Software Update 2-2012

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Market driven improvements Customer satisfaction survey

The new Sesam Manager Workflow management

software update

Building a culture of safety with Synergi Life

News from DNV software

Phast 7 – next generation consequence modelling WHICH MEGATRENDS WILL SHAPE OUR SOFTWARE?

No 02 2012


06 Market driven improvements – Customer satisfaction survey

14 ››

The new Sesam Manager – Workflow management

Which megatrends will shape our software?...................... 4 Market driven improvements.............................................. 6 Software shifts toward IACS Harmonised CSR.................... 8 Nauticus Machinery for shaft alignment at HHI................. 10 DNV Software launches groundbreaking functionality for strength analysis of jackets.......................................... 12 The new Sesam Manager – Workflow management......... 14 Sesam Wind brings in Fedem Technology......................... 16 Sesam Survey Simulator – Innovative technology for training surveyors............................................................. 18 Pioneering designs use Sesam GeniE................................. 20 Better user experience of Maros and Taro......................... 22 DNV Software targets mass market for RAM analysis with launch of Maros Lite................................................. 24 Phast 7 – next generation consequence modelling launched by DNV Software............................................... 26 Safeti Explosion Extension................................................. 28 ILF enters new business area with Safeti........................... 30 Synergi Plant – more flexibility with version 4.5................ 32 Bringing Synergi to integrity management........................ 34 DNV risk management tool strengthens Synergi Life......... 36 OMV at forefront of dynamic risk management with EasyRisk Manager............................................................. 38 Flexibility is key for Subsea 7............................................. 40 Building a culture of safety with Synergi Life.................... 42 Big rise in training, seminars, workshops.......................... 46

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42 XX

Building a culture of safety with Synergi Life

software update We welcome your thoughts! We welcome your thoughts! Software Update is a newsletter published by DNV Software. © Det Norske Veritas AS Editorial committee: Marketing Director Stig Grøndahl Editor: Tone Mürer Rohde-Moe Design and layout: 1211-006 Photo front cover: ©Getty Images Online edition of Software Update: DNV Software NO-1322 Høvik, Norway Tel: +47 67 57 76 50 DNV Software is a leading provider of software for managing risk in the energy, process and maritime industries – offering solutions for design, engineering, strength assessment, risk and reliability, QHSE and asset integrity management. DNV Software is part of DNV and almost 300 DNV offices in 100 countries enable us to be close to our customers and share best practices and quality standards throughout the world.


© DNV/Damir Cvetojevic


Stig Grøndahl Marketing Director DNV Software

Being your business partner is all about trust For many years we in DNV Software have been focusing on our users’ needs when developing our software ­solutions and services. Every day our sales teams, support consultants, product managers, trainers, and many more across the globe conduct hundreds of user conversations. This dialogue is the real backbone of our business. All feedback is continuously evaluated and is of immense importance in shaping our strategic goals for the years to come. First page of our strategy states that we are your business partner with the purpose of making our users’ working day continuously more efficient and simple. It is our overarching goal that you can trust our contribution in achieving your goals. To deserve having this role we must make a significant difference in your everyday life, implying we must provide relevant value. And we will! This autumn we conducted a global customer satisfaction survey, covering all our services and user groups. The results show we are having a good overall standing, but at the same time this survey revealed there are several areas where we need to improve. Not in the technical software

products only, but also in the after sales processes. As your partner we are not better than our weakest point, so in 2013 we will implement several what we name as happy-customer initiatives. We will never stop improving your perception of the guiding stars of our product brands; complete solutions, most user-friendly, most value for money and professional service. To help us, stay tuned for our surveys coming up in 2013. Read more about the 2012 customer satisfaction survey on page 6. In this issue of Software Update we also have several other relevant articles, for instance news about our software, customer stories and insight articles from our domain areas. Personally I would like to emphasize the interview with our Managing Director Are Føllesdal Tjønn, discussing megatrends within the Enterprise Risk Management software industry. Whether you like it or not, your business’ way of handling risk will change in the coming years – to the good for safeguarding life, property and the environment. I wish you a good read, and as always; please feel free to give me your feedback, either on how we can improve, or on success stories from our partnership. Enjoy reading! £

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Safeguarding life, property and the environment Complete solutions • Most user friendly • Most value for money • Professional service

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Thought leadership

Which megatrends will shape our software? Managing Director Are Føllesdal Tjønn has been at the helm of DNV Software for three very busy years. With a 134% growth in external revenue since 2009, the shift toward a market-driven company has proved successful. What changes does he expect in the industry in the coming years? And will there ever be a ‘DNV Software App Store’? Text: Kaia Means

The main development of DNV Software in the past three years has been the change in focus to become more commercial, and putting the customer in focus. “We’re listening to the customer, understanding what the market and our customers’ needs are,” says Mr Tjønn. “Our software roadmaps are dominated by customer needs and the market rather than by technological possibilities. We have turned that focus into revenue. Previously we were dominated by internal revenue providing software for DNV. We wanted to grow our external revenue,” he says. This we have managed, from NOK 141 million in external revenue in 2009 to a projected NOK 330 million in 2012. The ratio of internal versus external revenue was 50/50 in 2009. Now we have 75% external revenue. “Although we are experiencing significant growth in all markets, the main growth is coming outside our home market. We reached an important milestone this year when we for the first time had more employees outside of Norway than in Norway,” he says. This growth has brought us even closer to our customers and provides the possibility to serve them well in the entire process: pre-sales, sales, implementation, training, after-sale services and support.

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“Our customer surveys demonstrate that customers are reasonably happy with what we deliver. I would like to thank them for their valuable feedback – this is very important for our efforts to continuously improve our performance. Going forward, our ambition is to increase the score on the rating of our products and services,” he says. In DNV Software’s main markets – oil and gas, offshore, process and petrochemical industries – our solutions for design, engineering, strength assessment, risk and reliability, QHSE and asset integrity management have all been well received and have experienced strong growth. “The outlook for the coming years is also good. Investments in upstream, midstream and downstream markets remain high in most of our key areas. We will pursue market opportunities and serve our customers with leading software solutions for managing risk. Our value proposition is strong – well-managed risk means well-managed business. We are proud of our impact on, and contributions to, a safe and sustainable future,” says Mr Tjønn. At the forefront of change The coming years promise as much or even more change in the industry. Mr Tjønn is pretty sure that there are four major areas where technological advances and changes in the way we work are going

to have a big impact on the products and services we deliver, and on our customers. Those four areas are cloud computing, mobile computing, seamless integration and predictive real-time analysis. “Analytical software running in the cloud will help our users solve increasingly complex and extensive problems,” he says. “It will enable them to explore more design options, analyse more environmental scenarios, get quicker results and have more dynamic resource management. Analysis software is available when and where you need it, without any deployment.” Cloud computing will also have a big influence on our management solutions, Synergi Life and Synergi Asset. These solutions are by nature hosted, so the switch to cloud computing and software as a service (SaaS) is not that much of a leap. “But we need to go further. By letting our customers buy it as a service instead of installing, deploying and operating inhouse, we’re creating dynamic resource management. And our ability to offer the mass market affordable, standardised, quick and easy-to-get-started solutions depends on an efficient cloud and SaaSenabled solution,” he says. Software for mobile devices is another area with big changes in store. “In the

Thought leadership

Managing Director DNV Software Are Føllesdal Tjønn


developers and software vendors for small applications and modules offering attractive additions to our products. For example, analytical models that could be linked in as additions to our own analytical models, or small applications used to quickly create models or to evaluate the results of an analysis, create reports or visualisations … the opportunities are many.”

past two decades, all software solutions have become network enabled – everything is on IP. Today, with smartphones and tablet PCs, everyone is online everywhere, all the time – and they expect to be able to do real work. Cloud computing is driving mobility and also vice versa: mobility and mobile computing are driving cloud-enabled solutions. This leads to ubiquitous access to software resources, analysis results and evaluation reports. It also gives easy access to integrity status. We will see ever easier reporting of inspection findings and integrity status through mobile devices,” says Mr Tjønn.

Seamless integration with other enterprise solutions is another important development. “Combined with mobility and ubiquitous computing, this puts new demand on our software solutions in supporting wide and rich standards. Also our implementation of security solutions, identity management, authentication and authorisation will meet new and extensive demands in the future,” he says. App Store? “Maybe there could even be a ‘DNV Software App Store’. We can be an attractive platform for innovative independent

The fourth megatrend predicted is the change in predictive real-time analytics. Over the past years, DNV Software has established leading solutions for integrity management of pipelines, offshore structures, topsides and plants. “The next step for these solutions is to integrate with realtime data streams in order to enable predictive real-time analytics,” says Mr Tjønn. “This will make them even more relevant for safe and sustainable operations of the assets. For example, performance forecasting on a short time horizon or days or weeks, based on real-time production data, will enable our customers to optimise even further production profiles for an oil field. Other applications can be real-time QRA analysis based on real-time production data in a pipeline,” he says. “Already we are in the process of developing a business case for a commercial offering of such solutions.” Finally, he says that DNV Software should expect as much change in the next three years as we’ve seen these past three years. Since 2009 we have made one acquisition, with Synergi. But it will not end there. Mr Tjønn reveals that there are two software companies that we specifically have in our sights as possible acquisitions. More growth is in store. “We’re very pleased with what we’ve achieved. But we’re not done,” he says. £

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Market driven improvements DNV Software Customer satisfaction survey 2012

Text: Rune Holst Johnsen, Principal Marketing Manager, DNV Software

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As part of our continuous focus on improving our solutions and services, DNV Software conducts an annual global customer satisfaction survey. Communicating with our users through different channels is part of our strategy focusing on market driven improvements.





70 Consulting services

2012 73

78 Training 81

Americas 81

Support (1st and 2nd line)

77 Asia, Pacific and Middle East


Sales 82


Europe and Africa

Product development 76

Region and area satisfaction.

