Integrity Scroller Providing the next generation of comprehensive data integration CC Technologies and DNV (CCT/DNV) are now one company providing you with a convenient and comprehensive approach to data integration Uses for the Integrity Scroller The Integrity Scroller has many beneficial uses, including: • Seam-weld integrity and Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) management programs • Characterizing conditions along the entire length of the line • Valuable input for future risk and integrity assessments • Analyzing and comparing multiple sets of data • Quick and efficient searches of similar or dissimilar conditions along a line Unique Capabilities of the Integrity Scroller The Integrity Scroller can be provided as a stand-alone service CCT/DNV has developed the Integrity Scroller with the needs of or used by CCT/DNV’s experienced integrity engineers to the industry in mind. The Integrity Scroller allows for a prioritize and manage pipeline integrity applications. comprehensive understanding of the condition of a pipeline by aligning and viewing pipeline integrity data simultaneously line The Advantages of the Integrity Scroller wide or by incrementally scrolling along the line. Being able to The Integrity Scroller, which is built on a Microsoft Excel seamlessly scroll along the length of the line allows for a more platform, offers many advantages, such as: detailed visual assessment and inspection of pipeline data. You • A convenient method for viewing the entire picture of pipeline integrity can select which data to align based on the unique conditions of • No additional software required your pipeline. The Integrity Scroller also utilizes on-board tools • Customized data viewing, reporting, and search tools which allow you to “book-mark” areas of interest, choose from • Pairing the Integrity Scroller with CCT/DNV’s suite of data pre-set or “ala carte” data viewing options, data search or analyses offers the total package in data integration summary functions, and more. The Importance of Data Integration Vast amounts of data are compiled in maintaining the integrity of a pipeline. If these data are not properly aligned and integrated, then trends or correlations in the data may be missed. The Integrity Scroller integrates data from all pipeline sources in order to get a complete and accurate picture of the integrity of your pipeline system.
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