Arctic operations and technology
DNV serving the energy industry
Go strong.
| THIS IS DNV | DNV is a global provider of 足services for managing risk. Established in 1864, DNV is an independent foundation with the purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment. DNV comprises 300 offices in 100 countries, with 8,000 employees. DNV Energy is one of four business areas in DNV, alongside DNV Maritime, DNV Industry and DNV IT Global Services. Our vision is global impact for a safe and sustainable future.
DNV provides world-class expertise in technology, operations, management and risk. We combine our know-how into a professional service concept designed to safely improve the performance of your business. So you can go strong on all dimensions.
| Contents | Services Overview u Operating in the Arctic with confidence
OFFSHORE CLASSIFICATION Assuring safe and responsible operations in the Arctic
SUBSEA TECHNOLOGY Arctic pipelines: the backbone of hydrocarbon transportation 10
TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS u Ensuring safe operation of ships in Arctic climates
ICE AND STRUCTURES u Safe and economical design for ice loads
RESEARCH AND INNOVATION u Building new knowledge for Arctic developments
DNV SERVICES TO THE ENERGY INDUSTRY Enterprise Risk Management SHE Risk Management u Technology Qualification u Verification u Offshore Classification u Asset Risk Management u Training u IT Risk Management u Certification u u
| Arctic operations and Technology |
target segments Through these services, our teams of highly qualified professionals deliver cutting-edge solutions to customers across the industry: u Deep and ultra-deepwater field development u Floating offshore installations u Fixed offshore installations u Offshore and onshore pipelines u Natural Gas/LNG u Refining and petrochemicals u Power generation and transmission u Wind, wave and tidal energy u Arctic operations and technology u Operations excellence u Carbon capture and storage
Meeting the
| Arctic operations and Technology |
Global demand for energy is driving a surge of activity in the Arctic, one of the great frontiers of our time. To harvest the region’s resources, industry must tackle its extreme climate, with constant hazards from ice, cold and darkness. The potential reward is balanced by tremendous environmental risks to the region’s delicate and complex ecological system. The consequences of failure could be immense. Added to this are significant human and asset risks. Safe solutions are therefore required for energy production, transportation and emergency response in the Arctic.
challenge of a new frontier DNV is a pioneer in risk management in the polar regions, dating back to vessel classification during the early days of Arctic and Antarctic scientific exploration. We remain committed to leadership in this sector, with a comprehensive range of services, including offshore classification, transportation solutions, subsea technology and ice load design. We help the industry manage the risk of producing and transporting oil and gas in the Arctic, successfully, responsibly and with confidence.
PAGE 4 | DNV Energy | Services Overview | Offshore Classification | Subsea Technology | Transportation Solutions | Ice and Structures | Research and Innovation |
DNV – assisting companies in the energy industry along the entire life cycle to safeguard and improve business performance Project phases:
DNV energy deliveries:
Feasibility & concept selection
enterprise risk management SHE risk management technology qualification verification offshore classification Asset risk management
| Arctic operations and Technology |
installation & commissioning
operation & life extension
PAGE 6 | DNV Energy | Services Overview | Offshore Classification | Subsea Technology | Transportation Solutions | Ice and Structures | Research and Innovation |
Operating in the Arctic with confidence Our multidisciplinary project teams help you solve the challenges of the Arctic.
Energy and transportation activity in the Arctic require taking on considerable operational and environmental challenges. DNV helps you to operate with confidence under these extreme conditions.
DNV has a long history working with ships and structures in ice. The first requirements for additional ice strengthening were set in 1881. Fridtjof Nansen’s famous Arctic expedition ship Fram, built in 1892, was classed to DNV rules. In the years that have followed, DNV has become the leading classification society for vessels operating in ice. We assess the various risk elements known from ship operations worldwide, along with the additional risks for Arctic conditions.