Department/services satisfaction.

Overall satisfaction.





Not good enough

We would like to thank all of our customers for their valuable input that supports our efforts in delivering complete and userfriendly solutions and professional service. Good overall satisfaction The overall DNV Software customer satisfac­tion index score is 73 points, which is considered by customer survey professionals as a good score. When asking our customers whether they would ­recommend their DNV Software solution to others, the Net Promoter Score is ­significantly positive. This score shows the difference between ambassadors (9 and 10) and detractors (0–6) on a 0–10 point scale.



Pretty good





Geographical differences Overall customer satisfaction varies from region to region and from area to area. Region Americas has the highest average score with 81 points, while the areas with the highest scores are North America with 82 and Greater China with 81. High satisfaction on process The satisfaction related to our processes and the departments in contact is overall very good. Areas evaluated are consulting services (advisory, upgrading, customisation, implementation), training, support (first and second line), sales and product development. These units have a general satisfaction score ranging from 76 to 82.







This survey will now be followed up with actions and more dialogue with our customers. Of course, our ambitions for 2013 are to continually improve our software solutions, our services and our processes. We encourage all our users to give us feedback, through contact persons and through participating in our surveys. Thanks again to all users for your feedback, and do not forget to bring your contribution to this and other customer surveys in the future. £

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Strength at sea – Nauticus

Software shifts toward IACS Harmonised CSR DNV is working closely with the other IACS societies on the upcoming rule changes that will take effect in 2016 at the latest. Both Nauticus Hull and Sesam GeniE have pilot versions ready for trial use for the draft version of the new Harmonised Common Structural Rules. Text: Kaia Means

The most significant change is that the new rules are based on physics’ first principles, instead of on empirically based models. Technologically they are better founded, based on models for loads and responses and using the finite element method following specified regulations for how the element model should be built.

“We wanted to get this done as early as possible,” says Ole Christian Astrup, DNV Senior Principal Specialist. Already, DNV and DNV Software have started inviting some customers to attend workshops where they can learn to use the software through hands-on experience. The Harmonised Common Structural Rules are based on the current separate sets of rules for tankers and bulk carriers, and are applicable to both oil tankers and bulk carriers, with specific chapters of additional requirements applicable to each individual ship type. The harmonisation has involved extensive technical development work as well as testing and calibration. More than ten DNV specialists in hull structures and wave loads have been heavily involved in development, testing and calibration of the harmonised rules. The software must be updated now, to be ready when the new rules are approved by the IMO and implemented, in 2014 at the earliest, and on 1 July 2016 at the latest. The International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) has been working closely with the industry and an external review board, so major changes before final approval are not expected. Involving the industry The first draft for the rules was completed on 1 July, and is now on hearing

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Mid-ship cargo hold model of tanker

Aftermost cargo hold model of bulk carrier

throughout the industry. The first hearing period lasts until 31 December. From the feedback a second proposal will be sent out next Spring, and a new hearing round will follow, ending in June 2013. “In both hearing periods we would like to involve our customers,” says Astrup. “It’s essential that the maritime industry and other stakeholders participate, raise questions and provide observations and general feedback to IACS. The principles of these rules will form the basis for the structural designs of the future,” he says.

Effects will be seen for example in the redistribution of steel in ship designs. “We will probably see more steel used in specific areas of the stern and the bow that are subject to large local forces, and less used in the middle section,” says Astrup, who notes that rule changes will ultimately result in stronger designs. “In our view, it would be best to approve the new rules as soon as possible.” More local models The changes in Nauticus Hull and Sesam GeniE address the needs of the designer, who will be working with new demands for a vastly increased number of local models for more complex geometry. The finite element models take all load cases into account, and will provide a better answer to what the ship will experience in reality. “In the coming years, our users can also expect new developments from DNV Software with effective tools and calculating capacity in the Cloud. We are looking at the possibility of automating the many local calculations through a combination of Submod and Sesam Manager. That is well ahead in time,” says Astrup. £

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Strength at sea – Nauticus

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Strength at sea – Nauticus

Nauticus Machinery for shaft alignment at Hyundai Heavy Industries Hyundai Heavy Industries is the world’s largest shipbuilder, and recently passed the 100 million tonnage mark in ships. Since 2001, HHI has used Nauticus™ Machinery for shaft alignment calculation. Text: kaia means

are more difficult to use than Nauticus Machinery.

“Nauticus Machinery is a very easy and convenient tool,” says Senior Engineer K.M. Hwang at Hyundai Heavy Industries, who has been using the tool for shaft alignment for ships built at HHI since 2001.

“We can consider many conditions including multi-supported bearing and bearing stiffness,” says Mr Hwang. “It is very easy to correct the model, including the diameter, length and external load. We can also insert the graph of the shaft line and bending moment diagram right on the drawing.

He points out that HHI has compared Nauticus Machinery with other software, and landed with the DNV Software products due to several factors, including clear output, the ability to calculate several conditions at the same time, modelling by the drag and drop method, flexible combination of graphs, diagrams and drawings, and the helpful support from DNV. Easy calculation of operating conditions “The reports are easy and clean, and the results are reliable,” he says. “These characteristics help us calculate many operating conditions very easily. And when we consider many operating conditions, we can prevent the future damage of the stern tube bearing. Even if other tools can calculate the shaft alignment, they

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Photo: HHI

Mr Hwang has been with HHI for 12 years, and is responsible at the ship outfitting design department for the shafting, rudder & steering gear systems. His team of 16 engineers are using Nauticus Machinery hands-on.


“Nauticus Machinery is a very easy and convenient tool. The result of shaft alignment calculation by Nauticus Machinery is reliable. These characteristics help us calculate many operating conditions very easily.”” Senior Engineer K.M. Hwang, Hyundai Heavy Industries

“I’m satisfied with the DNV Software customer support, which offers quick responses to solve any problems. It is very helpful and convenient to report to the DNV Software Korea staff immediately by e-mail or by phone call,” he says. The HHI Shipbuilding group is the world’s largest shipbuilder, with a 15% share of the market. The Hyundai shipyard stretches across four kilometers along the coast of Mipo Bay in Ulsan, Korea. It has ten large-scale dry docks with nine ‘Goliath cranes’. HHI has delivered more than 1,740 ships to 272 shipowners in 48 countries since 1972. Tonnage includes LNG and LPG carriers, VLCCs, tankers, containerships, bulk carriers, ro-ro and ro-pax ships, drill ships, ­submarines, destroyers and frigates. £

Strength at sea – Nauticus

! hhi in brief Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) is an integrated heavy industries company with headquarters in Ulsan, Korea. HHI aims to become the leading heavy industries company in the world, and the HHI Shipbuilding Division is the world’s largest shipbuilder. HHI has seven business divisions: Shipbuilding, Offshore & Engineering, Industrial Plant & Engineering, Engine & Machinery, Electro & Electric Systems, Construction Equipment, and Green Energy. In 2012 HHI passed the 100 million gross tonnage mark in ships. Profile Customer name: Hyundai Heavy Industries Website: Market: Offshore, maritime, engineering, construction, energy Employees: 23,500 Solution/product: Nauticus Machinery Brief account That’s why we chose DNV Software: ■■ Preferred software over other solutions ■■ Working relations with DNV Software are simple, easy and reliable ■■ DNV Software customer support offers quick responses to solve any problems

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This is what we gained: ■■ Modelling by drag and drop ■■ Clear output ■■ Easy to correct the model ■■ Considers many conditions including multisupported bearing and bearing stiffness

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Strength at sea – Sesam

DNV Software launches groundbreaking functionality for strength analysis of jackets With the new 6.3 version of Sesam GeniE, DNV Software introduces an innovative method of strength analysis through the entire lifecycle of fixed offshore structures. The solution improves the efficiency and reliability of critical data handling, increasing the operation’s security and profitability. This launch makes Sesam GeniE the most comprehensive tool for strength analysis of fixed offshore structures in the market. Text: Stig Grøndahl

To avoid catastrophes at oil or gas field operations, it is vital that a thorough strength analysis is done before a structure is operative. The effects of wave, wind and fatigue determine the duration and profitability of the operation, and correct calculations are critical. Efficient strength analysis throughout all stages of the lifecycle of an offshore structure – construction, transportation/installation, in-place modification and requalification – has been a significant challenge in the marketplace. When reuse of the same model data through all these stages is not supported, the analytics become inefficient and

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imprecise. Necessary modifications at later stages in the lifecycle of offshore structures have become increasingly important. With the new version of Sesam GeniE the user can easily reuse the model data in all stages of a jacket’s lifecycle, including modification and requalification projects. This will save time and improve the quality of the calculations. Says Are Føllesdal Tjønn, DNV Software Managing Director, “We are proud to launch an innovative solution that will have a big impact on the market, in

addition to making life easier and more profitable for our thousands of users. We have invested in this software for 40 years and this new version supports our position as the world’s leading provider of complete and user-friendly software for managing risk within maritime and offshore structures.” Existing model data from other CAD/ CAE-systems can easily be imported to the new version of Sesam GeniE; including data from older versions of Sesam or from competitors such as Sacs, StaadPro, Ansys or Nastran. This means that previous

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Strength at sea – Sesam

investments are secured when importing into Sesam GeniE. “By importing data into Sesam GeniE, the user will save the time that would have been spent remodelling from scratch,” says Ole Jan Nekstad, DNV Software ­Product Director Sesam. “In addition, Sesam GeniE will have the information on the quality of the model, and will help understand previous modelling. In other words, modification and requalification projects are simplified, and the impact on security and profitability is significant,” he says.

