synergi Life for Internet Explorer 10 and SQL Server 2012.

software UPDATE NO. 1 2013 |


safety & Integrity – Synergi

First electronic certification for steel plate in DNV Text: Nicole Yang, DNV Software

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© iStockphoto

The first electronic certificate for steel plate was issued to Qinhuangdao Shouqin Metal Materials using DNV Software’s Synergi Steel.

Before the Synergi Steel system was in place, the time needed to process and deliver the paper certificates to steelmakers was up to weeks – with official stamps needed on the original documents. Synergi Steel is a software solution for optimising the steel plate certification process digitally. It was initiated by Project Manager Fu Guo Qiang, Dalian CMC/ SiO Manager to solve various challenges relating to quality and efficiency for mass production of steel plate in China. Mr Fu’s team, together with DNV Software, cooperated with An Gang Steel, the largest steel mill in China. Together they developed a preliminary solution. It was subsequently tailored for Qinhuangdao Shouqin Metal Materials Co. Ltd. (the largest subsidiary under Capital Steel Group, which is the third largest player in China). The electronic certification replaces a more time-consuming process. In the paper system, after the steel plate is produced, detailed material particulars are carefully verified by DNV surveyors according to DNV Rules and Approval of Manufacturer (AOM). Then the paperwork is sent back to the steelmaker after signing and official stamping. The process involves extensive manual checks to ensure the quality of data on mill sheets issued from maker. This leads to high logistics costs for the steelmaker due to long storage timing of products waiting for certificates, in addition to the man-hours needed for a large

© DNV/Webcast

safety & Integrity – Synergi

volume of printing, in addition to physical delivery and follow-up. Moreover, mistakes invariably occur when manual verification of a large volume of materials is required. Advantage for DNV With the electronic Synergi Steel system in place, the challenge has been converted into an advantage for DNV in the industry. Head of DNV Software Safety and Integrity Chen Zhong Ning said, “The Synergi Steel software solution is an efficient and easy way to address those challenges.” The project team was led by Mr Tong Xiao Gang, who had six team members working with him. “We have understood from clients that DNV is probably the first classification

society that has instituted a real digital process to replace the traditional paper certificates of steel plates,” said project sponsor Mr Chen Keng, North District Manager, DNV Maritime Great China, during the signing ceremony with Shouqin. “Synergi Steel has developed into a powerful tool that demonstrates substantially improved efficiency, reducing the time for completed certification from weeks to hours and a few clicks. Synergi Steel decreases the risk of human mistakes. The software solution has such a high security and integrity level that “forged” certificates – a threat to quality and safety for the maritime industry here – may no longer have room to survive. We are proud of the creativity from our colleagues and should be more confident of our capability to deliver differentiated service to meet industrial needs,” said Mr Chen. Regional Manager of Software Region Asia Pacific and Middle East Mr Tormod Svensen said, “As DNV’s commercial software house, DNV Software has always been committed to collaboration with DNV to share best practices and quality standards with our customers. This project is not only a success of innovation but also a success of collaboration.” With the launch of this project, DNV Software will start to promote this solution service to other steelmakers in Greater China and convert Synergi Steel into a volume business. 

software UPDATE NO. 1 2013 |


safety & Integrity – Synergi

Implement asset integrity company standards with

Synergi Plant Establishing asset integrity company standards with best practices is crucial in the oil and gas industry. The release of Synergi Plant 4.7 responds to important customer feedback by solving three main challenges for our customers: to reduce reliance on subjective judgments, to continuously improve management, and to make implementation of the software in different scales very easy.

© Øyvind Hagen/Statoil

Text: Tommy Tang, DNV Software

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safety & Integrity – Synergi




Synergi Plant KPI and Traffic Light Module

Synergi Plant RBI Module

Synergi RBI


Synergi Plant Inspection Planning Module

Synergi Plant Inspection Recording Module

SAP PM Maintenance Work Management

SAP PM/QM Inspection Work Management

Quantitative RBI and inspection management in Synergi Plant

Reduce subjective judgments The first key is to be more quantitative. It’s not just about increasing accuracy and efficiency. It is about establishing asset integrity standards and practices in a way that depends less on subjective judgments, and minimises knowledge loss due to organisational changes. Synergi Plant, together with Synergi RBI, provides a fully quantitative RBI solution that is not only a stand-alone RBI tool. In this new release, RBI is part of the Synergi Plant workflow. Inspection plans from RBI can be packaged and executed, and quantitative measurement results can be taken back and used for RBI again. With quantitative RBI and inspections, subjective judgments are reduced dramatically while standards and practices are established. Continuous change management There are important factors to consider while making sure that standards and practices are improved continuously and also automated, in addition to becoming more transparent. With Synergi Plant users can generate works or submit reports while the system helps reduce the risk continuously, ensuring that all data in the loop are live and useful for communicating and mitigating risk factors in a transparent way. Implementable in different scales Synergi Plant is a configurable platform. Configurable aspects include equipment

types and details, schedule and planning parameters, works and measurements, critical safety category and performance standards, risk matrix, traffic lights, integration content and others. Synergi Plant can be implemented in different scales, from a single-user site to multi-national corporations. Typical implementation flexibilities for Synergi Plant are: ■■ Implemented as server-based RBI only or with inspection management ■■ With or without critical safety equipment module ■■ With or without inspection planning, packaging, and optimisation ■■ With simple or complex inspection workflow, or no workflow

Synergi Plant Provides clients with a comprehensive management software tool to allow proactive asset integrity management of process plants and offshore units.

With different level of detail measurement position structures ■■ Different risk matrix and traffic light definitions ■■ Different options linking to SAP PM or QM modules ■■

New releases of Synergi Plant and Synergi RBI Later this year, Synergi Plant 4.8, Synergi RBI Onshore 2.4.33 and Synergi RBI Offshore 3.2 will be released together. In these new releases, Synergi Plant with quantitative RBI capability will work both for onshore plants and also for offshore process units. 

Benefits: ■■ Accumulation of plant inspection and corrosion

knowledge ■■ Integration of all inspection data on extended plant

uptime and inspection intervals Core modules: ■■ Asset Data Management ■■ Risk Assessment (RBI) ■■ Inspection Program and Schedules ■■ Inspection Work Management ■■ Inspection and Management Reports ■■ KPI and Traffic Light Dashboard ■■ Critical Safety Element ■■ System Interface for Integration

■■ Reduction of unplanned shutdowns ■■ Reduction of risks ■■ Seamless process from quantitative RBI to

inspection planning, packaging, and execution ■■ Controlling the overall risk and job status through

the KPI and traffic light dashboard Read more:

software UPDATE NO. 1 2013 |


Strength at sea – Sesam

Use one data model

Sesam GeniE Design and analysis of offshore and maritime structures has previously involved the use of several different models where data from one model must be manually transferred to others – a costly and time-consuming process. DNV Software is now releasing Sesam GeniE 6.4, where design engineers can use one single model for design, modification and life extension. Text: Arend Hulshoff Pol, DNV Software

“This new version increases significantly both efficiency and the quality of the design results,” says Ole Jan Nekstad, DNV Software Product Director for Sesam. One of the key features of the new Sesam GeniE release is the ability to work inside a consistent user interface. A typical example is connections between pile and leg as well as the disconnection of beams and plates. The data model may be made by Sesam GeniE only or imported from several systems. This is a major timesaver in for example life extension analysis for

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customers who use supporting programs. “This release will enable users to do more, as well as to do it more easily,” says Nekstad. “In addition, they will have better control with higher quality of calculations.” “Sesam GeniE has seen an exceptional growth in sales across the globe,” says DNV Software Managing Director Are Føllesdal Tjønn. “This enables us to invest even more in development, and we see the results now. Our offshore engineering solution has unique capabilities in an integrated environment for structural

modelling, environmental load calculations, structural response analysis and engineering evaluation and redesign,” he says. Part of the integrated one-model solution allows tension and compression analysis inside Sesam GeniE. This has been requested by customers in order to reduce superfluous investments in separate systems, thereby cutting cost on unnecessary licences and on training. For customers needing to migrate model data from other systems, the new release features expanded import capabilities

streNgth at sea – sesaM

represented as a two-noded beam. When using the spring characteristics the stiffness of grout between leg and inner pile can also be included in a linear static analysis. Previously, this was only possible using super-element modelling. The result is that you will save modelling time.