ARCTIC CHALLENGES The Arctic regions hold 25 percent or more of the remaining oil and gas reserves worldwide. This situation, along with increasing demand for hydrocarbons and declining reserves elsewhere, has made the Arctic a priority for many oil and gas companies. The Arctic poses numerous challenges, such as:
Providing adequate oil spill equipment, production equipment and emergency response measures in icy, inaccessible areas
Vulnerability to climate change, which can create more severe physical, environmental, social and economic consequences in the Arctic than other areas
Uncertainties posed by climate change making it difficult, for example, to judge whether ships and platforms should be designed for warmer conditions, or extreme variations and worse conditions
In many areas, a threat to both ships and platforms from the near-constant presence of sea ice and icebergs
Problems from superstructure icing, in terms of operating equipment and personnel movement
The design of pipelines subject to Arctic conditions is a developing discipline and DNV is currently engaged in developing new design guidelines and recommended practices. We are developing a strong capability for research into Arctic technology.
Significant problems in pipeline transport, power supply, search and rescue, and other operations, as a result of long distances to shore
DNV offers a wide variety of services in its traditional areas of Energy, Maritime and Research. These are augmented by the strong capabilities of other departments within DNV.
Difficult working conditions for crews because of extreme cold, darkness and isolation
DNV has become the leading classification society for vessels working in ice and is continuously increasing its market share both
Extreme conditions, with ice and very low temperatures put stricter than normal demands on ships, equipment and crew. The Arctic region is defined as particularly sensitive: a vision of zero discharge is commonly accepted. Various organisations and authorities are preparing for increased activity in the Arctic, operating to these highly demanding standards.
duced onshore in Northwest Russia, by shuttle tankers strengthened for ice conditions, transfer to conventional large LNG vessels in ice-free waters, and then transport to customers.
Bergesen Worldwide Gas, Rolls-Royce Marine, Framo Engineering, DNV, MARINTEK, Gazprom and Gazflot have formed a joint project to develop safe and cost effective operational procedures for ship-to-ship transfer of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in open Arctic waters. The transport chain includes transport of LNG pro-
The project involves the investigation of several technical and operational challenges. It assesses challenges in each phase of a ship-to-ship (STS) operation, from the initial approach through mooring/cargo transfer/unmooring and finally separation of the vessels. Each of the phases will have operational limits. Part of this project will be used to investigate how these limits vary as functions of vessel characteristics, transfer system design, mooring systems and cargo hose design.
| Arctic operations and Technology |
We are developing new guidelines for Arctic operations.
Risk management is vital in extreme conditions.
for maritime and offshore cold climate classification activities. This position is largely due to DNV’s independence and experience in harsh environments. Over the past 20 years, DNV has addressed winterisation of offshore units working in the high north, as the operating envelope is extended for colder and more ice-bound environments. With respect to pipelines and subsea equipment for cold regions, DNV’s combination of innovation and experience has been used to address and qualify technology gaps in exploration, construction, installation, operations and maintenance. DNV has recently developed a strong research and innovation capability in Arctic techno logy. Current study topics include human performance in cold climates, emergency evacuation, extreme ice features and safe ship operations.
| Critical Issue: Increased oil and gas transport from difficult environments. Solution: Joint Industry Project (JIP). KEY DeliverABLEs: Common guidelines for STS operations. Value to Client: Safe, cost efficient energy production and transportation.
The full range of our services for Arctic oil and gas projects includes: Concept and feasibility studies Environmental studies and assessments XXHealth and safety risk assessments XXRegulatory reviews and assessments XXTechnology qualification XXMaterial selection for low temperatures XXGeotechnical engineering and foundation design XXBusiness and project risk XX XX
THE FUTURE The Arctic offshore regions offer both tremendous challenges and opportunities. DNV’s vision is to make global impact for a safe and sustainable future. The Arctic is part of this ‘big picture’. DNV is engaged in developing new methodo logies, understanding the Arctic risk agenda, and working hard to manage risks and improve safety. Through these activities, we
are fulfilling our vision, by helping the industry in its efforts to develop the Arctic region safely and responsibly.
PAGE 8 | DNV Energy | Services Overview | Offshore Classification | Subsea Technology | Transportation Solutions | Ice and Structures | Research and Innovation |
Assuring safe and responsible operations in the Arctic The Arctic is a highly demanding operating environment. DNV is a pioneer in offshore cold climate classification and continues to lead this evolving field.