Version 6.3 also includes a range of other new features for strength analysis of fixed and floating structures. Examples are faster and the modelling of guiding geometries for the purpose of making surfaces is more precise. Sesam GeniE 6.3 can import NURBS curves from DXF and Rhino, has a more complete XML data storage including code checking of beams, model repair of beams when importing data from Sacs and FEM format and a more flexible import of results from super element analysis. £

About Sesam Genie Sesam GeniE is a tool for engineering and strength analysis of ships and offshore structures, based on more than 40 years of experience in use by the industry. Sesam GeniE optimises design and engineering efficiency, providing lower building and operational costs for the assets, ensuring full compliance with regulatory requirements, optimising performance, reducing downtime and extending lifetime. Sesam GeniE is part of the Sesam suite of programs and the data exchange between these is seamless. Read more:

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Strength at sea – Sesam

The new Sesam Manager Sesam customers can now look forward to managing their workflow with the new Sesam Manager. Text: kaia means

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Strength at sea – Sesam

“Sesam Manager helps the user create and execute an analysis workflow based on previous best practices,” says DNV Software Senior Principal Specialist Torgeir Vada. It provides users with a single, shared environment for different Sesam modules and other applications – comprising all kinds of analysis needed. It supports any Sesam analysis, from simple to very complex. Although based on the principles behind the success of previous versions of Sesam Manager, the new Sesam Manager 6.0 has been designed from scratch to provide users with the most up-to-date solutions, including the flexibility of Javascript. The DNV Software development team working on Sesam Manager 6.0 in Shanghai currently consists of four full-time engineers. After the upcoming release, the team will continue to work on Sesam Manager improvements based on customer feedback.

Already the demos at user conferences in Shanghai, Houston, Busan and other locations have received positive feedback. £

Ten key benefits of the new Sesam Manager 6.0 ■■ One shared environment for different Sesam applications ■■ Tutorials enable easy start with simple analysis ■■ Quick learning curve, advancement to higher levels of complexity in a short time frame ■■ Flexibility for advanced users with Javascripting ■■ Ability to manage complex analyses with many Sesam modules ■■ Templates ensure use of best practice guidelines ■■ Quick start – direct launch of interactive applications ■■ Modern, intuitive user interface ■■ Transparency, easy to monitor/control file management ■■ Easy to create, easy to share with others, store and re-use data for structural re-analysis Read more:

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“It’s important that we get as much customer feedback as possible,” says Vada. “We have the resources available, and

would like to keep the development going at full pace through next year,” he says.

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Strength at sea – Sesam

Sesam Wind brings in Fedem Technology Fedem Technology and DNV Software have joined forces. Sesam Wind is an innovative and cost-saving solution for the offshore wind turbine market that will be strengthened by the partnership with Fedem Technology. The solution includes dynamic simulations, advanced fatigue calculation and code check in one complete analysis package. Text: Kaia Means

Two forces in the software industry, Fedem Technology and DNV Software, have joined forces to produce a new module for coupled analysis in Sesam Wind. The module for coupled analysis is an integration of FEDEM Windpower and Sesam. Fedem Technology, which has been developing software for more than 20 years, produces the leading software for fully integrated analyses of mechanical systems and structures in motion. The soon-to-be-released software module will be the newest addition to DNV Software’s product portfolio in Sesam Wind. It incorporates state-of-the-art algorithms geared toward structural analysis, completing DNV Software’s solutions for wind turbine design, strength and fatigue analysis. Many different users – from substructure designers and turbine manufacturers to wind park operators and verification bodies – will benefit from the new package. Features ranging from the purely mechanical aspects of a wind turbine to customisable control systems and detailed wind and wave loads make it a versatile tool for complete dynamic modelling and analysis of any wind turbine project. Cost-saving “It saves costs by optimisation of wind turbine design and work processes,” says Gunnar Paulsen, Fedem Technology’s

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Operations Manager, about the fully integrated analysis system. The module will reduce uncertainties and improve work efficiency in design and v­ erification of offshore wind turbines. A consistent model can be used throughout the wind turbine and substructure analysis. Engineers no longer have to deal with challenging interfaces and iterative work for tuning the wind turbine model and the substructure model. FEDEM simulation engine The module is built over the FEDEM simulation engine and contains several features that facilitate the modelling and simulation of wind turbines. Fedem Technology has already served several offshore wind farm projects in Norway, the UK and Germany with their engineering capabilities and software solutions.

FEDEM is an abbreviation for Finite Element Dynamics in Elastic Mechanisms, and is a comprehensive simulation engine that has been under development for more than two decades. FEDEM has been extensively used in many industrial applications, ranging from car suspensions to offshore drilling systems and marine operations. Common for the applications are nonlinear dynamics with long time series, for assessment of product life and strength. Each mechanical component in the module can be represented with a finite element mesh. Components can be connected using

any kind of joints, with arbitrary non-linear coupling properties. A key feature is the automatic model reduction that makes it possible to represent any structural element with desired fineness of the mesh, without any additional cost of solving time. Hence complex structures, that need to be represented with shells or solids to obtain adequate models, can be used. The interaction with wind is based on the BEM (Blade Element Momentum) model, where the aerodynamic properties for the blade segments are given by a set of airfoil coefficients. In addition, the blade elements can be assigned structural properties to the desired level of detail. Large non-linear deformations for the blades are then covered, and also the effect such deformations will have with respect to wind-structure interaction. The interaction between the structural elements and the sea is based on the Morison approach, which is an industry standard in the offshore sector. This makes the module suitable for monopiles, jackets and other framework substructures, as well as most types of floating structures. Waves can be regular or irregular, applying wave frequency spectrum for the latter. Non-linear waves can also be tested, checking for ringing effects. Control systems Control systems are crucial for wind

Strength at sea – Sesam

FEDEM Windpower includes full modelling and visualisation of all wind turbine components, including rotor blades, tower, gearbox and generator. Full 3D visualization is available on a per-component basis.

turbines, and several options for control modelling are available. A versatile graphical control system designer is integrated in the tool and lets you define any kind of control system with input and output coupled to the model. In addition there is a standard Variable pitch-Variable speed controller. It is also possible to have a custom DLL control system on demand. A common requirement for the testing and verification of offshore wind turbines is long time series with many combinations of wind and wave input, giving a large number of simulation events.

The multi-event handler lets the user set up all kinds of parameter combinations that are subsequently executed in batch, running processes in parallel on each CPU core. The integration with other modules in Sesam Wind makes it possible to import components from GeniE Wind, carry out the simulations and automatically export results that can be subjected for code checking. The user-friendly combination gives a complete tool for modelling, testing and code checking for offshore wind turbines. £

! Fedem Technology Fedem Technology performs engineering services and develops software for dynamic simulations and fatigue assessment. The FEDEM software has been developed over 20 years, and has become a leading software for fully integrated analyses of mechanical systems and structures in motion.

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Strength at sea – Sesam

Sesam Survey Simulator – Innovative technology for training surveyors Decades of DNV surveyor experience is at your fingertips with the awardwinning Sesam Survey Simulator, a cost-effective tool that simulates thousands of realistic deficiencies in probable vessel locations. TEXT: KAIA MEANS

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Strength at sea – Sesam

Changing of condition

Experienced DNV surveyors have seen it all. Their vast experience over a span of decades has been funneled into Sesam Survey Simulator, and the result is that new surveyors can build on this experience during classroom training. “With Sesam Survey Simulator, our vision is to make inspiring training widely available,” says Dariusz Dabrowski, DNV Software Head of Department. “Worldwide, there are very few good tutors, and if they’re very experienced usually they’re working first-line and don’t have time for teaching. We can’t replace first-hand learning, but we can take the best parts of their knowledge and transfer it to the classroom to make it more available,” says Dabrowski. “The trainer knowledge can be transferred to self-learning packages.” A demo of Sesam Survey Simulator can be found at the DNV Software website under Sesam. The simulator development team located in Gdynia, Poland was previously affiliated with DNV Maritime, and became a part of DNV Software at the beginning of 2012. One of their primary goals has been the continued development and commercialisation of Sesam Survey Simulator. It’s the world’s first simulator for training of maritime surveyors. “We’ve been working closely with naval architects, specialists in CAD and 3D graphics specialists,” says Dabrowski. “And of course we’ve been

Interactivity – tanker center

working closely with surveyors, including a DNV surveyor with 30 years of experience, who later worked as a leading simulator trainer. Previously the simulator was used only inhouse for DNV surveyors. But customers who were shown the simulator often asked about the possibility of purchasing it, which was not previously possible. In addition to training surveyors, the simulator can also be used to support ship operators in decisions on the maintenance of ships and build competence on board. Maritime flag administrations have also shown interest. Sesam Survey Simulator can also establish an interactive collaboration workspace for individuals working upon the same problem at a distance, enabling them to meet ‘on board the ship’ in shared virtual reality. “It can be used for training for evacuations, for safety and firefighting, and for training to protect ships from pirate attacks,” says Dabrowski. When a team training to ward off pirates has little knowledge of the actual architecture of a ship, the simulator could let them virtually experience it, giving realistic depictions of different spaces, narrow spaces where people could be hiding, and in different lighting conditions. Sesam Survey Simulator won an award from the European Union Innovative Economy Fund and a ‘Safety at Sea’ International Award in 2011. £

! Key features of Sesam Survey Simulator ■■ Step-by-step inspection simulation essential in training personnel where to focus their attention during real-life inspections, where hull structural deficiencies are likely to occur ■■ Set of real life tools relevant for training personnel how to document (make photos) and report inspection results ■■ Attached examples, photos, drawings, manuals and reporting templates ■■ Different vessel types available for virtual survey with areas/spaces specific for each type (cargo holds, tanks, decks) ■■ Photo-realistic textures placed on exceptionally detailed 3D model ■■ Thousands of real-life deficiencies ■■ Real time coating condition degradation ■■ Adjustable survey conditions determining inspection difficulty level ■■ Accident-related safety at work scenarios built in ■■ Video tutorials describing key features and possible learning scenarios Read more:

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© Frigstad Engineering

Strength at sea – Sesam

Pioneering designs use Sesam GeniE Frigstad Engineering’s well-known semi-submersibles Frigstad T70TM, D80TM and D90TM are designed and engineered using DNV Software’s Sesam. Frigstad has also pioneered the use of the Sesam GeniE package to its full capabilities with the T70TM deepwater tender rig. Text: Kaia Means

Frigstad Engineering provides comprehensive consulting and design expertise in developing new offshore drilling rigs and offshore floating production systems and has extensive experience using DNV Software’s Sesam GeniE. “Global model analysis has always been time consuming. With the concept modelling capability in Sesam GeniE, the team can multi-task with the same concept model,” says Frigstad Engineering

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Manager Sasha Mandic on behalf of his team of engineers. “Our workflow has improved,” he says, noting that the ability to re-use previous project models in the software saves a lot of time and effort. Sesam helps maintain the knowledge level of the engineering team, both in terms of theory and experience, which strengthens Frigstad in its role as conceptual design advisors and consultants. By carefully choosing software tools

with reliable calculations and excellent technical support, Frigstad can focus on the project itself, instead of on software issues. “Using the software itself is not the goal,” says Mr Mandic. “The goal is to understand the behaviour of floating structures. The software creates realistic models and statistics on which we can base qualified decisions. Sesam is reliable and verified as a leading tool,” he says.