© Getty Images

additional hiGhliGhts of the new release

where less manual work is needed, another way to cut cost. point connection ManaGeMent With Sesam GeniE 6.4 point connection management will give you full control of connection (proper stiffness and load transfer) typically between a leg and inner pile as well as between a conductor and its frame connection. The same applies to general overlapping beams. The connection can be specified either as fixed, free or with a spring characteristic and is

Specifics for jackets ■■ Tension/compression analysis can now easily be done inside Sesam GeniE – before it was necessary to run the analysis from a utility tool before manually loading the results back to Sesam GeniE. ■■ The alternative equipment mass modelling is used to ensure a proper load transfer of the mass to avoid false lateral forces in dynamic analysis. ■■ Users can now decide to ignore the breaking wave height limit check point so that wave load analysis can be carried out typically for shallow waters. This was not possible before. ■■ The new functionality for disconnecting beams and plates easily models structural components that have common boundaries, but are not connected. This has simplified the modelling process as this was previously only possible using superelement analysis. ■■ Code checking of piles according to the API standard has been made easier as two new code checking options have been added without the need to specify buckling lengths of the piles. ■■ The import of model data from Sacs is now more complete, and includes import of wishbones, piles, soil data, segmented beams and up to a thousand basic load cases. ■■ The user interface for importing Sacs data models has been made more easy and intuitive as it focuses the most common import options. All other options can be found under the advanced options tab. ■■ The improved StaadPro data import now includes tension and compression

members, so it is no longer necessary to manually edit the imported model. Specifics for floaters ■■ It is now easier to make a surface by simultaneously selecting multiple curves. Before this could only be done by selecting curves individually in one direction before selecting in the other direction. ■■ Guiding curves can now be made from intersection between shell and plane. Before it was necessary to divide the shell with the plane before making guiding curves from the shell edges. ■■ Guiding curves from the boundaries of a surface can now be made by a single operation instead of double-clicking the surface prior to generating individual guide curves from surface edges. ■■ The data transfer to Rhino is now more complete as Sesam GeniE can export guide curves to Rhino format in addition to importing from Rhino. General ■■ The new context sensitive rubber-band select allows the user to be in the same mode to perform either an enclosedwith or touched-by selection. Before it was necessary to shift selection modus each time. ■■ The graphic driver DirectX9 is now the default to support Intel embedded graphic cards or other high performance cards. The OpenGL2 graphic driver is also supported. Before the only option for graphic driver support was OpenGL. 

sesaM geNie read more:

software UPDate NO. 1 2013 |


Strength at sea – Sesam

Sesam HydroD takes on internal uid dynamics

With the new release of Sesam HydroD, LNG carriers, tankers and other floating structures will now benefit from accurate calculations of internal fluid dynamics, including pressure and load transfer within tanks. This gives more accurate results and improved load balance. Photo: Thinkstock

Text: Kaia Means, DNV Software

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Strength at sea – Sesam

In assessment of offshore and maritime structures such as FPSOs and semisubmersibles, there is a growing requirement that the fluid dynamics in the compartments are properly accounted for and that the corresponding loading can be carried over to a structural analysis. An important feature is the solving of internal fluid dynamics for compartments that are completely full. The moments of inertia of the internal fluid will then be correctly computed. In addition, it allows for transfer of the resulting pressure loads on the compartment walls in a consistent way to our structural analysis solver. With the new Sesam HydroD 4.6, engineers now have the option to fully calculate load transfer and fluid dynamics in the hold. Previously, only the restoring correction due to internal free surfaces was accounted for, and the pressure loads from the internal fluid was computed using a quasi-static approach. The new feature will be especially relevant for structure design and analysis of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) carriers, FPSOs and tankers, but the improved accuracy and load transfer methods can also be important for other floating structures such as semisubmersibles. Presenting a new system DNV Software is presenting the new system in June at the International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering in Nantes, France. DNV Software Senior Engineer Zhi Yuan Peter Pan will present the paper, titled “Adapting a linear potential theory solver for the outer hull to account for fluid dynamics in tanks.” The implementation of the new feature has been validated by comparison with experimental data and verified against analytical computations as well as results from other programs. These results will be presented at the conference.

“This is an important new feature and represents a big step up for Sesam HydroD,” says DNV Software Senior Principal Specialist Torgeir Vada. “Correct handling of the internal fluid dynamics may be an important factor for the motions of the vessel, but

tank is very similar to the solution for the outer hull,” says Dr Pan. “Because of this, the boundary value solver for the outer hull can be re-used for the tank. The oscillating hydrostatic pressure in the tank may also be calculated in the same way as for

even more important is the consistent handling of the load transfer, which makes the load balance in the structural analysis much better,” he says. The new feature represents a major investment in Sesam HydroD over the past two years. The new version of Sesam HydroD, which also includes general improvements and bug fixes, will be released before the summer. In order to calculate the internal fluid dynamics, Sesam HydroD 4.6 can be used in combination with the new release of Wadam 9.0. The new solution is based on the re-use of the existing boundary value solver in Sesam HydroD. “The linear boundary value problem for the wave dynamics inside a

the outer hull. Thereby, the hydrostatic coefficients from the tank can also be obtained in the same way as for the outer solution,” he says. DNV Software engineers are planning to present the new release at seminars in the regions. 

Sesam HydroD Read more:

software UPDATE NO. 1 2013 |


Strength at sea – Sesam

Aibel pioneers offshore design with Sesam GeniE Aibel AS has used DNV Software’s Sesam GeniE for as long as the company has existed. The current innovative DolWin Beta wind platform is designed using Sesam GeniE. Text: Kaia Means, DNV Software

“DNV Software understands the customers and the challenges in the offshore market,” says Ragnar Høeg, Section Manager Structural, Architect & Marine in Aibel. “We use Sesam GeniE on all main load-bearing structures.” In addition the software is used for processing units and FPSOs. Currently Aibel has 30 user licences for Sesam GeniE. “We’ve used Sesam as long as we’ve existed as a company. Personally, I’ve used Sesam since 1990, and there are some people here who have used it since the 1980s,” he says. Mr Høeg has worked at Aibel and its predecessor ABB Offshore Systems for 16 years. The main use of Sesam GeniE at Aibel is on oil platform newbuilds, mostly for fixed structures and jackets. A current example is the Gudrun project, where Aibel is using Sesam GeniE during building of a 10,000 ton topside that will be finished in the first quarter of 2013. The DolWin Beta project is also built using Sesam GeniE. DolWin is a collaboration project between Aibel and ABB, a self installing GBS that will serve a large wind farm cluster in the German sector of the North Sea. It will receive alternating current from the wind farms, converting

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it into direct current before sending it onshore through subsea cables. Aibel is designing and building the platform, while ABB has project responsibility and is supplying cables and conversion equipment.


DNV Software has a close working relationship with the Norwegian offshore industry. Ragnar Høeg, Section Manager Structural, Architect & Marine, Aibel AS

DolWin Beta will be towed into the right position and placed on the sea bed. It has separate living quarters for 24 people, a helipad and two lifting cranes. The platform is currently being built by a subcontractor in Dubai and will be fitted out at the Aibel yard in Haugesund, Norway, then towed out to the German DolWin field in the summer of 2014. Sesam GeniE is used on DolWin Beta for structural and ballast analyses. “The program covers the offshore

segment well. DNV Software understands the challenges of the offshore industry. Many of the offshore companies have a close working relationship with DNV. And when we need support, DNV Software is focused on helping us with a solution,” says Mr Høeg. “There is a certain level of proficiency that our engineers have to reach in order to fully utilise the program, but when they have learned it they can make use of powerful and efficient software,” he says. The efficiency is heightened when several users can work on a model. Using Sesam GeniE, it’s possible to perform analysis on separate parts of a structure, which saves time in comparison to modelling the entire structure. The reporting functions have also advanced in recent years, and it is possible now to transfer information directly from the analyses to a report. Aibel does not use a third party modelling tool in dialogue with GeniE, but Høeg says this may change in the future. Currently they use a different program for non-linear analysis, and the information is transferred routinely from Sesam GeniE. 

Strength at sea – Sesam

! AIBEL IN BRIEF Aibel AS is a leading supplier of services related to oil, gas and renewable energy. The company has approximately 5,500 employees in Norway and abroad, working on fields and facilities, both on- and offshore. The company has eight locations in Norway (Hammerfest, Harstad, Stjørdal, Kristiansund, Bergen, Haugesund, Stavanger and Oslo) and five international offices (UK, Denmark, Egypt, Singapore and Thailand) and owns yards in Haugesund and in Thailand. DolWin Beta will receive alternating current from wind farms, and convert it into direct current before sending it onshore via subsea cables. It will have a capacity of 924 MW and can receive electricity from three wind farms, i.e. a total of 240 turbines. It is the size of a football field.