Not surprisingly, given our Norwegian roots, DNV has a long history working with ships and structures in ice. The first requirements for additional ice strengthening were set in 1881. The famous Arctic expedition ship Fram was classed to DNV rules when it was built for scientist and explorer Fridtjof Nansen in 1892. The ship, an innovative design by British naval architect Colin Archer, was later used in 1911 for Roald Amundsen’s pioneering expedition to the South Pole.
Today, there is increasing focus on oil and gas activities in cold climate regions, where environmental conditions pose technological and operating challenges for offshore installations and crews. Many of these regions are considered to be pristine and vulnerable ecosystems. The world expects high standards of health, safety, environmental performance and reliability and is watching carefully to make sure that they are achieved. DNV works closely with operators, owners, and contractors of offshore facilities to ensure that requirements for safe and environmentally responsible operations are established and fulfilled.
In the years that have followed the Fram expeditions, DNV has become the leading classification society for vessels working in ice and is continuously increasing its market share both for maritime and offshore cold climate classification activities. This position is largely due to DNV’s independence, experience in harsh environments, and for more than a century, unchanging commitment to ‘safeguard life, property and the environment’.
Over the past 20 years, DNV has addressed winterisation of offshore units working in the high north, as the operating envelope is extended for colder and more ice-bound environments. Both we and our clients understand that although existing projects
DNV is a pioneer in cold climate classification.
provide the building blocks that bring Arctic development within reach, significant risks remain that require additional cross-party understanding, high investment, and often, technology development. A FULL RANGE OF SERVICES Some of the services that DNV Offshore Classification offers in support of offshore cold climate operations include: Long term specialist experience with cold climate applications, including new-build classification, upgrade and reclassification, and damage assessment
Main and additional class notations for ice interaction, winterisation and environmental performance, similar to those offered for Arctic and ice-class shipping
Classification in principle, from early concept stage, for innovative offshore exploration and production solutions
Tailored class notations for special equipment and offshore marine operations
Fram, a three-masted schooner powered by a steam engine, was launched in 1892. Fram was reputed to be the strongest wooden ship ever built and the one that sailed closest to both poles.
Where other ships had been smashed to pieces by ice pressures, the innovative design of the ship’s hull raised it above the ice. Fram came through with flying colours and returned to Norway in 1896.
The vessel was built by the famous ship constructor, Colin Archer from Larvik, Norway. Guided by DNV classification rules, Archer designed and built Fram to withstand the effects of high ice pressures on the hull, on its way to the North Pole.
Two years later, the vessel was refitted and headed out on yet another expedition. The initial objective was Roald Amundsen’s journey towards the North Pole, but instead the destination turned out to be the South Pole. Once again, Fram withstood the strains and hardships of the polar oceans. The vessel safely and successfully carried Roald Amundsen and his crew to the Antarctic and back.
On its first expedition with scientist Fridtjof Nansen, the ship demonstrated its capabilities in the ice.
| Arctic operations and Technology |
We help you operate safely in Arctic conditions.
Guidelines for use of DNV offshore standards in Arctic environments
Specialist advice and assistance for risk sensitive aspects in ice, such as mooring system design, ice management, global and local ice loading, escape and evacuation
With respect to offshore exploration and production in Arctic environments, DNV believes that classification is tremendously valuable in managing risk for owners, operators, yards, maritime authorities and other stakeholders. However, we are never complacent about the challenges of achieving safe design and operation in these environments. We believe that to give confidence in safety, evolving classification must also consider new safety-critical areas such as operating philosophy, human factors, ice management and disconnection systems. Therefore, while DNV delivers the highest levels of standardised service, we expect that responsibly managing safety in non-traditional operating environments requires classification
| Critical Issue: Building wooden vessel to withstand polar ice. Solution: Developed world’s strongest wooden vessel. KEY DeliverABLEs: Classification of the vessel. Value to Client: Client reached the South Pole ahead of the competition.