Strength at sea – Sesam


“We have to improve our knowledge continuously to deliver successful projects; using Sesam helps us achieve this.” Sasha Mandic, Engineering Manager at Frigstad Engineering

“Basically, companies such as ours are in the business of selling knowledge, nothing else. We have to improve our knowledge continuously to deliver successful projects; using Sesam helps us achieve this,” he says. Frigstad has been using Sesam for more than ten years, and in this time the company has grown to become a global leader in its field. The well-known semi-submersible models of Frigstad, namely the T70TM, D80TM and D90TM, are designed and engineered using Sesam. The current ‘flagship’, Frigstad D90TM, was developed for ultra-deepwater exploration and development. It is the world’s largest semi-submersible deepwater exploration and development drilling unit based on combined power and capacities.

Frigstad Engineering is an advanced user of Sesam GeniE. DNV Software relies on feedback from Frigstad for its product development. The Frigstad Engineering team is working to fully utilise Sesam’s capabilities to increase both efficiency and knowledge in conceptual design, thus maintaining the leading position in offshore design and services. Frigstad Engineering has always been at the forefront of the industry. The Frigstad T60TM was the first completely purposedesigned semi-submersible self-erecting tender assisted drilling unit in the world in the early 1990s. The Frigstad T70TM rig was recently chosen by a large international oil service company as its preferred design for the next-generation tenderassisted drilling rigs. Delivery of the stateof-the-art rig is scheduled to 2015; it will then be the largest rig of its kind. The

design was chosen for its superb motion characteristics, size and undisputed operational weather window. One of the previous time-consuming aspects of engineering has been the splitting up of a model into separate entities, using different programs. The Frigstad T70TM purpose-designed tender-assisted drilling rig for shallow to deepwater operations was the first rig the company designed using the Sesam GeniE package exclusively. “This is a new phase, and we’re doing groundbreaking work. We chose to model everything in one package with Sesam GeniE. Now the pre-processing is integrated. This makes the technical aspects of the design more consistent, and it saves time,” says Mr Mandic. £

! Frigstad in brief Established in 1981 and based in Singapore, Frigstad Engineering is a multi-disciplinary offshore company providing engineering services to the offshore oil & gas industry. Backed by a wide network of affiliated companies in Norway, Singapore, Brazil and Cyprus, Frigstad Engineering provides international service at a world-class standard. Frigstad Engineering operates with a deeply embedded philosophy of continuous improvement via innovation and employee engagement to safeguard and maintain its reputation for efficiency, practicality, credibility and trustworthiness.

Profile ■■ Customer name: Frigstad Engineering ■■ Website: ■■ Market: Rig design, petroleum and offshore

engineering ■■ Employees: About 35

Brief account That’s why we chose DNV Software: ■■ Most efficient software solution with proven results ■■ DNV Software puts best practice engineering into software development ■■ DNV Software is a company with global reach

■■ Users: Seven ■■ Solution/product: Sesam/Sesam GeniE

This is what we gained: ■■ Delivery of successful projects over many years ■■ Increase in knowledge and expertise

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Risk & Reliability – Maros and Taro

Better user experience of Maros and Taro Maros version 8.4 and Taro version 4.4 have been released and are available for download from the DNV Software Customer Portal. Text: Victor Borges

The new versions of Maros and Taro include a collection of usability and interface improvements aiming at a better transition to the new generation of DNV Advanced RAM tools: Maros 9 and Taro 5.

products that are part of the gross liquids stream requiring separation. The ability to create locations and resources inside the maintenance profiles window has been added.

The greatest improvement for this release is the conditional table with an enhanced trigger view. Through this new conditional table and the other two tables added recently, all the three events inside the software are now covered: unscheduled events (equipment table), scheduled events (activities table) and conditional events (new conditional table). The tables grant the ability to quickly edit any data, and the new conditional table tree view allows the triggers to be easily reviewed and new triggers added using a simple drag-and-drop method.

For Taro, the interface has been en­hanced, presenting a simpler view and leading to a better understanding of each system’s behaviour inside the Subnetworks.

For Maros, the Results Viewer is now integrated with the main application, making it easier to jump between the model and results. The product tab inside the Simulation Parameters has been moved to the main window and the product’s phase has been added to make it easier to specify

In addition, Tank Logistics connectivity has been enhanced, offering more flexibility when the order is set up for the supplier and customer storage. For the new version, the interface will ensure that the user can confirm the appropriate connection path.

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Taro version 4.3 was the main focus of the speed-up project that resulted in the ability to run simulations using the different cores of a multi-core processor. For that specific project, only the main results have been made available through the Results merge application but, for Taro version 4.4, all results are available from a multicore simulation.

Other small enhancements have been added for both products, such as a ‘View’ menu button which now reverts between the last table viewed and the Asset View to reduce the need to select from the dropdown menu. These new features will create a better user experience by improving each step in the model building process. This means that more time can be spent verifying input and analysing the results. For more detailed information, please see the release notes for each application, which are available for download from the DNV Software Customer Portal. You can also visit our product websites. £

Read more:

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Risk & Reliability – Maros and Taro

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Risk & Reliability – Maros and Taro

DNV Software targets mass market for RAM analysis with launch of Maros Lite DNV Software is pleased to announce the release of the new RAM analysis product Maros Lite. Maros Lite now brings RAM analysis to a much wider market, empowering users to attain best return on investment with fast, informed and effective decisions on the performance of a single unit process industry asset. Text: Stig Grøndahl

Asset owners are increasingly seeking more effective methods for management of their current assets and future developments to improve performance and reduce cost. Maros Lite was developed to save cost and reduce downtime in industries such as power plant operations, oil and gas production and mining. Maros Lite is based on the simulator of Maros and Taro, DNV Software’s Advanced RAM (Reliability, Availability and Maintainability) tools, benefiting from more than 30 years of successful industrial application and extensive global experience in projects for oil and gas assets.

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“With this solution we are now targeting the broader market where the needs are simpler than in the high-end market, where we have a strong position already with Maros and Taro. New users will be able to upgrade directly to Maros and Taro for more complex systems or more thorough analyses. Maros Lite can be used throughout the organisation, in parallel with Maros and Taro,” says Are Føllesdal Tjønn, DNV Software Managing Director. Maros Lite is a fundamental RAM analysis tool that provides all the essential features needed to perform a precise performance evaluation of process systems. Maros Lite uses operation determining events such as

equipment failure and planned and corrective maintenance to predict the system performance, reducing uncertainty and supporting the decision-making process at all stages of your asset’s lifecycle. Some benefits of Maros Lite are: ■■ Highly competitive pricing of Maros Lite brings powerful Maros RAM analysis software to single unit operations ■■ Easy-to-use, intuitive RAM analysis at all stages of the process plant lifecycle ■■ Rapidly examine different design options in a matter of minutes ■■ Fast analysis simulation time despite sophisticated and complex underlying algorithms

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Risk & Reliability – Maros and Taro

Easy-to-get-started-with solution designed specifically for the process industry ■■ Extensive import possibilities as studies can be exchanged between Maros Lite, Maros and Taro ■■ Professional support from the DNV Software customer support team and the web-based Customer Portal ■■

“Maros Lite enables users to take advantage of the Maros technology at reduced cost for analysis of a single unit. We believe this makes Maros Lite one of best tools available for RAM analysis of single unit operations,” says Victor Borges, DNV Software RAM Product Manager. £

About Maros Lite Maros Lite is a fundamental Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) tool that provides all the essential features needed to perform a precise performance evaluation for process systems. It uses typical events such as equipment failure, planned and corrective maintenance to predict the system performance, reducing uncertainty concerning the system’s behaviour and supporting the decisionmaking process.