Aibel is an industrial pioneer with a history dating back more than a century, and today has an annual turnover of approximately NOK 7 billion. PROFILE ■■ Customer name: Aibel ■■ Web address: ■■ Market: Oil, gas and renewable energy ■■ Employees: 5,500 ■■ Solution/product: Sesam GeniE BRIEF ACCOUNT That’s why we chose DNV Software: ■■ DNV Software has a close working relationship with the Norwegian offshore industry ■■ Customer-oriented support ■■ Powerful and efficient tools This is what we gained: ■■ DNV Software understands the customers and the challenges in the offshore market ■■ Many developments in recent years ■■ Possibility to do large global analyses

software UPDATE NO. 1 2013 |


Photo: SBM

Strength at sea – Sesam

SBM Offshore uses Sesam GeniE for FPSOs SBM Offshore is a global leader in designing, building and operating FPSOs, with one million barrels of oil per day going through its vessels across the world. For the heightened demands of calculations for topsides on floating vessels, its choice is DNV Software’s Sesam GeniE. Text: Kaia Means, DNV Software

Gerard Bakker is Senior Expert Engineer Topsides at SBM, and has worked at the company for 15 years. For 13 of them, SBM has been using DNV Software’s Sesam products, a timespan during which demands on both classification and the software have grown. In addition, the calculations involved for building fixed structures on floating vessels – SBM’s core business – is more challenging on many levels.

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“There are far more demands in comparison to the jacket market,” says Bakker, whose original background was aerospace engineering. “The vessel rolls, so there is far more analysis to do, larger fatigue demands to calculate, more transverse loading and more load calculations.” 500 LOAD CASES An example is the comparison of a fixed

tower to a tower on a vessel. The rotational accelerations are magnified by the height of the tower. As taller towers become the norm, the calculated forces are greater and more variable. A tower on a fixed structure will have eight load cases. For the FPSO tower, there will be 128 load cases, and sometimes there will be a need for three or four drafts. “We’re then already talking about 500 load cases, and you can’t rule out one. You

Strength at sea – Sesam


Sesam GeniE is growing in use within SBM Offshore. Gerard Bakker, Senior Expert Engineer, Topsides, SBM Offshore

have to just do them all, and do the summary. In the past, because of the limits of computers, you wouldn’t be able to do it. They’re getting faster, so now you can do them,” says Bakker. The use of Sesam GeniE has evolved during the years, as it was originally purchased by SBM for fatigue check of flare towers and strength code check of beams especially. GeniE is still being used for this, in addition to its use on design of topsides. “One of the strengths of Sesam GeniE is the functionality of modelling plates and beams in combination,” says Bakker, who is the main user of Sesam GeniE at SBM. The demands of class have changed since Bakker started using the program more than a decade ago. “The demands are growing. It used to be that you could model only the beams – now we model half the vessel. We need software that is flexible in combining beams and plates,” he says. GRAPHICS AND SCRIPTING Newly hired engineers are more graphically oriented, and use Sesam GeniE’s graphic interface. Bakker is more used to using scripting that is built in the software, JScript. That way he personalises the input, and gains tight control of things such as naming elements. “The readability gets better, and it saves me a lot of work,” he says. “The scripting is one of the strong points – especially for repetitive or parametric actions and batch files it helps a lot.” A strength of Sesam GeniE is the naming. Some programs name elements inflexibly according to a number system, whereas Bakker makes sure to give elements names according to location, using

tags such as ‘port’ and ‘starboard’. This saves time when looking at the analyses. “Things don’t have numbers, they have names. It makes them easier to distinguish from each other.” Despite the advancements of the software, Bakker emphasises that it’s still important to do good engineering work and understand the basics. “You still have to set everything up well,” he says. “That hasn’t changed over the years. A lot of people forget that requirement because of the nice interface.” For SBM, the use of Sesam GeniE works well integrated with other DNV Software programs, such as Nauticus Hull.

! SBM OFFSHORE IN BRIEF SBM Offshore is a leader in floating production and mooring systems, in production operations and in terminals and services. With over 7,000 employees worldwide, SBM supplies floating production solutions through the entire product lifecycle, from engineering to procurement, construction, installation, operation and relocation. PROFILE

COMPETITIVE “The pricing is competitive, especially with Sesam GeniE Lite,” says Bakker. “And with a flexi-licence you can go out to a site with a laptop, which is very useful.” Another vital point for SBM is the continuity of the DNV Software development team. Some companies have just one or two key developers, and if they retire, the users are left in a bind. “I asked once, ‘How old are your developers?’ I want to know that they will still be around for the next 20 years! I think the continuity of the development team at DNV Software is very important.” SBM has found a software partner that shares its focus on innovation. SBM not only designs and builds, it also operates the FPSOs. “We try to think differently, and to come up with different, new and innovative solutions,” says Bakker. “We can start off with an outrageous idea, and work with it. In the end we have a solution that works for class and for the client.” 

■■ Customer name: SBM Offshore N.V. ■■ Web address: ■■ Market: Floating production units ■■ Employees: 7,000 ■■ Solution/product: Sesam GeniE

BRIEF ACCOUNT That’s why we chose DNV Software: ■■ Software that fits our needs ■■ The continuity of the development team ■■ Competitive price models This is what we gained: ■■ Flexible software that supports SBM’s innovative solutions ■■ Capability of combining beam and plate models ■■ Works well integrated with other DNV Software programs, such as Nauticus Hull ■■ Scripting ability ■■ Full control naming elements

software UPDATE NO. 1 2013 |


Photo: COSCO

Strength at sea – Sesam

COSCO’s commitment to safety and quality leads to Sesam GeniE COSCO (Nan Tong) Shipyard has Sesam GeniE as its main finite element analysis tool. “We decided to use DNV Software’s Sesam GeniE to further strengthen our technology leadership in the offshore industry,” says Mr Xu Xiulong, Senior Engineer at COSCO Shipyard Group. Text: Linda Yu, DNV Software

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Strength at sea – Sesam


GeniE is easy to use, fast to model and easy to change. It plays a big role for all of the offshore projects at COSCO Shipyard Group. Mr Xu Xiulong, Senior Engineer at COSCO Shipyard Group

“To ensure each project undertaken is executed to the COSCO Shipyard commitment of safety, quality and timely delivery, COSCO relies on Sesam GeniE,” says Mr Xu. Sesam GeniE is COSCO’s main structure design software, used for both basic and detailed design phases for offshore rigs and vessels with operation water depth from shallow to ultra-deep. COSCO has used Sesam GeniE on the Sevan Driller series, the world’s first and most advanced ultra-deepwater cylindrical drilling and storage unit. Two of the Sevan Drillers have been delivered from the COSCO Quidong Shipyard, and two more are under construction. Sevan Brasil is currently operating offshore Brazil, and spudded its first well at a depth of 1,800 metres only one month after delivery to Petrobras. GeniE has also been used on the Dalian Developer floating, drilling, production, storage and offloading (FDPSO) vessel, which was at the time of delivery the world’s largest drillship, more than double the size of a conventional drillship. GeniE has been used for a variety of COSCO structure design projects including accommodation units, platform service vessels (PSVs), jack-ups, shuttle tankers, tender barges and semisubmersible drilling units. In addition, COSCO has used GeniE on a series of wind turbine installation vessels for Danish A2SEA (owned by DONG Energy and Siemens Wind Power), and was the first Chinese company delivering this type of vessel to Europe. COSCO first attended a DNV Software user conference in 2008, and subsequently started using Sesam GeniE. Since then,

they have regularly attended trainings and user conferences held in China. “At the user conferences the customers communicate with each other and we learn about the newest and latest functions,” says Mr Xu, who has worked at COSCO since 2006. He attained his engineering degree from Wuhan University of Technology. Prior to COSCO, he worked at Shanghai Merchant Ship Design & Research Institute, ABS Singapore and Shanghai Bestway Ship Design. “GeniE is easily handled,” says Mr Xu. “The model is simple to revise and amend, which greatly increases efficiency. By making use of Sesam GeniE’s concept modelling technology, our eight engineers can work on one whole model, which saves a lot of time for each project,” says Mr Xu. “It’s intuitive to use, so they can learn to use GeniE very quickly. “The biggest advantages of GeniE are that it’s fast to model and easy to change,” he says. “Also, API, ARSC and NORSOK codes are integrated in the software. This is very useful for us. “Its post-processing is powerful, from code-check of beams and plates to buckling and yielding analysis. And the function of generating reports automatically is a major timesaver,” says Mr Xu. “GeniE plays a big role for all of the offshore projects at COSCO Shipyard group. We are planning to use Sesam in expanding the capacity of the Offshore Research & Design Institute of COSCO for basic designs of various offshore projects,” he says. In order to do the research on basic design for ultra-deepwater projects, COSCO will use both Sesam HydroD and Sesam DeepC. 