Arctic operators must meet demanding environmental expectations.
clients and societies to also adapt to an evolving classification scope. We are fully committed to this need and to working with our clients to execute it.
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Arctic pipelines: the backbone of hydrocarbon transportation
We solve complex pipeline challenges through innovation and experience.
Designing and installing Arctic pipelines is an extremely complex process, with significant consequences of failure. We help clients execute it safely.
Although the first Arctic pipelines were designed, installed and operated more than 30 years ago, the design of pipelines subject to Arctic conditions is a developing discipline and the need for industry standards is critical. This requires a combination of innovation and experience to address and qualify technology gaps in exploration, construction, installation and operations, as well as maintenance of Arctic subsea equipment and pipelines.
UNIQUE CHALLENGES Oil and gas developments in offshore Arctic and sub-Arctic regions involve unique challenges. Individual solutions and facilities may be needed that are both economical to build and safe to operate. Some issues can be addressed through expanding the scope of applicability of existing DNV pipeline standards. One example is strudel scour, a seasonal phenomenon of river water flow over frozen shore-fast ice. The velocity and volume of water under the ice can scour holes into the seafloor, generating long free spans of pipeline. The resulting vortex induced pipeline vibrations can be evaluated by traditional free span design methodology.
Additional problems include Arctic pipeline construction and installation issues for trenching, well intersection evaluations, as well as Arctic pipeline operations, including leak detection and monitoring and pipeline repair. Flow assurance and long tie back distances may also add complexities. SHORE APPROACHES
In ice-infested areas of moderate water depth, ice scour from ridges and stamukhi (also known as ice bergs) impact the design of seabed infrastructure, including wellheads, trees, flow lines, umbilicals, and in particular, pipelines.
The design of shore approaches is much more problematic in areas with sea ice, than in other locations. The reasons can include near-shore environmental sensitivity, coastal regression, permafrost, and deep burial required to prevent damage from ice gouging in the shallow water areas. Most of the land surrounding the Arctic Ocean is underlain by permafrost. Permafrost is a significant issue for pipeline design: heat input from a buried warm oil pipeline can cause subsidence of ice- rich permafrost, thus overstressing the line. This is a well known issue for land pipelines, but there is somewhat limited experience with it in offshore environments.
DNV has a long tradition in offshore pipelines related services, dating back to the start of the oil age in the North Sea. The first DNV rules for submarine pipelines were launched in 1976.
The RPs are the outcome of dedicated Joint Industry Projects (JIPs) defined and supported by the industry. A large number of RPs are available on a number of topics such as free spanning pipelines, pipeline protection, bottom stability, trawl impact, corroded pipelines and subsea repair. Several more are in progress.
The most recent version of DNV-OS-F101 was issued in 2008. This standard reflects state-of-the-art technology for the pipeline industry, from design to operations, while still in compliance with ISO 13623. DNV-OS-F101 is an industry standard supported by a large number of Recommended Practices (RPs).
For Arctic pipelines, no industry practice exists, although research and development is ongoing and company specifications are being developed.
| Arctic operations and Technology |
The design of Arctic pipelines is a developing discipline.
ICE SCOUR In shallow, ice infested waters in the Arctic region, subsea equipment and pipelines areas are subjected to gouging ice keel features from ice ridges, stamukhi and ice-bergs. While, in many cases, it is relatively simple to safely design an extreme burial depth or deep glory hole, the design may be extremely costly, impractical or impossible to construct, due to complications with permafrost, trenching equipments or confined operational envelope for example. A probabilistic approach is often proposed as a tool to determine an economical minimum burial depth with acceptable risk for pipelines. However, it is difficult to assess the prevailing uncertainty related to ice scour events, the interaction process between the ice keel, the seabed and the pipeline and eventually, the ultimate strain capacity in the pipeline.
| Critical Issue: A Recommended Practice for Arctic pipelines. Solution: JIP to assess, discuss and qualify methodology. KEY DeliverABLEs: Guidelines for good industry practices. Value to Client: Access to best industry-accepted design approach.
Arctic conditions pose unique challenges in material selection.