Maros Lite is based on the same simulator that Maros and Taro are based on, which has been developed for more than 30 years. Therefore, Maros Lite offers the benefits of these industry-proven tools with worldleading simulation methodology for advanced RAM analysis in the process industry. Read more:

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Risk & Reliability – Phast and Safeti

Phast 7 – next generation consequence modelling launched by DNV Software DNV Software is launching a new version of the world’s leading consequence analysis software tool for the process industries, Phast 7. Following the tradition of over thirty years of continuous development and innovation, this latest version introduces an array of new features for managing risk. Text: Stig Grøndahl

The management of risks from major accident hazard facilities has historically focused on safe operation rather than areas such as improved financial performance or increased productivity. But with major advances in information and communication technology and the maturing of technology in other domains, the emphasis has moved beyond straightforward compliance with safety legislation. Risk management is not merely about compliance with regulations, but also about improved efficiency. The use of

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Phast 7 has a direct impact on profit margins, in addition to safeguarding life, property and the environment. As risk professionals we know that good safety means good business,” says Are Føllesdal Tjønn, DNV Software Managing Director. A typical process plant will include equipment for processing, transporting and storing a wide range of hazardous materials. Therefore, design, operation and maintenance strategies must be equipment oriented. Phast 7 has adopted a new ‘equipment-based’ study structure whereby

your analysis is organised to match the way the user work – thinking in terms of equipment and its function. Each equipment item can have a range of failure scenarios associated with it. The user can then introduce variations to any of the failure scenarios to account for differences, e.g. small, medium and large leaks. In combination with the tabular display of data this offers a powerful new approach to complex yet intuitive analyses. “The range of new features and improvements will further enhance Phast’s position

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Risk & Reliability – Phast and Safeti

as the world’s most comprehensive and widely used hazard analysis software for all stages of process industry design and operation. Our users will now be able to work far more efficiently and with less complexity,” says Dr Nic Cavanagh, DNV Software Director of Operations, Risk and Reliability. Phast 7 supports the latest user interface technology and best practice approaches. A tabular display of input data has been introduced for efficient editing and review of information. This allows the user to see

at a glance for example a list of failure cases, making it possible to edit any aspect without the need to repeatedly open and close forms. This supports rapid study development, sensitivity analyses, forensic investigations, what-if scenario generation and emergency response planning, to name but a few applications. £

About Phast The world’s most comprehensive hazard analysis software for all stages of process industry design and operation. Phast is used to analyse situations presenting potential hazards to life, property and the environment, and to quantify their severity. Consequences may then be managed or reduced by design of the process or plant, modification to existing operational procedures, or by implementing other mitigation measures. Read more:

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Risk & Reliability – Phast and Safeti

Safeti Explosion Extension The latest addition to Safeti provides robust, accurate and flexible capabilities for managing risk to people located in process plant buildings, especially when exposed to risks from explosions. With additional features for vulnerability modelling, this extension will meet all your needs for occupied building analysis and land use planning for your hazardous facilities. Text: Nic Cavanagh

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for occupied buildings and land use planning

Risk & Reliability – Phast and Safeti

Individual risk contours based on building specific vulnerability, allowing easy assessment of impact on individuals in different building types.

Over the past 30 years there have been many accidents, such as Buncefield and Texas City, where explosions have resulted in significant damage to process plant buildings. These and similar incidents have resulted in loss of life and damage to property and the environment. This has driven regulation for occupied building risk assessment and land use planning. The new Safeti software module for occupied buildings and land use planning will help you meet the needs of regulations such as COMAH, Bevi and the API guidelines for siting of occupied buildings. It provides extensive additional features for creating libraries of building types, each offering specific levels of protection from the effects of explosions, fires and toxic releases. These can then be included in your QRA, allowing accurate assessment of risks to building occupants. OVERVIEW OF BUILDING ­VULNERABILITY MODELLING ­CAPABILITIES Converting harmful effects into rates of fatality and injury is commonly referred to as “vulnerability modelling” and there are a number of published vulnerability models

for toxic, flammable and explosion effects. In case of explosions, you are interested in the effects of overpressures on people. This is strongly influenced by the properties of the building in question – people in a blast-resistant structure will be less vulnerable than people in temporary buildings, for example. Similarly, different building types will offer different levels of protection from radiation and toxic effects. When deciding what kind of structure is appropriate, you need to be able to assess the influence of human vulnerability on risk for each type of harmful effect which may be present. The recent extension to Safeti allows individual buildings to be defined with specific vulnerability data, providing a much more accurate picture of the risks to people inside buildings. The program supports a range of vulnerability models, specific to the effect type being considered. For explosion vulnerability, models are available which consider either overpressure, probit or impulse, with the data being treated discretely (as a step function) or interpolated (as a continuous function). For the evaluation of the radiation effects,

you can choose from a flammable probit method or an intensity method; the latter is particularly useful when considering escalation. These vulnerability models have been implemented in a generic fashion, so that any overpressure to vulnerability relationship can be associated with a user-defined building type. This methodology will therefore support most guidelines on the design and location of occupied building subject to explosion hazards, including, for example, API RP 752 and API RP 753. £

BENEFITS INCLUDE ■■ Allows you to create building type libraries for effective occupied building analysis ■■ Easy and intuitive definition of building location and occupancy on a GIS map ■■ Powerful graphing and reporting including: – Exceedance curves for building risk assessment – Exceedance contours for land use planning and assessment of escalation potential – Drill-down reporting to identify key risk drivers

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Risk & Reliability – Phast and Safeti

ILF enters new business area with Safeti

When ILF Consulting Engineers were looking to expand into the area of Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) they did extensive research to find the most suitable software available. They chose DNV Software’s Safeti. Text: Kaia Means

ILF Consulting Engineers has been performing QRAs over more than a decade for its oil and gas projects. Especially for cross-country transmission pipelines including their related facilities, ILF is fast becoming a leader in Quantitative Risk Analysis. Its increasing expertise in this area has coincided with its use of Safeti for QRAs. Dr Urban Neunert, Technical Safety Expert with ILF, says the company decided in 2010 to do increased in-house QRAs, instead of using external suppliers. As QRA is essential for the oil and gas projects that ILF works on, it was important

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to use the best software. “I was searching for a software solution,” says Dr Neunert. “We tested other software, and attended training courses of software providers. After several months, we decided on Safeti,” he says.

ILF works internationally and has more than 30 local offices across the globe. Dr Neunert is working at the ILF main office in Munich. His responsibilities are in the fields of risk analysis and process safety.

This choice has enabled ILF to actually enter a new business area: providing independent QRAs for oil and gas transmission pipelines on behalf of external customers.

He says that the benefit of performing QRAs in-house are many. “We have a better understanding of our projects in terms of safety and risks. We have achieved a more effective and efficient way to include risk mitigation measures in early design stages, and we’re also able to make project risks and process safety more visible to our clients.”

“Not many companies do this for crosscountry pipelines,” says Dr Neunert. “We have a lot of know-how in this area now and we are becoming specialists.”

Risk & Reliability – Phast and Safeti


“With the use of Safeti, we have extended our specialist expertise in quantitative risk analysis for gas transmission pipelines. This allows us to enter whole new business areas regarding QRAs.”

© ILF Consulting Engineers

© ILF Consulting Engineers

Dr Urban Neunert, Technical Safety Expert, ILF Consulting Engineers

ILF Consulting Engineers offers its clients comprehensive engineering and consulting services throughout the project cycle. Since its early days when ILF was primarily involved in design services, the company has continuously extended its scope of activities. Today, ILF renders all design and consulting services required for the development and realisation of complex industrial and infrastructure projects. The wide capabilities of Safeti fit with the needs of ILF. The new modelling capabilities for dispersion of CO2 are additionally important for ILF. £

! ILF in brief ILF Consulting Engineers (ILF) consists of several international and independent engineering and consulting companies. ILF helps demanding customers successfully execute complex industrial and infrastructure projects. Today, the ILF companies rank among the world’s leading engineering firms in the areas of their core expertise. ILF has main offices in Innsbruck and Munich, and more than 30 subsidiary offices worldwide. A permanent staff of 1,800 develop and execute project solutions for international customers. All ILF companies are certified to ISO 9001.

Profile ■■ Customer name: ILF Consulting Engineers ■■ Website: ■■ Market: Oil & gas, water & environment, energy & climate protection, transport & structures ■■ Number of employees: 1,800 ■■ Solution/product: Phast and Safeti Brief account That’s why we chose DNV Software: ■■ Best validated software ■■ New models for dispersion of CO2 ■■ User-friendly ■■ Flexible, specific and powerful This is what we gained: ■■ Can perform QRA more easily and in more fields ■■ Opened up a new business area using Safeti ■■ Better understanding of project risks and process safety

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Safety & Integrity – Synergi

more flexibility with version 4.5

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Synergi Plant –

The new Synergi Plant (previously Orbit+ IDS), with both onshore and offshore configuration, was released in June 2012. The 4.5 release has a configurable risk matrix, integrity traffic lights and a dashboard, SAP ECC 6.0 interface, e-mail functions and many other new features. Text: Tommy Tang

The Synergi Plant package has modules for facility data management, RBI assessment, inspection planning and packaging, inspection work execution, traffic lights, reports, and KPI management, together with interface adaptors to SAP.

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With the new release, different risk approaches are supported by a definable risk matrix. Users can combine more than one risk matrix in a single system to manage risks for different types of assets in different ways.

Potential customers can now see and evaluate Synergi Plant on a demo system online. Pilot projects and software training are also available, providing customers with more information before the final purchase decision.

Safety & Integrity – Synergi

PLAN Risk assessment

Some important enhancements and new features of the release are: ■■



Change of name from Orbit+ IDS to Synergi Plant, including all system labels, messages, and product documents

Family databank

Inspection planning & packaging


Follow up modifications

Inspection task approval



Inspection execution


Configurable risk matrix, including probability of failure, consequence of failure, risk level, and the associated asset hierarchy Integrity traffic lights and risk dashboard, including combined or separated traffic lights

The risk matrix, traffic light, and interface components with SAP are all designed to be flexible enough to support various configurations and customisations.

Many ongoing and awarded customer projects will benefit from Synergi Plant 4.5, including those of Dong Energy in Denmark, Ineos ABS in USA, Cairn Energy in India and ADMA-OPCO in Abu Dhabi. The new Synergi Plant provides more flexibility for corporations needing to achieve asset integrity in the global business environment. They can now use one solution for plants and platforms in different areas or regions to achieve the common goals without compromising local technical or management practices. £

© Conoco Philips

“Risk-based asset management is our core value in Synergi Plant. For the 4.5 release we have successfully enhanced this core module. Now users can view their risk in more dimensions,” said Michael Chen, DNV Software Head of Safety and Integrity product section in the Greater China region.