! COSCO Shipyard IN BRIEF COSCO (Nan Tong) Shipyard in Yangtze River Delta Region has one DWT 150,000 floating dock, one DWT 80,000 floating dock, four repair berths and 400,000 m2 land areas. In the past ten years it has become the prime shipyard of the COSCO Shipyard Group, with its advanced facilities, highly trained technical personnel and experienced workforce, handling approximately 150 vessels per year and holding the leading position in China for large projects and ship conversion. COSCO provides engineering services ranging from offshore facility research and design, construction and quality inspection to engineering consulting. Its ocean engineering products cover all types of offshore facilities from shallow water to ultra-deep sea. PROFILE ■■ Customer name: COSCO (Nan Tong) Shipyard ■■ Web address: ■■ Market: Ship design, shipbuilding, repair and conversion ■■ Employees: 8,868 ■■ Solution/product: Sesam GeniE BRIEF ACCOUNT That’s why we chose DNV Software: ■■ Sesam GeniE is easy to use ■■ Fast modelling ■■ Excellent support ■■ Increases efficiency This is what we gained:: ■■ Amendments and revisions are quick ■■ Time-saving solutions ■■ Powerful post-processing ■■ Relevant codes are integrated in software ■■ Automatic generation of reports

software UPDATE NO. 1 2013 |


Risk & Reliability – Phast and Safeti

Phast now available in Chinese language Phast 软件中文版本上市 Phast, the world leading consequence analysis software tool is now available in the Chinese language, the second most widely known language in the world. TEXT: Kenny Shaba, DNV Software

Since its release in 1984, Phast has been available exclusively in English. From April 2013, Phast 7.01 (the latest release of Phast) will include support for simplified Chinese. To the best of our knowledge, this is the only example of a consequence analysis tool with multi-language support. At DNV Software, we recognise that working and communicating in a local language is of prime importance to our customers. Our goal was and is to improve the accessibility of Phast via multi-language support. This release is the first step, pushing us closer to our goal of improving the accessibility of Phast and ensuring a wide range appeal. We hope to extend this to our other products in the future and also to other languages. Since the idea of optional user interface languages was first raised, there has been marked interest from all sectors, and excitement among our developers. This is evidence that DNV Software not only listens to feedback, but also implements features that are of vital importance to our customers. How will users benefit? The key benefit of this version is that it will offer a unique experience to Chinese users, significantly reducing the learning curve. Phast 7.01:

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Offers a graphical user interface represented in simplified Chinese language ■■ Includes the capability to switch between languages at the click of a mouse ■■ Offers additional flexibility to users for whom working in Chinese is preferable ■■ Facilitates working across regions; an important aspect as many Phast users work within global organisations ■■ Aids in compliance with Chinese regulatory provisions which are published in the local language. Given that the regulations governing the major hazardous industries in China were recently changed, Phast Chinese is adequately placed to help support the delivery of work to fulfil those requirements. ■■

For practical reasons, some areas within the program have not been translated into Chinese: some examples are the GIS map, chemical names, units of measure, proper names (i.e. “Baker Strehlow Tang”) and the Excel template used for study input and output. Early praise The announcement of Phast being available in Chinese was received positively. Professor Yu Qi Jie, from Sinopec Engineering Incorporation (SEI) said, “We are looking forward to the Phast Chinese

version. Since we have lots of Chinese projects and most end users prefer that our final report should be in Chinese, we think the new release will meet our requirements. And even better, we have the Chinese Help document, which is easily used for new users’ learning.” Qing Si Ping, CNPC Huadong (Safety Assessment Company) said, “From an engineering point of view, the user-friendliness is quite essential. We think the Chinese version will help us to easily and conveniently run programmes to improve our work efficiency. It is good to hear that DNV takes care of Chinese clients and we expect more collaboration with DNV in the future.” DNV Software has a long history of developing software products that meet the needs of our customers. This product builds on that heritage and we are delighted to open up our user base to a much wider language demographic. 

Photo: DNV/Nina E. Rangøy

Risk & Reliability – Phast and Safeti

software UPDATE NO. 1 2013 |


Risk & Reliability – Phast and Safeti

Phast brings consequence modelling to new level As safety professionals, we recognise that “good safety means good business”. Demonstrating this to key stakeholders is not straightforward; you need the best and most extensively validated tools that will help you comply with regulations and corporate best practice. Text: Nic Cavanagh, DNV Software

In today’s competitive environment, the management of hazardous facilities to ensure safe and cost-effective operation is high on the agenda. The market demands consistent performance in demonstrating safe and efficient operation in addition to complying with regulations and legislation. Phast, founded on more than 30 years of research and development and used by more than 700 customers across the globe, is the world’s most comprehensive process industry hazard analysis software tool for all stages of design and operation. The software, used by governments, industry and academic institutions for assessing the effects of releases of hazardous material, examines the progress of a potential incident from the initial release to far-field dispersion including modelling of liquid rainout, pool spreading and evaporation, and flammable and toxic effects. Hazard models Phast contains all the discharge, dispersion and effects models needed to manage major accident hazards. These include DNV’s proprietary Unified Dispersion Model (UDM), flammable models and resulting radiation effects for jet fires, pool fires and fireballs. Also included are explosion models used to calculate overpressure and impulse effects and models for the toxic hazards of a release including indoor toxic dose calculations. The results from

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the analysis can be displayed in tabular and graphical form, so the extent of the impact can be seen, and the effect of the release on the population and the environment can be assessed. Phast is used at power plants, refineries, chemical plants, petrochemical plants, pharmaceutical facilities, factories containing hazardous substances, oil rigs and other types of offshore facilities. It provides quick and accurate results, enabling sensitivity studies to evaluate the need for mitigating measures such as changes in design, operation or response. Phast has often been used to model design options for proposed new facilities and for operational changes in existing facilities. Validated results Phast is based on continuous research and on real and validated results conducted with industry partners. It has important advantages over similar existing tools. Recent developments have included validation for releases of LNG, hydrogen and carbon dioxide. In addition, world leading research into droplet formation and behaviour ensures the fundamental science behind cloud formation is rigorously applied. This research continues through DNV and a range of joint industry projects, ensuring that the Phast software provides you with the best technology available for improving safety. The rigorous validation

behind Phast’s modelling is extensively documented and distributed with the software. As just one example, DNV Software mathematical modeller Maria Fernandez has led the research that the new Phast 7 multi-component pool model is based upon. The objectives of the multi-component pool model development were to extend the previous pseudo-component pool model available in Phast to model real mixture behaviour. For the first time a comprehensive model for the prediction of pool spreading, evaporation and dissolution of mixtures was formulated, developed and validated. Its advantages over similar existing tools are improved numerics for greater stability and efficiency, and extended range of application to account for multicomponent dissolution on various water surfaces. The model is able to track the evaporation rate and pool inventory for each individual component in the mixture and, where appropriate, employs established mixing rules to estimate the overall pool properties. Phast 7 Phast 7 supports the latest user interface technology and best practice approaches, including a geographical information system (GIS) for display of consequence results on maps and plot plans.