Complex integrated models are needed and pipe-soil interaction models for gouge events are currently being developed by a number of parties, with the objective of developing design procedures and qualifying 3D geotechnical models. MATERIAL ISSUES Subsea pipelines in Arctic conditions are not necessarily in ‘extreme cold’ environments. The minimum seabed temperature is often greater than 4°C, which is comparable to typical deep ocean temperatures. In contrast, the landfall area and onshore pipelines might experience temperatures of -40°C or lower. Historically, most pipeline installations worldwide have utilised traditional stress-based design principles. These design applications pose limited challenges in terms of pipe material property requirements and weld procedure qualification requirements. However, both onshore and offshore pipelines operating in Arctic areas may be exposed to high strains.
This, in combination with very low temperatures, must be considered when material and weld procedures are selected and qualified for strain-based design purposes. Control of structural integrity in the installation and operation of oil and gas pipelines is critical, especially in Arctic areas where the environment is especially vulnerable. The risk of fractures occurring due to presence of defects or cracks must be tightly controlled, and appropriate safety levels must be assured. Therefore the maximum allowable flaw sizes are often very small for Arctic pipelines exposed to high strains. In some cases, they can be similar to acceptance criteria for steel catenary risers.
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Ensuring safe operation of ships in Arctic climates
Cold climates increase operating risks.
In Arctic environments, the challenge of vessel operations takes on new dimensions. DNV’s ice classification and winterisation services help to ensure safe operations.
Stricter international rules and regulations, as well as advances in tanker design and operation, have significantly improved the tanker industry’s safety record. The challenge is to continue this positive trend, as oil and gas transportation extends into Arctic areas. NEW OPERATING RISKS DNV focuses on the added risk in moving ship operations from worldwide trade into Arctic and Baltic areas. We examine the various risk elements known from ship operation worldwide and analyse the additional risk for these elements. We then put a focus on the identified risk elements, in order to find methods of mitigating the different risk elements. If the probability of incidents is assumed the same in cold areas as in tempered climate, the risk will be larger, because the consequences of a potential incident in cold areas may be far more severe.
Our basic rules cover the necessary strength for the hull and propulsion system for given ice conditions. However, additional requirements may need to be met, in order to obtain clearance to operate vessels in certain specific ice conditions and geographic locations.
When dealing with extreme cold climates such as the Arctic, special considerations for safety, environment and operation are required. The following aspects of operations must be examined:
The skill and experience of the crew has a direct impact on the safety level of the operation in cold climate. Human performance is claimed to be the most important risk factor when moving oil and gas transportation from worldwide into cold climate operation. Most ship operations are more difficult to execute correctly in ice and low temperatures. In such conditions, experienced crew are required in order to maintain the same safety level as expected in typical worldwide operations.
Crew training to react and function efficiently in low temperature environments
Fitness for purpose of vessel design and steel quality
Cargo handling routines
Safety functions
Fire fighting contingencies
Life boat arrangement
Emergency towing arrangements
ICE CLASSIFICATION RULES DNV has a complete set of ice classification rules for both the Baltic and the Arctic. The DNV Baltic Rules, which includes the rules issued by Finnish and Swedish authorities
One of the identified risks when navigating through ice-infested waters, is operating the ship within certain safety limits, to avoid damage to hull or machinery. We have developed a system to monitor actual ice loads acting on the hull and present the response as a ‘utilisation factor’ on a display on the bridge.
The system also utilises satellite-based ice information displayed on the electronic displays for route planning.
The ice loads are measured by fibre optic strain sensors. Together with navigational and machinery data, the information is displayed at bridge or stored on a computer.
| Arctic operations and Technology |
Our classification rules are tailored to ice conditions and operational purposes.
(FMA), are intended for ships operating either in first year ice in broken channels prepared by an icebreaker, or in open water with small ice floes. For the Arctic regions, DNV has developed a set of rules with different requirements, depending on operation purpose and ice conditions. In March 2008, the new International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) common rules for polar ships came into force. This is a common set of rules for hull and machinery for ships to be operated in Arctic waters. WINTERISATION In addition to the requirements for hull and propulsion, DNV has developed an additional set of notations called Winterised. These notations include requirements to maintain vessel operability in ice and at low temperatures, as well as safe operation of the ship.