Synergi Plant Provides clients with a comprehensive management software tool to allow proactive asset integrity management of process plants and offshore units.

Benefits: ■■ Accumulation of plant inspection and corrosion

knowledge ■■ Integration of all inspection data on extended plant

uptime and inspection intervals Core modules: ■■ Asset Data Management ■■ Risk Assessment (RBI) ■■ Inspection Program and Schedules ■■ Inspection Work Management ■■ Inspection and Management Reports ■■ KPI and Traffic Light Dashboard ■■ Critical Safety Element ■■ System Interface for Integration

■■ Reduction of unplanned shutdowns ■■ Reduction of risks ■■ Seamless process from quantitative RBI to

inspection planning, packaging, and execution ■■ Controlling the overall risk and job status through

the KPI and traffic light dashboard Read more:

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Safety & Integrity – Synergi

Bringing Synergi to integrity management Synergi Pipeline is DNV Software´s integrity management system for offshore and onshore gas and liquid pipelines. Text: kaia means

As the focus on pipeline safety increases, stricter regulations demand better solutions for integrity management. In addition to full compliance, operators are also seeing the benefits of systems that increase efficiency and extend the lifetime of ageing assets. DNV Software’s Synergi Pipeline software suite is a proven solution. The software is a web-based solution with some advanced planning and engineering analysis tools on the desktop as add-on features. Login is secure and access rights can be defined for different users. Interfaces for GIS, DOC and ERP systems are supported. Synergi Pipeline is a company-wide risk and integrity management system that improves pipeline safety and reliability, maximises availability and extends operational lifetime. It features support for international codes (e.g. ASME, DNV, BS), extensive risk assessment capabilities, coupled with tools to support the entire integrity and risk management process. At the heart of the pipeline integrity lifecycle is a robust data management system that makes seamless movement between all stages of the lifecycle possible. The software offers this in a comprehensive data management package. Head of Section Integrity Management at DNV

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Software, Gro Oftedal, says: “Synergi Pipeline is more complete than before. With its sound data management capabilities, coupled with optimal tools and support for the total integrity management process, Synergi Pipeline can contribute to even better pipeline integrity management.” One common database Synergi Pipeline provides high-quality data management over the entire lifecycle of an asset, making data easily accessible. Consolidating all data into one database has many advantages. It leads to more efficient handling of information, saving time and money and ensuring company-wide access to valid pipeline information. The software system also has the ability to track change in data, view multiple data sets graphically and link data to applicable documents.

Synergi Pipeline can be used at different levels and positions in the company, including the executive level. Decision makers concerned about issues, such as compliance and outstanding high-risk areas, are able to get an oversight of all pipelines. Integrity managers can use the system to track budgets and schedules, manage overall planning, and schedule ongoing and planned activities, which can be reviewed and approved. Operation

managers can keep track of inspections and repair work and so be aware of any operational impact to the pipelines, while integrity engineers are able to do risk assessment analysis, analyse survey results, perform calculations and propose mitigation. Users have control of all pipeline activities and are able to optimise inspection activities, thereby reducing inspection costs. Production can continue as normal during the implementation of Synergi Pipeline. £

! Synergi Pipeline Some of the new features in the 2012 release include: ■■ A highly functional new in-line inspection (ILI) assessment tool, the Anomaly Tracker, for identifying and prioritising anomalies for mitigative action and to determine when the pipeline needs re-inspection. ■■ Extended risk assessment capabilities that allow for a general ranking of all pipelines, so higher risk lines can be identified faster. ■■ The new Data Aligner tool, which allows for the alignment of ILI data with the pipeline route. ■■ The new Integrity Planning tool with capabilities that support the entire ‘integrity wheel’, integrated with pipeline risk and analysis tools. Read more:

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Safety & Integrity – Synergi

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Safety & Integrity – Synergi Life

DNV risk management tool strengthens Synergi Life portfolio DNV Software has assumed responsibility for DNV’s EasyRisk Manager, a risk management software solution that provides best practice risk management support aligned with ISO 31000 and DNV’s Risk Management Framework. The tool will now become a part of Synergi Life, DNV Software’s solution for risk and QHSE-management. TEXT: KAIA MEANS

An increasing number of industrial projects are characterised by large investments, tight time schedules and the introduction of complex or unproven technology. These challenges result in a higher risk exposure, but also provide opportunities that should be exploited. Often projects overrun and delays occur, creating a negative focus on companies’ reputation and value creation – which can result in considerable scrutiny from shareholders, governmental bodies, and other stakeholders. DNV understands risk at all levels, from detailed technical analysis through to longterm business strategy. One of the most important tools we have will now become part of the Synergi Life portfolio. “Risk registers in spreadsheets can be a good way to start recording risk information, but they can only take you so far,” says product manager Carl Erik Høy-Petersen. EasyRisk enables linkage between risks, actions and incidents; simultaneous data entry; customisable statistical outputs and reports; secure role-based access rights; tracking of audit history, and automated e-mail notifications. “The risk management tool gives you a structured system that brings risk management in Synergi Life to a new level,” says Høy-Petersen. “As your organisation grows and becomes more mature within

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risk management, Synergi Life will support you. You can start at a low level of complexity and bring the system gradually up to a high level as your company’s risk management matures,” he says. EasyRisk is an easy-to-use web-based tool, reducing the time required to co-ordinate risk management and providing organisations with real-time information on which they can base their decisions. This includes live reporting of risk information and

the ability to aggregate risk with immediate access to underlying causes. With the new functionality, Synergi Life will greatly improve your ability to aggregate, analyse and visualise the value of the efforts invested in risk management. Proven solution EasyRisk is a proven solution used by organisations worldwide, including multi-national companies and public sector organisations. The flexibility and

Safety & Integrity – Synergi Life


“We are excited about this market opportunity. EasyRisk fits well with DNV Software’s strategy and will strengthen our position as the leading provider of risk management software in the market.”

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Are Føllesdal Tjønn, DNV Software Managing Director

scalability of the tool has been proven through use both in enterprise-wide risk management and in small to very large projects. Client industries include oil and gas, utilities, hydropower, finance and telecom. “We are excited about this market opportunity. EasyRisk fits well with DNV Software’s strategy and will strengthen our position as the leading provider of risk management software in the market,”

says Are Føllesdal Tjønn, DNV Software Managing Director. Strong value proposition EasyRisk is a key software solution for the DNV consulting and advisory services for operational, project and enterprise risk management. “By including EasyRisk in DNV Software’s portfolio, we will be able to serve the DNV consulting business efficiently and professionally across geographic regions,” says Espen Wøien,

DNV Software Product Director Safety and Integrity. “By combining leading software with leading consulting and advisory services, DNV offers a very strong value proposition in the market,” he says. For more information, contact us at £

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Safety & Integrity – Synergi Life

OMV at forefront of dynamic risk management with EasyRisk Manager OMV, the integrated international oil and gas company, is implementing a dynamic approach to project risk management. To do this, their most important tool is EasyRisk Manager, which from 2013 will be a part of DNV Software’s Synergi Life-solution. Text: kaia means

When Dr Huberta Kulmhofer, Corporate Project Risk Manager at OMV Aktiengesellschaft, led the process of choosing a software supplier for risk management of major capital projects, it was done according to rigorous corporate guidelines. ­Several international software suppliers were invited to demonstrate their solutions, and OMV representatives attended software workshops of the shortlisted companies.

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“At the end of the process, DNV Software was the top-ranked company,” says Dr Kulm­ hofer. “EasyRisk Manager was ISO-based, and best suited to our dynamic risk management strategy for capital projects. It had all the arguments going for it, and the demonstration was very convincing,” she says. OMV’s decision was additionally influenced by important recommendations from international companies.

Dr Kulmhofer has been with OMV since 2004, when she joined the company as a controller. Prior to that she was working as a financial analyst with Hewlett Packard. At OMV she has held several positions; she is currently stationed in Dubai, working for the Exploration & Production Project in OMV Yemen. “EasyRisk Manager is very easy to use. For capital projects, a risk management tool

Safety & Integrity – Synergi Life


EasyRisk Manager is very easy to use and has a high level of flexibility.


Dr Huberta Kulmhofer, Corporate Project Risk Manager, Corporate Project Management, OMV Aktiengesellschaft

is used by international project teams on a frequent basis. If it’s too complicated it won’t be accepted,” says Dr Kulmhofer. OMV started rolling out the implementation of EasyRisk Manager for major capital expenditure projects in June 2012, starting with its operations in Yemen, Pakistan and Romania. Now, project managers, risk coordinators and the project teams use EasyRisk on a regular basis. “We could more or less take EasyRisk Manager as an out-of-the-box product, with some adaptations and adjustments. We rely on the basics of EasyRisk – following the ISO approach that is important to us. It brings in a dynamic approach regarding risk management, and is showing a new way forward,” she says. One of the many advantages is that it’s web-based, so it can be used by all ventures, across all geographical regions. “Another key positive point has been our experience with the DNV Software engineers. They’re very experienced, very creative and helpful when it comes to adapting the tool to our needs,” says Dr Kulmhofer. Other reasons for choosing EasyRisk was its self-explanatory setup, where there is a good overview, and users are clearly led from one step to the next, from risk identification to risk mitigation and follow-up.