Photo: istock

risk & reLiabiLity – phast and saFeti

Spreadsheet style interface for input and display of data has been introduced for efficient editing and review of information. This allows the user to see at a glance, for example, a list of failure cases, making it possible to edit any aspect without the need to repeatedly open and close forms. This supports rapid study development, sensitivity analyses, forensic investigations, what-if scenario generation and emergency response planning, to name but a few applications. A process plant includes equipment for processing, transporting and storing a

wide range of hazardous materials. Design, operation and maintenance strategies must be equipment-oriented. Phast 7 has adopted a new ‘equipment-based’ study structure whereby the analysis is organised to match the equipment and its function. Each item can have a range of failure scenarios associated with it. The user can then introduce variations to any of the failure scenarios to account for differences, e.g. small, medium and large leaks. In combination with the tabular display of data this offers a powerful new approach to complex yet intuitive analyses. 

about phast the world’s most comprehensive hazard analysis software for all stages of process industry design and operation. Phast is used to analyse situations presenting potential hazards to life, property and the environment, and to quantify their severity. Consequences may then be managed or reduced by design of the process or plant, modification to existing operational procedures, or by implementing other mitigation measures. read more:

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Risk & Reliability – Phast and Safeti

Safeti Offshore

Photo: Statoil ASA/Øyvind Hagen

– the new standard for offshore QRA modelling

Safeti Offshore offers a formal, structured and systematic approach to conducting an offshore QRA. It provides robust, accurate, flexible and extensive capabilities for conducting QRAs of diverse offshore facilities. Text: Kenny Shaba, DNV Software

Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) is a risk assessment methodology that allows for numerical estimates of the level of risk associated with an activity to be estimated and then assessed. QRA enhances systematic identification and evaluation of possible accidental events, including their causes and consequences. It provides estimates to allow decision makers to understand risk exposure to people, the environment, business markets or other areas of interest.

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QRA has over the years established itself as a standard component of the risk management programme for offshore facilities. While formal software tools exist to perform such studies (e.g. NEPTUNE, OHRAT, PLATO), the bulk of these studies tend to be executed using spreadsheet (Excel) based tools. Although these offer a great degree of flexibility and are readily deployed, they often suffer from quality issues,

poor traceability and control, significant structure and model variability and lack any degree of standardisation. They are also limited in that the models employed do not typically (and explicitly) take into account the specifics that apply to offshore, e.g. densely packed layout, ventilation issues and the presence of ­barriers such as decks and walls. ­Another key ­limitation is the lack of ­visualisation ­capability – an important

Risk & Reliability – Phast and Safeti

Photo: Statoil/Øyvind Hagen

Screenshot of the user interface of Safeti Offshore

element for ease of use and clear communication of results. The Solution: Safeti Offshore Safeti Offshore is designed to address all these limitations and offers a formal, structured and systematic approach to conducting an offshore QRA. It leverages DNV’s expertise and competence in delivering offshore QRA services over the past 30 years as well as DNV Software’s strong heritage in producing world leading software tools. The result is an offshore QRA software tool that represents the state of the art with regards to offshore risk modelling and offers a range of features carefully crafted to robustly meet the challenges involved.

Benefits of Safeti Offshore Safeti Offshore includes an extensive array of features and associated benefits which include: ■■ A flexible platform to conduct a QRA of a vast range of offshore facility types (e.g. fixed, floating, ship shaped etc.) ■■ Detailed modelling of all possible impacts (fire, toxic, explosion, smoke etc.) associated with an accidental release offshore ■■ An integrated probabilistic model for explosion analysis that effectively removes the need for resource intensive CFD explosion studies ■■ 3D visualisation capabilities which allow for graphical input and clearer understanding of the modelling and presentation of results ■■ The ability to account for the influence of a vast array of safety systems and barriers (e.g. isolation, blowdown, blast walls) as part of the modelling work and thus quantify their impact on the risk profile ■■ Modelling of subsea releases (as these can have significant consequences above water) ■■ Detailed escalation analysis. Can be used to inform protection basis (for example

define protection requirements, e.g. amount of passive fire protection, design accident load requirements) and optimise escape and evacuation means ■■ An integrated frequency analysis tool, meaning Safeti Offshore is a “one-stop shop” ■■ Tools to increase the efficiency of work flow e.g. automatic, rule based release case generation ■■ Detailed reports for all aspects of the modelling – risk, consequence, frequency, escalation etc. In addition to the above, Safeti Offshore includes all features available in Safeti Onshore, the industry standard onshore QRA tool (formerly known as Phast Risk) and many other capabilities. Leading edge DNV has long had a reputation for leading edge tools for Quantitative Risk Assessment, with a range of tools including those in the Safeti suite developed by DNV Software. Safeti Offshore builds on that heritage and we are proud to offer this new tool to our customers. We are confident that it will meet and exceed expectations. 

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Risk & Reliability – Phast and Safeti

Sustainable solutions with Safeti AkzoNobel, the largest global producer of paints and coatings and a major producer of specialty chemicals, uses DNV Software’s Safeti software for quantitative risk assessments at ten sites across the world. Text: Kaia Means, DNV Software

With 55,000 employees in more than 80 countries, AkzoNobel – headquartered in the Netherlands – is the largest company that produces paints and coatings, and a major producer of specialty chemicals. Delivering sustainable solutions to customers is at the top of its agenda. AkzoNobel is a long-time user of Safeti software for quantitative risk assessment (QRAs). In addition, the software is used to calculate effect areas in case of acciden-

Herman van Lochem, Senior Advisor People and Process Safety at AkzoNobel HSE Business Support. Mr van Lochem has been with AkzoNobel for more than 40 years, and has been using Safeti since 1999. Currently he is the person at AkzoNobel who has longest experience with Safeti, using it for QRAs, for safe siting studies, for calculation of effect areas and for analyses of safe location for relief valve positioning.


The main strengths of Safeti software are the way it is efficiently organised, the properties database of the chemical substances, and also the large supply of tools and text for effect analysis. Herman van Lochem, Senior Advisor People and Process Safety at AkzoNobel HSE Business Support

tal release and also for safe siting studies for the manufacturing sites. Amongst these, there are sites with a number of plants at the site, working for different business areas. ENSURING A SAFE ENVIRONMENT “The AkzoNobel policy regarding risk management is to ensure that business activities are conducted in such a way that a safe environment is created for our customers, for our employees, for our contractors and for the environment,” says

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Mr van Lochem’s responsibilities at AkzoNobel are at the corporate level. The HSE business support team is supporting the development and maintenance of the process safety management framework. “The main strengths of Safeti software are that it is efficiently organised, it is supported by GIS application for easy import of geographic data and there is a solid substance database underlying the program for easy access of substance properties. Safeti is also provided with a large supply

of graphic and text tools for easy interpretation of the results,” says van Lochem. “Safeti can visualise the risks that are posed by the process plants and indicate where the opportunities for improvement lie,” he says. There has always been a good dialogue between his team and the DNV Software support staff. “At AkzoNobel we are very positive about the DNV Software support,” he says. “We get very prompt responses, and for more complicated questions there is always a line of second service available.” Having used the software since the early days, he remembers when the program was entirely DOS-based, and input lines needed every letter and comma in the right place. “Now it’s Windows-based and userfriendly. It’s an essential tool for demonstrating how sites are performing related to safety – for making it visible and quantifying it,” says Mr van Lochem. In total there are six engineers at AkzoNobel who currently use Safeti in their work. New engineers are quickly up to speed using the software. “We expect from new engineers that they first go to an introduction training of DNV, and once they have done that it is very easy to start working with Safeti, at first with simple cases and then internally we build it up. They enter a path where they are coached by more experienced engineers to work with more complex models,” says Mr van Lochem. 

Risk & Reliability – Phast and Safeti

! AkzONOBEL IN BRIEF AkzoNobel is the largest global paints and coatings company and a major producer of specialty chemicals. The company supplies industries and consumers worldwide with innovative products and is passionate about developing sustainable answers for its customers. Their portfolio includes known brands such as Dulux, Sikkens, International and Eka. Headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, AkzoNobel is consistently ranked as one of the leaders in the area of sustainability. With operations in more than 80 countries, its 55,000 people around the world are committed to excellence. PROFILE ■■ Customer name: AkzoNobel ■■ Web address: ■■ Market: Paints, coatings and specialty chemicals ■■ Employees: 55,000 ■■ Solution/product: Safeti BRIEF ACCOUNT That’s why we chose DNV Software: ■■ Essential tool for QRAs and safe siting ■■ Fulfils regulatory requirement ■■ Supported by GIS application for easy import of geographic data

Photo: AkzoNobel

This is what we gained: ■■ Efficiently organised ■■ Large properties database of chemical substances ■■ Large supply of tools and text for effect analysis

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Risk & Reliability – Phast and Safeti

Tata Steel – a leader in health and safety with Phast Tata Steel Europe Limited is the second largest steel producer in Europe. It is a subsidiary of Tata Steel, a top ten global steel producer and the world’s second most geographically diversified. Their goal is to be the leader in health and safety within the steel industry. For quantitative risk analysis (QRA), the choice is to use DNV Software’s Phast solution. Text: Kaia Means, DNV Software

“Tata Steel has a vision to be the leader in the steel industry within health and safety,” says Andrew Hickling, Process Safety Engineer at Tata Steel Europe. Part of that strategy relies on QRAs and on DNV Software’s Phast software. “The key reasons Tata Steel has for choosing Phast are its consistent results and its high marks on intuitive use. Its

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widespread use in the industry makes communication and compliance much more efficient,” says Mr Hickling. “Our approach to risk management is trying to understand the hazards and the associated barriers that protect both the business and the people surrounding the site from these hazards, and to use safety and environmental risk assessments to

ensure that the barriers are in place and maintained. Before we implemented Phast, I don’t believe we saw the challenges to our risk management policy. Consistent results “When we came under the Control of Major Action Hazard Regulations in 1999, we didn’t yet have a way of predicting

Risk & Reliability – Phast and Safeti


DNV Software Support provides us with an excellent service. If we need Phast to do something that’s not quite within the functionality – usually we get a reply within hours, which is excellent compared to some of the other software packages we’ve used.