We help minimise crew-related risks.
The Winterised notation is divided into three different levels, depending on area of operation. Winterised Basic: For ships operating in cold climate for limited periods. It also applies to ships operating in open waters at low temperatures where risk of icing is present. Winterised: For ships that already hold Baltic classification and are operating in cold climates for longer periods. Winterised Arctic: For vessels operating in harsh Arctic environment for longer periods of time. HUMAN FATIGUE Extreme low temperatures, limited daylight during winter periods, as well as noise and vibrations from navigating in ice may lead to reduced rest quality when the crew is off duty. The resulting exhaustion may lead to increased risk levels for accidents.
| Critical Issue: Operating within ice load design limits. Solution: Ice Load Monitoring (ILM) system. KEY DeliverABLEs: Fibre optic sensors, software and display on bridge. Value to Client: Reduced risk of hull damage.
To ensure quality of sleep and acceptable comfort onboard, DNV has a Comfort Class notation, certifying that the ship fulfils requirements for noise, vibration and climate.
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Safe and economical design for ice loads The question of global design ice loads is a critical issue for operators, designers and regulators working in the Arctic. It has significant implications for the economic viability of Arctic offshore.
Offshore petroleum exploration in Arctic regions is in its fourth decade, yet there is still a remarkable divergence in the calculation of design ice loads for Arctic offshore platforms. In addition, impacts from ice may generate high local ice pressures, causing damage or failure of small but critical areas of structures and/or ships. The question of global design ice loads is a critical issue facing Arctic operators, designers and regulators. The issue transcends any disagreements that may exist across the industry on loads from waves, winds, currents or design methodologies. The issue also has severe implications on the economic feasibility of Arctic offshore production, as well as future exploration activity. This is ever more so, as recent license rounds have renewed interest in the design of structures and facilities to explore and produce hydrocarbons in Greenland, the US and Canadian Beaufort Sea, the southern Barents Sea off
northern Norway and the Chukchi Sea between Alaska and Siberia. THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT DNV has carried out extensive reviews of ice data around the world. We maintain relationships with various research institutes which collect and analyse the data. Information on winds and currents is also needed for design and we have reviewed some of this data. GLOBAL LOADS Ice loads depend on geographical location, season, ice feature type, interaction scenario and structural configuration. Structures must be designed for rare or frequent environmental events, including interactions with sea ice (first-year or multi-year) and icebergs. Research on ice loads over the past several decades has improved understanding of these loads, especially for level ice conditions. However, comparative studies show that predicted loads for ice regimes vary significantly.
Ice impacts are a threat to vessels.
For safety, these large uncertainties may be met by conservative assumptions regarding ice loads, as well as significantly higher construction and operational costs in regions where ice ridge loads are governing. A better understanding of all types of ice features, and the factors that affect ice loads, can help reduce these uncertainties. DNV has undertaken projects which have concentrated on critical assessments of available loading models and code provisions. More field and laboratory have now become available. The best approach now appears to be a close comparison of that data with model predictions. LOCAL LOADS Designing ships and structures in ice environments requires knowledge of local pressure effects. Local pressures affect areas from 1m2 to 100m2 and determine the design of wall thickness and framing.
To minimise and resist ice loads, StatoilHydro has proposed a drilling platform that uses a strong central leg, along with a combined template and platform docking foundation. The foundation will be piled to the sea floor. The barge-deck will be jacked up, bringing the column top in line with the main deck.
The probabilistic approach involves a simulated interaction event for each floe and ridge encountered by the structure. For each of the floes analyzed for the year, the critical floe load is the lowest of the environmental driving loads and the highest ridge failure loads for the floe. The annual load is then taken as the maximum of these critical floe loads for the year being considered. This procedure is repeated for 10,000 years.