It is possible to upload documents and make statistics, and to compare results over a defined timespan. Reports are created easily, with parameters that are easy to change directly by the user, without the need for extra support from software developers. Automatic alerts can notify risk owners in Outlook according to due dates. “It has a high level of flexibility,” says Dr Kulmhofer. “You can define and create data fields on your own. The import and export functions are very useful and practical.” Using different risk matrices within the same project is possible. “That’s useful, especially when an entire project has many sub-projects that use different risk matrices with different thresholds,” she says. “EasyRisk is really appreciated by our project teams, because it rids them of all the files going back and forth. We have one database that’s up to date.” All in all, OMV has been extremely satisfied with both the software and the service provided by DNV Software. “The response time we’ve seen, and the discussions we’ve had, have shown results. We’ve also inspired DNV, I think, with our ideas. We’re on a very good risk management track compared with other companies,” she says. £

! OMV IN BRIEF With group sales of EUR 34.05 bn and a workforce of 29,800 employees in 2011, OMV Aktiengesellschaft is one of Austria’s largest listed industrial companies. In exploration and production, OMV is active in two core countries, Romania and Austria, and holds a balanced international portfolio. OMV had proven oil and gas reserves of approximately 1.13 bn boe as of year-end 2011 and a production of around 288,000 boe/d in 2011. In Refining and Marketing, OMV has an annual refining capacity of 22.3 mn t and as of the end of 2011 approximately 4,500 filling stations in 13 countries including Turkey. In gas and power, OMV sold approximately 24 bcm of gas in 2011. PROFILE ■■ Customer name: OMV Aktiengesellschaft ■■ Website: ■■ Market: Oil and gas ■■ Employees: 29,800 ■■ Solution/product: EasyRisk Manager BRIEF ACCOUNT Why we chose DNV Software: ■■ Top-ranked software in our search process ■■ Fast response from DNV Software development team This is what we gained: ■■ Easy-to-use web-based system ■■ Dynamic approach to risk management ■■ High flexibility for adapting to our needs

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Safety & Integrity – Synergi Life

When Subsea 7 merged with Acergy in January 2011, the company chose to continue with its highly flexible Synergi Life solution. That meant a rapid and comprehensive roll-out to the new organisation, where Synergi Life is now designated a ‘critical corporate tool’. Text: Kaia Means

“The Synergi Life system is extremely flexible, which makes it very easy to use,” says Elaine Rust, Global HSE Systems Manager at Subsea 7, which has been using Synergi Life since 2003. “You can scale up and scale down depending on the size of the company,” she says. This ability has been very useful in the years she has been with Subsea 7 as the company has grown to its current size of 12,000 people.

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“At the time of the merger, we chose to use Synergi Life because of its flexibility,” she says. Subsea 7 now operates a fleet of more than 40 vessels, and it has increased its number of onshore sites and spool bases. Ms Rust is responsible globally for the Synergi Life tool and for the emergency

© DNV Software

Flexibility is key for Subsea 7

response system. The team managing Synergi Life includes Debbie McMaster, who leads global training, and Neil Webster, who works on development. Synergi Life is used in Subsea 7 for 26 different case types, including but not limited to HSE, intervention, improvement opportunities, audits, planned inspections, third-party incidents, emergency response

Safety & Integrity – Synergi Life

information. All of this happens because they have the visibility of the information. We have set up an HSE matrix, where you can see where the data from your site fits in, comparing it with the overall data for the country, with the territory and with the corporate level.”

exercises, new legislation, management reviews, vessel and equipment performance feedback, customer feedback and technical queries. “We did a global roll-out in the first quarter of 2011. Obviously, changes like this are always difficult. People don’t generally like change, but it’s easy to train people with Synergi Life. Users are now embedded with the system and with what it provides. It’s vastly different from what they had before,” she says. Every Subsea 7 employee has a Synergi Life account.

Ms Rust says she is getting responses from people both offshore and onshore that show how involved the users are with improving systems through Synergi Life. “We even get suggestions from people about new areas where we can capture

© Subsea 7

“They can see their input, and they have ownership of their data. The data aren’t just going into a black hole, which means they’re more encouraged to input data. They can easily compare their numbers with those of other sites. They can look at it and say, ‘We’re best in class’, or ‘We’re improving’. That’s so important. It means they’re also more careful with the input, and more enthusiastic.”

Subsea 7 has implemented many improvement plans based on the data input in Synergi Life. “It enables you to focus directly on an area where the Synergi Life statistics have highlighted a need for improvement. This has been very successful,” she says.


“Synergi Life is a highly flexible system. Once you understand the possibilities you realise what a phenomenal and massive tool it is.” Elaine Rust, Global HSE Systems Manager, Subsea 7

Synergi Life has now been designated a ‘critical corporate tool’, and is used in client presentations and seminars. Synergi Life is the basis for all planning and all projects in HSEQ. This is a far cry from the era before Synergi Life, when various spreadsheets were used to capture and present many types of data. “By providing simple user interfaces and the development of automated reports, we vastly reduced the time spent manually entering the data into spreadsheets throughout the organisation. This allowed us to use the time to actually monitor, analyse and trend the data,” says Ms Rust. £

! subsea 7 in brief Subsea 7 is a global leader in seabed-to-surface engineering, construction and services to the offshore energy industry. Its multinational workforce of 12,000 supports operations in the North Sea, Canada, the Mediterranean, the Gulf of Mexico, Africa, Brazil, Asia Pacific and the Middle East.

Profile ■■ Customer name: Subsea 7 ■■ Website: ■■ Market: seabed-to-surface engineering,

construction and services to the offshore energy industry ■■ Number of employees: 12,000 ■■ No of users: 12,000 ■■ Solution/product: Synergi Life

Brief account That’s why we chose DNV Software: ■■ Unsurpassed flexibility ■■ Easy to use This is what we gained: ■■ Users have ownership of information ■■ Easy to compare results between units ■■ Provides enormous possibilities for implementing improvements

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Safety & Integrity – Synergi Life

Building a culture of safety with Synergi Life Synergi™ Life is at the core of the overall push to increase safety culture in the entire organisation of Vestre Viken Hospital Trust, which is comprised of four hospitals and one medical centre in eastern Norway. Text: Kaia Means

in connection with blood donation was implemented, the hospital registered a total increase in the number of reports. At the same time, a dramatic decrease in the number of serious incidents showed the effects of the implementation.

Tor-Arne Engebretsen, special adviser for patient safety at Vestre Viken, had 23 years of experience working with safety in the offshore oil & gas industry before he switched to healthcare and patient safety.

“The real challenge is to improve the reporting culture. We have to help people understand why it’s important to report, and how we can learn from our mistakes. This is important for the entire healthcare field in Norway,” he says.

© Vestre Viken

“The oil industry in the North Sea has had an intense focus on safety since the 1960s, but in healthcare we’ve needed more time to get the same mentality. In our work, human lives are at stake every day. That’s even more important than a spill in the North Sea,” says Mr Engebretsen. Vestre Viken Hospital Trust provides hospital and healthcare services for 450,000 people in 26 municipalities.


”No other software can compete with Synergi Life. At Vestre Viken, Synergi Life has come to stay.”

Bærum Sykehus, one of the four hospitals in Vestre Viken, has been using Synergi since 2007. In 2010 Vestre Viken decided to implement Synergi Life in a common system for all four hospitals, including the Drammen, Kongsberg and Ringerike hospitals. A pilot project was completed at the end of 2011, and on 1 January 2012 Vestre Viken completed the full implementation of version 12 of Synergi Life.

increase the level of reporting,” says Mr Engebretsen. “Our goal is to increase the number of reports and at the same time to decrease the number of serious incidents.”

This implementation has led to a marked increase in the reporting of nonconformities. “We’re working actively to

One example he mentions is from a hospital in the UK. When a system of reporting non-conformities, incidents and accidents

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Tor-Arne Engebretsen, special adviser for patient safety, Vestre Viken Hospital Trust

“Our leadership team is committed to Synergi Life, and is using the results in planning, on an equal level to financial results,” says Mr Engebretsen. “The top management asks regularly for the statistics that Synergi produces. This gives them the opportunity to address deviations and negative trends immediately. They are also alerted automatically if there is a serious incident or accident,” he says. Currently Vestre Viken has implemented the Incident Management Module. They are planning future implementation of the Audit Management Module and the Secure Internet Access Interface. The Synergi Life Incident Management Module helps users take the correct actions by tracking accidents and deviations. Statistics generated let organisations analyse causes, loss potential and trends. Synergi Life generates quality reports, statistics and risk assessment. When serious patient safety incidents need to be reviewed, Synergi provides the structure for the review. “The system is intuitive. Even administrators who haven’t yet received training pick it up easily,” says Mr Engebretsen. “No other software can compete with Synergi Life.”

© Vestre Viken

Safety & Integrity – Synergi Life

All of the 9500 employees of Vestre Viken are Synerg Life users. Training courses are provided to all employees, where the focus is just as much on safety mentality as it is on technical use of the software.

! Mr Engebretsen values the steady dialogue that exists between Vestre Viken and DNV Software regarding future improvements. “The way we’re working together is showing good results,” he says. Mr Engebretsen has become an valued resource for patient safety in the healthcare industry in Norway, and has given presentations and held workshops industry-wide to guide managers in methods of improving the reporting and safety culture. The implementation of Synergi Life is an important part of this process. ”At Vestre Viken, Synergi Life has come to stay,” says Mr Engebretsen. £

Vestre Viken hospital trust in brief Vestre Viken Hospital Trust was established in 2009 when four hospitals in eastern Norway were merged into a single hospital trust. Today, the Trust includes the hospitals in the municipalities Bærum, Drammen, Kongsberg and Ringerike, as well as a local medical centre in Hallingdal. Vestre Viken also offers a complete range of treatment services within the fields of mental health and substance abuse. Vestre Viken Hospital Trust has approximately 9,500 employees and provides hospital and healthcare services for 450,000 people in 26 municipalities.