© Getty Images

Andrew Hickling, Process Safety Engineer, High Hazard Support, Training and Development, Tata Steel Europe

what would happen should our hazards be realised. With Phast we can produce a consistent approach to these hazards and produce data that we can actually share with other companies and our own people.” After the Phast implementation there was a steep learning curve. “Phast was new to us and the results it could produce were actually new to us as well. But as we got more confident using the software, obviously we were able to produce results. Now we get the same results from all the sites. Everybody is using the same software and producing the same output.” Easy to learn Today, a new engineer at Tata Steel will learn to use the software in a matter

of weeks. “It’s the interpretation of the results that takes a long time. Sometimes it takes some interpretation to look into the results, and why the parameters are different. We’re all constantly learning how to use the software – even now, after using it for five years, there are still things that we’re all learning,” says Mr Hickling. One of the main benefits of DNV Software is the level of service provided. Excellent service “DNV Software Support provides us with an excellent service,” says Mr Hickling. “If we have a unique problem – for example if we need Phast to do something that’s not quite within the functionality – usually we get a reply within hours, which is excellent compared to some of the other software packages we’ve used, that take days to produce an answer.” The consistent results from all of the production sites in Europe are, according to Mr Hickling, the most important reason why Tata Steel has chosen Phast. “Others in the same industry can gain from using Phast because it produces consistent results. If you’re using the same inputs, obviously you’re going to get consistent results. The reports are consistent, so you can actually compare site to site,” says Mr Hickling. 

! TATA STEEL IN BRIEF Tata Steel is a top ten global steel maker and the world’s second most geographically diversified steel producer. Tata Steel Europe Limited is the second largest steel producer in Europe, operating two major integrated sites in the UK, one at Scunthorpe in England and one at Port Talbot in Wales. It also operates a fully integrated site at IJmuiden in the Netherlands. Tata Steel was founded in India in 1907. Since 2004 the company has expanded globally, acquiring Asian steel producers NatSteel and Millennium Steel (now Tata Steel Thailand) as well as European producers Corus (now Tata Steel Europe Limited). Tata Steel Europe Limited is the second largest steel producer in Europe. It is a subsidiary of Tata Steel, a top ten global steel producer and the world’s second most geographically diversified. Their goal is to be the leader in health and safety within the steel industry. For quantitative risk analysis (QRA), the choice is to use DNV Software’s Phast solution.

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Risk & Reliability – Maros and Taro

Maros 9 and Taro 5 – milestones for RAM tools DNV Software is proud to announce the latest release of the world’s leading advanced RAM tools for the oil and gas industry, Maros 9 and Taro 5. Text: Victor Borges, DNV Software

Following the tradition of 30 years of continuous development and innovation, DNV Software’s advanced RAM tools introduce an array of new features that ensure you have the best tools for responsible and profitable performance. This development has been carried out over the past three years in parallel to our commercial release programme. Maros 9 and Taro 5 are a significant step forward on our long-term vision to develop a common simulator which will achieve a unified supply chain modelling capability. One of the biggest challenges that many of our users are facing is to take into account key interdependent parameters which are present in the upstream, midstream and downstream industry. Currently, you would have to separate that into two models: one for Maros and one for Taro. In the future, you will be able to integrate all these aspects under one model in an organised and friendly manner. The benefit of integrating the whole supply chain under one application is endless as many of these variables and parameters will have influence over the performance of the supply chain network. This release accompanies another milestone: a thousand projects carried out

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by DNV Advisory over the past 30 years. These projects – which cover a vast range of assets, processes and operations – have generated a significant knowledge base which has been instrumental in the development of Maros and Taro. Consequently, Maros and Taro offer platforms that are robust and flexible enough to address an extensive range of challenges. Maros 9 Maros 9 represents a milestone for the entire reliability community. From now on, RAM studies for the upstream industry will be able to model storage tanks and transport logistics with key variables specifically developed for the oil and gas industry. These new features extend Maros’ recognised ability of representing real life scenarios for the upstream oil and gas industry and take the analysis one step further, incorporating critical supply chain issues. New storage tank capabilities allow operating rules to be placed on nominated tanks. These rules are triggered by changes in the levels within the storage tank which can be used to represent a batch process or secondary export route for the product. Additionally, the new bulk transport logistics feature supports analysis of all types of transport systems that involve

movement of batches of products from suppliers to customers. The following common transport modes are modelled with specific support: ■■ Rail car ■■ Barge ■■ Ship ■■ Road tanker Conceptually, products move from a supplier (provider/seller) to a customer (purchaser) via loading points (berths) using a fleet of transport resources. Constraints of fleet size, number of transport resources, berthing, weather, tank top-up or bottomout and operational logic can be included in the model. Many existing features have also been enhanced, such as: ■■ Phase separation and flow calculation method ■■ Flaring operations ■■ Criticality ■■ Maintenance resources ■■ Flow grid Furthermore, a new animation has been put in place showing the dynamic change of the simulation allowing you to play back and inspect simulation cycles visually.

Photo montage by DNV/Damir Cvetojevic © Getty Images, Istockphoto

Risk & Reliability – Maros and Taro

Taro 5 Taro has traditionally offered comprehensive features specifically designed for the refining and petrochemical industry. The next generation of Taro focuses on enhancing usability and the user interface. Taro 5 presents a completely new results viewer including a new database which is extendable and readable using Microsoft Access. Also, Taro now includes a new line connection tool which ensures rapid and

high quality model building. Taro 5 also aligns with common industry terminology. We are confident that these latest ­releases maintain Maros and Taro’s positions as the state-of-the-art in Reliability, Availability and Maintainability software tools for the oil and gas industries. Their revamped common simulator continues our strategic roadmap of new developments and we look forward to even more exciting times ahead. 

Read more:

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Risk & Reliability – Maros and Taro

Reliability, the starting point for sustainability The world is facing a new reality when it comes to sustainability. All major oil and gas companies around the world are being pushed to operate their facilities, upstream, midstream or downstream, with the minimum amount of waste and hazardous emissions. The “green processes”, as the industry calls them, are not the exception anymore but the standard. So what is the starting point? Text: Victor Borges, DNV Software

Reliability methods provide key parameters to guarantee a sustainable process. The equation is quite simple: more reliable processes use less feed products, reduce the size of storage and deliver the same amount of end product. A good example of how applying reliability methods can guarantee a sustainable process is the performance of a RAM study for the upstream industry. By creating a virtual model of the platform, during either the operational or design stage, the analyst gets a complete picture of the performance including production oil, gas and water, the critical systems leading to the major losses and downtime and the effectiveness of the maintenance strategy. Optimisation and reduction of downtime can be easily carried out after the completion of the study. Subsequently, design changes, different maintenance strategies and the de-bottleneck of the platform is achieved. Only a few critical failures can lead to a complete shutdown of the system. However, many failures would lead the system to a standby state where it keeps running and, therefore, consuming energy but not

producing. By performing a RAM study, the analyst is able to reduce these failures to minimum. In addition, by performing a RAM study, the analyst is able to assess the optimum number of maintenance resources such as spare parts and crew availability, which leads to a reduction of waste related to maintenance operations. In the particular example of an upstream asset – for instance an FPSO or a fixed platform – there are also the flaring operations. The flare represents a major

Maros is a tool specialised in the oil and gas industry, providing the user with the ability to include real life operations into a RAM study. The result is a more accurate representation of the system and an even more complete set of outcomes. Using the previously mentioned example Maros would provide, in addition to the typical results: the amount of gas flared, the number of stops due to environmental restrictions (regions around the world limit the potential amount of gas to be flared) and the gas production. These are just some of the benefits of performing a RAM study. Maros and Taro are leading tools for Advanced RAM (reliability, availability and maintainability) analysis. They incorporate DNV’s extensive knowledge in the oil and gas industry including typical operations. The software products have been used and developed in over a thousand projects, and the robustness of the simulator can be attested by a large range of users from major national oil companies, international oil companies, EPCs and research centres. 