The governing ice loads are based on the action of first-year ice ridges. The 100-year ice loads obtained by the probabilistic approach were compared with deterministic model results. Sensitivity calculations illustrated the relative impact of various design parameters.
| Arctic operations and Technology |
We develop frameworks for modeling for ice loads.
DNV has begun a review of design guidelines for local pressures, with a view to updating class rules and providing the best design practices for our clients. PROBABILISTIC MODELING There are two main approaches to calculating extreme ice loads on Arctic and offshore structures: deterministic and probabilistic. In the deterministic approach, a particular combination of ice, environmental and structural parameters is chosen and the associated load is calculated. However, considerable difficulty arises in the selection of multiple ice and environmental parameters, particularly with respect to ice thickness, velocity and strength. In areas such as the Barents Sea, the problem is compounded by the fact that ice may or may not appear. Should an extreme ice thickness, which occurs perhaps once every century, be combined with mean ice velocity and
Knowledge of local ice conditions is important.
strength? Will the resulting estimate be conservative? What if only limited data is available? Are the loading algorithms reliable? DNV has focused on developing a suitable framework for a probabilistic approach: formulating design ice loads using appropriate distributions of ice and related parameters. We have applied methods of incorporating model uncertainty and provisions for climate change effects.
DNV’s Recommended Practices (RPs) provide proven technology and sound engineering practice, as well as guidance for higher level DNV Offshore Service Specifications and Standards. An RP on ice loading is currently under study. It will follow the provisions of the ISO standard, building on the limit state design guidelines in existing DNV standards.
CODES AND STANDARDS Recently, several factors have encouraged the development of a new, global code for Arctic offshore structures. The formation of an international working group and subsequent development of an International Standard will harmonise and update existing regional and national codes. Countries participating in the working group have agreed to review the new ISO Standard as a replacement for their present codes.
| Critical Issue: Confirm feasibility of ice load design. Solution: Probabilistic assessment of design variables. KEY DeliverABLEs: Comparison of approaches. Value to Client: Confidence in loading calculations. transit
positioned contact with above template foundation
deck jacked up
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Building new knowledge for Arctic developments With the world’s attention turning to the Arctic region, knowledge development is important. DNV Research & Innovation is exploring several areas of Arctic technology.
DNV Research & Innovation explores and tests new technologies, and builds new knowledge within selected technology areas. One of the major strategic research programmes is Arctic Technology, an area that is gaining attention as result of new oil and gas development plans for the Arctic, particularly in Russia. The focus areas of our current research activities include:
Human response Emergency evacuation XXExtreme ice features XXSafe ship operations XXEnvironmental response
Initial DNV studies have concentrated on the effect of wind chill in particular and the various national regulations on working practices for low temperatures. Cold exposure can have detrimental physiological and psychological effects on humans, which are collectively termed ‘cold stress’.
A key research area is the integration of human response measures in Arctic operations. Arctic operations will mean extreme cold, noise, vibrations, and isolation for crews on ships and platforms. Research is needed into the challenges, effects and increases in risk posed by fatigue and related factors.
EMERGENCY EVACUATION Oil and gas companies have labeled Escape, Evacuation and Rescue (EER) as a ‘showstopper’ for Arctic developments. EER is a relatively mature science for areas such as the North Sea, where initiatives for improvement have followed disasters in
DNV is investigating environmental response systems.
recent years. In these areas, the overall risks from EER are now expected to be low and tolerable. Many offshore units and developments in cold regions continue to use traditional EER systems. However, many experts and studies have concluded that EER systems developed for temperate areas may not function equally well in Arctic areas. Therefore, the risk to personnel needing to leave an installation in an emergency can be higher. To date, no consensus has been developed on a broadly accepted low risk evacuation and rescue solution. We have researched performance based standards and completed background reports which identify the challenges associated with EER in the Arctic, the current technologies in place or being developed, and the technology gaps that require additional resources. DNV Research and Innovation has also commenced a research study on a new design for escape and rescue vehicle for the Arctic.
BARENTS 2020 Harmonising Norwegian and Russian HSE standards
The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has invited DNV to lead a project to harmonise industry standards for health, safety and the environment in the Barents Sea. Both Russian and Norwegian participants will be involved.
