Corrosion Science_FINAL

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Corrosion Services Assessment • Monitoring • Mitigation • Modeling DNV is a world leader in corrosion and material degradation, providing a unique approach of science and engineering A Leader in Corrosion Services In a competitive market with increasing regulatory and public attention toward safety, environmental issues and security of supply, being a best-in-class operator has become increasingly important. Yet operators also need to balance performance requirements, cost effective solutions and contractual obligations, while managing an aging asset. With over 300 corrosion and materials specialists at 40 locations worldwide, DNV stands ready to serve as a comprehensive service provider and your technology partner. Our unique combination of engineers, NACE certified specialists and technicians and Ph.D. scientists develop cost effective solutions to corrosion and materials problems with your specific needs in mind.

the identification of potential threats. DNV has expertise in evaluating various threats, including internal corrosion, external corrosion and stress corrosion cracking. We played leading roles in the development of Direct Assessment (DA) processes and provide renowned experts in all areas of DA including External Corrosion (EC), Internal Corrosion (IC) and Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC). No other organization can credibly claim proficiency in all three areas of DA. DNV has the expertise of American Petroleum Institute (API) certified inspectors, and has developed procedures and software to conduct the inspection, assess the integrity, and confirm the fitness-for-service of facilities based on API Code 570 and Recommended Practices 574 and 579.

Assessment Decisions regarding a structure or component’s integrity depend entirely on an accurate assessment of the risks affecting its safe Monitoring and reliable operation, including its rate of corrosion and Monitoring corrosion rates directly or related parameters allows deterioration. The first step in managing a system’s integrity is for the implementation of appropriate corrosion control measures,

DNV (Columbus) 5777 Frantz Road Dublin, OH 43017 USA 614.761.1214

DNV (Houston) 1400 Ravello Katy, TX 77449 USA 281.396.1678

DNV (Calgary) 2340 Pegasus Way, NE, Suite 123 Calgary, AB T2E8M5 Canada 403.250.9041

Corrosion Services Assessment • Monitoring • Mitigation resulting in system or component life extension. DNV has the expertise to assist you with your monitoring needs related to both internal and external environments, including cathodic protection (CP) effectiveness, coating damage, microbiologically influenced corrosion and chemical treatment effectiveness. Our professional staff utilizes proven, comprehensive strategies to identify the locations and causes of corrosion, including:  Close Interval Survey (CIS)  Direct Current Voltage Gradient (DCVG)  Current Attenuation (PCM)  External Corrosion Coupons  On-Line Corrosion Monitoring  Evaluation and Monitoring (EM) Coupons (internal)  Sample Collection and Testing  Pipeline Cutout Analysis Mitigation DNV provides expertise in all corrosion mitigation techniques including CP, coatings, material selection and chemical treatments. Not only can we design extensive corrosion mitigation plans, but our research scientists can run tests on these systems, simulating the environment of your structure in our state-of-theart laboratory facilities or utilizing advanced modeling methods. Our knowledge of CP allows us to choose the most appropriate systems to achieve your technical objectives, while carefully considering your economic requirements. Our engineers and NACE certified specialists have designed systems to control corrosion in virtually every environment where cathodic protection presents a viable solution. Modeling Our professional staff utilizes state-of-the-art tools to assist in the assessment of conditions affecting the corrosion and corrosion control on structures. These tools include advanced computer modeling of corrosion and CP systems for analyzing things such as current density, surface potentials, potentials in surrounding electrolyte, and electric/magnetic fields. This

DNV (Columbus) 5777 Frantz Road Dublin, OH 43017 USA 614.761.1214

DNV (Houston) 1400 Ravello Katy, TX 77449 USA 281.396.1678

allows us to predict the performance of impressed current and sacrificial CP systems and review multiple design scenarios in a relatively short time. We can also design for optimized anode placement and current distribution and determine current requirements for adequate protection. Other modeling capabilities include flow modeling of gas and liquid systems for determining locations where corrosive fluids and/or solids may accumulate in support of internal corrosion threat assessments and direct assessment. DNV also performs detailed high voltage alternating current modeling to assess conditions under which pipelines can be subjected to interference as a result of induction of an AC voltage onto the pipeline from HVAC transmission systems. This is a concern to pipeline owners and operators from both safety and integrity standpoints. Valuable Services for a Variety of Industries DNV provides technical services for most industries where corrosion is a problem, from aerospace to food processing to pipelines to electric utilities to infrastructure. Following is a list of services that we provide to help preserve the life of your structure:  CP and Corrosion Modeling  CP Design  Corrosion Assessment  Corrosion & Corrosion Control Monitoring  Corrosion Data Management Software (Corr MD)  Customized Training Programs  Failure Analyses  Fitness-for-Service Analysis  Grounding Studies  Induced AC Studies  Integrity Threat Assessments  Life Prediction/Assessment  Material Selection  Pipeline Integrity Management Programs (PIMs)  Protective Coating Selection/Studies  Regulatory Audit Support  Stray Current Studies

DNV (Calgary) 2340 Pegasus Way, NE, Suite 123 Calgary, AB T2E8M5 Canada 403.250.9041

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