“green processes”

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source of hazardous gases for the environment such as methane and CO2. The operations in such facilities normally include a flare operation in case a failure occurs in the compression system (or secondary systems related to the production of gas) in order to maintain the production of oil. By performing a RAM study the operator is able to reduce the amount of flared gas by increasing the reliability (number of failures) of the system or maintenance strategy effectiveness, consequently reducing the downtime.

Photo: iStock

Risk & Reliability – Maros and Taro

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Strength at sea – Nauticus

Nauticus Machinery supports new shaft alignment rules With the development of large ships, there is an increasing number of shaft alignment related damage cases in propulsion systems in recent years. DNV has updated the shaft alignment related rules from January 2013 and Nauticus Machinery now supports the new rules. Text: Qi Feng Wang, DNV Software

knowledge within the field of shaft alignment is unique, and DNV Software is working closely with the Technical Advisory units to make the approach for calculation according to the new rules as user-friendly and smooth as possible. Minimum rotational speed The basis for the new rule criteria is a calculation of the minimum rotational speed to ensure hydrodynamic lubrication and sufficient lubrication film thickness in the

Photo: DNV

Most of the cases seem to be related either to fatigue or wiping due to poor lubrication in the stern tube. Based on this situation, DNV has updated the shaft alignment related rules from January 2013. The latest Nauticus Machinery release (version 11.3) provides full support for the new rules. The modification in the new rules is based on the extensive research and measurements carried out by DNV within the “FLEX” Joint Industry Project of 2002–2012. DNV’s competence and


Examples of shaft alignment related damages – fatigue (left) and wiping (right).

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aft stern tube bearing. The criteria take both the static and running conditions into account. The overall goal is to take the lubrication condition in the stern tube into account already at the design stages to avoid costly damages during sea trials or in operational life. In order to calculate the new minimum rotational speed criteria, there is a need to know the exact bending of the shaft line relative to the bearing. Therefore the equation solver in Nauticus Shaft Alignment has been changed from a traditional transfermatrix approach to a more robust finite element solver. This is also an important aspect when it comes to handling of three-dimensional problems, e.g. hydrodynamic loads on the propeller in various planes as well as contact problems in the stern tube bearing taking clearance into account. The left side picture shows typical fatigue damage and if it occurs, it will normally come after some years of operation. The right side picture shows a typical wiping damage which normally occurs at high rotational speeds in combination with

Photo: iStock

Strength at sea – Nauticus

boundary lubrication. This type of damage can occur immediately, for instance during sea-trials. Calculation method and support in Nauticus Shaft Alignment To ensure hydrodynamic lubrication of the aft stern tube bearing in all operational conditions, the new rule criteria require calculation of the minimum rotational speed. The radial bearing loads and relative slope between shaft and bearing need to be calculated before the final result. The minimum required lubrication film thickness is determined from the bearing journal diameter by an empirical formula. Bearing data such as length and diametrical clearance and lubricant viscosity are also essential in the calculation. However, in the software the user just needs to specify the kinematic viscosity for the stern tube

bearing in order to calculate the minimum rotational speed and the rest of the calculations will be done automatically. According to DNV’s research, the hydrodynamic propeller loads are by far the ­single most important parameter regarding alignment of the propeller shaft. Accordingly the running conditions should take the ultimate propeller hydrodynamic load into account. The new criteria is calculated for three operating conditions: one case for the hot static condition and two cases for the hot running condition where the vertical hydrodynamic propeller loads are assumed to be respectively 15% of nominal torque downwards and 40% of the nominal torque upwards. The stern tube bearing can be defined with either two support points (one in each end of the stern tube) or three support points (double-sloped bearing).

According to DNV’s research, the hydrodynamic propeller loads are by far the single most important parameter regarding alignment of the propeller shaft.

In Nauticus Shaft Alignment the user can easily define the above three cases in the operating condition tab and specify the relevant loads in each condition. The software also includes a useful feature to create single and double slope bearings according to the new rule. 

Benefits of Nauticus Machinery ■■ Frequent releases ■■ Professional software support 24/7 ■■ Local language support in China, Korea and Japan ■■ Independent of class society of engine manufacturer ■■ Support for latest IACS and DNV Rules ■■ Support for latest IACS Polar and Baltic ice-class rules ■■ Support for all kinds of propulsion systems (diesel, gas, steam, electric and combined) ■■ Standard or customer training courses Read more:

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streNgth at sea – Nauticus

Berg Propulsion is one of the world’s leading designers and producers of controllable pitch propellers and at the forefront of the hydrodynamics, rotordynamics and hydraulic fields. their innovative work relies on DNV software’s Nauticus Machinery. TEXT: Kaia Means, DNV SOFTWARE

Berg Propulsion is a long-standing DNV Software customer, and one of the very first users of Nauticus Machinery Shaft Alignment. Mohamed Zeid is the Rotordynamics specialist at Berg Propulsion, and has used Nauticus Machinery since 2006. One of the greatest strengths of DNV Software, he says, is the support. “There

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are some other good tools on the market, but with DNV Software we get the help we need when we need it. If there are technical issues they may get someone from DNV consultancy to help us. We have fifty or more projects a year, so we don’t have time to lose. If someone says to me, ‘We can help you next week,’ that’s not good enough. I don’t have that time,” he says.

More reliable analyses Mr Zeid says he has invested significant time in researching the full potential of Nauticus Machinery Shaft Alignment, learning to use curves and equations to make the analyses even more precise. He initiated timesaving systems at his workplace. The timesaving has been used to

Photo: Berg Propulsion

Berg Propulsion uses Nauticus Machinery

Strength at sea – Nauticus


With DNV Software we get the help we need when we need it. Mohamed Zeid, Rotordynamics specialist at Berg Propulsion

increase the number of projects and for development. “I’ve used it for understanding and digging more into the tool, resulting in something useful to us,” says Mr Zeid. “In shaft lateral analysis, if the value of one input parameter changes, then the values of all results parameters are going to be affected. For example, if I change one parameter, such as gear bearings stiffness, how will it change the others? I’m trying to understand how everything is working together. This helps for building the shafting response map – in both global view for shafting performance and compatibility, and also local view for each shaft component performance. Ultimately this leads to more reliable analyses, and helps me understand the feedback from the shipyard,” he says. It is not feasible for Berg Propulsion to make hands-on measurements related to alignment at all of the shipyards across the globe where their propulsion systems are being built – they must instead rely on the engineers at each shipyard, at the same time maintaining the quality as desired. Therefore it is crucial that the analyses are based on the correct parameters, and that the calculations give an accurate representation of what happens when building the system in reality. MATCHING REALITY Instead of practising reverse engineering, which is extremely time consuming, and where shipyards may need assistance on how to proceed, Berg Propulsion has the possibility with Nauticus Machinery Shaft

Alignment to know ahead of time what the margins will be, and can instruct them to proceed in the knowledge that the analyses match reality. This is an important timesaving solution at a critical point, as normally final alignment is carried out just before delivery of the vessel. As a benefit from the research, Berg Propulsion has given important feedback to DNV Software programmers, who are improving the program in each new release. In average, Berg Propulsion performs about 50 shaft alignment analyses per year. Mr Zeid currently has two people based in Singapore working with him on analyses. If the workload is expanding fast, Berg Propulsion at times asks DNV advisory to perform some analyses. “We’re using the same tool, which is very good. It means that we can share the models and discuss them with ease,” says Mr Zeid. ”From 1999 to 2011 we produced 1,940 propellers. That’s more than we did in the previous 40 years,” says Mr Zeid. “I have used the tool to make a very wide analysis for shaft performance for Berg Propulsion standard shaft configuration. These results I’ve used in calculations of lateral natural frequencies. From these results it’s possible to have equations that can give exactly the natural frequency, verified by the output from a model. This saves a lot of time, and is very effective in the project stage,” says Mr Zeid. Berg Propulsion is not only using the Shaft Alignment tool, it has also recently started using Nauticus Machinery Torsional Vibration. 