The first phase of the project consists of meetings with key stakeholders on ice and metocean issues. Performance indicators and safety levels in the North Sea will be discussed in detail. Relevant Norwegian and international standards will be reviewed, and the differences between Barents Sea and North Sea practices will be highlighted.
The standards will contribute to an expected level of safety at least as high as that used in North Sea operations and one which also takes into account the demanding conditions in the ‘High North’. The project, with a budget of NOK 27 million, is the first to be realised under the ‘Barents 2020’ initiative.
Subsequent phases of the project will consists of working group discussions and recommendations for possible changes and amendments.
| Arctic operations and Technology |
Safe ship operations are critical in the Arctic.
We reduce uncertainty by predicting the effects of ice features.
EXTREME ICE FEATURES We are working on predicting the effects of extreme ice features on ships, platforms and pipelines. Another related research area is the simulation of an ice detection and management system to predict disconnect probabilities and downtimes for drill ships and floating production units. Another of our current research projects is the development of a framework for formulating design ice loads using probabilistic methods, with particular attention being paid to data and model uncertainty and the potential effects of climate change. SAFE SHIP OPERATIONS For different vessel types, ice classes, ice conditions, operational assumptions and other considerations, we are researching the development guidelines for safe speed in ice, down time estimates, and operational limitations.
| Critical Issue: Harmonised HSE standards. Solution: Facilitating stakeholders discussions. KEY DeliverABLEs: Reports on working group discussions. Value to Client: Independent expert advice.
We recently completed a field programme, carried out on board Norway’s largest Coast Guard ship – the KV Svalbard. A monitoring and decision support system had been installed on the vessel several years ago as part of the ILM (Ice Load Measurement) research programme. The instrumentation system was utilised to measure key load and ice parameters in slow-moving ice to simulate station-keeping operations for drill ships and floating production units. An associated model development programme related the output of the field programme to other types of ships and other ice conditions. ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE Decision support systems for environmental response and management in the Arctic are of particular significance. Research is needed to examine risk acceptance levels, decision support and management systems.
DNV Research and Innovation is participating in a DNV-managed project to assess and propose appropriate and harmonised HSE industry standards for petroleum activities in the Barents Sea, including associated maritime activities. As the oil and gas industry may work in both Russian and Norwegian waters, it will be important that regulations and standards are harmonised between both regions as much as possible.
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DNV locations DNV serves the energy industry from more than 40 primary locations worldwide. In addition, we draw on DNV’s entire worldwide network of 300 offices in 100 countries.
Trondheim Bergen Stavanger Oslo Sandefjord Aberdeen Esbjerg Copenhagen Manchester Moscow Antwerp London Essen Paris
Tanggu Tripoli
Kuwait Doha
Abu Dhabi Muscat Mumbai Ho Chi Minh City
Vung Tau
Kuala Lumpur Singapore Jakarta Luanda
| Arctic operations and Technology |
Calgary St. John’s
Halifax Boston Columbus Houston
Salvador Rio de Janeiro
São Paulo Porto Alegre Buenos Aires
DNV ENERGY main offices: Aberdeen Cromarty House 67-72 Regent Quay Aberdeen AB11 5AR United Kingdom Tel: +44 1224 335000
Calgary Bay 123 2340 Pegasus Way NE Calgary AB Canada T2E 8M5 Tel: +403 250 9041
Antwerp Duboisstraat 39 b1 2060 Antwerp Belgium Tel: +32 3 206 65 40
Columbus 5777 Frantz Road Dublin, Ohio 43017-1386 USA Tel: +1 614 761 1214
Abu Dhabi The Towers Abu Dhabi Trade Centre Near Beach Rotana Hotel East Wing – E 108 Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 2 6457580
Copenhagen Tuborg Parkvej 8, 2nd Floor DK2900 Hellerup Copenhagen Denmark Tel: +45 39 45 48 00
Bergen Johan Berentsensvei 109-111 NO-5020 Laksevåg, Bergen Norway Tel: +47 55 94 36 00
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