Profile ■■ Customer name: Vestre Viken Hospital Trust ■■ Website: ■■ Market: Healthcare ■■ Employees: 9,500 ■■ Users: 9,500 ■■ Solution/product: Synergi Life Brief account That’s why we chose DNV Software: ■■ No competitors can deliver comparable software ■■ Provides a total overview of risk This is what we gained: ■■ Intuitive interface ■■ Easy for users to report incidents ■■ Automatic transfer of data to management ■■ Quality reports, statistics and risk assessment

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Synergi life

Maros and taro

Direct search for a case based on case number

Feature Tips: Equipment Catalogue

If you know the number of the case you are looking for, you can search for that particular case directly from the start page. Simply adding the number in the search field and clicking the search button or pressing enter will take you directly to the registration screen for that case.

The Equipment Catalogue is a database of items to be used during the model construction. Maros and Taro come with a Standard Equipment catalogue which contains unit and equipment items along with standard symbols but no reliability data. The Catalogue is able to store items such as Equipment, Standard Systems and whole Units which are retained between editing sessions.

Short-cut key to edit/save case

The Synergi Life interface has tooltips enabled for most of the functionality available. If you for instance hover the mouse pointer over the Edit button on the case registration screen, you’ll get a tip for the shortcut key combination to easily Edit/Save the case. The keyboard combination <Ctrl>+<Enter> will bring the case into edit mode.

Special patterns for Date/Time

Synergi Life uses several Date/Time fields throughout the interface. These fields support a number of patterns to easier map to a desired date/time. Enter a date or time in the Date/Time field and remove focus from the control by pressing tab or using the mouse. Supported patterns Result t Returns today’s date. today Returns today’s date. tomorrow Returns tomorrow’s date. yesterday Returns yesterday’s date. next fri Returns the date of the next Friday. last monday Returns the date of the previous Monday. + Adds one day to today’s date = tomorrow. -3m Subtracts three months from today’s date. +2w Adds two weeks to today’s date. t + 5d Adds five days to today’s date. today – 1m Subtracts one month from today’s date. +1year Adds a year to today’s date. 15th Returns 15th of current month. 5 Returns 05:00. at5 Returns 05:00. -3h Returns the time which was three hours ago. n Returns the current time. now Returns the current time.

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Items in the Equipment Catalogue can be dragged or copied from the catalogue to the Asset View. When an item is dragged or copied, a dialog box will be shown requiring extra information with regards to the item. For example, this may be the equipment category when adding a Generic Item. This allows you to modify various frequently used attributes of the item before it is added. After this, the item can then be viewed or edited in the normal way using the Equipment table or general properties windows. The whole purpose of the Equipment Catalogue is to store common equipment items for you to re-use. Maros and Taro enables users to create their own catalogue with common Units, Equipment and Systems containing stored reliability data. When you create a catalogue, the new catalogue is added directly to a master database. You can add, edit and delete different items in this catalogue. In order to create a catalogue, you must click on the button and give it a name. An example of a created catalogue is shown in the Figure 1 opposite and it is named as “DNV”. After creating a new catalogue, the user needs to populate it with items. To add new items, the user can simply drag and drop the items from the Asset View to the catalogue – a proper guideline can be found under the help system. At this point, the catalogue is a local user catalogue and therefore inaccessible to other users. However, a Catalogue can also be shared throughout an organization and between the Maros and Taro applications. If users on different stations want to be able to share a catalogue, then it must be moved to a shared network drive that all collaborating users can access. More information can be found under the help system of both Maros and Taro.




Sesam HydroD and Wadam: Quadratic roll damping used with stochastic linearization

How to set up studies to utilise solid modelling of Carbon Dioxide

Introduction A quadratic roll damping coefficient can be used with stochastic linearization. In Sesam HydroD this is defined in a “Loading Condition – Additional matrices – New non-linear damping – Roll Damping” property. When using the non-linear coefficient, the maximum roll angle, used in a roll damping model, will not be available. The iteration may be performed automatically by Wadam for a maximum roll angle from short-term statistics. This requires the definition of a wave spectrum in the relevant sea state. From a practical point of view, this makes it possible to use results from model-tests directly. This way, model tests performed independent of sea-states can be used in connection with any given sea-state valid for the actual location of the structure. The formulation of the method of stochastic linearization is explained in Appendix B 3.5 of the Wadam User Manual. One important note here is that this kind of damping should not be combined with any other types of damping effects, except the potential damping which in reality represents the effects of the outgoing waves excited by the structure’s motion. In other words, the roll-damping model, the Morison model or user-specified linear damping are not to be combined with this global torsional drag. An important step here is how we calculate the non-linear damping coefficient based on, e.g., result from a roll decay model test. This is described below.

The damping is now scaled with the critical damping, Bcrit· Bcrit has dimension Nm/(rad/s) and is given by where M44 is added mass + body mass. We want to find the relation between the quadratic coefficient b2 which is input to Sesam HydroD and the coefficient B2. This relation is now given by the equation

The reason for the fraction rad/deg (=57.3) is that in the input to Sesam HydroD (giving rise to the coefficient b2) it is assumed that the roll velocity is measured in deg/s whereas the angular velocity in the equation above is in rad/s. We then get whereωw4 is the natural (angular) frequency in roll. If we approximate the natural frequency with the uncoupled result

(which is often not a good approximation) this may alternatively be written as Where the added mass should be evaluated at the resonance frequency.

Quadratic damping The quadratic damping force in roll is given by where B2 is the quadratic drag coefficient. If the angular velocity is measured in rad/s the dimension of B2 is then Nm/(rad/s)2.

Carbon dioxide checklist Do:

Do not:

Use “CARBON DIOXIDE” Use UDM version 2 (default in Phast 6.7 and Phast 7.0)

Use a copy of ­“CARBON DIOXIDE” Use carbon dioxide in a mixture Use UDM version 1

Version 6.6 of Phast introduced the capability to handle the behaviour of solid carbon dioxide. This capability is used in the atmospheric expansion calculations and during dispersion. Previously (Phast 6.54 and previous) liquid physical properties were used and incorrect behaviour of carbon dioxide would be presented. In version 6.6 of Phast, by using the (non-default) UDM version 2, correct handling of carbon dioxide would be conducted automatically. In Phast 6.7 and in the soon to be released Phast 7.0, UDM version 2 is the default dispersion model and so correct handling of carbon dioxide will occur by default. There are some important notes to take account of when wanting to make use of this solid CO2 handling. Solid handling of CO2 only occurs if you are using the single component “Carbon Dioxide”. The trigger to apply solid physical properties is a hard-wired flag within the atmospheric and dispersion models. If you use a copy of the component “Carbon Dioxide” it will be given a different name (two components cannot have the same name in Phast, the name of the copy will be “Carbon Dioxide(1)” by default) by Phast’s property system and therefore will not have CO2’s solid properties applied at the appropriate times. Equally, if you use CO2 in a mixture, this will also not trigger solid property handling and carbon dioxide in the mixture will be treated as having liquid properties.

! How to find information For downloads and more detailed information, please see the DNV Software Customer Portal at

software UPDATE NO. 2 2012 |


training – events – seminars

Big rise in training, seminars, workshops DNV Software has this year showed a dramatic increase in the number of training courses, seminars and workshops offered in all regions. Growth is continuing into 2013. Text: Kaia Means

“This year we’ve offered more courses and training events than ever before,” says Ingrid Cornic, Head of Section Customer Services, Support and QA. “The level of activity is increasing significantly, and we’re also delivering several completely new courses. We’re also working to increase the number of shorter workshops.” Four new courses for Synergi Pipeline will be available next Spring. For the Europe & Africa region in 2012 there were approximately 136 training days, which is a 45% increase from 2011. In Asia, Pacific & Middle East, the increase was about 20%. In the Americas the rise was about 35% from 2011 to 2012. “We expect an

additional 30% increase for 2013,” says Software Engineer Daragh Stokes.

systematically. “This will improve the information flow,” says Ingrid Cornic.

One of the areas with the largest increase has been Sesam training delivered from Oslo to all parts of the world. From approximately 100 days in 2011, it has increased to approximately 300 days in 2012 – an impressive 200% year-on-year improvement.

The resources in support are also being strengthened, all over – and one rule is that everybody who works in support must be able to offer training courses. All support resources are continuously building competence to be able to deliver a wider range of trainings.

But the focus is not only on increasing the number of events, it is also on increasing the quality. A system of standard feedback documentation to help improve the training offerings across the board is being implemented. Users can in addition expect a new training request procedure, ensuring that requests are responded to quickly and

“It really is a focus for us to offer more training for our users. One added benefit for us is of course that the more our users increase their level of expertise, the less they will rely on day-to-day responses from our support team. Through direct contact with users we get the best feedback on how we can improve our products,” says Ingrid Cornic. £

Save the date:

DNV Software Conference

DNV Software Conference

Synergi Life International Network Meeting

Sesam and Nauticus User Meeting

21–23 May 2013, London

28–29 May 2013, Oslo

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training – events – seminars

The power of interaction Our customers are the main drivers of innovation. DNV Software has many different ways of gathering customer feedback, while at the same time enabling customers to get the most out of our products and services.

Global Training Our increased focus on global training, including basic and advanced user courses, and the high level of expertise of our team of instructors, benefit users in all regions.

Our training catalogue lists our many and varied technical courses and workshops spread across all brands. In addition we

run customer specific courses. Many of these courses are held jointly by our own software support team and by engineers from DNV, who bring essential domain expertise. Please check our website for updates and current software training offerings, or contact us at

GLOBAL USER CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS DNV Software offers numerous user conferences and seminars in several locations worldwide. We also offer webinars. Users and potential users can gain insight, not only into the applications we offer, but also into the future trends. These user conferences provide us with a unique opportunity to communicate with our users, and to receive valuable feedback. Our goal is to make sure that conference participants in each region learn about the efficient use of our products and develop competence.

Details and agendas for our conferences and seminars will be posted on

software UPDATE NO. 2 2012 |


TRAINING for growth – sharing knowledge

Please check our website for updates and current software training offerings.

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