BERG PROPULSION IN BRIEF Berg Propulsion designs and manufactures propulsion systems, including controllable pitch propellers, thrusters and maneuvers systems, for the marine industry. It is at the forefront of innovation in the hydrodynamics, rotordynamics and hydraulic fields. Its engineers can frequently be found at universities and marine industry exhibitions presenting research and development. Berg Propulsion has production facilities in Sweden and Singapore, and sales and service offices in countries across Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa and South America. PROFILE ■■ Customer name: Berg Propulsion ■■ Web address: ■■ Market: Design and manufacture of propellers and propulsion systems ■■ Employees: 320 ■■ Solution/product: Nauticus Machinery BRIEF ACCOUNT That’s why we chose DNV Software: ■■ Fast and comprehensive support ■■ Combined expertise of DNV Software and DNV This is what we gained: ■■ Analyses that match reality, saving time and resources ■■ Time-saving and efficiency in the project stage

software UPDATE NO. 1 2013 |



Maros and taro

Synergi life

Batch Run

Quick navigation icons

One of the most important steps in a RAM study includes carrying over a sensitivity analysis to establish measures to changes in the design, maintenance strategies and operational constraints and check what is the most effective option for these parameters. Additionally, sensitivity analysis can be used to define the degree to which results of a calculation are affected by variations in the inputs. In Maros and Taro there is an option to run batches of multiple project, this allows users to define numerous files to be calculated. Computers with multi-core processors will have the option to run multiple project files in parallel saving potentially a lot of time, depending on the number of processor cores available to be used and the number of projects to be simulated. This option is accessible from the Tools menu and selecting the option Batch Run. Please notice that this option will be available only if no study is loaded. Once the Batch Run option is selected, the window “Run Simulation Batch” will pop up. A few options will be available: • Add – Press this button to search for a new document to add to the list. • Add Folder – Press this button to search for a folder (directory) in which every document contained with the folder will be added to the list. • Remove – Press this button to remove the selected document from the list. • Configuration – If the document selected has run-sets defined, press this button to select the run-set which is to be run. • Move Up and Down – Press this button to select the position in the list. If your PC contains multiple CPU cores, they can be utilised to run multiple models simultaneously. Specify the number of cores that you want to utilise for the batch run here – this represents the number of models that can be run simultaneously. Please note that the initialisation of the batch run is done on a s­ ingle core. The next step will be to run the simulator. The software will next prepare all the models to be run and then start running the models. The simulation parameters (Number of cycles, Design Capacity, Cost Data…) cannot be changed and it will use the data defined in the last saved model – at this stage, there is no option to edit these parameters. At the end of the Batch Run, the results can be accessed by opening the model in Maros and clicking at the tab. More information can be found under the help system of both Maros and Taro.

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The Synergi Life registration screen contains icons representing the sections that currently contain information. In addition to giving you a brief overview over the content in the case, these icons also serve as quick navigation links to the respective panels that hold the actual information. Some Synergi cases contain a lot of information and will typically be very long. When navigating through such a case you may find yourself scrolling down the page while all or some of the panels are expanded. The above mentioned icons will give you a quicker way of locating a specific panel. If you would like to see the comments in a case, you simply click on the comments icon: This will bring you directly to, and expand, the comments panel. The same applies for most of the panels available.

The clickable icons are only kept in the page header bar, but should you wish to quickly locate them again, simply click the ‘Back to top’ link in the menu box that floats on your right hand side while navigating down the page.

! How to find information




Subscription to new releases on the customer portal

Creating Shaded Contours 3. After a style has been selected, the style dialog pops up and this dialog is used to specify how shapes are to be displayed on a GIS View. For the Consequence and Effect Zone style only certain options can be specified.

Image of non-shaded contour

Whenever DNV Software releases a new version of a Sesam software, a release notes document is uploaded to the Customer Portal. Below you will find instructions on how to be informed when a new release note is made available.

This new feature in Phast 7.0 affects the way in which effect and concentration contours are displayed on the GIS. Steps required: 1. Select ‘Display Contours as Polygon’ under the tools tab in the ribbon. Make sure the ‘Display Contours as Polygons’ box is ticked.

From the content details page in the Customer Portal you can subscribe to a tag, author, or library by using the drop-down menus next to the tag, author, or library name. For example, if you would like to receive an email notification when a new version of a DNV Software program is released, you subscribe to the Release Notes tag. To do this, search for and then select an existing content entry of a Release Notes (for example, GeniE Release Notes V6.3-06) and go to the content detail.

• Translucency: This sets the degree of transparency for the fill pattern from 0 to 100%. • Width: This sets the width in pixels used for line shapes and for the boundaries of area shapes. • Style: This setting applies to line shapes and to the boundaries of area shapes. • Pattern: This allows you to choose a type of fill that will be used for contour. • Boundary: This allows you to display a line around the boundary of the shape.

2. Select a style from the Styles Section under the tools tab in the ribbon. Different styles are applicable for different parts of the GIS but for the contours the relevant styles are the Consequence (Initial) and Effect Zone (Initial).

From there, use the drop-down menu next to the Release Notes tag and select ‘Subscribe to tag’.

Image of shaded contours on GIS

To review which tags you are subscribed to, click on the Subscriptions tab.

For downloads and more detailed information, please see the DNV Software Customer Portal at

software UPDATE NO. 1 2013 |


training – events – seminars

Knowledge gaining activities The number of training courses, seminars and workshops for DNV Software customers is increasing further this year. We paid a visit to an introductory Sesam GeniE course, held at DNV’s head office, Høvik in Norway.

“The amount of training we deliver is constantly increasing,” says DNV Software Engineer David Engerberg, as he takes a short break from teaching an introductory course in Sesam GeniE he is teaching together with colleague Jose Cunha. “Whether it’s here at Høvik, at our global offices, or training for customers onsite – there is more of everything,” says Engerberg. Not only is the number of courses ­increasing, there is also a focused effort on ensuring the quality of training at all levels. “We’re constantly trying to improve how we do things, and look at the courses from a new angle,” he says. ­Feedback from course participants is constantly being reviewed and many

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suggestions are implemented in subsequent course offerings. In the DNV conference centre at Høvik, we find a room full of engineers looking at models created in Sesam GeniE, discussing data input and results. One of the areas with the largest year-on-year increase has been Sesam training delivered from Oslo. From approximately 100 days in 2011, it increased to approximately 300 days in 2012, and is seeing a further increase in 2013. For Polad Rustamov, Structural Integrity Team Leader with BP Azerbaijan, the two-day course provides the first handson experience using Sesam GeniE. As a manager, he needs to know in more detail


The amount of training we deliver is constantly increasing. David Engerberg, DNV Software Engineer

how his external contractors are working. Also he intends to use in-house resources in the future for verification work for smaller assessments. “It’s very useful,” says Mr Rustamov of the training course. “I wasn’t familiar with the software, so it’s perfect to see how userfriendly it is. “Our consultants have Sesam, and they present their results in Sesamcompatible formats.”

Illustration: Thinkstock

training – events – seminars

The power of interaction Our customers are the main drivers of innovation. DNV Software has many different ways of gathering customer feedback, while at the same time enabling customers to get the most out of our products and services.

Global Training Our increased focus on global training, including basic and advanced user courses, and the high level of expertise of our team of instructors, benefit users in all regions.

Our training catalogue lists our many and varied technical courses and workshops spread across all brands. In addition we run customer specific courses. Many of these courses are held jointly by our own software support team and by engineers from DNV, who bring essential domain expertise.

Please check our website for updates and current software training offerings:

GLOBAL USER CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS DNV Software offers numerous user conferences and seminars in several locations worldwide. We also offer webinars. Users and potential users can gain insight, not only into the applications we offer, but also into the future trends. These user conferences provide us with a unique opportunity to communicate with our users, and to receive valuable feedback. Our goal is to make sure that conference participants in each region learn about the efficient use of our products and develop competence.

Details and agendas for our conferences and seminars will be posted on

software UPDATE NO. 1 2013 |


traINING for GrowtH – sHarING KNowLeDGe

Register for training now! © Getty Images

Please check our website for updates and current software training offerings.

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